The Best Steak I've Ever Made - Picanha on my NEW Argentinian Grill | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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That is such an unbelievable gift. You see buzzwords like "handcrafted" thrown around in marketing these days and it's sort of lost its meaning. I still know it when I see it. I actually am curious about welding so I'll check them out.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jimmy_beans 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just found the butcher shop near (-ish) to me that stocks and sells Picanha - with the fat cap and everything.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
inside this trailer is an argentinian style grill being delivered by Todd and Jason from weld comm they have a youtube welding channel and offered to make one to celebrate us passing the million subscriber mark and hell yeah we said yes to it as they get it off the truck and into my backyard my excitement just builds because we've talked about it but I haven't seen it at least not yet [Music] so this is the moment it's been months in the coming this is Jason from welkom behind the other camera not Max's but the other one is Todd yes and we've talked about this I've seen some renderings I saw a little work while it was being fabricated but you haven't let me see anything else not yet no we've been struggling all morning to keep you from so it's it's like it's like a little kid at Christmas I've been dying to see this and now like those home fix it shows where there's the big-ass reveal at the end that I'm convinced that people have already seen that's going on a little bit I there's no way they've not seen what's happened I have not seen it happen I have not seen what's under here so you ready yeah so I say we just pull up and then throw it that way one two three son of a holy crap oh my god oh my god okay so let's just take a second just take everything in it's freaking amazing it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen it's the it's the this is what started it yes so the gold go play Bolton - we were planning on building a grill anyway yeah and Todd and I are both huge fans of the show and we said hey why not build the grill and we'll give it to Santa cooking guy and it just so happened right around the time you hit a million subscribers so we're like perfect so we were awarded a gold play button by YouTube and you built one and put it on yes this is all manually machined by a bomb 79 which is another YouTube channel we did a collab with to have him fabricate the button because everything else was fabricated just from material oh my god okay wait so my face is in here unbelievable my logo here damn I was wish I was wearing the shirt today okay it's here it's here we talked about red flywheels but the fact that you made the whole bar red it makes it a thousand times better so the beautiful thing about an argentinian style grill is that as you like this just like that as you do this it goes up oh my god less heat you bring it up more heat you'd lower it it's genius and this was everything you guys everything was fabricated I mean a heater or these came off with chipping hammers that were in her shop yeah oh I like everything else okay so this is a firebox right yeah BC Oh oh there okay so our fire goes in here and right the pan for cleaning the yep so the the logs will go here and we're using wood actual wood never done it but we're gonna find out and then the handles also gets lost but then this opens and closes to give it more air to deep up the fire or bring it down exactly and then you get your logo here and then the Sam here and the Sam there and I store my wood down here yep store your wood down there you can do charcoal fluids whatever you need to Jason honestly I don't know what to think man when these guys first proposed this idea I thought yeah it's gonna be cool how do you not say yes to this and it would be a really interesting collaboration this is a billion times greater than I ever thought it would be and everybody right now you go to youtube find welkom and subscribe they deserve it by the way they made this in Florida and they didn't fly it out they drove it out couple stops along the way and they showed up this morning and here it is in all its glory and I'm cooking because this is a Latin American style grill I'm making a picanha which is a a latin-american cut of beef I mean we have it here but they're not they're not that common here mmm so let's go put this in place we'll get the fire going okay and once it starts we'll prep or picanha and then we cook then we cook I'm looking forward to watching it you guys thank you thank you so amazing so Jason's suggestion was a bed of charcoal first before the wood but the problem isn't that turtle is like really small stuff that I think will drop through but I don't think I need too much once I have a good fire going then I can throw the wood on top use a little natural all-natural fire starter underneath this okay that's gonna take a couple of minutes once we get some good flame out of this once this charcoal starting to catch then we'll add our wood hand split by me I might add if you've ever been to a trash Korea a a Brazilian meat based restaurant where they cook things on skewers and then bring them to the table and slice off thin pieces for you to eat the rump cap figures prominently in in one of the skewers they bring out but not like this they cut these into steaks they get obviously progressively smaller towards this end but then they take those steaks they fold them in a C shape and then they skewer like this so you've got the long skewer with big smaller smaller smaller those get cooked today we're cooking this baby hole it's gonna be dynamite it's prepping okay so we'll take our guy out dry them off a little bit on some paper towels before we deal with them and then clean them up so like here's the fat we want this you want almost all of that but we'll do a little bit of trimming first just a little bit this extra here don't need and it is very thick here you can see that's too much I don't need that yes I want the benefit of the fat but no I don't need the benefit of an inch thick of fat so you're trying to trim this guy down a little bit remembering oh it's important so don't get rid of too much so when I bought this they said do you want us to trim it a bit and I would have paid less because it would have been less poundage but I wanted you to see what this process was and how important it is you've got this one topside the way you want it flip it over till the flies to [ __ ] off and just clean up the bottom this is unnecessary here this is silver skin this you don't need ever so your knife goes underneath like that and then pull it taut and you'll get most of it off do it again here oh Jesus this is insane never gets worse than when there's brawn eat this last little piece okay I'm good at this okay we've got the fat we've got all this off here's what we're gonna do we're gonna score this guy now which means we put long cuts