Baldur's Gate 3 - The Spider of Lolth (Deity Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today um I don't know is this a build request or not uh somebody in the comments suggested after I kind of made my couple of builds that seemed to um fall in the lines of those who might be chosen of certain deities within Boulder's Gate uh for example my Draconian Warrior may be a chosen of Bahamut uh my slasher build my Halloween build uh maybe a chosen of bulls and with the dark urge and my most recent built the priest of balance might have been a CH or sorry the um the Mystic theage which isn't my most recent build being at the point may have been a chosen of mistra so somebody suggested that hey I should do builds for all of the deities a chosen Warrior of every deity and I thought you know what that sounds like fun immediately my mind jumped to the trail uh deity Alice straight who is like kind of the I guess trial Redemption God you know a deity who seems to be fighting against the evil drow God who is also their mother to kind of redeem the drought and turn them into a good aligned race that seemed really really interesting to me and immediately had a weapon in mind for I wanted to try but the more I kind of built this character the more I felt like this was actually more of an evil aligned Alliance General leaning more towards Loth and I feel like the character that I've come up with here is really really interesting so for those of you that don't know lolf is the evil patron of the drow uh she is also known as the Spider Queen so her whole thing is about like spiders and living in the underdark and all that good stuff you associate with Trail or bad stuff I suppose uh so I decided to go for a spider themed build with this um using a drought as the main focus character and going for as much kind of spider themed items and um you know abilities as possible so let's get into the build uh we're going to be a ranger for this build mainly and mainly because this is going to get us a big feature that is spider related and you can probably already guess what that is uh but let's get into the abilities so we forget favorite enemy and we're going to be taking Bounty Hunts uh Bounty Hunter because this is going to um work with our um our ensnaring strike feature basically whenever we cast the snaring strike our enemies have disadvantage on their saving throw to resist being restrained this is going to be important later as for our natural Explorer we're going to be taking Beast Tamer you have cultivated a strong bomb of animals so you can cast find familiar without expanding a spell slot once per short rest if you didn't know one of the families you can summon with find familiar is a spider so we already have a little spider companion that can complete various tasks for us a pretty a nice little extra not essential to the build but can come up in these situations and is very much on the theme as for your status is about what you want it to look like it's I think it's the same as my last build via price to balance uh this is kind of a we're using a strength weapon so unfortunately we do have to put points in the strength here but if you wanted to change this up you can uh dexterity is at 12 we're going to be wearing medium armor so this is kind of just about right for it not the highest you could go but definitely satisfactory uh Constitution would like it to be higher but as of course we are split quite thin with our ability scores here and also wisdom to help with the saving throws on our things on our spells like engineering strike and others uh so yeah let's keep going next up we are going to be getting a range of we're going to be Ranger level two and we're going to be getting some interesting things from this first of all we finally get our first range of spills and we're going to be taking and snaring strike absolutely this is important because it enables a lot of strategies with this build uh as for your second perk I plus perk spell I would say definitely take hail the font it is quite a powerful build and we're going to be using uh a decently strong bow on this build so I definitely think this is worth grabbing uh you're also going to get a finding style as I said before we are going to be using a bow in this build so you could go for archery if you like if you feel like you wanted to lean more into the bow aspect of this build and not have like a strength-based weapon you can't just go full decks and go with that but I quite liked having the option to use both here kind of like a true Ranger now as for our subclass you absolutely saw it coming we are going Beastmaster you'd think Gloom stalker would be perfect for a trial build but honestly Beastmaster is going to come with some really cool and thematic stuff and I've never really gotten to build a Beastmaster yet unless you count the V builds solo alternative which I did use in my combat showcase for those characters but honestly I feel like this is more of a interesting and more on-them type of build that really really works uh we're gonna we're gonna go Beastmaster here which is going to allow us to summon a Ranger's companion one of these companion options is a wolf spider which comes with a varying array of really unique abilities to only get better as they level up including being able to uh web apart enemies and snaring them creating difficult terrain uh wrapping them in cocoons infesting them with uh spider eggs causing damage dealing poison damage there's a lot of really cool stuff that the wall spider companion can do so I definitely want to be able to grab it here and I feel like a chosen of of love having a um like kind of divinely granted spider campaign and all that really really works on theme like they gain like a guardian spider but I think that's quite cool uh you