The Ant Queen! - Empires Of The Undergrowth - Ep2

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awesome Oh God Oh Josh I have so many dope hello one I'm the game beaver welcome back to impose on the undergrowth you guys really like them the first videos in this like so much but like days and videos later you're still requesting me to play this game and I loved it so hell let's go back and play the next this time I think last time we played it surrounded so this time we shall play the next and I I feel like I've got a better understanding of what to do this time so hopefully I shouldn't run into the same problems I did now I think with the nest this one you slowly get surrounded I think I could be wrong because you see these they're sort of in like metal so you can't actually get to them but after time and they slowly erode away yes so your nest will be surrounded so I've got some of these ants that are going to be they're all going in here and also I need a branch out we do have some food there but that's going to be a lot a lot of bad and so we don't we don't but I want to be like this we will take out the hood how did you get it I tell every auntie so actually we've got too much food so let's make a couple more food tiles as well as for now we'll make some axes tiles and workarounds and then these will be added to the inactive menu so they'll just go around do what needs to be done whereas these ones of like hot spot so they can be like ok get that food so I feel like I must be the hitters off or people don't be this time get out of there to keep doing things yeah bill now we need to protect that Queen and hopefully like you see this on the bottom left there's a spiderweb I think that's for the outdoors you know so I think you can go outside I mean it's on the main menu with the answers are crawling around so I think you can do that that's some food there but there's also two baddies there as well so I don't know I mean there's food there but I feel like if I expand that they're going to come as well so I think it's probably for our own safety that we just you know let's get rid of all this so we've got lots of places to expand I let it come clicking everything I could just like go rush like that okay and then what affordable get all of this oh it's slowly expand out so low we got a huge net right now we need the black hand so we'll build the black and eggs you there and they cost about five to hatch is more than yeah I try to review we've got lots of food look at that look at the beans or god you're good right you're a good at the live a little conversation with the Queen so how did this be all up our little Rice's are turning into Cheetos and what's it to their black exploding so right we need to be careful now we need a hunt for food I'm going to put our whatchamacallit our little ants them and well our black ants because I don't know if getting this is going to activate the next ones and if it is I kind of want to be prepared so we need some more black ants now the heart the problem is here that oh you do not have enough food to build that tile oh I'm still making tiles oh please there we go I'm hoping that we don't like open this cavern Oh little Cheetos gonna plowed I also know what they means now so I've got eleven eleven workers ah yes a large cutter - all of you all eleven if you rush over get that food before something comes and all this food will will go into making more black ants we also need to keep someone backup because in case we lose some we can keep on making them oh my god is so much food there that's awesome because I want to get all this food in the same time as soon as we get the food we've got to expand we've got to make more black answers as quickly as possible now you see we've got two there three exclamation marks there and more there eventually like look at this no garnish I don't even know if we can expand out I think you can you must be able to but we'll see how this goes I don't know maybe I'm not the best in this game we'll find out surely yeah so we don't need like hold 300 food so we'll get like two more tiles I'll put four into the remainder yeah there's a lot of food that still like look at all this look at all these jelly babies now I'm yum Yum's the can remind me of Harry Potter like the beam Bertie Botts every flavour page that is how you say it I like correctly just kiss anybody is like no James yeah I'm like oh so we got three more black ants hopefully they'll like because they join together that means they're all part of one like they'll just add to this one the nine so uh well I guess it's already nine otherwise there'd be a separate one you see how we've got like these greens here and then these are technically greens by the Queen but they're not they're their own thing so that's how that works so if you want to like keep your same colony number or troop number you want to build next to the same tile I did not know that before but now I do so there is like how many extra later one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve a fortress so eighteen oh that's a loss that is a loss okay so we're going to be quite a lot of how much the cost fifty food so yeah go in there we can put we can make one two more we'll make two more so that brings our total to 11 we've got to be careful because we've got some enemies they're gonna like I think you get warned actually after a certain amount of times like oh there can be tunneling her next to the Queen we can't move the Queen either so she's just gonna be there so our food slowly running out we do have food down here though which we could expand to in fact actually I'm going to I'm just going to put them over here and to dig away this way hopefully because the only way to get round into this area where they're all going to start to attack us is this little entrance here so hopefully nothing attacks us here I could get rid of that no or that stick straight you say keep on going this straight