Spooky House: The Worst Halloween Movie Ever

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Imagine being so upset at your husband for hating children that you turn into a panther to spite him for 11 years. That’s next-level pettiness.

Never thought I’d ever type out that sentence, but here we are!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maieen10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is waaaaaaaaay quieter when it's showing the scenes from the movie. Kind of stopped watching it with my gf because we had to turn it up so loud on our tv and the parts with Danny had to be ear blastingly loud

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PixelsAreYourFriends πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What's up, Greg? I hope you're having a great day. Welcome back to another episode of The Great Dan Boney. I am great, and I am Dan. So since it's October, it's getting to be Halloween time. I thought it would be fun if we do another spooky movie review. And to be honest, this movie Spooky House is the spookiest movie that I've seen in a while. It's got a spooky house, it's got a spooky guy, and it has an absolutely insane plot twist at the end. I did not see this coming, and you will not either, I guarantee it. Or maybe you will, now that I've said that, now that I've said that there's a plot twist, you might see it coming, but I didn't see it coming. This movie came out in 2002. It has Ben Kingsley in it. So you can expect some good shit coming out of this movie. So without further ado, let's go ahead and check out Spooky House. So the movie starts off with this magic show put on by The Great Zamboni. Apparently he's like this famous magician. He's having one of his shows filmed. So, he's doing it just in front of a camera crew. He's doing some absolutely insane magic tricks. This is the very first trick that he does. - Be prepared to have your illusions shattered. (glass breaking) - Yeah, the very first trick he does is the most insane magic trick I've ever seen. Holy shit. Imagine seeing this, going to a show and seeing your favorite magician, and the very first trick they do is just explode. You're like, wow, that's really impressive. Is he dead? Did this motherfucker just die at the beginning of the show? I paid $200 for this ticket, but no he's good. All the King's horses and all the King's men put The Great Zamboni together again, and he's fine. - Ladies and gentlemen, my partner on stage and in life, Dawn Star. - Okay. And this is important to set up the movie. He's doing this trick, or he introduces his wife, whose name is Dawn Star. He's doing this trick that's also sort of a story. So he's telling the story about these evil spirits who want to take Dawn Star, and how he won't let them. And he puts her into the star, and raises the star up into the air. - Look upon the star and boom, dark as night. (explosion) - And then all of a sudden, the star just blows up. Like he looks concerned like that wasn't supposed to happen. He might've just blown up his wife. And then he goes to finish the trick, where he's supposed to open this globe and she's supposed to be in there, and she's not. And then he looks even more concerned. So whatever worries he had before are even worse now that she wasn't in the globe. That's the whole first scene. His wife blows up, and then she's not where she's supposed to be. Right off the bat, I am left very confused by the first scene. But one thing is for sure, his wife actually is gone. No one knows where his wife is. Then in one of the weirdest tonal shifts I think in any movie I've ever seen, it cuts from him blowing up his wife to just him walking down the street 11 and a half years later with a jaguar. (upbeat music) Just not a care in the world, just walking around outside with a jaguar in public. People are like jumping out of the way. They're all scared. Like, holy shit it's a panther. Is that even legal to do? Can you just walk around with a jungle cat? Seems like that shouldn't be legal, but there he goes just with this nice delicate gold chain walking around his murder animal after he killed his wife. So I guess, you know, they have a lot in common. β™ͺ If you watch it closely β™ͺ β™ͺ You'll see someone ghostly β™ͺ β™ͺ A spooky kind of guy β™ͺ - And I think one of my favorite parts about this movie is that during the scene, they're playing a theme song for the movie. This movie has a theme song. β™ͺ He's a little creepy β™ͺ β™ͺ Always extra freaky β™ͺ β™ͺ Everybody wonders why β™ͺ - So, you know this movie's about to be fucking awesome, right? β™ͺ He's a little creepy, might have blown his wife up β™ͺ β™ͺ He's a creepy kind of guy β™ͺ Also, I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but