Spicy Korean Fire Chicken - the Best Whole Chicken Recipe EVER! | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ijustinsultpeople 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I ordered some of that hot Korean chicken ramen off amazon after watching this

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HansBaccaR23po 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
I have three words for you Korean fire chicken Oh holy Sh sorry that was six worlds are about to collide we're spatchcocking a chicken which we've done before one of the greatest ways to grill a chicken you're basically taking a chicken and turning it into an open notebook it cooks evenly it cooks beautifully it's fantastic but what we apply to that chicken what goes on that chicken when it goes on to the grill to soak in to give flavor to give the heat to bring an immense amount of deliciousness with some spice will be a compendium of Korean seasonings and spices I just made all this it sounds pretty good that doesn't Compendium I don't even know what that is I believe it's some kind of collection something perhaps we could look it up and put on the screen but so let's start with a lot by spatchcocking now look we've done this before come get a bird's-eye view of what we're doing because it's important and I want you to do this right all right so here's our kid take them out of our Bowl we'll put them on our cutting board the chicken breasts are here wings flies legs you get all that we don't want this part now we want the backbone here the way to do this is we're gonna snip out this backbone a piece right along here that will allow us to open this kid up like a book so using a good pair of kitchen shears we're gonna snip see this little tail bone we're gonna snip all the way up beside right along like this snapping breaking as we go one side is done turn it like this and then we'll grab grab the phone here I just continue you're not gonna do this with you know your few children scissors that they cut construction paper with you need a decent pair cuz you're gonna listen you're cutting through junk right it's this kind of stuff but you got to do it then once it's done and you wipe your hand because it looks like you've just murdered someone now we can take them and flip them over like this right this is perfect but he doesn't sit as flat as we want the way to do that is to open them up here use your hands you'll hear a little cracking and there you go if you want to do this one of those you're good but I've done most of the work this way spreading them out now the beautiful part is the way it'll cook now and it will cook nice and even because he's not all around and the stuff on top doesn't cook it's beautiful as we put God look it okay I can see again as we prepare to make our sauce for this Korean fire chicken we have a secret ingredient it will be the sauce mixture from the goodies news called the pots Korean chicken ramen this has become a thing of late on the internet people eating giant massive freaking bowls of this stuff I just happen to have some in front of me here it is oh I forgot the flake this doesn't add heat it just adds some greenery and seeds and stuff look how pretty that is look how beautiful so when you open a package of these you get that flake that I just dumped on top but you also get the spicy thick saucy part and we're gonna add that with a couple other things but we'll try to bite before we do Oh Mamma Mia my forehead sweating already holy Sh belly oh my effing God God I want more but it's delicious there's king spicy but you I'm oddly attracted back to it forehead upper lip heat it's pretty good yikes the basis of our sauce for today's Korea and fire chicken will be gochujang this deliciously lovely and spicy Korean hot pepper paste it figures prominently in many Korean foods and look how thick it is thick and rich and gorgeous yum it's good and you can you can smell the heat off it oh this fault who I was getting Wow I was good to put in two packs of that sauce yeah okay here we go let's do this in goes we'll say a half a cup of the gochujang Korean hot red pepper paste okay so let's go I say half a cup let's go half a cup we want to have a you know like a reasonable look I can't talk we want to have a reasonable amount of this left okay some soy but because I don't want this to be too watery I'm using a soy paste I know look I don't I don't have to really be that guy but regular soy will work but I'm going with this some garlic we want garlic in here because extra garlic flavor will be a very delicious thing and our garlic press you go and we can put a link for you at the bottom for the press lime juice because a little zing a little zest is a really good thing here folks really good we'll do one whole lime and now the flavor packet from our hot chicken flavored ramen that's right that's it that's the one that's the offender right here probably have it upside down could go this way