come on straight oh no oh god oh god great greens no little work on what you're playing icon right kill them kill them benefits although oh we're backed into a corner this isn't good there are so many for food so we should be able to take these on we got like four five oh yes yes and we get food from them too right okay wagons burgers your workers pleasure to skip the food right we can like get rid of all this then everybody else yeah there with all this all this garbage you can be before I do about ah yeah quickly could you go there right so we've whatever still is through there what are you doing blue over there after you go go get that food and then they can get so you can see what we're actually not doing too bad a job I don't think I'm just like that then why does like that I think eventually yeah we're going to have these guys against the Queen but we'll be what we should be okay I think yeah that's still getting food we're getting food from there let's make even more black out I mean really there's not too much variety not gonna lie it's either either food towel red ant or a normal and work around so I mean we do what we can with what by keeping again this isn't like a fully release game either so which is awesome this means that they're gonna expand so much and maybe we'll have like different ant colonies as well with different tactics and stuff a bit like a real time story if you don't be really cool like different outcome and colonies against each other like you could have the honeypot ants versus the black ants or the red ant or whatever you want to call it the bullet on don't be so good because like the honey pots can soar like the honey pots could store more food so they would like that would be interesting like you don't need food tiles for the honeypot ants they just have like huge em it's not have demands it's like um it's not anthrax either that's right you know what I mean the boss the bookies big booties and we'll get one more or more a tile so we're getting there were again and we need like 16 though and we need a pretty decent amount of food afterwards as well because these are going to die and it takes five is a five fruit for them to be replenished yeah five through to hatch so yeah oh no no no no don't food s I think we're about to run out of food looks like three bits of food left us all so we could attack here actually instead of you know breaking through to the huge colony here I think that's what we'll do so let's bring the green ants over here move the blue like blue ants moving boy yeah look at the riders go the black I'm sorry and then the three things here hopefully they just be weeks and nothing bigger is it that bigger we're gonna hover I do receive a problem okay we go oh wow we got loads yes make another Blood Moon Oh big another Black Ant ash okay okay we're doing good we're doing good get get them now we need like three tiles in order to surround them if we're gonna break through okay come on one more I think it's gonna go oh one more okay get rid of those two black ants get in there ready it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen okay those like I'm getting get in as close as you can well please don't be too big oh it's like a Warner it's like a Warner okay black ants go over there one worker just need to destroy this and then we need to lure them out there they are Fred get them out and then surround them go black let's go die type your queen come on go round surround them your ants for God's sake get them gooey eyes that's how you do it that's how you do it see I didn't fight them here in this little bit because I knew I'd probably die yes look at all that food it's gorgeous okay we're going to meet a few more food tiles let's get a few more workers as well and then the rest goes on blackout so we got two more workers get more food tiles than everything else you can just collect food so black ants I don't think we heard you telling we're good we're good we're good I think it's when you break through here when you break through here that's when all hell break loose good look at all this learn all this madness - did you just got a push you've got a push push push and then maybe you end up on the outside here possibly I'll be through at the end of going outside or do just complete it is it like a campaign you surrounded a pretty cool idea concept and I think maybe you can still back this project I'm not sure cuz hold off is like a backer only exclusive so that seems pretty cool I mean we might as well just keep expanding our black bloc army guys more for so we get like 20 - that would be awesome I'll go with that I can hear tunneling and we're not tunneling okay I've deliberately not destroyed this bit here because when they file down I want them to sort of actually no we should shouldn't way we should sort it let's just destroy this so that we can get them all I keep them in a narrow file but when they get to here we should be able surround them so there you go 80 should be 20 - yeah well actually I'll move six of those just so not all of them on or on our food duty some of them can take take care of their babies this is bad ice and help them grow we should be we've got 18 out of 22 we got loads of food so why do we have little little black art design glitch I think that might be a glitch you know unless they're all just too busy with food right now yeah we should have three more spent like a hundred and fifty what's this pheromone marker upgrade tool coming in the future and remove tile oh there they go they just appeared all of a sudden great awesome okay guys um right black ants stand back okay all of you guys go over go over there get other way and except for one super warn dude you can open the bridge to do ready go there we go there we go well he's dead that's okay that's okay ready go my Franco kill them awesome awesome awesome okay now now you can just do whatever you want guys feel feel free to go eat the food if you want