BATTLE ON THE BEACHES! - Empires of the Undergrowth BETA Gameplay | Ep4

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the larvae must be protected spit in his face peel them yes that's right look how big those are my workers oh my god they're on roids they're bigger the better I think that's everything I have out here okay go get him so hello everyone and while they're going and getting this stuff welcome on the game beaver and this is another episode of ocarina of time sound effects and do the good group things if anybody's actually realized what they're I always put these stupid things in and I don't know if all the people know it's like oh it's not just like weird noise what is that like that it's from ocarina of time it's the bugs cuz it's ants anyway oh I'm looking forward to today's that was over FC stock piling up apparently look at them all go put them all in the stockpiles I hope I'm doing this right I feel like in the last episode like I want to get rid of these but if I click delete I don't think I get any food back do I do I get food back I kind of want to check hold on well not do it just yet I'll do it when everybody's grabbed all the food and once they've all grabbed the food I saw it everybody go everyone every ant leave the Queen by herself she needs a man alone time she needs time to think alike who this it's just some these food and worker tiles ooh they might be oh look at them all go taking it back to the calling again I would love to go like horizontal like you know what I mean like go down and see them but they're having the trailer looks so cool like I mean I really love this graphic I think just that little bit I mean oh no it's in beta but that'd be really good it's looking to that there we go there go there and then go there Oh grab a ball grab all the bits and boobs and that my friends is that oh they're gonna go get it and then shift them back in so it looks like that we can now go on to the next set of challenges Oh we can get the would answer the wood ants now unlocked and the wood and Formica roofer can squirt acid enemies from a distance wood and mortar and wouldn't rapid-fire so it seems like you can choose one of these or they separate species so you can have an assault rifle version or a a bazooka version that's interesting the species has two variations you may choose one but beware your choice cannot be undone oh okay well there you go so we can choose one of those so we've 138 royal jelly we can upgrade our normal workers I kind of want to do that now the Queen is their baby but I think we need to like before we do anything we just need to upgrade the the workers purchase and purchase that they need to be max level and before we do anything else yes that's what I was gonna jump in before we do another mission and just see if I delete when I delete this if that's what's it gonna do you do get the food back Oh fantastic okay that is that's okay that's okay I can live with that okay I'm gonna place that food towel down there then so I would do that the only problem is oh no oh the phone ah I was gonna say I can't expand but I can 188 a years bless me sorry I probably blew out some easy is my pot no I like everything be like walk it one two one two and then that one okay so now we're just we're just gonna make like a crud ton of these ants because if we've learned anything from our previous escapade it is that we need a load more of those ants a load more of the Warriors and we still got like 12 and the party we've well apparently we did max up by food stocks but I don't know if we really did oh I can hear all the babies go yours all of them go outside just stay stay there on the nest okay and we'll also oh no don't do that expand this we're gonna go because I want to save up my DNA that's what I really want to do but resume here we go so these are the new missions we got the rising tide roux water all we got the queen of the hill which looks like ladybugs and he feeds so I'm gonna do although it does want us to do the rising tide first so you know what we'll do the rising tide unit options mortar do we get the mortar or the rapid fire let's try the rapid fire we'll try to reply when to on medium difficulty and yeah let's go let's go huh so the fishies are this awesome looking I'm ready to spit there so I guess somewhere a wooden this time the beach well fight them on the beaches was a dead one like a roofer wouldn't Queen has laid her first brood in a burrow near the sea her nest is just on the outskirts of the beach the perfect vantage point for scavenging hapless morsels washed in by the tide at the moment the tide is out but it won't stay that way the answer must make haste and stockpile what they can while they can I mean yeah sure why not okay let me just move the microphone I'm getting in tomorrow this is gonna survive five nights or sorry three nights right okay so I've been told not to excavate too much you guys have told me off for doing that so yeah maybe I would do that well put the food stores round the Queen I think that's like a safe thing to do and then they can go off and get more food and then should we put oh I like the sound effect these crickets oh they're dead ants Oh so this is at the previous colony because there's a dead Queen ER and some more dead hands or at least I think that us there could be crickets hard to see I can zoom in too much okay so let's place down some workers I mean we don't need too many workers I don't think so oh okay oh okay Oh God look loads more dead things and things guarding said dead thing so I think we probably need to Oh God you do not go that way okay I think we're gonna go this way I don't have any attackers though that's the only problem I've spent all my money on workers yeah which maybe isn't the best thing to