Baldur's Gate 3 How to Recruit Minthara after Betraying her and Saving Tieflings | Official Method

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laran Studio has done something great for the players yet again in the patch six released in February 2024 there's a change note that read increase the number of valid method of knocking Meara out to recruit her now what that means is that we can now in fact save Housen sideways Menara and the Goblins lay Siege to the emerald Grove betray Menara during the battle save the T Lings and then recruit minara hello Gamers welcome back this is shin and today I will show you how to achieve all of this build a betrayal and Redemption Arc for yourself and a Meara now without further Ado let's get started we of course again start from the Waypoint of the goblin Camp which is located here on the map as you can see I have already acquired a quest to defeat the Goblin leaders now from The View Point let's head right in bear in mind when you're traveling through the Goblins Camp make sure you nice to them so that you don't initiate any botles and then the entire Camp will turn hostile against you and then you will immediately fail this method now once we are inside our first stop is to save housing just head this way yeah and then I'll hear her voice you're too feeble next to G we're walking up to the stairs cut your brain and just go this way along the wooden bridge those eyes again do you want to become spider food and here is the prison that's heading once we are inside we can can see some Goblin kids torturing a bear the bear is in fact hen so we want to release him yeah hit his head I want to wear more noises as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority I'm going to use my intimidations to order the Goblins release the bear the bear sizes you up wary but not yet attacking once the bear is out we're ready to attack the Goblins now the fight shouldn't be too hard I will skip the fight and the housing will talk to us you aided a bear without knowing if it would Savage you a true friend of nature or perhaps a lunatic I do in fact have a tadle in my hand the urge of killing in my mind so a lunatic is understat will eventually ask us to kill all three Goblin leaders except the quest remove them and nature will cure itself and in this dialogue make sure to ask H to stay poot not to follow you otherwise the goblin Camp will turn that's all it will take to restore the balance here now we have finished what we came to do here let just head out of the prison and we are going back this way turn right and go up the stairs onto this room and this is where m thara is plenty of lashes loads of hunters and a few Paras to carry the pow which is here on the map for the reference now talk to MEA you your scouting party has not returned and half of The Intruders escaped your guards sorry mistress we mocked up until their Sanctuary is found I will take something precious from you every hour that passes a trinket a tongue a limb she is very intimidating so in her dialogue we want to side with with her gave her the location of the Goblins Camp so that we can earn her trust excellent now show it to me good marshalling the Goblins is no simple matter but my War band will be ready to attack by next light you must make your way inside once I am in position on your signal we break them and when they are dead the absolute will reward your faith as will I for the absolute in thara said she will reward us herself of course we will say yes we let you down now from here we can head straight back to the emerald Grove just come this way and this will be the battlefield we can spend some time by set up a few barrels on the battlefield you can get plenty of them from the Goblins camp and this will make the next battle much easier a half a dozen barrels should be enough once we're ready we're heading inside gate can't slow down doesn't seem to trouble you a jot what good would it do for me to be troubled we can't save the just go up the ladder from here and we're coming this way now standing here we will be doing a long rest on the next day you can see the mini map has turned red that means the bottle has begun and we have to defend the Grove here's all my Barrel set up now once we are ready blow the [Music] warh and here Begins the siege of the helm [Music] steep a splinter of ice Works its way into your mind a pretty speech it almost brings a tear to my eye now slit his throat and open that gate the absolute wants all of them dead I mean tho will ask you to open the gate this is when we betray her we will in fact defend the growth and save the te you think you can stand against me and the absolute I'll dissect you now we need to first of all kill the rest of the Goblins leaving me thara the last and from here make sure you click on passive and talk on non letho attacks this is so we can knock her out use melee attack only to deal with the final blow now once that's done check me Thor make sure she has only one Health left and she is knocked out the bottle is finished and housing will come back to the Grove now from here you can proceed with the game normally you can long rest and eventually reach act two that should take you about 5 to 10 hours but for for demonstration purpose I will run through the mountain pass and reach act two you're the reason he has a Grove to return to at all we'll be here when you're ready to travel now fast forward we are now at act two in front of moon R Tower by now I have visited the last night for the first time and defended isobell I also acquired pix's blessing and the blessing of salon now I'm here let's heading to the tower SE everything I was a farer in Darin Valley then the dreams came my brothers had the dreams too same as me just open the gate here absolute calls us all we can see me thara is already here why am I here I will not be slandered General you saw my report eventually cick will ask us for opinion what say you about our Menara it is fitting that one mad dog should judge another and we want to watch for Meara so that she can be kept alive and wio will be draged into the faith was so inadequate take her h no please Mercy please the seat of the absolute now after the curing we're heading straight to the prison General that cannot be killed just head this way but his followers are flesh and blood and go down the stairs we must learn what fuels his power inside of prison follow the blood trail and turn left we can see Meara is being tortured by two Gods let's just close the door and defeat them I expected to be greeted as a hero but the wretches imprisoned me and tried to tear my mind apart I didn't think anyone would come for me once they killed minara will follow us and we have to lead minara outside of the reason lead the way so we can go straight out by passing persp check but there's a much easier way let's just take a look make sure the eyes are not outside and then do a quick save we can either use invisibility on Meara or just to throw a invisibility potion on her you can find a invisibility potion on the de next to jihar in the last 19 once we are invisible we're going straight ahead cross the hallway of the prison you're mistaken surely and go through this door not and here we arrived at the Docks just turn left over here enjoy the view and jump across now we are safely out M thara will talk to us I last left moonrise as a commander in the absolutes Army obeying the voice of a God I thought I had found a home and a purpose now I leave as an exile but you risked your life to rescue me for that I am grateful there is much we must discuss do you have a safe she will ask us for our camp tell her the camp location and she will head over there goodbye for now I will see you soon now I'm here just go back to the camp let me tho will be there waiting for us there she is the things that were done to me they broke my mind we will fix her the best cure is Vengeance for both of us now there you have it this is how you can recruit minara even after you help the tiffins and the jurit in the siege of emerald Grove I hope you find this video useful please leave a like and consider subscribing for more content gaming thanks for watching and see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Nix Xin
Views: 70,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bn2seeMLOaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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