the tune of this song reminds me of that Vine that's like β™ͺ If your name is Junior and you're really handsome β™ͺ β™ͺ Come on raise your hand β™ͺ - Does anybody else get that reference? So The Great Zamboni is one of the main characters of this movie, but the actual main character is this kid, Max. He's the littlest one in this group of friends that the movie follows. And while all of Max's friends seem to have loving families, Max is a little bit different, because he's an orphan. And apparently the day after Halloween, November 1st, the DCFS, or whoever, is going to come take him away and put him in an orphanage. And to be honest, he is a little bit of a downer about the whole thing. Like he's kind of putting a damper on everything. - Hey mom, Prescott, Urie and I want to go to the clubhouse, so can you watch Max and Zoe? - I want to go to the clubhouse. - Us too, and besides Princess is there, and I have to see her. - I want to go too because they're taking me away soon. - Damn Max, I get it, you're gonna get taken away soon. You don't have to make everyone else said too. The movie never explains this. I don't know where he's living right now. They never say what he's doing now, I don't know if he's just living on the streets, and DCFS is coming soon to take him away. I feel like if that were the case, they would maybe try to expedite that a little bit quicker. I don't think they'd just be like, he can fend for himself for a few months. He'll be fine. But maybe that is the case, I don't know. I've never been an orphan. So, fuck yeah. (upbeat music) Okay, these are the villains of the movie basically. They're like the bullies in town. They're always bullying the main group of kids. And they're also thieves. They work for this like mysterious woman who just hires I guess like high schoolers to be thieves for her. So in this scene, they've just stumbled upon this van, which is parked outside of The Great Zamboni's house, who's the magician from earlier. And they're going to steal the coffin that's inside of the van. - There's a dead guy in here. (suspenseful music) Well, it don't look used. Boss could probably get big bucks for this. Does anyone have a match? - So they steal the coffin, and then light the whole van on fire. Doesn't that seem a little bit drastic? Imagine if robbers did that in real life, like every time a robber broke into a house and stole like a TV or something, they just lit the whole ass house on fire. Doesn't that kind of draw more attention to the crime scene? You get mugged, the person steals your wallet, and then lights you on fire. That's how it goes. That's how robberies work. You gotta destroy the evidence by lighting the evidence on fire for everyone to see. β™ͺ Feel like you're fallin' β™ͺ β™ͺ The whole world is callin' β™ͺ β™ͺ When you're losin' your grip β™ͺ β™ͺ And you're starting to- β™ͺ - Then The Great Zamboni comes home to see that his van has been burned to a crisp. There's no police or firemen anywhere to be found. Did no one called the fire department for this guy? I'm so confused, like this tree and the whole van are burned to a crisp, no one cares. 'Cause there's a neighbor's house right here behind him. They definitely saw the whole ass van get lit on fire, and were probably just like, "Fuck that guy, he killed his wife, he blew her up right on TV. I'm going to let his van burn." I also liked that The Great Zamboni doesn't even seem surprised that this happened. He just kind of walks up to it and it's like, figures. And then just walks inside. Sooner or later, someone was bound to come and light my car on fire. It's what I get I guess for killin' my wife. (upbeat music) - Hey Maxy boy, what can I get for ya? You can have it. Come on, Max, pouting isn't gonna make you feel any better. - Go away. - So the movie kind of just sets up that everyone's kind of sad. Max is sad because he's lonely, and he's going to get sent to an orphanage, he doesn't have parents. And The Great Zamboni is sad 'cause someone just lit his van on fire. Also, one thing that's weird about this movie is that the kids seem to own a houseboat. There's lots of scenes where they're just hanging out in this colorful kid zone, that's just a houseboat. It's just docked at a pier, and this is just like the clubhouse where they hang out. So, I don't know how this group of kids got together, one of whom is an orphan, got together and like bought property. But I mean, shit props to them for doing that. That's pretty tight. And if I was a kid and I saw this movie, I would be extremely jealous of this clubhouse. Oh, they also have a pet goat. One of the girls in the group of kids has a pet goat, and her name is Princess. The movie starts to pick up when Max and his friends