have done okay so I'm gonna switch all these guys if they look like spiders actually okay what we got here would ants can build workers and two types of soldiers the first is a range attack okay what's the next one the range rule ants have low health and will cut through quickly unless they are supported okay alright so we're gonna go this way and hopefully we don't die oh there's earwigs okay stop that stop that there were intruders in the nest yeah I can see that oh we got some black ants wait when did that happen whoa oh they're dead instantly though are they normally Oh God oh hey Zeus oh no oh very bad very bad we are probably going to lose oh please like just protect the Queen okay they're coming for you anyway just just protect the Queen all right just protect protect this is Sabrina I've made a terrible error here yeah the Queen is but it's okay cuz they're going to die right we're not gonna lose straight off the bat are we surely not right yeah we've lost okay yeah just just every star right well here we go we're gonna in the nest we're gonna attack it this stomach again I have oh oh oh okay damn so they're all range oh my God look at them go rapid-fire spray in his head ooh we did it oh that was impressive ooh nice going guys that was awesome so I have like what's this that was just my regular wouldn't but then I have wouldn't Mele oh okay so I need a mix gotcha okay so we need the Mele version as well so we'll get that super and really so put that in as well so we need we need a balance who probably needs some attackers and range and then they it said that it is like we need to pack them up so that's precisely what we'll do so we've got that going at the moment and our next port of protocol I'm not too sure doesn't seem to be much food but we could go upstairs you know what let's go upstairs uh let's send them over there also let's make you their as and the workers on to just do general nursery duties can they open that yet lock can I click unlock is that good should I've done that already or oh it's happening it's happening on the outside world all over the beach but the wood ants must be cautious and choose their trails carefully tiger beetles frequent the higher ground and they will make quick work of any wood and that strays too close okay right tiger Beales great so I think is there a dead no there is quite a lot of other things out there that's interesting you know what I'm gonna send a few out just to scrounge I'm trying to see why these tiger beaters all there they are I mean you can kind of see them on the mob just just be careful just slowly grab that though that's what we need to do you will grab that and you won't be attacked by the tiger beetle I can't even tell where you are where are we over up here over here yeah there we go jeez it's confusing okay I kinda need like a separate worker because if I lose these when upgrade to level 3 your range would ants gain extra ability more tar would ants will gain extra area damage oh so wait mortar would answer damage on impact hitting nearby enemies while rapid fire wood ants slow enemies hit oh ok so if I upgrade them then they make enemies slow down ok because that's the one I chose so let's take out this dig out that a little bit more just so I can put some down ok and then I think that's all the food we've got from there I kind of you don't really know if I want to go for anymore just yet you know what saw that there's some some there I mean there's a few bugs here but they I mean they seem to be just tiger beetles right they don't seem to be going to close so as long as just a just a few stray stray ants go to there we should be okay right right yeah I just collect that ok I like this this is interested there's a lot of food and stuff down here though how do I get there coming in soon the lower levels of the beach will be flooded any ants caught in the surge will be washed out to sea well that's fine as if I care these are the lower levels oh I want to see them flood Oh that'd be cool ok right guys you could stop now come back so we have a 178 so let's place some more wood tiles I mean food tiles that's the one I mean and then also because I kind of like the range to arrange do a lot of damage so we'll add like two more of those as well ok are they flooding yet Oh what is he a flood I want to see them all die like regular and it's just moving about there is a lot of food though I'm guessing that's food but it it's not really showing up as food because it's not green and you know it's not under wall so hopefully we don't flood I'm hoping not so an export of coal because we do have you know fairly decent army now actually is probably one two three four they're warned over there do you think it's possible to go round that way and then one two three okay we got to go this way we got to go this way off we go who would this is interesting is it floating yet well they give you plenty oh there you go tide rises thank god it's got a timer just like it realizes quickly the ants must head for higher ground don't worry I'm uh I'm borrowing deeper to be honest we're getting there we're getting close look at them look at them go okay we got five seconds are we good to one tide rise whoa whoa okay just like that gone Wow alright so today did others die no okay right what I'm focused on is this I need to get all of that food once I've probably mined all of this area down here there you go must be protected hold on I was gonna say spray um Spray pray yes look at them go like awesome right they should kill them easy and then the workers go grab even more food hopefully no ants can come down and see me I feel like that might be something that happens okay so that's a lot of food we're bringing back now a lot of food let me just get more food towels and destroy