Try Guys Drunk Vs. High Spelling Bee

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I am a terrible speller I have come to realize

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/northernfires529 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ned was so funny in this lol the French ricochet

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/soggyhairfollicle 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

I made the mistake of watching this while eating lunch. This ep made me laugh out loud/spit out my dumplings twice! So good.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Reb_1_2_3 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

Did Keith just casually drop they are expecting or was he speaking hypothetically?

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/xtinastat 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

As a spelling bee nerd, I loved this video so much, but I’m a little irritated that the “for the win” word was antidisestablishmentarianism. It’s not a hard word, it’s just long! If you know how to spell all the components you’ll be fine! I wish they’d given him a foreign word or one with silent letters like the other guys.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Laurasaurus_ 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome, everyone to the drunk vs. high spelling bee. - Pasteurizization. (all laughing) (upbeat music) - [Jimmy] All right, it's a tight race. - [Ned] Well, it's about to get a little looser. - That was so wrong. - Oh really? - You misspelled like six parts of that. - Could you use it in a sentence, please? (Zach laughs) - The word is catastrophe. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) (bright music) Welcome, everyone to the drunk vs. high spelling bee. This spelling bee will take place over three rounds of difficulty: easy, medium and really freaking hard. If the speller messes the word up, they are out for that round, but they can join back in on the next round. For each category of difficulty, they only get one chance to mess up. But there's only one winner at the end of it, and crushing defeat for everyone else. - I think we're all pretty good spellers. - Yeah, I think I'm okay. I'm probably more into bees than spelling bees. Bees are dope. (audience laughing) - To start things off, we're gonna just see how good our guys are at spelling while completely sober. Our first contestant is Mr. Zach Kornfeld. (audience applauding) - I'm Zach, I'm playing for Team Stoned. Right now, I'm sober. (audience applauding) (bright music) - Your first word today is dexterity. - Okay, I think I know this. Dexterity, D-E-X-T-E-R-I-T-Y, dexterity. - That is correct, Mr. Kornfeld. (audience applauding) - Good job, good job. - Do I get a bonus point for a definition? - Do you know the definition? - Yeah. (group laughs) - What is it, Zach? - You know, you're so dexterous. (group laughs) - [Keith] Nice. - All right, our next contestant is Mr. Ned Fulmer. Ned, come on up. - More like Mr. Leg Fulmer.. (group cheers) - Ooh yeah. Give 'em the Fulmer. - [Ned] Hi, I'm Ned, I'm representing Team Drunk, but right now, I'm sober. Bring on the word. - Your word, Mr. Ned, is truculent. - Oh God. (Jimmy laughs) (suspenseful music) (beeps) Truculent. Hmm. Could I have the country of origin, please? - The country? - The origin? - The language origin. - Language origin. - Is Latin. - Mm-hmm. Of course it is. - Very helpful. - Dang, that's an old one. - Truculent. T-R-U-C. (suspenseful music) C-U-L-E-N-T. Truculent. - I'm so sorry, Ned- - Oh God. - There was only one C. - Dang it. Dang it. (audience laughing) (audience booing) Ah. That was- - I was so certain you got that right. - That was tough, that was tough. - Like succulent. We're filming four videos today, and I promise you, in every stoned video, I'm gonna sneak truculent in. (group laughs) - All right, next up, Mr. Eugene Lee Yang. (upbeat music) - [Eugene] Hi, I'm representing Team Stoned from the great state of Texas. - Your word is stevedore. (group laughs) - I have no idea what this word is. Stevedore, can I get the country of origin, please? - The language of origin is Spanish. - [Audience] Ooh. - Stevedore. - Spanish, oh, that changes things. - Mm-hm. - May I have the definition, please? - One who works at or is responsible for loading and unloading ships in port. - If your name was Steve and you were a stevedore. (chuckles) Wow. - I adore a good