are walking the goat one day, and the bullies come and steal their goat. And then the goad kinda gets away and runs off, and the kids have to go find it. And eventually they do find it, but right as it's running into the spooky house. It jumps through the window of the basement of The Great Zamboni's house. - [Child] Oh no, Princess is going into the spooky house! - I guess it's sort of seen as like the town haunted house. It's like this creepy house where this mysterious man, who may or may not have killed his wife lives. So there's a spooky factor there, and everybody calls it the spooky house. (spooky music) And all the kids in the group seem to very much not want to go into the spooky house, except for Max. - No, no Max, wait, wait wait. Max, don't go in there. The spooky guy might get you. - He's been feeding little kids to his lions. - I know all that stuff. - So why do you want to go in there, Max? - 'Cause I have nothing to live for anyway. - Holy shit, Max, dude chill out with the sad shit. Damn dude, way to bring down the mood. We're all just vibin' looking for this goat, you really got to bring it down? This poor kid. So anyway, he decides to go into the house, and then everyone decides to follow him. 'Cause if he was going in, they might as well all go too. - [Child] Princess! Princess! Come here! (spooky music) - Uh-oh, what's he doin' up there? He's just like watching them go into his basement, just kinda vibin', casually watch kids break and enter into his house. Huh, that's interesting. I would call the police but they won't come, 'cause they hate me. - Oh my God! Wow! (crashing) - It sounds like they're jumping to their death in there. They're like, "Oh," and then there's like crashing noises. Maybe his basement is like really far down, and so they're all just kind of jumping, and like breaking their legs. So, he's just standing there watching them, like hell yeah dude, I love watching kids just break their fucking legs in my basement. (yelling) (roaring) - What was that sound? I think that kid shit his pants. That's such a gross sound effect. One thing about this movie is that it has really gross sound effects at times. I'll point them out as they come up, as if you wouldn't already know that they're gross. But this movie's got some nasty stuff. - [Child] Go find a light, go find a light. - Okay, wow, that's the brightest laptop in the world. Look at how it's emitting light. It's in like a straight beam, like a spotlight. If a laptop was as bright as a flashlight, then wouldn't looking at it feel like staring into a flashlight? Why would a laptop ever be that bright? Especially one in 2002 when this movie came out? They got that new retina display, the type of display that burns your retinas. Okay, so they're in the house, and they're looking for the goat. Somehow they end up upstairs. They had to walk upstairs, and then open a door to get upstairs. So I don't know how that goat could possibly be up there. Spoiler alert, it is somehow. So now they're walking around the spooky house. Weird stuff is going on, like this creepy cuckoo clock. (loud screeching noise) (screaming) I don't know why a cuckoo clock with a bird that comes out of it is making a noise, like a dying pig? I don't know what that noise is. One thing's for sure though, it is nasty. Then we see that The Great Zamboni is like walking around the house behind the walls, and like peering in at the kids as all this creepy shit happens to them. Like he's loving the fact that these kids are like getting horrified in his house. Like this one part where Max gets his head stuck in this like spider thing. He's stuck in there, and then he scares the other kid, then that kid runs away and gets stuck inside the couch. Then lightning strikes and this girl's butt gets stuck in this bucket. And they like sped up the footage here. And it's like pretty creepy looking. (screaming) Just the way she's flailing around in this bucket, dude, it's so creepy. His little eyes are just peeping through paintings and stuff, he's just kind of watching them. Like, "Oh yeah, these kids are so fucking scared. I got these kids so scared, mmm yeah." So they find the goat, they're still walking around his house though. And they stumble across this like crypt, this like tomb thing. And The Great Zamboni comes out of it. (howling) And now he's trying to scare them with lightning, he's trying to electrocute the kids. I don't understand what this Great Zamboni dude is doing at all. This whole scene I don't understand what his motives are. He's like watching the kids get scared. And then all of a sudden, apparently he's like "Oh yeah, watching these kids get scared is so fun. