Instagram's Strangest "Magician"

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I thought Danny's vid on Mac and Me was better ;)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Alisonlogic 📅︎︎ May 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
What's up Greg, I hope you're all having a great day. Welcome back to my channel. This of course is another episode of Because I never left. Today, we're going to be talking about my favorite Instagram magician Lucaggallone. Or maybe it's Lucag Gallone? Or maybe it's Luca Ggallone? I'm just gonna call him Luca. I found this guy's profile recently, he almost has a million followers on Instagram and he sort of hangs out with other UK-based Instagram comedians but he himself is a magician/comedian and I thought, huh, that's kind of a refreshing thing to see on Instagram you know, with everybody trying to be funny with these relatable jokes all the time it's kind of nice to see somebody switching it up and employing a little bit of magic comedy. As many children do, I did go through a magic tricks phase when I was a kid. Uh actually, it was when I was in high school and it lasted for longer than I'd like to admit. It was actually pretty fun learning the tricks. It was a good way to pass the time and annoy my friends. But I never got anywhere near as good at magic tricks as Luca. Also, quick note if you didn't see the last video, I'm going on tour Drew Gooden and I have written a live comedy show that we're gonna be taking around the country. It's gonna be me and him and Kurtis Conner traveling around the nation giving a good laugh to everybody who wants one. And we just added more cities so if you live near one of these cities, or any of the other cities we've announced so far click the link in the description to get your tickets. Ok, now let's get into the video. "Watch this!" "Hargh! Hargh!" "Oh my god!" Oh holy shit, he's flying. *screaming* He's done it, he's figured it out. He's the first person to learn how to fly. "Ahhh!" "Wait a second!" "Don't tell me this! Do not tell me this! You are a liar!" Ohhh, wait. Oh he was just- it was just a trick. Damn. But it looked so real! And he looks so natural doing it, floating 3 inches off the ground and using a jacket to cover up his legs. *screaming* I think I've seen this same version of like a floating person magic trick before and it's always confused me cause it looks so weird and unnatural like why is he holding his jacket over his legs? It looks like he has something to hide. Imagine if this dude really could levitate like if he was the first person to ever learn how to fly and everyone's amazed but then it turns out that he can only float like three inches off the ground and he has to hold his jacket over his legs to do it for some reason? Everyone would be like, holy shit! You're doing it! You're floating! What? Why are you- why are you holding your jacket like that? I don't understand. You have- you have to do that? And you can only float that high? Oh. You know what, it's actually not as cool as I thought. I mean this is still like a monumental historic moment, but it's not very cool. Now being that Luca is part Instagram magician and part Instagram comedian he often finds himself in these wacky, zany situations that he uses magic to get himself out of. Like in this video he's such a smooth and slick magician that he uses his magic abilities to get himself out of getting a parking ticket. I like how this parking officer is just wearing like jeans and a t-shirt and this reflective vest that has clearly just been taken out of the packaging cause it's still creased like it was folded up in a box. Also I don't know how parking tickets work across the pond - over in the UK But do you get parking tickets for parking on private property? I thought you can only get parking tickets from parking on the street. That's why they give you a ticket. And if you're parked on private property the person who owns the property would just call a towing company. They don't call like the public parking office to come give you a ticket and then just and then your car just stays there. Anyways, but all that is besides the point, that's not my real gripe with this video. My real gripe with this video is that it's called 'How to escape a parking ticket with magic' and they never explained how to escape a parking ticket with magic. I mean for God's sakes, I don't feel like I learned anything from this video. The steps were like: walk up to the parking attendant tell him you don't want the ticket do a magic trick and then drive away. I just kind of feel like they skipped over the most important step because I don't know how to do the magic trick. Overall, bad tutorial, 0 out of 10. Also if I was the parking attendant I think I'd just be like why did you need to do the magic trick? I just- I would have taken the bribe. Why did you have to tell me all about your magic tricks and do a magic trick when you clearly just had 50 pounds that you could have given me from the start? I actually feel less inclined to take the bribe now that you've wasted my time with your weird magic. That's the weird thing about magicians, and I feel like especially this guy, they're like so eager. They're just like chomping at the bit to do a magic trick so if you mention anything even remotely related to any of the tricks they know they'll just be like "It's funny that you should bring up playing cards actually, because uh-" "I didn't, I said I need to get a card for my aunt. She's in the hospital." "Well if you need a card why don't you just look in your pocket?" "What the fuck are you talking about? Oh my god, really? The five of hearts?" "How's that for cards? Thank you everybody, have a good night." "My aunt is really sick." "Funny you should bring up being sick-" "Ok, no