this okay just in case anything does come in here I'm gonna keep that as like a kind of choking hole right let's move the workers back as highest point the sands east of the nest are about to be completely flooded oh it rises again interesting okay so when the tide goes down I'm gonna get oh they're like shrimp oh that's what we're eating okay well penny pretty salut jerks I gotta be dead right okay I like this so let's see it rise and kill those ants is dead instantly okay so right let's get I kind of want more workers let's make it let's make a little worker hatch hatchery area here we've got like a little bit and soon night will fall as the temperature drops outside nocturnal creatures begin to awaken it will be wise for the Ruffa colony to stay underground and hope that their nest remains hidden until the morning Oh God what's what's what's coming in oh no I don't like the sound of that do I need more work at what the hell's outside Oh hermit crabs Oh No let's just hope we don't we don't get spotted nocturnal hermit crabs rule over the sands at night these creatures are typically scavengers searching for algae in dead creatures on the beach but due to the unusual incursion of Formica Ruffa colonies into this area this particular community of crabs has developed a taste for ant flesh Oh beautiful hey motivate him oh wait what wait what are they they're not coming oh oh he's coming in a hermit crab has found its way into the nest the ants must mount a swift and decisive defense oh my god okay yeah definitely are they all coming in quickly get him destroy the intruder now you go look at the spit in his face yes kill him Oh God wow he's taking a lot of hits we need more Malays we needed more melee okay that's good now I should have probably kept that choking point a little bit smaller right okay so it's well you know it's a good job we haven't made that too big can we get food from that because that would be great another two of those and then some Oh oops oh my bad I keep doing the wrong one oops hold on hold on let's get rid of that get rid of those too it's these ones they're the ones I want yeah so place up there place up there and then should get one more whoa bad hermit crabs go away look all the shrimp's outside there oh I can't wait to like get a huge army and take them all on okay so I think we can now take on this that's what I think okay let's go 15 I think we can take that on hopefully no more get in anyone making a beeline for the Burrow whoo look they've got like pollen II things there oh no are those too common those two are coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming oh yeah they'll buggers you yeah they're coming in yeah yeah yeah thought so ah ah waiting for you though a group of hermit crabs have stormed the nest the larvae must be protected spit in his face peel them nobody tells my arms what to do except for me can't get him get him squirt you're soaked buster we need food fast though although saying that they're gonna give us quite a lot of food I'm just hoping when he goes in his shell we still do damage yeah there we go so we got two on there and two on there so is that ten food is that 100 it's a hundred food oh that's great this dollar next remains small for now no skis to support greater numbers no it's not don't you tell me what to do omnipotent Overlord yeah I'll do what I like right um food to scarce rubbish look even more food tiles it's perfect and a plough all my money into that so I don't have to worry about it in the future and now let's take on those Coach horse beetles ooh this is interesting I like it I'm safe is bowels nighttime predators already it's gonna be this one it's gonna be this one Oh No now the good thing is we actually benefit from a choking point the larvae must be protected because now we've got range so while they're sort of keeping them at bay we can just spray at them it's so cool yeah let's go get the food oh we got two more I think we got two more oh we got three coming in Oh Lord make your way back bring the food and then the workers can make more so they're the Warriors so one two and then another one in crabs have found the nest I know absolutely pain livens but don't worry we've got this yeah look at them go kill them like like I was like do I really want to fight I don't know come on come on come on we should probably make some workers now because I kind of want to scout group of workers just to go outside and pick up food it's gonna say could support your melee ones you're supposed to just run in and protect the Rangers protect Legolas mm-hmm [Music] come on let's go to kill him some one of them's gonna die soon surely yep one's dead I'm the other one come on they can all focus fire oh yeah two dead and the final one look at them all go spritzing at me okay okay let's get one of these oh no hold on there we go ok now we can so food is really running low although we can of great stuff so they can get better I think that's probably a like a spider up there oh wait is that it yeah that that's it okay okay guys um you're gonna come up this way and we're gonna kill said spider because I don't have as any food is there no food I think that's it that's all we got Oh nope there's two things there however I don't know if I want to discover them so what is that whoo 300-foot whew oh we kinda have to well first we'll kill the spider who sat down beside her oh we got loads hold the phone um go for that there you go okay okay come on guys let's go let's go this army will get big just you watch right ready and the spot is probably gonna Nick everybody least I think it's a spider could very well be the tide is receding Oh No dawn it's a devil coach we don't return to the safety of the shadows and the ants can begin to lay down new trails the harvest