Steve every now and then. - I'm gonna go off the Spanish clue. Stevedore, S-T-I-V-A-D-O-R, stevedore? - I'm very sorry. - Dang. - But you got a lot of letters wrong. (group laughs) - Mr. Keith Habersberger, please. - Hi, I'm Keith, I'm gonna be playing for Team Drunk today. I know, sometimes I play for either side, I swing both ways in that regard, and I'm hoping for the word cheese. - Your word is psychiatrist. - Oh, dang, it's one of them words that got all of the Ps at the beginning. All right, give me that language. - Greek. - Dang, cool. That's cool. Okay. - Very cool. - And how do you spell it? (group laughs) - [Jimmy] Good question. - Okay, I'll give it a try. Psychiatrist. P-S-Y-C-H-I-A-T-R. Is it I or Y? I-S-T. - You are correct. (bell rings) That is psychiatrist, very nice. (audience applauding) Although next time, let's try not to ask a question. - Okay. (group laughs) That wasn't explained, so I didn't know for sure. - I believe the words will only get more difficult from here, but maybe you'll be in a heightened state of awesome. (upbeat music) All right, kids, it's time for recess. Go do some illegal stuff. I guess it's actually legal. Go do some stuff. - [Group] Yeah. ♪ Party on the dance floor ♪ ♪ Party on the dance ♪ ♪ Party on the dance floor ♪ ♪ Party on the dance ♪ ♪ Party on the dance floor ♪ ♪ Party on the dance ♪ ♪ Party on the dance floor ♪ - Hey, hey, what you guys doing? What is that? - Oh, oh, shit. - What is that? - Oh, shit. - We're just (indistinct) out here, Mr. Wong. - It's not what it looks like. - Sorry, Mr. Wong. - Testudinous, of or relating to a turtle. T-E-S-T-U-D-I-N-O-U-S. Let's (beeps) go. - Get inside, come on. Quiz time. - Okay. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Well, we caught these bad boys doing bad things outside. Let's see how our friends are doing. Team High, one joint, two people. - Mm-hm. - How you feeling? - We're very high, Jimmy. We're very excited to spell some words. Eugene, how are you feeling? - That's probably the most I've ever smoked in that amount of time. - Smoked a lot of weed very quickly. - Nice, nice, classic overexplaining and talking to much. - He already does that without being high. (group laughs) - Not the weed, Jimmy. - Hypothetically, if one of the contestants has to poop, should they just hold it? (group laughs) Hypothetically. - Yeah. - Cool. All right, cool. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Hey, what's up? I'm Zach, playing for Team Stoned. - Don't get it wrong, don't get the first one wrong. Don't get it wrong. We're doing eliminations now. - All counting. - You gotta get it right. - Your word is pretty easy. - [Zach] Okay. - It's kangaroo. - Kangaroo, country of origin, mate? (group laughs) - Australia? - Nice. - Very cool. - I would love for you to use it in a sentence. - According to this piece of paper in front of me, a red kangaroo usually lives with a migrating group called a mob. - Cool. - No shit. - Kangaroo. K- (Keith belches) (group laughs) - Sorry. - Starting over. Kangaroo, K-A-N-G-A-R-O-O. Kangaroo. - Whoo! Very correct. (bell rings) - Nice. (audience applauding) - Yay! (audience applauding) - All right, next up, Team Drunk. - [Ned] Uh-oh. - All right, here we go. Your word is dearly. - Dearly? - Dearly. (light music) - Like dearly beloved? - Well, you could ask me for the definition. - (clears throat) Could I have the definition, please? - With affection, fondly. - So like dearly beloved. - Yeah. - Not like there's a bunch of deer. (group laughs) - [Jimmy] Correct. - Of or relating to a deer. - He walked dearly through- - Like a deer. That actually could be a good word. - [Jimmy] Yeah, we went from kangaroo to dearly, so there may be a trick here. - Okay, country of origin, please? - Uh- - Just so the people can learn something. - The woods. - The woods. (laughs) - (laughing) Dearly, D-E-A-R-L-Y. (laughs) - Congratulations, you barely made it. (bell rings) - I had a moment there where I lost track of where I was in the word. - Let's welcome dear Eugene to the stage. Thank you, Eugene. - Thank you, Mr. Wong. - Your word is field. - Oh, field, F-I-E-L-D, field. - Correct. - Earlier, I feeled up my friend- (Zach laughs) - All right, Mr. Keith. - Yeah. - Your word is the most difficult, by far, so far. - Uh-oh. - But it's not that hard. It's atrium. - What country? What language? - It's English. - English. - It's an English word. - [Keith] Very cool, very cool. - [Eugene] You