Dream VS Technoblade: $100,000 Duel ANALYSIS

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last thursday i did a 1v1 with dream for 100 000. now mr beast has already made a video about this and i am assuming you've watched it before this video if you haven't a link is in the description go watch it first now i have a lot to say about this 1v1 it was one of the most stressful things i have ever done in my life because the stakes were just so high but i'm going to save that for another day right now i just want to do an analysis of the 10 fights i want to go over them in detail because i think in the video you can't really see everything that happened hopefully you guys are a bit more interested in pvp analysis than mr beast is techno what are your thoughts on the last duel i think i was in the lead but then at the end i gave up on the axe crit oh my god this guy is the biggest nerd i've ever met why did i ask this question i regret everything so this is the first duel it's in 1.8 which is generally considered to be my strong suit now dream actually wanted the first duel to be in 1.8 although it was decided by coin flip but i'm thinking his reasoning was that he's done a lot of training in this mode so he's probably thinking like if he can beat me in the first round in my own game mode i'll become super stressed and then play worse and lose by a lot unfortunately for him that's my secret captain i'm always stressed so i throw down some banter in the chat before the duel begins dream really wants me to walk over to him and i'm just i'm just staring at him because it's not happening dude it's not happening i'm content to stall and to fish and rod him because if i do this for another 45 minutes his armor will break for me hitting him with the rod so he goes and he gets it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that he gets the first hit because i'm just gonna regen and i'm luring him back now i'm doing two things here i'm adjusting to like the ping and his strafe patterns i'm getting i'm getting in the zone but i'm also luring him to this position for a strategical reason which you'll see in a second here bam i've knocked him onto the ledge this is huge the reach you can hit people from begins at the player's eyes so when dream is a block higher than me it's much easier for me to hit his feet than for him to hit my head because the base of a right triangle is shorter than the hypotenuse stay in school kids it makes you better at pvp now of course stream also graduated from middle school he knows about the triangle so he tries to escape but not before i get two free hits on him and then he hits me with the bow a bit but i don't really care because i'm just gonna hit him with the boat right back and then finish him off with the rod trick oh i think my rod pvp at the start could have used some more work but overall a pretty convincing victory and we head into the second round which is 1.16 pvp which dream is more known for now i'm going into this thinking that the first thing i need to do is find a tree and punch it to collect wood but the second thing i need to do is place a tactical crafting table now this is considered a forbidden technique in pvp circles it's actually i'm not actually allowed to explain it because i had to get permission to learn this technique from the minecraft elders so you guys are gonna have to figure that one out on your own i'm sorry but we just can't let that knowledge get into the wrong hands now we're both playing a bit cautiously here i think 1.9 pvp it really favors the defender so i'm trying to get i'm trying to get hits in before i go full on aggro and i'm trying to use the shield because axe crits are the biggest thing in 1.9 i'm trying to use the shield to disable an axe crit and get one for free and now at this point i'm thinking i have a health lead i can safely commit to the fight and again i get some more damage there now i miss i miss the crit there which is gonna be that's gonna be a problem and we start trading hits but unfortunately i start to stumble here towards the end and dream manages to pull the win and equalize it so we head into the third round the score is tied one to one and since it's my version i really need to win this one otherwise things are going to be looking really bad for me just like last time there's this awkward 20-second period where we just stare at each other and rod from like 10 blocks away but i i don't want to charge him there because he is the he was on the lower half slab because again the triangles now here he i think i'm down on the health in this exchange so i'm stalling i'm staring at him like oh yeah i'm about to shoot this guy but really i'm just i know he's gonna sit there and block so i'm waiting for my my health to regenerate unfortunately he gets the arrow there which knocks me on another heart now i'm trying to escape here so i can heal up but dream isn't letting it happen so i decided to head into the fight now i know i'm down health here i have to get a free hit so i use the bow i get a free hit there and now we're about equal say it with me not even close oh my god oh techno my heart i go into the fourth round with a two to one lead but now we're playing on 1.16 which stream has a lot more experience with i try to raise my shield but accidentally uh sheer the ground or whatever you call this mechanic all i know is that i clearly did not take my adhd medicine this morning because i immediately become distracted and completely forget about the duel for about 10 seconds but then i remember oh right a hundred thousand dollars and go back in for the kill now dream and i we're staring at each other i shoot