if we got yet go get that food that food is good go get there we should be able to kill them pretty quick oh yeah we got them all surrounded awesome and I think we lost many either wahoo yes I am an ad pro-gun ding ding ding okay I'm blue you can start collecting from here okay now we need a like a separate and squad so we'll make four separate flat five go on five because we're gonna get loads of food oh look at all this we looks like on the mini-map we look awesome okay so look at all this food and then you can be added to that like once Lexie hold on oh the phone what you doing go match those Oh God and even notice pull out pull out pull out go go go go go Oh workers have been killed I didn't realize that more it came they just oh my god keep out of food ridiculous yeah we need some that workers just to hatch the other ones like I see they're replacing I think if you don't have workers I blinked then they don't help hatch via anything else so best on the hatch now which is good so we've got a pheromone what go on you go go for that we've still got some food there blue shoes there we'll move forward a little bit okay ah look at all that food that's awesome we got so much really more storage tiles Wow storage hahaha ok now don't get carried away James we've got lots of food to still get I mean lots of it made a really assess our on situation around squad because remember we still got these to return to defend off so might need our own little Queen protectors instead of you know hauling all of our ant army to the right so we may make our own I think I'll probably do that now actually oh there we go hell yeah Go Go Go Go Go Fish I was wondering I heard something loud and so natural oh they're all dead oh they're all dead here we gone no match for my ant colony not right now not ever hahaha yeah I wouldn't be like I was showing a lot of on stories before I wonder if you guys have got any ant stories to tell do you do you have a story but the answer awesome that's so cool yeah okay okay so uh yeah you can go to the greens we can just make a huge army there we go good greens good greens we should probably put that marker there just to protect so that when we can just like quick drop those ants and all the like run to that pheromone market oh oh go go go where are you going what are the black ants doing oh they have to prove we do it we've got lots of food Todd the food protect the colony yeah we've got we got some workers getting caught up in that but that's okay there's loads of food to go about so know what we're all I work what are you what are you doing yeah get going get going help there's a load of them ah we need more we need more yes look at a laugh because we're gonna get loads of food as long as we win this battle yeah I think I think so yeah all workers actually you know some worker Idol and greens seeing as this seems to be where everything's gonna go ah there you go go that I look at it all look at all Oh top it all up so many peas what flavour those off we say blueberry the blueberry and banana and chocolate or coffee so there you go they're all coming this way that's good that's good ooh we got 41 attacking ants that's great 41 out of 41 here 32 apparently 32 33 34 summer Hajj Oh Lord and they come I will being completely surrounded by food help some workers make more ants ever remember not to use all of our food don't use all the food because we need to hatch them back yes we were blocking the Mafia so our workers can still go in and collect the food that's a good idea good idea good job me attack him you see they got the one surrounded left he's dead now go defend against that wall now where's where the next one's gonna come from that's the question that is the question still again food there I feel like we need more workers but maybe maybe we don't maybe we don't hold on kind of let's get a couple more workers join them okay can actual like army ants collect food I think they can you know yeah they can the soldier ants can awesome who needs workers then or do they not get as much that could be it go there you could be idle now because we've joined those colonies up yeah so we've got two instead of three worker colonies all little the food will bring about God oh come here dude put on the Queen protect the Queen oh no the workers are taking damages workers taking losses are we just surrounded them yeah by I'm colony skills have improved tenfold I'm a tyrant just get all of this all of that make all of that black army the black or blue taupe you should so black ants there those aren't there we can protect and we've got oh the phone uh back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up hold for hold the fort hold the port oh goodness it this is okay this is okay the car get what is that Oh they've got a queen ant oh okay hold them off hold them off come on make fact we've got idle workers helping the baby with the hatch come on look of a steady stream this is it it's like the 300 and spotter we need some epic music sorry I heard a statistic I think I ran so better I think so the poor Queen just by itself is gonna die the vendors all of these of these a different colony there's all the food oh well I don't know I think we're winning we've still got a lot of food to hatch well actually not too much I gotta be honest can you get yeah I get those I mean no no no no no no do not buy like you those guys there you go there ah yep completely surrounded awesome guys kill their queen I'm sorry Queenie if she can't really sing either blesser no I'm sorry I'm so sorry poor Queen you're gonna die up that you got all the food whoa lovely Kathy oh heavens above what their big that big that fires are ugly okay what do you put all the food Kevin let me kill those things okay okay we need more anymore black ants oh my god let's go say blues blues where are you weary blues I keep getting the food get all our food oh one one dead yes awesome Oh God we're gonna do it though I think we're