no no no, no more, please" "Watch this, two together and-" Euw what's he gonna do? Oh no no no no no no, no Oh no, why the fuck would he do that? Oh he stabbed himself in the eye with a pen! Now look at him, he's got milk pouring out of his eye. Just like a real eye full of milk. Uh, that's why your parents always tell you to drink milk, because your eye is made out of milk and full of milk and is milk. Oh it was just a creamer it was just cream not eye milk. Ok this does seem pretty dangerous though like if the pen had slipped or if it had gone through the back of the creamer it could have really stabbed him in the eye or the face and then he'd look like a real idiot, wouldn't he? He'd have creamer coming out of the cream cup and then he'd have milk coming out of his eye, real eye milk, this time. That's another thing about magicians I never got, they always want to make people think they're insane. They're like "Hey, I'm gonna stab myself in the fucking eye!" David Blaine's always like putting things through his arm and shit, to make people freak out. It's just kind of weird to have a profession where you want everyone to think you're insane. When I was in my magic tricks phase I used to just do card tricks I didn't really fuck with magic tricks like this, because I didn't want to be like the boy who cried wolf. I just feel like some day this dude's actually gonna stab himself in the eye and he's gonna be like Ah fuck, dude! Ah Jesus! Oh fuck! I really got myself in the eye this time! Oh, wait, is this part of the trick? No no, dude, I really stabbed myself this time! Ok but that's what you said last time, and when I tried to help you you started laughing at me and called me an idiot. I know, I know, I know, but I really did it this time, dude! I really did it, for real! Quick, pull it out! Oh, I get it. I'm gonna pull it out and then attached to the end of it's gonna be like my card or something You're not fooling me this time. Here we go. Just takes me a few secooonds... Aaaand... Oh sick! How'd you do that? God! That's some serious skills, guys Luca, you sneaky little rat. You sneaky little devil, you. Ok this one I might have actually believed was real and he really fooled them except for a few key details. First off: everybody's acting in this video is terrible. "Just takes me a few secooonds" Just takes a few secooonds. Like the way they all react when he holds up the Rubik's Cube Oh sick! How'd you do that? Oh whoa! Sick! Everybody's like trying to touch the Rubik's Cube, like they don't think it's real, like that's the fake part of it. Wait a minute, it's probably just a hologram, let me touch it! But the thing that really clued me into the fact that this is fake right away is that the cameraman isn't filming the dude's hands when he's supposed to be doing the Rubik's Cube he's like filming the guy under the table. And like maybe the people wouldn't notice that - although I feel like they would. They'd be like, "Wait, why is the cameraman filming over there?" But after he does the trick the cameraman's like, "Ha, we fooled them!" and then pans back over to the guy under the table who's just like smiling and giving a thumbs-up. Wouldn't everybody be like, "Wait, what is he filming over there? What's going on over there?" I mean, maybe not. They all seem so infatuated with the Rubik's Cube and Luca that maybe they wouldn't notice. Okay, in this trick he tells his friend- this is, uh, another Instagram comedian. His name is Goubtube, or maybe it's Jubetube, I've heard it- I've heard his name pronounced both ways, I think. Uh, so I'm just gonna call him Jubetube. So he tells Jube to hold the cup over his head, and he's gonna make the water in both cups disappear. Ah, the mark of all good magic tricks: telling the audience to close their eyes. Isn't that like the biggest cop-out a magician could do? Alright everybody, for my last trick I'm going to make myself disappear on the count of three. Ready? One, two, and close your eyes, and three! *nutcracker falls over* Did it work? Oh, haha! Go on, go on! Oh, Luca, you little sneak! You got him so good! How did you do that? Oh no! And then he just fucking pushes him into the pool. That's kind of cool. That's kind of a badass magician move. Like after you're done doing the magic trick, you just fucking push them. That's right, I just blew your mind. And now I'm gonna hur- I'm- now I'm gonna beat your ass. That would be tight. That would be pretty cool, honestly. Big power move. So this whole thing is staged, obviously, Cause how would he not hear Luca pouring an entire cup of water into the pool behind him? And also when he gets pushed he just kind of jumps back. He doesn't really get pushed, he kind of just Whee! into the pool. I don't know, guys. I don't want to say it, but I'm starting to think all of his videos might be fake. Maybe Luca's not as good of a magician as I thought. Now, in truth, the real reason that I wanted to make this video, and I think the real story of this video isn't really about Luca or his magic tricks, but it's about his audience. The people that he does his magic tricks for. Because while Luca's magic tricks are bad, I think that the only thing dumber than Luca's magic tricks are the people that he does the tricks for. Like his friend Jube, for example. You remember Jube, the guy who just jumped into the pool. Whee! Take a look at this trick that Luca does for his friend Jube. So he's pretending to make ketchup disappear, he really just puts it behind his head, and then his friend takes the ketchup and puts it in Jube's fries. All the way, *Jube laughing maniacally* Jube is amazed. He's astounded. It seems as though he's actually having a deeply spiritual and enlightening moment. He's laughing hysterically. He's never seen anything like this