the ground a bit more so we're staring at each other dream goes in gets the first hit and then just kind of sits there and lets me heal because he just really he just really does not want to go on the offensive and then up oh oh are we going to hit each other oh dream hits me again and he's like you know what you know what never mind i'm gonna let you heal so before i go in for the kill on 1.9 i want the enemy to make at least two mistakes and here you see dream's second mistake is letting me get a bunch of these axe crits for free of course his first mistake was challenging me in the first place now i know he has less health than me so i'm going in he's trying to escape because health regeneration is really fast in 1.9 but he's cornered he can't get away and i am perfectly content here to just trade axe crits until one of us dies because i know that it'll be him and i take my first win in 1.16 heading into the fifth round i have a three to one lead and now that i've beaten dream in his version he has to beat me at least once in my version before the end of the duel or he's guaranteed to lose dream uses a lot of his arrows at the start of the fight and i'm not sure why so i figured hey i'm just going to shoot him but why not but i miss he goes in for the attack and i get one hit but he gets two so he's got a little bit of elite at this point and i try to shoot him to just just sort of make up for it a little bit i try i want to pick up this arrow here on the ground but it does not work out he actually manages to pick up the arrow before me get a free shot there another free shot and now i'm sitting here i'm feeling pretty confident at this point like i have i have a mild healthy ooh another arrow now he's blocking so the arrows do less damage but i don't care because i feel like at this point i have a slight health lead so i can go in for the kill and while it is true that i had a slight health lead at the very end here dream gets some very good rods and manages to take back the win and make this score three to two now i'm gonna gloss over around six seven and eight a bit since i think they're pretty standard but as you can see here extreme he's using his shield a lot more than i am he blocked the crossbow bolt earlier i get a free hit there but then he uses a shield to disable my hit gets another axe crit and i lose the round as a result we go into the seventh round with the score tied three to three but it's 1.8 so i should win this one i knocked dream on to the platform but he's learned his lesson so i i try to get a free hit here with the bow and i actually succeed he dodged the arrow but i get the free hit while he's while his movements is messed up and i win the round i go into the eighth round with a four to three lead now if i can win this duel or either of the next two i'm guaranteed to at least tie and get fifty thousand dollars but two of the three remaining duels including this one are in one point sixteen which stream is doing much better at so we'll have to see i get a free hit disable a shield but he disables mine i get another hit there a crossbow ball but he crits me with the axe as i reload my crossbow i shoot him back but the axe crit it does a lot more damage than the crossbow we're trading hits here i pull out my sword but it doesn't work because swords are purely ornamental in 1.16 it's round nine and the score is tied four to four if i want to win this duel i have to win both of the remaining fights but i'm already down to seven hearts fortunately i have something that dream doesn't comprehensive knowledge of ancient china in a flash of inspiration i remember that in 227 bce king zhang once escaped from his assassin by circling behind a pillar i replicate this mid-fight and heal to full health fast forward a bit dream donates an arrow to me before we begin the final exchange oh yes and so we enter the final round i only get one chance if i want to secure this victory and if i want to do it i'll have to beat dream at his own version i mess with the floor a bit because why not and dream dream wants to fight me there but i don't want to give him even a half slab of low ground so i circle around the pillar we're getting ready to fight each other here mess with the floor a bit more because it's just what you got to do i got a free hit there because dream lets go of a shield a second hit and a crossbow to the foot i start to go in he's imitating king zhang's tactics but it's just it's just not the same it gets a good crit though i get the crossbow ball and thus we begin the final exchange oh oh like bro i can't believe this oh i did it i did it i did it oh my god techno congratulations i'm genuinely 100 000 i genuinely cannot process this and so i won the duel and finally restored my minecraft honor now i have a lot more to say about the duel what like led up to it how i trained for it how i felt about it there's just there's so much to talk about but i just wanted to get an analysis of the fights out first so the one thing i'd like to say is that dream and i we really don't want our fans to start attacking each other as a result of this duel we both played very well we don't have actual beef it's all video games but until the next video comes out i'll see you next time oh and one last thing we win these [Music] ah [Music] you
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 10,659,621
Rating: 4.9523005 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Dream, Technoblade Vs Dream, Dream 1v1, Technoblade 1v1, MrBeast, Technoblade $100k, Dream $100k, $100k Duel
Id: 5MfhpJOkCKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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