Starfield Shipbuilding Guide Tips And Tricks

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hi everybody Co here with another guide uh this will hopefully be pretty quick this time on shipbuilding uh this is my ship that we have built here and I'll kind of show you the process on how to get your own ship going what you need what to look for that kind of thing uh there are two things to go over before we start building ships the first one is the perks you're gonna need the perks are available in the tech tree the first one is going to be to actually use the ships and that is your piloting if you want to get this at least rank for damn fish thank you so much uh Sam Coe I appreciate that I will first one is pirate piloting pirating is a different thing piloting up to Rank 4 will let you use Sea ships there are a b and C-Class items we'll talk about that more when we get into the Builder but this right here will let you actually fly those ships so to fly a rank C ship you need to have a Rank 4 in the piloting perk on that note why thank you so much Lindsay from Pathfinder on that note we also have the Starship design perk this guy here is going to let you actually build those components as many of the components to be used in the custom build crafter or to add on to your existing ship you actually need this perk ranked up to do that and I'll show you where those are when we get into it in a second here so that being said there is one other thing that I wanted to make sure gets mentioned in this video and that is not all ship Builders are created equal in fact you can only get some certain parts for your ship in certain places so a great example of this for instance is the cockpit that you see on this right here is called a demos s uh DS4 40.2 Aries Bridge you can't build this here so this being my Outpost that I've built a chip building platform on so if you want to get some components you have to fly to certain places to get them now if you look in the info section of this YouTube video you will see a link to a Reddit thread and that will tell you the different places you can go to get specific Parts mostly they revolve around like specific manufacturers so Stroud Eklund has one uh Nova has one um there's one for Demos in the demo Shipyard so all you have to do is fly out to those locations and then talk to the people there to get those specific manufacturer parts now also pretty cool to mention um although each Shipyard has a restricted number of Parts if you want to get pretty much the most Parts in one place then what you want to do is you want to build a pad at one of your outposts so funny enough to get the most options in one Builder build a pad Park your ship like this on it then go to this little panel right here open it up View and modify and then there you go here you are so anyway this is my ship here it is a very slow very cargo heavy always encumbered just like me um beefy powerhouse it's got a big Shield it doesn't have a lot of maneuverability and as you can see it is flush with all sorts of Weaponry I am still feeling out like the best weapons I like to use and things of that nature but what we'll go over in this video is kind of how to do all this so you know how to do it yourself so on that note double click to select everything if you ever want to and then you can hit the delete key and take it out so what is a ship in Starfield a ship composes of a bunch of key components that are put together in the right order to get you all the the necessary components for your ship to fly if at any point you want to know what your ship is missing you hit the c key this is called the flight check this is a we'll call it a mini quest to show you what you need on your ship until it flies away so in this case we can just go right from the top you're missing a cockpit all right well if we hit the g key to bring up our list we can use this top T and Q to scroll to what we need here picking a cockpit of course is not only an aesthetic decision but also cockpits have different mounting points and what I'm about to say applies to all parts so I'm not going to say this for every part but here we go Parts have different mounting points they have different sizes of themselves you can think of this game is kind of or the shipling this game is modular so a one one one is kind of like one slot over one slot up and uh one slot thick so for instance a good example of what kind of like one a one one would be is if you go to the structure you can get these kind of normal I think they call them um let me see here you can scroll down to see when you have your own port there's so many different ones so you have to actually get to the one um do there's braking engines these are now by the way here we go so this this is like a nice kind of one one one one so this size here is the the kind of standard unit that your shift will be now not all pieces are this size but they all kind of follow this so if you ever see like a um especially Habs for instance if it says like a one by two or a one by three that is generally talking like that would be a one by two that would be a one by three if you ever see a three by three which does exist you know it would be you know like a nice little block of these and yes there are three by three halves you can get for your ship if you want them uh which are actually gigantic freaking halves that you can then walk around in inside your ship so yeah that would be a three by three um and all that kind of thing so anyway going back to what we were talking about uh when you pick your