before. *Jube laughing* Kind of a really strong reaction for a pretty simple trick, one that I've actually done for my four-year-old niece before, and she figured out how I did it right away. I can't blame him too much for not getting it at first. Everybody has different comprehension levels, I understand that, and Luca is a really good magician. So that's fair. But then there's another video of Luca doing the exact same trick to Jube, just with sunglasses, and he still doesn't get it, and this time he's like even more excited about it. *Jube laughing hysterically* Oh my god, how?!? It's just such a simple trick, why is he so amazed by it? I mean, I feel like Jube is the type of person where, like, when the sun comes up in the morning, he's like, "Whoa, holy shit!!! It did- that thing did it again! There it goes!" "I thought yesterday was the last time for sure, but there it goes!" And then there's this guy, Doctor Sango. That's his name, or at least that's his name on Instagram. I don't know what his Ph.D. is in, uh, but if I had to guess, I would say overreacting to magic tricks. So there's this video of Luca doing the exact same trick to him. They're in a McDonald's again, I don't know why a lot of their videos are in McDonald's, like I think over half of their magic trick videos are in this exact McDonald's. But anyway, he does the same trick where he like takes a chicken nugget, he puts it behind his head, a friend takes it, puts it on the other side, and, uh, let's see how he reacts *Sango screaming* "Blood of Jesus! No, no, no, no, no, no." Yep, that's right. He tricked him so hard that he had to go home. Doctor Sango really worries me because Luca has done this exact trick to him probably like 20 times in different videos, and he's never gotten it. Every time he's just so amazed and he can't figure out how it works. Life must be so frustrating for this guy if he can't even figure out how this trick works. Especially since there's so many videos that Luca has posted to his Instagram of him doing this exact trick to Doctor Sango, you'd think that he would see the videos and realize how the trick is being done to him. But I guess he sees it and still is amazed by it, even watching the person put the chicken nugget around his head, because every time he's just amazed. And he yells "Blood of Jesus". I don't know why. That's his thing. He yells it in every video, Kind of like his catchphrase. I just kind of feel bad for him. Maybe he's the one that keeps making Luca do the trick for him so he can try to figure it out. He's like, "Do it again. Come on. Let's see it." "Now you're gonna do the trick, and I'm gonna look in the same exact spot I always do, and maybe I'll figure it out." The weird thing is Luca uses this trick so much I feel like I get deja vu every time I see it again. It's almost like he's posting the exact same videos multiple times on his page. Oh wait, he does do that also. Oh. So Luca mostly does magic and like funny magic, but he does dabble occasionally in purely comedic Instagram comedy, and when I say dabble I really mean dabble. "Dabble: to take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way." Like this video, called, "Why are girls like this? Is this facts or nah?" Can someone please tell me if this is facts or nah? These two girls are at McDonald's, obviously, and they have this sign that says single, you know, as girls do. When girls are single, they carry around a sign that says single! That's just how girls are. So, so far, I can tell that this 1. is facts, and 2. is going to be very funny. Then our boy Luca comes up and gives them a nice compliment, he says, "Ladies, you- you're looking beautiful today," and then they flip around their sign and it says taken! Oh my god, he's so sad! Look how sad he is! Someone get this man an Oscar! He's clearly sad! And that's the end of the video. That's the end, that's the joke, and that's the tea. The first time I watched this video, I thought that they were flipping around the sign to say taken because they were like, "Alright, you've complimented us, and now I guess we're dating. You have told us that you think we're beautiful, we've talked it over and now we're both your girlfriends." But then he cried and walked away and I was like, "Dude, you're ruining your chance! You've got two hot girlfriends here and you're just gonna leave crying?" But then I realized that they're actually just telling him to fuck off and honestly, I think I like my interpretation better. Either way, girls really are this way. Alright guys, well, I hope you enjoyed this video. Again, I would love to see you guys on tour, so if you want to get tickets to one of our comedy shows, get that in the link in the description. Also, if you're new here and you're not Greg yet, make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg. We're the fastest growing army on the internet and that is a fact that you should not look up. Thank you to Keanu Provost for turning on my notifications, you are truly Greg. I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I put on a hundred shirts, and then I look like a big ball of shirts. Bye! ♫ This video is over now ♫ ♫ You'll find something else to watch (or just watch this video again) ♫ ♫ I know we had a lot of fun (yeah!) ♫ ♫ A lot of fun ♫ ♫ But you can't stay on this endscreen forever (Nooo)♫ ♫ This video is over now (over now) ♫ ♫ So why are you still watching this? ♫ ♫ Do you not have anything-- ♫
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,303,221
Rating: 4.9686131 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, hilarious, react, reaction, reacting, awful, instagram, magicians, magic, tricks, cringe
Id: wT2boMk4JIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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