Spellcasting Archer Beast Master | Baldur's Gate 3 Ranger Build Guide

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is it possible to make the Beast Master Ranger subass any good now normal D and D it is widely regarded as one of the worst subclasses not only just for the ranger but in general in borders gate the it's actually not too bad let's dip into we can do so for this build we are really going to be a caster and ranged character um and the Beast itself isn't really a DPS thing it's more of a more of a meat meat Shield to be honest um but there are things we can do to sort of buff ourselves up so to make this build really work we're going to do level by level as always and a Combat tutorial so we will start with our favorite enemy and this is what you get with the ranger level one and we will go with the Bounty you Proficiency in investigation and creatur you hit with a snaring strike have disadvantage on the saving throws and from this it depends if this is your main character or if it will be just one of your companions Urban tracker I would do if it's your main character if it's going to be one of your side people I would do Beast Tamer for me personally this is how I would do things I would have 16 decks and 16 Constitution de be my main two just to help you with those concentration spells 14 wisdom 10 Charisma eight intelligence and 10 strength this would be how I have this build set up your proficiencies as always take whatever you want and we are going to go level by level now in my opinion with the Beast Master Ranger you really don't want to multiclass I think multiclassing really hinders it um whereas in some of them it can really help it I think with this it's a big dexr if you do try a multiclass so this is going to be a pure Beast Master build so Ranger level two we now have access to some spells and I think the one we should start with is Hunter's Mark it's a bonus action and it will give you extra damage every time you hit and to tie into our starting uh choices I take in snaring strike you attack someon thorny vines that possibly snare your Target and for anyone that doesn't know ins snaring is amazing it basically means you advantage on attack rolls while the creature is stuck and disadvantage on saving throws it's really good and as I said this will be a ranged build so we are going to take the archery so this is a plus two to ranged weapon attacks Ranger level three and this is where the Beast Master begins we are now going to go with hail of thorns so the Thorns deal weapon damage to the Target and then explode the explosion deals an additional 1 to 10 p missing damage to the Target and surrounding creatures and as I said Beast Master and this gives us our Ranger companion gain a beast companion that accompanies you on your adventures and fights alongside you okay Ranger level four now we are going to start buffing our build out and you can probably guess where we're going it is sharp Sho your range weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground rules Now High Ground rules when you attack from above you're get a plus two advantage to attack r when you attack from below you have a minus 2 penalty this removes that penalty so you can shoot from below amazing now if you choose you can toggle it on and off but the whole point of sharp shoe putter is you can take a minus five to hit and deal an additional 10 damage so if you have such a high chance of hitting such as let's say your target is in sned or they are stuck with tentacles whatever you can turn sharpshoot on take a minus five penalty to hitting especially if you have a higher chance and especially if you have advantage and just gain a solid 10 additional damage high risk High reward but you can mix it around and you can really just avoid this Min two two penalty and to be honest the fact that we had the plus two from the archery fighting style this is only really a minus three okay Ranger level five and we get an extra attack this is amazing we also have companion's Bond the bond between you and your animal companion goes stronger your proficiency bonus is added to its arm Armor class and it damage RS so that's now A plus three I believe we are now at level five so we have another spell I would personally take Spiker growth and now it is a concentration spell but if you can put this on the ground and have the enemies do 2 to eight piercing damage just for walking through you can really chip away at enemy's Health the only other option here in my opinion would be pass about trace or dark vision but for me I will take Spike growth okay we are now Ranger level six so we get two more passives so first of all keep R the veil this gives us proficiency on Arcana and allows us to cast protection from Good and Evil your other option would be range a knight if you want to wear heavy armor it's up to you at this point I like keep the veil and I'd rather have medium armor but if you want to be a bit more bulky then go with this and get the heavy armor proficiency and again for your natural Explorer if you choose to you could take a wasteland Wanderer um I think Poison's good Fire's good again Urban tracker you can't really go wrong we're just going to take poison okay Ranger level seven gives us another spell but it also gives us exceptional training your animal companion can Dash disengage and help as a bonus action and the helping as a bonus action is amazing and dashing like a cutting action for a rogue phenomenal this is really where the Beast itself can really become a very versatile companion on the battlefield for your spell here I would go with either long Strider or dark vision can't really go wrong with either but for me long Strider is just a little bit better okay Ranger level eight we have another feat and we have a land stride come an expert and moon through the Wilderness and difficult train no longer slows you down amazing stuff now when it comes to our feet there are two options here I personally would go for the ASI to bump your decks up