pieces these little circles indicate where they can connect to other pieces now this could be very important for things like Habs because halves will uh in some cases you have to have like movable area between components so you want to make sure that those spots line up and also of course for instance your cockpit will only have a connection for a half on the back things like that you just want to be mindful of those when you're selecting them selecting them so if we go back to the cockpit we'll just uh pick a regular cockpit now now all the stats for the items are gonna appear over here and these very per manufacturer and components so the first one you're going to look at is Cargo that's how much that piece can hold obviously not all pieces have cargo holds um but cockpits and cargo containers do the next thing you're going to see is Hull which adds to kind of like the girth of your ship and then crew stations is something else as well um the whole how many crew you can have on your ship thing is not super clear all right excuse me I should say it's super obvious it's a lot of different factors that add up to how many crews they can put on your ship crew is important because crew what type of crew and their abilities dictate what kind of bonuses you get on your ship um but we're not going to go over too much of the crew stuff in this video we're just going to go over the kind of construction part but something to keep in mind is to look into that if you want to have a bustling crew on your ship to see the best way to kind of get what you need with those stats anyway finally at the bottom you have value and then you have mass as well which are you know also very important so we're just gonna pick a starting one here we'll put down this so if you notice when we put this down we no longer have the you're missing a cockpit thing so again using the C you can kind of work through the list of what you need to go down so the next thing we need is a uh let's see we need a docker so we'll go over here now what's kind of cool is if you notice right now this cockpit is kind of right on the ground which obviously doesn't make sense um but the second you put your Docker on excuse me not your Docker the second you put the Lander on you will notice that it will kind of level out and I'll show you what I mean here in a second so we'll put the docker on there uh next thing we need is we need a let me see the exact name they use a bay now the bay is how you're going to get into and off of this ship so I prefer for instance my base to be in the front of the ship because I'm usually encumbered which means I have to run to the door so if I put my bay on the back of the ship since ships normally land facing whatever objective you're going to be doing if you put the bay on the back of the ship that means you have to run your ass all the way to the back when you're encumbered because you can't fast travel to your ship so you know that's a consideration uh something to think about so anyway now that we have our Bay here we can put that on the ship now if you've noticed the second I put that on our whole ship raised off the ground and now we have this nice little green area that is the ground and we're gonna have to base the rest of what we put on the ship around that to make sure that that little staircase is perfectly where it needs to be so for instance you can't like you know take a bunch of things and now and then build them up down here because then this would be off the ground and that would not work so once you put this piece on that is going to be kind of like the base layer of your ship moving forward so pretty cool stuff all right moving on the ship has too few engines okay uh first of all this looks like garbage um the way that it is now so one of the things we'll want to do is let's actually make it so this ship has some space uh the the module I'm going to show you now is called a Hab and these are basically where you would physically walk in the ship so halves not only come from different companies but using your arrow keys you can scroll through different types to offer different Interiors so a workshop for instance has um crafting things in it a science lab has a research thing in it there's ones that add passenger slots so if you're wanting to do passenger missions and fairy people around the universe you will need that some add crew slots again you'll need to look into exactly how that works um it's not always a one-to-one but yeah this kind of stuff will um this is actually the interior of your ship so when you move into your ship physically you will be walking through these halves which is kind of fun so if you notice here also when we look at this see how that looks a little bit different that airlock those are what you want to sync up for your character to be able to physically move through so in this case we'll just drag these pieces off we'll connect that have module to our cockpit we'll put the Lander back there and then this here is our Docker which does need to have access to our cockpit there needs to be a physical path between the the docker and the cap the cockpit whenever you dock with another ship or a station this is where it's going to happen little side note by the way the docker also needs to be on the top most part of your ship so if you try to build your ship up and around it you will get an error saying that the docker has to be in the very top so just keep in mind you will need a a physical path from wherever your docking module is to the front of your ship if we were to put for