Spore: Tale of The Wafflepod Ep.1 - OMNOM-IVORE!

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what is going on guys to swap your back with some more delicious Spore and now we're going to be starting our third story here on Spore the tale of the waffle pod I know that I already like started a few months ago but I might as well just start it all over again since I only did like two or three episodes of that so we're here back with the tale of the waffle pod and let's find out let's find a nice-looking planet for us to start on a lot of these look pretty ugly I guess I guess that one looks pretty good so let's go to this planet and let's just start out with the cell stage so let's see here I think I think I think we're gonna go for the carnivore this time so theme blah blah blah you know that that one guy looks like a purple pair with a tail coming out of its head no theme was just going normal mode and let's name the Singh the waffle pod there we go come with me on our journey to learn the tale of the waffle pod the Sun the solar system the thing that gives life gives energy and makes makes waffle pods possible and stuff then the comet bringing water and life and ice and stuff and things comes to the planet actually I think I named the planet waffle pod I don't remember I god I always mess that up it was the comet comet crashes into the ocean and delivers a bunch of life panspermia and such and such and now we're going into the water to see all the little critters in the ocean below and out of this fragment of the comet hatches the waffle pod welcome to the tied both rasp are the choices you make impact your future as a cell your mission is to eat grow and evolve growth is measured in bloody blows this is your progress bar as you eat you will earn DNA points you can spend those points on new parts to evolve your cell as you progress you will grow larger and your world expands so pretty sure if any of you guys have seen spore or any of my previous playthroughs of Spore you know you can kind of know how this works but for anyone out there who's near the spore basically it's just like playing the evolution of life or whatever if you will was to start out at us at a cell stage eventually evolve over and over again becoming much more advanced than well you know we get colonies and stuff oh yeah let's kill that guy so it's basically survival of the fittest as you see I'm eating all these smaller guys and now I grew larger because I evolved and I'm a lot larger so now I can eat these guys in like one gulp yep look at that table table dum and Leela's other cells and meteor bits are the key to finding new parts each part has unique abilities a whole bay that guy just got jumped when you see a new part of pier swim over to the token and collect it but yeah whenever whenever I evolve I can eat a lot smaller guys like this guy in one gulp I'm like you're having to eat little bits of them at a time so let's just eat some more of these guys I think these guys are herbivores so we should be safe eating them they shouldn't be able to attack us plus we are a ton bigger than them so we are going to dimma date them quite a bit and now we've grown to get a lot of DNA and we can call our maid over and begin mating but I'm gonna collect this this this spike thing attack and break it's just a spike and it was let me continue eating until I get enough DNA points and then I shall call over my mate and we shall evolve customise our little spore creature yeah hey there we go lay that a lot bigger all right let's call over aye mate there there's one over here alright come on baby let me see that pretty face of yours Oh God Oh get away from her get away from her she's mine she's mine forever okay we were like drifting apart are we still and lover or what oh I just laid an egg I didn't know how the female oh wait I'm a single-celled organism anyways Cell creator you can change modes being the Creator by clicking - blah blah that's where we can design how it looks like color wise and this is where we can change different parts and stuff like movie eyes around delete the eyes I think I'm gonna go for the classic big giant round eye that's that's classic that's straight-up classic I think I'm gonna also give myself a spike maybe two spikes yeah don't have enough um I have $7 I have enough money to get I don't have enough money to get another spike I do have enough to get another and stuff I really do need that what's it flagella yeah that's for speed this is for herbivores and stuff you have to eat green plants if you have that you can count other cells alright well let's go over here and design our little cell guy I kind of want to make him a lot a lot brighter shade of red than the the dark red that he was at just uh just why not okay that's kind of oranges orangish red is there a design here see was this design oh that actually looks pretty cool it's got like flesh colored along with some red in there that's kind of like a bumblebee pattern oh that's pretty nifty see what else we have over here was his polka-dots hey look at that alright and we can rotate the camera of course let's see this is pretty I don't think I've gotten this a few times in the past was this one alright that looks actually pretty cool let's go for this color red see how that looks ooh that actually looks pretty cool what about this pinkish color yeah it's a lot more pink that I actually wanted alright so I guess that's I guess we'll roll with that one that one looks pretty cool now we shall name our species the waffle pod I'm really