Starfield - Beginner Guide | Secrets, Contraband, Ship Building and more!

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this video is going to be the most complete Starfield beginner guide on the internet I'll guarantee it I've also made sure to avoid any spoilers so no need to worry about that by the time you finish this video you will understand every system you need to know to enjoy Starfield without frustration if you have questions or just want to say hi leave a comment below I read literally every single one be sure to take advantage of the time stamps below to return to sections of the video you want more information on later without wasting any time let's dive straight in so one of the first things that you're going to do is create your character you're going to end up on a screen like this after a brief prologue you don't get to create your character before you start the game but very soon into it and I'll let you discover why all of that is and how it happens but you're going to have these presets so when you find a preset that you want to start with and then you can kind of shape and mold your character to your liking from there underbody you can go obes as you want to as skinny as you want to as muscular as you want right lots of customization there you can pick your gender you can pick your walking style I'm going to skim right through that to the stuff that you guys are likely going to have questions about because this is all subjective so the strategy for creating your character really starts to come through with the background Choice as well as the traits which we'll touch on next the background is really interesting the way this works if you've played other Bethesda games it's going to feel very familiar basically each of these is going to give your character a little bit of lore a little bit of a background that they can draw from in conversations throughout the game occasionally and I do mean occasionally it's not super often I think in my first 40 hours I remember maybe four or five times that this came in into play for a conversation I was in right it's not super common that the background is going to have a impact on your dialogue with other characters right it's pretty rare so don't stress it too much the thing that's most important about your background is probably going to be the starting skills that it gives you this is effectively three skill points and you get one skill point every time you level so this is like three levels that you get for free before starting the game it's not super important like if you end up changing your mind about what kind of character you want to make it's not the end of the world your character is not ruined because because you picked the wrong background right that's just three levels and in my first 40 hours or so I am now almost level 30 right so I've got 30 other skill points on top of the three I started with these just account for 10% of my total skill points now so in the grand scheme of things not a big deal and I will say that I probably would have chosen a little bit differently had I known what I know now so let me explain some of these skills you want to have and some of them you want to have right away for example While others are going to be very specific to a very particular playthrough that you're doing or a build style that you're doing but there are some that I think pretty much every player is going to want like piloting everybody's going to want to fly a really cool ship I think some guy is going to be totally fine living out his space fantasy in a 1990 Civic and you know power to him but I think most players are going to want that really sweet ship that big ship that can carry a lot of stuff that can travel really far and looks good doing it right and in order to fly those cool ships you need piloting so grabbing a background with piloting is never going to be a bad decision because if you don't have your piloting and if you you don't have your pting leveled up you will run into ships where you either purchase them or you find them or you steal them and the game says too bad you can't fly this so your so here you don't get to use it and you're going to realize oh man I need to level up piloting and I need to do it now so better to start that sooner than later so that you run into that problem as little as possible I'm going to dive into the skills and how they operate in a lot more depth in another section of this video but just know that they're going to be skills like piloting that are going to be important to everybody and then there's going to be skills like targeting control or boost pack training that are going to kind of depend on you and your play style other ones that I think everyone are going to like to have are going to be things like weightlifting this is going to let you carry more and if you play through but does a game like I do you're going to find that you're constantly running out of inventory space you're constantly going to become encumbered and this is going to help Stave off that problem for you so weightlifting is a nice one to have you're going to be doing a lot of surveying so surveying is nice to have are you someone that likes pickpocketing in these games well then you're going to need theft you cannot pickpocket until you unlock the the skill or what about picking locks if you like to pick locks in these games if you're someone that sees a locked chest or a locked box and you need to know what's inside and leaving it behind feels bad then you're definitely going to want to pick up security right away again I'll talk about how important it is to pick up some of these sooner than later when I get to the skill section but just know skills like that are going to be really nice to have and to have early because in order to unlock the second level of those perks you need to level them up or you need to complete challenges that require them to be unlocked so if you spend too much time participating in those activities without unlocking them then when you finally do unlock it you're not going to be able to level it up again as soon as you get your next level because you have to complete this challenge for instance for security in order to level it up to level two and unlock better or more difficult locks you have to unlock let's say five locks and so we'll go in depth on how the skill system works when I get to the skill section of the video but just kind of be aware that those ones that I mentioned are going to be unanimously helpful because because there's a lot of activities where if there's a skill that makes you better at that activity a lot of times you can't participate in that activity until you have the skill in the first place like picking locks or picking Pockets things like that or being able to Pilot better planes right you can't do it if you don't have the skill unlocked so that makes those kind of supremely important choices to get sooner than later now for the trade section the trade section is kind of self-explanatory there's not a lot for me to add here other than if you hover over each one it's going to tell you what it is so if we hover over this one it tells us you volunteered for a controversial experience expent that combines alien and human DNA as a result you start with increased health and oxygen but healing and food items aren't as effective so you can choose three of these the one thing to know is that some of them tell you that you can't pick another one and when you can't pick another one it'll put an X over it that's what that X means it says you can't pick this because you picked this now if I get rid of that I could pick this but now it says now you can't pick this no matter what that's what the X means you can't pick it check mark means you did pick it and there's some that are going to be like this one here raise Universal and it's going to say can't combine with any other religion trade right so there are some that are religion exclusive there are some that are action exclusive there are some that are extrovert introvert exclusive right just kind of read the descriptions pick what sounds fun to you I wouldn't say that there's a right or a wrong answer in here it really kind of just depends on what you're looking to get out of it so I went ahead here and pick three random ones don't pay any attention to what I chose there's no strategy behind that again this is really up to you so now we can finish we'll pick our name and then it lets you pick your pronoun and then you say confirm now once your character has been created cre you'll have a UI that looks something like this on the bottom left there you can see some really important information your oxygen levels your CO2 levels as well as any status effects that your character has on you so the O2 level is the white half circle and if I start sprinting we start using our O2 now if you keep on sprinting you're eventually going to start building up CO2 and it's actually okay if you start building up CO2 it's not a big deal that gauge is just going to start filling up and once it hits completely full it's going to stop stop you from sprinting anymore boom there my character just got tired right and now I can't really Sprint anymore I'm kind of stuck in this slow State until I get some oxygen back and now I can start sprinting again and until I run out of oxygen the CO2 gauge is going to keep going down the oxygen levels and the CO2 levels are really going to be a problem for you hoarders out there are you a hoarder the people that can't resist leaving anything behind this is where that system really comes into play when you become encumbered I would say the biggest downside of becoming encumbered is that it eats away your oxygen levels normally you can kind of Jog and it's not going to use any Oxygen however if you're over encumbered this is going to use oxygen so the only speed you can move at without consuming all your oxygen is this right here when you're over encumbered especially when you're trying to cover a massive cave system or run across a planet right so it's going to be the encumbrance system that's really going to make the oxygen level system really important for you I'll dive deep into the whole encumbrance system in its own section here but just kind of understand that's what that section of your UI is for it's telling you about your oxygen levels your CO2 levels and there's really not a big deal if you you start seeing the red CO2 building up it just means that eventually you're not going to be able to Sprint anymore it's not too big a deal now around the compass you can see points of interest that you have discovered one of the easiest ways to find points of interest is to open up your scanner by pressing F on PC or whatever you've assigned the button to on Console you can see points of interest here it's going to basically unlock them on your compass as you kind of rotate around and it might say that it's unknown like this one says unknown so if I tell it to scan down there in the bottom left you see it says scan and it says on PC that button's e so you press it and it says a this is a structure so you can kind of use the scanner to find new locations to go and look for in the center bottom of the watch it says gems that's the body that we are on this planet and then towards the top of the watch it's going to tell us things like status effects like whether we're poisoned whether we're bleeding or if there's a significant weather issue that we should be aware of so that's what that little red drop is right there and we open up our menu we can see statuses right here and we can see it says warning incoming hazardous weather seek shelter immediately I will say that throughout the entire game so far my first 40 hours I have basically ignored the weather system it has sometimes resulted in me taking a little bit of damage it's sometimes resulted in me maybe running out of oxygen faster but I haven't ever found really a situation where the weather was so bad yet that I couldn't hang out on the planet for at least long enough to get what I wanted to get done there it wasn't like I walked out into bad weather and then my character just fell over and died so far it's been very slow and very gradual but as a general rule of thumb you don't need to stress it very much now if we're to bring out our scanner we can see some new information down there we can see the temperature 21° the O2 21% as well as the gravity so if you're curious like oh am I going to be able to jump really high or not at all or what's the O2 is it breathable and what are the temperatures like here you can kind of pull this up and take a glance and see sometimes you'll pull this up and it'll say - 290 and you're like oh yeah dude I'm about to get frostbite I'm about to have a condition set up my character that's not going to be super fun to deal with what about his horrible green head it's a skin condition so pulling out your scanner when you get on any new planet for the first time is never a bad idea if you didn't already scan it before dropping down onto the planet we'll talk about how to do that once we get into the spaceship section of the game on the bottom right side of the screen we've got some more important information the little white bar down there is going to be your health bar you can see that I've got about 75% of my health there and just below that you've got your rounds of ammo right so you've got Six Bullets before you have to reload and then you've got 49 more bullets before you're completely out of ammo and then below that you've got your grenade of choice that you've been using this character has 12 of those grenades as well as a ton of other ones before we continue the video if you're enjoying the content be sure to like And subscribe for more Starfield content I've got a ton more of this coming your guys this way now let's get back to it now let's talk about the UI that opens up when you open your menu so this is a place that's going to cause a lot of confusion the first time you open it there's a ton of information here once you understand what you're looking at so let's talk about what it is start at the top left here and kind of go clockwise okay so gemon new Atlantis this is telling us where we're at down here below it says surveyed 33% so the way you survey a planet is you run around with your scanner and you literally run up to things and you scan them you can scan and mine minerals you can scan and collect plants you can scan and kill animals right or alien animals all of these things are going to help you survey the planet and kind of fill that meter up to 100% and below that you can see what time it is in case you ever have a mission there will be missions where they say hey go out to get drinks at about 5:00 p.m. that's when they leave the office and they go out for drinks 5:00 p.m. so you're going to look at this and wait for it to be 5:00 p.m. so you can do your mission so you can just go to a bed and sleep or go to a chair and wait there is a difference between sleeping and waiting if you wait it does not heal your character if you sleep it does heal your character to full health so an easy way for me to go from 70% Health to full health would be to find a bed and sleep on it there's a lot of beds in the game you can sleep on and if the bed is owned by somebody else you won't be able to sleep on it so kind of just be aare Ware of those limitations now if you click on this it's going to tell you some more information about the planet you're on here you can see a map of all the places that you have discovered when you're spinning and turning around like for instance this one down here is unknown so I could run and point my scanner at that and it would say oh this is some geological place or this is a cave or it's a structure right it kind of tells you what it is before you run all the way over there you still have to go there to find out what's inside why it's significant and all that good stuff but you get a little bit of a hint and basically that's what you glean from this here as well as what type it is gravity temperature a little more information about the planet as well as what resources are available on the planet and what traits it has these traits are unknown to me we have not discovered that yet on this planet and then we come over here this is our skill section and what you can tell here is how many unspent skill points we have to certification we're 93% done with this certification astrodynamics now that means