Easy One Pan Breakfast Skillet | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Y'know, I JUST made a huge-ass batch of carnitas this weekend...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/devineassistance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm gonna make this when I take the wifey camping this month!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mitchfewell ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yum. Perfect. I am going to make this on Sunday.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jganschster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is this my answer to the post โ€œUltimate Omeletโ€?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SpendingMaple ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
one-pan freakin amazing breakfast skillet need i say more [ __ ] and the one pan is my grandmother's cast-iron pan I've said it before if you don't have a cast-iron pan you should own one it's one of the cheapest pans you can buy we put a link yeah there's there's some look this is old as the hills and it's seasoned beautifully you buy a new cast-iron pan today you have to season it yourself or you can buy one already season the point is they're one of the cheapest pans you can get they'll last forever my grandmother would have been about a hundred and ten now or something so this is an old-ass pan she had this from when she first got married so that's a long time ago and I still use it today here's the point we're making it easy everything goes in the pan including the eggs on top at the end then they go into the oven the whole thing finishes baking it comes out and it is heaven and the potatoes I didn't mention there's potatoes there's potatoes there's vegetables there's a cheesy component and there's a protein component that I will say for when we get there but the potatoes were using are already shredded hash brown could this be any easier critics who's here for you come on who's here for you yeah that's right yeah come on we'll start with some oil in the bottom of the pan and then we add our potatoes already shredded here's what I want to do I want to kind of press them down so I get a crispy layer on the bottom and then I'm just gonna really leave them and in five six minutes when they start to get nice and brown then I'm gonna flip them over and start doing the other side but for now you really don't have anything to do so go check your email and then come back in a few so now it's been a bit let's take a look what's oh that's what we want so now you can come do this pull up pieces of it start to flip it over we're gonna give it a bit on this side for a bit and then start adding some vegetables into this this thing's gonna be so great potatoes are coming along beautifully now it's time to throw some vegetables in I've got red pepper I've got red onion and I've got poblano peppers and I love them it's gorgeous flavor come on I got a plan for how this is gonna go down come on so using our trusty avocado oil we'll just add a little here and then we'll take a look at what's going on underneath Oh more of that this is great so now we can start to must this around today we want a combination of soft and crispy but what I want to do is I want to move these guys over a bit this way and use this new vacant spot as a landing point for my peppers soon we go red red onion and the poblano now these guys expect to do their thing and soften this whole thing is gonna end up in the oven for a solid ten minutes or so to cook the eggs but I want these guys to have the benefit of some softening before they go in and look how gorgeous they are just let them do their thing a bit bee-utiful and of course so just give it a little attention every now and then and of course while you're here you can give these guys a flip around [Music] [Music] you're getting pretty close let's do this let's throw some garlic in there a little oil go right down one more clove and when that starts to get super fragrant in about 30 seconds we'll start to mix that in mmm this is gonna be something great and now the potatoes can start to join in so a little more browning smells amazing Max is already burping he hasn't even eaten anything yeah we're getting close ladies and gentlemen at this point we won't go some salt and pepper mix that in again let it do its thing for a bit so your protein options are many bacon would have been a good call I would have started with the bacon raw in the pan chopped up and use the grease than to add to the the potato cooking Italian sausage would have been good I could have used like American you know cowboy breakfast sausage but but we were out for dinner last night the Mexican restaurant and had carnitas and I think many people have had carnitas just think like Mexican pulled pork essentially it's not saucy whatever like our version is which is not always saucy but and I thought you know what this would be outstanding in this skillet thing so they have this thing called pay cup look at a giant ass thing of carnitas YUM mmm what's going in here and then we're almost there I'm serious leaks so let's take a look