actually gonna do this yes you beauty okay took all up you see when we kill them we also get through this up look at this look at this beautiful mass awesome yeah we could do some work as I suppose but you know army ants themselves can collect stuff so what kind of is the point of having anything else go on guys come on armies you need to gather food for your friends yeah for their family there are more food tiles I'll do and I think we're good there oh look at them all go get all this food go on pick it up friends now look at that that's how you collect food work arounds take note awesome that sustain us it's a lot of birdy Botts every flavor beans oh oh oh is another Queen hand okay okay hold the Ford guys because they hold the line whatever whatever I you we need to protect the workers look is gonna work ago whoa and then you guys protect and then the ones coming back with the food yeah there we go awesome Oh God Oh Josh ah I have so many don't think we've won is there anything past this who is the entrance to the outside Oh even more ants okay just keep this going work arounds if you can it's all good though it's all good yeah well that when we lose some they turn into Cheetos and burst again so it's okay and the work around work arounds can get round coming oh God whoa poop they should do or grin should get passed for the finding it hard actually the sort of stuck in the middle getting it's like a crazy rave dance part in it whoa I think our runs are better than theirs so as long as we do this well we're good and every time one dies it gets plenty so there's a steady trickle from the outside a thing yeah they come from this way but that's okay because we can bring our army over here and that way we can secure this food do they just constantly keep coming back every time they die is that it is that's what is that what's happening here I think it might be because we really need to food yeah can you guys get that as well this is any of you I think we're winning though I think we are we got 60 60 here yeah well yeah we're breaking through we're breaking through awesome awesome now just green ants hold the fort there yes yes followed and then you guys can go here now and so can you you see the black ants are more expensive but they do what the workers can as well so yeah I just hold that fort hold that then we can gain this food and then we can make even more black ants for another line they just hold that hold that bit we're going to kill a queen easy but let's get this food I hope we can go outside because then this is our nest and we can expand outside oh that would be cool I hope so it's gonna say are you going for it guys slowly baby slowly they're going for it what we need is you guys there and then just send the army of greens just send the army of greens because they're only coming in one by one like look at that see so army of greens work it yeah yum yum you go all the food not going to go like a big gravy train up they are they actually the the renegade the renegades are basically alacrity is replenishing the food stocks and and then finally just go back there we got lots of food actually we don't really that's too many as long as the Queen dies we'll be happy and then can we go outside oh is that is that not in build yet I'm really hope it is yes Queen is dead is that oh we did it awesome you made short work of that form Formica former make a few Chacon is that what the answer called oh cool well I wanted to go outside oh and there was no difficulty for that either continue can we continue or is that can we go outside can we I want to go outside it's right there can we go a little bit of a queen that'll fti pick those up yeah that's cool Oh awesome we're going to do more food tiles there you go see if the work is there that works for the Queen just weren't doing anything there you go more places to put stuff down awesome okay I'm very neat and tidy on I've got a little work a bit there and then the food storages and then off the bucket so you can't go outside can you not you can you can stare blissfully into the sunlight we can't go out oh no damn it don't mean so good oh I can't wait for this game to light can we just like get a huge army now I want to see how many blackouts we can make there you go make those black ants go workers normal workers just just that's the job right normal workers make stuff the black hands can be the ones going out fighting and also collecting food that makes sense it's all they look at all the niblets you see that little black dot that's on the the lava cocoon so the cocoon stage there that's actually poop if you didn't know it was fun fact I know I'm very smart hey Devin table no I think there's only a certain amount you can have in the game because I look at this learn all of this ready to page the outside world what if you just all left them to just idle what do they do they just go back to the Queen and hang about the nest today oh I can't wait look at all them you did not do it it could be because I've completed the game actually just act everything excavate excavate everything oh good the ambience oh look how quick they're doing that that's nice yeah well I got a whole lot done pretty damn fast I think it's yeah the workers are the only ones that can destroy the landscape though well you can make life like some of them have lights already in them but then you can also destroy them see like that that had a light and I'll take guys so if you try this video you wanna see more because I'd like to give a shot at what's it called surrounded except for this time I know what I'm doing and that we also try to video leave light until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,245,436
Rating: 4.9281392 out of 5
Keywords: empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrough, indie game, ant game, empires, undergrowth
Id: fQhJ-B2wmJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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