Starfield Ship Mechanics, Stats & Building Full Guide

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hi all this is going to be a guide covering pretty much every aspect of ship building from how to set up ships the different stats associated with different modules how to best lay out your ship's weapons for the best DPS where to find different modules all that stuff um the reason I'm making this guide in this giant format because this is going to be a long video is that there are a lot of aspects to the ship making uh that a lot of people I see online just don't seem to quite grasp I've seen a lot of ship pills people do that well they look amazing the modules that they use are nowhere near optimal um and I get it for aesthetic purposes but I think there's a lot of stuff about especially the weapons that people don't understand so um just so you know right off the bat for credentials here um I'm the guy who on Reddit made the Excel sheet compiling the DPSS of all the weapons in the game for the Starships um including all the hidden stuff like how some have magazines reload speeds stuff like that and then also I made the guide for all of the hab Interiors just where I photograph them all so people can see what they're getting into so before we go into each section um I'm going to be cracking this up into segments covering each part of ship building so Habs cockpits Shields Guns Etc if you are a person that is overall like you know intimidated by the ship Builder which is a common sentiment I've seen amongst people um don't worry there are you know there are tons of builds out there people showing you how to make exact builds I've already got one up on my channel my first one which was my damos battleship that uh probably not as condens as it could be but it was mostly me just kind of rambling about my design process to help people you know make their own stuff that's unique to them but if you are not a person that feels comfortable designing your own stuff from scratch uh I would still highly recommend checking out the individual segments of this video which I'll will have timestamped so that you can see how to do the modules uh because there is an upgrade menu in ship building and it is not good it's bad so this is the demo ship I made for this um I wanted to go for a Nova build because I feel like it's kind of the most star Fieldy it's their NASA Punk aesthetic in its purest form so I made this ship to show you guys all aspects of the ship building process and the first thing I want to show you here is this upgrade ship button uh this thing sucks and I I beg you not to use it the reason for that is is that it lets you go to each module and it allows you to upgrade them uh but the problem is that that it doesn't work very well because there are a lot of modules that are different shapes and sizes so for instance if I take this Shield generator here I can only upgrade it to the same Shield generator because this is mounted on a top point and there are some Shields that have to mount to the sides of things so you don't see those here uh same for the engines there are so many engines that have different Footprints so for this they only show you the exact same model so you could have a shield or an engine or whatever that is much better than the one you currently have but if you hit upgrade you're not going to see it so even if you're just upgrading modules and you're leaving the overall aesthetic of a ship the same I still highly recommend using the ship Builder and I will be giving you guys some tips on how to use this cuz I know people struggle using the strip the ship Builder especially because I think a lot of it is people are not used to using like 3D modeling software anything like that um and I've noticed people struggle a lot with getting things to stick where they want so I've got some assistance in that field as well so let's get into the very beginning of this here so this is going to just be Core Concepts of ship building so a thing that you all need to know is that there are different manufactures for all the pieces this usually correlates to aesthetic now there are manufacturers for guns Shields cargo and overall I feel like that is less important the aesthetic designers the ones that make the structural pieces the hab modules and the cockpits along with landing gear um those are a lot easier to understand and a lot more important to the overall like look of your ship this is divided into the following so there is Nova there your classic NASA punk as shown with this buildt here the frontier also that we start with is made out of almost all Nova parts um so Nova stuff is typically white uh kind of Blocky looks like the old NASA spaceships that we are using well actually right now so you'll notice some themes with them include having these big radiators on top of things these uh top mounted ones as well that look like solar panels um and then also this kind of I would I'd say bulbous design uh they they lend themselves towards more of a thicker design but also they have a lot of struts they love pipes they love things that are kind of I'd say not armored more uh utilitarian uh the other designers are going to be we'll start off with the first one that you'll see after Nova and that is damos so damos stuff I'll show you a Hab here for them damos is the military contractor for the UC uh they have a dark gray and orange color scheme on all of their stuff it is what the other build I've got on my channel is made entirely out of damos parts or 99% there's a couple utility pieces in there that are important uh damos makes a very militaristic more Futures sci-fi I would describe it as space tactical um they also lean into having the orange the same as the radiators that Nova has they have a lot of accent pieces in their structural um you'll see here they have like that radiator which I think looks fantastic and they have a lot of wing segments that you can use to add fins onto your vehicle um so if you're looking for a more militaristic look which a lot of people like uh I recommend damos next up we have who's next who's going to be next on our list H Tech okay H Tech space trucks space trucks and Industrial I I really like H techs pieces um because they while you can make a solid hope Tech build I feel that they can bring a lot to other Aesthetics cuz they have so many little tiny pieces like piping uh these forward bumpers these giant radiators that would fit perfectly on a Deo ship um so these pipes works that they have that add to this industrial look work fantastic um so overall their whole motto is that they make trucks in space but I think they also make very good pirate builds because their Habs have a very uh trashy interior I guess is the best way to describe it uh like an example would be the Hope Tech Workshop uh is a big empty room with all the workbenches in it and they have a table that is is literally like two fold out ladders with a piece of sheet metal laid across the top of them and it's like crooked so it's a very um a very lived in and slap Dash approach to interior decoration uh and that brings us into a important aspect about it which is that U the Interiors of habs are not displayed in the ship Builder now like I mentioned before I have a gallery up on Reddit of all the interior pieces um feel feel free to look at that if you want to know what things look like before you place them in but know some caveats for instance there are doors that will spawn on the sides of habs that are connected to each other and whatever was there will get removed to make way for the door so the layout can get scattered around a little bit importantly knowe that uh there are not going to be pictures of certain hals on my guide which some people have commented things saying like like why like you are missing all the taabs which I'm not because the I I put in the beginning of that post that there are three fully unique Interiors because there are five aesthetic manufacturers in total and there are four of them that are in pairs where they share Interiors so as an example hope Tech and Taio have like 99% identical Interiors the only difference is the color of the floors and walls and some minor decorative objects so like there might be like an object on a table in the Hope tech one that's not in the Taio version but the main difference is that hope Tech is black interiors and Taio is white Interiors same thing for stoud and Deo St Eckland ships and damos have the same interior but Str has white floors and walls damos has gray ones and then Nova is entirely unique um honestly I think this might have been time constraint on Bethesda Parts because uh Taio especially does not make any sense because when you enter the Taio showroom everyone comments on how fancy and Sleek too ships are and they act like they're this like fancy luxury brand but then they share an interior with hope deck the industrial Trucking brand that has garbage everywhere and their seats look like they tore them out of the back of a car and just lay them on the floor uh so it's it juxtaposes heavily with what they say their design is so important to note that so if you are wondering what a Taio interior will look like just look at the Hope Tech version and then imagine it white in your head same thing for stratland I took a picture of all the damos ones look at it imagine it in white and that will be what you'll get so continue on with the overview of the manufacturer so H Tech is your industrial Trucking foundation and then after that we have stoud Eckland Stroud Eckland uh Stroud is run by one of the members of constellation the CEO of stoud works with you on a couple missions um and I would describe their look as a very clean hide Tech sci-fi exterior wise especially it's very smooth they have some amazing structural pieces for building larger ships because they have some giant cover pieces that add great curves to a ship and cover up things that you don't want to see on the interior uh I would say probably they've got some of the best utility for making large ships but again that's only coming into play if you're only using one designer like I've done in some of my builds I absolutely recommend combining different manufacturers pieces to make a look that you like and then our final one is Taio Taio has a couple quirks to it um very round and bulbous ship design and you can see this because they have way more Habs listed than anyone else and that's because they have a lot of variation so number one you will get variant of type A and type B like shown here these are the exact same Habs but the difference the type B ones have slots on the side for doors uh you don't have to have doors there but they can connect sideways or if you don't want to allow doors to spawn and you just want to make big hallways that's actually a very nice utility of Taio pieces is that you can select these type A variants and just make a hallway that way cuz you won't have doors if you put them next to each other the other aspect is that they have top mid and bottom variant so you'll see this one is a top variant and you can tell because it is curved at the top and then flat on the bottom and then they have a mid variant that is like a cube and then you have a bottom variant that is curved on the bottom so you can stack these hals on top of each other to make a big tube design or you can combine it with their structural pieces uh lends itself to more of a kind of retro Japanese sci-fi design where everything kind of looks like giant bulbous submarines in space which honestly is a cool aesthetic um I just wish that they're Interiors were more reflective of their brand and reuion ownership but so those are your main designers Nova damos stoud hope Tech and Taio so I would say you probably want to pick one of those to be the basis for your Habs so that they all line up and then also focus on one for your exterior Aesthetics this will make your ship have a more kind of uniform aesthetic but we will go more into depth on that once we get to the actual structure tab this is just the beginning part where I want to let you know that this is a core part of ship building that there are different manufacturers that make different aesthetic choices the other thing I want you guys to understand about the ship building aspect is how to actually navigate in here now this is going to be more for PC cuz I don't know the console commands as well although I do know some that are important that I'll point out in a second but let me show you some basic things so number one people struggle a lot with getting things to stick to each other I get this so I want to show you something the Z or sorry the Y AIS over here is super important wherever you are on this y- axis which is currently zero AK the middle the base is where things will spawn if you spawn them in so if I'm placing this here it is spawning at the zero level if I go down then it's going to be spawning at1 and so on things like to stay at their current level they can't just detect like I want it to stick to that Circle that I'm aiming at with my mouse because you're in a 3D space and they don't know what the like the depth that you're aiming at is so what you want to do is either spawn things at the level you want or when you grab them change it from there so for instance if I have this it's going to stick really easily right there because it's on the same y level already however if it was say down here it's going to be a little bit harder it it wants to go down so what you do is it does and also it doesn't matter what level you're on it only matters what the object is on so like I can be all the way up here and it still doesn't want that cuz this is where this object lives so what you want to do is if you wanted to place this from there to there grab it hold it and then start going up in the Z levels now it loves it it's sticks right on another tool you can use in order to attach objects is you can attach things directly to a mounting point so let me show you that if I aim here at that mount point on PC I can hit G to attach on Console this is where this keybind is and the one that I know for console cuz I looked it up for this cuz people kept asking about it left trigger plus right trigger plus a allows you to do the attach function and what that will do is it will only show you objects that can be mounted on there now some things might not fit like for instance if I grab this 3x or uh yeah this one right here it's trying to place it where an object already is so it can but for a lot of things you can use this in order to see like oh what aesthetic piece will fit on here well I'll go to the structural Tab and I'll start flicking through stuff to see what I think will look good or for weapons if you're going over a weapon Mount point which another important