I Built an Unethical Zoo Where Nobody Is Safe - Planet Zoo

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This is awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cptstriker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I laughed way harder at this than I probably should...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChantalS91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Let’s Game It Out! Amazing channel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Erwinpuijnen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this at work and I laughed so much but I was trying to stiffle my laugh because work, so instead I was doing a silent wheeze while tears of laughter pooled in my eyes.

Good job!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jemmakate18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I died watching this... thank you for the laughs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CallmeNearly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great!

And besides the juvenile humour it aptly shows the limits of the simulation. People still entering the zoo in droves even if the animals are definitely and forever out of their reach for example. Who would have thought pure malice could be so educational?

And you really have to be quite creative to break the game in so many distinct ways. Usually i don't like such nonsense approach but this youtuber gets subscribed for sure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vanBraunscher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude you're fucking hilarious. Take my upvote.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScrewYouAnxiety πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out planet Zoo today which of course is a game where you get to build your own Zoo theme park thing developers thank you for aqui I'm sorry in advance okay sandbox let's do this select a biome we have our choice of a bunch of different types but we're gonna go with tropical feel like we can put a lot of animals there that aren't supposed to live there named zoo habitat of suffering yeah you'd go to a zoo with that name right oh my God look how picturesque it is how do people even get to this Zoo actually not taking any like existing roads or freeways well I don't know how it happens but it looks like this is a building that brings our guests like if we go in here what are we gonna find well these look like teleportation pads if ever I've seen them I guess we'll find out soon enough step one we're gonna build a beautiful zoo I love that the game lets me click on existing trees which means we can just move these trees wherever we want maybe put them over a whoa what's happening here oh my god wait what is this tree pivoting off of oh yeah that's what I wanted is it pivoting off of a bush hold on let's put this out in the daylight and do some testing like that well this is just great isn't it look at the kind of stuff I can already do what a park this is gonna be we'll move that stuff off to the side for now but we need to focus on first is making a great entrance so that our customers are gonna be excited to be here we got all kinds of fun tools down here like barriers and habitats nature huh a lot of stuff going on in here oh hello there you look like a tall drink of water this gives me an idea a very pointed idea how far can I take this okay I'm already loving this game this terrain placement thing is something else like can you imagine entering the zoo and the first thing you see is you pass the turnstiles is the word run crafted impossibly out of trees I don't know seems like my kind of zoo so the first thing we're gonna do is set up some paths we're gonna start with this beautiful palace tile really make people think that they're entering something super luxurious and then we're abruptly gonna switch to this dirt road with these little wooden ovens for railings I'm wondering how much people are gonna be willing to follow the path like are they gonna have to use this or will they be smart enough to just be like no thanks I'll just jump it I guess there's really only one way to find out okay that seems sufficient for now but before we build our first exhibit one of the things we have to do is build a bunch of required stuff like a work and a vet surgery thingy and a trade center blah blah blah so we're gonna select our staff only paths for that do a little offshoot just run that way far away yeah that seems good enough look at all these prefab buildings the game makes for you like we got these nice-looking standard ones these adorable ones with the flowers outside or these um themed ones now me I think I might be partial to these ones I'm a big fan of where you can see the insulation just exposed to the outside like this so what the hell let's go with a little bit of everything this is our trade center here's our East Asian quarantine center here's our beautiful staff room which wait can I will it let me do this oh well yeah of course like how far down kidneys go looks like they can go down pretty far yeah it's down there you know I feel like that might be too far down let's see if we can't sort of do this by degrees what about like right there okay yeah perfect this is what we wanted right I don't know exactly how we're gonna bring a path to that but I'm sure we'll figure it out okay I think I've placed all the