Spore Ep 3 - Cutest Babies EVER!

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hello ah hello and welcome back I'm the gaming beaver today we are with what we're getting it on in the night time of a launch so I think after all this time it's about time we made a baby okay books a question it's like excuse me I need to lay my eggs God assuming X here oh my god there we go whoa we gather eventually so many eggs just lying about God my species likes to get busy down there so now we get Oh creature create a new mode to play with test drive try your creature out before returning to the planet oh that's nice so now I get to go whee but there's nothing new about it right now so we have different legs we have died and maybe know what that is I'm 40 upgrade does what kind of I can we have oh that's ugly why do we get that we can get a different mouth I said I still don't like a mouth bite to fight 3 ah it just doesn't look the same though it just doesn't look the same what's what's this one it's amazing Oh bite - no I like that I might have one on my bum oh my bum oh wow can I have another my ankles oh I could I could have two heads I could have the smart head and the dirty head so what else do we have we have sir Oh Oh No lost me legs all right well I got him back it's cool Oh No there we go okay what are these so these are different feats I could have more hands let's start evolving you know what let's start like actually evolving so I'd imagine that this thing's it's its legs can sort of go here but with the hell the legs go where the legs okay we need to be lowered to the ground I mean where we are some sort of big big creature oh wow look at this this is nice one you have big thighs so that'll do and then we need to sort of even out to the tail a little bit I want to be higher though I want to be higher but the head the head has to come up as well so we have a little and then a big head that consorted yeah yeah we're getting somewhere we're actually doing it so we need we need thick thighs I don't know if they should be that wide apart oh I mean they could they could turn oh it's looking so adorable this thing is amazing oh I love it I love what I'm creating I don't know if you guys do for oh it looks great for me stuped Oh what's this well well that our Good Feet so moment we get one sprint Wow both vs. huh looks like monkey feet who ate all of that Oh what is this spit we gave a maze ball for a tail we could be like a I'm kind of Soros a scimitar for a tail oh that's great that's it let's charge charge so that's four horns we're gonna Becca oh that's right okay so our eyebrows we've evolved our eyebrows they are no longer used just to be pretty they now have a purpose so we now charge what do we have these balls are God's to others too dangerous how about we yeah they just turn into like oh oh yes that's perfect hold on hold on I just I need I mean we don't really need yeah yeah instead of them being for show they are now for charging their could be bigger yes I wanna figure we could have a big pair oh they couldn't bend as well oh Jesus I did not mean to do that so they could those ones can bend up and then let's Henny well actually well put them a little bit wider will will not bend them up they can be pointy and then the big ones yes we could have really big ones here though [Music] yeah these ones a big like you don't mess with these because now we've evolved for charging we can have a club tail it doesn't look right that's a night guy less of that one look at that but that somehow does it look right we'll settle up how about we not like a whoa that's nice oh yeah that's cool couldn't it can they turn the other way cuz now and how about rotation I like the sound effects MA that's really cool now they need to be thick thick clubs yes yes beautiful I wonder actually if I should bend the other way rotate yeah that's nice and now we can stab like that would it would slam down I like a bang bang like if anything got too near me I think you know I mean that's what I'm imagining you know it takes some imagination yeah I want to sort of have the tail like that a little bit up and then we can sort of swipe it it's more like spiky than anything I'd imagine and what I think was good right now unless there's anything else I cannot do it oh we can I believe these we can fly have little flappy wings what's this a pump tail charm it adds charm ah yeah what are these different sprint and charm dorsal fin bones knee pad or knee pads yes let's add more help to us got some knee pads oh look at it it's like yeah I love knee pads oh it's got a big head I love it I'm loving this creature pump pump pump hey cord was a hate cord looking at we could have liked some of those on us on the elbow yeah yeah that's nice I like it we just we just put them on Mac there we go we're evolving yes what dinosaur we will be we're not a beaver Soros enemy anymore we're a full-on duper Soros Soros yes yeah well not bad us anymore we got cuteness for days and I don't I don't like the way I spelled