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hey everyone it's your friend big noodles and welcome back to spore I did a let's play of this almost two years ago and I'll link the playlist in the description if you guys want to check that out but I promised at the end of it that I would do an herbivore let's play and that is what we are about to do that looks like earth no we want to go something like there we go something super alien let's go super alien with like a red ocean here I think it is look at yeah okay that that looks really really weird so we're gonna start at the cell stage from the very beginning we're gonna go all the way up until space age and then we'll end it probably around ten episodes or so I think that's around what I got last time sober before Z plants carnivores eat meat I did a carnivore last time we're going with herbivore so difficulty level no I did easy last time let's go with normal let's go with normal cuz I kind of know what I'm gonna do well of course we already know the name of that so we'll call that the noodle planet and I don't think we need to name our species yet okay I'll be quiet well it's not like there's talking oh well oh there we go wait wait don't don't crash into the Sun I don't remember being burned out okay good good good alright we're entering our planet now that doesn't really look like water hell I think I think it I think the red I think that's just lava maybe it is red water yeah it doesn't look like stuffs really burning off it looks like it's cooling off in the red water so it is the waters blue now okay then just the surface is red okay and where are we now this might remind you guys of agario a little bit um because well I mean III want you know I want to say I'm betting that it was inspired by this quite a bit now I think the green no no I can't eat you know I have to eat the green stuff come here stop eating my green stuff get out of here so I have to eat the green so I can't even me the red cuz it'll turn me into a carnivore let me go over here and yeah it's a lot like agario where uh where you eat things and you get bigger and then well if I was a carnivore I would eat no no no that's mine oh my goodness I want a honey no wait I gotta be nice I gotta be nice his last time I turned into a carnivore and then I think I started as a carnivore and I was not very nice and I ended up like taking out other species at the end and um yeah I'll be friendly okay so oh I need a name for my species trying to thinks it's the last time I called it Minkus Nuala focus which was I think a name suggested by you guys which is awesome whoa whoa alright we're already getting bigger um and I I think in a little bit Oh what OH other cells a meter bit so the key to finding new parts each part is getting abilities that can benefit yourself now I when you see the new part of here okay so I have to wait since I'm a nice herbal or and I'm not killing other species yet um probably will end up doing that um I have to wait for for the okay let me get over there I have to wait for these species to be killed by others okay maybe you know should I put that on I mean no no yeah I mean I guess I should because I technically don't have to eat the other species but I could you know okay yeah I do need some defenses alright let's justlet's let's get to the next evolution level before we go and cheat or before I go and name my species I'm still thinking of it and before I call my mate so that we can further the species I gotta watch out for the Chomper there that guy is not cool and I think this time I'll make sure that whoa oh oh no no no okay you're nice wait wait don't eat me don't eat me okay wait a minute uh easy mode is not as easy I mean normal modes not as easy oh no no I'm getting eaten Oh watch out for the chopper okay wait over here hello mister herbivore you have so many more eyes than I do don't you dare alright I'm gonna eat a bunch of these let me see if I can get bigger come on get bigger get bigger oh wait I did get past that stage there okay I think you know what this is oh my goodness run run swim whatever it is just go just get bigger oh my goodness that thing is huge that guy is huge okay starting to get to be more his size okay yeah there's a lot more dangerous stuff here yeah it's time it's time honey we need to evolve honey oh no no don't even don't need my girlfriend No okay thank you thank you there's way too much out there where I'm too slow um and I've got no defense and I think I might have to kill here okay so what do we got we have 22 to spend so uh okay so if I if I add sight I can add a spike for ten more flagella and a filter mouth I've already got I don't want that down out of here um is there anything so yeah I can't do a lot okay so let me let me see if I can work on this okay so all I could really do is uh I added spikes on the back and then I added an eye not that it really adds much I could I didn't have enough to add some more flagella for more speed and I named it the veggie to noodle if ekeus now before it was think as noodle ithacus which added the carnivora cos to it so it's vegetal now I didn't add a description but I would really like for you guys to come up with the description because last time I used a noodler description and it was amazing so I want to see you guys post in the comments what you think my species should be described as and we'll go with that in the next episode obviously because I need your comment so here we go I have evolved oh yeah oh man okay I'm sort of clear I might transparent I think I am right okay so what's over here that looks it looks like something an herbivore would like to eat maybe I don't know what is this can i oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness this is this is what I'm talking about right here this is this is the mother lode keep giving it keep giving it I can if I get 15 off of this and I will I oh my oh my goodness hello hello hey I need some abilities here I need some abilities let me just show you my bum I'm here can i oh man you know what I kind of need the spikes on the front they're afraid of me but man I'm so slow okay so 11 well 12 13 14 up sorry oh man so having them on the back that's that's really not very useful I can't eat any more of this but there's so much good stuff can I can i whack it nope okay so oh wait a minute wait a minute I know what to do I know what to do here we go there we go speed - and