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Looks delicious!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zack_home 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Usually I can get behind the meal he makes. But this is one of those times I can’t. “Crispy garlic” no that’s burnt and it tastes like ass. So does burnt butter. Not much in the seasoning department which is upsetting because Sam is usually great at that. I’ll give him a pass this time but this isn’t even him trying.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

what pan set does sam use?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/robthew00t 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

That looks so good

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hells yes! Can’t wait!! To make this one!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mackwozniak 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
we're taking every kid's favorite restaurant meal butter noodles and making them better way better way better holy sh way better how many times have you been out to a restaurant with little kids and they only want butter noodles the only thing they can find on the menu you'd be at the world's best restaurant something in france or italy or new york or wherever your favorite stuff is 800 items long the menu is i just want noodles can i have butter noodles in fact my niece max's cousin ally went through a period of time when she only ate ready for this beige food do you remember that yes beige food and butter noodles apparently figured prominently in that along with chicken and it gets toast i don't know design your own beige diet so we're gonna do that today you should do beige day beige day it's a terrible idea so we're gonna make that today but we're gonna make it way better there's a cheese there's gonna be garlic and pepper flakes and stuff and we're gonna start though start though by making our own version of crispy garlic to go on top let's hit it and we start with chop oh there you go should i hold that up for you sure chopped garlic uh look i could do this by hand but it was a last minute thing in the supermarket and i thought let's just uh let's try this version so we open it and that's what you've got inside this is going to go into some hot oil in a pan but i think you would recognize that this liquid is probably not useful to hot oil so let's do this take a little bowl and then i want to drain it so take this paper towel this way i'll just put a few spoonfuls of the garlic in here and just let it drain a bit we get the water off we get the moisture off and when we do pretty soon we take it over and we put in some hot oil on the flat top all right so into a little pan i'm gonna put like a nice amount of olive oil and you can see by these little striations it's getting hot already so i don't want this too hot too fast because it'll burn the garlic so let's just try a piece yeah that's pretty good all right so now let's take the rest of this and dump it in carefully sorry sorry sorry i don't want my back to you that's our job ladies and gentlemen right there now we're just letting this get beautifully golden brown and crispy it's perfecto see crispy garlic how good is this gonna be on top so as long as you're moving it around a little bit you'll be fine starting to get a little color you'll get it see these pieces here like this it's kind of where we're going we want that because it needs that color to become crispy is that noisy too noisy our friend lipa makes this pan and we know he's watching because he's always watching he doesn't miss the thing do you lipa we're getting close listen the last part of this goes fast you can see we're just a tiny little bit away and we're there so using this little guy out we come we'll go into the bowl we might have to pick this up and do two hands hold on try and get this sold down look you can see it goes from getting golden to golden very quickly and i think we're there now look let that cool crispy garlic beautiful i'm gonna be 100 honest with you i did not like kombucha wasn't a fan until june shine came into my life and it came into my life because like me it started in san diego and everybody started going you got gotta try it you gotta try it and i went okay i'll try it this one is the hopical citrus lightly effervescent that's gorgeous isn't it but it's about the taste it's slightly beer-like it's got that citrus and i say lightly effervescent because i do not like much in the way of bubbles and so this is like you can see it's the perfect amount for me six percent alcohol by volume it's easy to drink less hangover the next day it's good on the gut which never hurts better for you than other alcoholic beverages 100 organic gluten free and absolutely no artificial colorings or syrups yes there are other hard kombuchas on the market i've not liked them because i felt like they had sort of like a it's like a bitter aftertaste not june shine and by the way they've just launched nationwide shipping nationwide and if you use my link in the description you get 20 off your order plus free shipping and then you'll be doing this oh holy crap that's delicious where's it from oh it's from june shine what flavor you know you get that sense of what's going oh yeah i could drink a lot of this one this one's my fave but the other flavors blood orange mint midnight painkiller acai berry and the honey ginger lemon june shine is considered the champagne of kombucha by using green tea and honey it makes for a smoother way less acidic taste and that's the thing that i like about it and there's none of the vinegary bite of traditional kombuchas and tastes even better i think than just straight traditional kombucha we love it when you support our sponsors