that in order to level it up again we have to do this challenge says make 15 grab jumps so I've done 14 out of 15 and when I do that 15th one I would be able to unlock the next level of the skill so each rank of the skill gives you new kind of perks for it so rank one of this one increases the range of our jump drives rank two reduces the fuel cost of the jump drives rank three increases grab jump range and reduces fuel cost of jump drives right and then four reduces fuel cost of jump drives by 50% just making it easier for us to get around the Galaxy to some more far off places that are kind of harder to reach and to do so with perhaps maybe not as quite a powerful as a ship so right now we have two ranks and in order to get this third one it says we will have to make 15 grab jumps right and then I'd be able to get this one and if you have over this one it tells you as much it says complete the previous ranks challenge to unlock this and that's basically how these skill trees work here each one of these is a skill tree kind of self-contained let's look at this one here because I haven't really put much in the way of social I grabbed theft so that I could pick bucket things from people in order to get anything on the next line it says there at the bottom locked spend three more more points in Social to unlock Advanced social skills and then same with the next one spend seven points in Social to unlock expert and the next line 11 more points to unlock Master so in order to get to each row you have to have spent a certain number of points somewhere in the tree above it each one of these has four levels to it each level makes the perk stronger or adds entirely new perks it kind of depends on the skill and how they chose to make it operate the skills that I find super valuable to have are going to be security this is going to let you lockpick everything which is a blessing and a curse because there are so many objects to lockpick in this game I mean there are doors there are boxes there are crates there are so so many if you don't have this you're going to be constantly wincing and going man I wonder what's behind there I wonder what's in there I wonder what's behind there and most of the time to be fair it's nothing terribly significant but occasionally it's pretty cool or there's some nice reward in there or there's a cool weapon occasionally it is worth it those moments where there's something really awesome in there tend to make it feel like it was all worth it and this is one that you would want to grab early on because each time you level it up it's going to let you hack higher level difficulty things it's also going to make hacking easier because it's going to basically let you skip parts of the hacking process I'm going to do an entire section in this video on lockpicking in this game because it's a significant part of the game it's kind of complex like once you understand it you get it but there's a lot of nuances to it that can really make it easier for you so we'll have a whole section of this video dedicated to that I won't dive into it too deep here but security is one that I think everybody's going to want or at least anybody that's going to want to know what's behind the doors and what's in the boxes what's in the box piloting is one that everyone's going to want if you want to be able to fly the cool ships if you want to build the cool ships you're going to want piloting and if you don't get piloting and if you don't level it up right away the main mistake I made on my first playthrough is I didn't grab piloting early enough so I killed a lot of ships and now I can't level it I have a ship that I can't use because I can't level piloting because I need to destroy more ships in order to level piloting but I killed a ton of ships before I had piloting which means those would have been counting towards that progress I've got five out of 15 done so same with lockpicking I would grab these early and then every time you can level them up do because it's going to start another challenge it's going to require you to do a ton more lockpicks or a ton more aship kills if you haven't unlocked the next rank you're going to be doing those things without pushing that next challenge along so definitely kind of stay on top of those two that's my piece of advice anyway booster pack training was really nice because just feels good to be able to jump up to higher Ledges or get around or whatever it's just fun but it's not as necessary as say these two are almost critical for just about any player to have in my opinion the scanner being able to survey is going to be nice to have targeting Control Systems is going to be one that you want because if you want to be able to take out ships and board them you're going to need this one definitely grab that one if dealing other people's ships is one of the things that you're going to want to be doing out in space which is pretty fun it's a good way to get a good ship or at least make a bit of coin this science section is going to be about are you going to be doing a lot of researching and developing of your own mods of your own materials are you going to be crafting a lot are you going to be using whatever you find if you're going to be crafting a lot if that appeals to you the section is going to be big you're going to want to do these things depending on what you want to craft right if you want to get into botney you're going to have to put points into that and I guess the main thing to understand about this is a lot of times if you don't put points into something you either can't do it or what you're able to do with it is very limited so Outpost engineering for example if you want to put outposts on planets so that they can generate resources for you then you're going to want to put points into Outpost engineering so that you can actually put outposts on more of the planets because a lot of them are going to be too hostile of environments for you to put outpost on otherwise the game will just say h you are not qualified to put an outpost here because the environment is too hostile the environment is not friendly enough so you're going to have to put points into this so you can put your Outpost there okay so the next section is the combat section this is going to make you more proficient with weapons basically laser weapons do 10% more damage 20% more damage 30% more damage laser weapons have a 5% chance to set a Target on fire right so these are basically going to just make you better with those weapons and here you go particle beams do 10% more damage 20% right I haven't put a lot of points in this yet because one the combat hasn't been the most difficult part of the game like for me personally I'd rather take an extra shot or two to kill something than to have to leave a chest or a ship behind right those I've just been kind of prioritizing the things that you have to have in order to be able to do it as opposed to making it a little bit easier to kill an enemy that I'm fighting because there are some challenging fights but for the most part nothing's been too difficult because I've been so thorough finding weapons and finding stuff I've already got a few legendary weapons that absolutely delete enemies I've got really cool stuff that is making these maybe perhaps even overkill for my playthrough right now because I didn't pick like super hard difficulty right I just went with your standard difficulty play through all that being said these would be a lot of fun to have deleting your enemies is always a good time then next you've got social commerce is going to make it so that you can more effectively sell and buy things astronomy here is going to make it so that you can craft specialty food and drinks this is kind of up to you if you want to delve into this if you want to do a more social playthrough I really like the idea of stealing and pickpocketing from people or at least knowing what they have in their pockets so I went for theft here very subjective what you like to do I think one good way to kind of approach each of these skill trees is to look at the bottom row and see if there's something down there that you're definitely going to want right there's only three in each one maybe read each of those bottom ones kind of look at it what they have and be like is this a tree I want to put a lot of points in because I think that last line of perks is really cool and if so maybe consider dumping your spare points somewhere in that tree as you're going so that you can eventually unlock those things that you think are really cool but often times the most important ones are right there at the top row so you can just grab them and start leveling them up right away like your piloting like your security surveying and thefts and in my case here weightlifting which is going to let you carry more stuff before you're encumbered I have this mag maed out and no regrets no regrets mhm I'm still encumbered every time I leave my ship by the time I get back I'm carrying everything that I was allowed to carry and more this has resulted in me making a lot of money and being able to do some pretty cool stuff to my ship so definitely one to consider the fitness has been nice too because you know it's going to give you extra oxygen and this fourth level of it especially sprinting and power attacks now you significantly less oxygen this would be really nice to have again because I spend so much time fighting my oxygen meter when I am encumbered and and I am encumbered often right so there's a little bit of a challenge at play there with those two things because I have a hard time leaving those things behind and then in the bottom left here it tells you how many skill points you have to spend you get one skill point every time you level so you'll get these pretty fast I am 40 hours into the game or so and I've got 30 skill points it's not been a speedrun I've been really you know like I said thorough I've been unlocking every lockpick I've been opening every container you know playing these games the way I always play a Bethesda game so I'm sure that you could get more levels in less time if you were focused on things that give tons of XP like the main story Quest or like various quick side quests and things like that or just killing lots of enemies these things will generate way more XP for you than say you know spending a lot of time on master lock picks like I do all right before we continue guys I'm going to give a shout out to my editor and my better half she put a ton of work into this video and she's also released a new song on Spotify under the name Dash please the link to it is down in the description below be sure to check it out it's featuring King it's a great song it's called Torn Apart if it's a song you like or something you think your partner might like be sure to like the song share it and add it to a playlist you can follow Das pleas on Spotify or on YouTube thank you so much for this moment of your time and if you decide to check that song out she greatly appreciates it now let's get back to Starfield now if we come back to this screen we'll keep going clockwise around this meter here right here you can see our health and our status and if we click on status we can glean some more information this is where you can see your actual Health pool if you're ever curious how much health do I have cuz you'll pick up items and they say this gives you four Health this gives you two health and you're like okay is that good is that significant and the answer is no no it's not very significant I've got 815 health and I find a lot of items that give two Health one Health four Health might even even found a meal that was 20 Health right unless you get into cooking your own meals the stuff you find to eat is going to give you very little Health it's not a very significant source of healing but you know in desperate times it can come in pretty clutch so you can see your actual Health pool here I think this is the only place you can see your actual Health pool you can see your level I'm 29 I need 2,25 points of experience to level I have 2374 so if you're ever curious exactly how far you are from leveling or how many points it takes to level because you'll be playing through the game and you'll open a chest and it'll say 20 XP you'll discover a new area and it'll say 40 XP or you'll kill a mob and it'll say 60 XP how much is that relative to what you need well you can check that right here on this screen you can see things like your status effects so again it's telling us that that one symbol right there meant that there was incoming weather again I've never really paid attention to the weather in this game if it's in the next 40 hours it's going to get a lot more significant or it's going to mean a lot more but so far it's just been a really minor inconvenience I run out of breath faster or I get hypothermia which eventually all wears off on its own when I leave the planet anyway my character will recover from it he's just going to be slightly impeded in some way for a little while while I'm there you can check on your character this is going to tell you your resistances like so right now my character has 200 physical resistance 50 thermal 35 corrosive 45 airbone 70 radiation R and we'll get into how you get all of these things in a moment here when we go over our gear but that's what that is and it tells you your background and the traits that you chose and these are the things I chose really not knowing what I know now so fortunately for you you're going to make a better character than I did because I think I would have definitely chose some things differently knowing what I know now I definitely would have chose my skills and a different order because it definitely came back to bite me in the butt at some points um here we can see General you can see I have discovered 127 locations 95 explored 30 days Days passed 5 hours slept 2 hours waited and I've found 56,000 credits if you're wondering what's the pace at which you gain credits in this game well you know being a hoarder that I am I have been picking up pretty much everything and selling everything that I could although I've slowed down on that a lot because what I find is I'll collect more things than the vendors can buy from me they only have 5,000 credits on hand so I go to them with like 20,000 credits worth of stuff to sell and they take a quarter of it from me and I'm like well crap I'm still over encumbered right which is where the ship is really going to come into play because it's going to give you some place to store lots of stuff so we'll talk about that when we get to ship building exploration ship I've done 47 grab jumps right suffice to say you can see all your stats here what you've done what you haven't done then we've got inventory so what are we looking at here it's telling us our Mass which is basically the 233 is what we're carrying and the 235 is how much we're able to carry before we're over encumbered and we can keep carrying more and more and more and more stuff so this could be 600 out of 235 and all that would be doing is draining our oxygen faster when we move which is annoying but it's not the end of the world it's also going to prevent you from Fast traveling so if I'm at 236 out of 235 I won't be able to fast travel back to my ship when I've run way out into some Cave System somewhere or run way out to some abandoned science facility right and I want to get back to my ship and now every time I move it eats all my oxygen and won't let me fast travel back right that's where over encumbrance kind of becomes a pain very similar to previous bethesa titles and the way it worked a little bit with the addition of this oxygen system if we click on this here we can see our inventory okay so the inventory is a little bit confusing there's a lot going on here so let's dive into it one at a time the first section is our weapons so you'll find weapons as you play through the game there's different tiers of quality uh you've got your white weapons these are just general common things and then you've got blue and then purple and then of course like your gold legendary items you'll find these in your playr you'll you get them as rewards from quests or you'll open up lock boxes or you'll kill enemies I have found legendary items doing all three of those things quests kills and lock boxes right so they're all over the place they're not terribly uncommon you'll get them but that's your weapons the important thing to know about