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep now." And then he goes back and goes to sleep in this weird crypt thing. Does he want the kids in his house? Does he like watching them get scared? I don't know. (creepy music) - Boo. (creepy music) - Huh? What? (laughs) It's a fake mustache? This dude is weird man. That's the thing I like about this movie, is that there's so many different twists and turns that you're not expecting. You weren't expecting him to start trying to electrocute the kids. You weren't expecting his mustache to be fake. What else is going to happen? He closes his crypt, but then Max opens it back up, and sees that the crypt is actually not like a real crypt. It's just a hole that has stairs that leads down into a different area. So Max goes down there, and finds The Great Zamboni just like chilling down there. - You're not to tell anyone about this room or me, a magician never reveals his tricks or himself. Now, go. - This way is wasted, this is a great place for a kid to live with all the cool costumes and really great toys. - So that part's weird. After Max and his friends were basically like traumatized in this house of horrors, Max is like I think I wanna live here. This would be a great place for a kid to live. If only you knew like an orphan or anything that needs a house. Isn't this house horrifying? He likes switches to a wanting to live there so fast. The next day, the kids do some research about The Great Zamboni. They find some articles that make it look like people really do think that he killed his wife. So this article says "Magician's wife vanishes mid-air. Alexander York, The Great Zamboni, a renowned magician and master illusionist has been arrested for the disappearance of his wife, Dawn Star." So he was at the very least arrested. "Magician swears he loved his wife. A spectacular trial ends in hung jury." I like the headline is, "Magician swears he loved his wife." Like that is the only evidence they need. Your honor, I love my wife. And the jurors are like, "Well, that's it. I mean, it doesn't matter that all the evidence points to him killing his wife, right? 'Cause he says he loved her, so he's innocent. Your honor, we find the defendant innocent. The only thing this man is guilty of is loving his wife." - Could you show me a magic trick? - Nope. - Why are you scared real magic might happen? - There's no such thing as real magic. - What about your wife then? - She ran away. - She ran away? Okay, we can watch back the video of the star blowing up. I didn't see her like running away from the explosion as it was happening. She didn't run away. You can maybe say that she disappeared. If you want to say some like real magic shit happened, but she didn't run away. Anyway, as you might've guessed what happened in this movie, since this kid is an orphan, a little bit of a bond starts to form between this kid and The Great Zamboni. He cuts his finger here. Great Zamboni goes to get him a band-aid. There's the world's longest scene of a kid putting on a band-aid that I've ever seen. (soft music) And I don't really know how I feel about Max forming a relationship with this dude. Well, for one, he might've killed his wife, but let's put that aside for a second, because he did love his wife. But he also likes spent a whole night causing, or at the very least allowing, these kids to be spooked heavily in his house. Max, dog, I don't really know if this is the right fit. I think that maybe an orphanage would be better than this dude. - Maybe he's home but he won't answer the door. Oh no, the jaguar's tail is stuck in the couch, and it's really hurting her! (roaring) - And there's a scene where they go to visit The Great Zamboni, and he's not home. And they look in the window, and his pet jaguar's tail is stuck in the couch. This is like a big plot point for some reason. We have to save his terrifying jaguar from the couch. And the jaguar's like roaring in agony as its tail is just ever so delicately placed under the couch cushion. - I'll help you! (roaring) Anyway, Max saves the Jaguar, but then he gets stuck in the couch. Then there's this part where The Great Zamboni comes home, and lays down on the couch, and immediately falls asleep. Because the second he lays down, Max starts like pounding on the couch being like "I have to pee, I have to pee. Help, let me out!" - Help, I have to pee! Help, I have to pee! Please, I have to pee! - Which, he also says like a thousand times, but The Great Zamboni is just already asleep. He lays down and is just immediately like (snoring). Which I guess is kinda what happened the first time they were at his house too. He was like watching the kids, and then he was like, "Oh, I'm going to bed," and gets in his crypt and just goes to sleep. - Going to wind up in a reform