thing to note there are three Mount points in this game there are circles let me see if I can find one here I'll just move that Circle as you can see there and that means a structural Mount point you can put Habs Shields engines structure pieces whatever you want on there and then there are weapon or quote unquote equipment hard points which are squares like that or that so if you want to put a weapon on just Mouse over that square hardpoint hit attach and then you can look at all the stuff you have available to you now in order to give you guys the ability to see the things the various options um I am using a mod right now that allows you to have all the ship parts at a single ship technician um I'll leave a link to this in the description of the video this is a very very simple mod to install so even if you're intimidated by mods I'd still recommend this one as a pretty easy one for PC users it literally just involves you dropping a text file into your um Starfield install folder directory going up to the ship technician open the console clicking on him and typing in a little command and then it gives him everything forever um so note also that there's a way to remove it right now so that shiptech will permanently have all the stuff available which if you select the one that also gives you the ability to see the station Parts which are not stable you uh you you might be stuck with a little cluttered UI for a while so heads up on that but that's what I'm using for this and that's why you'll see that I have access to like every single equipment in the game right now so that's an important thing for attaching objects and then the final Mount point is the one for doors which is that it is a doorway with an arrow going in the same on top you can see there's a little hatch there with an arrow coming in so you know if you are attaching Habs together they have to have those doors touching each other in order for it to function properly and so you don't get issues with things saying like a Hab is unreachable the cockpit is unreachable so on so forth just make sure that you have the arrows connecting everything all right next thing to know is that while I am using this mod to have everything unlocked you will not most likely so you want to know where to get things now this is detailed on the Reddit guide I've got along with this which will also be linked but there are manufacturers that have headquarters so each of those main manufacturers I mentioned has a headquarters that you can go to and you can buy their special unique parts from them EG the bridges every manufacturer has a bridge so much larger than their normal cockpit that can only be bought at the manufacturing headquarters so for Nova their headquarters is technically shut down so if you want Nova parts go to Titan almost every everything in this build can be purchased at Titan the only thing I'm not entirely sure about are the gun and engine choices and the reactor but we'll see about that later but Nova if you want to get their unique bridge and their unique landing gear um and some of their larger Habs EG uh if you look at the hab section you'll notice that there are larger versions than you'll see in other places like the 2x2s the 2x 3s um and the 3X3 is for some of them uh those larger Habs can only be purchased at the manufacturer so for Nova it's on Titan if you want damos you go to the damos stary yard that is orbiting the moon of damos that orbits Mars so go to Mars go to damos if you want stoud Eckland um you the easiest way is just to go to Neon um they have a showroom there uh there's a console on the wall wall you can go to interact with that modify your ship and you'll see their bridge and landing gear and big Habs and then finally Taio also on neon go to the reuan tower take the elevator up to the Taio showroom there's a saleswoman in there uh and for damos uh you have to walk into the station and go down the stairs there's like a a Salesman guy that you have to talk to and then finally you have hope Tech that is on H toown the city that is basically built around the company um don't talk to the ship Tech on the landing pad he does not have all the parts what you want to do is you want to go inside the Hope tech building right in that first room um I believe down on the right side there will be a Salesman talk to them say hey I want to look at ships I want to modify my ship and then from there you'll have access to their unique options as well some final little building tips here uh another issue a lot of people run into is they do the this huge ship design and they get to the very end and there are two big issues they run into number one is the error saying an object is disconnected which is awful but there's actually a very easy fix for this if you doubleclick anything on your ship it will select every object which if you want to do that manually don't know about console players but you can hold down control and left click on multiple objects this makes it very easy to repaint things so if you want to paint whole ship at once double click it if you want to paint a couple things double click it but the thing is it will only con it will only select connected objects so for instance if I remove these and I double click this it's only going to select this part cuz it's not connected to the ship if I double click that it will select the rest of the main body here this is useful because if you have a disconnected part you can double click your ship and everything will be highlighted except the disconnected part and then you can just slap it back on very easy and then same thing for the painting if you want to paint everything select your ship at the end hit the paint button which is J on PC and then go from there so that is I think all the stuff I wanted to cover for the initial like basic building tips before we get into the actual like core sections here so let's get started with the beginning of doing a custom ship so for something like this I think that the best way to start any ship design is with your Habs because you can build the craziest looking ship you want but if you actually plan on using it it's going to really suck depending on how you lay out the Habs because anyone that has done ship building can tell you that Habs are not fun to deal with with their doors and ladders it is seemingly random there I have not seen anyone that has found a reliable way to like predict where it will play Place doors and ladders the Only Rule we know of is that it makes sure a room is reachable so there has to be a path to get to a Hab but that doesn't actually mean anything if you're having a bunch of habs in a block for instance in which it will start randomly placing doors between them so for this build what I did is I wanted to make a two design even though a lot of people are not a fan of that um for good reason cuz the ladders are not fun to use although I will say if you get good enough frame rate that is not a hassle um you can just jetpack up the ladders you don't actually have to climb the ladders I know I never do but I wanted to take advantage of the Nova Bridge the Nova bridge is fantastic it's field of view when you're sitting in it is amazing you have no obstructions and it is the only bridge in the game that has two floors to it it has an upper floor and a bottom floor and you have doors on both and there's a staircase connecting them meaning you don't need to use any ladders to get around two floors if you use the Nova Bridge so that's what I did here I stacked up two Habs down here and then I stacked up two Habs up here with the idea being that down here I've got the Armory and a control stage um I like the control station it just has some chairs in it for cruise stations it looks like the kind of heart of a ship so I like having right in the middle and then the Armory going into the bridge I like because the Nova Armory has these big cages in it um so it kind of feels like you know it's a secure Bridge having an the Armory directly outside of it and then on the second floor I have my Captain's Quarters and a workshop and I like that because it means it's not in the way of everyone's stuff I don't like having the captain's quarters where everyone's walking through it um so it's kind of a private area for me where all the main stuff is down here on the bottom floor but then if I go upstairs from the cockpit that I'm sitting in I can go right back to my room and workshop for you know modifying weapons Armor All that this is a good time to mention a question I get a lot on the hab guide which is people asking where they get the different Habs because they'll say things like I've been looking every where for the workshop and no one's selling it um which is unfortunate because every shiptech in the game sells it uh so let me show you guys how to deal with that so when you're looking over here at the Habs you'll notice that there are little tabs here underneath all of these these represent variants of the same object so for instance here this is the Stout two and uh 2x1 allinone every manufacturer starts with an allinone if I go right or left which you'll notice there are tool tips down there for saying next variant you can see we've got the B type the Armory Captain's Quarters computer core control station infirmary living quarters science lab and workshop they're all here every shiptech in the game will sell all of the 2x1 Habs and the 1X one Habs and the 3x1 Habs these are I would say the generic Hab types the manufacturers very by location obviously the headquarters will sell whatever theirs is but it seems that the owning faction has an effect for the normal shiptech so for instance if you go to new Atlantis you're in UC territory and thus they will be selling Nova parts and deos Parts if you go to Achila or other freest star locations they will be selling H Tech Taio and stoud the other option for ship building is to make a ship building pad at your Outpost this will give you access to a mix of everyone's stuff although you still will never be able to get access to the unique manufacturer things such as the bridges and the large Habs and such for whatever reasons you can only get those at the headquarters so note that for if you are trying to find specific Parts but the 2 x1's will be found everywhere and you can pick where you want to build your ship based on what aesthetic you're going for so pretty much new Atlantis and Akila will carry almost every ship building part in the game between the two of them the only things that they are missing is pirate parts and then headquarter specific things so for this build I decided I wanted to go for these ones purely for aesthetic purposes back here in the back I'm going to strip this cover off whoops um there is a 2x1 allinone for Nova which another question people ask is specifically about the starting ship having a unique head have it's called the frontier uh the Nova Frontier module I wanted to let you guys know that don't worry about deleting it the frontier is not actually unique it is actually just a novag galactic all-in-one type a uh except it has barretts logs in it which will appear in your invent ship's inventory constantly when you are redesigning it so don't worry about deleting it it's the exact same Hab but with some unique lore items in it so back here I have the same one the Allin one and then I have it connected out here to a type B all-in-one which has beds in it for Nova which I wanted people to have a place to sleep and then an infirmary so that I have the last workbench I need that is because the workshop which I think is one of the most important modules that you can put on your ship has almost all of the workbenches you need in it depending on manufacturer so all of them will have an industrial workbench a weapons workshop and a armor Workshop if you have a damos or stoud brand one you will also have a research station in there the only things missing then are a cooking station and a um a chemistry station or the medical one so that is why I have the infirmary the infirmary has both a research bench and a chemistry station uh note the science lab also does so for utility purposes the infirmary and the science lab are essentially the same thing it's just a flavor thing do you want to have medical beds or do you want to have a science lab so I wanted to have all of these so I have access to all the workbenches and this feels like a kind of logical ship design you have places to sleep you have places to work you have have an infirmary you have weapon storage you have your own personal room for sleeping in so that you can get that fabulous XP buff that is so important and then you might be looking at these and wondering why they are here and what they are so this connects to the awfulness of Hab door placement where when you put Habs next to each other you cannot predict where they are going to put their doors because it is random but there is some methods in order to counter this the first one is these monodirectional Habs which are unique to Nova Galactic and hope Tech Nova Galactic has the Nova cross passage which is this note these only go left to right they can only be placed horizontally so I can't put one between these two because they unfortunately don't let you flip them I don't really know why but they don't if you did want to do one like that hope Tech offers two more um they have a horizontal one just like Nova does there you are the Hope Tech have cross brace which I think looks fantastic as it looks to be very sturdy it makes it look like your ship is not having wings sitting out on like spendly little arms like it looks strong and then you have the hab spine which is a you know front to back monodirectional one but also allows you to hook on objects on the sides but note the door arrows are only on the front and back so it won't spawn them there the reason that these are such important things for ship building is that they guarantee door spawns so for instance here if I put these Habs next to the main one it might put a door there might put a door there maybe there maybe there maybe it does one here and one here and the lack of symmetry makes my brain melt so I get sad about it with this you guarantee door spawns I have never put one of these down and not have the door formed there so you can use this it does mean you have to spread your ship design out a little bit more cuz it has a wider footprint but you can guarante door spawns this way for creating whatever Loops you want for here the only reason I have two is because I I for some reason I like having my ships look reasonable and and I didn't like how it looked with just one cuz it's like these huge engine pods on the side are only held on by these Hollow hallways with little scuts on them I could have used bracers but I wanted to do