the other one you could do is alert so you get a plus five to initiative and can't be surprised this would boost you up the initiative order it's really a trade-off do you want near less Asis or do you want a Lott can't really go wrong in my opinion I'm just going to take the ASI for the sake of it and bump our decks up okay Ranger level 9 we now have a level three spell slot and there's a few options here lightning arrow is phenomenal after after the arrow hits smaller bolts snake out from the target towards nearby creatures there's also conjure barrage you Channel your weapon's Essence into destructive widespread volley they're both amazing I'm personally going to take lightning Arrow um I just think this is a little bit better especially if you have water around can really do some big damage Ranger level 10 hiding plane sight camouflage yourself with your environment become invisible and again plus 10 bones to stealth checks as long as you stand still and two more passives at this point I would take Ranger Knight cuz why not might as well get the heavy armor if you choose used to and take another one of these we'll just take Wasteland wander fire okay we're now level 11 and we've hit the 100 threshold for health which is phenomenal 103 in total and beasti your Fury your bon companion has deepened and lock in their inner strength and giving them an extra attack which now means your character itself has two attacks and your Beast has two attacks that is four attacks on your round just from this one character at this point we will take conjure barrage and our final level Ranger level 12 now theoretically you could dip into fighter if you want to but I don't think that's worth it to give up the feet and again same as before you could do alert or boost your ASI I'm going to boost the ASI to 20 okay so that is our build now let's look at some items this is what I will be personally using to begin with we have the diation cloak when you poison a phone heal yourself for 1 D4 hit points now you might be thinking there are other options we have there's the cloak of protection which will give you a plus one to Armor class again that's very helpful we currently have a 21 armor class though so I'm not too worried for medium armor I would take the uant scare M now exotic material add your full Dexter modifier to your armor class and you don't have disadvantage on stealth checks this I think is the best armor for a ranger in my opinion um it also gives you a plus one to initiative rolles so if you did take AER you now A plus six extra evasive shoes plus one to acrobatics and a plus one to arm class the inchorus gloves when you we deals acid damage they also inflict noxious fumes on the targets and if you saw my last build the king of the Dead noxious fumes basically just means anyone within the vicinity of the enemy will also take damage from the fumes given off the strange conduct ring while concentrating on a spell the we's weapons do an additional one to four psychic damage and with this build we will be concentrating on a lot of spells whether it's um Hunter's Mark at early levels or Hunter Mark at high levels to be honest because the extra dive damage is worth it whether it's other spells can't really go wrong with this one I personally like The Crushers ring just for the extra 3 m of movement but you could take another ring that gives you more damage on top of your weapon attacks the strange tendril amulet and this gives you enil's black tentacles and I love this because it just stops enemies in their tracks and I think it's one of the best spells in the game and because it's concentration this will couple with the strange conduit wing and for bow I personally like the dark fire short bow you get haste which is a concentration spell um so again ties into strange conduit ring and is phenomenal the other option you could go with is the Deadshot impr proove critical the number you need to roll critical hit while attacking is reduced by one and Keen attack the W bonus their proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage so Deadshot is really good for coupling with with sharpshooter so again you can't really go wrong both are really good kind of depends on what you want to do I prefer haste a little bit just over but it depends how often you're going to use haste if you are concentrating other spells then the Deadshot is worth it and it does look really cool okay so that is the build set up we are going to go grab a companion because we need to round out our team and then we will see you there okay so before we begin we have to get our Ranger companion so this lasts until short rest so if they die you can short rest and they will come back and each one has its own benefits so for example the black bear can enjoy heavy attacks and draws the enemy's attention with it go goding roar really good for basically being a big tank the ball so a ball that can sweep through the battlefield and knock enemies prone again really good the spider so the spider you can summon this and it will shoot webs and poison enemies with it bite the Raven can fly which is very helpful and can blind enemies and and we have the wolf and this can knock enemies down with its lunging bite so we're going to show off all of these just to see how they do let's go find some fights okay as you can see we are in the fight and we are first in the turn order now we get to start with our lovely wolf but we're going to start with our Ranger now as a bonus action we are going to Hunters Mark the gentleman here we're now concentrating on spell so our ring will kick in actually we have a 95% chance to hit but if I come in here turn Sharpshooter on never mind it was already on more for me we're going to take a shot and you're going to see just how much damage we can do there you go we did 24 with our first hit now in my opinion a big part of this build is using things like these the arrows you can pick up so we will take a shot and there you go see the crit we did and we did so much damage