must go on right I'm guessing this is what has killed the Queen that's in the bottom right corner it's got to be two of these yeah Oh suck it okay time to mate workers come let's go let's go let's use this forward pushing force he's gonna say wait for the north to come back and once they come back we should be able to make our scouting party for the beach as it receded oh my god the amount of prawns actually this is our moment to go to be honest because there's like nothing out all right let's have a look or there's loads Oh God ooh there's a baby one there that's not so good okay how about there it's not the date most dangerous bit no that's that's better that's way better go there guys okay 90 V ago have you got all the food yeah now he's still going that's good that's good it's gonna say we should probably just upgrade the tiles the workers have done all they can to prepare this brood chamber they've done a great job okay guys do not engage in battle just grab the food and go go go go look at them so cute dance out here they have also come to take advantage of the buffet provided by the sea territorial disputes will invariably favor the colony yeah telling me okay guys we're gonna dig through this way it's gonna say please don't tell me any of my book not answer getting nicked I mean these guys are just wanting to I mean they're not set tasks to attack so that's not going to be a problem now because this is probably another Devil's horse coach beetle bla bla bla bla bla we need to make this quite wide how's it well I mean that ball has but I mean I don't know yeah switch switch back guys and I saw that you're okay keep going just keep getting the food we can always replace your numbers please go oh yes these guys are almost dead okay more food yay destroy this this will be another big food chamber how's everybody else doing I kind of want to go out and just like attack everybody now what do we lose one look like one got attacked pretty you didn't die right okay guys let's let's get more ants these these are the range ones right so forget those take that away get more Meli's like that okay I think that's probably enough scavenging for the time-being from that spot the next best spot is over here however there are devil coach beetles there so what we want to do is really go further down as far as we can so I'm going to probably make more workers like so Oh two died fantastic okay for you ready guys we're gonna go on an excursion we're gonna take like a whole army with us except the the ones in the nursery everybody go oh they still they still getting food from there okay well going you this reads we don't need you come on ants let's move out let's go look at that they're all going on a school trip hey don't go that way because there is a high chance that a devil coach people will be there but what we will do is go down here go off that way themselves oh you're right they don't have a well get food defend themselves if they're attacked but for them for the most part I guess you can engage in combat if you so wished but for the majority of the time just go out and get food yes look it at all Oh making short work of all those yay I mean we're getting a few bowels here and there nothing big except for that oh no that's that's three of us taking on one of him yeah and then go get the sugar go we're doing great peeps that's fantastic okay now go get that food now how is the workers doing are they okay they go all that they haven't got all that okay now upgrade oh that the workers have done all they can to prepare this brood chamber I can't want to upgrade the Warriors to be honest so I'm going to upgrade as many as I can okay oh that very low as long as the tides not in we should be good over there going over there okay they're still engaging in attacks that's that's completely fine let's make more food tiles I mean I'm guessing there's gonna be more and more hermit crabs every day so we are bloody gonna need this yeah so one two three four five and dig out that so I'm just gonna send them off probably go back here now I think I think we're good you guys come back in probably need some more battlers so we'll do that is there any more food it's probably like loads of food over here yes there is lots of food just don't go down there there's no point in going down there water we will all die unless we can take on one of those which we probably can't not at the moment we'll build up build V till the bus strength and then we will attack right yeah so if we completely pillage that Queen the queen is gone and I think with it have gone all of the food that is in this Collider is coming in soon the lower levels of the beach will be flooded that's fine it's caught in the surge will be washed out to sea that is completely fine by me like I kind of want to take on he each devil horse beetle or sorry whatever these are called they're always backed up there's like two of them has two small ones down there though which we could have taken out but at the moment I think I'm okay and what I'm gonna do is just upgrade so who can we upgrade we're gonna grade him him as well him not him it's strange how you need to upgrade needs to be like clustered with loads of others so we'll look great that guy you should be being upgraded okay you do not have enough food oh my god is yeah I really don't have enough food okay guys we're gonna have to wait down here probably wait here [Music] you know what's on it go out for a last ramble scramble whatever go for the shrimp yes look at them go look at my army so many of them and a lot of them are upgraded now oh that's all of them okay look bigger it looks bigger on the mini-map oh look at them go quickly grab it and then go literally do not engage in battle just grab the food and go oh god is rising