buildings we need to put down all very normal of course got one living in this tree and for buildings stacked on top of each other now the real question is if we can attach it to the path yes yes we can couldn't be more simple you know if you need to get to the veterinary you just take this path out here all the way across this platform down to these beautiful stairs and then you have your choice if you want to go to one of these other beautiful buildings over here or if you don't you can just head on down this path down one flight of stairs and then another flight of stairs and that it'll take you all the way back to the hellish Zoo oh and this old thing super easy to access you just take this path right down this big tunnel I dug out and then you just follow it up till you see the sunlight and then you just March your way down the path back over to where all the other buildings are too easy and because the game told me the customers don't like seeing all of these buildings we'll just put two big trees on the opening right there there we go it's all secluded now customers will never be able to see it okay we're off to a sweet start let's do the next exciting part animal trading games got all kinds of stuff camels Tigers wildebeest whatever the hell that thing is I don't know about you but I'd like to see giraffes first thing when I get into a park so I'm gonna buy all four of these and I'm gonna take all of these factors not into consideration at all turns out I can buy a lot more than four guys the limit then okay I've got 30 drafts in my animal storage not exactly sure where that animal storage is but let's not think too hard about it okay now we need a nice lovely place for our giraffe to live whoo that looks nice doesn't it and by that I mean that tiny little square right there let's see so for barriers I feel like the perfect thing that keep giraffe in is this hedge maze yeah build a nice little thing here okay there we go it's perfect and we are gonna need to put a gate because our people need to get in and out of here I love this big heavy security door on a hedge wall let's do it let's put a giraffe in there delivery schedule this is gonna be great okay where's the giraffe oh right I need staff do we need to fill all these positions I hired a caretaker who I think is gonna go into that tiny little shed and bring out a giraffe somehow I'm assuming the giraffe is in that box oh boy here we go dropping off the giraffe tada and that's how giraffes are made look at that majestic creature you know I'm starting to worry about the size of the habitat I made here I think we should probably do some adjusting so let's get rid of these walls fact let's just get rid of all the walls let's make a better space for you who the game let me do this I feel kind of bad but it's really funny how do you like it big guy oh oh I guess it didn't like that too much can I just unbox it again oh no hey guys I think we broke the matrix okay take two that seems better right just a little bit less space yeah he seems fine in fact according to the stats here he seems to be perfectly fine with his habitat and not a moment too soon our first group is here how are you all handling staying on the pathway what broken barrier animals may escape trap what did you do hey stop that you leave me no choice we're going straight to red brick and for that outrage we're gonna take away some of your space how's that gonna treat you huh yep he's pretty indifferent these people here seem determined to see the giraffes even if it's gonna take them all day to get there meanwhile we've got some protesters I can't imagine why think he has so little space he can't even turn around it's just stuck like this how can we add another one then delivery scheduled only one way to find out oh he doesn't have a social group that's okay that's gonna be changing soon you see that tiny little blur over there that's our person eventually bringing you a friend okay let's see how this goes okay buddy I've got your social circle right here see now this is the Ziva I was picturing protesters I don't think you need to worry nobody makes it through the crop circle anyway everybody kind of gets to about like I don't know right here and then they're just like not too much walking I know we came all this way and paid to get in here but whatever let's just go home all right I need more people to see this exhibit so if people give up like right around here then let's put some refreshments down they're probably just getting all tuckered out we'll put a food shop right next to it yes wave to the people let's suppose the third raffle fitting here will it hang tight wraps you're gonna have a friend Kane in you go watch out fellas oh oh no oh no we're creating like a monster well it can't really stop now can we let's uh move them all into the pen while we're at it let's make sure to hire enough caretakers to take care of this situation that's right collect all the giraffes that are somehow in that tiny little building I love looking at these guys and in the background just seemed like this parade of people coming and you go guys the more the merrier [Laughter] God well done guys you've made something that is incredibly emotionally upsetting this guy in the back is like what the hell is all this it's like looking at the reflection in a pool and then directly into my nightmares how can you people give