get another spell this level Hunters mark is really good you can just use it as your bonus action we're not really going to be concentrating on much else at this point so it's extra free damage uh we're just gonna get a racial bonus of being a journal here we're gonna get fairy fire which you can use once for long rest it's nice if you want to spend your concentration on it I can definitely help out your companions with give by giving you and them uh attack rolls advantage on attack rolls I apologies next up for Ranger level 4 we're going to be covering our first feat now I'm gonna kind of do the same thing I did with my priest to balance build and recommend that you bump anything but strength up by two strength you can bump up by two by getting the potion of everlasting strength in X2 which is when you get most of the equipment for this building it really starts to take off so you definitely want to kind of grab that then uh so at this point you can do whatever you like if you want higher um uh basically a higher chance to launcher and snaring strengths which are important to this build uh you can definitely grab a higher level of Winston if you want more Health go for a higher level of constitution if you want more AC go for a higher level of dexterity it really is your choice uh you can also go for the sharp shooter feet if you're focusing more on the um Bose side of things however I'm not using much equipment in this build that um offsets the um the penalty that you get from Sharpshooter but of course you can change that up if you like I'm going to be mainly focusing on ability score improvements here and I do want that a team wisdom to really ensure we get those engineering strikes off at range of level five we're going to be getting extra attack which is always nice to have we're getting this at the usual level you would get it for a natural progression it's kind of weird to go mostly single class for uh for a character I must admit everyone's gonna be getting companions Bond uh your proficiency bonuses added to the armor class and damage rolls of your companion this means our spider is out even more powerful uh we're also going to be getting access to level 2 Spells at this point take whatever you like it really doesn't matter Spike growth is quite a good spell I can create more difficult terrain for enemies silence is always good if you want to shut down spell casters and it's probably what I'm actually going to be taking here as our racial feature we're also going to be getting Darkness at this level so this can be quite powerful yes we only get it once upon a long rest but even one use of darkness is enough to cause some serious hell at range on level 6 we're going to be getting an extra dosage of favorite enemy and natural Explorer our favorite enemy can pick whatever you like I would personally arrange a night if you decide you wanted to use heavy armor on this build and it's nice to have that little bit of freedom to do so as none of these other options really stand out to me protection from evil and good is a mess spell it best true strike is true strike and dump over and Sanctified stalker gives you sacred flame but it's not really necessary on this build one we've got so much better options for our weapons and armor so it's not really worth just having sacriflame to be able to cast it uh but heavy armor efficiency is always nice to have that freedom if you decide you want to change things up as for your natural Explorer take whatever you like here I slight spoiler alert we are using that bow so you're going to be getting cold and Fire Resistance regardless so points and resistance could be nice so if you want side of hand proficiency go for that I'm going to take the poison resistance because I feel like it's on theme you work with spiders and you're a drow probably going to be quite resistant to poison at this point you've been bitten quite a few times at Ranger level 7 we're going to be um getting enough another subclass feature and this is going to be our exceptional training uh your animal companion can now dash disengage and help as a bonus section basically getting the good stuff that Rogue gets level 2 which I think is actually quite cool uh the Beast Master Class is actually really fun I know I said it sucked like in a very old video but I meant like the DND 5e version the version in this game is awesome uh again take whatever you like here longstrider or enhance sleeper always good healing's always good dark fishing you kind of already have that uh speak of animals if you want to go that route I'm personally in a probably 10 longest rounds just because it's always a nice buff to have that you can just place on yourself and your companion for free next up is Ranger level 8 where we're going to be getting another feat alongside a class feature which means difficult terrain no longer slows us down nice again you could take Sharpshooter at this level you could grab mobile anything you like really I'm just going to take another ability score Improvement and I'm going to bump up my Constitution so we have more HP at range of level 9 we're going to be getting another spell and I believe on to level three Spells at this point now you have a choice here I would take either conjure Brevard or lightning arrow and I think lightning arrow is a really fun spell that you don't really get to use very often in this game because Ranger level 9 is the only thing that has it aside from one crossbow that you get very very late into the game uh so having lightning arrow on this wheel is just a nice bit of extra damage it does a little bit of AOE um on the target you hit with it so you can hit enemies next to it as well just an overall very fun spell to use at Ranger level 10 we're going to be getting another class feature as well as