the weapon screen is down here it says that you can compare to equip and Skip inspect you can sort sorting is going to be really useful when you're trying to decide what to sell or what to store because you can sort by damage so you want to make sure you keep things that are doing good damage and you get rid of the things that aren't although big piece of warning here do not get rid of your cutter never ever ever get rid of your cutter it's easy to do I did it on accident once and I had to waste a bunch of time looking for a new cutter and I eventually found a NPC that would sell me a cutter but man it really held me up on a quest that I was doing because it needed me to go use this cutter to grind up some resources so your cutter is what you extract mineral deposits like iron or aluminum right you need this cutter and without it you can't do that and it looks like a generic white item but man is it so much more important than that so make sure you hold on to your cutter don't sell your cutter don't sell your cutter okay guys uh but everything else if it's like whites and it's low quality sell that bad boy right it's not doing any damage three damage what a joke right get rid of it so you can sort by damage so you can see what's not great you can sort by the value so you can see oh man I really want to sell this item that sells for a lot you sort by weight you know see if something's like super heavy and you're having weight problems and you're like ah man maybe I could just drop a few things and then my weight problems are solved you can favorite things now this is really important so you see the heart that heart means I favored that item which means that it's going to appear on my quick slot wheel here so if I press Q on PC or whatever that button is going to be on Xbox right you're going to be able to press that and it's going to open up this wheel that you can bind each of these slots to so I could press one and pull this weapon two three four or I could just press q and I can click on one of these it does not pause time while this is open but it greatly slows time while this is open so don't use this as a pause screen and walk away from the computer in the middle of a battle because you know the enemies are still moving I'll beit very slowly so if you're wondering how you get things onto this wheel it's by favoriting them so we'll do that real quick we'll come in here and we'll go to a weapon and let's just say this one I press B and then I can choose which slot I want it to be on I'll put it here there we go now that one I can use that on the fly in battle without coming all the way into this menu screen you can drop items from here it tells you which button to press right there and then if you ever want to go back a screen in this menu anywhere in this menu right because it's kind of a menu with lots and lots of layers you can always press whatever your back button is it's tab on PC so if I press that once it goes back one screen if on multiple layers in and I hold tab it takes me all the way out which is going to be really nice to know because sometimes you end up way deep in your menu system and so you'd have to press tab like four times to get out and that can be a pain in the butt next we have our space suit this is like your full body armor and each space suit you can see all the stats that they have available them right here physical resistance energy resistance thermal corrosive Airborne radiation and then it tells you how much the suit suit ways what it's worth I will say this value right here is not what it's actually worth generally speaking so if we try to sell that space suit it sells for 567 I'm not positive how this math works just yet just be aware that when you're looking at an item and it tells you the value it's never worth as much as it says it is that value is what you would probably have to pay for it if an NPC was selling it but whenever you buy things from NPCs they're more expensive than when you sell them to them you know it's kind of got that whole thing going on so this one here it sells for 10K but if we talk to this machine right here it sells for 1,000 a little more than 10% of the listed value you're carrying a few items you're like dang I'm about to make 100K no sorry you might make maybe 10% of that you're going to find lots of space suits in the game you'll find them on enemies and boxes all over the place you get them from Quest there's going to be tons and tons and tons of really worthless space suits this one's legendary which means you know it's got extra stats down here three extra stats which is really nice it can do some pretty cool stuff really nice space suit then you've got your jetpack jetpack again it's going to have all your same resistances essentially you can kind of Stack any resistance now one of the ways you could do this is you could save all this gear that's got really high thermal resistance when you're going to go to a planet that has really bad thermal temperatures it's either really hot or really cold and you could save all this gear first when I was playing I was doing that I was saving a set of gear that had tons of thermal and I was like oh this has lots of corrosive I'll save and you know what I found is that dude this stuff all weighs a ton I don't have room to carry it on me my ship is filling up I don't have room to carry it on my ship and so for the first 40 hours at least I abandoned that and I haven't regretted it at all I have never felt like dang if only I had a suit with thermal and a helmet with thermal and a jetpack with thermal to put on right now that would be a lot of work it would weigh a lot of weight and it would slow me down way more than it helps me so the most compelling stats on this gear for me has been like the damage reduction at the top and the stats on the gear so like this one has sturdy incoming damage is reduced radiation right these stats down here have been kind of like the deciding factor for me on if I'm going to wear a piece of armor or not it's been mostly down here and a little bit up here next we've got helmets same thing right you've got all the same stats then you've got your apparel you've got all these different outfits that you can wear I haven't really needed or used these I think there was one Quest that required me to put this on but for the most part I don't really pay much attention to this I just kind of put it on you know hey it's extra stats to have on that's nice I haven't paid too much attention to this and so far that hasn't really affected my gameplay in any way shape or form inside of the quest where it's like you need to be wearing this outfit in order to you know pretend you're an employee here or whatever you're doing at that Quest right next you've got your grenades or your throwables and there's tons of different types of throwables right now I have favorited my frag grenades because I always seem to have a ton of those and I've been using them and they work exactly like you would expect them to and there's all kinds of different types that you'll find then you've got ammo the nice thing about ammo is that it doesn't weigh anything so you'll see here the mass no weight so if you see ammo pick it up you'll never regret it there's no downside to always picking up ammo unlike everything else in this game there is always that value to weight ratio that you have to keep in mind when you're picking things up out in the wild ammo not true you can pick it all up anytime right so definitely do that you're going to go through the ammo fast and there's a lot of different ammo types so you might find yourself rotating between a few different weapons just to keep yourself from running out of ammo entirely so you know maybe make sure that your favorite weapons are kind of cycling between multiple different ammo types rather than all of them using the same ammo because then you might find yourself running out pretty often uh next next you have your Aid items these are items that you can find or you can make this one here 35% movement speed for 2 minutes plus double your jump height for 2 minutes which is kind of ridiculous and hilarious at the same time antibiotics you're going to get infections certain biomes that you like if you're swimming in dirty water on some Planet you might get infected and then you could use this to treat that infection the main thing the big thing in here your Lifeline is going to be your med packs restores 3% of your health for 10 seconds these Med packs are great you're always going to want these on your hot wheel wheel somewhere so that you can quickly use them these are going to be your primary form of healing like it says there 3% of your health for 10 seconds so that's 30% of your health from one of these whereas a food that you eat will give you 10 Health out of 800 the food that you eat gives you next to nothing these things give you 30% of your full health bar right or in that case this would give me 30% would be what almost 300 health as opposed to the food that gives between 1 and 12 usually sometimes as many as 20 I think and there's probably you can cook later on they can give you even more while we're here looking at the inventory one thing to be aware of if you've seen this red arrow here that means that I stole this item stolen items don't have any downside at all right if you have a stolen item that's okay if it's red it's okay you can teleport to other systems no problem there's no downside you're not going to get flags nobody's going to notice that you have red items on you unless you get caught for some other crime then when they confiscate the stolen materials for that crime they also grab all of your other stolen materials on you everything with red on it and the easiest way to get caught with stolen materials is if you have these illegal items like if you find an item like this and instead of a red arrow it's gold that means that will show up when you're grab jumping from one planet system to the next as soon as you get into a new system the first thing the security for that system does is scan your ship and if you have any items that have a gold arrow on them there is a very good chance that they'll find it unless you've built your ship to hide that item and most people won't have done that especially anywhere near the early game so generally speaking you don't want to pick up any items that have a gold arrow on them until you have a way to dispose of those items or a way to sell those items until you find the people that can buy them from you until you unlock those regions of this world one way to get around that is to pick a place that you don't get scanned when you're going to and just drop the items off there until you find a person and a place that will buy them all from you without you getting scanned I dropped all of my harvested organs on some random Moon until I found a place that was willing to buy those those kinds of things from me because Normal vendors will not buy the gold down arrow items those have to be purchased by people that specifically deal in that kind of trade notes also generally don't really take up any weight unless it's like a book you found when you pick up a book you automatically open it up you read it and then you also throw it into your inventory when you pick it up and read it I have had books unlock locations in the world I won't do any spoilers so I found a book and it told me to go to a place so from that moment on I was like well now I have to read every single book I find and so I do I open them up at least whenever you find these devices these are really cool there's a lot of things that these can do these devices will often times have lore so you'll find one as you're scouring some abandoned science facility and you'll find one of these and loot it and it'll automatically start playing this tape that tells you the lore of that science facility what happened why is everybody dead or why are they all gone and man there are some really great stories to listen to it's one of my favorite parts of this game is the stories of about how Earth ended up the way it did how we escaped it how we got the technology to leave it right this sequence of stories oh man I was enthralled as I was looting everything and listen to these tapes that I was Finding as I was looting really really cool idea really cool system love this so one they'll give you lore two they'll start quests sometimes so you'll find one there will be some information that starts a quest for you whenever you see one of these loot it every single time these have zero weight so you can carry them around for as long as you want there's no downside to it so don't worry if you start collecting a ton of these have zero weight just remember the books though they do have weight right mass5 so you're going to want to sell those books I don't think there's any reason to hold on to them after you found them I haven't found one yet anyway next you have your resources this is like aluminum drilling rig if it's a crafting resource of any type it's going to come into this tab and this is probably going to if you're someone that enjoys mining or drilling or gathering this is going to be a place where it's really hard on your mass and it's going to send you into an over encumbered State pretty often this is where that problem is going to come from if you're an enjoyer of collecting things the easiest way to deal with that is one you have storage in your ship you can store things in your ship and your ship will fill up really fast but you can add more cargo Space by going into the ship building system or buying a ship with more storage space we'll get all into that in this ship section of this video don't worry there's another thing you can do in the lodge you'll get a bedroom and in your bedroom you'll have a safe and as far as I know you can put infinite amounts of material in there however the downside is I don't think when you're crafting it draws from that safe so you're going to have to remember that you put a bunch of stuff in there so if you ever have stuff but you have nowhere to put it as a last resort you can go to your bedroom store everything in you're safe there I know that crafting will pull from your ship and you can also sell from your ship's cargo so if you can it's better to have items on your ship and in your cargo but if you put it in your bedroom and you're on another planet and you want to set up an outpost well you can't use all those materials that you put in your bedroom safe whereas you can build an outpost with items that are on your ship again again here you can see this item I stole it from somebody oops right uh no big deal nobody cares but if you end up with tons and tons of stolen materials on you or your ship this is the downside of having these red items on you or having a lot of them on you at any moment you or your ship the one time I was playing somehow it had been 30 minutes 40 minutes since my last save and I had done a lot of stuff and then I accidentally committed a crime and they're like okay we're going to take your stolen item and I was like no problem the list of things that he confiscated from me starts going up on the screen it's just the scrolling list and I realized I had a ton of stolen stuff like a ton of stolen stuff like really valuable he was taking a lot from me because of this one tiny mistake where I grabbed like a coffee cup off a table on accident in front of somebody and they were like hey and then they reported me to security right so be careful having too many red items on you you might want to consider storing these somewhere else or you might want to consider using them or otherwise making sure that they aren't confiscated I'll go over what happens when you get caught stealing and all this stuff and thieving section of the video If you do accidentally commit a crime and it's not convenient to load your last save and while we're on that topic save often save often manual save quick save memorize your quick save button and hit it often you won't regret it it's real easy to do something that you didn't intend to do in this game whether it's pick up an object that is considered stolen sometimes that will leave you with the option to either kill everybody in the building that you're trying to help or let them kill you and go to your last save so if your last save was a long time ago that sucks so save often save save save then here under missile aneous miscellaneous it's mostly junk but only mostly junk I feel like