The JUICIEST Baked Chicken Recipe You'll EVER Make | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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your six ingredients away from one of the best chickens you will ever make at home if you've ever purchased a rotisserie chicken from a supermarket and you're like me you marvel at how tender the thing is I mean am i right oh yeah you just pull them apart they're delicious they're fantastic what I've tried to recreate them at home they've they've been good they've not been fantastic I told today now I know the secret and I'm prepared to share the secret with you because unlike max I care about you I am here for you see what I did there I'm driving a wedge between the audience and you and their love will naturally just come to me all right poll question are you team max or team Sam aw come on that's not even fair are you team max are you team Sam I'm saying it's not fair because they'll vote for me I'm just saying it's not fair to pit us against one another I don't doubt that I do in jokingly are you team max or are you team Sam kidding so here's what it is it's very simple the look there's a downside to everything everything the only downside to this is it takes a little bit more time not in prep oh no my friends the preps easy in cooking because we're gonna cook it low this is essentially a slow roasted chicken now look I know many of you have come up to me and told me the reverse seared steak has worked beautifully for you you've become king of the steak in your home your street your neighborhood your city wherever your verb your town and so if a lower cooked steak gives perfect results it holds true that a lower cooked chicken should give perfect and that's what we're doing and we start with a whole chicken in a bag from the store just like you would get it so you can see exactly what I have to go through oh no this is not some [ __ ] Rachael Ray moment where this thing's already on a plate and her minions in the back of made it gorgeous taking out any extra little feather that wasn't plucked at the factory that's not we're doing we're here warts and all folks so you can see exactly what you have to do let's get the chicken happening here's how we start chicken comes off take our rack put a couple layers of paper towels here just like this okay now we're gonna open this chicken look this part is is chicken it's raw chicken and you just have to just be okay with it it is what it is you need the prettiest thing in the world but if you're gonna cook a chicken you have to do this and out she will come there you go you got a chicken it was that so bad I don't think so we're gonna dry it off because that's how you want to start but what you might not like is what you have to take out of the inside and so you'll reach in oh boy and you're gonna come up with ready max these pieces which are this is neck we'll put them off to the side reach back in and oh do you know what this is what's it look like say it well if you knew that there was a big artery coming into it will that help you any more or less what's that shape I'll give you a hint this is nuts yes boom boom boom boom that's a little heart but a further discovery inside will turn up liver and I know what that is gizzard or something and why does it come like this exactly because you want them because these pieces well look I'm a fan of chicken livers for like other things but but like the the neck and stuff like that are gonna make an amazing broth or gravy if you want but we're gonna skip that today so I'm just rooting around in here to make sure there's nothing else and there's not look I have a chicken on my hand so once everything's out then we just take the paper towels and we're gonna dry really well all the way around like this under the armpits the leg kits are though these are d armpits here this whole thing on the back and then you take this bundle that you had it sitting on you reach inside and you dry inside the cavity like this just give it a turn you won't like this do you want to see it or you want to turn away okay so I'm just drawing and then this happens it's just bit not to worry about now the only other thing that I like to do is like this piece of fat here I find completely unnecessary so I'm gonna cut this off and if you just look sometimes you see how this is here I don't know what that was you think you got that we'll get rid of that and then you're good okay now we're set now we're ready to do some big important things with this but first I'm gonna throw this out wash my hands and then we'll make the seasoning little Bowl we're gonna put the following in we're gonna go 2 tablespoons of kosher salt Lois by the tablespoon tablespoon and a half of black pepper and then about a tablespoon of garlic powder and we mix and by the way this combination you could just keep around for honestly almost anything it's perfect for everything now back to the chicken using a little avocado oil we're gonna give a light coating all the way around this is going to help our seasoning stick so here we are in the back we get the wings well get under the wings the armpits the thighs the legs are good now we season the back and we're gonna season quite aggressively and you're gonna be very pleased at how great this simple seasoning makes everything and turn it on its side get the side of the legs here lift up the wings don't leave any area untouched by the seasoning here now we're back up here onto the breast the top side we do this even even even trim up this way and when you feel like you've done a nice job then stand them up and put a bunch inside the cavity itself because that will help make a very flavorful difference and now here is where he or whatever a chicken is I guess Ruth they're all girls right think so I think they're all girls and a rooster is a boy so before we give it a very quick trust I want some lemon inside so here's what I do I take these little ends off and then cut this guy in half and then again quarter it and now these pieces just get stuffed right in here in the cavity and you'll be surprised at how much this will perfume and give great flavor to this chicken now now comes the important trusting part you want to take the legs and the wings and keep them in it just cooks better and more evenly okay so here's what I have I've got about two feet of string here see this here's what I like to do so this little thing called the Pope's nose I like to go around that that's just