like this just down through the fat and this is gonna give us a beautiful like crust on top and help bring more flavor inside and we turn it go in this direction okay we're gonna season like this kosher salt and pepper here and we're gonna add some chipotle chili powder look I know if I was in Brazil or Argentina this would just be very coarse salt well they can do what they want I'm not there I can do what I want and now we'll take our children foods avocado oil give it a little splash front and back and we will season so we're seasoning aggressively because it's a thick cut of meat and it needs it any when we're done we head over to our amazing new grille courtesy of weld comm so just about ready to put the meat on I'm gonna get my chimichurri sauce ready first handful of ingredients it will make that picanha extra special amazing when it comes out to drag it through some of this terrific sauce it'll be great so come on let's make this quickly the fires burnin and ready max let's go we'll start first with garlic and I've got you know four and a half giant cloves or you could put in you know six regulation-size ones it will give this a quick mix here we go I find if you put the garlic in first by itself and give it a little blast it breaks up nicer than when there's a whole lot of other stuff in there and the whole lot of other stuff now can go in next will be a head of parsley twist it at the middle and dropped in some fresh oregano we'll use about this much clearly it's an exact amount that we need some kosher salt and fresh ground pepper even amount of each a couple tablespoons of a red wine vinegar which looks like this one two juice of a lemon just looks like this and this is not traditional and chimichurri but I like it about a quarter teaspoon of smoked paprika soomi everybody from South America it's what I like we'll give this a little whiz and then we do this push down the sides so we add about 2/3 of a cup of nice extra virgin olive oil what I think is that a little more and we was again [Applause] you stop and you take a look you see how it is oh that's nice that smells amazing I'm happy with that take it out put it in a bowl in look at that you know how good that's gonna be on the steak holy Shh I mean on the picanha oh boy and when it's all in and you're satisfied by tasting of course middle finger [ __ ] oh my god don't let anybody tell you you cannot put smoked paprika in this because you can and you should it's gonna be tremendous but now we cook the picanha on our welcome the Argentinean style Santa maria-style Gaucho style grill I've never cooked on my face before but there's always the first time and that's what you want little wisps of smoke that little sizzle sound this is great and all we're going for right now ladies and gentlemen is nice color and a sear both sides okay so we're learning here and throw some circle and if we get a little more heat going we're gonna need to add some more wood but we'll do that in a second but I know if I throw a chunk of wood in here right now it's just gonna flame and I don't really want massive flame I'm happy when it's up higher but right here but look we're getting to know each other max correct it's like a first date we're learning what do you like how do you like to cook do you like meat but unlike a first date we kind of went all the way right off the bat so not saying that's a bad thing should we look look what's happening all the right things man I mean apart from my hair where there's a big piece open I could do shrimp on this thing I could do asparagus on this thing and not have them fall through hey [ __ ] anything on this it's quarter-inch thick stainless steel max did you know that oh well I did cuz I asked okay so I'm gonna flip her I said her I think it's a hey what would you call this Oh oh my god this is the moment isn't it this is the moment I've been vision this in my head this you flip it over you see what the fat's doing you've got the charcoal the wood underneath what a heavenly moment I'm having here a little stirring on the bottom we'll check the bottom here see some beautiful color let's turn it up I mean let's roll it up let's roll this bit up shall we Wow now I can put some wood on right there yeah we'll bring them down a bit I think we'll live there for a bit go see something cool we check its temperature oh what's the hundy we're not far to go and with the picanha looking as amazing as it gets off she comes Jesus take two there we go come along sweetheart all right now is the time we have been waiting for we have our picanha we should let her rest but there's gardeners there's flies right now max that I can't do it I have to cut may I cut it you can look at this gorgeous fatty top again Lord look at that kid what a big kid oh snap and now we cut a piece here look all juicy this is it looks perfect doesn't it geez Louise but now you cut a little piece like that in a bite with the fat I mean come on look at this so here we go the test oh my freaking God oh my freaking God a the picanha is unbelievably delicious but the smoke from the wood and the charcoal and the way that I was able to regulate the heat with that beautiful piece of equipment from the boys at welkom who by the way are about to taste this they're sitting right here hold on God let me do this cut some bytes for them they're big boys they don't need me to cut but I will do it you know take this put this on here this is not very fancy lads and all haven't even had the chimichurri yet I'll put some of the chimichurri right here so you can try it by itself I'd say have a bite without the chimichurri and then a bite with and then you tell me what you think nothing it's ridiculous right mm-hmm it's so good it's an amazing cut of meat so look here's the here's the message and with the chimichurri mind-blowing here's the message picanha P I see anha I hope I got that right also known as a rub cap Louis also known as a rump cap it's delicious cook it to about a hundred and thirty ish I think that's where I'd land a baby 128 and 129 I was going for more but I couldn't wait leave a little fat on top do the right thing with that make the chimichurri it's fantastic and if you haven't subscribed to them yet go to well done come on YouTube subscribe hit the notifications button the gardener's are starting this is over they're the best two guys in Florida thanks for hanging out with us we'll see you in another video I never in another video but we will I promise we got to eat this now [Music]
Views: 1,117,445
Rating: 4.8281994 out of 5
Keywords: the best steak recipe, the best steak, the best steak ever, best steak, steak, steak recipes, picanha, best picanha, best picanha ever, best picanha recipe, argentinian grill, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, cooking steak, cooking picanha, cooking argentine steak, argentinian grill cooking, best steak recipe, best steak ever, best steak ever made, how to cook steak, picanha recipe
Id: iOPaL-T3b_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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