this build entirely using Nova Galactic parts so with a new ship build I think that the best way to do it is you just lay out the Habs you want decide what pieces you want and arrange them in a format that you think will be not awful to walk around so setting it up so that when things are touching they either have hallways between them or only one entrance so another example of something you can do here is if I wanted to guarantee that this would fit right if I put it here it we don't know where it's going to put a door if I put it there there's only one way to get to this Hab from everywhere else in the ship and it's right there so you can place things diagonally like that in order to guarantee it a another trick that you can use is the attach method uh where when you are placing a Hab if you Mouse over a door we've noticed that they tend this is not all the time but they tend to like to put a door where you place the attach point at so like if I did it like that it would prefer to place a door there not always and the issue being that certain Hab layouts seem to have door preferences where they will not want to have a door in certain areas because it means removing something that I guess the hab does not want to remove it will if it's forced to but if given the option between that and something far more inconvenient they like to take the inconvenient option so those are your primary methods for dealing with horrible door plac monodirectional Habs using the attach method by mousing over where you want the door and clicking attach from there or placing your Habs in such a method that there is only one possible way to get between them cuz given options the game will pick the wrong one now I think that is the main things to cover with Hab layout again a lot of people don't like ladders recommend one to two flooor designs usually three if you're really feeling it but again I hope you have good enough fps to Jetpack up the uh tight Corridor as well the last thing to cover with this is to know what the Habs actually get you so the Captain's Quarter gets you a bed to sleep in and storage options there will be multiple storage boxes in most Captain's Quarters that you can put things in if you don't want to use the ship's cargo hold I only use the ship's cargo hold but if you want to use different boxes for sorting or whatever go for it the armories will give you gun racks and specifically the Nova one will give you mannequins I don't know why but none of the other armories have mannequins in them but Nova Galactic Armory gives you two so there's that the control stations and also the computer core you'll notice on the left there that it says crew stations on it this is part of a the very poorly explained Crew Skills feature um which is the culmination of three different values so when you're assigning crew to work on your ship it picks the lowest of the following values to decide what your max number is so you've got your crew command which is three you can have three crew members and Sarah Morgan because apparently her leadership buff um cancels it out so she doesn't consume a slot so you can have three plus sah and then it will then check the crew stations on a ship so you need one station per crew member which is very easy to do most cockpits will come with two or three um a crew station will give you four a computer core will give you one um different different uh Hab types will offer you different values for that but that's usually the easiest one to do cuz again like you can get four from that and already pushes you past your threshold because the only way to raise your crew management skill is with the skill at the end of the social tree crew management which can push you up to I want to say like eight or something crew members but that is heavy investment for not a ton of payout because you don't really need that many crew members the final value it checks is crew capacity this is offered through your different uh I would say functional modules so for instance if you look at this engine you'll notice crew capacity .25 so if I have four of these then I have one crew capacity I get 05 from my shield generator I get 0.5 from each of those big turrets I get5 from those guns so by combining modules on your ship you will get increased crew capacity I don't really know why cuz it's not like it needs crew to man those guns they work autonomously but they require you to have a certain amount of modules to actually have crew on your ship for whatever reason so if you underere equip by a ton then maybe crew capacity will come into play and prevent you from actually uh assigning people to your ship so I think that yeah so that wraps up everything I wanted to cover for the hab section here so when you're doing your initial build after you decide what your Hab layout is going to be for actually walking around your ship the next thing of course that you want tock check out is your cockpit so here of course I'm using the Nova bridge but you have many options which also if you want to know what they look like check the gallery from my Reddit post I have pictures not only of the Interiors but also the firstperson view while sitting in the seat uh because some of these have good stats and horrible views like as an example the stoud Eckland cockpit it has four Cruise stations and it's a very open sign and sign I think it looks great but when you're sitting in that seat your window is so narrow that you cannot see anything above or below you at all like you're looking through a slit it is a horrible field of view and then you have something like say Taio which I think Tao's cockpits are actually what they wanted Tao's aesthetic to be like because the inside is very nice very clean and the field of view is fantastic there is no obstruction whatsoever is a great view from there this is unfortunately hurt by the fact that Taio is the only one that does not have a unique Bridge you'll see these are the cockpits this is their Bridge it's it's the exact same thing inside and out I've checked it's sad what they've done for Tio but then you have other cool Bridges like for instance Stout eckan for some reason gets two Bridges suck at Taio we have a little bridge and a big wide one again I don't know why they gave stoud so much love in this uh Nova has uniquely two separate normal cockpit designs they have the C1 and the C2 as you'll see there um C1 has more obstructions on the front window more struts that get in your way and wor stats the only stats that really increase with each variant by the way of cockpit is the cargo so you get free cargo from whatever uh cockpit SL Bridge you have getting a higher tier version that extra money you're paying is literally just for extra cargo space so go through find out whatever one you like the look of the aesthetic of and strap it on um if you want to do a back of the ship cockpit you have two options you can either build a stack of habs to make like an elevator and then stick one of these out of the front of it or the far easier way is just to use one of the bridges that have the door on the bottom so like you'll notice here with the Str one the arrow is on the bottom thus you can place it on top of a Hab in order to get in now that means you do have to have a ladder hole to get to your bridge but you also get to do cool Battleship designs where your bridge is perched on like the back and you can look down across the whole front of your ship for cockpits really it is an aesthetic choice so at the end of the day the only benefits you really get are some Cruise stations and also there are some mount points that can give you extra space to put guns on although that's not usually an issue because all the aesthetic pieces let you mount guns on them so after cockpit andh Habs you have two other things you want to consider before you get into the rest of the ship building and that is your Landing Bay and your Docker which I have mounted both right here on the bottom so I'm using the Nova Galactic Landing Bay very simple this Landing Bay variant has a arrow on top so you have to place it underneath a Hab just like so if you don't want to have a bottom loading Lander there are cargo Bays for everything the damos one is also a top loader hope Tech is a top loader the stoud Eid one is a side loader if you want to have your Landing bait coming out the side of your ship this one comes the door has to be out the back so so it has to be next to a Hab and on top of that uh that means that you have to have a very low ship design because your Landing Bay has to be on the bottom of your ship you'll see when you Mouse over it here that there's that red crosshatch field underneath it and that's showing the landing gear of the ship so this is all good here because the landing gear and the landing Bay are lined up they're on the same plane and they are lower than everything else on the ship mean it can land so if we wanted this to work it would have to be down here which means I would also need a Hab down on the bottom of the ship So This lends itself towards a very low ship design and then finally if you want to have the style where it comes out the front but it also is low so not a side loader but a front loader here you've got the Tio one which also you can flip backwards now in my previous build I said something stupid I didn't know about which was I assumed that your ship would land backwards if you had your Landing Bay coming out the back uh this is not true and I've tested it with my stuff and yeah it really sucks I really recommend you do not put your Landing Bay facing backwards um it can look cool but especially like I left Runway paths down here that I could fit through but it you cannot fit under most of this stuff so if your Landing is on the back and you don't have openings in enjoy walking out the back and having to run around your whole ship every time you want to get anywhere it it's awful I recommend putting it just for ease and convenience put it as far front as you can so you have a variety of Landing Bays here you get to pick from the final piece here is going to be your Docker now the reason that you want to do all these things first the Habs and the Dockers and the landing gears because they have specific placement requirements that you are going to build the rest of your ship around so you don't interfere with so for instance the docker which I have right here on the bottom Dockers have to be connected to a Hab and that ring has to be farther away from everything else so nothing can be lower than this ring because it's facing the bottom if I placed one on top like so it would require nothing be higher than that ring or if you place one on the side nothing can be farther to that side cuz it just has to have room for it to extend out and connect when you're docking with ships or stations now fun tip landing gear don't count because they're not deployed when you're Landing so for instance this this is fine this is lower than the cargo and when those retract it's lower than all that so it fully allows this and I recommend it because uh I typically have Habs lower on my ships and also I don't like how some of the Dockers look now this is one of the only Dockers I'm using that is not a Nova piece this is a tile piece that's again personal preference entirely uh there are other options you can slap on um unfortunately none of Nova stuff gets flipped upside down which is one of those fun little quirks of the ship Builder where certain objects just can't be flipped for some reason so for this I had to use a Tai one and it's the only one that matched the color scheme by default the reason I'm going for that default Nova color scheme also is cuz you can repaint everything in this game except for the guns which sucks and a lot of the guns have a white or kind of silvery gray color scheme so they stand out a lot on ships that they don't match so I wanted to build one using the Nova color scheme so that I could use all the guns with it and it would look like a cohesive design but yeah so for Dockers you want to place them at the farther extremity of whatever side they are and you have options of top Dockers bottom Dockers or side Dockers there are slim variants so for instance this is a slim Docker here and as is this one from Taio that we're using on the bottom there and this one from stout as well and these all just strap right on top of a Hab but they kind of just they don't extend it out there are also block Dockers such as this one or this one uh which these are not they're shaped like Habs but they're not Habs notice that there are no doors here so for instance if I plac this here it wouldn't technically work if I removed the hab underneath the only reason this works is because its only door point is on the bottom so it has to be placed on top top of a Hab which is kind of annoying I think they should have it where there is a hatch here here like on all the sides and then if I walked to the end of this hallway there would just be like the hatch door there for me to board with but they don't it's only for extending it up so if you really need that extra space cuz there's stuff in the way you can slap one of these bigger ones on top and it will extend it up and then the ring will extend from there and then finally if you are looking for some more unique ones hope Tech I think has some fantastic choices because you've got this side Docker here from Stroud but hope Tech has just these tubes that you can strap on to the side like so and they not only have ones for the side but they are the only one that has a forward docking port so with this one here you strap it onto the front of the ship it's got these neat little bumpers on it that I think look fantastic and and I really like that I'm I'm doing a pirate playthrough right now and I think this works fantastic for that cuz I have it right under the cockpit like that so when I boor I straight up like just Ram into the enemy and you know it doesn't do anything but for roleplay purposes it feels cool and for orientation I can see exactly where I'm docked which I love so you've got some good options from Hope Tech keep it in mind when you're doing your build so once you have your landing gear or not your landing gear sorry that comes later once you have your Landing Bay your Habs and your Docker and cockpit set up you've got the kind of core skeleton of your ship set up so here I'll show you what that would look like here I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to do those ones cuz that's hard uh but without aesthetic pieces on my ship really is just a tube this is a very simplistic design now I did have these ones on the sides like this when I was building it originally but with time I decided it looked better if I had them off to the sides that way I could utilize this and show you