Spore Ep 4 - Even The Babies Can Dance!?!?

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hello welcome back I'm the gamey beaver and this is derp asaurus try a Hornet doh try harder okay um I mean we could be creditors we got 40 DNA I am hungry but I'm going to be friends with them and then and then we shall what do we do we'll eat the slugs they just wanna propose look I could pose to pose and again let's pose come on yeah okay let's let's be friendly the one before I starve to death sing sing oh look at them what are they doing they're like the species I want to be come on what can we do sing sing I saw this did we do it Oh what well I'm sorry hey hey you want you're coming back here I'm singing okay tada Oh what hurry not be friends with these right well not being friends of you oh my god they're boring oh god what's going on guys can I honestly not be friends with you I want to be friends with you come on now when you start dancing mate now I'm sorry bye bye see you later you can eat those horn guys are not friends with them god I want to impress this guy so badly but I'm hungry so hungry right come on where are those slugs well I do is I eat one of the slugs and then I'll be friends with them afterwards and they'll only be one that eaten recharge no yeah strike attack ah yeah fight it charge I'm sorry uh you know let's des shocked come on shaking I'm sorry I look the way I pick it up with my hand oh that's cool now we're not hungry anymore and I'm going to show you that I are you still friends with you see we're friends these guys are so primitive all they can do is sing impress - buzzer - buzzer - - a lie no hell no I'm not a line with Oh God one of those like I need to learn how to dance if I could dance then I think we'll start a chance getting getting to be friends with them because those out of everything I found so far those seem to be the best ones wait why am I not friends with everybody why am I just sort of mutual let's sing I think these guys are quite primitive as well all I can do is sing yeah there we go what were allies yay God you look annoying I mean I look just fabulous but you guys will what about over here so in other species I haven't sort of found I don't think so God we look amazing nothing oh there's a mystery mystery tribe over here this this is a good game I've got to give a credit I'm liking it loads of people hate it be the hater or they love it and I don't know I I like it like I can't see any reason why I wouldn't like oh god one of these oh they're level 50 Jesus one of these things oh they look like goats hello hello oh my god they look awesome let's sing you know goddamnit how come everything can dance I'm gonna have to just leave awkwardly ah that's too impressive for me boy oh god I need to learn how to add impress you need a mutual mutual like these guys I couldn't already sing to you I just want to sing to you look busy sing all these guys are just too oh I see I can't do it because they can dance if you can't dance then you're boned basically so let's be friends with these guys these guys I can sing to see anything oh hold on something awesome now I'll sing to you I don't know if these guys will do anything else at all from sing looks like they're just singers come on almost thing yeah boom uh one more they call the commute i hello Kelly guy I was opus Oris I have 30 prongs of my hair's used for charging you know there wouldn't be a very good idea because I've probably just injure my eyes yeah look at us or we could get a unicorn horn beautiful that's amazing I want that I want a unicorn horn so we'll probably get smarter and when we get smarter we will get the dance ability I mean that's what I'm hoping we got a dance ability I'd be awesome so that's a mountain don't go by the map quick climb it looks very vertical oh my God my guys stupid always doing it no he's not yes he is what's he doing I don't know but he's going for it come on come on what's at the top woo oh they're not happy with me they're aggressive oh oh they were aggressive I taught it whether I should be aggressive with them let's take a social status just in case then oh they don't like me why do they don't like me well let's sing what's that Oh to charm I've got charm for days you'll find what's reigning sing aha they're not angry with me anymore good did I offend them with my tale of awesome Club eNOS I like her these guys are still not happy with me look I have composed haha okay sing I like this this is awesome it's a good game come on tinkle tinkle and what's the last one sing right what it does I can't dance I can't dance why I okay let's just sing to the other one I got unlucky that time I don't think let's talk to the baby the baby can't dance yeah look at that I made friends with the baby and now how about level 15 one okay that's a charm whenever they turn like sideways and Susy turn sideways you know they're gonna do a charm come on one more don't dance yeah another job I couldn't impress the Alpha cuz she knows how to dance but I'm gonna press o ye mechanic a pickup rain oh yes we are smart we have this much so now we have the bigger brain more brainpower another step towards sentence sentence sentence your brain is larger your stature grander your pack now has room for two oh yeah that's why we could we could ask people to join us couldn't we I didn't do that oh why would I want someone good to join us uh can I can I ask these guys to join matingcall oh my god I don't have made with those yeah um well I tell you what let's go oh gods go go get the Skeletron see what's over here whoo level 29 we still can't learn how to dance because I guess and we need to be born again what was that what's making weird noises what is it so we make weird noises don't like it oh my god you look at this thing oh geez 15 DNA to make friends with them if we impress them they look so cute I just want to make friends can I sing to you oh all the like little donkey's look also dogs the way the way they sound hey what excuse me well I'm gonna talk to the baby and