that before yeah there we go cuteness for days and I don't think we need that so let's test let's take for a test drive oh I forgot to do the look I'll look at this go oh my god yes we're so cool I just I love it yeah so what else puppies oh yeah how's our angry okay how about food love oh yeah flex let's flex our muscles yeah hot foot oh it's hot Oh dancing we could oh my god I love this game I love it I love it I love it change of volcano somebody yeah what do we have oh god this ice everywhere you don't like that oh no not that one oh yeah rainbows eggs I said please be one oh my god it is adorable look at it I'm gonna die it's so cute what's his baby I think I've made the best creature in this boy you could make hi-yah say no more so instead of doing this why not just keep going I want to play now so here we go this is us ah wicked the copy got eyes all oh my god we're just a little baby gonna cry oh oh no - Chum okay how do we charm how do we just shake us push oh my god we did Oh Oh what is that hey that is a pose ah how we can pose all right we're learning that must be the previous tacky oh god what's that strike so in case we heat it we can strike okay okay Oh what whoa charge yes we can charge because we've got our horns charge yeah we're doing it yes I'm a good baby we make oh wow we grew big okay okay now let's check how the the road oh we're doing oh look at the way he swings his arms at know the road oh where the road oh yeah nail there okay I mean there's nothing really else we you know what let's let's have a look to see what other hunt for Klat Klat ooh what's a Klaatu but a party the games like you need a hunt more of those what are you oh my god what are you alpha a flow rube the exit flow room oh my god it's hideous oh my god it's got a mouthful of teeth I don't think I want to get on the bad side of that let's choose a social stance and we'll select him and we shall charm [Music] all right charmed back that's two charm level two oh yeah what's he doing oh we're just gonna have to keep on charming let's keep going oh yeah look at that foot wiggle oh he wants to sing now for the final one let's sing yeah we got a toxic tell telson now that they're kind of like oh I'm excited about these guys but they're still not too sure was the Alpha I think he was he often it was okay now we talked this guy let's do a pose oh he wants to sing nevermind let's sing okay always do he's doing it he's doing a charm oh well we don't have to do two for this guy awesome look at my tail I'm deadly but hella cute I'm deadly cute awesome now we just need one more flu Rob let's impress the baby can we impress the baby I can imagine these guys actually being quite cute oh this is a big skeleton over there as well as somebody else that's interesting so what you're gonna do now I just wants to keep singing this cut loads of leaves on oh it's awesome I love how indie campuses ting ting yeah we've got an apple with a hex an apple but we're friends with these guys that's fine I want to be friends with those flying ones now Oh God what are you doing guy there we go Scratchy so we've got a nil down what the hell's I nailed down um these things look cool but I sort of want to to go to get outta way come on I've just made friends with you they're getting the way other wanted wings they look like a real-life awesome group come on let's keep going just keep walking on that much speed actually we are quite slow what did you walk into a log oh wait such a stupid sound as well I'm gonna eat you I'm gonna eat you if I get better friends hey are you doing that stop keep going okay who these oh these are the slugs yeah I think I'm gonna have to slowly pick these guys off for all Bob's they call Flo bubs I don't even know what they're called but I'm going towards these guys these words were the hard ones to impress you my friend no no you know the power look at them fly hello hello oh are they fighting don't fight those ones hello okay I'm gonna take a social stance with the 32:1 and I'm gonna sting Oh gonna listen let's sing sing me sing I can do that ah pose let's pose see sing again oh my god they could dance I can't dance uh ciao be cute look at me go oh they did my best okay okay we need to be able to dance to befriend those so yeah I'm just gonna have to leave sort of moment let me just scratch for bones to put up it up it up all that these big bones things were getting so let's let's explore the wilderness and to see what we can find in the next episode if you've liked this one leave a like it really helps me out and until next time we'll see what the sources can do Ruben
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,648,838
Rating: 4.8761654 out of 5
Keywords: Spore, sim simulator, creatures, alien, funny, walkthrough, lets play, thegamingbeaver, carnivore, derpasaurus, dinosaurs, beaverasaurus, fight, social stance, ea, creature, space, civilization, stage
Id: 7B-Df5SOYBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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