guys how that works um oh an important building tip copying Mouse over something at least again I'm sorry console players you'll have to check whatever the contextual command s you at the bottom but PC Mouse over it hold control hit G and you copy it and that way you can duplicate and then I can just slap it in like that and slap it in like that of course this is no way so now that we have the core of our ship done what we're going to want to do is we are going to want to get into the functional modules this is your Shields your guns your engines your cargo grave your grab drive and your reactor you know all that good stuff and this is going to be a long section because I have to say notably about weapons weapons are people people on the internet don't understand how power Works in this game is is how I'll start this off they do not understand how the power system in Starfield works because I see all these builds where people are like this build will give you enough power to power these weapons you don't need to power them you don't need to power guns to get their full effect at all but we will dig into that more later we're going to start with the most important part of ship building and the most important part of it is your reactor your reactor is the heart of your ship it is where you get naturally the power that you locate to your other systems from and it is where you get most of your ship's Health from allow me to show you this has a whole value of 1,350 this has five this has five five five five five a lot of things give you five hole and then your reactor gives you a ton your reactor not only determines your power it determines your repair rate of damage system so when you take damage to a system and that little power bar up here turns red it's how fast those get repaired and then also the class this is how you get those bigger modules on your ship for instance starting off you will have access to the a class reactors now that doesn't mean I I want to dispel this as well reactors are not bad if they're a class you can get especially as you level up you can get fancier variants this is an a class reactor that makes 29 power this is an a class that makes 29 power like they can make plenty of Power with an a class the way you get these is just by leveling up the higher level you are they will release nicer and nicer models of everything you see but as you level up you'll also notice they start requiring you to have Starship design if you want the fancy stuff you need higher Starship design rank for these unfortunately I've not yet finished testing where all of these spawn but again from my experience every module in the game except for pirate stuff will spawn at either new new Atlantis or Aila so go to the new Atlantis ship guy talk to him if he doesn't have the reactor or Shield or whatever you want go to Aila and they will and if you don't see it either it's probably cuz you're not high enough level so if you have an a class reactor your ship is designated as a class meaning you can only equip a class modules for Shields engines and weapons once you go up to a BCL class which requires piloting rank three and that is for the character I know some people will be like oh Sam Co has piloting for I'll assign him unfortunately you cannot get any unlocks from character skills I'm going to do a section later on in this video about character skills but note anything that is a skill that for you would unlock something whether it's weapon crafting armor crafting Outpost crafting um or piloting more advanc ships anything that is an unlock your companions do not unlock it for you there might be other effects I've been there are so many secret crew effects but we will get into that later but for now just know if you want to pilot a bclass or C-Class ship you need to upgrade piloting once you hit bclass now you are allowed to use b-class modules you can still use a this is a tiered system so B can use a and then C classes can use everything the thing you'll note is the jump from a class reactors is like 400 Health 650 for this really nice one 820 for the fanciest a class you can get and then you start seeing stuff like 1100 or a th000 b class are you know meant to represent tank your ship so these reactors are very heavy but they also have a lot more health for your ship so you get to fly a tankier slower ship and then that will continue on into C-Class so for B I think the actually the nicest power generation reactor I've seen is a b yeah so this one here is 39 power generation very good requires rank four Starship design and piloting rank three but 39 is a lot and then you go down into cclass and now suddenly instead of being a one block High reactor now you've got these giant cubes and you can get the nicest reactor in the game right here this is the pinch 8z which I'm using for this build no worries you can use smaller reactors or any any module I show in this entire build you can use a smaller version of it it doesn't matter you might not be able to power everything as much that's fine I'll tell you later when we're doing weapons like you don't need to power anything but Shields Shields should always be fully powered everything else you can underpower no problem so for this you'll see uh this one has third 150 Health you are a tanky boy with this you have 40 power generation which is the highest I have seen crew capacity of three and 6.4 for repair rate so this reactor is going to be what is powering our build uh but it doesn't fit right on the end here because there's another piece in between that holds it I just wanted to talk about reactors first so you guys know if you want to use the bigger stuff need a bigger reactor but it also gets heavier which means bigger engines and bigger engines means less speed conversely but I'll explain that in a second in the engine section but the other important thing you need to know about your reactors is that bclass is a very very nice jumping power very nice b class is still relatively light compared to C-Class and some of the highest DPS guns in the game are bclass guns and the second best Shield generator in the game is a b-class shield and turrets appear in bclass you can get turrets that automatically shoot in bclass so b-class is a very nice jump and the final thing I will tell you is that if you are ranking up your piling skill this is a generic tip that's not for ship building but I want to toss in here uh join the Vanguard your first mission for the UC Vanguard they put you in a piloting Sim this Sim has no consequences it's virtual it puts you in a ship you get to shoot other ships those kills count towards ranking up your piloting skill not only that but you can cheat you can get up out of the chair once it starts and there is a control panel behind you where you can do hacking stuff to give you infinite Shields and ammo and all that stuff so you can just cheat and tear through ships and finish your rank up like immediately for piloting if you want so that covers it for reactors now the next step we are going to talk about is the grab Drive specifically because I need it in order to hold uh my reactor in place so the grab drive here grab drives are very simple very simple your grab drive all you really care about is thrust you can see it here on the left side grab jump thrust when you are building your ship you will see your jump range in the bottom here this is entirely based on the ratio of jump thrust to weight I don't know the equation but it's very easy to work with just go is my jump range less than like 18 get a bigger grab drive that's it like there are some stars on the outskirts that are very distant and you will not not be able to access them unless you have like 20 22 I think even 25 for a few jump range but um whatever you really don't need to access those like 90% of the time so for most casual use I find like 15 is like you'll be running into issues a lot with not being able to reach things but like 18 to 20 that's that's fine live right in there so if your ship starts getting so heavy that your jump range drops now just upgrade to a bigger grab drive that's it but don't go too big because there's a weight issue to come into effect here look at that it's mass is 130 if this wasn't such a big ship I would put on a lighter one because who cares I'm getting extra mass from this that means my Mobility is going down which means I need to get even more engines so it is a it is just a balancing act of how much trust do I need that my jump range isn't bad versus how much weight do I want on that my Mobility doesn't get messed up which for for this ship it's uh heavy as so we're going big on that so that for those following along at home this is our ship build as it is right now it is three 2x1 in a row two more 2x ones on top a Nova bridge on the front The Landing Bay is directly underneath the first set of habs here and then we have those Nova cross braces attaching to the infirmary and all-in-one now for those that are doing this for themselves feel to swap these abs out do whatever you want this layout is just what I liked you can swap these around you can use different manufacturers it's whatever and then we are putting the grav drive on the back here dropping down below and then this is in front of it strapped on there unfortunately this one is different reactors have different mounting points this one doesn't have any on top so I you'll see you'll see once it's done that I've worked it into the aesthetic of the ship to have this exposed reactor on top which isn't typically something I do but it's fine for this cuz it uh it looks good with all the brass all right so now that we are done with grab drives we are going on to engines engines are a little bit more interesting so for our ship here we are doing four done 71s which you're going to attach right there and then one underneath it like so I've got to move that upop and then same over here one there one there stra her right onto the back of these Habs engines are much easier to understand which ones should be going on your ship I'm sorry I'm going to the station section don't look at that that stupid mod stuff that breaks the game okay so going into engines bigger engines are not better necessarily there's actually a lot more Nuance to this section so a class ships a or I should say a class engines give you the best speed in the game for instance you'll see right now my top speed is 140 and that is because I have b-class engines now watch this if I wanted to add on a C-Class engine suddenly my top speed down there goes down to 130 that is because the speed of your ship is determined by your quote unquote slowest engine C-Class ships or C-Class engines have a speed of 130 b-class engines have a speed of 140 and a class have a speed of 150 except for there's one fancy engine that I'll talk about in a second so you would ask why would I use bigger engines then and that is because of most mobility and acceleration as your ship gets bigger and the mass goes up and you start getting really heavy especially in B and especially C-Class your Mobility is going to tank meaning your ship is going to turn like a boat and it is going to be really annoying to use in combat if you want to use fixed guns you'll notice that the bigger an engine gets the crazier its stats get so down here in the a class you know maneuvering thrust 3200 on the high end this is a very fancy engine requiring Starship design for like 3200 uh and then you start getting down here into B Class like these ones we're using the D 71s these ones have 5200 and then cclass gets even Huger this one is uh what 1,100 yeah 11,000 maneuvering thrust so if your ship is really heavy you know slap on some of these and then suddenly your boat can actually turn but your max speed will go down and then the next point is engine thrust which again is engine thrust is just to make your ship accelerate and also be able to move as it gets heavier so you will be able to get up to max speed faster the more engine thrust you have so you might only have a top speed of 130 but you're going to get there pretty quick if you have four 25,000 thrust super noas strapped onto the back so essentially the advice for this is go for the smallest engine you can for your ship while still having good Mobility I wanted to go a class with this ship but I just couldn't get the mobility I needed it was getting a little bit lower than I wanted and this has some fixed guns on it so I will I went for for B also cuz I thought they looked cool and that is a very important aspect of ship building is you just pick whatever you think is neat looking because a lot of these stats are minute we'll say like flying a ship with like 20 Mobility is awful feeling but the difference between like 85 to 80 is like H if it looks cool go for it now I want to now mention the one special boy engine and he lives down here it's these it's these boys right here for some reason the white dwarf 305 is unique you'll note too the 305 has worse stats than the 3030 but it has a higher Starship design rank requirement at level four but it costs less too and the reason this one has a high requirement is for some reason this is the only engine in the game that has has a higher Max Speed which is 180 so like if I delete these here so this is the only one boom Max Speed 180 and you can equip a bunch of these now this is uh another point that I will bring up is that uh you can equip 12 power worth of any device so for engines you'll see max power three that means 3 6 9 12 I can have four of these engines on there are I'm not actually sure if I've seen any that are less oh there they are Yep this one is a max power of four which means you can only have three of these engines on your ship if you wanted them so that's a to check it's not super important that you max out your engine power only in cases like this where I need all four to even get to this level of Mobility now will we be fully powering them nope cuz I don't need to go that quick but when I do want to go quick it's nice to have the option so that's engines bigger engines means slower but more Mobility to move these Giant floating bricks of a ship that you've built and then the uh Nova 315s for some reason are super fast and if you combine that with piloting and Thruster skills and then assign Sam Co you get even more speed those that I've seen builds with that thing where it's a lightweight ship with a like a ton of those on it and they fly it is incredible feeling it's it's honestly really fun not as effective cuz you still get blown up by stuff but it's pretty sweet to be able to just like boost and travel like miles in a matter of seconds it's amazing all right so next up Shields Shields are super easy very very simple to understand uh big number number good Shield Max health is the only stat