quickly Oh God must head for higher ground we've got 20 seconds to get back quickly guys quickly just go 20 oh we could lose a whole colony here 16:54 - come on you guys got this you got this you got this [Music] seven six but no no he's got him no Fredrik oh he died anyway I hope you die get flooded come on why not flooded god dammit well whose knee flipped it Oh a little war going on just outside yeah I don't think so actually the one left's mine threw back him up come on come on get him get him Caleb he really didn't stand a chance did he awesome okay he didn't get flooded but that's not bad we actually got quite a lot of food there on 280 now let's see if we can upgrade anymore oh we can one there so to upgrade it costs like like it's like buying the same tile again so and I think it depends on like who's connected to who depending on how it upgrades the tide has almost reached its highest but I'll do the saldez east of the nest are about to be completely right okay so we've survived one night so far and we're just about to approach tonight a kind of wondering are they all going away do they know how do they all know they're all like running away now well I want to see two of these buggers get killed go on then awesome I mean we could if we have the numbers take on a coach horse now but you know what I'm thinking it might be crazy a creature roaming the sands tonight octo sir litter Alice the Raj wolf spider all day these spiders retreat to the shade provided by larger plants on the edge of the beach but once the Sun is gone they are far more active and on the hunt for a midnight a beach wolf spider is not its actual name these guys gonna go now they look like they're going a beach wolf spider would he even bother with an ant that's the question would it I don't see it the guys both he's full of owls Biff spider has found the nest entrance Wow small but a venom will quickly Oh any antha tries to fight oh bloody hell get it how do you even get in oh my god eat it eat her she only had ten food in it a hundred and ten okay that's okay that's fine how did it get in did it burrow in because I had to all my ants right there okay now that was smaller than I thought it would be oh there it is there's another one so is there really any need for me to go out is the question because I could I could pillage more food but to be honest it's kind of at the risk of I don't know the whole colony like there's a wolf spider there there's hermit crab there is apparently another thing there's another spider here so it's not really worth it unless this food out of this bit which there isn't there's no food there's like two jelly beans there but apart from that I think we've got to wait for day it's like the game wants me it wants me to go out but why would I even do that I've owned oh wait hold on hold on maybe maybe maybe it is worth it where's the food the food's all the way it is quite a track we could kill some hermit crabs I don't think ever crowds are too bad to kill how many are here was one - there's another one there there's apparently more as another - there there's matter which side I go to there's gonna be quite a few up there's one inside whoa run over the entire thing this morning get it fast oh so this one's a bigger version okay yeah well I have upgraded and so suck it oh yeah how much food 180 awesome yeah as long as they come into my colony one by one I'm pretty happy with that I'm not gonna lie awesome finished on her little carapace now is the like we can easily take one of those on easy we could go for all this food should we go balls to the wall yeah I think we should I think we should like how many let's go let's go guys let's go everybody move out come on we are a force to be reckoned with an absolute force we're gonna go over here we're gonna kill everything that's here and I mean everything go go go yeah kill her kill her kill her yeah completely surround and there we go right hopefully we can in this break when there's nothing attacking the nest because we're quite you know open here yeah killer and just go just grab all the food and go oh yes the Gamble has paid off awesome now everybody retreat again oh look at them goal with their spoils of their nighttime snackage this is awesome I love this game I love it upgrade workers have done all they can to prepare this brood chamber oh they haven't they need to put more bloody effort more wolf spiders have found the nest whoa whoa bloody oh these things come from come get oh there's three of them Jesus oh that's a big one as well oh and she's going around killing the newly hatched ones that's great oh yeah big coward fight me instead of picking off the weak ones the newly born there we go awesome yeah the we lost a lot there I mean a lot however we can upgrade so I'm gonna do that I'd rather upgrade then and make more maybe with the ants I'll probably make more but so far this is okay right let's upgrade some of the ants now if we get some of them at level three especially the spitter ones they get like act like they slow down the prey the target oh every nice we do have workers with this as well but I'm not upgrading the workers Sabha that's a waste of it's a waste of food not doing that right there you go we're gonna have one that two that are fully upgraded and in the middle so they are able to slow down the the attackers now I've done this a bit too because if you want level three you need to make them in like a hexagon shape I see the folly of my design but but but but but what but what is that more food over here I mean there's two spiders there there's another spider here I think we can go get that food that's what I'm gonna go oh look at all go I look what they just migrated look at it oh it's beautiful okay so if we want proper upgraded stuff what we