this game really benefit and mods will probably do it if theth it doesn't but it could really benefit from a separate tab called Junk or a separate tab items that are useful for nothing but selling right we really need one of those tabs in this game and right now it's not there this tab is almost that right except for the fact that it's got things like artifacts in here which are really important it's got things like digipics when I first started playing the game I saw this this one full of plates coffee cups and I was like oh this is the junk tab so I opened it up and I just sold everything in it and then the next thing I knew when I was out and I found a chest that I needed to lockpick I had no more digipics and I was like what happened to all my digipics well your digipics these are your lockpicks they were in this category so when I went and sold it all I lost all my digipics right so I feel like the game probably throws too many things into miscellaneous so you have to be real careful when selling your miscellaneous items yes you want to sell a antique video tape because you have no other reason to have it no you don't want to sell your digipics right because you need those and then lastly you could choose to view all viewing all can be really nice because like we kind of touched on earlier if you want to sort by value so you could sell something really valuable or if you want to sort by mass so you could get rid of the heavy things maybe you want to make sure you sell the heaviest stuff first because you're having inventory problems and you don't want to get rid of anything but you definitely want to fix your weight problems then sort by mass and make sure you sell all the heavy stuff first get that out of your inventory then down here below you've got credits this will show you how many credits you have so far we're at almost half a million here and we've got a mass of 233 out of 235 like I said I'm always full in this game I did make a spaceship though with tons and tons of inventory man I added so many cargo Bays to this thing so I can go dump all of that into my ship and I'll be right as rain but that covers the inventory I think that's everything you need to know about the inventory and how that works down here in the bottom you've got some hot keys for system set course and back system is this it's your menu screen just in case you're wondering set course is going to set you on the course of whatever objective you have set at the moment right so right now Supra ET Ultra it's register for the Vanguard it's a very early quest you can say set course to that thing and it will do that this is going to be how you find quests in the game which is one of the most confusing things to do early on so I'm going to devote like a whole section to quests and how you find them and how do you get around which I'll do in an upcoming section here next we have our ship you've got the name of your ship this is one that I commandeered I found it and took it I killed the people on board and made it mine because it was way better than the ship I had which was sweet and then it tells you the class A and the higher the class the higher your pilot scills need to be in order to fly the ship so this is Class A which means it's something that just about anybody could fly it can hold up to four crew members so you can assign crew members to certain stations to get their benefits right your crew members have Perks like you have perks or skills right a crew member might have a skill instead of scanning like I've got right here it might have a thing that says that they're better at ballistics and so your ballistics on your ship would be better right so that's kind of going to be how you choose your crew which we'll get into that don't worry then you've got hole your hole's Health this is the health of your ship if it's at 100% your ship's health is at full before an enemy can damage your hole they have to deplete your Shields your Shields will recharge automatically anytime they don't take damage for a little while your hole will not heal automatically right that's the difference between your hole and your Shields your hole has to be manually healed by either you or buy an NPC at a landing site or if you go to like some kind of ship Bay will often times be an NPC there that can repair your ship for you and it's very cheap to do so so always repair your ship with the NPC rather than repairing your ship with the ship repair kits because the ship repair kits are infinitely harder to come by something to note there so we click on the ship here here is the ship that I'm using right now it's got this reactor the reactor is what decides how much energy it has to dispense right in order to put higher quality components on this ship I need better quality reactor so if I want to put a more powerful grab jump I'm probably going to need a more powerful reactor it says we've got a crew of four I can assign four people to four different stations on this thing and it can jump 22 light years there is a quest that requires you to be able to jump at least 21 Lighty years that's the only Quest I've had to do so far that had like a minimum threshold for Lighty years that I didn't at first meet so just be aware of that you probably will want to be able to get at least 21 Lighty years out of your ship at some point it's pretty late in the game so don't worry about it early on but so far that was the one Benchmark I had to meet with my jumps and then your Shield right this is the health the enemy has to destroy before they can start actually hurting your ship then you've got your particle weapons your ballistics and your missiles how much damage each of those do this ship is worth 138,000 its mass is 1,125 now in the ship's case the mass is not your carry capacity that's listed up here so at the top we've got fuel which determines like how far you can go in combination with your grab jump and then you've got your hole which is your health and then your cargo capacity 1,611 out of 2760 right we've got that and then shielded capacity zero which means unfortunately I cannot safely hide any of those items with a gold stolen marker on them I can't hide them from Authority is if I ever grab jump into their system they're going to scan me and they're going to see it right away and if they do they're going to tell me that hey we're going to confiscate that so they're going to find me take those items and every other item that I have that's stolen away from me and that's where the real pain in getting caught comes from it's not losing the gold items it's losing every single red item that you had it can be a bit of a pain however I will say maybe get caught once because maybe there's a cool Quest that happens when you get caught once possibly no spils just saying you know try everything once in this game even if you save right before you do it just in case there's a really cool quest line locked behind it then at the top here you can see particle ballistics missile engine Shield graph and the more points you put into any of these things the stronger they are you can take points out of this system and put it into Shield or you could take points out of engine and put it into missile or ballistics right but you can't put more points into them than they are capable of using this particle weapon is kind of weak right only three bars of power can be put into there in order to replace it if we hover over it right here it is see it lighting up down there Little Weapon right here so in order to be able to put more points into that I would have to replace that that with a better particle weapon in the ship Builder here right I think that the ship building system and the ship parts system and the ship flying I think this is going to be the most confusing part of the whole game for a lot of people once they understand skills this is going to be the next kind of big hurdle you know what am I allowed to do and why am I allowed to do it and how important is all of it and how does it work right I think that's going to be like the most confusing thing so we're going to cover that now below select system you can hover over this bar and it tells you what your reactor is it's a Class A reactor if you want to put better components on your ship then you're going to need a better reactor to power them right your reactor is supplying power and really good components like really good engines really good weapons these things are going to require more power than a low tier reactor is going to be able to provide so just be aware if you go and start swapping out pieces on your ship a lot of times one of the hurdles you're going to have is you'll put a new item on and it'll be like oh well now your reactor is not good enough and you'll put a new item on it'll be like oh now you waigh too much and you need better engines right and it's very much a domino effects where you replace one thing and it's going to require you to place another thing fortunately they've got a really cool system in here that's going to help us kind of figure that out before I jump into the nitty-gritty of the ship though let's talk about the other buttons here you can inspect it right that's just going to let you look at the ship this is basically just you know kind of a cosmetic looks kind of thing then you've got crew here you can check out your crew who's assigned to what remember when I was talking about what they have that is applicable so you can see here I slotted Sarah Morgan because she's got astrodynamics I slotted Sam Co cuz he's got piloting and payload perks here and then I slotted Rafael because he's got engineering so all these people are giving me these little extra perks for my character Barrett would be a good one to slot too because he's got Starship engineering particle beam weapon system so even if you don't want Barrett following you around when you're out in the system running around on a planet right you can assign him to your ship so he just rides around in your ship and he mans one of the posts and he's going to give you these perks if I wanted to slot Barrett what I could do is you can see you press e to assign you press R to unassign so I would click on rafhael press R here whatever that button is on console and then you click confirm and then you click on to Barrett and you assign him and there you go now Barrett is a crew member on the ship so it's real easy to come in here and again when you're ready for that it's really easy to get to it ship crew that's how you get to it click on your ship right here click on your crew and you can change these people out anytime you want you can also filter by the ship you can also filter by Outpost who's on what Outpost we'll do an out post section later in the video then next you can see the cargo hold of your ship so you can see everything that your ship is holding on to here all of the stuff in my ship likewise and just as important as seeing everything that your ship is holding on to right like this ship has 41 weapons just sitting on it right I'm saving those for various reasons most of them are just being saved to sell we can also though just as important is we can click inventory now we are looking at our inventory this is my inventory of my character and the great thing about this is I can go resources and then I can click right here store all boom now all those resources are on my ship and not on my character my characters Mass just went from 233 to 193 right my inventory problem is immediately getting improved and I could do that with extra weapons that I don't need right like uh I'm going to just sell these eventually when I have a chance because you can sell from your ship this is why it's great to have things on your ship because if it's on your ship you can still sell it now we're down to 174 really quickly fixing that inventory problem we had just by clicking on our cargo hold now you don't have to come here to get to your cargo hold you can also get to your cargo hold by being in your ship and opening up your inventory in there and there will be a button to get to it there's lots of ways to get to that screen but one of the ways is simply by just clicking ship carg hold make sure you double check which inventory you're looking at because on more than one occasion since this looks identical save for the text at the top I have been transferring items the wrong direction and it says inventory here and it says spaceship here and it's like wait which one am I am I looking at you're looking at the one that's listed at the top this button will take you to your inventory now it would take you back to your ship now you're can to take you to the inventory right just kind of be aware of that little slightly confusing Factor before we get into the weeds of ship building let's cover some more of these topical points that we can cover a lot faster so to finish out our UI on this menu screen right here you've got your name your level and your XP right here if you ever want to see how close you are to leveling at a glance you can see right here I'm like 95% done leveling there's this little gray bar at the end how close I am to leveling so if I was ever curious like and I just want to see it at a glance okay next let's go over your star map this is going to be a really important section the first map so if you're on a planet and you open your star map you're going to see this another way to get here is just by pressing M right it's a quick key to your star map there's actually a quick key at least on PC probably on Console also you can get to your inventory and one click just by pressing I you can get to your map by pressing m p to get to your skills but if we open up the star MC we can use this to one fast travel to places right here we can just click on it it'll ask you do you want to fast travel to the location yes so you can fast travel another way to fast travel like if you're going somewhere on the same Planet you can open up your scanner and look at the symbol and that'll let you fast travel so if I click there says fast travel to the select location yes I can click on this one fast travel to that location yeah so you can just use that to get around to places that you've already been you do have to have been there so if it's white you can fast travel to it if it's gray like this icon that means you've not been there and you can't fast travel to it yet so this is your map of the area here when you're on a planet you do not get to run for Infinity a lot of people were wondering can you run all the way around the planet like start in one spot run all the way around come back on the other side and get to back where you started no there is a limit to how far you can go now I have never run into that border in my first 40 hours of play and I have run a long way from my ship so I think the size of these zones on each planet is both significant and sufficient think about landing on the moon in real life if you were to land on the moon and you started running around the moon it's going to mostly look exactly the same the whole way around with the exception of a few key points of interest in this game more so than in real life right because in this game there's going to be unknown locations for you to visit there's going to be buildings abandoned facilities there's going to be anomalies there's going to be caves right whereas in real life really you're just going to be looking at the exact same thing for the days weeks months and years it takes you to walk all the way around it not a big loss in my opinion not being able to walk around these planets and more focusing all the points of interest kind of like in a location around that Landing site but here's what you can do though if you hover over this point of Interest here it shows you all the places you can go there now that hexagon means I have a quest there that I can do the blue one means that I'm tracking that Quest that I could do so that's the quest I'm tracking this is just another generic Quest that I have and could do in those places right we click on this there's no Quest that I'm doing there's nothing Tak me there but I did discover this Outpost I do know about it so I could click on it and fast travel to it right and I could click on any of these and fast travel to them as well so just clicking on a place on a planet lets you fast travel there now let's say you wanted to travel to somewhere that wasn't on this planet or this Moon something farther away so you back one more time which on PC is tap