another dosage of favorite enemy natural Explorer uh we get the hide in plane sight feature which means we get to become invisible and getting a plus 10 bonus to stealth checks as long as we stand still weird fact warlocks can get this at level five I think or even level no they get it at level two this is one of the first things you can get as a warlock invocation which I just find is funny uh that we get it at level 10 of Ranger but anyways I digress uh this is an interesting feature I mean if you want to become uh if you want to master the art of standing still so that you become invisible uh you can certainly do that Drax would be proud uh but otherwise this is kind of just a mere feature that I don't think is going to come up very often maybe if you wanted to like metal gear hide in a box kind of style your way through style sections but I doubt that's going to come up uh but as for our favorite enemy you can take whatever you like here I really don't pick any of these matters I'm just gonna grab Santa Fe stalker uh and again I don't think any of these matters again we're going to be having these two resistances anyway so grab Urban tracker at Ranger level 11 we're going to be getting our final subclass feature which is our beastial Fury which means now your companion can use an extra attack yeah extra attack at level 11. don't get me wrong extra attack is good but getting it this late feels a bit rough um and well yeah you I mean yeah it just feels rough uh I'm gonna take conjure Barrage at this level because again it's one of those spells you don't get to use often and it feels really nice to just have the full kit of a ranger and what makes them unique finally at level 12. um I mean you could multi-class at this point if there's some level one feature you want but I mean you'll have to get creative with that I'm personally just going to take the level 12 feet and like I said I'm just gonna go for an ability score Improvement and I think I'm gonna take the uh buff to my dexterity just to get that little bit of extra AC but honestly buff up anything you like take your strength to 20 turkey wisdom to 20 it doesn't really matter the stats can be played around with we're quite I'm deliberately limiting Myself by my equipment here so definitely feel free to change this up if you're using something like a finesse weapon it would definitely make this build stronger and that is the build so I kind of have to answer a big question right off the bat why no multi-classing I always multicast with my builds and that's what makes them unique going just 12 levels of Beast Master Ranger it seems a bit boring well I really really hard to multi-class out of Beastmaster Ranger uh and I feel like while I do think that Beast monster Ranger is extremely strong in this game because your companions get to do so much it also comes with a weakness that all that you basically have to be dedicated to only leveling up Beastmaster uh Ranger in order to get all those features otherwise your companions are going to feel rather underwhelming in comparison to pretty much every other type of build you can make uh so it really doesn't make much sense to get to not go to at least level 11 with them uh maybe a one level a fighter at the start and then go the rest of the way Ranger but it feels really really hard if you want to actually use your animal companion to justify a multi-classic out of it in addition to that if you just go with multi-class multi-classing with a Beastmaster Ranger and you're not getting that power of your companion then it kind of feels like you just wasted your subclass choice uh but obviously this is kind of something you guys can play around with if there's some cool combinations I haven't thought of uh you know definitely comment it below I love looking at these suggestions you guys send me they are so so fun and so creative you guys are awesome uh but let's let you get into the equipment because I think this is where this build gets kind of interesting and kind of makes it a bit different than just this standard Beastmaster Ranger so let's get into it let's get into the helmet first uh we have to dodge this is your helmet here the wheeler has a plus one bonus against seven throws against spells uh while obscure the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this just comes from the fact that Rangers aren't just inherently stealthy and you may want to go into using um you know stealth based abilities throughout your campaign getting that surprise attack with your bow at the very start and this helps with that it's also just a decent helmet you can get at the um during act two so you might as well just grab it when you can other deaths documental since this is an evil character I'm going to assume you might play Dark urge with this and of course the death documental is amazing it's one of the most powerful um cloaks in the game and it's going to give you a ton of unique features and it's not thematic with this build once you kill an enemy you become invisible for two tons and there is no limit on this it's not one special where it's not once for long rest it is awesome definitely grab this play Dark urge and feel like a truly evil character in service of your evil Patron or God whatever you want to call it uh the sharper snack her ass this is just a really nice looking piece of medium armor that you can get quite easily in Act 2 are the actual full dexterity modifier to your armor class so it's a bit like the armor of agility where you can get a lot more out of it and uh creatures have disadvantages on saving Pros while resisting your attacker spells that inflicts restrained kinda Stacks with um our what doesn't really stack it kind of just it kind of exists uh parallel to our existing range of feature uh that being the urban