up on wanting to see this do you really not want to see that Oh a bet you're hungry aren't you you 29 headed Hydra oh they need like a food cage I guess that makes sense oh no can I not put it in here what about like right there like right out of reach will that be good enough I guess we'll find out on you need a water trough to come on why can't that go right there surely that'll be good enough oh god what happened this one guys like told you what happened you should have been paying attention this is what you came here to see right a box doing some crazy magic and a draft that's hiding from you and that crashed the game all right we're gonna start with just our one good boy then we're gonna extend his pan around he's actually gonna get a little more space now there we go and now here's your food cage how's it feel buddy look at that you're gonna have food now you don't care what a shocker I'm impressed that he can sleep so nicely what with all the protesters around look who's up and about you feeling better actually he's really upset if I'm gray and thirsty buddy your needs are right there don't look at me go over to the food you don't have enough space to walk or what you are so needy okay can you move around now hope there he goes taking his first steps in his entire life own nature you're so amazing okay now this guy's got food into longing to return home listen dude I'm not a monster I'll help ya I think what you're missing is some trees here we go lots of nice options I'm sure that's what we meant right hedge maze art how would you like this in your pen there you go buddy look at this amazing foliage now it's just like you're in the grasslands in Africa still oh this is how you repay me I think it's still alive see it's starving it's not dead oh wait no it's totally dead well then why is he moving like that okay let's try this again can't go worse than the last time what what the hell happened to you you just got here how come you died what's happening who knew there'd be so much animal maintenance in the zoo round three try to live this time okay do you still have all these other giraffes though so let's get you some friends and by friends I mean giraffe that enjoy a much larger space than you have oh yeah here we go let them all roam free ish just giraffe after giraffe after giraffe well we know what happens to the old ones eleven point four years old died from injuries I mean from being in a crate too long look how much space they have and I mean only one set is fighting right now I like how this game tries to give like a reasonable amount of space to the animals until there's not enough space and then the rest get mashed into a single space destined to be a monster forever okay so I kept adding giraffe it's getting a little crowded in here the game claims that we have a hundred and sixty-three animals in here I don't know it doesn't feel like a hundred and sixty-three to me probably because most of them are in this guy over here yep he's still growing I bet this dude over here is so happy to have his own place he's just like I see it I'm not a giraffe anymore leave me alone okay you know what let's do it let's help these noble creatures especially cuz if we don't I'm pretty sure the game is gonna crash let's go over to terrain let's start a jailbreak by pulling the ground up yeah that's exactly what I want goodbye you brave soldier sure he's real happy about this so my plan here is to raise the ground so they can escape over the wall it's not really going according to plan I didn't realize it would bury them alive well see some of these guys know what's up even you dead guy come with me in fact let's make you the highest up here how high can this go pretty awesome terrain stuff you got going here remember to the beginning of the Lion King when they showed off baby simba and everybody rejoiced and he was like I mean that's how I remember it my god is there like a limit to how high this can go okay I think I found it it flattens the ground at this point like he was meant to be some kind of sacrifice let's not stop there though basically what I was trying to do before I went all crazy cuz I wanted to raise the terrain so that these guys could get out of here see you like this this is what I'm talking about okay guys ready to escape I'm gonna unpause the game now huh at least the corpses didn't abandon me so guess who just earned their freedom okay new objective it's imperative that we get this guy over to the public we just got to build up some speed oh yeah almost there hey what do you people think of this what do you think are these two here on their first date should they probably not turn around like oh god no get away from it oh you people are lucky I can't raise the terrain on the path can I like raise the terrain and then bring it over like this oh hell yeah well this gives me an idea first let's let these guys go free have fun guys feel free to get out of here be free oh now you people are freaked out my godlike powers raising the terrain from the ground and hurling corpses wasn't enough for you it's not like they're dinosaurs okay so the game is actually stuttering like crazy so let's see if we can't I don't know reduce some of this issue first let's go ahead and get rid of this thing now let's level out all the ground because it's become clear to me now that the world is not ready for free roaming giraffes