now we're zoomed out a little more now we can see all the planets in this solar system we could go to this place we could click on this planet and it'll zoom in on that planet and we can look at the points of interest that we have found there so far this doesn't mean that these are the only ones just means that's what we know of right now so that's how you can travel around the solar system you just click on a plays and then you could say set course and you can fast travel to that location let's say we wanted to fast travel to this moon right and this Moon we don't have any locations on it so we'll just fast travel there yes this is going to put us through a load screen now we are here looking at this Moon and not much to it right now we can scan it we can see what resources it's got helium 3 and iron on it okay nice nice it's got an extreme environment so we know a little bit about it by scanning it now that we're here we'll hide the resources then you can click anywhere you want and try to land on it if you're on PC I've noticed game was definitely made with Xbox UI in mind first so if you're on PC there's a little bit of funkiness to some of the UI that I'm sure will be cleaned up in future patches if you click on a planet to try to land on it and it's not doing anything you might have to click a few times to get it to like show up okay so now we click land and now we're going to go through a cut scene to land right so Landing is a cut scene taking off is a cut scene sometimes it'll make you watch the cut scene sometimes it won't if you've already been there before it'll generally let you skip the cut scene so we're on this planet we can exit the ship and now that we're here on this new planet we can open up our scanner and we can find the points of interest okay there's one uh what else we got out here anything on the other side of the ship maybe yeah oh there's another one it says unknown let's scan it a structure another one over there unknown that's a structure right so there's actually quite a few different things we could go find we open up the map now and we can see here we are here's this one place we found here's another one so here's some key points of interest still tons for us to go and explore and once we've been to those places we could come back here and fast travel to any of them at a future time so now let's get in our ship and take off so to get in your ship and take off you're always going to enter through your little Bay although you can skip this step once you know you're familiar with like all the controls and stuff you can either walk up and actually do it or you can just fast travel from outside your ship you don't ever have to like go in in your ship except for a few situations where if you are docked onto some space station it might not let you travel until you detach from that space station it'll be like you got to detach from the station you have to undock before you can fast travel like okay fine I'll get in my ship and undock and then fast travel but you can come up to this right when you get to the entry Bay here you can either board or go straight to the cockpit most times you'll probably just want to go straight to your cockpit so you hit that button and from here you can take off so we hold that button down we're going to take off it's a space bar on PC it's going to tell you what button it is on console and you're going to get this nice little animation that takes you off into space as it loads that new area this is basically a load screen and we're back in space now when we look at this planet we've got this one Landing site that we have been to and that we've explored so we could fast travel straight there in the future if we wanted to now that's how you go around from one place to another in a solar system what if you want to go somewhere even farther away right because there's a lot more than just this solar system in the game so we Tab out one more time or go back and here are tons of different solar systems that we could travel to right Lighty years apart and in order to get to these the white ones will be the ones You' visited and the red ones will be the ones you haven't visited so if you hover over one and it'll tell you if you can get there there's some information right here it says this is a level 40 area this is a level 55 area see how it says that in the top left this is a level 45 area so as you start getting to more and more difficult places you'll notice that and that's basically how it works like as you move from left to right things start getting higher and higher level getting harder and harder to get to requiring bigger and bigger jumps okay so if we wanted to go to one of these other systems we could let's go to Soul okay we click on soul and then we can pick where we want to go once we get here now anytime you go from one system to another system that's when you're going to get scanned right if you have Contraband on you harvested organs from some person or some drug or some weapon if you have cont Contra band on you that's hype when you're going from one system to another that's when you're going to get scanned it's that jump right there once you're in a system moving around in that system you're mostly safe but when you leave one and go to another it's always upon entering watch we'll trigger it right now we'll teleport to this system we'll go to Mars okay like course jump we're going to do our grab jump get a nice little cut scene okay now right here it tells you entering patrolled area no Contraband on ship wait for scan scan in progress no Contraband on ship scan pass okay so we passed the scan if we had any Contraband they would have been like Hey sir we need you to come with us and you're like okay or you can say die scum and then like 30 ships will attack you I don't know how many it is it's a lot it's not a decision you would want to take lightly so in the event that you jump into an area and you find that you have Contraband or you remember oh man I forgot I picked up some Contraband and I didn't drop it off somewhere you're not totally doomed you can immediately open your inventory go to your cargo holds go to your inventory now for from here let's say that this space suit was the Contraband it's not but we could put it in there and then we can go back to the ship's inventory from here we can click on space suits let's say it was this suit right here that was the Contraband we can down here jettison but you can only jettison an item if it's in the ship's hold not if it's in your inventory so if you're carrying it you have to open your menu put the item into your ship and then from your ship you have to jettison the item out this this is important this is going to happen to you you're going to find one of those Contraband items you're going to pick it up saying oh yeah I'll just deal with it before I change systems you'll forget and the downside is like I said they take everything they take those items but they also take every stolen item from you and they also find you and they might also start a quest line nudge nudge wink wink so it's not the end of the world if you get caught but if you find yourself in a situation where you're like oh man I don't want to go back to the last save it's way too long ago and I don't want to lose everything on me right now you can just jettison the one items or two items that are Contraband if you want to there's a lot of Contraband in the game you'll see it fairly often it sells pretty well way better than pretty much anything else but also in the grand scheme of things it's not that big a deal if you have to jettison a little bit to save your last 30 or 40 minutes of progress so that's how jettisoning works and it's really useful when boarding into a system and you see that thing coming up saying you're getting scanned and you realize oh man okay so you panic and you just jettison now that we passed the scan though we're here we can choose to go anywhere we want in the system we went straight to Mars and we could choose to go here because look we have a hexagon that means that there's a quest there we could go knock out or we could choose to go to one of these other locations so that's how you travel from one solar system to another and that's the one thing you kind of have to be wary of when traveling from one solar system to another is you are going to get scanned every time you enter and if you have Contraband can be kind of a pain in the butt either don't pick up the Contraband until you're ready to offload it somewhere safe or you have a safe way to hide from the authorities because you built it into your ship at the shipyard anytime you are orbiting a planet you can press R and show the resources occasionally there will be a button there it says new info available if you scan it again so you know if you see that do it you might learn something new might find a new cave a new place you can visit or maybe some new materials or traits on that planet you can hop from one place in the solar system to another without getting scanned so if we jump to Jupiter we can do that and we're not going to get scanned again cuz we already got scanned coming in this is why I say you only really have to worry about it when you're changing solar systems if you're trying to go somewhere another thing you can do just like when you're on a planet and you open up your scanner you can teleport to a place well same thing here if you open the scanner and you press your scan button which is E on PC it's going to bring this up and it says Mission hold down R so if we hold R it's going to automatically fast travel us to that Quest right now we're grab jumping there so that's another way like if you don't want to go through the whole map system you can just point and click you go oh I want to go to that marker right there and you can do the same thing here I can say F scan and it'll be like open planet map yeah and I want to go here it won't let me fast travel right now because I was being scanned but now scanning is over and I would be able to fast travel onto the planet like a little Landing there okay next let's talk about companions really quick companions are pretty straightforward each of them has their own personality their own likes and dislikes and basically what you do is right here it says wait here a moment if you're talking to to a companion that is already following you if it's a companion that's not following you what you can instead do is tell it to join you and whichever one's following you will stay back at the lodge or back on the ship depending on where you have them stationed and the new companion will follow you around so she's already following me so I could tell her to wait here a moment which is great to do if Sarah for instance she really has a strong moral compass if you do something bad in front of her she's not going to like it but she's also a very likable character so you may want her to like you you may want to try to flirt with her you may want to stay on her good side whatever you Tred to do with her you might have to sometimes do something she's not going to like or maybe that's going to be in the best interest of your mission right and so what you could do is you could say wait here a moment you could go inside the room or the building and leave her behind kill who you have to kill say what you have to say things that normally cause her to dislike you for a moment or would at least slightly reduce your report with her so that's when you would use wait here a moment you know you're about to do something she's not going to like kind of leave her behind for a second without replacing her or removing her from you you just remember to go back and grab her again when you're done doing it you can talk to them ask them questions get to know them it's another way to get to know better get their lore sometimes to improve your rapport with them say things that they like or say things that they might even love and then also occasionally your companions will have something for you they'll find something along the way they'll grab something along the way that they think you might like so in this case we can say hey do you have something for me if that dialogue option is there that means they have something for you and they'll also say it out loud like when you get on your ship she'll say hey I've got something for you and so that's your cute when you have a chance talk to her and say hey what do you got for me and she says yep I got it so nutrient sap added just a nice little thing little nutrient there for me it's not usually something super major lifechanging but just something small and helpful the best thing about the companion though is the ability to trade Gear with them they are essentially an extra body to store gear on they can hold a weight of 135 so right now she's got two I've emptied her out pretty good and so I can put a ton of stuff on her the next time I go out I can put 133 or so weight on her so that I don't get encumbered or as soon as I start getting encumbered I could toss it on her right very familiar if you've played previous Bethesda games same system there and it's still amazing to have them around for the reason for that reason in fact I would argue that that is their most useful ability is their ability to carry your burdens and then like we touched on earlier if you go to your ship and you go to crew you can look at all of the companions that you found so far or your crew as it were and you can look at where you have them assigned sometimes they're going to be assigned to a Outpost sometimes they'll be assigned to your ship the ecliptic combat that's the ship I stole so that's what that stands for ecliptic combat is my ship so those people are assigned to it these people are unassigned and like I touched on earlier where you assign your companions and your crew is going to depend on their skills that they have so if you see like four in something thing or if you see foreign piloting you're like hey man that sounds nice let's put that guy in the ship so that we can pilot better or so Lynn here for instance she's got a skill for Outpost management so you might want to stick her at an outpost let her manage that thing Barrett you might want to assign to your ship so that you have better particle beam weapon systems right it's a really really cool system with the companions what they've done here you can do some pretty cool stuff you can get a lot of uses out of them now with the ability to sign them to your ship and to Outpost as well as to have one follow you around all the time and you do get the option to flirt with the companions you'll see it it'll be in Brackets before the sentence that you're about to say it'll say flirt and you can say that thing if you want to try to maybe push your relationship with that companion to the next level okay now let's go over how lockpicking Works in Starfield you'll see something like this a safe cabinet anything like that a door and it'll say unlock and then below that in parentheses it'll say the difficulty so if it's novice you can unlock it without having security as a skill but in order to unlock anything beyond novice you're going going to have to put points into security so if having to walk by things that you wish you could open and see what's inside it's going to bother you make sure you put some points into security and level that up and it's better to do it earlier than later if you're going to do it so if you're going to do it commit to it early because there's challenges each step of the way where you need to open these safes in order to level up to the next level so you're going to interact with it your Digi pick is going to come out you're going to have to collect digipics these are like lockpicks that you would collect in any other game and so as long as you have a digii available you will be able to lockpick so there's a lot of information being given to you right away with these digit piics and the lockpick mechanisms here first of all we can see this is Advanced these are all the different picks that we're going to have to be able to slot into these holes here basically what you're trying to do is fill it up so you want to fill every hole with these so you're going to twist them around and line them up okay so if we did this this would fill these two holes and this one would fill these two holes so all of these holes would be filled if we use just these two right here another piece of information being given to you that's not obvious