tracker so you might find that this is a bit useless but I just thought it looks so good on this build and this is colored black and white with the Harlequin black and white die and I just feel like it's such a good looking armor feels like it came straight out of the underdog it's awesome so I had to show it off here since it does kind of feel on theme with the whole ensnaring your target thing if you don't want to take that feature early on with Ranger uh this is the abyss beckoners now these clubs are quite interesting uh you get the demon Spirit Aura the wearers summoned creatures and this is all creatures within this Aura around you it's got a radius to it uh have resistance to all damage except psychic meaning that your summoned companion is now as tanky as a wild heart bear Bard uh but it comes with a caveat at the start of the summon creature's turn it must succeed and wisdom saving for it will be driven mad however there's a way to choose this um a bit this is a toggleable feature as you can see here and this could be toggled in combat for free no problem so you can turn the song off as you'd like uh so you can kind of play around with ways to kind of get around the weakness by toggling it on and off at the right points uh however I found that with the wall spider at least in my testing and the combat footage you might see in a minute um I would say that your companion is going to pass this check 80 percent of the time and even if they don't you can just position yourself in a way that the enemy is closer to the is closer to them than you are so that they're always just going to attack the enemy anyway so as long as you play it right there's really no downside to using these you just get a massive amount of tankiness on your companion which is nice to have and like I say it's a toggleable feature so you don't have to worry about them going mad outside of combat as long as you toggle It Off a lastly this is a spider set boots uh you're immune to being in webbed so any of your spider companions webs that they create aren't going to affect your movement as well and cause you any trouble uh your movement speed is not affected by web surfaces so you basically get to also travel at full speed on your spider's web services ah you can change this to the disintegrating nightwalkers if you want but I use those in so many of my builds that I just wanted to Showcase something a little bit different uh our amulet here is the Amulet of branding this is going to allow you to cast something called brand the week uh this is going to make one enemy of your choice vulnerable to bludgeoning slashing all piercing damage your choice for three turns once per month uh this is a bit of a boss beta type thing basically you'd go in on a single enemy with this doing a ton of damage I think piercing is the way to go because you could do blow attacks and your spider companions attacks I believe are piercing as well because these are fangs so you could get a lot of damage out of this it's a again it's Once Upon A Long rest but you can definitely use this as kind of a tough strong boss beta very very cool uh next up is the eversight ring the where I cannot be blinded uh I just kind of threw this on here if you maybe wanted to go for like a strategy base being based around darkness and I feel like this works um with just kind of being a drow I kind of just wanted to show that this ring exists but it's definitely not necessarily change up if you like and this is to kill the sweetheart um whenever you kill a creature the next attack Pro will be a critical hit uh this can only be used once per long rest uh basically it just gives you the ability to once you after you've killed an enemy at any point you can use your reaction you can basically use it as kind of like a reaction but it doesn't take your reaction to make your next roller guaranteed critical hit so you can kind of store a critical hit making this another aspect of like a boss beta build so I thought it was pretty cool um if you're finding this build is to Ability score dependent like all around you can kind of and you find that the abyss mechanisms are a bit more of a liability feel free to swap these out for the gloves of dexterity get a bonus to your attack roll to your attack and damage rolls and also be able to set your dexterity score to 18 allowing you to put those points into other things uh yeah this is just a solid option that you can get next to quite easily if you don't feel like messing around with these but I feel like the best speculars are quite good and on theme uh and like I say I do think their usage cases are mostly positive so definitely definitely want to pick this up uh let's get into the weapons the cruel sting this is what kind of one inspired me to make this a love build a drow elf where wielding this weapon deals an additional wonderful poison damage against restrained targets and also you get the ability in uh ensnaring strands which basically allows you to use a weird version of a snaring strike that actually used that actually creates a spider web for free it was so on theme that I absolutely had to use this weapon uh you get it in Act 2 and it just is such a fun weapon to actually be able to use our next step is the absolute protector if you're playing a bit more of an evil drought build you might want to go if you kind of absolute history in which case if you're aware if you have the absolutist brand all damage received from spells is reduced by one you can use the standard shield bash and you also get the ability to cast fire Shield the cold version once per long rest just an extra little bit of utility that you can get during X2 also attainable during Act 2 you saw it coming for dark fire short but it's a plus two bow glass resistance to resist resistance to Fire and cold