need to do is take care of this and replant our ants that's what we're gonna do hopefully oh this is devil horse coach beetle oh Jesus spotted by Church in Delano Silas I know I can people with its long slender legs it's the king of speed on these inserts oh and it's dead it's also dead okay kill em we can do it good answer it's going to take a monumental unified effort to bring this beast down well we just killed turns over a new tide recedes the nocturnal creatures returned to the shadows and once again the harvest must continue guys like that gamble at the knight who is awesome we got so much food like I mean so much we killed him they're all dead okay so I want to make this better so I'm going to delete some tiles so I'm going to delete that that that that that and that because they need to be threes so what we're gonna do here is probably make yep so one two three two three actually delete that one no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can't delete that okay everybody get in while I reorganize this cuz it's a bit of a mess not gonna lie so attacker attacker regular put the workers in here keep them there dig out this bit dig out all of this and let's just try to make like the best army fully upgraded with the works right okay so what I'm gonna do is dig out these these guys I'm gonna delete these and we're gonna have these --iz like separate I'm gonna put the the melee ones over here there you go so we should be able to get some good melees with that and also they should all be level one so I think that's that's actually pretty good and then if I just upgrade them that's the only problem because I think they're yeah the ones that I had to delete yet damages have done all they can to prepare this brood chamber they could do more we're gonna go out and get even more food guys that's what's gonna happen here there we go okay there's not enough food to feed the new brood is that right not enough food oh oh we didn't even kill like take the spider or the food or like finish eating them okay guys we're about to throw down some ant smack a mound down here smack down that's the one I can't think of the word so I just made a sound effect man okay oh look another devils coach beetle right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take all of this move on - yeah I want to move on - there right now they're fine man they're gonna kill all these easy so once we've done that then [Music] we're just gonna make up we're just gonna build our army like this top portion here is all going towards making more numbers then we'll upgrade them and then we'll just go down south and take on literally everything I could have done this on hard I feel like I could've just wait for them to get back well there they are there's all the shrimp beautiful so if you were to play this could you have like you know like God powers so you could make like a child's finger come down and squash things yeah you could have like I'm basically unstoppable at this point how could I get any how could anything stop me I'm just thought well the big child's finger just came down and squish me you know out pretty much cause the end of me all right let's go over there well over here really the backup is coming [Music] yeah look at it take all of them take all of them still got the dead yeah we can kill these so easy and there's like smaller ones over here so solve those take all of that and then you know what I'm tempted just to go for this just go for the Devils are not Devils it whatever it's called do you know what I mean okay everybody rally here now so once you've got the food oh there's two of us take it on him right the next food is coming in the food shipment has arrived and let's upgrade so great that upgrade him upgrade him and once that's upgraded yeah so we got three of these spitters that have amazing attack look at these guys yeah kill them okay guys take on the juvenile buggy beetle things do not gather food at this point though do not gather food just attack we need to kill or least try to get actually no no no go eat it's fine they seem to have gone away so start it gather the food come on don't you be the lone casualty wow that was surprisingly easy actually what about this guy you're not gonna pick him up no not worth it okay well that is a lot of food really the lower levels are the ones that have a lot but they're prone to flooding so should we go down there because we've already saw I've taken out a lot of the food that's up here I feel like we do we need to go over here and get that stuff it's just a bit of a risk though especially with the lower level like down here that should have the most food because it's the most risky okay go over there actually know what I'm gonna split you guys some go there and some go here actually no that's bad because coach Ross beetles there so you know what's odd that go over here and get rid of that very good there's a lot of Devils coach Beals to take on or if they glitched out oh no oh no that they're slowly going is slowly going it's okay no dammit Rock 1 : there we go any more food up here oh there's loads Oh guys go get it ok let's upgrade let's upgrade upgrade you guys I've done all they can to prepare this brood chamber ok I need another line here if I make this another line I can have loads more instead of just like amazing so one two three oh yeah there we go and we can definitely grow those ones but I there's a lot of food coming soon the lower levels of the beach will be flooded well you say lower level you mean that one right you don't mean the other one right I know what just to be cautious I'm gonna put everybody here in case both levels flood just in case chance stupid happening a very low but you know I don't want to lose all of these ants it's a fart 5 apiece so go