at all is that the line around the outside is blue which means this will fit somewhere in here it doesn't necessarily mean it's the one you should use but it means it will fit if we click on this one here it says that it will work in the inner one see how it's blue and this one's blue but if we click here the inner one is white the outer one is blue so it would only work on the outer ring so you don't have to worry about saving it for the inner ring so this one worked for the outer ring only that means we want to use it out here right and so we'll go ahead and use those now we can see by clicking on these again which ones are viable options so this we can just ignore right it's white it doesn't fit on there we don't have to sit here twisting it around trying to figure out where it goes this one fits this one fits and this one fits no so there's a lot of options here for so let's see what it wants us to do this one here would go here this one would go there but that's conflicting with the other one and this one doesn't fit this one doesn't fit so it looks like the only way to do this would be to go like this so this one's getting these two here and this one's getting these two here and open it now before I open this let's talk about some stuff that you have down here if you are leveling up security you're going to get these things called Auto slots these would be wise to use when there's an advanced lock and it starts right away and you have a mechanism that will work on like the first layer the second the third and the fourth layer right there's tons of layers where that one is viable and you're not sure should I use it now or do I need to save it for later in order to successfully get all the way down to the bottom of this and so against those tougher ones you can say okay just tell me one of the ones that works right now and it will do that for you you can also tell it to eliminate all unused keys so if there's one that you're not supposed to use all the way through it you can eliminate all the keys with this button here however this is going to expend a digic so you're going to consume one of your digipics now digipics are fairly rare but they're not super rare if you are a very thorough scavenger you will find lots of them and I have typically found as many as I need but just barely so I'm never sitting on like 20 digipics I am usually finding one or finding two and then I'm finding two Locker soap and then I'm finding another couple and then finding another couple Locker soap and right it's pretty balanced in terms of how many you find and how many things you find to unlock so you will go through them so use them sparingly especially use this ability sparingly if you do decide to use it I found that you know it's easier than doing this is just do a quick save right before you try to unlock one of these things and then worse comes to worse if you fail it you don't have to waste one of your keys you can just reload your last save real quick so try to get in the habit of Saving right before you do one of these just in case you're low on digipics and you have one because you know that kind of feels bad you can also choose to undo so if I had a Digi to use I don't because I used my last digic to pick this lock but if I had another one available I could use a digic to pull one out maybe I was like oh man I'm so far into this I wish I could just undo my last move you can do that that you can undo your last move for the cost of one digit pick generally that's not worth it because unless you know for sure that that one undo is going to save the entire attempt otherwise you might be wasting that one and the one that you spent getting into it right so you're going to be wasting a lot of keys for a failed attempt which isn't good so just for science here though we're going to go ahead and hit Auto slot we'll hit this one just so you see what happens here I'm going to spin these all away from the position and it's going to automatically put this one there boom and like I said you want to use that earlier than later you can store more and more of these based on your security level so at low security levels you can't store very many Auto slots but later on you will be able to store up to four or five I forget the exact number it tells you in the description here and so make sure you're using them because it does cap out and then you're just kind of wasting your time thinking about picking lucks that you could potentially just bypass by using your auto slot early on and make it a lot easier save you a bunch of time so make sure to use them it does cap out on the number of charges you can store anyway so let's see what's inside here and this one has some ammo heart plus a med pack and two and nice man nice so we found some cool stuff in here oh and there's a new digipack sitting right next to it see how that works a lot of times you'll find a Digi pick just before just after opening one of these kind of keeping you barely stucked up on having them so now I'll be able to find one at the next thing I go to it doesn't always work out that way but this time it did another thing to be aware of is your jetpack how it works how you get it so basically what you're going to do is you're going to get a jetpack given to you as part of the main story really early on you'll get it you can't miss it so don't worry about getting it you'll get it right away but you will need to have the perk boost pack training right you got to have level one of that in order to use your jetpack so they might very well give it to you before you have this unlocked and you won't even be able to use it so make sure you grab this early on that's another one that's just you got to get it if you want to be able to do the fun things also you only need one point into that so you know don't stress about getting all the points just make sure you get one point into it earlier than later another thing that's really nice about this game is grappling you can grapple onto objects to climb up them so if I want to get up on this my character will reach out grab it and pull me up put our weapon away here so you maybe can see it better so if we jump the hands come out this is really nice especially when you're on a planet with stronger gravity so your jetpack becomes a bit less useful in terms of getting up to those higher places that you need to get to you will probably at some point decide that you need some more healing kits they are pretty scarce out in the wild especially if you start pushing into higher level content early on so if you need more of those come to Reliant Medical it's that symbol right there and talk to a doctor and he will be able to heal you if you ask him for help he'll heal you up you can say I could use some medical supplies I could even get rid of my alien DNA if I wanted to I'm okay with having it though I don't mind it so I say I need help doc so we'll say I could use some medical supplies and here you'll be able to buy the thing that you need the most commonly used for me has been the med pack this is going to restore 30% of your health in my case around 300 HP whereas the food I find gives somewhere between 1 and 12 most often so that's pretty huge getting 300 HP so this is very effective to have around he's only selling six of them right so it is a finite Supply but you can come back and check after he restocks and you can visit other Reliant Medical Centers in other towns as well and here's what the building looks from the outside okay the next thing we'll talk about is going to be enhanced this is where you can come and change your character's appearance so just look for enhance here and neon it's pretty easy to find you just head down the middle strip you've got Reliant Medical right there you've got enhance right here along with a bunch of other shops that are pretty handy and you talk to the lady inside and it's only going to cost you 500 credits to change your appearance now you will want to take off your clothing or your under suit before you come in here if you want to be able to see your character's face so we'll come in here we'll take this off now we should be able to adjust our character's appearance and there we go now we can see our character we can change his look his face his body body you know change that body shape if we want to make him look a little different uh the world is your oyster here so have fun with that and just in case you need to refer back to this later because you're trying to find neon but you don't remember where it is cuz neon does have some really important places and you're going to be coming back here often it's going to be in the Vol 2 system so look for that on the map right there Vol 2 if you're ever on this map looking for the lodge it's going to be here in Alpha centai come here click on gemson and it's going to be here just in case you open up the map at some point you're like wait how do I get back where I came from I know that happened to me a few times when I first started playing all right let's talk about your quests or in this game as they're called your different missions you can filter your quests if you want to by all by main quests by faction by miscellaneous by Mission and by activity you've got your main quests all these here that you can do there's not just one main quest because sometimes there will be multiple different paths you can go multiple directions you can go with your main quest then you've got your faction Quest Quest this is going to be different factions different quest lines that you can do throughout the game sometimes it's maybe a gang or a fleet or an authority or all kinds of different types of factions that you'll run into and be able to work alongside for some kind of payoff at the end if you start one of these that means it's probably going to be a pretty substantial Quest chain if it has its own symbol it's a big thing it's a long Quest chain for either a faction a company or something like that right next you've got miscellaneous these are kind of like side quests a lot of times these feel like side quests than any other game not to be discounted though they can be pretty fun pretty interesting pretty rewarding same with missions these are going to be random missions from your consolation group to like find things out in the game says locate right locate these things then there's activities activities are not to be underestimated they look pretty dull here go talk to this guy go talk to that guy right go talk to that guy they look pretty dull at first glance it says speak to bog how do I compare that to a faction mission where I'm doing this that and the other thing right well activities can lead to some really spectacular things so don't write them off definitely do them some of the best content in the game is locked behind some of these really random activities you'll start one and then it'll start some crazy Quest chain some crazy place so don't underestimate the activities like you'll be walking through the street and you'll overhear someone say something and you don't even have to accept it it just Boop it pops it here into your activities list go talk to this person you overheard someone say this you overheard someone say that right you're going to get lots of activities that you can go do if you're a completionist like me this means you're going to be busy for a long long time I have been trying to do every everything that I find in this game and look how behind I am I'm 40 hours in and I've still got so much to do I started pushing the main quest a little bit because I wanted to understand the game as much as possible and unlock some of the later systems so that I could explain them to you here so I did follow behind on some of these activities more than I probably would have if I wasn't on a mission to make this video for you guys so these activities sometimes are really quick little side quests and sometimes these open up some of the most interesting side quest with some of the most interesting rewards so don't ignore the activities that's all all I'm going to say the quests in this game are just so fantastic and so fun I'm going to say that about all of this stuff man do it all in at least one of your playthroughs try to hit everything because you never know what you're missing there's some really cool stuff out there in this game so that's the different types of quests that you have so let's pick an innocuous one here to try to avoid spoilers speak to bug okay if I wanted to go do the bug Quest by clicking on it it's now the active by the way see how this turned blue if I click this and click here this one's blue that means this is the Quest that's being tracked this Quest chain right here is being tracked if I click on this one here this is blue so this Quest chain is being tracked so if we do this and it says speak to bog I can press R right I don't need to know where that's at doesn't matter how I get there with my map right I don't have to open the star map and then sort through all of the galaxies and all of the solar systems and then fast travel there I can just hit this button here set course and it's going to take me there right I'm already on this planet coincidentally it says you need to go to the lodge that's the closest wayp point to have me land and it's going to set me there in that zone so that I can do that Quest and now I just kind of spin around and there's the quest marker right there there's the one I'm trekking so I would just run to that right and that's how easy it is to track quests in this game it's not the most intuitive thing right off the bat but as soon as like it clicks and you understand it hopefully me explaining kind of made it click you know you just open it up click on it now let's say I wanted to do this one here I'm going to click on it right and I click set course says set course to Montara Luna yes now look we're traveling across the Galaxy here right so we're jumping hold that down and it takes us right there we're changing solar systems so they're doing a scan on us we're waiting for that scan to complete we got 20 XP cuz it's our first time flying to this place but we've got two things we could do from this point we could press L on PC and it takes us back to this menu here and we can say set course again and now it's going to actually land us right because we had to get scanned coming in so we couldn't just go straight to the planet now we're on the planet and there's a quest here to do so there's going to be a lot of load screens in this game leaving planets coming to planets changing solar systems so you know kind of get comfortable with that and the easiest way to cut some of the load screens out is to fast travel from where you're standing so rather than boarding your ship manually you can save yourself load screen or two by simply saying I want to go here set course right now by going straight there we skipped the load screen getting onto the ship we skipped the animation taking off we are now landed and we're on that planet boom look at that we skipped the grab jump cut scene we skipped the landing cut scene and now we're in neon so using fast travel can save you a lot of cutcenes if you do it right rather than manually getting into the ship and then manually taking off and then manually changing solar systems manually right take advantage of the Fast Travel thing it's going to save you so much time and it's going to cut a lot of load screens out if you enjoy the load screens and you enjoy that feeling of flying from one place to another hey live your best life but if you want to cut out a few load screens later in the game this is the way to do it now if I'm trying to go to Fain here I click on it here's some information it's telling me it's going to take four jumps my jump range on my ship is 22 light years and the distance is 75 so as long as no single jump is greater than 22 Lighty years because that's the range of my ship I can get there if this last jump had been 23 it would have said oh you can't make it to fman it also tells you what your fuel consumption is here so if you try to go somewhere really far away even then I'm only using 199 out of my 550 fuel consumption I can't do this jump because I need to go one at a time so what happens here is from here to here I can't do this because I've never been here so I would have to go here and then after going there manually I could go to the next place and then I could go to the next place right I'd have to do these jumps manually one at a time