When You Get Abandoned On An Ocean Raft in Last Wood

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so let's take a trip into the Wayback Machine the way back of early indie games this is a game called last wood and I checked it out at all I don't know maybe 2 years ago or so when it first came out on just a little alpha test demo so it came to steam and I thought to myself I said so let's give it a go let's see what happens a boy saved by a girl on the board of this ocean how long can they survive that sounds cool look they're all friends and stuff they're hugging and let's do it nice we got a couple different people Oh muscular he's got like what does that named fabricant fabricant and we can randomize some oh he's self-destructive a stubborn and kind old man look at him 33 years old or the gray beard that's interesting maybe I should have picked one of the good ones oh kind he's kind but he's crying maybe he's maybe he's eating something I don't know but his mother died okay sure you're our friend and what kind of a person do we get out of you a smooth talker rook Burgess or but yet Gilly Oh towhead who's its magnet and muscular she's fit she can survive she can craft and she's gonna be good I think that'll work perfect let's do it it's so cool yes about time we had a life in here so we can make the raft bigger is there anything to explore oh look at this little island that looks fun hey go over here and go grab something like a tree and ye yeah come on chop down that lemon tree it looks like there we go now you chop down that apple tree perfect it's working or build more raft it's the best day ever also there's this thing here I don't know what it is but we're grabbing Rock things she is a muscular she can break a rock with her bare hands oh yeah I was iron ore she grabbed what's this thing flour flax seeds okay we're just gonna steal a bird nest eggs cool but is this harvest green herb field cool and then flowers and junk oh we get we got to pick up these apples and you swim on over perfect grab this grab it grab it grab the rocks grab the rocks grab the iron order and we're gonna plant back our lemon tree over here good yay that's so cool okay is there any other islands oh there's another one oh I can't get to it we'll have to build up and move our as soon as we can oh wow there is one over here there's like a palm tree excuse me I wanted to see this it's my storage box not no there they go they're doing everything oh nice hey chop it down again I just gotta keep murdering a tree we should probably get some water and stuff going on too we don't have any leaves we'll get those pretty soon yay oh we need two more leaves uh here why don't you come over this one we'll grab leaves from this island all aboard oh I don't think oh yeah I can move over here cool chop down the tree murder it you didn't know trees were evil they are they're the worst ever hey perfect jump they're making friendship look at them they're so nice together what a cute couple I mean if it was me I think I'd rather live on a little raft like this then live out in the ocean or live on a little island like this and live on the ocean but hey if they want to like enjoy their life that's cool I'll let them do whatever they want that thing I don't even know hey what is this did you get it I guess they got it oh yeah wouldn't coconut oh there's a little door here hot dang there's a door should we go in I want to go in let's cut down everything else bring your resources back to base oh and there's floating wreckage too beautiful Wow garbage we threw down be nice and we're gonna build our water collector nice oh there's a dead bird can I eat it how did the dead bird just show up but I got food and stuff so we got that going for us probably need a place to cook things too so we'll do that just do a quick little build up great okay so we got some recipes we've got roasted fish Oh roasted bird meat that looks cool let's do this four times you have any other vegetables or anything mashed potatoes no we just have Oh wood tar wonder what that does oh look at him go they're building things they're just jamming all sorts of things there oh we got some rain collection all right so let's check out this little house I think it'll be cool I wonder if there's like maybe a cave troll in there is something I don't know oh boy this could be bad okay move through oh oh there's a person Oh what is in there what is that I don't really know but I want to beat him up oh you're taking so much damage maybe this is a bad idea hey come back here did you die no not quite okay if I go in there with you and we're gonna smack this guy attack them oh there's the stairs up okay and then you I need you to go inside too and I need you to attack too oh we're doing one damage in there do 120 abort mission abort mission Oh die don't die yi don't die at me leave was a bad idea we're not gonna do that again until we got armor and junk now they're gonna die of like death poisoning or something oh I felt like a cardboard box what are what kind of garbage is in this thing what is this I don't even know what it is like a little circle thing and then a piece of paper we did it we found a circle there's some paper all over the place I gotta figure out that is I'm research material that makes sense because there is like research things somewhere yeah like a research table research know how