quickly get up just in case the water should go up to here though ok good right there's still a lot of food over here go get all that and then you know what once you've got all that food I'm gonna attack the coat the the big white beetles okay so let's upgrade look at that there's another one and another one and another one beautiful that's what I'm talking about yeah we've got some good rain chance now did empty down oh yeah instead of just wiped completely taken out yeah well they both oh there you go he's gonna be dead in two seconds because he's a big Ranger and that's good to know like you can see which ants all the the really hardcore ones because they're like the size is bigger yeah there we go that's a lot of food and then everybody I'd say rally here once you've done that rally here ohto tides coming in go go go okay so these are the ones right and then that should be okay I want to take out these cut these ones though that's what I want to take out Oh attacker Oh attack him go okay never mind mate maybe maybe I don't know there's not that many of you hold on Retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat okay attack that's it go get him album name yum yum yum spray him to death beautiful okay now I upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade there we go right guys go get this one actually no don't go just go there's only 40 left or not 40 food all right everybody you know what I'm thinking you know it's not worth it close very close everybody get outside here there we go we didn't get too much food for killing them though I've got to admit okay let's go this way I don't even need to hide when it comes tonight I will take on everything including a bird I will eat the bird okay we're really go go get this guy get him are you not gonna get him don't feel like it the tide has almost reached his highest point it was away from the comb to your nest are about to be complete ready come on yep go get him get him get him get him oh oh did he dazed me or did I dazed him spray him oh my god hiko rinsed absolutely rinsed you know what it's about time for it's about time oh please don't flood don't kill Vance it's about time to just get loads of Melly ants now oh they were attacking yeah but that's okay because they should be able to easy kill them come on kill him kill him kill him ye has the time right rock outside nocturnal creatures begin to awaken it would be wise for the roof a colony to stay underground oh no it's not he'll know it's about time that I killed everything this is my peach Tom it just you wait you think you could best me you know that the problem is with this though yes I can kill all of these things but at the same time Oh what's this oh the spiders are inside oh Jesus they just run in that is not good that's really not good like that's cheating that they could just score in you know bug is here there you go the little tie now though like look at all that beautiful miss there you go easy now I did lose a lot of workers there but that's okay I think it's about time that we went outside because we're gonna replenish those numbers within an instant really and I think we should just kill more things I think is I kind of want to but the same time I don't because they if they get my Queen that's it but I kind of want to be on the offensive though yeah I don't want to kill things get oh yes he's gonna die he's gonna die zip permit crab killed oh it was beautiful fee okay we have a lot and I mean a lot okay so and get more of those look at that look at the amount of ants we're gonna have this is gonna be beastie 75 foods still left in him oh there's a hermit crab are coming god man mr. Herman kroner you know what no no no no we're gonna we're gonna wait in sight in fact actually were gonna wait here because whatever comes in it flies straight past the door which is probably gonna be a spider and like go straight to the heart so if we just wait inside here we should kill them instantly because they always come out of this little Cove doesn't matter what up there you go all right well I guess if we can why not face them here whoo this a big one dude oh dude I got this ah look at that we filled your vibrations are tired oh there's so many they surely don't stand a chance it's not like is it acid is that what I'm spraying them because I don't know how they could be killed by liquid on the last one which is seems to be a bigger one he's got a pink shell on him that's right cower in fear yes and there you go just like that easy peasy ease peas go inside take all the meats and now what we do with that is all that food we have great stuff so one two three oh if we can get like an ant up to level three that's really the best thing to do so we'll do that you see if we go down to level three you see any twos that are ready so if we did that one then the next one would be ready oh there you got there's one and there's another one and that should make this one ready yep there's another one then get that one and there's a two so yeah my Army's just getting better and better it's we're only got one night left though ah damn it sucks it's gonna be over before they know it okay and then every bone Oh almost clicked the frigate quit the desktop everybody get inside just in case of spiders cuz that probably is they might mix it up I'd like to fight both of them look at them all go can we not wall up the entrance cuz that'd be good I'm sure ants can do that Oh God hmm oh the baby spiders this one is a mother and they're recently hatched through have followed her into the nest these ants are facing an overwhelming infestation yeah the Queen's gonna die please kill please kill please kill it please kill it please kill it please kill it no no centimetres beneath the path of choice for a vast array of