Why Did KFC Make A Romance Movie

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what's up greg and welcome back to another episode of sexy chicken man that's right today we're talking about none other than a recipe for seduction which if you haven't heard is an original mini movie that is a partnership between kfc and lifetime it's sort of a christmas movie sort of a romance movie sort of a hot sexy fried chicken origin story it's trying to be a bunch of different things at once but one thing that it is not trying to be is very good i think they really they forgot about that part or honestly i feel like they kind of tried to make this cringey on purpose because they wanted people to talk about it i mean it is kind of a weird idea it's a lifetime original mini movie about a girl who falls in love with colonel sanders or this movie's version of colonel sanders i don't think he's a colonel in this movie the internet was sort of buzzing about this movie when they announced that they were releasing it so today i will be giving my review of a recipe for seduction so the movie starts out at this dinner party at this like super big mansion where this rich family lives jessica who's the main character lives here with her mom it's actually her mom's house and with jessica at this dinner party is her boyfriend billy and of course at the beginning of this movie they set up the classic romance movie trope where the girl hates her boyfriend at the beginning of the movie because he's a rich snobby guy i don't know how much of a thing that is in real life but i want to say like 90 of romance movies start this way where the girl is dating someone that she hates like billy says something about how nice the party is and how great the dinner is and jessica kind of looks over to her friend and rolls her eyes because she hates her boyfriend so much you know how you hate your boyfriend how you find the man who you hate most in this world and embodies all the qualities that you dislike in a person and you date them and you date them for a long time a good long time so that's basically what's going on at the beginning of this movie but i guess billy didn't get the memo that his girlfriend [ __ ] hates him because 30 seconds later he proposes to her marry me and she says then she gets nervous because she doesn't want to say no in front of all these people so she says i need some time to think and then scurry's off presumably to go think she's just probably had too much wine that sounds like projecting morning how dare you leave billy in the lurch like that mom please he's a garibaldi do you know what this marriage would mean for us what he's a garibaldi so he makes chocolate right is that what garibaldi is oh wait no i'm thinking of i'm thinking of girodelli i'm thinking of girodelli chocolate not garibaldi he's a giradelli he's a tiny little piece of chocolate do you know what this could mean to our family when a tiny little piece of gourmet chocolate proposes to you you say yes young lady this is not how i raised you you have the rest of your lives to become soul mates in the meantime your father left us nothing but a legacy of debt we're weeks away from the bank repossessing our house yeah honestly that sounds like kind of a you problem mom because last time i checked i don't think you can pass down debt to your daughter you can pass it to your wife if you both own a house together and the husband dies and then the debt is still your responsibility i'm pretty sure so maybe you should be the one marrying the chocolate man if you want to get out of debt so bad why don't you marry mr girardelli i'm sorry jessica marrying billy is the only thing that can save us just then the new chef harlan sanders walks in i guess he's this movie's reimagining of colonel sanders as instead of like a business mogul restaurant entrepreneur in this movie he's like an up-and-coming very handsome chef fun fact i i looked it up and colonel sanders actual name was harlan so the character in this movie has the same first name as him surprisingly his first name wasn't actually colonel uh which is what i thought until five minutes ago when i looked it up sorry who are you arlen sanders the new cook oh don't be so modest harland was head chef at lipti pon plumus oh my gosh we've been trying to get a reservation here for years well i insisted harlan get out of the city for a while come stay in the guest house as our resident chef if you will maybe it's kind of the mom's fault that the family's finances are in such disarray because you know what it sounds like they're in a lot of debt and the mom's first move is to hire the head chef of like a wildly successful fancy restaurant that it takes years to get reservations at to come and be their personal chef their personal family chef that sounds extremely expensive how about if your finances are really in shambles either you marry the garibaldi or you cook your own food how hard is that [Music] anyway i uh i better get back to work now one of my big critiques of this movie is that in my opinion harlan doesn't really seem like the ideal main love interest for a romance movie like this he's good looking don't get me wrong he's played by mario lopez which is who's you know he's a stud but the character himself is not very charismatic or charming or really even very interesting in fact in this first scene he comes off as like really shy oh the uh who are you jessica oh my gosh i better get back to work this whole scene he's just kind of like silently standing there with his arms behind his back just kind of like [Music] i just don't really understand how this is going to lead to any kind of romance developing but i guess maybe what they're