damage and you get to cast haste on uh on a member of your party or yourself once prolonged rest so you can cast this on yourself or your companion uh basically getting haste for free is great and the fact that it's in a slot that we're not really going to be using that much unless you do want to go for a more powerful bow uh if you want to go for more of a bow fighter with Sharpshooter I mean this is still going to work really really well so yeah I feel like this works overall uh before we get into the kind of end stuff I am just going to quickly show off the spider companion oh I need to have short rest first so we can have a look at him here they are the RNA acculeta let's have a look at their abilities so you are going to get a venomous bite this does piercing damage as I said and it can poison the target if you don't know what poisoning does in this game let's have a look uh they suffer disadvantage on Attack rules and ability checks very very powerful and again at level 11 you can do this you can do this with an extra attack so you get to do this twice uh you also get your bonus section uh hiding and jumping and disengaging you get you get the help action which is nice you also get the arachnid jump which is whatever I don't think it's that that different than the regular jump they're both done during a bonus section used during a bonus section or for the erectage I'm just going a little bit far further expel a thick flammable webbing that slows enemy creatures within and possibly in Webster and Webster basically means they cannot move attack rolls against them have advantage and while it's attack and their attack rolls have disadvantage it also has disadvantage on dexterity saving froze uh this is basically the same as the restrained effect and it lasts for 10 turns super powerful ability uh next up we have the Cocoon ability trap a creature in your web to cocoon it and now what cocooning does it goes away when they take damage uh trapped in the spider's web it can't move or take actions by the sections or reactions basically they are completely incapacitated until they take damage which is really really good and lastly we have bursting brood launch a clutch of your brood to infest your Target and what this does is uh cooling with the the enemy is crueling with tiny spiders but deal 1d4 piercing damage and one D4 poison damage each turn upon being being hit with a melee attack the infestation spreads to the attacker upon death the infestation is spreads to all nearby creatures removed by fire acid doesn't harm ETA Caps or spiders basically you get to go absolutely crazy and it lasts until a long rest which is insane also while these features cannot trigger extra attack this one can and can be your extra attack so I just thought I'd mention that overall we have 60 HP which doesn't seem great especially at end game levels however with the fact that we're going to be resistant to a lot of this to a lot of damage and the fact that we can also buff this guy up with temporary HP as well if we so choose uh the ditch tankier than you would expect especially when we have quite decent AC that being 21. uh and these are also the kind of stats that it has so it's wisdom is actually pretty high which is why this one in particular is able to um you know save against the maddening effect quite often uh you also get a bunch of different things this is going to deal additional damage to creatures marked by your Hunter's Mark uh like say we get extra attack uh when you start your turn on the web surface you now gain extra movement speed and become resistant to poison damage so when you set your webs you get more powerful like say we have extra attack uh the awesome chemical opportunity attacks and it isn't slowed down by its own web services because that would be dumb if it was yeah overall I really like this build again it's not really anything groundbreaking as far as an interesting multi-class option but I feel like with the equipment that we have we get a lot of interesting interactions and it's just very cool and on theme and that's what I'm here for to make cool thematic builds that you can use in your games and this synthesis is just a straight like non multi-class no about level like 12 levels of Beastmaster Ranger you're just going to be playing a very strong character throughout the whole campaign there's not too much caveats with this one you just get to be strong and I think that's fun um yeah overall I actually really like this build sometimes simple is just better uh and I also think this build also works really well for mythara if you wanted if you had her in your playthrough I feel like this is a pretty decent build to go with for her I bet anyways that is going to do it for me I really hope you guys enjoyed this video uh I think this is going to be somewhat of its own little mini series I definitely think I want to kind of keep going with these you know chosen of the deity built honestly it's such a good idea that I'm kind of mad but I didn't come up with it myself uh I don't know how often these builds are gonna come up but I feel like if I do come up with a build that I think fits a deity I will mention it or I will specifically build around it uh the comments in question that suggested this being like hey you know if you find a weapon that feels like it works well for a deity it could be an interesting challenge to build around it and I feel like cruel sting was that weapon for this build so honestly yeah great suggestion I really really enjoyed making this um but yeah that is going to do it for me uh thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 42,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eZoPbcSJVpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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