school, not an orphanage if you keep breaking into my house. - But Shadow's tail was stuck in this couch. - Shadow's in the hallway, she looks fine to me. Would you go? All of you, would you just go? I don't want to see any of you near my house! - Yeah, this dude's got issues, man. I feel like the logical conclusion of this movie is that Max is gonna get adopted by this dude. And if that happens, I don't know if I'm going to be able to support it. This dude acting like a psychopath. - I don't want to see any of you near my house! (yelling) - Shit, I don't know about you guys, but it seems like daddy material to me. So, the nerdy girl of the group, who owns the world's brightest laptop, decides to do a little bit more research on The Great Zamboni. She finds this clip where he says something, but the microphones don't pick it up, 'cause he says it really quietly just to his wife. And so she does that thing that movies do, where she just presses the enhance button, to figure out what he says. And oh boy, what he says is a doozy. - I hate children. I hate children. I hate children. I hate children. I hate children. (spooky music) - Huh? Okay, so this is like this critical moment. It's like in the middle of when he's recording a performance of his magic show, he's got his wife, he's about to do a trick, and you're telling me he just mumbles- - [The Great Zamboni] I hate children. And then just like continues on with the trick? What a weird thing to do. Why is this guy so weird? Like in the middle of a performance, he's just like, "By the way I hate kids." Anyway, my wife is gonna explode now. I don't know, I don't understand this part at all. But this whole thing does make Max very sad. I don't really know why, I guess in his eyes they were like bonding, and he saw maybe a potential new home, so he wouldn't have to go to the orphanage. Literally in the previous scene, he was just screaming at them, telling him to get out of his house. - Go! - I don't know what he thought they had, or like where he got the impression that he liked kids. But I think it's been pretty clear the whole time that he fucking hates kids. Yeah, Max seems pretty worked up about this. He's just like longingly staring out the window now. - I don't want to see any of you near my house! - There actually is an almost sweet moment with Max and the Zamboni man. Max gets beat up by the bullies, and he goes to The Great Zamboni, 'cause he's got no one else to go to. And The Great Zamboni kind of cleans him up. And this is where we start to see a little bit of a softer side of The Great Zamboni. That is at least until he starts to give Max advice about going to the orphanage. - That's why I want you to teach me some magic tricks. - You'd be better off if I taught you a good right cross. - Okay, dude chill. Magic tricks to impress people and make friends? Yeah, you'd be better off if I taught you how to beat the shit out of people instead. That's how you make friends, with a good right cross. - Well, I never knew my mother, so I'm not as lucky as you. There was nobody there to tell me not to fight, because all the other kids always picked on me. I got into a lot of fights, I had a great right cross. - Why is this dude obsessed with great right crosses? We get it, dude, you know about the great right cross. - All Dawn Star wanted to do was to have- - A great right cross. - People used to tell me I'd make a good father. She was the only one woman I ever wanted as a wife. What I said to her that night was the cruelest thing I could ever say. - He's admitting that he did say, "I hate children" right before she ran away. And that was the last thing he ever said to her. That really did happen, that is so weird. This is one of the most bizarre characters in the world. I don't understand his motives. At any point in time do I understand what this character is thinking or doing. β™ͺ You got the good thing that I want β™ͺ Oh yeah, it's Halloween now, baby. So on Halloween night, the bullies are working for their boss, this lady. They're getting orders for like what to steal on Halloween. Right before Halloween, the bullies steal the goat again, and they also steal this magic wand from Max. So, on Halloween night while the bullies are meeting with the boss, the kids go to steal back the goat and the magic wand, which they do. - Princess! (crashing) Princess! But then the bullies start chasing them, and they chase them all the way to The Great Zamboni's house, where we're gonna get yet another crazy scene of people running through The Great Zamboni's house. (yelling) - Aren't you supposed to say, "Trick or treat?" - [Children] Trick or treat! - And now all of a sudden, Mr. Zamboni is like this kid friendly happy-go-lucky dude. Who's like