going for is more of a soft-spoken guy because jessica's current boyfriend billy is kind of the rich [ __ ] type snob very loud and obnoxious so maybe it's a nice change of pace for her also the hair was kind of an interesting choice by the makeup department wasn't it like i mean it's clear they wanted to make him look a little bit like colonel sanders so you know who he's supposed to be but the hair dye they pick kind of looks like that like spray-on color that you would get from party city if you're going to like a football game and you want your hair to be the color of the team but the team that he's rooting for is the old guys the goatee looks pretty realistic i wonder if that's his actual hair color but he just i mean this is clearly fake this looks pretty real but they don't look the same which is also throwing me off yeah this looks good nice thank you yes very good these look like vegetables thank you good morning good morning nobody's offered you a tour of the property at have they uh no not yet later on jessica goes and finds harlan and offers to give him a tour of their property so they're walking around together and jessica's talking about how things with billy aren't really working out for starters he's an egotistical entitled little i don't know i'm telling you this harlan starts talking about how he's got this secret recipe that he thinks is going to change the world tell me about you the harlan sanders story if i were the author of it i'd have a chapter in there about my secret recipe changing the world but they don't talk for too long before the conversation is broken up by billy who the hell are you arlen sanders the new chef beat it crouton get back to the kitchen and let me in my fiance stop dudes are always grabbing women by the by the bicep in movies have you noticed that like every time there's like a possessive boyfriend he's always there's always got to be a scene where he like grabs her by the by the bicep woman mine my woman that's mine this my woman [ __ ] off me dude i don't even know you come on babe let's get out of here time to go back to the cave where we live [Music] don't call me crouton oh okay maybe he does have a little flare to him maybe he's not so shy after all you get all harlan jazzed up he's got a little spice to him some might even say he's got 11 herbs and spices to him because it's kfc's recipe yes this is what they put in the chicken oh thanks thank you guys thank you stop stop for real get back under the desk get back back so did you decide what you want to do about billy no not yet i want to hear something crazy i think i'm falling for the new chef harland you're already falling for this dude how long is it we're five minutes into the movie how much time has passed i'm sorry i may be wrong but i'm pretty sure this has all happened over the course of 24 hours like at the beginning of the day she met harland in her pajamas then in the afternoon they went on that walk now it's evening again and she's back in her pajamas and the conversation that they showed us was like so minimal the only thing that happened was she was like so tell me about yourself uh i don't know i've got a secret recipe that i think is pretty good uh a secret recipe yeah it's not really a big deal it's just chicken i think i'm in love with you now oh okay that's cool nice hey you're talking to my [ __ ] this is my [ __ ] ah leave me alone dude get your own [ __ ] i don't know you maybe it's just cause this movie is only 16 minutes long and they're trying to fit like an entire movie's worth of plot into this 16 minutes so they're making the passage of time really unclear but honestly things are moving very fast we're already five minutes into the movie and she's falling for another man have a great date i'm gonna hop in the shower love what jessica doesn't know though is that her mom was eavesdropping on that entire conversation so when jessica goes to shower her mom steals her phone and goes to meet billy at the country club jessica is falling for harlan sanders of all people and if that isn't absurd enough harlan claims to have some secret recipe that'll make him a man of great repute a secret recipe spare me we all have our secrets billy you remember our long weekend in the vineyard uh how could i forget if you marry my daughter i promise there'll be more long weekends in your future stop this is the gross police you can't do that you need to stop cause this is getting weird this is getting gross i'll take care of this so jessica's mom who for some reason her name is bunny which i don't understand but this widow wabbit is apparently having an affair with jessica's boyfriend so what even is the conflict of this movie because from what i understand someone needs to marry this dude billy and jessica doesn't want to but the mom whose problem this is in the first place is having an affair with him why don't they just get married then the mom and billy they both like each other why is there even a conflict in this movie in the first place i don't even understand why billy wants to marry jessica it seems like they don't really get along so now apparently billy's motivation isn't just that he gets to marry jessica his motivation is that if he marries jessica he gets to keep hooking up with her mom gross so now motivated by this new development he sneaks into harlan's kitchen to try to steal his secret recipe huh a knife knife sharp oh ow [ __ ] knife shark ow ah there it is harlan's secret chicken recipe and what a recipe it is secret recipe he writes out on a piece of paper you know like you write a secret this is a secret so if you find it just know that i wanted it to be a secret at the time chicken a little extra whole quarters