we got a tack and break in sight and I put these in front I'm a little bit more aggressively that should do it alright now now I should be able to get some of the abilities hopefully uh-oh man now I look cool now I look wow I love I love that I'm sort of like invisible there alright let's see what happens I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah okay so that works come here come here buddy come back here okay no no no don't don't you do this don't you do this I need I need I need oh he didn't drop anything well you've got oh wait I want that okay yeah you know what I'm not gonna take out any more herbivores but you know what we're vegetarians on this planet come here come here carnivore come here carnivore oh my I want that Jeff he's got there that thing is so fast come here come here come here I'm gonna ah there it is I got it did I get it yes okay yeah I need that instead of my flagella what can I do that now yeah jet oh my oh I'm sorry everywhere didn't mean that didn't mean that I just got shot by the jet okay wait let me get a little bit more food and then I can up go Mike look at that guy look at that guy oh yeah wait I want I want to make okay oh no no no I'm sorry you know I just realized that I look like a peanut hmm I thought I made like a cool-looking species here wait where's my girl oh no no no no get out get out get out get I get out let me go no oh he just killed my girlfriend all right here we go now let's see oh look at that speed oh here we go we got some food here nice nice come on let me let me eat here yeah and I won't attack any herbivores but man this is so much speed because of the UH that speed boost from the jet oh oh I'm getting bigger oh wait a minute oh no that's an herbivore wait oh oh hey oh holy cow these carnivores oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy run run run oh no no no no no the carnivores are training they're trying to kill me this okay well obviously uh-uh no no oh I'm getting oh I'm getting double-teamed by the carnivores help me out here help me out here my fellow species yes ah right you develop at all honey honey I needed a little help there and you didn't help silly peanut alright unfortunately it looks like the herbivores are winning out with the evolution so buzzy I'm sorry bud but I need your tail I need your tail hey get out of here wait wait I'll wait you know I shouldn't let the carnivore kill you that way I wouldn't have to but buzzy whoa oh my goodness no disguise oh boy Wow all right oh that was not cool watch out watch out watch out oh okay oops oops okay wait I just got super big um yeah it looks like it looks like herbivores are all that's left okay let me just oh no wait buzz he killed me the little buzz he killed me ah whoa whoa whoa look he's he a noodle buzzy he is a noodle or needle buzzy it's a needle buzzing okay I'm gonna call him a noodle buzzy all right needle noodle buzzy you want to take me on oh okay wait a minute denied how low is my healthier oh it's really low um I probably need to eat some food because the noodle buzzy is taking me down is there anything to eat you Wow all right there's that it looks like there's food here but there isn't oh what's this thing oh wait I think yeah okay I got something oh right I can go after those I don't have to kill I don't have to kill I'll only kill if something tries to kill me then um oh my goodness Oh watch out watch em oh okay all right that was um that didn't work very well at all well what um hi no no we're friends were herbivores we don't we don't attack each other that much oh this little guy though I'm sorry I'm sorry mr. buzzy I'm sorry oh look okay oops oh man wait he hurt me I'm sorry I'm sorry oh wait how come it Oh II see too small no he's too small okay right oh wait did he just kill one did you just oh no no no no watch out for noodle buzzy okay so no extra okay no extra parts here I need to find more mediate wall I need to find more meteors oh meteor meteor meter meter go get it go get it go get it go get it Oh watch it Oh Oh watch out for that guy like oh I can spit poison now that seems well that seems actually quite useful might give me that I can't swim you know what I think I need like uh thirteen let me get two more plant pieces and then I'm gonna get cuz my maneuverability is just completely toast right now alright now let's see oh yeah there we go now yeah the psyllium makes so much difference in the maneuverability like I can make turn oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry okay you can have it you can have it fine not like it that that those are very good for that anyway uh I'd like to fight okay so wait I need two more meteor parts oh yeah now I got it nobody's over here I need actually oh there we go there we go meet the whole thing get me gay we good come on oh wait right over there let me eat that I eat this yes all right these ones are good these ones are very delicious and oh now I'm gonna turn on the poison oh yeah now I am a highly manoeuvrable poisonous peanuts yeah this ought to go well um oh wow okay so how do i how do I shoot the poison okay okay let me oh maybe if I get near one oh whoa dude ha did you see what he Jets that guy Eddie was so fast oh wait I just shot poison at somebody I think I didn't mean to yeah I don't know maybe I did mean to you okay wait okay so I got mouths on the side there we go but oh oh let me see you am i how do I Oh oh no no no wait guys oh geez no wait how do i how do I make my boys and go do I do I point oh wait no your friend your friend your friend we're friends so I think the spitting poison thing is the trail I leave it's like this purple trail let's see if that's true let me let me put it right through here let's see yeah yeah you see that so the purple trail if they if other if other species go through it oh jeez it hurts them see look he just died so it's like a passive way of killing uh uh also kind of like the snake game but uh alright so I need to find I need to find well either another species with something I don't have or oh my goodness oh no he's here buddy stop eating me Oh so see if he chases me oh no no I was gonna say he's gonna die but he's a big boy but I need to find a couple more meteors oh oh oh I just grew a brain I didn't okay I'm on the path to sentient okay well not yet let me get those last two parts but we're almost there well I can't seem to find any other meteors and any of the other