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let me tell you a tale in the last episode we managed to hunt down monstro the biggest sperm whale let's ever roam these oceans he kept on a respawning but we kept on killing him and that is where the episode ended but monster or finally overpowered that killer whale and now he's free swimming the oceans yet again until now the white wheel has come and maybe now monster will finally meet is much smaller one welcome back bro but today we're gonna be the beluga now the difference between the blue gun the okay is it really that much we're gonna start and I'm assuming we're gonna start right next to that huge killer whale so we've got our we're gonna get a crack on moving straight away Oh God hello hello oh look so cute so this is my blue goo family Oh so today we're gonna be taking over as the white whale now I would at this point see oh can I eat these fish right away these little sardines oh yeah so this is how you eat in the Arctic you have you eat the little sardines and there's sort of things you could just like eat straight away oh that is cool yeah I just want to say we've got like 18,000 likes in the last video this time if you don't leave a like oh gotta scream low carb areas there's a lot of crabs of it oh god no monster oh please we face each other yeah I makes a sperm whale clicking noises like but not like that you know I mean does she know do we right well I'm going back into warmer waters to uh you know actually get some decent food but this is the start of Moby Dick's adventure except and we're not movie oh my god that's three great whites oh Lord except for this time oh and there's all the tiger sharks that have spawned why not Moby Dick well Mickey and this time the goal is to eat that sperm whale whole this time Oh power and I'm still need to chew this up there we go no I don't think so yeah I'm gonna eat them and then all of a sudden II saw a my attack all amazing things start out small and so did Moby Dick as mini Dicky oh hold on I know why I'm doing less damage it's because I'm I'm suffocating I'm drowning there we go to the surface I know like wait no oh my god see this is nice this is how it all starts out all nice and playful eating the babies oh the parents hide and oh yeah okay I think I know where they spawn once we kill them from there so we'll head over to where I think they spawn oh yeah there they are yeah fee for his life no you don't I gonna get you oh god look at them all let's bite on a bite one then it will annoy them all there we go are you gonna attack me no no that one might have pretty good swallowed up straightaway this is glorious hissing yeah yeah I love the green ones ha ha ha and just like that I became huge now you're all afraid eat the babies leave no witnesses are thus the tale of Moby Dick begins ooh oh I know what we could do we could kill a black tip reef sharks I know where those guys spawn let's go hey but not before you know we have some revenge from those Marlins because they those guys suck yeah ah you will pay yes there you go only kills the white whale ooh baby ichthyosaurs lovely yeah sorry I just stumbled upon all you guys oh they all make noises oh they make a cool noise yeah sorry I'm just gonna eat y'all well not really you're really tasty there they all are although the great white is also chomping on them so that's not so good but I can get this guy what a great way they just flew by me yes it was he's went over there yeah oh yes oh look at that big pit oh hello little babies oh we got tuna finding a black tip ah oh yeah that's all I could just eat everything oh wow ah I'm gonna tip shotgun is let go help ugh it I don't even think you meant to do that did you oh you want to go I don't think you do I think you yeah you're dead oh yes big chunks oh baby so full look come back here tuna I'm gonna assume we could take on a tiger shark he's got like 200 health is he oh yeah awesome it's it's not really a fair fight oh I could eat the huge bit yeah now the cold God my face my modeling career hello he's like please sir could I have survived Moby Dick's are potatoes growing mr. Marlon I didn't mean to do that oh wow hey it was my bits nobody touches my hobbies I know I know Oh oh my god I'm low on em yeah which means that I'm doing only a fraction of my true potential with the hella big and open boy jokes they know they know my true potential there we go there we go oh yes little 14 1 plus site being Moby Dick is that he actually bites a lot quicker than the Orca ders and that's because he does I think it said that the beluga does 9 damage and the Orca does like 29 or 19 damage so it's a lot less foot I would rather have the bite speed the biggest whale of the ball I think I've hunted down now and killed all of the tiger fish sorry tiger sharks so if I go back to where they all spawn I should be able to mince them all up this is all my banquet oh yes good Moby grow bigger Oh God we're only level 45 well you know what we're getting somewhere I don't think we're cold little Dicky anymore level 46 oh we are becoming a gargantuan size at the moment what we need to do is somehow get the the sperm whale to fight the Moses oh and see what would happen that would be amazing come on we must be close to eating this guy hole now maybe level 50 yes level 51 we were so close but we can either hole now whoo right it looks like it's gonna be easy sailing after this like oh my eyes are like slightly coming out of their sockets when I eat it's kind of disturbing oh yeah that come in thick and fast now yeah this is it awesome level 63 we're gonna fly through these levels I wanna get so big I can eat the sperm whale and the Moses all in one gulp I don't be like the grouper I think it's possible guys tell you what she made