got this, you got this. ♪ Atrium ♪ ♪ A-T-R-I-U-M ♪ ♪ Atrium ♪ - That's right. (bell rings) Good job. - Thank you so much. - Ugh. You guys here, you seem more confidant than we are, 'cause we got this, obviously, everyone can spell dearly. But I don't know, man. - I will let you know that there is no country of origin on these ones, so stop asking. - Where'd they come from? (upbeat music) - [Jimmy] All right, shall we do one more round of the easys? - [Ned] And this is a speed round. - Your word is carnitas. - Oh. - Ooh. - We thought it would be fitting for Team High. - Yeah, carnitas. C-A-R-N-I-T-A-S. Yummy carnitas. (bell rings) - You are correct-itas. Your word is hubris. - Hubris, H-U-B-R-I-S. (bell rings) - Yes. - You thought I had hubris there for a second. I was gonna mess it up. Whoo! It's Greek. - Sustainable. - Sustainable. S-U-S-T-A-I-N-A-B-L-E, sustainable. - Correct. (bell rings) - Oh. - The spelling in your hand is correct. - Your word is tarmac. - Oh. - That's actually tough. - You got this. - Like a tarmac. - State Farm is there. (group laughs) Tarmac. T-A-R-M-A-C. Tarmac? Or is there a- - Tarmac. - Okay. (bell rings) I thought maybe there was a K at the end of that one. - Wow, you guys are funnier than usual. Maybe you should always- - Why do you think we're shooting four of these today? (upbeat music) (audience applauding) Did you guys know that I am the reigning BuzzFeed Spelling Bee champion? - Oh, shit. - They did one video, never did a sequel. Still got that crown. - He just busts this out in the middle of the video, whoa. - Spellers, those words were way too easy, so we're gonna move on to some more difficult. Come on up. - Can we use all- - Big Z. Can you spell for me- - I was like, that's not a word. (laughs) - Big Z. - Big Z. B-I-G-S-Y? - Spell for me ricochet. - Oh. (beeps) - Okay. Um, hmm. - (in French accent) Ricochet? - (in French accent) Ricochet. - Pew-pew. - I think I know, so I'm just gonna go with my gut. Okay, ricochet, R-I-C-H-O-U, wait. Rick- - Oh, no. You can't say oh wait in spelling. - O-U-E-T-E. - That was so wrong. - Really? - God. - You misspelled like six parts of that. - Bummer. How do you spell it? - Oh my God. Oh no. Oh no. - It's okay, Zach. I support you. - R-I-C-O- - R-I-C-O. - C-H-E-T. Ricochet. - (beeps) That one up. - All right, Neddy Teddy. - Oh God- - Come on down. Are you ready to spell for me catastrophe? - Oh. (tense music) - That one I could do. - This one I can. (tense music) - Wanna trade? (laughs) - (slurring) Could you use it in a sentence, please? (group laughs) - Getting knocked out in the easy round of this game would be a catastrophe. - Yeah, it would be. It would be, okay. Catastrophe, I'm nervous. - Me too, actually. - Oh, I'm nervous. C-A-T- (suspenseful music) A. Oh no. (group laughing) What happens now? - The word is catastrophe. - What... I feel like it's what's currently happening now. (group laughs) Cata- - You're four- - S- - Okay. - T. (suspenseful music) R-O-P-H-E, catastrophe. - You're right. (bell rings) (group cheers) (triumphant music) - Wow, I lost myself. - That was so funny. - That music. - Lost yourself in the moment. - Very nice, very nice. Okay, Team High, you're the last standing player on this team, your word is esoteric. - Esoteric, E-S-O-T-E-R-I-C, esoteric. - That is correct and so fast. - Nice. That was good. - You might say that kangaroo had hubris. - I'm... I'm, I think a little too high. (Jimmy laughs) - You entered the new plane. (distorted) You entered the new plane. (plane engine whirring) - Remember when I was like really good at math? - You are good- - I feel like- - You went to Yale. - Okay, so I'm like statically good at math, yes, but also, when I was drunk, I was even better. I feel like that's what's happening to you now, 'cause you're the best speller, you're the best speller, and you're just in the zone right now. (distorted) You're the best speller, 'cause you're best speller, 'cause you're best speller. (eerie music) (normal voice) You're just in the zone right now. (Zach laughs) - That's really frightening. (group laughs) - Yeah, your monologue is just talking out loud. (group laughs) - That was so creepy. That was so creepy. I'm so creeped out. - Creeped out? - Everything got really quiet, and you were whispering so close to my ear, your breath was so hot. (upbeat music) - Keithy Teethy, your word is subterranean. - Ooh, that's a long one. - Subterranean. S-U-B-T-E-R