make friends with the babies because the babies are simple come on baby I can dance the damn baby good you know what Sonia baby could dance I can't get out of here ha ha why can't everything guns I couldn't just can't dance disappointed very disappointed myself and now the what the long the long wait back these guys are friends with me I don't know why do it handy with me to start with no idea off we go huh hey I'm gonna fight Asia for oh I need fishing boat we there's like loads of fruit on the ground I'm guessing if you're a herbivore you just eat the fruit I'd imagine Oh God just walk sideways into that tree um wow there's quite a lot to do here isn't that like I'm just looking at the bottom we got 226 DNA points don't god damn it don't period don't walk into the trees okay come on let's keep walking home what about how to fly I'd like to fly I think my eyes need to be bigger because my head got bigger the eyes look sort of out of place cuz they're quite small got that small why am i friends with those they are tiny I just want to eat them I will eat you next time once I have more the slugs I don't like this looks let's oh oh she's looking fine tonight are you doing she's level 29 um she just had a baby come on can I can i intimidate them no oh she oh she loves that she loves it there we go we sing together and we can now evolve to the next level why is the chute cute oh there we go Adama is a skeletal mare again wow that is some better some nice music why is there only three of us have we did attacked where did everybody else go God ah look how hot I am I'm a happy daddy so welcome what can we get this time um Wow oh yeah that's right okay we want a unicorn horn now so we want it big ah they're proof ha ha ha it is one big unit going on um right what else have we got we can spend money on what's this kneel down I think that's health plus three nipple what's a nipple can I just have it somewhere no okay doesn't seem really cool um I did get another mouth but what is this how much help does this one give you three one sling and want to charge Oh that's why I couldn't use charge because my mouth doesn't allow it oh I'm sorry you're gonna have to have this oh god it looks horrible ah Jesus ooh actually no hold on I can make it look cute let's make it look cute can I make it smaller stubbier oh no we're not doing any of that how about narrower yeah there we go oh that's amazing hold on hold on let's make it better there we go guy looks he's got big news no I don't I don't I don't know I don't my god what the heck am i doing I don't even know anymore we're gonna have two mouths that's weird I think I don't know I think this will do for now I'm not too happy with it it has to be said because it looks a bloody vile but let's enlarge the eyes big big ha oh wow we are something truly special to behold we didn't Oh what Wow we need little lizard eyes or we could slowly start I don't know I like the deer penis hold on hold on hold on let's see what it looks like when we have visit eyes oh wow we're starting to look more like a carnival now but I don't know I don't know if I like it oh wow look at this how magnificent is that no I don't know I don't like that oh no I can't get my eyes back Oh nuts that's a shame that I cut I cut off my eyes back from the start he has no eyes have these oh these are like add-ons so we'll have we'll have these eyes cuz we are a predator we're wanting to you know we're wanting to get oh god I'm a beautiful yes I love it fall in love again so we could have scrappy little arms so we'll we'll pull off pull off those let's let's move these things around first below then you pull off the arms come okay fine whatever oh I know I'm sorry I'm sorry we'll get better we'll get better don't worry oh I look at who's got big biceps were it's all like what do I do oh um we got loom we got we got good toes now we can get a better strike on our toes what are you what is that why is it like that why Hey well no although I don't want I still pull em off because they're not feet oh my bad I thought they were feet let's move these around oh no no no no move those put the nipple on there ah what else did we get too expensive hoof you're damn right whoa I don't know what did I add I just added arms ha ha ha like I don't know what to do whoo-wee oh god that's letter renders would you have a creature look at my dad we'd have little stubby arms yeah there's our little stubby arms so we can do a dance um huh from that I think that's ok but I think we need to evolve a different sort of Oh what's this color like ah yes it's beautiful I love it wow it looks so good and he knows it as well he really knows it yes perfect a life I love it right we're done we are turn yes I am ready to proceed we've evolved from a dirty looking thing I want to know what the babies look like well the babies look like I'm hoping we learn dance cuz the compounds for can't even communicate oh wow oh we can wave also it's magical I look ah he's like Oh goodbye come on oh wow the baby so cute the baby has even bigger eyes and it's oh god it doesn't work as a baby your species is migrating to a new nest follow them to find a mate and claim a new home ok use your mini map to help you navigate to the new next okay but first oh yes we can finally learn dancing the cutest baby in the whole of the world Oh a big we are pink yes yes a whole new world to explore I cannot wait to use this creature so join me next time when we'll use this creature leave a like and like this video helped me out so so much and I hope you will join us for playthrough I've never done one like it so this is a is all new to me so until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,354,397
Rating: 4.8667436 out of 5
Keywords: Spore, sim simulator, creatures, alien, funny, walkthrough, lets play, thegamingbeaver, carnivore, derpasaurus, dinosaurs, beaverasaurus, fight, social stance, ea, creature, space, civilization, stage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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