making jokes with the kids, making dad jokes. You're going to bust into my house, aren't you supposed to say trick or treat? Say it now or you'll get a good right cross. So the bullies enter the house, and the kids with the help of The Great Zamboni, proceed to pull a bunch of spooky pranks on the bullies. You know, to teach them a good lesson. So there's one where this kid leads them into a dark room, and then dances for them. He puts on a glow in the dark skeleton costume, and has like a whole spooky dance routine, that for some reason is scary to them. (upbeat music) (screaming) Then this girl goes and hides in a pumpkin, and the bullies are like wait, wait, wait, instead of just opening the pumpkin and pulling the girl out, let's all stab the pumpkin. They're like, "I think we've been thieves long enough, actually, I think it's about time that we graduate from stealing goats to, fuck it, murdering kids. Let's do it, let's stab this girl 15 times." So they do, but because the whole house is magic or whatever, everything is like a prop thing, she's not in there, obviously. Imagine if it was, holy shit that would be dark. While all this is going on, also Max and The Great Zamboni have another moment where Max is like, "You should let me live in your house." (soft music) - Nice, comfy bed, cool ceiling too, I like it. It's a great room for a kid to have. - I don't know man, it just gives me the creeps. I do not like this Zamboni character, I gotta be honest. He's just weird. Then the bullies get spooked some more, there's this like wall closing in on them gag. And then they have to go down this slide. This sliding scene is like 40 seconds long. It's like way too long of them sliding. They played like a whole ass song while they're sliding. The slide finally leads them to one last little show, where The Great Zamboni's pretending to saw one of the kids in half. - All these (indistinct) into the hands. (laughing) (indistinct) - What was that? What is that? (laughing) (indistinct) - Did they just repeat the same clip three times? What is he even saying? Is he saying, "Can't believe this, no, no, no. Can't believe this no, no, no." Why did they do that? Why did they pick that shot and repeat it three times? That's so weird. And then the last thing they do, is the bullies run into this room that's like this hypnotism torture chamber. It's like this swirly thing on the wall, and The Great Zamboni turns on the room, and it just starts spinning around and going insane. That's kinda fucked up. It kinda seems like they're really going insane in there. Why does The Great Zamboni even have this room in his house? Is there a practical use of this room aside from torturing people? (upbeat music) Okay, so that all gets solved. And now we're at the end of the movie, the resolution, where everything's going to be made right. The Great Zamboni decides to come back to the world of magic after being gone for so long. I kind of figured that he was gone, because no one wanted to come see him anymore, because they all thought he killed his wife. So I don't know why that has changed, but he decides that he wants to do magic again. For some reason people now want to come see him again. So he does this trick where he needs a volunteer. He picks Max out of the crowd as the volunteer, which is kinda sweet. And then he does this trick where Max gets in one of these rockets, and his Jaguar gets in the other rocket, and then they spin around a bunch. And then Max actually comes out of the other rocket, so they switched places. And everybody cheers like it's this great trick, and Max is happy. And then of course, as we all predicted, this happens. - This afternoon before coming to the theater, I signed the official adoption papers that give me the great privilege of becoming Max's father. - Okay, so that is probably what we all expected, The Great Zamboni has adopted Max. What happens next, I fully did not expect, okay? Because you might remember that Max came out of the rocket, but the jaguar has not yet. So, let's see what happens next. - Oh, we mustn't forget Shadow. A big hand for Shadow. (applause) (soft music) - Dude what? Huh? What? Dude, explain that. Explain, no, please explain this to me, someone. I do not understand this at all. The jaguar the whole time was Dawn Star, his wife. I'm so confused about how and why that is. First off, the whole movie, they make it seem like this dude isn't really magic. There's no actual magic in this movie. It's all slight of hand. Like all the things in his house are just like, you know, things popping out. All of his magic are very basic, slight of hand tricks. I guess except for the one where he turns into glass and shatters. That one is pretty weird. They make it