this is like two episodes tell you what if you're late my life cuz if you don't leave a like I'll scream I'll never make another fish feeder girl episode ever again level 89 can we still preach oh we can woo now the highest level we got with the Orca was a level a hundred and ten so I remember with the grouper we have to get level 300 before we could eat the Mosasaurus hole so guys I mean my mission is to eat the mouse oh ho so maybe it's 200 I would love to see it's gonna be awesome right level 100 guys you know what this means it's time to take on the Mosasaurus all right let's see if we can go find him look up this is great yes I already turned up his way for how big we were last time and I've got a mitt I mean we're not shaking the screens so obviously were a little bit smaller but I'm hoping we shouldn't die for Moses or I mean if he does 500 a bite he's gonna have to live it a fair few bites on us and we're still pretty huge see like ichthyosaur oh wait hold on hold on oh right right yeah now you dope yeah alright so I'm gonna go for head just before we attack him I did see him a second ago there is just to make sure we got the most attack possible my god he's swimming away from me he's scared scurvy dog let's engage the Mosasaurus we have to come you know what I'm gonna gate him from behind though I'm not stupid let's go power 400 yes yes yes you see swimming away I'm just like that ha ha ha ha threw him off to the top of the ocean how you doing there mr. Mosasaurus oh all the XP level a hundred and watanuki's came back hola let me get me a let's engage him again the damages oh the bleeds oh my god that was crazy dude Wow okay that was kind of like the killer whale situation there didn't expect him to put up that much of a fight it's like a hundred hundred hundred hundred so I mean he spawns here so let's drag him over here yeah a little bit of a little bit away so if he does manage to get by on me yeah there we go you know what we managed to kill the Moses so we can eat of a whole yet I'm gonna go and eat things and I you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna go and take on the sperm whale I'm going to absorb these be part of me yes we've become the biggest wave Oh what side I don't Colossus no it's not oh you're gonna give me 800 XP so how come the tank oh look at all this little this gloriousness oh oh I'm the shark tuna oh I think so more like deader my main goal here is to kind of breed but at the same time find that whale and kill it and we need to be careful with this whale cuz once he's a slow biter but he does pack a punch so I need as much help as I can get so see these little baby killer whales are they scared of me they should be ah jagoff oh there they are there's the pod and did you know the killer whales actually aunt whales they're related to dolphins weird isn't it oh there's penguins huh I've never seen a penguin before I mean in the game you know I mean where is it oh wow I bet that tasty damn yams okay can I breathe yes let's go on somebody don't be scared of me don't be scared of movie dick yes I have a popper guys I can't see him anywhere oh it's official he's uh he's straight-up vanished hmm is it possible that he went to warmer waters to get big oh god let's have a look I made the fog go weird huh I think we glitched it have we have we glitched it so the fog never leaves I think we have hold on yeah also there's always fog here now there's always like an icy fog in the air but actually looks really cool I like that okay where is he that was a big sperm whale where would I be hidin Oh God why is in the warmer waters oh how did I not see him okay okay let's engage right we're gonna dive - oh hold on we need oxygen we need to get our big bites off okay he's he's for some one reason going into the shallows okay hold on Oh God he's engaging disengaging huh oh no we gotta fight no I can't take bites I can't take fights okay there we go there we go there we go yes yes come on another one yes the weekend Oh is he dead I think he's still alive is he dead now yes we did it the mighty white whale oh that was awesome yeah he was a lot easier right well I'm gonna go back to eating tiger sharks until I'm like level 200 so pRb peeps Hey look at that a great white can I eat that whole 1800 hmm guys we're gonna find out what those guys porno then maybe here maybe they spawn right here damn it before I end up you know becoming the biggest ever I'm going to first give birth I don't even know where my baby went I actually have no idea oh there it is look at it hey hey I saw that no you don't gotta keep fighting us my baby's gonna die and even know where he is he's in this mess Oh their nose on him Oh Moby Dick's not meant to be a parent well you know what they say waste not what not oh I can't even eat my baby oh that's so sad level 121 and we're getting the screen shakes see shadow like spawns straight behind me there's no escape from perpetual death so I'm so big that the mosasaurs ah he toppled falling doesn't dare go for me anymore at all yeah and there he is okay so I would say Mosasaurus completely defeated like he's like trying to warn me he's not biting me hey Cole could we leave Oh guys let's see if we can lure him towards the the sperm whale if he just follows me which he seems to be doing like he wants to buy me at the same time he's scared so he runs away but yeah let's see if we can lure him no podía get off on this way let's let's Lu you it's like we're like partners except he doesn't like me too much good yeah there we go turn around this way come we're going to the Antarctic me and you please don't tell me there's like an invisible barrier yeah he's not going over there he like hits a point and he's like nope I'm done not going over there mate oh I was gonna say maybe I