not it was only a matter of time before this Queen and his small brood were overwhelmed their legacy a picnic served up for the creatures of them you kidding me I killed all of them where what no no no are you freaking serious after an hour of like recording you're telling me that all my efforts were waste it just because it all of a sudden just went for the Queen oh that sucks no that's bad that's like there's nothing I could do it literally just ran past everything and went for my queen that makes me not want to play it like if that can happen I spent ages on that you freaking serious Oh God okay guys okay guys I'm back I decided no I've done amazing this time it's not going down away I've made a freaking amazing Oh God I made an amazing army like one that should be proud of like look at this look at this don't look deep grades so many ins must fight Oh God all right ants fight and fight for days go and look at them all except for that slope they should kill up think easy and within two seconds I mean we know we've seen it it's in the same video but I'm just not having it friggin I think I've looted this entire place of everything there is like nothing left there's a little bit of a tide coming but puffins that like this whole place is scavenge I've set up my nests the best way I can that I can think of anyway and almost reached his highest point rule sands east of the nest are about to be completely flooded well that's fine I could do I could live with it hopefully they all bloody die you're those ants but I've deliberately also this time made sure not to dig out to the Queen as you can see she's surrounded now every time a spiders came in its run straight past the screen the Queen and has landed up here so for the final night we're not going out we are only and I mean only hanging around here now if my Queen wasn't such a pain in the bum I wouldn't have a problem like leaving my colony and killing everything on the surface but of course this is not one of those games so we're just gonna like look at this I mean oh God oh no don't think that way look just zoom in on that zoom in and although there's no way a spider is hurting my queen so now it is literally a waiting game and here comes the first intruder look look where they go there goes they go round they go everywhere but they don't go for the Queen so these are there's like three in here Wow Wow well they should all be dead there's like one over here oh did it just run through I don't even know where that went did it die on the Queen like in the Queen I don't even know where that died but we have got a lot of food so basically all the spiders come in they won't kill that many workers and we get loads of food for that as you can see look at us still a hundred and twenty in there and I've upgraded these as well if you have a look yeah most of those they're all upgraded except first say a couple but who really cares at this point I'm spending it before I get it so that's that's not the way life should be James yeah so I get that and I'll upgrade that so if there's any ones around the outside they're not gonna be easy to get to the three star stage so I'm gonna get that I'm already getting this one to get this one and hopefully that want me so once that six is done I got that six here and then this should be able to turn this one and then I could turn this one and there ya go see he's a two but he could only be a - it's like the best ones stay on the inside and I've cut my lip right in the inside it's over talk it blitz it bloody awkward so this guy Feb great that one we can get look at all those and these all do they all slow down the enemies so as soon as a spider comes in okay you know what I'm gonna do you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna place hmm I want to split the army like some there some there and some in the middle because that's where they go but to be honest as long as we have some there and we have some there and we can split them so they're a little bit different oh okay yeah I mean I guess you could do that I didn't mean to do that so there you go now they're split so when a spider comes in which they are always hermit crabs now but that's okay that was pretty slow ready oh there is the dirt yeah more hermit crabs have found the nest yeah well that ant can die that's okay was that a worker that was a that's a bloody worker bloody busybody well tell you what I'm gonna put them there and then I can just throw them this way so they'll all come on attack so they're dead the only problem I'm a bit worried about is that big huge spider that comes with all of its Baba's but the Baba's are pretty young and I think I killed them all pretty easy but just in case just in case I'm gonna keep some food anyway oh no we're getting loads more food hold the phone what's this speed up tile ant will walk over to this tile with increased speed adds upgrade points to all neighbor has found varnishes there you go okay right she's gonna die this time she's gonna die she's dead just like that they're facing an overwhelming infestation we just won as the ants growing number the local Predators pose less and less of a danger eventually they will be displaced from this area entirely despite the dangers of the beach it seems this intrepid Queens gamble to establish a colony here has ultimately secured the success I frigging did it and I've taken the royal jelly good night oh and until next time I'll see you later bye-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,710,727
Rating: 4.8875432 out of 5
Keywords: ocean ants, empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrough, indie game, ant game, empires, undergrowth
Id: Dm8MEniB-WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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