science things cool I really want to know if there's like a limit on how far we can build away he's now breathing good oh he's mad why are you so mad why you get angry he has a relationship with her now all their friends my friend weird and total loser huh sounds about right Hey she showed off to him that's a pretty thing are you talking about her I bet and then she's gonna be like oh no I just like him and oh he's a friend I showed up awesome this like stone and wood Wow well you're not gonna be very good friend of this place that's literally all we have it's like wood everything's good except when you sleep on the ground so there's another island right over here I didn't even see that we must go and rescue everything on it there I'll build him a house or they'll build a house and it'll be a house we would stare somewhere what planks I don't have enough wood so you go stairs up interesting stairs whoa whoa whoa you're just like totally just ran up to our thing I don't know where you came from but I can trade with you you have food and medicine on s word fish I kind of want it oh we need that diarrhea medicine we got to have that and I'll give you some research material want some of this you want you want a bunch okay whoa whoa we don't need that's okay I'm gonna trade up I'm gonna trade up even though this was diarrhea meds deal yes you're waiting for a trade I just read it with you you dork face I got some diarrhea meds we don't have diarrhea yet but we will eventually I did I seem to be treading water for the last five minutes there he goes officious oh wait hold up there's a person a person quick rescue we need someone else in our life or just just jump through the floor that was cool I'm gonna fetch him good work good work we got a friend we saved a survivor what are their name marques let's see what marques is God for the socials and stuff just righto Stuber net to destroy anything okay and a knife weapon user he yeah but you can't you have no fighting skills so that's fine OC you have a human right arm so that's good can we give her some of that diarrhea medicine and I figure out how to do that you need some that diarrhea meds interesting my door needs something else it looks also like wood but I think it's a slightly different type of wood I really want to pillage another Island so let's just destroy everything here don't want to work anymore no we just started working oh yeah grab that what does these things apples okay to destroy that tree there you go I don't know what that is go get these flowers I swear you guys you're so lazy you're like I did one thing in my life and I don't want to work anymore you know what I could do I can make you go into this house and there's probably somebody in here that wants to eat you should we try it should we try going in here and see what happens inside oh there's two of them oh no oh no no they got big spiky things sticky wow that hurt the new lady's like I can't breathe I can't breathe so good breathing is my favorite I'm so happy that I can breathe that's because they were dying oh I'm being rescued Hey look oh there somebody was sleeping on a bed did you see that hey get up you got things to click oh she woke up she figured out how to breathe properly yes and chopping down trees all this is the best day ever that's the best day ever oh they're tasting something I hope it wasn't each other so we have cued up a little farmyard here hopefully we can make it not eat these things what was that execute does she just execute something I'd like to know what all this poop is everywhere there's like black thing I think that's waste cuz I have to sweep it up maybe we're wasting a lot of supplies this might not be a good thing oh oh is that thing why do we have a Kraken in our base oh I want it I wanted to destroy a Kraken I don't even have anything but what are they doing peeking are you afraid I dislike it a bad new life here hope we can find Noah eventually whoever that is I can't focus need more power I feel weak I'm so lonely need to find you have two people to talk to you I took a dump in seawater hey oh we can make berries and root vegetables let's do two of berries here and we'll do two red vegetables how's that sound are you kidding me the root vegetables are already ready no way I was literally like four minutes whoa there's another raft over here what's going on like I'm guessing since I'm wasting no while there's a lot more stuff hey cool hey you're gonna go you're gonna excrete good work that was disgusting come over here now go uh swim in your own feces we got to go figure out what's on this raft because it looks like there's cool stuff maybe there's another person there's another person this might be bad nope no other people oh I can paddle I don't want to work anymore are you kidding me what's in here open the chest okay all sorts of stuff pick up the flax pick up the other things there you go attack it attack that crate maybe it's gonna explode with all sorts of loot or not okay come home oh we got the loot from it that's the good news why is there so much poop oh it's probably literally just poop everywhere on her boat trader man's here again hello new trader man maybe I can get rid of a lot of things here and tada you have the equipment a weapon with your all experienced link shots the boat axe that sounds fun simple bullets fire bullet we're like 90 enemy oh