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[Music] let's say you made a most delicious double bacon cheeseburger and then deep fried it how would that turn out so i say to max let's do a deep-fried burger he goes excellent what does that even mean i go we make a burger up to the point where it's all done you could go and then you take it and you dip it in buttermilk and then in panko and then you deep fry it he goes i love it go do you care what kind of burger it is it goes no anything perfect so here we are we show up here today we're getting all set up max goes would you decide to do a go greek burger he goes what i go greek burger lamb it's gonna be amazing with oregano and a little cumin in it and then tzatziki sauce on the bottom and tomato and red onion and feta cheese on top and he goes like this and i know when i get that slow inhale of breath i've not met with his approval now i know what you're thinking wait sam you're the father and he's the child you brought him into this world and yet you're accepting of his i am do they not know what my instagram handle is do not know what his instagram handle is the cooking guy's boss no that's not respectful no it's not he won't change it though whatever but what are you gonna do here's here's the deal we're partners it's give and take right buddy it's a team it's a team give and take here i'm okay with making a last-minute change it's fine we'll do the lamb burger the lamb burger's coming up but in the meantime we're gonna make this so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make some sauce get the burger set and then and then cook everything and right here beside me i've just started cooking some red onions to be caramelized to go on this okay we come down here to the board we go sauce burger we make could be good won't be lamb no no but it'll still be good our sauce looks like this okay it doesn't look like an empty bowl but you gotta start with a bowl right so we're gonna take some barbecue sauce and put it in first like this then to jazz it up a bit spice it up a bit we give it a little sriracha that's gonna be good and then to add the creamy gorgeous texture some japanese mayo like that and we mix and we taste might be the best sauce oh my the heat comes a little after you taste it creaminess is there from the mayo barbecue sauce that's a i should bottle that make that just make it you'll be so happy and yes it was delicious with the japanese mayonnaise and i'm down to just a little baby bottle i need to get more two people now though have it's four fingers two people now have suggested an alternate to qp sam we love that you love the cupe and we love it too but we think this mayo this one is the king you wanna know what i'm talking about i'm talking about dukes people love their dukes so much we're gonna taste test it right now we're gonna be honest right boys yes we will here's how we're going to do this we'll take some of the qp and we'll put it here for the boys and then we'll take some of the dukes it's still 16 ounces apparently there was some controversy associated with duke's branding or something all right all right i can do this okay it's pretty obvious one of the things i love about the qp is the creaminess but we're going to try it so this is for the boys qp first lads ready ready and we taste it's very good right it's great it's very good there's a little more like vinegar i think in it rice vinegar i'm not sure what they use probably japanese that's good okay now the dukes i just do not want to get on by a bunch of like duke fans if i don't love this as much as you guys do ready one two and three well i gotta admit it's way up there on the tang level right it's really nice i don't know if it's gonna try it again from this side i didn't double dip i don't know if i'm uh if i would switch but that initial like vinegar punch or whatever it is all right uh you've just given qp a run for their money i might use this at times change it up a bit oh let's make our burgers we've spent 10 minutes on mayo but that's not a sponsor just so you know oh yeah not a sponsor by the way oh yeah i need to say that let's make our patties all right that's one pound of ground beef that we are going to season with some kosher salt and pepper a little bit more but keep this fairly simple the sauce is going to add a lot but i am going to throw in about a good hole for the news chopper yeah david i'm i'm above the 405 traffic is pretty stacked up down there i think there's an accident at uh caufield and 18th should be clearing in another half an hour so our listeners might want to take the uh 172 over to the cut back down to the 73 bring it back over to gibson and then you know the usual circle around jackson donovan 18th back onto the freeway all right so we're going to add a little of chance and my favorite stirring garlic paste but this look at the color it's the roasted garlic one yum and somebody asked which one we use i'm not pimping this they're not a sponsor they're nothing oh sorry that's probably helpful isn't it this is the one that i find most often at the supermarkets and now we mix and max how are we doing this again you can do with your hands oh i'm doing it with my hands i just wanted to hear you say it go ahead and then i like to sometimes just give sorry one more thing stick your hands shut it's called cooking man what do you mean f man you weren't gonna finger that thing of sauce right there you're so funny so we want uh we want quarter pound patties here so once this is all mixed to max's horror we'll put them on here get this even when you've got it what looks to be it calf a little bit more and we're gonna smash these so i just need two four ounce balls that look sort of roughly like like this perfect okay these are ready the sauce is ready the onions are almost there i say we start cooking yeah all right so it's burger time it's a little oil beautiful patties are seasoned so they just go on and we're smashing and that will look like this like that oh god do you piece of why'd you do that to me there we go beautiful all right now we cook and we wait smells good boy i like the smell of a cooking burger makes me so happy suppose we can get a little color on our buns while we're here so a little slap of oil we'll do this [Music] and then on they go we'll get just a little color on those like that's perfect another second or two i think i'm ready to flip these guys and put some cheese on them so let's do