The Best Ship In Starfield Is NOT What You Think | Ultimate Starfield Ship Guide Revealed

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in this video I'm going to teach you where to get and how to use the most powerful ship in the game but first let me start with a controversial fact we'll Begin by heading to the city of Paradiso on perima 2 and take a look at what many creators claim is the best combat ship in the game will Mosey on over here to the ship Services technician and we'll go and speak to them and check out the abyss tracker which is widely hailed as the most powerful ship in the game the only problem with this statement is it's complete garbage as you can see before we've even taken a look at my ship the reactor is subpar it's jump stats are subpar its Shield is less than half as good its weapons are nowhere near as good as my ship and the cargo capacity is one tenth the size I have found and purchased a ship that not only outclasses the abyss tracker in regard guards to combat but also has a cargo capacity of two and a half thousand also here's a sneak peek of the aftermath of a one versus 30 fight against some of the UC sis death's best ships in the galaxy and I am the only Survivor at this point I should also quickly note that like the abyss tracker the stronghold is a Class C ship so you will need your piloting maxed before you're able to fly it just keep that in mind now that you know how crap the abyss tracker really is what is the best ship in the game I introduce to you the stronghold this ship is insanely powerful it does cost a bit more than the abyss tracker but it is so worth it and with just a few modifications it can easily be the best in all categories in the whole entire game and in this video I'm gonna show you how now that that misconception is out of the way let's start here at the starport in new Atlantis and firstly just admire how incredibly massive and awesome the stronghold is and more importantly let's go and buy it so to do that let's open the map and zoom out of new Atlantis and get ourselves to the Galaxy view now you want to come to the system of Cheyenne and find the planet Aquila once you've landed in a keyless city you'll see there isn't a ship Services technician walking around as there is with most of them just head towards the city and on the outskirts on the right hand side you will see the ship Services building just here now if we have a look at what ships he has for sale you will see that one of them is in fact the stronghold this only costs a few thousand more credits than the abyss tracker and not only is it twice as tanky with a far bigger reactor but it can also really hold its own in combat and that cargo capacity is amazing now you may be looking at this thinking these stats aren't quite as good as the ones I was showing you on my ship I have made some very minor modifications that have drastically improved the performance of this ship in all aspects and I shall spend the next few minutes talking you through how to do that right now whilst we're here I may as well show you they do have a total of nine ships you can buy from this system and as you can see they all hail in comparison to the stronghold there really is just nothing like it I mean just look at it it is such a beast I should also say as well as we're moving on to the customization this is quite an expensive ship if not the most expensive in the game so if you are low on credits you go and check my top 16 tips guide as well because that will teach you how to make loads of money along with many other helpful hints and tips now that you've purchased the stronghold before you even go anywhere to seek out another Shipyard there are loads of upgrades that we can do right here right now there are 11 shipyards in the game and they all have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to what they sell and the one in Aquila definitely isn't one of the better ones but there is one thing in specific we can purchase here and that is the Supernova 2000 engine the stronghold comes with two of these and if you strap two more to the back you will eliminate the stronghold's only weakness and that is its movement speed yes it will become very power hungry and the equip power for the engines will be maxed out but I will show you the ship in combat and show you exactly how to efficiently manage your power in just a few minutes once we've finished upgrading it so go ahead and stick two more engines on to make this not only one of the biggest but also one of the fastest ships in the galaxy and as you're already here in the upgrade screen one thing I wanted to show you to make upgrading far easier for yourself as you're just hovering your cursor around different parts of your spaceship on certain parts you will see this white circle appear hover over it and press G on the keyboard and this will show you which modules can be attached to this specific part and that makes things far easier than scrolling through the entire menu finding the part you want and then trying to figure out where you can place it and as we're messing around with parts and placements you will probably have already noticed that the stronghold initially only comes with two weapons so now is a fantastic time to add a third and in case you didn't know as long as your reactor power allows feel free to add as many copies of one weapon as you like I like to have two of each because even though it will double the reactor power usage it also doubles the damage output on top of that I actually love to go for turret weapons you don't have as much control over them because you can't fire them manually but they tend to be very efficient and devastating even at long ranges my absolute favorite is the pbo300 auto Alpha turret and on that note let's head over to damos so I can show you where to get some of the absolute best weapons back on the galaxy star map this time you want to head to Seoul and positioned just off Mars you will find the Deimos star yard this is quite possibly the best of the 11 star yards in the game offering some fantastic ships at reasonable prices and lots of really good parts for sale as well sounds like we're doing a marketing advert for them doesn't it come to damos we offer the best Starships in all the Galaxy anyway there is two reasons that we are at the damos star yard firstly I wanted to show you the Aegis and this was my first combat ship if you can't quite afford the three to four hundred thousand credit expense of the stronghold yet then the Aegis is definitely the one for you this is a really good middle ground ship to help protect you as you're traveling around its cargo capacity is very low though you can very easily add a few cargo modules to it but primarily I just wanted to show you that this is a great middle of the road ship that will help to get you through the game before you can afford the stronghold and considering that the damos diode is so good it's surprising that it's so accessible and close to the starter area which means that it's great for coming back and upgrading your ships which is exactly what we're going to do now so as I already mentioned make sure you've got them for Supernova 2000 engines on the back of your ship though I should have pointed out as you can see down the bottom left you do need Starship design rank one though you will definitely have enough levels and skill points to unlock that by the time you're at the point where you can buy this ship and next the primary reason we're here is to upgrade our weapons we actually already have two of the three that I strongly advise this missile launcher the attle attle or the ATL ATL don't know how it's pronounced but the ATL