that you care about now there are going to be people that will say things like oh but uh what about the uh max power per shield and it's like okay sure when you are lowlevel and you are struggling to get by and you are looking at Shields you can run a very simple calculation which is you take the shield Max health and you divide it by the max power so here this one is 650 and we would divide that by seven and what that tells us is how much Shield per power pip we get so for instance for this one it's 92.8 or 92.9 if we round up [Music] um what that means is that every pip of power that we put into the shield will get us 92 HP this is relevant when you are really scraping by for power so like even though a shield might not have as high Max Health as another when fully powered maybe it gives you more shield for like four power Pips than another does you can do that I will say though uh in every combat scenario I've never not wanted my shield to be fully powered like enemies are pretty accurate in space and on very hard which is what I play at uh space combat is just a stat check of seeing who can output DPS faster so you want all the health you can get so the answer is Big Shield good the more Health you can get the better the difference in regenerate is so negligible it it's like it is a matter of percents that again like you get double to regenerate on an a class as a C-Class but they regenerate like once you don't take damage for a little bit and they start regenerating they're up in seconds anyway so it barely makes a difference so for this there are two Shields that you want to remember number one if you join the Vanguard you get access to the Vanguard bullwark this is the second best shield in the game and it's bclass it has 1,450 Health on a bclass so once you get a b-class director unlocked buy this thing it's expensive but it's amazing the next best that you will find is all the way down here and it is the Assurance SG 1800 which is what we are using today on this build 1,600 Max health for the same amount of power so you know just more Health a little bit less regenerate by like 1% so yeah this this is it this is the peak of shields it mounts on top too which I like because that means I get to have it symmetrical instead of those uh side mounted ones that there's no way to get these to look decent in my mind cuz they're always going to be hanging off the side of things and that means that your ship is asymmetrical which is an aesthetic choice but just not one I usually make so that brings us to the end of Shields and enters the most in-depth section which is weapons now I'm linking it in the description of this video again but I uh went through the trouble of hand testing all of the guns for ships in this game and made a Excel spreadsheet of everything for damage DPS sustain DPS because there's reload speeds because some guns have magazines so let me let me start to get into this okay so the first thing that I want to cover that is so important for all these builds I see that make me upset is that um Power doesn't increase damage there seems to be this weird idea that people have that like powering the guns makes them shoot harder which it doesn't in fact there's even a loading screen tip that tells you putting power to weapons shortens their reload speed and that's it and that can be important for some guns or not important at all for others and that is because guns come in a bunch of different variants so the first obviously is that there are different types there are lasers there are ballistics there are particle beams there are missile launchers and there are um em weapons so if we go over into the weapon section which actually think it's over here yep okay this will show you what I mean by this so there's your different weapon types um after testing all of them like yeah they're pretty much all viable for you know their intended purpose although I'll say if you are going for efficiency uh particle beams are noticeably better than a lot of things from both ease of use and efficiency and skill points cuz like if you run ballistics you know ballistics do crap damage to Shields and a lot of damage to H so so you can't really just run ballistics you run ballistics with lasers cuz lasers are the opposite they do a lot of damage to Shields and less damage to the H so that means if you want to max out your DPS for a shield ballistic build that means you have to invest skill points into the laser weapons skill and then the ballistic weapon skill or you can just use particle beams cuz particle beam beams do the same damage to both and they have like double the range of everything else like a lot of lasers and ballistics have a range of like 800 to 1250 and then disruptors are out here at like 3,000 and their DPS is often times better than those and you get to shoot all of them at once cuz you don't have to worry about wasting your ammo on things that are um Le like it's less efficient against like they always are the choice so if you're going for efficiency just equip particle beams you only have to get four skill points then even then that's only if you want to max out and get the crit chance thing you max out damage at level three and then also Barrett who is a main companion also has level three Cru uh in particle beam weapons so if you assign him to your ship you get even more damage and reload speed bonus from him so particle beams win out overall for ease of use and having to invest very little skill points but let me now go into the more hidden aspect that I don't see a lot of people talking about so we'll see look here at the very first weapons right we've got a cannon and an autoc Cannon the difference between these obviously is uh if you look over at the stats on the left the autoc cannon does less damage but its fire rate is double and this is true across everything so in a class this is there's like some standardized stats I found in my testing which is a class weapons are 3.49 fire rate for the slow firing ones and 6.65 for the rapid fire and then when you get down into B Class way down here then it's 2.5 and five and then you get to cclass it is 1.5 and four so if you you know understand math enough to to notice that the fire rate here is much better than the damage decrease like yeah the DPS on the rapid fire weapons are way better cuz even though they do a little bit less damage like tbling your fire rate is significant for a DPS increase the other factor is that they don't reload after every shot so if you have slow firing weapons like this one every time you shoot the meter will go back up like the the energy bar for that weapon will drop down to zero and then fill back up this is why I think some people want to power their weapons because that affects the DPS significantly for these slow firing weapons so like if you are fully powered it will recharge um at the same rate as the fire rate so 3.49 it will have a reload speed fast enough that it can fire 3.49 times per second if fully powered if you underpower it then it's shooting much slower so the DPS gets murdered if you underpower these however the rapid fire one not only has better DPS but they also have a magazine which is listed on the Excel sheet so you can see how much they have uh but they drain a fixed amount from their energy bar every time they shoot note this does not increase with more guns so if I fire this RF Auto Cannon I don't have the sheet in front of me right now so I can't give you the exact number but it's going to drain something like 3% out of the bar and the bar goes up to 100 so it'll drain like three ammo if I have two of these it will still drain three ammo if I have the max number of these which is four they'll still drain three ammo what that means is that not only is this much better DPS than the slow firing variant but uh I don't need to power it more than one you need one power to have the gun turned on but then beyond that it's just to reload it and these can shoot a fair amount of bullets before they need to reload so say we are down here outfitting our ship and we put on a bunch of these Auto proton beams 20 damage per shot 6.65 fire rate and they drain I believe around three ammo per shot so you can shoot them about 33 times before they need to be reloaded or actually let's use uh yeah the these ones are fun no I actually don't know the ammo consumption on those yeah I'll use this one so for these proton beams right they have a max power of four which means I can have three of these and each of them is shooting so if I were to fire all of these that is a 9 9 shots coming out before they need to reload now no they're shooting at the same time so it's not like you get to shoot 99 times I'm saying there's 99 projectiles being made you can only shoot 33 times cuz they all fire in sync but uh that is insane DPS output and you don't you only need one power for that now if you're in a huge fight where you need to kill enemy after enemy after enemy yes you will need to put Power into them to reload but the thing is uh it takes 6 seconds to reload these when they are fully drained if you fully power them so what will happen usually is I'll be shooting enemies and in like 99% of fights everything will be dead before I need to reload because the DPS on particle beams is so good if I do need to reload uh I just drain power from like engines or something I go over I hold the up arrow on the particle beams so it puts all it dumps all the power in which that's a shortcut if you don't know you can hold down to fully drain something or hold up to fully power something so fully power it 6 seconds fully charged take it back out put it back rated it uh and that again that's even if you want to do that like cuz again most things will die well before you run out of ammo because I can have three of these and that's only one weapon slot I've got two more weapon slots I can have a ton of particle beams that just shred things and I don't need to power any of them because they have a magazine and that magazine size is unaffected it's just reload speed so that's why I pretty much always recommend that you max out your weapons and equip as many as you can of the rapid fire variants so if you want to know if something is a rapid fire variant number one most of them have the word Auto in the name that helps but also you can just check the fire rate is it faster than the other one yeah okay this is the Auto fire variant and you can check the Excel sheet I made if you want to see comparisons to find out what the best stuff is uh for this build I am not using an optimal DPS Loadout I'm using a this looks cool Loadout because the color scheme matches still good though still very good so for this I am using these disruptor 3340a Auto Alpha turrets I'm using the lovely obliterator 250 me auto Alpha beams and then also I am using the c59 missile launchers and now I will explain turrets a little bit for you guys so turrets unlock at class B so there are class B and Class C turrets they're always identifiable because one when you spawn turrets in they will be sideways so you can see there even in their preview it's sideways forward sideways Ser turrets will fire automatically at anything in range they only have a limited turning Arc they cannot turn all the way around from my testing it appears their turning rate is approximately 80° or so so they can't turn fully 90 but like nearly fully 90 so for instance if this turret is facing sideways like this it couldn't shoot something directly ahead but if I kind of turn the ship diagonal to the enemy then it could start firing at them they can also fire like nearly straight up too from their starting position so that means you can place turrets to cover the back of your ship if you want to try like doing a speed build where you run away from enemies and they can Pelt them or you can do sideways for broadsiding or you can just have them all facing forwards which is what I'm doing for this build because again it's just a DPS increase because uh turrets are uh brokenly strong not only do turrets often have better stats than their standard counterparts but they uh also benefit from a second skill so like a particle beam will get increased by the particle beam skill these turrets will benefit from the particle beam skill and also the automated weapon skill so they get double the bonus so the DPS is just insane now the only downset of course is that they fire indiscriminately so if you want to do boarding I recommend draining the power from the turrets so they stop firing and then you can do you manual targeting stuff but for raw killing potential turrets are incredible with particle beams undoubtedly being the best because the other turrets don't they're not smart right so like if you have a rail gun turret like this right it's a ballistic turret so it's going to shoot any enemy at Seas even when their Shields are up and then it's going to do crap damage and then it's going to run out of ammo if you get a rapid fire Vari there are slow like this one actually is a slow firing variant so if it's underpowered it's going to be firing slowly but if you get a rapid rail gun like this one this is a high fire rate one it's got a magazine so it will drain its magazine firing at a ship with it Shields up barely do any damage and then when the shields are finally down it's reloading so it doesn't do anything so ballistic turrets are probably the worst laser turrets are at least a bit better because there's more times that you're engaging enemies with shields that are up still so it's not wasting as much ammo and then particle beam turrets are just the best because they're always working they're long range they're accurate they never waste damage cuz it's always the max damage they can be doing fantastic so now I'm going to go in a little bit about the variance too so you'll notice here that there are a lot of things that look very similar so like you've got the neutron beam you got the neutron turret you got the auto Neutron beam so it's the rapid fire one and then you have the helion beam and then the auto helion beam so for a lot of Manufacturers they will as you level up unlock an upgraded variant like the neutron beam is just the Lesser version of the helion beam which is why it requires Starship design 2 and then this one Starship design 3 if you have access to them yes these are flat upgrades this is just the same gun but it does 50% more damage however this is not always the right choice because is you're like wow look at that damage increase look at the max power though it's max power four which means you can have three of these cuz you can only go up to 12 per weapon weapon groups are decided by the model so I could have three of these Max on the ship I could equip both of these I could have three of these and then four of these but if