that shall we wait let me check this that's good and we flip we want to scrape underneath so we don't leave stuff on the flat top and that will look like this look some of it started to come up the crust it's not what i wanted [Music] there we go now our cheese will look like this and this and as soon as those are ready we build because then we got something fun to do and i don't need to let the cheese melt all the way because they're getting another heat bath in a second so let's take these guys off and we'll build and we begin with the bottom bun and our new favorite sauce like that now our patties oh thank you chance i almost screwed up my own burger a nice bed of our beautiful onions and now the two patties first one then the second guy like that and then some nice thick cut bacon that we think is going to be an important add to this don't we fellas oh yeah yeah how is this not going to be crazy delicious wow that's amazing tiny more sauce on the top bun and we're perfect and by the way that'd be an amazing burger to eat right now with having nothing else done to it but that's not what's happening here today because we're idiots so let's take this away it's gonna come back and let's get our battering stuff ready and that will consist of buttermilk and panko but i want the buttermilk to have a little more life so i'm going to crack three eggs in here and then beat them let's make this a little bit just a tiny bit richer but maybe help the coating to stick beautiful now we take our whole burger like this perfectly good burger that i want to have a bite in the worst way possible but we're not going to do that are we kids we're going to come down here and let it soak a little bit and then turn it over and let it soak again and just give it a little ride around the side carousel pick it up let it drip a bit and straight into our panko like that and then we coat we coat we coat we coat we turn them upside down and we coat more all the way around side side side side oh my god i don't know about this this was a really good idea last night suddenly it's the worst idea i've ever had let's take it over and try and see if we can deep fry this all right so we take our happy fellow we put him in our basket and we gently gently gently bring them all the way into the 370 degree oil and yes we're probably gonna have to flip them but we can help right now with a little bit of that that just knocked off all the panko most of the panko just left [Music] it's very interesting what's happening here i think i kind of like this so obviously it's cooked it doesn't need to sit in this oil too long other than getting everybody crispy and it's starting to look like that's happening below the surface so now i need to flip this kit over and it's not going to be easy so let them sit for a sec yeah yeah just like that just like that let me see if i can do this put this down there's no good way to do this hold on that's exactly everything i didn't want to happen there we go beautiful okay now we're talking this is ridiculous i'm sorry i even had this idea that's the point you guys are supposed to jump in and go no no it's an excellent idea why are you being so hard on yourself you're such a we're just used to you being such a baby i didn't get any love nothing it's actually i'm kind of now getting intrigued on how this is gonna taste okay we give it one more minute and then we pull it out okay okay okay just trying to cry before then you guys are dicks and i don't mean that in a good way all right one more little flip and we're there let it drip for a second let's get the kid out come on buddy that's very unique looking isn't it very interesting okay let's put him on here let him drip dry for a second and we'll cut him open here we are should we take him off him uh just leave him by himself yeah i feel like crisp it's got a great smell from here i'll tell you that much and then this that's all positive so if you're ready then let's do this and of course it's obvious the only thing to use would be an 8 inch semi-cooking guy serrated offset cooking knife and we cut here yeah i'll tell you what is really startling is the smell of this because it's not just like fried food because there's so much else going on oh that hear that the crispy this is and still see the juice still juicing i need a bite come on now let's just let's just cut the crap and have a bite feels cool my hands too oh that crispy panko it's crazy here's what's really crazy this back part the uncut look at it oh craggy and rocky and all these onions are squeezing out the bottom it's one of the best first bites of a burger i've ever had we need a knife beth can i have a serrated back the boys have to try this you need to hear what they say oh my god all right we cut this guy chansey thank you sam celebrating you being back with us after your surf adventure in nicaragua good to be back do you have suitcases filled with for us yeah you do all right well i'm glad we didn't know about that cause we wouldn't be hungry right now all right boys where you go oh my god it should be illegal it's so good and the sauce is great the sauce is great it's the right amount of heat not in the back right there in my hung holy damn okay i thought this was going to be the dumbest thing ever i had visions of it coating better but i didn't want to use like a pancake kind of batter because i didn't want it to be too thick honestly this came out perfect for me i'm so happy so happy you should make it and if you like this you should subscribe to us you really should think about it we provide quality cooking content constantly three times a week monday wednesday friday what's it cost you goose egg nothing what do we ask for not much you hit the subscribe button notification bell tell your friends like right now go tell your friends because we're out we gotta eat these things oh holy snap that is insane and a man in my position can't be made to look ridiculous [Music] you
Views: 915,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, deep fried cheeseburger, deep fried, sam the cooking guy deep fried, sam the cooking guy deep fried cheeseburger, deep fried double cheeseburger, cheeseburger, sam the cooking guy cheeseburger, deep fried bacon, deep fried bacon double cheeseburger, sam the cooking guy double cheeseburger, cooking cheeseburger, bacon cheeseburger
Id: ffabAW7HcBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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