ATL 270c missile launcher is insanely powerful and has one of the highest ranges of any weapon in the game two of these will eat through an enemy ship both their Shields and their Hull in a matter of seconds and the really good thing about this weapon in particular being your heavy hitter is it's the only one that you'll be controlling manually so you can save the ammo for the really big targets next up as I already mentioned the pbo300 auto Alpha turret is fantastic again another really long range weapon and you will see because of the fact that it's a turret it will start to annihilate your enemies before you even see them it is fantastic and finally the dragon 261 SX laser turrets don't have enough range for me so to keep in line with a nice even damage split and to ensure our ship can attack from range because we are going to be very slow in fights we're going to switch out to the disrupter 3348 Auto Alpha turret this is going to act incredibly similarly to the pbo300 with slightly less damage but slightly more range and the two of these will be able to track our enemies hunt them down and strip their Shields so quickly and with this that pretty much is all of the necessary tweaks that I'd advise you do to the stronghold the only thing I potentially would advise to do is purchase one or two modules of The Galleon s202 cargo hold you will already have Starship design rank 1 because you needed that for a few other parts and if you stick one or two of these on your stronghold it will then be able to hold upwards of 4 000 mass of cargo and then you can accept pretty much every single cargo mission in the entire game and start raking in at tens of thousands of credits the last thing I wanted to do before we move on to how to actually pilot this ship in combat is talk about the perks that you're going to want to use obviously as I've already talked about it you ideally want to start leveling up Starship design in Tech and get that to Max and you'll be able to upgrade your modules even further than we have done today but I didn't want to go crazy and go really far end game I wanted this to be achievable for you in the mid game next up you have a few optional ones such as engines or Shield systems and I advise specializing into one or the other you really don't need to waste points on both of them I have leaned heavily into the fact that this is a big slow tanky ship and I'm just making the shields bigger and bigger and bigger though you could go the other way and focus on Engine Systems because this way you'll be a bit more maneuverable in combat and you won't need as many Shields because you can avoid ships a bit easier another one I'd like to point out though it is right at the bottom of the science tree is this skill that will increase the amount of power that your reactors produce especially at Max rank your ship reactors produce an extra five units of power which is just ridiculous that is one that I am still working towards in my own playthrough and that is going to help significantly with all of that being said let's finally show you how this works in combat and how you can get the most out of it and finally now the part of the video I have been most excited to show you and this is exactly how this ship performs in combat [Music] um yeah about that I don't think I will be coming quietly You Won't Take Me Alive staff ships we have a hostile in orbit deadly force is authorized and now as this glorious fight is playing out in the background and we are slaughtering many Innocents just trying to do their jobs and as you can see at the top right all of my companions now loathe me let's talk about what's actually going on here so two of my Primary Weapons assigned to Mouse one and mouse 2 are both Auto turrets so they are just going to fire on anything in range they do not require you to be locked onto your Target and they do not even require your target to be within your aiming reticle so they will just shoot on anything and everything and it's fantastic because you will melt through hordes of enemies very quickly and then my third weapon the Ace in the Hole is of course my missile launchers and I'm saving them for when I've got a big juicy Target say level 25 or above directly in my sights and locked on this is when I'll release these to take out them big terrifying targets apart from that most of combat is just making sure you're focusing on the biggest threats first and just taking them out as quick as possible a few other key things you must know for space combat ideally you want to keep your speed directly in the center where the bar is solid white this is where your maneuverability is at its Max and you'll be able to turn your ship around much much faster and apart from that you can use e on the keyboard to cycle through targets so you can identify the big threats and chase them down quickly and use the missiles to take them out the next most important thing is managing your reactor mid-combat this is something I did quite poorly in this fight in particular because there was just so much going on but ideally what you want to do when your Shield has gone down to around 50 anyway you no longer need them reactor bars maxed out in fights with less enemies if you haven't been attacked for a few seconds your Shields will start to recharge but in a fight like this there is no point where I won't be getting hit so why should ideally doing is reducing down the amount of power in my Shields and increasing the power to my engines and my weapons so that as my defensive capabilities reduced my offensive capabilities and my maneuverability is increasing to give me more survivability in the long term and this can obviously be modified and tweaked depending on the fight you're in and the situation at hand but starting every fight with maximum Shields and a nice even split between your engines and your weapons seems to work perfectly for me and as you can see even though there's a few dicey moments throughout this fight I'm using my repair kit and I'm able to take out 30 ships with just my one so far I have yet to find a more powerful setup for a spaceship in this game and what you are witnessing right here I'm sure if you strip a ship down and remove everything and start to create one yourself from scratch you can probably min max a little bit better than this but it's going to take many hours and a lot of knowledge so that is a project I'm working on at the moment if that's something people would like to see but for now as a really quick and easy way to get the most effective ship in the game you are looking at it right here right now also I should mention even though this is the heaviest most beefy slowest ship in the game with the additional engines on if you are just wanting to Traverse around quite quickly and get to that space station that's 5000 miles in the distance just lower your Shields bump everything into your engines and when you're boosting you will still manage to get up to a speed of 400. this thing can go very very fast when utilized correctly and that my friends is pretty much everything you need to know about how to have the absolute most powerful spaceship in the game and trivialize every single space encounter I hope at least some of this video has been helpful and I hope you're excited for many more to come if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and all that's left for me to say is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 525,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, starfield, bethesda, starfield game, starfield guide, starfield ships
Id: C6JWs5rxTqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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