or this way I don't know actually embarrassed you know oh look I can tell you cuz here it is here's the right way no yeah that's the right way like this so Cole will rip and we'll squeeze in look at that black black black devil mixture she put two in max what tortilla what one must open the other one war it gets kind of red when it hits the noodles and a little bit of that excess water from boiling them but it sure comes out like the devil doesn't it and a little honey and no I'm not trying to dumb this down so there's no flavor I'm gonna put a couple tablespoons in because a little sweet always make spicy better always and we mix oh boy good smell it from here smells fantastic gochujang garlic thick soy two packets of the spicy ramen mix and some honey a little dip and we'll paint brush it was you know I need to do somebody sorry I need to take a little bit out because I want to use what's extra in there to paint on the chicken and I don't want to contaminate with like the raw chicken a little bit and we're back so when you get it all coated we're gonna go this skin side down first on the grill and once we do we'll paint the other side the gnarly side because we want flavor all the way around so just work your way all the way around leg tips okay we'll just build up a nice little layer right here so if you wanted to do this part in advance give it a couple hours of marinating time by all means you could do that just paint it up throw it in the fridge but when you go to cook it take it out of the fridge about a half an hour before you put on the grill because you don't want to cook the chicken cold you want to cook it about room temperature half hour will get you close enough to that we're set up for two zone cooking that means this side is very hot out very hot I might turn it down a bit and this side is not on what we're gonna do is we're gonna sear couple minutes couple minutes turn it over a couple minutes and then bring it over to this side to finish cooking and it will cook more like an oven get what I'm saying here because it's using the ambient temperature of the whole thing it cooks like an oven as opposed to sitting on top of flame going that's the way it will cook beautifully without burning up all the skin and that's what you want that's what I want here we go so you just pick up your little friend bring them over and down you go that's the ugly side but we're gonna fix that we're back oh sorry little piece of organ meat and Hut everybody's favorite thing to see but look it's the reality you're cooking a an animal he said wearing his vegan shirts which by the way does not mean I'm a vegan if you read the shirt you'll get the meaning and by the way it's on the website if you'd like to entertain your friends while you cook mass quantities of animal carcass on your grill and wearing a vegan shirt at the same time here's a rule that we use in grilling if you can hold your hand about two inches above this grill surface for longer than three seconds it's not hot enough to grill on but it is hot enough to do indirect cooking on right this side once I can't do it it's too hot this side one two three foot nothing that's how I want that's all I want so it's been a couple minutes now I'm gonna give this guy a little turn just like this if I lift up a leg look at those beautiful char marks that's why you grill folks because that is adding flavor if they didn't then we just microwave this pit out of everything and we're ready to flip so Oh [ __ ] sorry didn't mean to swear that much but look at that and it's unbelievably gorgeous but now is the time to come in with more sauce now look hi baby so look respect your food I know we're eating an animal and I'm speaking now to the actual vegans of the world that don't get it and don't want to get it and that's okay but even though I do I can still have a level of respect for this and I want the food to be as good as it can be I think if the chicken could talk to me right now he'd be saying some like look I know you've killed me and maybe not you said but somebody did but if you're gonna eat me now which obvious you're going to I want to be as delicious as I can so do the right thing Sammy boy that's gorgeous as is it not that's ridiculous that's why we spatchcock folks that right there okay you give it a turn and notice I'm now using spatulas because I don't want to markup or if any of the beautiful topside and they will continue to use them to maintain the level of gorgeousness that this chicken has willed me to maintain for him or her after a couple more minutes here under we go we carefully carefully carefully bring our little buddy over onto the very low side and now we're gonna use the grill like an oven the hot from here will make everything good now we just leave him for a bit so now that he's there now you're just cooking a chicken just like inside your house in the oven on a regular Bowl Sunday night if that's when you cook chicken I'm looking