instance like a reactor and a graph drive here and then the docker it would tell us that we don't have a path there so it can also be on the basically it doesn't have to be on the top it needs to be on an outer edge so I personally use top Dockers but as long as your Docker is on an out an outermost Edge it can even be the bottom as cat's saying um then you're good to go so just keep that in mind whenever you're you're placing your docker so moving on um other things that the ship absolutely requires are a reactor and reactors have a few extra stats that come into play um so not only is your reactor going to have a class associated with it where again not only does the ship building come in but that's also where your piloting license comes in see down here you have requirements for these but reactors are also going to do things like alter your repair rate and most importantly they're going to dictate your power generated so if you look at the very top left we don't have anything yet but you're soon going to see that start populating with different requirements those the power generated are Pips which are the little the little lines that get filled in as you add to the power requirements of your ship so the short of it is the more you're going to have on your ship the more power you're going to want to have coursing through it so you have more to delegate into your ship as needed now as you see if we go here um let's see does it act it doesn't actually have it quite yet I think we need to do a little bit more but soon it will give us an error saying that this Docker is not at the top but let's keep going for now so the next thing we need on this obviously is engines so if we go over to our engine which is right here engines provide all sorts of different stats as well you've got maneuvering thrust which is moving around you've got your just straight up engine thrust moving forward again like other systems uh these are classed keep in mind the class of your engine is going to be restricted by the class of your reactor so you cannot put for instance a Class C engine like this big massive thing on a ship with a b-class reactor you will get the mod or the the error ship contains modules that exceed reactor class so again leveling up that that star feel or the leveling up the shipbuilding skill is pretty Paramount if you are wanting to to get everything going because you need to have a C-Class reactor to use all the best parts so and yes for the record uh to answer this in chat c is top tier a is first B is second and C is top tier um so you have to put that in two this guy also requires Starship design rank one um oh and I'm sorry I'm sorry the class system is more attached to the piloting skill not the uh Starship design skill um so that's that's the one you're going to want to make sure for that one as well this also applies to captured chips I believe if we actually got a ship during the course of our main story that was class C and we couldn't pilot it because we didn't have enough skill so uh moving on a couple quick notes by the way that I want to throw in here to make sure people know um the R and F keys are super super easy to help things connect so if you hold Mouse and click on something and you ever find where it's like I'm moving over the ship and nothing's happening why isn't it connecting this is so weird this system sucks which is exactly what I thought for a while it's probably because your held down component is not on the right plane for the connectors if you hit F if you notice still nothing still nothing still nothing but then as we get close to the ship now it's really easily connecting to the top if I wanted it to connect to the sides I could go down even more now it's super easy connecting to the sides if I want on the bottom we can go down a little bit now it's easily connecting on the bottom so using the R and F Keys uh kind of goes up and down to get all that stuff easily connected on that note also if you ever want to quickly uh copy and paste things if you single click to get that red outline you can hold down control this allows for an undo redo but most importantly it allows you to copy and paste when you need to down the road as well so if you make like a side of your ship and you or if you make a part of your ship that you want to kind of move to the other side you can literally just hold down control and click on a bunch of things and then you can hit hold down uh hold down control and hit G sometimes it doesn't do it um to copy them and then you can just move that right over so in this engine's case for instance where it is working you click on the engine it gets the red border you hold down control you hit G to duplicate they just pop it on the other side and that way you don't have to go through and you know find everything over again and go from there so now that we have some engines we've got a reactor on there uh the now see I put this under the Lander so it's now yelling at me that this isn't going to work so we need to put that on top there we go the Green's looking good now this ship if it were to land would just flop onto the ground and it would be terrible so what we need now is we need to go over to our landing gear which I think it's just called gear we need to put some gear on this some landing gear so what we'll do is we'll get some uh some acculanders now the interesting thing about Landers is that you need to have a certain amount based on the weight of your ship and for that to properly work you need to make sure that the combined Landing thrust is