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hey piggy piggy piggy here piggy piggy piggy [Music] yes that's right we're making ribs YUM who doesn't like ribs put your hand up if you don't like ribs not one hand see I knew it I knew it I knew everybody loves ribs oh sure there's a vegan or two out there hiding but you know when they smell ribs cooking and then see them all gorgeous and ready to be consumed you know there's a little twang of super jealousy in them am i right max they are humans after all they are humans after all they have ribs in them you'd think they'd appreciate that we're not here to talk about them we're here to talk about simple ribs we're gonna give you my best hack for getting them going sooner than you would if you just did them on a grill but we're gonna finish them on our Santa maria-style slash Argentinian style grill behind us that the boys at well dot-com made for us remember that oh yeah it's a fun day if we get the fire going I don't see how that all goes down or do it let's go we're starting by using a chimney you fill this up with briquettes or charcoal you light it with paper underneath and then in about 20 to 25 minutes you've got charcoals that are pretty much ready to go it's a great way to do it a great way you don't need lighter fluid which by the way you should never use you don't need those little starter things I just put a few pieces of cardboard underneath so now we're going to take this we're going to dump it right here so beautiful that is lovely take a couple pieces of wood spread it out a bit throw these guys on top they'll help give a little more flavor if I have one more we could drop our surface down a bit it'll start to help clean up what's on there now we can get to our ribs and the ribs we're using are these guys uh st. louis-style they're a little fatter but they're definitely meteor and they lay flat not that that's a huge thing but that definitely makes cooking them a little bit simpler and let me just show you how we prep these it's it's it's a snap so we're gonna begin by getting rid of this excess fat here because it's just pointless take this off look you want to be eating that there's times when I like a bite of fat you know the edge of a rib eye that kind of thing that makes me very happy but here not really gonna help me at all you're not taking too much off just get rid of it and then this guy it's tough cause it's slippery no okay so you get these guys all cleaned up and then we're gonna flip them over and deal with this membrane this is essentially a slippery piece that is on the back of almost all ribs that you don't need so here's what we do we take a pointy knife underneath the membrane right here you cut out you expose that and then then you take a paper towel and you try and grab it because it is slippery and you want to pull and like we've done this before if you're a good boy or a good girl you can get a nice wide piece of it and it will just pull off like that obviously I didn't get the whole thing it's the only been partially good I've only been partially good thank you for pointing that out max there's excess fat here you want to take it off feel free but you know fat means flavor so I'm okay let's say I get the other one and then and get him in the oven fat off this is just a big fat piece here that that meant I was a very good boy at some point so look I'm not setting these up for competition ribs there'd be a whole nother level of work going on here and I'm not up for that I'm not competing I am only eating let's get him going okay so get rid of the fat done necessary bits we lay them out on a baking sheet nice and neat we're gonna add white vinegar to this I mean look if you had champagne vinegar oh that would be okay if you had rice vinegar that would be okay what I'm saying is you don't need balsamic vinegar that would be a waste and we don't want that taste in here at least not right now we take some foil over the top seal it well and away to a 350 oven for an hour and a quarter when they come out before they go on the grill we give them a little rub they're gonna be cooked but that's when we start to color and flavor them really well so here's our quick little seasoning rub we go like this we go salt black pepper chili powder Cayenne paprika come on come on come on and some brown sugar no you all we do max mix perfect now our glazing sauce and that consists of apricot jam because this is going to help give it really beautiful glossiness what did I say apricot so we've got a prig a prett whatever and now for a little umami and thinning some soy sauce for some spice some heat some sriracha and for a little tang some apple cider vinegar and we'll mix this you got to do a good job because you want to break up that apricot it's simple and it's gonna do amazing things think of what we've got here we've hit all the high notes salt from the soy sweet from the apricot or apricot jam spice from the Cholula and and sour from the the apple cider vinegar went out of my head so this the heat right at the end oh damn this could be it this could be the world's best rib glaze ever should we get our ribs and see how they like half the oven let's go and here we are I'm being very careful you'll see why in a second because when you lift up a corner what you're gonna see is steam first out but also how much liquid got in here look down here Maxie look at that it's like a half an inch deep but you see the ribs it's no crazy they're tender as right problem is they're ugly AF who wants to eat that it's fully cooked but they're ugly as so let's do this start by getting rid of the liquids it's not helping anything take it over here just watch how much pours out haha but easily a pint easily but they don't look good they're gonna taste like boring ribs this is now why we season them so you ready start with the top so a nice amount here we're only gonna do this topside smells great actually you know in the heat of the ribs when this seasoning hits the heat of the ribs that's great and you know you can tell that they're starting