for the first time see those Place unlock that place and then I can jump to the place beyond it if you see a red line like this all that means is you need to go to the first spot that's red jump there manually unlock it then from there you can jump to the next one that was red and then the next one and so on if you encounter that problem trying to jump it says unexplored route you just got to manually explore it first take a look at it put your eyes on that solar system jump to the next one when that's the case it's pretty clear it says you have not explored every system along this route and then right here it says unexplored route right so it's telling you that's what you got to do all right and I think that covers everything for the star map how it works how you fast travel in this game how to get around right getting around is really easy once you get used to it doing your missions is real easy once you get used to using this coming in here you can only track one at a time so just kind of be aware of that if you click on this all your tracking is this one that's the only one that's going to show up right here it's got the little ship symbol on the blue thing telling me hey you need to go back to your ship to do this one we do but we don't right because we could just hit set course and we can tell it to go there and land right we don't actually have to go back to the ship we could just fast travel skip the running to the ship skip the takeoff animations skip the grab jump animation skip the land animation skip all of that so earlier we touched on on the power of the scanner right you can use it to fast travel you open up the scanner and then you can fast travel places but what we didn't touch on was the stuff you can do with it besides fast travel so what you can do is run up to things and scan them and this is going to be how you fully survey your planet you just kind of scan this thing here there we just moved it up from 50 to 63% scan oh my God so we got to put that away and uh there we go okay so we scanned that bad boy make sure and then we can go get the stuff uh we could scan this mineral there we go um we can scan these sunflowers 133% scanned now because we scanned one all right and scan this thing here that went from 25 to 38 right and we're filling it up slowly filling up our completion of scanning this area so that's one reason to use the scanner another thing is down at the bottom you can see it says show resources which is what you know if we're looking at a rock or something it'll say uh let's see show resources and if we're looking at an animal it'll say social so it'll tell you is it temperamental like is it going to attack you and it tells you right there temperament territorial resource amino acids biome swamp Hill savan right so all those cool things that's the scanner next so we have surface map that's how we can get to this map right here if we want to next to that you have photo mode so you can use this to take pictures if you want and finally we can adjust the zoom all right but let's go back to Outpost all right so another thing you can do with the scanner is make Outpost so we can start one and rotate it you know move it here go set it there set it here so we'll put it right here you can get extractors so on this planet we can extract a couple of things water and aluminum aluminum is not a bad one to extract you're going to need it you'll notice there on the left it tells you what materials you need to craft this item and aluminum if we cycle through them you'll notice that aluminum is a pretty common one I just went and grabbed a bunch of aluminum so I could kind of showcase this for you here so as an example let's go ahead and make a water extractor the water extractor requires power in order to function build a power source from the power category to provide this object with power okay so let's talk all through Power Okay so we've got solar array wind turbine power switch right so let's go ahead and make one of these solar arrays here let's get it rotated we won't much about the design here this is more of a howto than a look okay so don't judge um here goes there we go okay so now we have a power source you've powered your first object congratulations so the water is Excavating you know it's it's pulling out some water it says that this creates six power this uses five power so if we made another one of these we'd already be out of power we'd have to make another one so another thing we would want to make here is maybe have if we were going to be checking back up on this every once in a while we would maybe make a storage container for liqu liquid right because this is going to get a bunch of liquid we can also make structures so if you want to make a structure that you can get inside of you're going to need something like this right so we put this over here let's create the bigger section of it first and you can see a lot of these are requiring aluminum which is why I'm doing this here on this planet as an example because there was a lot of aluminum for me to grab and show you we can make a four wall habitat here so we'll put it right like this so we can click once to build it and click again to confirm and you kind of change the height of it here go like this now we've got a building right with no doors on it so what you can do at this point is add a door so that you can get in your newly created building and we'll go like this and we can attach it right here and now we have a building we have an airlock and we can put stuff in here you can put crafting stations research benches you know uh whatever you want to have at your little Outpost you can put these workbenches here um another thing that you can do is put turrets around your base in case it's attacked especially if you put it's very possible that your base could be attacked so you know not a bad idea to have some turret defenses now if we look at this it says power cost three it's grade out so we don't have the power for it right now we need power so let's let's go ahead and make another power source shall we and one thing that you can do if you want like an easier view is from here you can hit View mode down there it says hit V for View mode and you can kind of do a bird's eye view of your place while you're building in it so from here we can say um we needed more power so let's find the power again and let's make another one of these there we go now this guy has power operating cost three power and he is powered right so you could do that there's multiple types of power that you can make you have the solar array which makes six power you've got a wind turbine which you can make using different materials which will give you three you've got the fueled de generator which is going to give you a whopping 20 power looks like it need some tungsten which I don't happen to have with me right now I think I stored that somewhere else so a few different types of power each with their own uh costs associated with them depending on what you have you might lean to one or the other now our water pump has been hard at work here pumping pumping pumping so we can take that water we can take that and we could say inventory and we could store all of our water and it says it's at 7% capacity with 10 water in it this thing will keep making water and you can keep adding it to there if you don't want to hold it on you so if you're doing some crafting in this area and you need water or you know whatever it is you're pulling out of the ground it could be aluminum it could be water you know it could be nice to have these storage containers to kind of keep your character from having to find a place to put it or having to carry it around on your sh ship um if you know you're going to be digging up a lot of it so that's what the water storage is for if you want to be able to transfer items from your Outpost to your ship you know without having to do it manually you can use a transfer container you can build one of these set it down and this thing will basically allow you to be in your ship and just kind of grab items from here and vice versa in order to be able to build more Outpost there's a couple things that you can do so you've got Outpost engineering here and at rank one you can construct improved Outpost mod modules and research additional modules at a research lab at rank two you can research and construct Superior Outpost modules at rank three you can research and construct Cutting Edge Outpost modules and then at rank four Outpost modules now cost 50% fewer resources to build this is going to allow you to build your Outpost in less and less friendly habitats and biomes and things like that sometimes you get on a planet and the weather is particularly unfriendly this is what's going to let you know how to make an outpost in that on that planet so if you ever run into a situation where you try to make an outpost and you can't it's probably because you don't have the materials to create the Outpost or you don't have the Outpost engineering level to make the Outpost in that place the game will generally tell you which one you're missing although um I think I've seen situations where I try to build the Outpost and it just doesn't tell me so when you're setting up your Outpost it could be a good idea to go into this view so you can see exactly what the radius of your Outpost is is going to be able to be see that yellow circle there another really useful one to know about is the Cargo Link build these in two different outposts and Link them together to allow transfer of goods between them items in outgoing container will be transported to the incoming container in the other Outpost and vice versa link Outpost within the same system no fuel required so just a nice little thing that you can do to link two different outposts together so each of them have access to the others resources but do not that it does say link out post within the same system so you can't have two outposts and two different solar systems linked together that way you can even build your own landing pad if you want to if you build the larger of the two it allows you to line directly at your Outpost and lets you modify your ship and even buy new ones from this pretty cool you can put down a mission board at your Outpost and this one's pretty useful self-service Bounty clearance you can clear your Bounty with one of these and I have been in situations where this would have been very helpful to have because I had a bounty and I didn't have an easy or safe way to clear it you know being able to go out to an outpost and just knock it out before ran into the lot would have been nice as far as defenses go you know I touched on it briefly but just realize and remember that they gave you defenses so there's probably a reason that they let you build turrets right so definitely don't leave yourself completely undefended uh there's furniture that you can do for mostly RP you know if you just want to make your place look nice inside decorations same thing but there's some functionality here as well with the storage boxes and the storage crates you've got mannequins that you can put in in there which will hold the gear you can put a helmet a space suit and a jetpack on a mannequin you can plant down a scan booster this is going to double the range of your hand scanner in that region you can also build crew stations so there's going to be NPCs that you find crew mates that you can either put on your ship or you can assign to Outpost and so if you assign them to an outpost or if you want to assign them to an outpost you'd want to make one of these and doing so it says build this to allow crew to be assigned to your Outpost The Outpost management skill will let you build more crew station at each of your outposts so by doing this you can put a crew member here that specializes in whatever you are doing at that Outpost if you mining ore or like metals or inorganic resources as it calls them right you might want to put a NPC or a crew member there that specializes in that so outposts can be a great way to passively gather the materials you know you're going to need a lot of like aluminum you know this is a great place to basically have an aluminum Factory since we know we're going to need a lot of aluminum to make a future outposts as well as to expand this one so that wraps up Outpost building what about ship building I'm glad you asked okay so you're going to talk to a guy like this guy here he's got a few different options and there's one of these next to every major Landing Pad they'll either repair your ship for 1,000 credits which generally you're going to want to do if it's taken damage you don't want to use your repair kits for your ship because those are a lot harder to come by than this guy is you can also tell him that you'd like to view and modify your ships you can say let me see what ships you have for sale and where did you say I could sell things he's going to tell you that little machine we were standing next to but let's first look at what he has for sale so we can look at the ships he has for sale here and we can see the price down here value 56,000 and they're Mass but we'd probably want to know things like the cargo capacity how much does it hold you know we probably want something that holds a lot or you might want something that has a lot of space for the crew members you want to bring around the game with you maybe you want to have good Shields right this is a jalap we don't want this right this one's a little better it's got an A Class reactor it's got 30 Lightyear travel distance but that's because it's cargo capacity is only 260 I mean you can you can basically carry a few paper clips with you and then this thing's full right that kind of sucks then there's this bad boy right here the Galileo which kind of looks a little bit like my ship this thing can only hold 200 25 lye four crew members eh let's find a big boy ah here we go look at this thing so the dragon fire this is a ship I would like to have it can hold seven crew members it can jump 25 Lighty years it's got a nice beefy 680 Shield it's going to cost me 3 ,000 credits which is kind of a lot I'm 40 hours in the game I've been picking up like just about everything and selling just about as much as I can and I'm at about 412,000 now if I had fixated on making currency and generating currency and um selling more stuff to more vendors then we could probably easily have more than this but you know 40s 40 hours in 400,000 it's not a bad expectation if you're fairly thorough so you know this is not a cheap ship it's rather quite expensive at 300,000 but but it's coming with a lot right the only downside is that it is a C- reactor here and always save before you buy a ship if you want to ship make sure to save before you buy it that way if you buy it and you can't fly it you can load your previous save or if you buy it and it's not what you wanted or you don't like it or something like that make sure you save before you make a big purchase like this that way you can undo it real easily if you kind of have buyers remorse after the fact this is a fantastic ship though cargo capacity Wise It's got 2,790 cargo capacity that's massive it's got tons of fuel uh it's you know got tons of HP 800 there it's nice this is a solid ship really well all around I wouldn't mind flying this bad boy so what you would do then is you could purchase it now if I purchase the ship I don't have the ability to fly it and this kind of goes back to what I said earlier about if I was to start over and I'm going to start over again as soon as the game launches uh one of the things I'm going to prioritize is piloting you know this is probably my biggest mistake was not leveling this up so I didn't have points into piloting and so I was killing tons of ships but it didn't didn't count because I didn't have it unlocked and so now I need ships to kill and I'm just not running into them I've got to I've got to go out and Hunt some ships down to kill so I can get these level unlocked so I can unlock the ability to Pilot eClass and cclass ships do you see there it says b and unlock the ability to Pilot C so I need two more levels to fly this big boy right here which is a mistake I made that I fortunately get to warn you not to make so if you think you're going to be excited about flying the biggest and the baddest ships level up your piloting every chance you get make sure you uh continue to level it up and make sure that when you're killing other ships you're