enough for the mass of your ship so in this case oh hold on we're gonna hit Z again and for the record what I just did there is if you notice if we copy this component it copies on the left side variant if we then hit Z once it's Center variant if we hit Z again to flip it it's now right variant so now we have this nice little kind of consistent boom boom Beam on each side there so the landing thrust of your combined Landing thrust value has to basically be enough to support the mass of your ship uh as your ship gets bigger you will require more Landing thrust not all gear is created equal uh in fact if you look at some of the Hope gear I don't know if you have any here yeah the Hope landing gear um has two thrust where if you were to put this big beefy ass engine on this only has one thrust so kind of funny there um also if you notice by the way not only is not all landing gear created equal but they also uh are used in different points so like if we were to put this one here you can see the green lines up perfectly if we were to put this other style here though then unfortunately because it is so much larger um it does not pop that back up uh it does not line up with the ground and that means that it's not actually going to be usable there you can see how it turns red there because it's too big so to use this for instance we would need to put another module of some kind on the top and then attach it to that not that we can use two of these but if you see now when we move this up it turns green so if you're ever having any weird situations where you're seeing like green and red stuff on the ground it basically just means you need to balance stuff out so and go from there so um other quick tips as we continue to build the ship and I know I'm just kind of sprinkling tips in here so I'm hoping that as people watch the whole video they'll eventually get the whole picture um if you ever open up your your build window with G and your mouse is just out over here you will see every part you can build to every part of your ship but sometimes you might notice that when you open up your build thing it's like this restricted amount like see like why do I only have this where are my weapons where are my landing gear things like that that's because if you ever Mouse over a component when you open G while your mouse over component it will only show you the things that can attach to that piece so if I Mouse over this cockpit and I hit G these are only things that will be able to snap on to that piece nothing in the list now will not work in some way with the piece that I've moused open or moused over so that can be super convenient um if you put down for instance like if you Mouse over like a weapon Mount and just hit that then it just goes only to the weapons that can be put on that that kind of thing so that one's that one's a pretty cool little tip anyway going back we're missing a graph drive now every ship needs a grab Drive grab drives are going to basically dictate first of all how much of the ship can be moved by the drive so you need to have more grab jump thrust you'll see right there the larger your ship is and then the power as well is uh is a factor that you'll want to consider too as the power now that we start putting these in um directly equates to the Pips at the top you can see there so more power to a grab Drive means that it can spin up faster so if you want to use a graph drive to escape Escape sticky situations then you want to make sure that your graph drive has a lot of power but the big thing you're probably going to be looking for is balancing the thrust with the weight of your ship to get your jump range pretty much as far as you can there are some missions and some galaxies that require a minimum jump range so it may get to a point where you need to bring into your ship and kind of strip down parts to get the mass lower or upgrade your jump drive um your grab drive to get to those further locations and you put multiple reactors on your ship No in fact most components that are core you can only have one of you can only have one Landing you only have one grab drive you can only have one reactor anytime you try to add more it will just give you an error so moving on uh we're gonna go ahead and switch out these engines because they are frankly too big for what we're doing we're gonna grab some Demon engines pop that on the back boom done okay great so we're kind of working through these errors if you remember we had eight at the beginning now we have four we don't have any fuel tanks uh fuel again dictates how much you can jump around um you don't need a huge amount of fuel this is almost as long as you have fuel tanks you're good to go I have not seen look at my balls I have not had too much issue with fuel tanks but you can um you know really just kind of put a few on I I believe it allows you to like more consistent and easy easy jumping stuff but again fuel fuel just make sure your ship has fuel tanks and you're pretty much good to go Docker module needs to be on the outside edge of the ship this is what I was talking about earlier so what we'll do here is we'll move this stuff up we'll see if we can pop you in a better location we see that it goes there that's fine we'll move this stuff up see here if I move this over it only attaches to this top part which I don't really like um so that's that's where we want to use the F key to get lower down kind of line it up with that there we go see now we can just like super easily put that in so if things don't seem to be lining up right nine