gonna help that little piece come in and stay intact my string back and now this next part I've never done particularly well I was not a Boy Scout I can't do that stuff but the goal is very simple all I want to do is I want to bring the legs together like this okay simple right so if I come under here this is the way I do it I don't think that this is even makes sense to anybody but me but that's all I want right and once I've got that then I'm just going to go here with a double turn cinch it tight or not take my little knife cut it off the only thing left to deal with are the wings if you don't do anything with the wings when it finishes cooking they're gonna be all like this like like someone flying like Superman actually Superman's will be forward Superman's arms are before this way it's all ridiculous this is the moment when I'm playing with the arms and the legs the wings or whatever's going on here that I start to feel bad about this animal that was at one point clucking around a yard having fun with with her friends and then this happened I do feel good that there were no hormones added that she lived a cage-free life and yes we are the top of the food chain so I'm ok with it but but but this is the moment that I think my responsibility is to cook this as good as I can the best way possible and that's what we're teaching you but here let's deal with these wings here's the easy thing to do come back so the easy thing to do is just take these guys and tuck them under like that and then this guy goes like this ok there you go now they're gonna stay like that now look what you've got from the top you've got one beautiful little bundle ok this guy's done it's ready you know from this angle sorry this angle it looks like a prisoner with his hands tied behind its back doesn't it but you can't get too much in that mindset or you'll never eat you know animal protein again that being said here's the good part my oven is on to 300 degrees yes I will admit it's low and this is gonna take well this is about a five pound five and a quarter pound of chicken it's gonna take anywhere from two and a half to three hours when it's about 160 ish degrees in the breast you can pull a kid out and let it rest for you know 20 minutes half hour loosely cover it's gonna be so good but that's why you have a good digital instant-read thermometer there'll be one in our what so let's cold or Holiday Gift Guide in the description look I used to be a expensive thermometer guy and I think this guy's 18 bucks this you can give happily and know you will absolutely be improving somebody's food life and if you don't give a [ __ ] but anybody else give a [ __ ] about you and get one we don't care if you get the one that's on our gift guide just get one right huge difference okay when we come back this kids ready and I'm excited and after cooking and the requisite amount of resting Wow hello sweetheart look at you look how gorgeous I love this and the smell the delicious chicken lemony season two everything can I take it off I'm gonna take it off wait ah ah oh you know what I meant to do I forgot inside okay you got to watch this ready it's hot still but watch oh oh ah my figures ah that's enough that's all I could do that's all I could do that's all I could do okay let's remove the handcuffs that's off the Pope's nose and now here watch this max I'm gonna go right here you see how this moves is joint moves so easily so I'm gonna cut here you good Miki's look this will just this will basically just pull apart if I go here up oh god it's so hot it's so hot let me try this guy look at that you gonna get just passed this ball joint here and look how it separates okay dark meat I mean this is insane the juiciness here how can I eat it hello lemon hello perfect seasoning hello juicy amazing tenderness look right here this is the the leg and the thigh right the fact that you can just do that push it apart and then the meat look at the meat just it falls off and why does it falling off like this because we the lemon is insane because we cooked it low because it's a slow roasted chicken look the most notoriously dry part of a chicken is max the breast yes poor kids always scared to answer but come check out this breast right here here's what I like to do I like to take the breast off hole the breastbone runs down the middle so you try and find it and go just to the side of it and then we're gonna cut down the breastbone in turn and now if I could do this Oh and come across the bottom of it watch the breast comes off in one piece and look at what you've got and the way to serve a breast I think is like this and you cut pieces that are like that and these are juicy crazy freaking tender with tons of out hot moisture it's crazy I don't like white meat I don't like white meat I like dark this for you there you go speak loud enough to the people can hear you wipe your hands on here it's look I could have carved this up all gorgeous in norman rockwell-like and idea if I can do that because because we just had to do this but I'm telling you you won't buy a deli roasted chicken from a supermarket unless it's an emergency again you will not what do you need six ingredients one of them was avocado oil one of them was soul one is pepper one is garlic powder those you already have the only question marks are a chicken and a lemon that's it that's it okay so how do we end this from me to you oops from me to you we're getting close to the holidays I check out the description below for links or merchandise start cooking more if you're not cooking now make food that that you can sorry make food for people you love this is perfect for this time of year I say you make two you have one for dinner tonight and then you have one for the next few days chicken salad tacos egg rolls everything see you thanks for hanging with us [Music]
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Keywords: chicken, chicken recipe, juiciest chicken ever, juiciest chicken recipe, juiciest chicken, baked chicken, baked chicken recipes, juicy chicken recipe, juicy chicken, cooking chicken, how to make chicken, how to make baked chicken, how to make juicy chicken, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy chicken, how to cook chicken, oven baked chicken, chicken in the oven, chicken in the oven recipes, oven baked chicken recipes, juiciest baked chicken
Id: WliOsHc3-Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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