for about a hundred and sixty degrees in the breasts and I know the rule is 165 but there's always carryover he always so if I yank it 165 it's gonna creep up to maybe 168 169 and that's starting to get into that dry zone so I put it 160 even 158 nine and it gets to where I want it and it's still moist and perfect and delicious and beautiful instant-read thermometer will be your friend this is the guy that I use we'll put a link to one I always have it with me you don't have to guess anymore folks it's not the dark ages we're not cavemen it's throwing a hunk of meat and a fire and hoping for the best actually they probably just need the raw I don't know but we are slightly more civilized we can measure temperature we can be accurate we don't have to cut and you're no less of a of a man or a woman or an adult but using a thermometer no ho no no no quite the opposite quite the opposite you're a person who cares you want to make sure that you're doing the right thing for your friends and family it's that simple I could talk all day you want to keep going or I'm good for a minute I think I'm good jillee brings up a good point any merchandise that you buy from us the links that are below the videos we give 10% to feeding America and as the name implies they help people that are struggling to put food on their tables every day 10% we've done since the beginning we'll do it today you buy this vegan shirt and people that are vegan and hungry they'll get helped out no discrimination so once it's lived this direction for a bit let's give them a little turn everybody's cooperating except this one wing part of him still wants to fly away sorry little guy it is not gonna happen oh do you see what's happening here come there sizzling going on bro sizzling here you go sizzling the juice is everything doing the right thing and I've giving them one final little lacquering and now time to come off here we go look it look at the little fellow damn son look how pretty this kid is oh the lesson hanging the only thing we're gonna give him maxi is some sesame seeds are you ready maxi do it dispensing the seeds now you know that makes me think she'll put some freaking sesame oil in it damn paint fly get out we're working here beautiful though isn't it let me tell you where I want to go max look look at these juices down here oh I'm gonna go write you this this guy look it left separate look at that apart from the fly a perfect leg thigh combination gorgeous mmm I'm so happy and now shall we Oh juicy tender ah hot as balls ah I can't do it I'm gonna have to eat it off my knife I'm sorry are we sure about that yes we're sure saying the cooking guy takes fatal bite of chicken I just can't that's my fingers oh god hey girl okay oh holy there's that little back end heat Oh hot lip that's how you decide how hot something is how hot is it was it lip hot or was it lip and forehead hot it's liquid forehead hot Wow but the flavor that's the thing you know sometimes people just like dump hot sauce on stuff and you won't taste anything you just get straight Heat I'm to me that's kind of ridiculous what is not ridiculous though is when you get gorgeous heat with beautiful flavor following it up it's sticky it's lacquered it's got the heat it's got deep deep flavor from the garlic from the soy from the everything oh my god oh this is magnificent I'm just gonna stand here and eat this whole thing and it just occurred to me that I don't know where you live but maybe you don't have access to go to John or the or the spicy hot Korean noodles we'll put a link so you can get them and none of it's expensive and it's all hugely delicious there are other things on my website using gochujang so don't feel like the guy made me buy this like for doll or 98 cent thing ago - Jung I use 4 tablespoons yes it was delicious but now what the hell do I do with it gochujang thin and go to jog salmon ah I love this and I hope you will too because the goal is for you I could love my food all day long but we want you to love it right right right right thanks for being here enjoy this don't eat the same thing all the time I feel very good about myself today I'm not sure my most would agree with me but the chicken would be proud he'd be like oh that leg hurts but I know I'm delicious so I'm okay with the whole thing [Music]
Views: 1,060,890
Rating: 4.8644357 out of 5
Keywords: spicy korean chicken, spicy chicken, korean fire chicken, korean chicken, best chicken, best chicken recipe, whole chicken recipes, best whole chicken recipe, spatchcock chicken, grilled chicken, best grilled chicken, how to spatchcock a chicken, recipe for whole chicken, grilled whole chicken, how to cook whole chicken, grilled chicken recipes, sam the cooking guy chicken, korean chicken recipe, chicken recipe, how to make korean chicken, korean grilled chicken
Id: AvwtESN530E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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