R-A-N-E-A-N? - That is correct. (bell rings) Wow! - Yay! Yay, Keith. - Yes. - I just lost a lot of money on a bet. - That means it's my turn now. - All right, right back up. (beeps) Your word is appendectomy. - Oh, everyone knows how to spell that. (group laughs) Example, please? - Keith felt like he needed an appendectomy after a particularly grueling episode of "Eat the Menu." - Appendectomy. A-P-P- (group laughs) Is that already wrong? - No, you're doing great. (laughs) (group laughs) You just pee-pee like a 10 year old. (group laughs) - Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! - Yes? - What's that? - Appendectomy. - Uh, we call it a wee-wee. - I wanna try and convince our kid to call it a peener, but Becky's not gonna go for that. (group laughs) - Appendectomy, A-P-P- (group laughs) E-N-D-E-C T-O-M-Y. Appendectomy. - You are correct. (bell rings) (beeps) Very nice. (audience applauding) After a rough start. Your word is vociferous. - Vociferous. - Oh. - V-O-C-I-F-E-R-O-U-S, vociferous. - Wow. That's correct. (bell rings) - What word is that? What word was that? Vociferous? (upbeat music) - [Jimmy] All right, it's a tight race. - Well, it's about to get a little looser. (group laughs) - All right, your word- - Wah! - Is. (laughs) Entrepreneur. - Oh, I am one of those. (beeps) - Yeah, actually, the example, when the Try Guys left a certain media corporation, they became entrepreneurs. - (with French accent) Entrepreneurs. (regular voice) What language? - French. - Ooh. - I thought it might be. - [Jimmy] Just like you said it. - (with French accent) Entrepreneurs. (group laughs) (normal voice) Entrepreneurs. - [Jimmy] Entrepreneur. - [Keith] (in French accent) Entrepreneurs. - Entrepreneur. - I wanna make sure I'm pronouncing it right so I don't get roasted. - You got it. - Entrepreneur. - You did it. - Entrepreneur. - [Jimmy] Okay. - Preneur, entrepreneur, entrepreneur, entrepreneur. Entrepreneur, entrepreneur. It's one of those words. Entrepreneur. E. Entrepreneur- (group laughs) E-N-T-R-O-P. I don't know. Entra, E-E-E-N-E-O-U-R-E. - Oh, I put on shorts for this. (group laughs) - Entrepreneur. (laughs) (group laughs) I'm not sure if I ever nailed the pronunciation. How'd I do on the spelling? - You unfortunately did not spell it correctly. - How many Es are there? - There are four Es in entrepreneur. - See? - There are no Cs. (dramatic music) Zach, we are now entering the hard round. - Whoo, okay. Ricochet. - All right. Your word is pasteurization. - Mm. - Whoo, not something I'm a fan of. - Moo. - Moo. (suspenseful music) - Pasteurizization. (Jimmy spits) (group laughs) - Pasteurization. - Can you use it in a sentence, please? - The process of pasteurization revolutionized dairy production. - Okay, pasteuriziza- (group laughs) - Pasteurization. (group laughs) - I can spell it but I can't say it. Pasteurization. - Pasteurization. - P-A-S-T-E-U-R-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. - That is correct. - Pasteurization. (group cheers) - He got back in- - Moo. - He got back in. - Moo. - Now, now, play nice, kids. - No, I wasn't booing, I was mooing. (group laughs) (upbeat music) - Your word, also pretty tough, effervescence. - Ugh. Effervescence. - Effervescence. - Definition? - The property of forming bubbles or an appealingly lively quality. - Didn't you use to work at Effervescence of Soaps? - I did, I used to work for a soap company. - You've probably seen the word. - Effervescence. (clears throat) E-F-F, no, (beeps), I don't know how to spell it. - [Jimmy] You naughty mouths. - Okay, I got it, I got it, I got it. E-R. Uh, uh. (tense music) V- - Mm-hmm. - E-S-C-E-N-C-E. (tense music) - You are correct. (bell rings) - Yes! - I knew that one too. - Back, baby. (group cheers) (upbeat music) (light, whimsical music) - Your word, Eugene is- (Eugene sighs) Arriviste. - Arriviste? - Arriviste. - Arriviste? - Arriviste. - (beeps) Is that? - Country of origin, please? - French. Arriviste. - Oh. Use in a sentence, please? - Before it took over all of our lives, some viewed TikTok as an arriviste in the social media landscape. (Eugene sighs) - [Ned] Oh. - Arriviste. A-R-R-I-V-I-S-T-E, arriviste? - That is correct. (bell rings) - [Keith] What kinda word, what word is that? - [Ned] Wow. (upbeat music) - All right, Keith. - Uh-huh. - I saved this one for you. - Thanks. - It's staphylococcus. (group laughs) - S-T-A-P-H- - Staphylococcus. - Y-L-O, staphylo. C-A-U-C-U-S? It