times out of ten it's because you're not on the the right uh like Z value and just use R and F to go up and down there we go one error left Landing Bay needs to be connected to the cockpit so in this situation what we have to do is make sure that the landing Bay has a direct path to the cockpit now if I look at my Landing Bay what I see is that even though there is a circular connector on all these sides the only connector that goes forward is on the side the only connection that a person can go through is this way so if I put it here on my ship obviously that does not connect into the hav that then goes into the cockpit now you can try to flip these things but unfortunately they don't always flip the way that you need to as you can see in this case so in some cases it may be easier to actually find like a one that more fits what you're trying to do so in our case here what we'll do is go to Docker or not Dockers we'll go over to um [Music] there we go base uh we'll find a bay that kind of fits what we want to do here more so let's take this Landing Bay for instance we switch this one around we can't switch this one around um let's see let's go back let's see hope for landing Bay looks kind of nice here we go we'll take this guy see it's not connecting properly because it's too high so we're gonna go down down uh we'll see if we can connect this just like that boom so see again it was just a situation that we weren't in the right place so now all the green is on which means everything is lined up properly we can take this and just put it somewhere else in fact I'm like you know what that looks pretty good there let me pop one over here so I'm going to click it I'm going to hold down control I'm going to hit G hop on over there easy peasy now we're going to get an error that this guy's not connected so we'll need to pull that over there pop that on and boom we built a ship that's it so it's you adjust with using what we just did you have just seen a basic ship get built now this is where it gets fun um the next step is obviously to put on the the flavor the stuff that's really going to add to your ship so the first thing that you always need is shields uh Shields of course have classes as well it's going to increase or decrease based on on um how much they cost but the classes of them that kind of thing the big thing you're looking for are Shields are the max health and the regen rate find something that kind of suits your fancy when you do you can just pop it on and boom you're shielded when you see that on you will also see that the the powers will start filling at the top same for Weaponry so Weaponry is a little bit more interesting because it doesn't necessarily always connect easily to your ship now in this case we have two little things down here but sometimes you're going to need a lot more now that's where structural stuff comes into play um structural stuff is kind of it does add a little bit of mass but this is where your ship really gets its flavor uh by the way if you are ever bringing up a part another little tip if you're ever bringing up your uh any part and you want to see it see how right now we can't see anything because it's in the middle of the ship just make sure your camera is off of your ship it always whenever you bring up always goes to the center of your screen so this way you can like easily see whatever you're trying to connect always keep in mind as well that whenever you see these little things down here that means you can scroll through different variants which can be really helpful so the thing about structural stuff is that it frequently will have more Mount points for weapons so in this case we can go to like um let's see this guy right here let's see how that guy has those that little bump on the top so we can take this cowling we can go up but one there we'll copy that over put one there and now if we Mouse over this and we hit G weapons and now we can start putting weapons on our ship so what's kind of cool about this uh and and we'll just really briefly touch on Weaponry is this will not only easily let you pick things but you can very easily kind of decide what you want for your ship in terms of do you want you know something that can strip Shields quickly and then go after the hole with missiles you want to use beam weapons do you want to use Auto turrets like there's lots and lots of different options but all of these have all their stats on this side you're pretty much looking at the entire top for the important stuff um these are the details are going to tell you how much Shield damage you're going to do hole damage are going to do the fire rate you have to factor that as well make sure to look at the range because the the range is going to dramatically decide your engagement range a lot of times if you have super long range weapons which I really prefer myself like particle cannons a 3300 range is going to outrange most enemy weapons so one of the things I like to do for instance is load up my ship with like 3300 range beam weapons and then the second I see a ship coming to range I'm just pelting that guy before he's even near me with high damage uh high damage beams that can that can be pretty awesome so it's my stealth Archer ship that's right um are you saying Weaponry with a with a DNR yes um which is the incorrect way to do it but at this point I just do it to trigger some people in my chat so when you pick the Weaponry that you want for your ship just keep in mind that all of this stuff functions differently anytime you see auto turret uh let me