could look over this sperm whale because he can definitely come into warm waters sperm whale like once he starts attacking you he doesn't stop and he's gonna be like 300 300 300 300 and I'm eventually gonna die cuz I don't have a great health ah there is just spawns in is he coming towards me although wait till he opens his mouth and then we turn out okay there we go go go go go ah it's too dangerous SDA he's too dangerous I can't I can't ah ah I need to kill him okay there you go there you go God die I'm sorry I had to do that he's just way too dangerous Oh covered in maulings ha ha ha that's right my friend run scared oh maybe I can make you run scared towards them always assault yeah let's do this guys look at him scarper but still be be afraid is he not afraid anymore he found new prey and he's not a friend give little buggy go that way to bring the mosasaurs to you now okay come on that's right turn around oh my god come here come here are you doing okay right well I'm gonna go get the Moses aw you're basically here now let's bring the Moses or over oh my god ow yeah he's really hurting me now right he's over here okay right I'm gonna leave him here and I'm gonna heal up Rudy hell we just did all the sperm whales there now oh for God's sake the only worry is what if they team up to take me on oh there's a sperm whale they're right next to each other oh we're so close come on come on come on that'll do that'll do that'll do there we go there we go okay we got him we got him he's on whale on yeah right Moses so where are you boys Moses Oh dad there there it is okay will they attack each other or are they going to attack me that's the question okay mosasaurs here oh my god these guys just don't want to fight each other are they gonna go for each other I feel like they might you know come on please please do it it's what I've been waiting for come on keep attacking the mosasaurs over here somewhere Jay's right there it's like they just sort of lose interest in attacking anything when they're nearby oh there we go yes that's it the mosasaurs pickets hug by the whale I finally did it oh and that's it it's over just like that you guys had one interaction and that was it Moses or apparently didn't want to fight I'll have that great white give me that oh this this could be it this could be it guys they may face each other Oh God who's owner I go for me come on guys fight each other come on go for it sperm whale come on you got this son you got this my money's on you well I think it's official there's only one thing left me to do that's to eat them both because apparently they don't want to play there it is he's done Moses saw out of there now it's time for you big monster oh look at it go though it's so much better than that Mosasaurus and the fact is he eat like deliberately turns around to face me I quite like that about that whale all right well if you want to go back to your ocean not having that there it is level 250 guys you wonder how big we are look at that so yeah it's safe to say we're like officially the biggest thing in the ocean so we can just swim around there and pretty much eat everything I wanted to get to this size so we could eat the Mosasaurus hole they also wanted to see if we could eat the the sperm whale hole monstro look out big yeah I really hope we can eat this Mosasaurus hole I really do yes even though he's poor but instead we get 5,000 XP for that come here you come on our table table table table look at that look at where we are yes oh here nothing nothing Darla the mosasaur does not want to put up a fight against this sperm oil and let's just see if we get more XP from killing him and if it's even possible to eat him at the moment you know we do move really big we do move we do move really fast even though we're really big we just don't see it because we're that huge can we make it over here are we small enough oh there it is there's the Arctic fog right there is oh my god the other still loads of its kind of eat them whole hold on let's see how close we can get oh he's actually pretty big Oh is he still want to fight us yes yes well yeah no you don't son no you don't and that is it the sperm whale even hold every time yeah actually not as fast as eating the tiger shark cuz it's like five thousand five thousand and with the tiger shark it's like 1000 1000 1000 1000 so it actually maybe it's a little bit faster but not much it really isn't too much faster so level 262 I mean we could stay here forever and just continue them until we get so big that the game starts like shaking like mad and then eventually it crashes or we bounce out of the water one of the one at one or two is gonna have but I want to know how much bite damage we do does he still go for us yes he does really impressed you know what yeah I'm impressed with that that he actually still goes to me the Moses or doesn't for this guy I know yeah he'll go Oh God yeah he'll go for you oh my god way to the spoon we'll go oh there it whoopee look a like completely out of the water okay so guys I'm gonna hear this is loads of fun it took like two hours to do the whole thing and I don't even want to think about how long it's gonna take that at JJ's if you enjoyed this video if you haven't already you leave a like and until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,605,950
Rating: 4.9506431 out of 5
Keywords: moby dick, mosasaur, sperm whale, boss, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, new shark, tiger shark, record, glitch, river, cat fish, gigantic, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, prehistoric, ever, biggest ever, biggest shark ever, PIRANHA ATTACK, ATTACK, PIRANHA
Id: HKWH-pD4svo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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