might be O-U-S, I don't know. - You got very close. - Yeah? - But you did not get the coccus part right. (buzzer resounding) Staphylo is right. It's C-O-C-C-U-S at the end. I'm so sorry. - Can you say that again? C-O-C-C-U-S? - Staphylococcus. - That's a (beeps) stupid word. (group laughs) We have caucuses all the time, and they're never spelled like that. They should update the spelling. Because they update the spelling of things sometimes, right? (dramatic music) (upbeat music) - Come on up, Zach. Let's spell. - This is for high glory. - This is it. - Hi, glory. - [Jimmy] Hi. (laughs) - [Ned] Hi, glory. - [Jimmy] Hey. - [Ned] Hey. - It's time for the real freaking hard words. - Give me that hard-on. - It's a great word. - Okay. - But can you spell it? The word is onomatopoeia. - [Ned] Oh. - Sure can't. Thanks. (group laughs) - Respectable. - Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. - No, no, no. Onomatopoeia. - Pfft, no kidding. - Buzz and hiss are examples of onomatopoeia. - Yeah, I mean, it sounds like it would be A-N-O, M-A-T-O-P-E-A, onomatopoeia. - That is unfortunately incorrect. (buzzer resounding) - Damn. - [Eugene] It's a hard word, it's a hard word. - It's a very hard word. - It starts with O, right? - It starts with O. - Oh. - [Eugene] And there's a secret O at the end. - There is another secret O. In fact, there is about three more vowels in this. - A lot of vowels. - Secret Os all over. (dramatic music) I really didn't do great today. - That's okay. No, no, no, it was hard. That's a hard word. - You should've just said bang, pow, blam. (group laughs) (upbeat music) - Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned. - Hop back in. - Ned, Ned. - If you get this word correct, you will tie Eugene as the best speller in the group. Your goal is to spell the word ursprache. - Shit. - Take a sip of St. Pauli's Girl. (group laughs) Get that German beer in your body. - I'm gonna need everything, Jimmy. - Ursprache is German. - Yeah, drink that St. Pauli's Girl. - No shit, brother. - Dive right in, Ned. - No, I'm not gonna dive right in. I need a definition, please. - A parent language, especially one reconstructed from the evidence of later languages. - Eh? A parent language? - Yes. - Oh, a parent's- - A parent, yeah not apparent, but a- - Parent language. Ugh, all right. Ursprache. (tense music) Y-U-R-S-P-R-A-C-H-E. (tense music) Ursprache. - You only got one letter wrong. - Ugh. - And it was the first letter, because there's no Y in ursprache. - It's just U-R. - Just U-R. - Dang it! (dramatic music) - It's all down to this. The pressure is on, Eugene. If you get this wrong, we will not know whether or not drink or high is better. - Oh no. - The word you need to spell to win it all is antidisestablishmentarianism. - Man! Shit. - Ooh. - Antidisestablish- - Spell that bullshit. - Antidisestablishmentarianism? - Antidisestablishmentarianism. - [Both] Antidisestablishmentarianism. - Yeah, but try entrepreneur. - Yeah, try ursprache. - [Eugene] Antidisestablishmentarianism. - [Both] Antidisestablishmentarianism. - I'm really high. - This is really the easy one- - Yeah. A-N-T-I, Antidisestablishmentarianism? - Correct. (suspenseful music) D-I-S-E-S-T-A-B-L-I-S-H-M-E-N-T- (suspenseful music) A-R-I-A-N-I-S-M. (suspenseful music) - That is correct. (bell rings) (group cheers) (triumphant music) (audience applauding) Eugene is the best speller. - I think it's safe to say we're all St. Pauli Girls. - St. Pauli Girls. - Congratulations, spellers. - [Ned] Eugene can be my ursprache any day. - [Jimmy] Eugene killed it. Ned came in second, and our two corner boys came in last. - Everyone cheer for Jimmy's new baby. (group cheers) Here's a photo if he allows us to post one. (Jimmy laughs) (upbeat music) (beeps) - Are those tuxedo shoes, Ned? They're so shiny. - Yeah, man. I figured I'm gonna be a little German schoolboy, I might as well be a little fancy boy.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,799,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, drunk, high, alcohol, drunk vs high vs sober, drunk vs high challenge, spelling words, spelling bee, spelling mistakes, spelling test, scripps national spelling bee, national spelling bee, the spelling bee, spelling bee winner, spelling bee competition, worst spelling bee ever, spelling bee snl
Id: b5ADlXlYaM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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