and this is one you're going to support us in this venture but you're also being selfish because you're getting something that's so damn good so damn good and here we are we're ready to make our fantastic sauce we're gonna start with a stick of butter i know it looks like a lot please don't give me a hard time about this i don't want the pan too hot but don't forget this is all for the pasta we're not adding cream we're not adding any broth so we need some liquid in here to make a sauce for it beautiful all right stick of butter let's do some garlic and i've got two big cloves in here i think i'll throw two more in and that will look like that beautiful beautiful beautiful let that start to get fragrant oh mamma mia this is going to be amazing and while it does we're gonna add two things about a teaspoon and a half of crushed red pepper flakes gorgeous and about a half a teaspoon of anchovy paste oh god and as i've said a jillion times here the anchovy paste is not going to make it fishy it's just going to add that super gorgeous umami layer of flavor that will make everybody happy good lord this is amazing okay turn this down let this just do its thing for a little bit let it just simmer away for a second right here oh boy the butter is gonna start to get slightly brown giving it a little bit of a nutty flavor and that's really gonna make everything fantastic oh my god and here's our water boiling beautifully here's our pasta look you could use anything spaghetti linguine uh fettuccine i'm using egg papardelle and this is about a half a pound into heavily salted water this all goes in you know you always give pasta one of these so they don't stick when you put it in and while this is cooking and it's probably six seven minutes away we have some cheese to shred and some parsley to cut first up we need some shredded parmesan i'm using great parmesan here because when there's only a few ingredients you want them to all be really good and i want about a half a cup or so so i'll just microplane away and of course we'll make a little extra to go on top along with our crispy garlic which by the way we cannot stop eating let me just say it is the sh and this is looking about right for me so let's push this off to the side gorgeous it's like snow it's so light and now a little parsley just a little give this a quick little whiz through the cooking guide dish if it doesn't have some green it's got to have green it's got to have something green man okay this is done let's go back we'll do our pasta is ready and now to the sauce and here we go so let's get our papardelle i'm using this big asian spider as they call it we can just go in oh come on buddy there you go let's just try and get everybody in here don't need all this extra water what am i doing here man hey ow last little bit beautiful and now we mix oh the nutty brownness come on but now let's throw our cheese in actually i forgot let's give this a little salt first a few great grinds of pepper now our cheese will look like this oh my gosh and this remember it's butter noodles yes cheese is an important component but it shouldn't take over it i get just a little hint of that anchovy in here a little parsley oh my god look at this do you see that do you see what is happening here [Music] i wish i could give you the benefit of how amazing this smells because this is so ridiculously tremendous to the nose but then there's that butter dripping off red pepper flakes living in there oh i'm ready to bring it over and eat it max shall we let's not forget our crispy garlic and here we are all right i have to do this a tiny bit more cheese on top because why not because look at how gorgeous right you knew this was coming and last but not least the crispy garlic please mamma mia someone slapped me or pinch me or whatever so look what we've done here i know i said you could use all kinds of different pastas there's something about these wide papardelle egg noodles that i absolutely adore oh let's just try and steal a bite in here crispy garlic parsley holy s yum it's dripping with butter um crunching from the garlic the crazy thing is that crispy garlic is sweet i mean right yeah we can't stop eating it it gets sweet look it's not in my diet world right now but do i care why would i care 30 minutes start to finish no probably 20 minutes start to finish i'm getting garlic i'm getting the cheese and that little bit of anchovy paste is everything everything all right that's it for us uh we have a new program here at uh sam the cooking guy you have to now pay for our videos and how do you pay you'd like to know just by being a subscriber that's all we ask is it fair i think that's fair max right pretty cheap payment it's a pretty good deal we shoot we spend our days here creating we think great food content for you to improve your food life what do we ask we ask that you hit the subscribe button it's not a lot and if that little bell thing is not uh known to you that's the notification bell and if you hit that then when we put out a new episode it comes to you you really have to do no work nothing sit back relax and then hopefully cook and eat it's a fair deal all right everybody thanks holy good lord amazing garlic butter noodles for everyone [Music] you
Views: 1,132,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, garlic, garlic butter, garlic butter noodles, butter noodles, noodles, sam the cooking guy garlic, sam the cooking guy garlic butter, sam the cooking guy noodles, sam the cooking guy garlic butter noodles, next level noodles, cooking garlic, cooking noodles, sam the cooking guy butter noodles, cooking butter noodles, cooking guy noodles
Id: nE2p4OqYLKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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