pushing the progress Along on that challenge that you need to complete the next level so if we look at the ships that are for sale again you can see right here a right we can do a we could do this a we could do this a and this one this one too this one still right we could fly all of those but then boom this one says C we do not have the ability to fly the SE so definitely check what grade that ship is it is a c grade is it an a grade A B grade right and know that you need to be ranked three of the skill or Beyond to fly B and below and you need to be ranked four to fly C grade and below so level up your piloting one don't make the mistake I did on this first play through level up your piloting okay so that's how you can buy ships and every place you go and try to buy a ship they have different ships in their inventory so if you don't like the ships that this guy is for sale you could check the guy at another landing port in another major city uh you could steal ships the way I got the ship that I'm flying around I actually saw a ship land on a planet so if you go onto a moon or a planet and you just start running away from civilization sometimes you'll trigger an encounter where a spaceship comes and it lands out in the desert or out in the wilderness right and you just run run run hoof it all the way over to that ship where it landed and you can sometimes sneak onto the ship and kill whoever's on board and take it for yourself and that's nice when you do that you can keep it or you can come to this guy or one of these guys and you can sell it in order to sell the ship you have to register the ship so it's the game's way of giving you something that sells for like let's say 13 to 40,000 Gold without giving you 13 to 40,000 gold after you register it right like let's say you found a $440,000 ship the registration fee for that ship would be like 38,000 credits right so your profit on the ship isn't going to be 40 Grand it's going to be two grand right and that's kind of how they stop you from just making absurd amounts of money by stealing ships out in the wilderness cuz you got to register them first another problem you might have when you go to steal one of those ships is you'll kill everybody onard and then you'll get up to the Pilot's chair and you'll try to sit in it and it'll be like yeah nice try you don't have the ability to fly this ship and that goes back to this haunting decision I made right here not to start leveling this up right away I totally misunderstood how it worked when I first started this character so don't make the mistake I did cuz there's nothing worse than finding a really cool ship and not being able to fly away with it okay so that covers buying the ship selling the ship finding ships out in the Wilds now what if you want to build your own ship or modify so I'd like to view and modify my ships so we talked to him he says sure man yeah go for it so the thing that you have to notice is let's say a really common one is going to be you want to add more cargo space adding cargo space to your ship is really inexpensive so it's not a bad idea to do it even if you feel like you know this isn't the ship I want to take home to Mom and Dad this is the ship I just want to have a fun time with for a short time right you know it's that it's that temporary ship that you just it's it's until you find something better right so we're down here we're going to go into ship Builder mode and we're going to click add and now we can tell that what we want to add so one of the things that you can do is before you push the button add hover over the thing you want to add it to so let's say I wanted to add some cargo space um it's going to try to put it wherever I'm hovering over so see how this one's lit up it's going to try to put the cargo space there now there's a lot of reasons why something will or won't fit somewhere when you try to do it and the honest answer is you're going to learn by trialing her a lot right now my ship has one warning a warning is okay warning we can check the flight the flight check here so we press that and it says low Mobility reduce mass or add engines to improve Mobility so if I'm in combat and I'm flying around I'm not going to be able to go very fast because my thrust to weight ratio is pretty awful on this ship right now I'm totally okay with that because I'm okay with moving a little slower in battle to be able to carry tons of loot around with me as I go as an example of one of the really common problems that you'll run into while trying to build your ship is your docking module this is the docking module so when I want to attach to a space station or to another ship this needs to be like on the outer edge of the ship right this needs to be able to connect to the dock without the rest of my ship getting in the way so it always has to be like the highest portion of the ship or the farthest back right it needs to be on some exterior Edge that won't run into conflict so right now it's at this elevation right here which is technically apparently it's technically just fine right this thing is a little higher but it the station reaches out and links with with it so it's okay if I move this up here let's see right there on top of that now we have an error see we have a problem here if we click fly check it says invalid Docker module position Docker module needs to be on an outside edge of the ship right so that is not going to work so we're going to go ahead and put that back okay that's wrong so the ship can fly you can build it and have a warning but if it has an error it won't let you finish the construction of the ship because it's just not going to work okay so back to adding storage that all circles back so where can we add storage now let's say we move the docking module up here so it's on the highest point on the ship so that that's not a problem anymore and it looks like it has no problem with that great now let's add cargo so you'll notice here the cargo kind of has to be attached to like a structure you can't just attach cargo to like the wing or something like that we need some structural point for it to attach to so let's add a structure here let's go with like a Hab like this here put a nice big one okay okay now we've got that there and now we can add to that cargo right this is going to be a really popular thing to want to add boom look now we have three stacks of cargo over there and if we hover over this side click add click accept now we got more cargo so the one thing that's happening is our mass is going up and our mobility and our jump range will eventually go down so we might have had 22 Jump range before but since we keep adding weight to the ship it's not going to travel quite as far now that's the one downside but my cargo capacity is going through the roof right now we can hold 3,400 cargo capacity so we can hold tons of resources if we just went and formed a ton of aluminum a ton of water a ton of anything at all right weapons gear stuff we want to sell we can put that in here right we got tons of cargo now if you wanted to be able to get your grab jump range back up again you'd have to put a better grab Drive in right so we delete this grab drive and we add a new one okay it looks like if we put this one here we'll get to 25 boom so now we can jump 25 Lighty years but we've got an error here and this is what's going to happen you'll add something it'll create an error and then you got to solve the thing that the error that it created and the error is usually depending on the thing the error might be that it's just in a place that you know ruins the ship's ability to dock or it might be something like okay that's fine but in order to have that grab drive you need a better power supply and so we might have to replace our reactor so let's check ship contained modules that exceed the reactor class so we do we need a better reactor so we delete that reactor CU you can only have one grab drive you can only have one reactor so let's try to put a better reactor on here okay go and here we got reactors and my problem here is I can't build the ship the way that I'm building it right now because I don't have the uh I don't have the capability to use the better reactor the ability to use better reactors is going to come from my skills so the biggest takeaway from the ship building process is yeah it's going to take a second to get used to kind of handling this and figuring out what you can put where but also I want to impress upon you how important it is to have the associated perks because right now I can't put the reactor because I don't have the perk right it needs me to have Starship design rank two in order to put this reactor here and I don't have Starship design rank too so if you want to create really cool spaceships and fly really cool spaceships you're going to need to have your piloting leveled up you're going to need Starship design to allow for the installation of improved ship modules Superior ship modules cutting Ed ship modules and experimental ones right so if you want to get into that flying a spaceship and making a really cool spaceship and you know definitely then grab piloting grab Starship design right and make sure you're working on that also if you want to be making your own really cool spaceships you're going to want to work your way down this tree and get this Starship design when you're trying to add items and if you're wondering why something grayed out just look over here on the left and you'll see piloting rank three Starship design rank four before you can start slotting these kinds of things onto your ship now one really cool thing that you can do that it took me way too long to figure out is you can simply doubleclick on the ship anywhere and it's going to select every piece of the ship all at once this is incredibly useful for changing the color of your ship otherwise you'd have to do one piece at a time and eventually you're going to have a lot of pieces on there so you can come in here and you can change the color of the ship to whatever you want here and so we can do that for all three of the colors and see there we go and now the whole ship here is like a teal color very easy to do all at once if you don't want to build your ship let's say you like the ship you have well enough and you're not looking to build and you're afraid of building you're just not ready to take that leap into all of the complications that may or may not arise from that while you're trying to do it then you could do upgrade chip and you can select individual pieces of the ship so you've got weapon zero weapon one weapon two engines and then also you can go to Shields grab drives reactors right so rather than trying to go into the build Creator you can just right here kind of cycle through everything and just upgrade the piece you want to upgrade like if you want to squeeze out a little more room on the grab drive you can see like what's available it looks like if I put this grab drive my range actually goes down to 19 so not much of an upgrade available uh for the reactor if I hover over these the first two you see I'm losing power the three red bars on the left it says it's going down down to 14 down to 16 this one would take me up to 20 so I could use this I slap that on there and it's not showing me the things I can't use right now which is nice so now we can look at the Grab drives and only that same downgrade available so it looks like we're as good as we're going to get on the grab drive on this bad boy right now with my skills where they're at on this playthrough I think one of the most interesting things that's going to come from this game is all of the C crazy ship designs that people come up with you know just how ridiculous they are how cool they are and everything in between so I'm really looking forward to see what you guys do with this game ship design process it's really really cool what they've done with it isn't it okay other cool things to know are that you can sit in a chair and I'm sitting in the chair like we mentioned at the beginning of the video you can wait if you wait all it does is let time pass which is fine that can be nice for some missions but you'll see that my health is missing some health there the health bar so if we sleep for 1 hour sleep couple things happen one now my health bar is full so it gives you all your health back also it puts the rested status on you so if we look at our character and we look at our statuses we are well rested which means we're going to get 10% bonus XP really cool thing the game doesn't tell you at all you just kind of notice it when you're poking around after you rest one time and I think a lot of people are going to miss that so take advantage of that extra 10% XP remember leveling faster is pretty huge because that's going to give you more of these points to spend every time you level and these things are pretty critical as we discussed you can't open certain things if you don't have security done you can't fly certain spaceships if you don't have your piloting leveled up enough or Starship design you can't build the cool ships right some of these you're really going to want to have unlocked I mean actually there's a lot of these you're going to really want to have unlocked but some are critical so getting as many points as you can as soon as possible is going to help having those extra levels you know from that extra 10% a couple more things that are really handy to know so if you have your weapon out and you want to put it away hold down your reload button so on PC you would just hold down R and it would put it away if you are in a dark space and you want to pull out your flashlight just hold down your scanner button so on PC that is f so we just hold down F and there's the Flashlight hold it down again and it goes away tap it it brings out a scanner hold it down it turns on the flashlight right so there's a couple of buttons that have two functions that is going to be your reload and your scanner those kind of have dual functionality so if you hold down reload it brings out the weapon hold it down it puts it away scanners the flashlight right if you hold that button down so that's kind of an easy one to miss even though the game tells you how to pull out your flashlight in like the first 30 seconds I made it like 30 hours into the game not knowing that it was a thing because I never tried holding down F and I was so enamored with the beginning of the game that I missed the little tip that pops up in the first 30 seconds telling me how to do it I didn't even see that tip until I started recording this video for you guys here today I went through the beginning of the game to get to the character creator and saw that if you hold it down it pops up right on screen I was like oh my gosh man it was right there all along go figure all right if you are still watching this video I hope that one you enjoyed it I hope that two it was informative and I hope you guys have as much fun with this game as I have been having with it as always if you made it to the end of this beginner guide you're an absolute Lon be sure to leave a comment down below letting me know that you made it and thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it and I hope you enjoy Starfield as much as I have massive shout out to my YouTube members if you want to become a member of this YouTube channel for behind the scenes footage private Discord Channel access having your name show up at the end of every video and more be sure to click the join button down below thanks so much for watching and be sure to subscribe for more amazing Starfield coverage until next video hey I want you anyway I got nothing left to break no you'll never break my heart the truth is it's already torn apart I just want you in my room don't care what it means to you no don't never break my heart the truth
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 643,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield news, starfield gameplay, starfield review, starfield guide, starfield tips, starfield beginner guide, starfield build, starfield ship building, starfield lockpicking, starfield skills, starfield best skills, starfield best perks, starfield best, starfield lodge, starfield neon, starfield new player guide, sf review, sf guide, sf beginner guide
Id: f5X4kxWZLyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 26sec (6566 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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