seem like it's all within the realm of possibility. And then all of a sudden, they come in with this shit, where the Jaguar's been like a shape-shifting woman the whole time. but that's not the only confusing part, because why, why did that happen? I have to assume that The Great Zamboni didn't know that Dawn star was the jaguar, because for the whole movie, he treats it like a jaguar. It shows him at home by themselves several times. And she stays at jaguar. Like she doesn't transform back into a woman when they're alone. He even calls her Shadow when they're alone. There's one time in the movie where he's like, "Well Shadow, it's just you and me in the house." - It's just you and me Shadow. - That only leads me to believe that Dawn Star became a jaguar, like disappeared, and became a jaguar on purpose just to fuck with The Great Zamboni. And if that's the case, then it's probably because right before all this happened The Great Zamboni said, "I hate children." And so to punish him, Dawn Star decided to turn into a jaguar for 11 and a half years, until I guess The Great Zamboni decided that he doesn't hate children anymore. If it took longer than that, maybe she would have stayed a jaguar forever, I don't know. This whole part is so vague. It's so hard to tell if he knew that she was a jaguar or not. His facial expressions are very vague, and they don't ever even do like closeups of his face, so you can get a better look. It's so weird. And then they just cut away from it. Then it's just the next scene where Zamboni and Dawn Star are walking Max to their car like a happy family. There's no explanation. That's all that happens. And then it's pretty much the end of the movie. They get in their car, they drive away. This girl finds Dawn Star/Shadow's collar, and the collar flies up into space and creates a new constellation of stars, so that's a whole other thing. And then the credits roll. That's the whole ending of the movie. There's no explanation of literally anything that happened in the movie. The only kind of explanation is that like, well, it was magic. So that's just what happens when there's magic around, weird stuff, you can't explain it. Sometimes people just turn into jaguars. Ah, anyway, that's the end of the movie. So I don't know, did you see that coming? I didn't see it coming. Let me know in the comments down below. This video is sponsored by Express VPN. Guys, Express VPN is the best VPN out there for all of your internet security needs. 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So, if I want to watch those, all they have to do is switch my server location to the UK, and suddenly it's available to me. I'll always choose Express VPN over other VPNs, because they have the fastest speeds. They've got 24/7 customer support. It's super easy to use. You don't really need any technical knowledge. You just open it up, you can pick server locations. You press the big button to connect, and you're connected. And on top of that, Express VPN is consistently rated the number one VPN by a bunch of different sources. It's been rated number one by Tech Radar, CNET, Diverge, and many more. So, if you want to find out how you can get three months of Express VPN for free, then click the link in the description. That's expressvpn.com/dannygonzalez. That's expressvpn.com/dannygonzalez. Thanks to Express VPN for sponsoring this video, and thank you to you guys for checking out Express VPN. When you check out my sponsors, it helps me get more in the future. So, I really do appreciate it when you guys check out my sponsors. And Express VPN's a great service, so I know if you're looking for a VPN, you will love Express VPN. All right guys, well that's it for this video. I hope you liked it. I hope you like my new little setup here. I finally changed it. So, hopefully this doesn't look like shit. The Greg is finally off the floor, and honestly we're vibin'. So, if you liked this video and you're not subscribed yet, make sure you subscribe, and turn on my notifications to join Greg. We are the fastest growing army on YouTube. Please do not look that up. You're just going to have to trust me. That's what Greg's do, they trust me. Anyway, bye. β™ͺ This video is over now, over now β™ͺ β™ͺ Go find something else to watch β™ͺ β™ͺ Or just watch this video again β™ͺ β™ͺ I know we had a lot of fun, yeah a lot of fun β™ͺ β™ͺ But you can't stay on this end screen forever, no β™ͺ β™ͺ This video is over now, over now β™ͺ β™ͺ So why are you still watching this β™ͺ
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 5,203,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: UZYJZ1xA9lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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