underneath oh yes everything I want in life in a single skillet thing and if you're looking at this going do that burnt oh no do this again perfect now become neat thought so I'll just take and will drop and won't drop the knife drop nice big bites are fine for this look it shreds beautifully and I didn't mean to imply that our pulled pork is always saucy it's not but you know what I mean sometimes people serve it with a sauce so just a deal and now let's mix that in [Music] this is looking tremendous okay at this point I've got a couple of things to do I'm gonna take it off the heat and we're gonna go work on it over here and there okay so here's what we're gonna do to this this is a very last minute thought I had but I like the thought and I'm going with it I keep a container if you can read this pork rub sometimes I throw it in pork things sometimes I put on chicken things this time it's actually going on a pork thing so just a little dusting a little fine dust and if you're saying Sam why don't you mix it in well I will once I start to mix in a little bit of this Monterey Jack and cheddar combo cheese mix I want too much but that looks good and now this just give it a little push okay now comes the important part the eggs here's how this happens if I take an egg and crack it it's just gonna run all over hell's half-acre why does hell even have a half-acre well I guess they've got a lot of property down there right so what we want to do is make like a little divot for it and you can use anything I'm gonna use this ladle which is about perfect so come along with me Maxie so go like this just like a little valley just like that and we'll put one here and we'll put one here look if I done them closer together of course I could have gotten more in but that's how many I chose to do and then we crack and the key is don't break it and it lives right in there the next one lives right there the last one right there I think just for fun you dust a little the pork rub on top of each of these just to continue our porky theme and this we pick up carefully and we go into a 400-degree oven there you go 1012 minutes I mean does your oven exactly 400 just here's the deal just watch it because you want the white set and you want the yellow you know a little bit runny it may not be perfect this is an imperfect way to cook an egg but to heat this whole thing up and to melt the cheese and to get the egg mostly where you want it is frickin great great and we're there a boom hey buddy hey buddy let's go and voila there we are it's precious I have only one thing to add max I'd like to add it may I a little cilantro raining down should we come in and have a good inside luck potato melty cheese big gorgeous pieces of carnitas mmm look I hear edges and that look at you see when you turn it over the crispy on the bottom that's what you gorgeous is that that's what you want let's try that little bite it's gonna be hot as [ __ ] isn't it steam what was cold I can't believe it he was in a 400 degree oven put it right in my mouth like an idiot mm-hmm but it's faux gum in the bottom that part but now let's make some eggs some egg some egg so the real joy I mean look at you could put a big spoon underneath go like this put this whole thing on somebody's plate if you wanted or you could just be like King Henry the eighth's and just bust some of this yolk white right there did the steam on that and the melty cheese the yolks all like jammy it's like a it's like a UH by an egg when you have you know in Tokyo that stuff you eat with the thing and the deal and the bowl of noodles food on they haven't turned off ramen sucker ramen you know ramen you have the egg and then you're not getting this snot you don't know it's ramen that's why you said I didn't know I had no idea what you're talking about I said who Don thinking ramen but you weren't even responding at all you weren't even responding though hmm the carnitas leftovers baby that's where it's at throw them in you could do this on a Sunday night with whatever leftover stuff is in your fridge it slowed the whole skillet up get a cast-iron pan fill that up with a bunch of vegetables and whatever the hell is in there and just make something and then you'll be so happy oh you'll be so happy thanks for hanging out and everything that you do I know I it gets old and I don't want it to get old but it means a lot that you subscribe and like comment to tell us what you want to know getting more than a jammy egg this there's a gorgeous jammy egg thing delicious thing perfect [Music]
Views: 1,949,882
Rating: 4.8710504 out of 5
Keywords: breakfast skillet, breakfast, one pan, one pan breakfast, one pan skillet, easy breakfast, easy breakfast skillet, sam the cooking guy, breakfast ideas, ideas for breakfast, easy breakfast ideas, breakfast recipes, breakfast food ideas, breakfast food ideas easy, breakfast recipe, egg breakfast ideas, recipes for breakfast easy, easy recipes, skillet, cooking breakfast, sam the cooking guy breakfast, easy cooking, cooking easy
Id: vM-cXLaP4dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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