you're just picking one an extra gun is kind of a big difference now I don't know the numbers on this one specifically again check the Excel sheet because I have columns in there that will show the DPS when you have the max number equipped so a full load out of Auto Neutron beams or a full load out of Auto helion beams so you can see how those stack up once it takes into account all the you know different factors of magazine size reload speed all that stuff but uh equipping more guns is usually a good call so just cuz it's more expensive does not necessarily mean it's better because less guns is a big factor which comes into a few recommendations I have on some guns that are so good they just shine past everything else so number one and one a lot of people talk about but I I it's a special place in my heart are the uh Vanguard hellfires you have to join Vanguard to have access to these but uh notice two things one 7.5 fire rate Which is higher than like any other gun in the game still very good Hall damage good Shield damage max power of two two which means you can have six of these things you can have six 7.5 fire High H damage so if you equip six of these again it's magazine base so you don't have to put Power into them you just have one power the second of ship Shields comes down you can just destroy it instantly with a hail of Hellfire and that's great I love these things they be class 2o they say 800 range but you can usually shoot a little bit past that no problem uh these are incredible incredible value and you if you look at the DPS chart you'll see like the hellfires shine above so many other things um if you are deciding what weapons to use and you don't want to just go for particle beams cuz they're the easiest um the thing to note about ballistics is that ballistics also get a bonus at rank four for increased module damage uh so you can use these as kind of a module sniper if you have the targeting skill uh where high damage ballistics like cannons and stuff especially you can just like pick pieces off of enemy ships um mostly useful for boarding not much else because honestly you can kill stuff much faster than you can disable it like sure you can aim and try to Target the engines but in that same time you can just hold down the shoot button for like 2 and a half seconds with hellfires and most enemy ships will be gone if their Shields are down uh the only other thing worth noting in ballistics is uh this is the mer 106s it's a shotgun it's the only shotgun in space I don't it's Unique so you know fun fact there is a shotgun weapon and it's this one it's just hidden amongst the other Ballers all right and then uh following up ballistics obviously if you run ballistics you pretty much have to run lasers as a companion lasers are weird I was very happy that the ballistic reload speeds were extremely consistent lasers are not different brands of laser like the dragons yeah the Horizon defense ones the light Scythe ones and the shinigamy ones all have different reload speeds I'm used to them having different magazine sizes cuz that was true of ballistics as well if you check the chart the different manufacturers like one is a low capacity higher damage one one's like a medium capacity one's a high Capac or it's the damage is actually usually better for the high capacity ones for some reason it's usually like a scaling factor of there's one manufacturer that makes a fancier model that that costs more has a bigger magazine size better DPS output only downsizes usually the reload is worse the lasers are there's so there were so many stats here for doing reload speed was so annoying I'll break it down like this though you can use whatever you want the Reas are probably the best ones for DPS and sustained DPS but you also have to use Shinigami weapons which means that you have to stick with their weird turn tur quise every other gun in the game is like either dark gray and gold or black and gold or white and red right so it's like you the damos aesthetic or the Nova aesthetic you get to match everything in space is either dark gray or white but Shinigami stuff is turquoise I don't I don't know why it doesn't match like any other module in the game and you can't repaint weapons so like if you want turquoise here you go they're the best lasers in the game but they look super weird for everything else sorry uh besides that they I will say uh laser weapons reload significantly faster than ballistic weapons do uh they've got much better like sustained DPS output for that but of course you know they suffer from a very low Hull damage so good for shredding Shields that that's kind of it um and then their benefit is that when you rank them up to rank four it just keeps decreasing the power draw when you're in targeting mode so if you like using targeting mode you can fire lasers for very long and it before it drains the targeting bar fully moving on we've got missiles missiles are hard to run I will say they are great burst damage very high burst damage but very very slow reload speeds every single missile has the same reload speed which is if you fully power it it is 20 seconds across the board but different missiles have different magazine sizes which are again all on the Excel sheet so there are some that are very notably good like for instance uh the where is it the infiltrator SC2 yeah this guy this thing's got like 14 missiles in it before it has to reload so even though it's damage isn't as good as others this has one of the best sustained DPS values for all the missiles because you get to shoot so many missiles and then you know reloads in the same amount of time you get to shoot a ton more missiles so those are amazing and the other the I think overall the best one actually is a b-class one the yeah the hunter mag 450s same from Horizon defense these are like the best sustained DPS for missiles that you can get cuz they hold it's either 10 or 12 but good damage good capacity and then if you want raw wacking power uh it's the at Lal 28 CS 277 damage but they only hold two and then they take 20 seconds to reload and you can only equip three of them cuz it's max power four so if you have three of these equipped you get to shoot a total of 6 277 damage missiles but then you're 20 seconds of reloading so you can absolutely pop one guy but usually it seems like it's better to run the uh Hunters cuz they're still decent damage but it's better sustained damage and all that but overall I I feel missiles are in a rough spot because they're they're good but you still have to like lock on to the enemy which takes time and my experience is that even against very high level enemy ships like in New Game Plus at a high level when they're spawning in like the three and four variants of ships so that they're the same ships that you've been fighing before but with upgraded modules um with all particle be I can still kill stuff in like a matter of seconds so the literally in the time it takes to lock on you can kill an enemy with particle beams so the raw efficiency of particle beams and even just laser ballistic too it's like the lock on time is just it's annoying and there's not really good ways to reduce it which I really think they should have a bonus in the missile skill for lock on time reduction that would make them so much nicer to use but that is an annoyance for me personally so I don't typically use a lot of missile builds though I did this one cuz it uh it matched the color scheme and then finally we have em weapons and EM weapons are another one that is like if you want to do boarding against weak enemies em weapons are great because you can disable equipment on enemy ships very quickly with these and without hurting them so you can take out engines without any risk of dam of destroying the enemy ship however one I don't usually board ships that are that low level and weak it's usually a bigger ship that I see where I'm like oh that's like a three variant of like a big ship I'm going to shoot out the engines and take it and it's tanky enough that I can shoot out the engines without destroying it no problem the other annoying thing is that these disable modules for so long and you can't speed up the repair rate with your Shield or with your reactor cuz if you don't know the way it works is that when a module gets damaged it turns red like the bars up in the power meter will turn red one the one at the bottom will start like glowing gray and then after a bit it will be repaired and then it will go up to the next one and continue but you can speed this up if you power it it will start recharging whatever you power so if this is empty right say the grab Drive is completely destroyed and it's no power in it one bar if I put two power bars in both of these Will Repair at the same rate if I fully power it all of them will repair at the same time can't do that with emps so in my pirate playthrough I was messing around with them and I noticed wow it is so annoying that I capture this ship and it wasn't fixing the EMP when I was boarding no it saved it for me cuz then once I am done killing everyone I get in the ship engines are disabled empd can't repair them at the same time got to wait for the EMP to wear off and it takes so long it's awful feeling no you can still grab drive with the engines out assuming you didn't EMP the grab drive too uh but I was operating as pirate out of the key star base so I had to fly to that star base to dock so I'm I fast travel there and then I'm just sitting at 540 M staring at it waiting for my engines to come back along and it takes so long and between that and the lack of DPS cuz you can no longer kill things like I've seen people say like oh like they're so good cuz you can disable enemy modules but again like I just I don't run into fights that I can't end much faster like it's like the saying they used to have in Warframe it's like the best crowd control is dead like yeah you can disable an enemy Ship by shooting with EMP stuff but you can also just you know blow it up so for even for boarding stuff I still think it's better to just I just run with particle beams and then I go into targeting mode when the shields are down and I shoot the engines a few times till they turn off and then I board it so suppressors are good for making sure the ship doesn't die but I at least personally feel that most times it's better just to run with um ballistics or particle beams and just Target the engines now if you don't have the targeting skill sure these will work for that but we're talking about one skill point versus 30% of your DPS output potential so that covers all of the weapons uh again the most efficient load out that you can do for this is is going to just be particle beams you only have to put in a few skill points Barrett will buff them up even more they're long range accurate high damage hits the same for Shield or Hull like they're just great they're just great and they make the best turrets if you're picking one there's a couple that are really good one of the ones that we are using for this build the obliterator the things uh hit really hard have a good magazine size require Starship design rank three and are pretty expensive but these things are they hit like trucks the other ones that are worth noting are the PB 175 Autos which I believe are right here yep pb 175 Autos these things have insane DPS you can see there they do nearly the same damage but at a higher fire R so these things will tear through enemy ships and max power of three so you get to have four of these and that's why they're 25 Grand a piece but they will shred anything and I I they're a staple of my builds when I'm going for harder ship fights uh the other one worth noting is the Vanguard Auto projector which I think is is that a cclass yep there it is no that's the Aries particle Cannon I'm looking for the obliterator where are you Vanguard you'll notice uh a lot of their equipment just straight outperforms everything else uh which is you know kind of a a funny thing but yeah if you want good parts just join there you are Vanguard obliterator Auto projector High fire rate good damage max power of two just like the Hellfire so you get to have six of these things so again hail of gunfire crazy DPS output all right so that covers all of that oh yeah and for em I'll also not the best em device in the game is the uh it's actually an a class one the uh one nullifier 17 5 I believe it's called yep nullifier 1750 33k best eem damage output you can get if you do want to run EMS getting a full load out of these is the best you can do all right so yeah technically if you wanted to build a ship for the max possible DPS output the answer would be to get all of the um particle beam turrets you possibly can maybe the the uh Vanguard obliterators or the PB 175 Autos as well but like two sets of the particle beam turrets and uh one set of fixed ones and you'll kill everything that gets near you um for this though uh we are running with these turrets these obliterators and these missile pods here uh and I'm just not showing you placement yet because the final section here that we are getting into is going to be the structural section and I need those to place these so we'll get to that momentarily but the final piece of the functional modules that we are going to talk about are fuel and cargo fuel is easy that is your jump distance which is weird cuz that is pretty much the same thing as range but it's different so your jump range is when you are at a St star and you're picking a nearby star to jump to the longest jump you can make is your jump range so you can jump from this one to another one 30 Lighty years away however if you are traveling across the Galaxy you are going to be making multiple jumps in a row you'll it'll go from star to star to star the number of those connections you can do is decided by your fuel tanks so the more grab jump fuel you have the more consecutive jumps you can do so literally the only thing this does is prevent extra loading screens if you have low jump fuel you're going to have to jump halfway and then you can just immediately jump again but if you don't want to do that you know this is just a convenience feature luckily they're pretty cheap and pretty light so it's not not a huge deal so for these um I've got a set of these ballistic Solutions uh balls here which I always love putting on the back of my ships those are going to strap right onto the back of the grab drive right there and then the other ones I'm using are actually right here these m30 ulses tanks and that's because these tanks fit really well with the Nova cowling here you'll see it's like they were made for each other um unfortunately the higher like the higher up versions of these tanks don't fit because they add on a second tank underneath then it wraps all the way