I don't really want any of that maybe the bone axes I'll get to bone axes and we'll see what we can trade them I can give them the herbs you want a bunch of herb oh it's a tempting offer you like the herbs huh that's okay perfect I'll give you 11 of my herbs for two thing he's beautiful now you can leave thank you can I attack them I can give them weapons and armor too yeah go get those new axes oh look they're carrying around axes that's amazing you know my dude you don't really have to swim you can come on board I will let you come aboard it'll be okay yeah you could come on if you wanted to or you can just you know just gonna walk away yeah it's just gonna walk away on the water oh no he's just gonna sink down to the abyss nice work oh we got another survivor hey hold up come here dude we need this one we need them in our life yes just throw wide board saved a survivor who are you it's got a sweet beard that's for sure it's got a fear of water no wonder he was dying I would probably do at that point yeah I rang collectors of rain collecting nice everything's almost full art nope some of them are oh that was hey the dude woke up hey hey Koons goons you're gonna feed all your gonna research oh oh oh that's what you are you're a research Wow okay researching is kind of cool there's fermentation Wow food processing CFR minutes farming premier cool there's clothing hot dated dog why's there so much stuff there's a fish catching thing oh you gotta get seaweed a fish net Wow I didn't even I didn't even think all this stuff would exist I do want to try to put a paddle on here oh there we go finally a paddle okay I've no idea how to use the paddle it's also dark coat okay they just excreted that so gross your paddle I want to oh okay that's that's how to do it we're paddling all right so you have to paddle based on oh wow oh wow we're gonna run right into this island what happens then I'm probably a bad idea we don't like that I don't want to work anymore figures you guys are so lazy no I told you to stop paddling stop dude get off the paddler you know I do want to do I want to attack this guy for hurting me before wait all this stuff grew up again is this the same guy maybe we got our axis let's go see hello oh here attack you got that throwing spear use it for good measure oh wait what are you where you going oh oh man oh man this may be a better is that not a human what is this thing what is this thing I don't know what it is we're gonna be in a problem though get out all out oh is it chasing me no I really want to know what it was it's got a really big stick though that hurt ah we have the workbench what is this a lemon battery really we have slingshots hose Oh use your plowing a headband oh is this giving like armor a leaking ferrule what do I want this thing closed out of leaves oh wow yeah that was really quick research no it's like super fast research I was not expecting it to be that quick I think I have enough food like I've got 200 and something foods here we got blueberries for days people are I think they're just throwing things yeah we're just getting random foods maybe if I do like a stew or something scallops do that's kind of cool oh we got vegetable stew - oh wait wait hold up we can let the creator's be be creative I'm just gonna loop that oh wow and yeah is actually a pretty good cook that's cool oh wow so is Julie oh I feel like you're gonna be our cook let's make you a cook I like healthy options for priority are literally on and off like not one two three four five it's on or off oh wait never mind you can do it differently I'm gonna make everyone's priority number one cleaning so there's no poop everywhere oh wow so I did this a little bit wrong I was gonna change out these water collectors with water tanks because these hold water but these things go like super fast I think that's at 5% how they cleared it out never mind that water take is pretty much full right hey here's a pair of flying around here I wish I could oh I probably can hunt it is it gonna land somewhere totally I want to hunt it Oh nope it's leaving I want to go here too let's go over here hey everyone we're gonna invade an island because it sounds fun evil you're sleeping I don't really care okay guy without a weapon you go in first oh wow there's three in there that's okay that's okay I got throwing Spears and axes hopefully they look like they might had weaponry too yeah we're just going really quick we'll make a real quick trip in now somebody died who was it that died that was bad we need to gear up oh there's that parrot hey parrot bro interact on interact with the parrot Oh and tacking it oh wait I killed a parent I got a dead seagull out of it that was interesting it's floating garbage bags can I fetch something else no you can only fetch one thing at a time I just picked up garbage let's just throw it on board oh you're struggling help go oh that was good hey go get that garbage bag okay so evidently we can't swim too far and we just picked up literally garbage yay we got the water filter now oh there's somebody's swimming into our into our raft it's not a Kraken so that's good this is weird what do we get floating chest and junk I mean there's plenty of islands you could settle on why do you want to come to my house why do you want to come to my base I mean we could use you since we lost to ye here talk to him no don't