to really be done is when they start to the bone starts to come out when they pull away when the meat pulls away from the bone here and here your ribs are there your oven 350 these guys covered up with the foil and the vinegar an hour and 15 minutes to get them here to cook ribs on a smoker or a grill is gonna take you a solid four I say five hours maybe more to get them to the point where they're tender and delicious yes you get the benefit of other things doing it that way but sometimes when you want to eat you don't want it to take forever and if you don't have a smoker this is a perfect way to do it you're gonna say oh great these things are gonna be when we're done not a whole lot left to do max but and you know what that means shall we we shot it a couple more times and here we are are we ready ready these guys gonna go facedown first oh it's hot Wow so let's do this let's put a little bit of the seasoning on the backside you know that they're on here and because the fire is pretty hot and I don't want to burn anything yet let's just raise this sorry max that's the beauty of one of these you want heat you drop it you don't want heat you raise it spread out your charcoal in your wood a little bit I threw a couple extra pieces of charcoal on maintain the fire I got all these bones all coming out oh I see something pretty yes really pretty look it wow this guy Mamamia so what you want you want these actually it's bring them down a bit you want some of this charring because that's flavor that's the magic that's why you cook on a live fire and make no mistake ladies and gentlemen this is called live fire cooking as opposed to a gas grill all right let's give them a flip cheese Louise I don't know that there's anything prettier on the planet right now than that I really don't know but just you wait because you know we get to do now now we get to use this amazing basting sauce and by the way young Chance already had a little taste of the sauce he said it makes me want to dance look it remember what I said about the apricot jam adding the glaze factor holy it's gonna be insane but it's gonna get really good once we flip them back and now all the sweet of the apricot jam starts to burn in a little bit that's where the magic flavors come from this is gonna be the best ribs ever look at this look at this what was that movie with those idiots that end up in like the dome biodome that's what we need max an air-conditioned bio dome all right so now we're gonna flip them over oh ho oh baby we'll give the back a little love with the glaze not as important as the front or the top whatever you want to call it but go for it look at this guy because I'm out of here I'm out look at the bones they're all starting to separate from the meat this guy in the end I'm out of here oh look at that amazing and we can't turn him back that is magic magic it gets one more glazing give it another minute or two and then off they come let's give a little shout-out to our boys at Welkom for building this amazing piece of equipment for us thank you fellas talk to me about gorgeous go on talk to me about gorgeous there we are Maxie a little turn all dressed up and nowhere to go except my stomach should I take one off and have at it let's take this kid come on buddy there you go okay fun thing to do remember our seasoning rub let's just give it a little bit more it's just like a little extra little pop of flavor and a little mess for my cutting board and now we look at them how gorgeous they are the bones on this side the bones protruding giving themselves up they're saying we're done we're done we'd like to leave now if that's possible when I say oh that's possible all right in fact it's about to happen which I'll pull this guy let's see if that happens nicely oh it's about to happen like this guy so in the world of ribs ah in the world of hot ribs in the world of Wow hot ribs this is what you want look this little chunk of meat right here beautifully cooked tender juicy here's what you want to do you want to pick them up and you want to just cut down look at oh my God look at the meatiness here fourth of July's coming up you got to make these the glaze a little bit of rub at the end gives that little pop of flavor and salt I love ribs there's a recipe for sweet sticky ribs on my website we've done them here and they're magnificent I'm gonna tell you these are magnificent earth they really are there's so many levels of flavoring this look you live in an apartment you have no grill you have no smoker you have no Welkom argentinian style slash Santa Maria style grill behind you what do you do you cook them exactly like I showed you in the beginning in the oven hour and 15 minutes ash in the oven until they're super tender but ugly then you take them out then you put the little bit of rub on then throw them under the broiler for a minute or two then the glaze under the broiler I'm telling you they're gonna be fantastic they won't be a smoky but they'll be fantastic I want to open a barbecue restaurant for these I don't know what to call them I'm telling you baby back ribs are delicious st. louis-style Meteor juicier battier I think these are the ones to go with so I've got nothing else I've got nothing else I'll say goodbye just let me remind you if you haven't entered the nominated father sorry if you haven't entered the nominee no if you haven't nominated a father yet if you haven't nominated a father yet for our exclusive Sam the cooking guy evo 30-inch professional wheeled cart giveaway that's a lot what oh you should do that yeah till June 20th of ending this one this one this one just one of them is a view and one is peace I don't know how that could be so close
Views: 841,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ribs, ribs, best ribs ever made, cooking ribs, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy ribs, sam ribs, sam cooking, best ribs ever, cooking best ribs, sam cooking ribs
Id: eDxPJ56m4SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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