damage can now end our turn and you'll see our big tanky Wolf come in here we'll kill that one and then we'll come over here and they are now septic because that is what the wolf does and now if we check out this septic Constitution reduced by one and disadvantage on Constitution saving throws okay this time we're going to show you what the Raven is like but again just few small options we instead of concentrating on Hunter's Mark we could concentrate on nar's black tentacles thanks to our spell now unfortunately they did Save which is really annoying cuz it does make it hard for them to walk through but we still then have the option of ending our turn and we still have our Raven to go now unfortunately is in sned which isn't ideal imperal you can see just how good these tentacles are that we're concentrating on it really slows the enemies down and the Barbarian is struggling to now get to us you can see our lovely little bird here has Advantage now on its attacks so nice little 13 it also has a bunch of stuff like this so attack a creature's eyes and render it blind so if we would come in here unfortunately missed but if that would have hit we would have rendered them blind the other benefit is it can fly over the tentacles just like that so you can come in here smack things while flying above the tentacles that no one can walk through and with the rest of your team really start picking these people off okay now we have a lovely little spider so as always make sure your Ranger goes first just because why not and get Hunters marked out some form of concentration especially if you're using items that do more damage and like I said a key part of this build really is using these arrows that you have for example the arrows of many targets if we were to do that you'll see we hit everyone around here we could then come back in and because we have an extra attack we can use more of these arrows so we did another arrow of many targets you'll see they're almost dead they're at half health and they're almost dead just from one round this meor spy to come in and ideally hit and then Venom spite them and kill them like such but you can also cocoon so you trap a creature and it'll be stuck you can do web and web is really good for trapping people there's lots of flexibility and adaptability with the spider companion so as you can see I AC is so good they miss three attacks in a row need to stay focused and now we have the bore now the bore is really good cuz it can Rage which is insane and it can do bore charge as well as just a normal Tusk attack so if we were to do a rage there we go we can now do a charge and the charge will knock enemies prone if it hits unfortunately it missed both but that's what would happen we could try again though and and there you go in fact it did so much damage it just killed her out row but B is good at it can just tank be really bulky and just damage deal okay and finally we have the bear now the bear is the lowest in the turn order but that's fine cuz it gives us time to show off some of these more moves for example lightning Arrow so if we were to do that on the gentleman here you can see once again it's just like a normal lightning Arrow but it's the spell version and we do extra damage to the people around okay so let's see how much damage the bear does 13 so it's not a bad little damage dealer to be honest it's pretty good for what it is having almost 100 Health it's phenomenal now Target is too close we have a 95% chance to hit that's how insane this is um let's do it let's get our Arrow of many targets again and we'll Target the one right in front of us and you'll see bulk damage once again even with being so close and Sharpshooter we're still doing a bulkload of damage to the enemy okay so you've seen how much damage the companion can do but they are also able to do this they can res up your down characters now it's unlikely you want them to do this because you can throw potions you can do heals but if you have a companion that's too far away your boar is able to get them back up which I think is a really cool little feature however is an action so you won't get to attack but it is pretty good if you can put your companion on one side your Ranger on the other and sort of flank people then if someone does go down your ball or your bird or whatever is capable of saving your characters and again have Sharpshooter we do not get penalized for having low ground let's get this over with as you can see there we did 24 damage and once again we could come back in here with another arrow I love my arrow of many targets I think that's great for a ranger cuz then you can do damage like that and there is our kill shot and that is how you make the Beast Master actually pretty good in borders gate um I think the Beast itself is phenomenal it's so versatile so helpful the fact you have five different options as well I think the boar and the Wolf are probably my favorites cuz I think they're just insanely good especially having the wolf be able to uh give people um the septic so they get a minus to their constitution and they can fail saving throws and all sorts phenomenal if you have enjoyed please drop the episode a like helps me amazingly if you're new and you're not subscribed be a like to that would also be amazing let me know in the comments below what one was your favorite or what you change about this build or whatever and hopefully see you guys in the next one bye [Music] guys
Channel: NewDengs
Views: 2,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 ranger build, bg3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 ranger class, baldurs gate 3 ranger build guide, bg3 beastmaster companions, bg3 beastmaster, bg3 beastmaster build, bg3 ranger build guide, bg3 ranger subclasses, baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 beastmaster multiclass, bg3 best beastmaster build, bg3 beastmaster ranger, bg3 battlemaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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