around and Nova does not have a cowling like that cuz unfortunately with these you can't flip them upside down you can only go left and right with them I wish I could turn them upside down to make a full U but uh I can't so we're stuck with these smaller ones here but again it this still can jump most places without an issue uh and that's the thing you'll notice with a lot of the cargo and fuel pots is that they seem to be built to match up with certain manufacturers so so for instance damos builds will often have these seant uh cargo holds on them because the brass matches the brass that is covering all of their structural pieces in this case though uh we are strapping these right here these are shielded cargo holds which these are one of the few pirate items in the game so if you want pirate items it is two things one is cargo hold which is there are normal cargo holds that you can get very large ones of and that just determines how much stuff you can store in your ship I recommend having a lot because your ship storage is amazing not only can you sell things directly from your ship storage at any vendor just there's a button to flip between inventories so hit sell from your ship but you can deposit things into your ship inventory even when you're out of the ship if you're within like a couple hundred meters you can deposit things into it and take things from it um just by going and opening the menu and clicking the ship Tab and then hitting the cargo hold button from there and not only that but every crafting bench in the game pulls from your Starship even ones that aren't on your Starship like if you go to a random shop and it's got a weapon bench in it and you access it you'll have all the resources on your ship to work with and there is a button if you are in your inventory you can swap po over to your ship's cargo and then swap back and there will be a new button that says transfer to Cargo and if you go into resources there's a deposit all resources button so you can dump all of your resources from crafting directly into your ship so it's it's so easy to manage so I recommend having a big cargo hold the pirate items though are these shielded versions which are always smaller like on the smaller end of the cargo hold but they're shielded meaning that if you have illegal items in your cargo hold you have a chance to avoid detection from Authority so if you have smuggling things if you have harvested orgon stolen artwork whatever it is and you get scanned as long as it is not in your inventory it is in the ship cargo not on the ground of the ship it has to be in the cargo hold you have a chance to not be detected and the more Headway you have the better that chance gets so for instance if you are like if you have for instance this is Cargo Shield at 190 so if you have 190b worth of illegal Goods it's not going to be as good as say you had like 50 so you want to go under your shielded cargo capacity in terms of how much illegal stuff you can store at once I just have these ones here because I figured I'd throw on a little bit and I like that the aesthetic of it matches the brass of these engines and the brass of the reactor the other cargo holds that we are going to be using are under the ship here in which we are using this 10t hauler cargo hold giving us 585 right there and then there is a another cargo hold I ripped out earlier there you are and that one's going right there that's a 20t hauler 760 so between those two we have a a ton of cargo space right underneath the ship and makes nice smooth line and to our grab drive and then we have these two extra shielded ones back here by the reactor all right so that covers all of the functional modules now we're going to transition into some minor ones before we go fully into structural so there is a extra tab called equipment equipment is much like uh weapons it's in the the same thing it can only slot into these Square attachment points and there are three different things essentially not these three these are all just upgraded versions of the same thing these are signal frequency Jammers basically when you're doing a ship scan for shielded cargo and you have this on it just increases your chance of evasion so you put on this nice one the multifrequency you basically have no chance of being detected assuming you're not going over capacity in illegal Goods you can get these from Pirates AK if you go to the key or the Red Mile uh Casino area there's a ship tech there that sells scan Jammers and the shielded cargo holds as well there are also two unique equipment items that I do not have available to purchase here but if you complete the Crimson Fleet quest line they unlock two special modules that increase your targeting lock on speed and your Shield Regen speed so if you really want that I think it's like 20% Shield regen increase go for it but again once the shield starts recharging it recharges pretty quick so I've never really ran into an issue for it but if you're going for like a lighter build say a Class A Speed Build maybe having that Shield regen would be nice so that when you disengage you can get your Shields back even quicker but yeah so that's equipment now before we get fully into structural there is a kind of H of structural and weapon equipment that you should know about and that is the mounting plate so if we go over here into the structural tab you'll see this equipment plate right on top it's made by Taio engineering they're not available everywhere but when they are it's very nice what this does is this will convert a circle attach Point into a square attach point so right now I can only attach ship parts to this but if I click that now I can put a gun there or an equipment slot so you've got those for vertical and then you also have the Horizon weapon mount for side ones which is the same thing except it adds on two so you can have this kind of like caned design like that uh doesn't look as good when you have asymmetric guns like this but you know you can uh create weapon points very easily that way although structural pieces also add on a ton and I mean a ton of M in points all right so we've covered every functional module we know okay we got the hab set up we got our reactor we got our grav Drive engines storage for cargo and fuel we are we're good the skeleton is here if you will so now we have to start figuring out the aesthetic pieces so that we can attach the guns and everything where where we want them to be and figure out the overall shape of the ship so the structural tab is where it it's where everything is it is where everything is it is where the different manufacturers Aesthetics really come out so for instance here at the top we've got damos right and damos has these big slopes they've got braces braking engines you've got make sure to check if there are variants that you can pick between cuz a lot of these have things that fit together like this is a bumper that is for the front the mid and then the back so you put all three of those in a line and they make one big smooth shape you've got these Hull bracers here which just allow you to fill out your ship and add new attach points to give it mass and then you've got these decorative pieces for on top like the radiator the skegs that go underneath the ship the spines that go on top which you know the radiator and the spines fit together together so damos kind of encourages you to you know start a slope continue it into a spine maybe have a radiator thrown in there maybe have this come in this one's got some weapon attach points on top too so the different manufacturers have a bunch of aesthetic pieces that serve no purpose other than to one add on weapon Mount points and two allow you to edit the um the silhouette of your ship to create a more pleasing design so you know hope Tech we got pipes pipes for days radiators big old blocks and risers and thrusters and then Nova we have the Nova bracer which is all scaffolding braking engines little bits to put on top like these engine struts which uh there's kind of a a universal attachment system which you can see really well from this notice that it's like a point there a point there point there point there and then you look at the Nova Habs and they have a little SP spot there little spot there and you'll notice that this shape goes across everything like for instance for these engines point there point there point there so there's this kind of universal section of of attach points on everything so that a lot of different manufacturers can fit together well cuz they know we have to have the Lines line up with the three points on top so because of that you absolutely can combine things linearly for these more outside pieces sometimes different manufacturers don't line up very well but that is up to your discretion to figure out if you want them to go together so for this build I wanted that Nova ship so I was looking specifically at Nova pieces and we're going to start strapping those on now so you can see what I went for here so for this this is the Nova cowling Nova cowling comes in three different variants which is the front mid back to make these nice big Wing shapes so for here I've got a mid right on the bottom and a back one there and then I have just a back one on top cuz I kind of like this sloped design here then I have radiators like that I love these radiators I love the brass color game I'm mad at Bethesda because they forgot to make a variant for the big one notice the big radiator has this cut out here just like these ones do except the difference is that these radiators can be flipped so that it's on the other side the big one cannot so it is always missing the top right corner and that asymmetry uh it just drives me crazy so I don't use it we've got this port hole that that we're going to be putting right there onto the side of the control station Hab and then we're doing the same thing on the other side so radiator radiator back facing cowling Med cowling back cowling and port hole on top of these two cowlings is where we're putting these two disruptors and then on the bottom of these ones is where we're putting two obliterators next up we have the top here which is composed of the top cowling the front and backwards variants that are just going to go right there and we are putting a obliterator on top of that lines up that red stripe nicely now we're going to the back here and again we are with any of this design I went a lot more to my design philosophy on how I make ships in my damos video but the whole idea is that you're just looking to set up unique lines using the Parts given to you by a manufacturer so I really liked that these caps fit really well over the holes there and that the struts would come out and I originally had these farther in but I'm like no I want them out to the side so they actually have firing lines even though that doesn't matter your guns can shoot through your ship uh I wanted it just for the aesthetic value now for here um these have mounting points on the side so very easily we can clip on you clip on you not going to put the breaking one on yet so same thing back cowling mid cowling front cowling I like having cowlings coming back over engines cuz it makes it feel like they're secured in like they're being held into place and same thing for this I like protecting the weapons um the weapon mounts that are coming out the Fret here and then we are going to be covering up the front of that as well with top callings and so it makes this nice big engine pod so you can see through you can see the piping showing through but we don't have everything just exposed out now I'm going to flip underneath her and I'm going to throw on some landing gear landing gear are something I usually leave for the end because you can fit landing gear kind of all over the place the only rules they have to be on the same line as the landing Bay and landing gear come in two variants which I usually refer to for myself as short and tall or legs and bottoms legs are like this they are two blocks tall so they have to clamp onto the side of something so for instance if I wanted to use this and have it line up with the landing gear I would have to clamp it onto this level right here so I don't have any exposed Mount points on the sides of this ship so I can't attach legs to it this is the same as the uh no a galactic ones that you have on the front tier as well they have to mount to the outside but then you have under ones now under ones like this the stoud Eckland one by the way some strout ekland pieces are sneaky they have variants and they don't tell you like look here this one is meant to line up with the stoud right piece this one is the middle piece and then this one is the left piece so they have this middle piece just hidden in there and just don't mention it but yeah if you want just like a straight up block Lander you got the ACU Lander from them you've got the Pinpoint Landing from Taio even bigger Pinpoint Landing from tile even bigger so these ones are nice because you can just clip them onto the bottom of a ship which typically I don't decorate as much so you know when I'm looking at the bottom here I was thinking like oh what can I fit under here well luckily Nova Galactic has these different variants of bottom landing gear they have a 4 One a middle one so like you can you know clip these together in a line and then a wide one so they're kind of all meant you know to like fit together in like a tube shape so it' be like that and then another one like that but I just like the wide ones cuz they also have side mounting points which is very good to me so I can clamp this to the bottom I can clamp this to the bottom and then I can strap this on because these braking thrusters only have one Mount point on the side and I can strap that to the landing gear and then we're going to do the same thing over here except this time I'm going to go faster so I'm just going to double click that clamp you in double click that clamp you in landing gear there landing gear there clamp the reverse Thruster on and then strap a cap on it perfect so the other thing I did is that for these these big Nova weapon struts that come out the front here have all sorts of Mount points you can have them on the outside the inside like that like that so these give you a ton of mounting options personally I just liked having them in there cuz I liked how it looked having these like big missile racks coming out so I've got the two sets of c59 tucked into there again dealer's choice if you don't like missiles if you want to use lasers particle beams you might not be able to fit them both in here but you can definitely fit them on the outside there like if I remove I don't think you can have them at the same time but if I took you off aim there do the attach feature you