see if I can find one here this here we go Auto Alpha turret you will not be able to aim these they will engage at your current Target so just keep that in mind the other thing to keep in mind is that whenever you establish stuff here so we'll put one there we'll put one there if you look up here there's no power yet that's because you have to hit C go to weapons and assign those to an area so if you see right here the second we assign that we start seeing the stuff up here you only have three Banks of weapons and you are limited on the Weaponry of your ship based on the power available to those three spots so the obvious thing that people do is beams or Shield Hull and then like missiles and then you can use your power to bounce between them uh I like to however just have like a couple that are all beams so it's really easy and you can kind of like you know keep everything under the same umbrella but when you put these in when you look at the weapon you can see there the max power is three we go over here the max power is three if you look at the top there it's half full if we then put two more that is now filled up to 12 Pips which is the maximum if I try to put one more weapon on oh wait we'll put it can we put it under the ship Maybe that is when you get your error ship is using too much power for weapons reduce weapon count so when it says that it usually just means in one thing so at that point the power for one weapon type cannot exceed 12 essentially now what you can do though is that's just the beam weapons so you could for instance get another weapon let's see in this case we'll go back to weapons we'll pick um let's see pick this guy here this guy's a max power of four so we can take this missile launcher we could put two of them under our front there then when we go to assign that you can see since these are both for power watch this right here we'll assign that to two and now we have eight power available in our second weapon slot there and then you can have a third one as well to then balance that now of course there's a whole lot of red here which means that our reactor is probably not going to be able to keep up with that there are uh there are I think what 34 different Pips that want to be filled but our reactor is only going to fill 16 of them so that's one of the reasons for instance that reactors are so important as you start leveling up your ship um and as you start adding more and more stuff to it so right now I think at level 43 the max reactor we can get I want to say is 34. yep we can make a 34 reactor you can see that's a two by one by or what is that that's a two by one by one um which is a lot beefier than this guy and um that is going to provide what twice the power over twice the power yeah then then the other one so keep in mind leveling up that piloting skill and also Starship designs we can build this stuff is actually really really important so yeah two by two by one anyway that is the base building so on that note once you have all this stuff down it's pretty easy to build something like this the only extra big extra stuff you see on a ship like that is basically a lot of the structural things so like the wings on my ship are all structural the uh which then add mount points uh I also use like different types of interior stuff to kind of flush it out you know These Wings Are structural this guy's structural all the engines are put on different Mount points than connect up you can see like I was saying earlier I'm a big fan of beam Weaponry so I just am bristling with beam weapons on this thing you also want to make sure to add cargo Bays as cargo Bays will decide how much your Shield or how much your ship can carry um cargo Bays by the way are a great way early game to just be chungusing more stuff around with you as you explore the universe even before you have outposts so you can just with with your very first Frontier ship you can just open up at any at any place um the customization stuff and just put on cargo Bays where they fit or pull your uh pull up your halves and cocktail a little more add in like a base uh regular structural one by one by one and then just put two cargo Bays on the side maybe one under it if you can fit it and kind of go from there so that um all plays into your cargo value down here and having a big cargo value is super super handy to easily maneuver around in this game so I hope you enjoyed this video similar to The Outpost build it kind of was all over the place but hopefully if you watch a whole thing you'll get lots of great tips um this is a very cool shipbuilding system I hope you enjoyed as much as I did this is our b-class build and we're going to be doing kind of a C-Class rework at some point in the future um I'm probably not going to do a full video for it but we'll probably show it off for anyone that wants to see it in another little video and on that note that's it for me drop by the channel at Carnage we'd love to see it as always thanks for your time bye-bye
Channel: CohhCarnage
Views: 142,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Starfield, Starfield gameplay, Starfield playthrough, Starfield lets play, Starfield lp, Starfield footage, lets play part, lets play episode, lp, lp episode, 1080p, 60 fps, cohh, cohhcarnage, carnage, Shooter game, Action role-playing game, Action-adventure game, Nonlinear gameplay, ng+, starfield ship builder, tips and tricks, starfield tips, starfield tricks
Id: y56QnI8JRf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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