Boxall animals I like that option yep there we go what a beautiful happy zoo it is now okay so based on those antics I have a new idea you can't raise train on the path unfortunately only around it or if it's high enough you can build above it and I suppose if you're a normal person you can build cool-looking things like this oh but I have a different idea in mind we're gonna build a column that goes about that high that seems good switch to flatten to Foundation so here we go give it some nice even ground okay there we go yep beautiful and perfectly normal don't worry though it's just the exciting new site for my next habitat that we're gonna make sure employees have a way to get there which we've done with this convenient way here just more of the stuff you already know and love so what are we gonna fill this with I figure a little bit of everything get some elephants in there some bison camels for sure yeah and some Tigers yeah pandas special delivery this person ran a mile to get here all to deliver to us one hopefully healthy Buffalo and a cheetah and an adorable little oh oh yeah this is gonna go real well man I didn't realize black bears hated cheetahs so much or camels actually think it just turns out that black bears are a bunch of jerks this is just fantastic more animals you add the more cacophony you get I gotta be honest I don't really understand the pecking order pretty much just see everything running around hurting everything else and we're gonna extend the foundation don't worry I've got a plan there we go you might be able to see where this is going love by the way that we have 1800 people visiting our zoo now and I'm sure these people down there really sad they can't experience the battle royale happening up here but I think we can probably bring the experience to them dead grizzly you're a pilot program no pun intended okay there's the curled up corpse of the grizzly bear now let's just dig a lovely little hole okay bye yep there it goes and here it comes oh okay almost a direct hit we can do better than that just kind of rearrange where the drop-off spot is right here we go just down you go seems pretty good and oh did you hit anyone where are you know no one cares huh well that's okay I'll get this right the third time just a little bit back into the left there we go I think that should about do it hang in there buddy it's gonna be okay have a safe trip and scene no no reaction huh well forgive me if I got between you and your gulpy well you know if they don't care I don't care go ahead and just open up the entire floor here and unpause okay by animals I mean surely they're gonna care about this right oh now there's panic yes be in a state of panic but still follow all the paths Oh God are people stuck well now I'm getting really excited yes keep running run from nothing I love all this chaos is happening down here and up here there's this one giraffe still like not a me problem I spoke too soon okay so I cleaned up all the chaos and now the crowds are back it seems like what draws people to your park is just knowing that animals are there it doesn't even matter if they can get to them or not and if that's true I wonder how many people we can fool into coming to our park without them ever seeing a single animal well this gives me an idea let's see how far exactly can we go underground in this game just digging straight down for a while here we are at the very bottom this is as far as the game will go I don't know why there's light down here but I'm not really gonna question it but needless to say this is where all of our animals are gonna be put down some of these fancy lights well these actually help me see oh yeah now we're talking really starting to feel like home down here oh yeah this is how you make the perfect zoo okay I think our underground zoo is about ready to go all staff and staff buildings have been relocated down here and we've built ourselves a couple of animal pens just a couple I don't know if they're all here but most creatures are here somewhere just all of them and their habitats I used the word habitat lightly of course everyone gets water everyone gets food that's it we've got something like 60 employees down here I don't know if they realize they can never leave but that sounds like a them problem but for the most part everyone seems to be getting along kinda pretty sure that's what wolves look like when they want to play right yeah well I'm sure they'll work it out look all I'm saying is if these giraffes can figure it out anyone can now that I've created my beautiful underworld let's check out what's happening in the overworld oh my it looks pretty crowded up here especially with the nonstop protestors how do they even know about my underground zoo but you know twenty five hundred people all here to see nothing well it seems like these stands over here now just too far for them to go for starters we're gonna add a bunch more food stalls just all over the place okay maybe people will like all these food options available now oh yeah it looks like we're getting people to go further and further what is happening right here come on can't you guys protest peacefully it looks like we go to this mediocre face here looks like guest needs are doing all right except education Oh stupid zoo people wanting to stupid learn luckily there's buildings for that here have this info shop the most