species any of the other cells they don't really have anything that I don't there was what the one guy with the shock tail but for some reason that sort of seems to have been eliminated as a weak link in the evolution of all these species all my goodness watch out watch out so I think it is time to evolve and look at that I am fully herbivore achill look at that Oh sighs but still um herbivore through and through so uh let's see five billion five hundred million years I guess we started oh so yeah it's been a lot of years right then okay so I think it is time for us to evolve to the next stage landfall finish still stationed clamber onto the planet's surface now we have to develop our peanut our poison is B nut into something else so of course we want legs and um okay we'll start with things and I kind of won now you got a do too so let's see actually let's go with four legs I think last time I with two okay wait let's well we don't need these let's get those out of here let's get that out of here let's get everything off that we don't need the poison I think I'm gonna keep oh in the mouth huh getting in the mouth - okay cuz I might get hungry without a mouth okay so let's do so these wait let's pick those off let's put let's put brontosaurus legs in the back and then a little Thunder caps in the front oh there those are some big feet but but yeah yeah well no they should all be the same here we go brawny soros there we go so we're you gonna do a four legged creature this time I think that'll give us weight add faster feet so it doesn't give us any more speed but I think it looks cooler to have four last time it was a two-legged species I think we're gonna go with four and I'm gonna go you know what let's no let's undo that I still want to be peanut-shaped I don't know for some reason that appeals to me let's go with okay so we go so I wonder if I can actually spit poison so we've got a socialized one speed one I don't have any other feet but I wonder can I so if I were to oh yeah okay let's make myself more peanut-shaped here let's do that let's make this a little bit more um let's bring that down a little bit yeah okay and well should I make it a little longer I think I think I should add some vertebrae yeah let's add a few vertebrae that that's something that a that a species would do it would evolve but the peanut shape is going to remain it's just gonna be a little bit a little a little oh right and now I can I can reshape the legs a little bit so we're still let's see so if I were to can i oh yeah okay so let's put these let's put these in the front a little bit funnier like that yep okay and these ease let's make them a little bit let's make them like this yeah okay now the other thing I want to do is give it oh I thought that I would adjust the feet okay so put that little bit like that actually we want some what some beefy yeah there we go make the legs in the back a little beef here make these ones let's see if we can make these super skinny although they are thunder calves um that was started look like a banana wait let's see how it looks with this let's see um oh yeah I'm starting to look super weird oh well might need some clothes on this guy but uh that that looks really funny I have to leave it that way let's let's bring the legs up a little bit further here there we go we are we are not evolving to a bipedal species this is oh and I move those back cause like I have to okay um I think I just need to work on the the reread ear a little bit further let's yeah there we go and this is a little bit less peanutty ah let's do that let's just drink it no a little bit further this way here I just I don't know for some reason when I started as a peanut yeah why not oh can I put a tail okay it's not really a tail so to speak wait can I wait a second let me put the well that looks too much well you know it is kind of okay movie can I put eye well none of these are really used oh wait oh you know what we're gonna get no you're gonna stay one-eyed - you can stay one-eyed but we're gonna put it forward a little bit further although no wait you're an herbivore so you have to have eyes facing to the side here there we go yep um although you know what let's switch the eyes let's lets us do these stalk eyes yeah oh yeah okay okay can I make them face to the side though because you are an herbivore there there we go nice alright let's see okay and this is art this is your mouth okay oh let's put the poison on your knees no no let's leave that there let's leave that there so you got to be a little bit you got a show gotta show everyone that you are a little bit dangerous oh yeah I'm diggin the stripe I like it oh look you - you like yeah I like the stripe - alright there we go look at of you so cute alright swim up with all four legs here we go we're going to land this is awesome is that my paw print now of course uh we're gonna keep him on four legs maybe wherever um but uh but but I want ya know what you know what yeah we are gonna go at Lu yeah we're gonna go with four legs then you know the leg shape might change and lengthen everything but uh but yeah he's gonna stay on four legs I think throughout the entire thing oh I don't know if he's gonna be able to walk can you not walk are you okay oh no there you go there you go okay oh yes look at Sall in our red water or emerging from the red water onto the planet's surface ah yes I've done it alright guys if you enjoyed this episode a sporran you want to see me play more and continue the evolution of the Vegeta noodle ithacus go ahead and pick up those chopsticks and poke that like button as hard as you can also don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram links are in the description below I'll see you guys again soon a thanks for watching and of course blind
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,775,038
Rating: 4.8552647 out of 5
Keywords: spore, spore gameplay, spore (video game), gameplay, playthrough, creature, let's play, let's play spore, update, gaming, family gaming, kids gaming channel, evolution, spore lets play, game, thinknoodles, spore playthrough, spore game, kids minecraft channel, family gaming channel, dna, no bad words, no cursing, no swearing, spore part 1, lets play spore, pc, video game, no cussing, kid gaming, video game (industry)
Id: 48dixB-i4GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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