know we can strap all sorts of stuff out here so dealer's Choice whatever uh weapon system makes you feel best uh get back on there but for this for the aesthetic value we're doing C 59s and then uh I didn't point out but the second set of the disruptor turrets are back here because max power three so we get to have four total uh note unfortunately you cannot get duplicates of the same weapon across two weapon groups so I couldn't do like four of these in group one and then four of these in weapon group two um they don't let you do that so you have to have three unique weapon models now those can be different variants of the same thing I could have this and then the slow firing one and then the non- turret one and but you can't do the exact same one last little piece here we're going to take this shorter landing gear here and we're just going to plop it right in the middle there just cuz I wanted it to have a more sensible landing gear pattern uh and then back here so this you know I had this big space back here and I wanted to think about what to do with it so I went with brace ing the bracing pieces which are every manufacturer has one where it's basically just this is a fake Hab you know it's a cube but it's got a mounting point on the sides bottom and top so I put a line of these like so and then I put on a set of these radiators and then also the shield generator cuz I needed to place with the shield and I liked the look of the brass going from like you got the brass line there brass on there youve got these radiators on the sides here and then you have this like strip of Radiators leading straight to the reactor which you know design wise is sensible the radi the reactor is what's making a lot of the heat on the ship having the radiators nearby for heat dispersion is a sensible Choice and then I put these cowlings on so that way I could have extra fuel capacity for tons of jump range and it fit so nicely and I just wanted to show that yeah different ship manufacturers have certain pieces that fit with certain like Fuel and reactor parts so now the struts on the reactor blend in with the struts of the Nova bracers here for this kind of industrial grid pattern back here and that leaves us with a finished ship now last pieces don't forget there are extra things that you need to do number one hit the flight check button go to weapons and make sure that they're all assigned to a group so if you have turrets assign those to the last one because you don't need to actually do anything they clicking the button doesn't do anything for the turrets they just work so you don't need them so left click for this one is the alpha beames and right click for the missile launchers we have a top speed of 140 cuz we have b-class missiles we have 85 Mobility from these big old boys having a lot of maneuvering thr us even though we are quite heavy at 1,884 Mass note I love the structural pieces and you should too they make your ship look great but these do technically just make your ship worse cuz they don't give you any health they don't give you any H pieces they only add Mass so like each of these is eight Mass each of those is eight Mass like so all I'm really doing is spending money to make my ship heavier with no actual Advantage because these don't do much but they look cool and that's much more important so note that when you're building there is a build limit you can only do 130 pieces and you can only extend 40 m in any direction note any direction so the total length is technically 80 M but they measure these measurements from the center point so you can only go 40 m in any direction and it's always centered so if that's says 41 or if that's says 41 you've gone too far and you have to cut it back this one is exactly at max length and overall stats are good 85 m is good 30 Jump rench is fantastic six Max crew is perfectly fine cargo 2,000 which is great shield, 1600 which is the best you can get Hull is 1560 which is very high and we have a ton of damage for our missiles particle beams and particle turrets the last thing you're going to want to do with this is some painting so for instance for these I selected all of these cowlings right here repainted them and I believe yep over here this is the color value I used all red all red right there in that kind of dark Zone just cuz I wanted to match it up to the dark red that you will see on no pieces like these and also on the uh obliterator turrets as well other thing I changed is this has the same red tone for those corner pieces and then over here I made this a dark gray um to give it that outlined look cuz currently it's just like white you know it's kind of hidden I think it looks nice so I try to draw that out a bit more although honestly I could probably do a little lighter that's good and then down here these and also I believe I grabbed the engines as well cuz they're a bit brighter than normal and I took all those ah yes and then also these braces here and I changed their primary color to be this kind of bright white color uh I did not mean to grab that one but for everything else you know you can get it to match it because these will be a darker gray these will be a brighter white so you can kind of bring the color schemes in to be as close as you can get to everything else but uh didn't want to actually edit that one cuz the default Nova stuff is good for the cowlings and then besides that I believe the only thing left to do then is you take these bracers and their color value three you also set to Red cuz it's orange by default but I didn't have any of the other orange Nova pieces out here so it looked weird oh actually these are beep perfect so now she's done and you can see we have Max in everything so with your ship done there's only few more things to talk about so I will finish up this modification and I will walk around inside so you guys can check out the ship while I talk about Crew Skills cuz crew skills are weird so hello the crew skills are not exactly the same as the player skills they are slightly different so when you enter this ship I'll do a little quick tour here you enter into the Armory here so you've got this room which is like the lock up where you have weapon cases am case storage bins lockers and then two mannequins out front and then this door will lead you into the rest of the ship so for instance here we have a nice little window viewing port in the side here you've got the command chairs in the center and then this ladder will lead straight up into the workshop do you need something where everyone is hanging out right now for some this is the docking hatch so if you are doing boarding that's you'll go out and then this hatch leads into the back of the ship where you can see this is just the frontier Hab that you start with um but there are doors all over the sides from the bridges we put in bridge over here leads to the infirmary so you have access to your pharmaceutical lab as well as your research station right here and then other side leads into just a type B all-in-one which is very similar to the type A but you have beds in the corners here so actual sleeping space and then finally this is why we use the Nova because the Nova Bridge has an actual staircase the only staircase available in the ship Builder which I wish they would change but for now this is the only way you can do it and you can see here the view from the Nova cockpit is fantastic but this door leads over here into the Captain's Quarters which the novo Captain's qus super snug it's got this own little Alco here at the bed need something classic vosco sticking through the floor because they mount him to the outside of the ship and then you've got the workshop here that leads back to this ladder going down together always so let's talk about some basics of the crew skills though and we'll use the actual menu to look at this so you look at your ship you hit crew you can see [Music] everyone when you assign someone to your ship the skills that affect the ship will glow these don't always give you the same benefits the normal ones do so for instance the particle beam weapon systems I have not I've done testing and it does increase the damage because if you did not know shift skills from companions stack with the player but not each other so if you have particle beam weapon systems which I do and Barrett is assigned as well they will add their bonuses together but if you have a second crew member that also has particle beam weapon systems theirs won't benefit unless it's higher it just picks the best skill available from a crew member and then adds it to yours but they change some of the stats for companions so for instance this doesn't give you quite the damage bonus that you should get at level three but it does increase reload speed which is weird because none of the particle beam weapon system skills for the player increases the reload speed but his does another example of this is Sam Co has piloting four now you don't unlock BR or C Class ships from this but you do get the bonus to mobility and then also for him specifically it adds a free Power slot into your engines whenever he's on board um same thing for vosco vosco has Shield systems too but it doesn't increase the shield as much as like it should for having that level of Shield systems I've also got actually Omari you should also be assigned to a ship let me uh unassign someone else from the ship because Andrea is my companion so she'll be fine okay yeah like even though he's got higher Shield skills it doesn't actually give you more Shields after this point like the two to three jump doesn't happen but it does look like it Buffs the regen speed so it appears that there are secret effects to skills when it is a companion using them I have not fully tested everything for figuring out what they exactly do but what we do know is this they do help they do benefit you so like feel free to use them like assign crew members but unfortunately the beyond the main cast like the main constellation people most of the other crew skills just don't do much cuz they come in three variants you've got constellation people which have full skills some and between one and two Starship skills you've got named NPCs which are like people that are from different quests or you'll just find them in bars and stuff and they have an actual name and they will give you bonuses as well and usually like two star ones like this guy here or Amelia airheart or whoever and then you have the unnamed one then you have the unnamed onear ones like um uh if you go to a bario CP that it's called like energy Weapon Specialist or power Specialist or jump drive specialist and they will just have one star skills um and they really aren't worth it because you can find companions that have every Starship skill you can need in two star variants so I guess they're there if you just really hate the main cast and you just don't want them but yeah so wrapping that up the skills do benefit they're not the same as the player skills so they seem to have their own values but until we have modding tools and people data mining this we don't know exactly what they are all right and so with that I I think that wraps up all of the points I've got here for talking about ship building so we'll just take just so I can demonstrate uh Power okay orbital insertion done cool time to dance so you can see here uh for one our power bar is huge now which is very funny looking so I also have a mod on that I highly recommend that makes it so time slows down when you are changing power around which is very nice but not at all necessary to run this so we're going to turn speed down for those of you that did not pay attention during the flying tutorial let me remind you again now if you are having trouble spotting ships keep your speed bar in the middle of that white bar you see down there next to the speed cuge that is your mobility center that rear ship will have its best Mobility you can see even here with my engines way down this thing still has a very high turning rate and I can flip very quickly so allow me to demonstrate the effects of particle beams unpowered again one power these are doing full [Music] damage and then I can just do that and then take it out again now I won't hold it to drain it cuz if you fully drain the power you'll see the magazine will go from 100 now to zero and then if I put another back in it will have to recharge again so you don't want to fully drain it but it's very easy just to reload things and then just ignore the again think this is the exact same mechanics actually that they have in um uh Star Citizen right now too or like you use your energy to recharge the weapon so if you're kind of playing on top of things you just don't leave the power in the weapon for missiles too same thing for missiles you definitely want to fully power to recharge because uh the reload time is already so long it's awful but a thing you can do is if you don't want to power your missiles at all get those uh either the hunter mags or the seo2 that have super high capacity put one powerpo in and then just uh you know just pretend you only have one rack of missiles you get to still shoot a ton of them but again I don't know how a fight will last that long like if you're actually shooting the enemies and it's actually doing damage to them like things will get shredded by this much Firepower in no time at all but if I were to like play this normally I usually just leave stuff on like 50% power engin somewhere in the middle there yeah that's this is what I would play at and you can see ah yes okay so this actually does confirm a theory of mine I have a free power point in Shields right now and I think that is from Omari Hassan being assigned in so I think that a person with level three in a skill might like for like the systems like the um piloting for Sam Co or shields for Amari Hassan I think it just gives you a free power point in it which is pretty nice like that's two free Power Pips now and then I get an extra one for vosco so I'm at 41 total so definitely use your crew skills out there but you know decide if you actually want to go down the social tree to get crew management to get those extras I think three is perfectly fine but all right I hope you all actually built some really nice ships out there and definitely check out the Excel sheet if you want to see like good load out options but I will see you all next time with more ship builds which I'm going to be doing for the different manufacturers bye
Views: 226,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Ship Building, Nova Galactic, space ship, space ship mechanics
Id: UreZ3opK4Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 5sec (8525 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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