riveting building on the planet here's a couple of info shops you're welcome okay we're up to 3100 people and yet still nobody is brave enough to keep going let's see what else we can do on the information front well we do have these lovely education boards maybe I can just put these down here learn about giant pandas hopefully this helps the signal-to-noise ratio still don't feel educated huh not from that one sign okay you know you people need you need a little upfront motivation I bet that's what it is so let's go ahead and create a nice little bunch of concrete barriers right here now according to the zoo overview that I never yeah it looks like the most appealing thing is the lowland gorilla okay people don't say I didn't do anything for you we're gonna buy a bunch of these gorillas and we're gonna put them in this little habitat here for you all to appreciate and I appreciate I mean you're all gonna have to use your imagination cuz I'm making the walls really really tell on this so you'll just have to take my word for it that they're in there I'm really just saving the guests for themselves unless you're looking for a fresh nightmare then here you go and listen I know it's disappointing that you can't see in there but maybe this sign will help everybody out gorillas inside and then all the exclamation points yeah that's perfect that's just what I meant oh really inside very informative here we'll supplement it with another sign gorillas are part of the animal kingdom it's so helpful put it in the middle smash it down make sure nobody has any chance of reading it finally this thing is actually helpful kinda I don't know if that text is educating anybody okay you know what fine we'll put a window on this thing I'll do one better for you let's just go with straight up glass this is what you people wanted to see right bones day grows and you know other stuff I don't get it why is everyone still protesting okay well I can't figure out what these people want so we're gonna go with a different route we're gonna need to adjust our expectations for what we can hope from this crowd by that I mean find a way to get them to stay in the zoo for more than 18 whole minutes so let's rip this path out and start from scratch okay clean slate we're gonna use a little something we haven't seen before which is transport rides you can do an adventure tour we're a dorky looking monorail this dorky looking boat I think we're gonna go with this dorky looking train okay start it right off in front so the goal here is obviously to make something so that when people have committed to getting on it it's gonna take them a while before they can get off it and I feel like this is gonna take a while I knew we would use all this space for something but don't worry it's not all misery I'm not a monster there's actually an island over here you know floating in the sky is Islands do actually you know what let's not give everything away let's wait till it's done okay I think we're about ready to try out this Train thing also known as my latest method of kidnapping people open the park oh good yeah that's what I wanted to see okay everybody chill there's enough train to go around oh boy are you people excited for an adventure run don't walk it's gonna be an experience all aboard the nightmare tray so first the train goes up this giant disaster he's you know how when you go to a zoo you're expecting like rollercoasters and stuff so after traversing the giant spiral we find ourselves on this beautiful island where you can finally see something sort of zoo related and by that I mean a bunch of bones and poop because I had some elephants up here um but it took me so long to build this thing that they died a long time ago here you go here's some vintage footage of them running around all fancy-free after that we go through more nightmare rickety rollercoaster here's where you bask in the views before we get to something that's my personal favorite you head on through this hellscape down deeper into the earth and then head into the darkness where no one can follow you flight the camera over to where exits precariously edit this track to leap this segment entirely and now we're never gonna see those people again oh but don't tell these people because they don't know it but they're in for a ride of a lifetime especially you kids up front have yourselves a grand time so I think that's gonna about do it for now there's a hell of a lot going on in this game and boy am i delighted to be a part of it so I hope you had fun I know I did and just remember if life's getting it down somewhere out there their draft being held in captivity underground anything you want to say before we go okay great talk
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 9,549,120
Rating: 4.8625011 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, zoo tycoon, planet zoo animals, zoo game, planet zoo update, zoo tycoon 2019, planet zoo game, planet zoo trailer, new planet zoo, planet zoo sandbox, planet zoo sandbox mode, planet zoo funny, planet zoo funny moments, funny moments, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, game it out, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out funny, let's game it out simulator, let's game it out planet zoo, let's game it out zoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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