drums i don't know nine herbs and two spices no no no maybe this should be um how about instead seven herbs and two spices and one thing's for sure there better be salt too much too little signed chj and then he drew a little piece of chicken on there for good measure so that he remembers what a piece of chicken looks like now i can climb on this recipe all i want but it does lead to the coolest line in this entire movie being uttered by billy secret's out chicken man then harlan comes in and billy tries to persuade harlan to like skip town he's like can i pay you to skip town how much to leave jessica alone and skip town he also lies to him about jessica having said yes to him so now harlan thinks that jessica is engaged to billy let me guess you're upset because she said yes sorry pal i'm not interested in your money oh that's right i forgot you don't need money you have a life-changing secret recipe then billy writes harlan to check for five hundred thousand dollars for him to skip town and like never talk to them again five hundred thousand dollars to j to go away holy [ __ ] that is an absurd amount of money i i mean i i guess i knew that billy was ballin out here but like that is just that is just a gross abuse of your funds dude what have some sense man not to mention the fact that like they could just fire him right and then he'd probably leave and move on you could just tell him hey jessica and i are engaged also you're fired so you gotta leave i mean this dude's a successful chef he was the head chef at a very popular restaurant i'm sure he's got other gigs lined up like he could just he'll go somewhere else and move on but instead they pay him half a million dollars to leave what hey i was just thinking about you look i know you already made up your mind but i'd appreciate it if you told your fiance i can't be bought off what is this and my plan my secret recipe that that was supposed to stay between us i never told him about that how dare you tell anyone about my chicken recipe i know i told that to you in passing like it wasn't a big deal and i didn't tell you not to tell anyone and you didn't even tell anyone the actual recipe you just told them that i had a secret recipe but still where do you get all look i'm too old for this gossiping [ __ ] okay i mean look at me i'm either 70 years old or 28. now take your check and tell your boyfriend that he can't buy me off i'm gonna keep on pursuing you even though i'm pissed at you i don't want billy i want you except i'm not pissed at you anymore because i love you now the end of the movie is very weird and happens very fast apparently bunny and billy kidnap harland and strap him to a chair and are about to kill him when jessica walks in just kill him already mom you should have accepted my offer to get lost when you had the chance hmm i know what'll make my girlfriend want to marry me not being nicer or trying to reconcile with her no no no that won't work how about i kill her family's personal chef right in front of her i think that'll do it billy stop billy stop just standing still billy stop billy stop billy no oh i wish i could do something because he's literally about to murder someone right in front of me but the director didn't give me any blocking in this scene billy no this is all your fault anyway that's pretty much the end of the movie they live happily ever after they get married and then at the end they like the mom is in some kind of health and wellness center looks like rehab or like some kind of mental institution and the hint as a sequel you have a visitor today mrs mancera hello buddy well i found them so he's eating chicken so i'm assuming by now like harland has made his dreams come true and he's now the owner of kfc so it's kind of funny that he says i found him like it's a really big deal like he really had to do some sleuthing i found him he owns an extremely popular fast food restaurant and the logo is literally his face and it's on giant signs outside of every single one and there's like i don't know tens of thousands of them i don't know how many kfc is there anyway you get the point that's the end of the movie uh if you want my review honestly it wasn't horrible it was weird but i feel like that's pretty par for the course for lifetime movies like this and also i definitely think they tried to lean into the cringe a little bit because they knew that this is a weird idea my biggest complaint really is that this movie was so short and they tried to cram so much stuff into it it's only 16 minutes long also i watched the trailer before watching this movie and the trailer literally has like every plot point in it so i feel like i already knew what was going to happen before i even watched the movie all in all i'm feeling a light to decent greg out of 10 and that'll pretty much do it for this video so if you like this video and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg we are the fastest growing army on the internet we are the strongest army on the internet and we are the sexiest army on the internet that's true we all got dump trucks we all got big old dumpers so if you want one then just subscribe and turn on my notifications and you'll be great uh okay bye this video is over now over now go find something else to watch or just watch this video i know we had a lot of fun a lot of fun but you can't stay on this end screen forever this video is over now over now so why are you still watching this
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 3,081,687
Rating: 4.9767432 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: he1xvAwArfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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