attack him no don't attack you turd nugget well I guess we'll be eating good tonight you don't have oh boy you're standing in the fireplace too well there we go yes Axton and my axe come on why did I have to kill him that wasn't even oh we got a corpse can I eat it scavenge it we're wiping it clean interacting we got all sorts of loot maybe I don't even know that was really awkward I really would have liked him to be on my team uh-oh I had an achievement called love what what happened I asked Marquis got her out even though I wasn't the strongest boy okay you're a jerk you're dating I'll grade their dating okay they called me names I love it so much I asked her out on a date that was weird whoa whoa what the pigeons are here what are they doing hey wait whoa hold up hold up okay you're gonna research why are there I mean attack the birds yeah beat him up nice no there's another one Hey attack the bird right expel it expel the seagull yes expose his life force and another one wait expel another fat seagull nice nice I like the word expel you just okay we're gonna supply air go hey next bill yes destroy it expel must meet there's more I know right this is like floats em all over the game good lucky what does that achievement for I don't know this is like the opposite of that flotsam video where I destroyed like I got a ton of seagulls yeah this is what happens on the flip side of it well was this thing what is that a mutant I don't know what it is can they be my friend all they're attacking oh no oh no attacked a mutant quick attack the mutant we gotta all hands on deck is there a here toggle alert go oh nice makam oh we have a mutant on board this game got weird I didn't realize who's gonna get weird like this good job taking a mutant oh that axe to the face why is my raft move I promise I didn't do that nice we destroyed the mutant there's a pipe of pirate corpse it wasn't a pirate before I was a mutant I'm hired mutant and I'm glowing why are you glowing maybe it's just this you're wet I am that was weird I don't know what happened oh not again but you got a ton of seagulls coming in again ah the good stuff bone throwing a spike Club ooh bone axe there's a fish bone sword ah - skull hammer that sounds cool I want a skull hammer I'm gonna totally make one of those and one of those and I don't have shark teeth maybe I should fish there's said someone at you what is this wait hold up what is Mendel's and drill it's a traitor okay I just you know it's always weird when someone's walking across the water to come get you we'll try trading maybe they'll have Oh armor headband coconut helmets yes shark hats defense agility I want defense negative five agility negative three agility let's get a coconut helmets times three and we'll see if they want some herbs where the herb salesman's yeah they'll take 27 for a bunch of hats nice and in the workbench let's queue up the leaf clothes cuz why not oh there's another trader here wearing a suit that's weird are you wearing his suit in the middle of an island here hey wait go get this you have miscellaneous junk research material ooh tin cans rusty parts I don't know what those do how do we get richer than Raven middle school physics okay weird out we're gonna have five middle school physics books for maybe some of these maybe those are expensive those are really expensive never mind odd we've used up all of our research oh I'm getting it I'm understanding now you got to have those papers to do the research but you got a hat on so that we got that going for us what is this says it becomes uncalled on the Seas whoa a shark oh we got it no we got a dude attacking us again ah come on I really don't like it attacking people I just want them I want to be their friends this shark is gonna attack our boat no way wow there's more people for these I mean I'm fine with them being on our vessel Oh boats moving again Carrie is everyone just attacking I guess so there you go Chapel with the X I think we got those hats on and our friend is just gonna you know eat well we're getting beat up oh that's too bad this shark wants us wonder if they brought us anything cool besides their skulls we'll just chop them up is that meat and they literally give us meat where's that shark yet there it is that shark just ran headfirst into the island okay oh there's another survivor yes finally finally we can replace you ye yes don't drunk oh oh we're gonna be okay we're gonna make it back no you're struggling grasping help all the other person died oh that was a long time in between them whoopsies that's what happened to me is middle school of physics to try to survive on a raft in the ocean I know there's fish that are flying they go they just crash - the island - I'll tell you what that was fun um it's been like an hour and a half that's probably pretty good for a video got a good overview of the game this is actually a lot more content than I thought there would be anyway thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 695,457
Rating: 4.9262581 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, raft, raft game, raft gameplay, last wood, last wood raft, last wood game, last wood gameplay, last wood ep 1, simulation game, simulation, ocean, survival, survival game, oct2019, 2019
Id: dtu2hsW0Reo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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