sure that I named the planet waffle pot as well done that before in the past it's a common mistake of mine anyways the waffle Oh waffle pod lives in a pod sure why not and tags the waffle galaxy so if you guys have spore and stuff you can confine this on the creature creator thing I think I think that's how it works so yeah let's just save and there is the newly evolved waffle pod red has spikes and a new little pattern on him Willie or at least a brighter version already he was heels red last time all right so now whenever we bump into other creatures that are slightly larger to us we can bail them with our spikes on the side of us and that'll do some damage as well so let me poke you oh come on get over here yeah leave that I poked him come on get over here I want to poke that booty oh yeah he's dead get away get away the best mind that it's mine all right these guys are trying to kill me I poked him I poked him oh yeah that hurt a little bit I'll run it away they all I got I think the fat oh my god they keep poking my butt get away get away get away I need to evolve I need more DNA boys I need oh my god get away get away get away you wants to touch my booty oh yeah do you so my spikes obey spikes oh no I'm dead I'm dead oh my god of it I need more flagella and stuff so I can get more speed so that doesn't happen again Espeon have happening again don't want to go next to those guys not not for quite a while at least all right so it eats like meteor bits out of here let's go see let's go explore see if we can find more of those uh those parts and stuff let's eat some of these guys get some more there's DNA points might as well get hey get over here uh get this I get this chunk of meat don't mind if I do Oh leave that just enough to grow hey hey leave this now I can finally you guys in one piece oh yeah oh no oh no yes yeah you ran into my spike what a duo Bay's got that jet booster oh man I'm pretty jelly of that uh give me that chunk of meat yeah like that hey you oh holy that got poked get poked oh yeah poke one of those eyes out oh nice we just got the jet that's exactly what I wanted let's see you eat the rest of these and whenever we get a little bit bigger here get a little bit more DNA points you only call over the mate and see if we have enough DNA points to afford we have seventeen I'm like shouldn't be too expensive we should be able to afford the the Jets there's 18 I'm gonna go up to 20 just just to be safe as you can see on the bottom left-hand corner you see how many DNA points we have and we get one DNA point for everything that we eat so hey get away kit oh no those guys have like wings or something oh yeah yet poked oh no those guys have the the poison cloud I think that's what's called yeah get poke get poked yeah get over here you want to get poked - yeah like that oh my god this is so good it's so good all right come on corner ham corner ham gillip yes yes your job good job all right so I'm gonna call a roommate and coincidentally enough my mate just happened to be this little away oh never mind it was a completely different one all right hello there you wanted a look at that I laid an egg what do you know all right so oh god it's 25 I kind of want that I really do I really do want that although we could get another flagella huh scale the parts and stuff yeah I'm gonna get myself giant spitefully that oh yeah I forgot you can you can change the the actual like shape of your guy here so I'm gonna make them a little bit bigger here give them a little bit of bigger eye as well that way the the the spikes don't look completely stupid see I think it's a how do you is it alt how do you how do you change just one alt is a copy but - lets see um let's see I don't remember was it a I don't remember anyways I'm gonna figure that out anyways let's see that's the jet 25 but I could get the the herbivore mouth and stuff too just so I can eat plants hmm could get that actually I could move this out of the way oh I can be a can I put that on top of my mouth that boob I guess so that's pretty interesting so can I like let's see move that like so make that a little bit bigger do I still have the the herbivore mouth there or what I do but wait what don't get rid of the herbivore mouth I want that I'll just put it like that there we go hey smooth that to be as close like uh there we go hey leave this herbivore mouth god that looks so weird oh my god those little tentacles so gross so gross anyways uh let's go back so now we are an omnivore we can eat both plants and animals which is good because we have place eater we can eat look at this I'm nama 'fuck eight you guys always want me to be an omnivore uh in my previous previous playthroughs of sports so Haley this now we're in omnivore eat I'm Nam and omnomnom calm nama for Fright oh my god I'm so good and it was uh let's see we have eleven now this guy's a lot of spikes oh yeah get impaled get in bail plea uh hell yeah later I played all those spikes you have and I just have like two spikes and you still get poked all right get back over here oh my god that guy's so fast get over here hey hey get over it hey hey look at that delicious omnomnom okay so I'm popping these bubbles with my spa god nope nope that guy's trying to eat me oh no no nope nope nope objet doubt err i are getting out of here oh my god go this way it goes this way ladies giant herb plant thanks oh my god just eat them just innocently eat them wait all this food I'm gonna eat it all yep don't mind me I'm just eating some plants don't need to eat me get out of here get out of here oh yeah you better run away look at that I grew just in time oh yeah I get get poked get hoped get poked did you just eat your own guy deep he's a cannibal he's cannibal he just ate his old guy meat hey you oh he's got the electric thing I don't want to mess with him hey you get back over here yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you can getting go over there and get eaten by that thing yeah Oh shower about that one ooh alright oh my god that guy's getting electrocuted that guy's get but let's get it I get away I'm gonna eat these plants I'm just gonna eat these plants that's all good dude I've been seen any like waffle pods anywhere I'd like I haven't seen him for quite a while get away come on - um kill him yes ah we got him we got the electrocuting thing that's good that's good the electrocute thing is pretty useful as well as the poison thing because if we get the poisoner thing if we can find one and find an animal that has it and we can we can kill it and obtain it then anything that chases us is going to die from the poison or at least get significantly hurt come on over here little fishy fish thing oh my god that think he's gonna kill my family all bad that day is a great yeah I get poked get poked get poked don't know no oh my god is he come on get poked get no no no no I'm dead I'm dead good oh my god ah ah man I really need to invest in like a jet or something that came out a little bit wrong but still oh my god I do that Abbott I do it happened I think I'm just gonna get more flagella actually that might might significantly based my speed up quite a bit and if I get enough of these plants and stuff then I should be able to afford a jet as well so you just eat some of these eat this guy up as well get back over here eh get poked get poked oh my god that guy is just so many of those flagella he's just running away just hippity hop can't stopping there we go I've got 22 now now I can eat these guys the water's getting love bright oh god no no don't god I knew that happen hey hey yeah hey there's a meteor bit right there give me that thing hey he got silly a fast turns and speed I'm dead I'm dead again ah man I'm so bad I'm so bad I don't know why I just really need to get this fudge hey there's another meteor bit over there I'm gonna get that give me that thing give me that thing give me that hey I got the poison didn't have to kill him one for that don't you up here in Soho nope nope nope nope nope nope not gonna mess with that guy he is gonna kill me and my family all right so I'm just got I don't even care I'm just gonna do the cell creator thing oh my God where are you my love where are you there's a guy trying to kill me Oh like da hey II got hurt you better not die don't kill her she is my love I'll wait did he kill her really you killed her but that's not cool that is not going bad how dare you kill my girlfriend the soul bead oh I gotta have to look for another one hey there's a giant thing of plants over here can I eat these come on let please let me eat these cut ah Wow always has to be the girlfriend never lets you eat yeah alright so I laid an egg see how many DNA points I managed to get from that little little thing of plants right there I'm up to 22 ah still not enough so I get the cilia and I could either get the cilia or the flagella I don't know you're the facility that's fast turn to and speed we get that there all right nice so you wanna I guess that's it that's the only thing we can afford we only have seven DNA dollar things left alright the new generation of the waffle pod has emerged ladies fast turns and slightly faster speed well it doesn't it unfilled - too much faster ow ow why are you eating it eat him there ya go good job come on eat this guy eat him yes we got him we got a kill kill this guy oh my god he poked us dick right Hey Oh God huh I just got a scout go over here and eat this hey get away do not even think about poking me you're gonna grow up to be a pufferfish I know that alright alright come on green guys gonna oh my god oh yeah yeah like that ran right into a spike like a dumb like it don't know gosh I got eat me did I just care about know where each other I'll do where huh well I'm pretty close to hey do not mind if I do this giant thing of plants don't mind if I eat this gonna eat you guys - give me that I'm not oh my god that guy just ran right into my spikes like a dumb hey give me some of that and was this just a just a fragment or something all right eat some of that eat somebody ayyyy there's some poison over there better stay away from that thing yeah there's a giant guy over there I'm gonna stay away from him cuz I know he's gonna end up trying to kill me and my family actually I'm gonna kill this guy you some revenge hey yeah yeah run into my spikes yeah oh god that hurt better oh my god yeah oh yeah rut got a tough I tried the poker with the spike you didn't get poked yes so a Spike's house the afford snow pea spikes huh I'm just gonna need some more of these plants don't mind if I do
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 289,284
Rating: 4.9044628 out of 5
Keywords: spore, spore gameplay, spore galactic adventures, spore creature creator, spore creatures, spore part 1, lets play spore, spore mods, spore pewdiepie, spore thediamondminecart, thewafflegalaxy, waffle, spore episode 1, spore ep 1, spore series, spore walkthrough, dark spore, Spore (Video Game)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 05 2014
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