SPEED Dating My Fans On Discord

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welcome my beautiful weebs to another questionable video that's right from me who would have thought today i thought it would be great to just speed date speed date my my viewers that's uh that's a terrible terrible thing and i'm very well could be cancelled from this ah the rules are simple each person gets one minute to woo me and if they do a good job in that one minute they get an additional one more minute i guess let's uh let's just drag our first contestant in here hello weebus how are you doing you have 60 seconds starting right now hello um i'm jade and um i'm a weeb well first of all not bad not bad not bad not bad and um i have read jojo's bizarre adventure part seven okay who's your favorite character um diego my rock eating boy diego okay you have read it though so i'll give you another 60 seconds and i've got multiple figurines of what of typical shonen anime but like which typical shonen anime okay don't don't hate me here but um my hero okay and one i've seen enough i'm satisfied hello tell me about yourself you like the anime i like anime mm-hmm is that it i was not prepared for this what is your favorite anime favorite anime i like code geos okay that's okay that's a good that's a good answer what else do you what do you do for fun in your free time what i do for fun uh wait in a vc to be chosen by connor that's pretty lame honestly i'm kind of not into that you know i mean i am a voice actor i've been doing it for three years okay nice nice i can basically make my my voice on high pitch slow pitch all right i'm still practicing on new voices can you do uh come with the frog i could practice on that you didn't come prepared all right give me a high voice give me a high voice well okay then um hi oh wow that is pretty high okay that's pretty good like thank you son you can be senpai no maybe did you just call me senpai maybe senpai i'm getting out of that jiggy oh how's it going dude all right you have 60 seconds starting now to woo me um what are your talents so i'm going to tell you a story it's called the spicy water story all right okay so when my friend does not get sleep it's very okay and when one time he went to school like that and one of our friends decided to take this way he went to school like what he went to school like what tired oh okay tired sorry sorry he got like an hour of sleep okay so he they had a whole big-ass bottle of vodka that they decided to bring into school okay and he's like he's thirsty he thinks it's water so he's like hey can i have a sip of that and they're like yeah sure he chugs the entire bottle of water and he puts it down that's some spicy water that's it that's it that's what a great story is up that was a great story thank you uh i'm gonna be going with another choice rand you have 60 seconds starting now to woo me so i can draw all right i like that i like that what can you draw i can draw you as a bean a bean a bean do you want to be drawn i would like to do that are you able to do it in 45 seconds yes all right go ahead that took me off guard i'm um wow that to me is a bean that is fine that's good all right i'll give you another minute that's funny what makes you want to speed date because you are a funny guy and i like your content keep complimenting me i'm so happy i love your beards and i want to what hi ella can i sing for you sure if it's under 50 seconds go let's go i didn't say stop hello bread you have one minute to woo me go ahead all right um honestly i did not come prepared i'm not gonna lie to you but how are you today i'm doing well all right why are you here looking for love today what what brought you here what brought me here i love your content so much i started watching your content uh just before you moved to japan i'm so happy that you have a podcast now i love listening to it while i study thank you thank you but what i'm hearing here is that you're a simp is that correct yeah i'm sorry as much as i respect it i cannot date a simp your two minutes are up brad thank you so much for being a great contestant all right you're watching you i love you thank you for meeting me hello wolf66 i didn't prepare this i guess i'll just go singing a bit for you [Music] guys oh i don't like that show hello golden drago hello there oh oh wow very nice voice all right you have 60 seconds to woo me very well then according to all known laws of aviation there is no way a bee should be able to fly its rungs are too small to get that little body off the ground the bee of course flies anyway because he's a weeb and his name is connor he's a beautiful bee that's all you have any requests my friend what else can you do let's see uh i can do some beatboxing sure girl you have 20 seconds to beatbox my heart up all right [Music] this sounds like the sloppiest [ __ ] i've ever heard maybe you want some something classic okay sure so let's go with some normal voices let's start off with the classics okay hello it's a me mario let's go whoa connor you're so muscular oh please please let me show you what's really dawning what the [ __ ] what am i listening to you're listening to some audio drama right luigi yeah bro i hate it here so much hey you wanna talk with my girlfriend peach sure go on oh hi there connor hello danny goldstar hello you have one minute to woo me i played the flute why would i kill you unless you played for me right now can you play uh jordan's theme [Music] yes i smacked my pc i was jamming too much can you do the coffin dance song yes i'm very happy with the memes thank you hello beth hi are you over the age of 18 yes i am are you sure about that i am very sure yes what is your age 18. that's a lie beth i don't believe you beth that was tricky bro i was about to say something else i'm just kidding i am 18. i'm not taking the risk chess all right i like the game of chess chess you have 60 seconds to win me beginning now how about i demonstrate a robot voice very bold to attempt a talent that i know in front of me but go ahead resistance is futile you will pick me for another 60 seconds is that a filter no it's not it's actually me no i i actually tap my throat or my neck very lightly and then lower my pitch just as i hit it so it comes out like this whoa that's good yes hey that's actually all right okay wait i usually have funny things to say can you say some memes in that some memes uh get stick bugged lol yeah do it get stick bugged lol can you say uh you came to the wrong neighborhood fool you came to the wrong neighborhood fool can you can you can you say it can you say uh oh you're approaching me oh you're approaching me wait you want me to say it in english or japanese because i can do both wait you know how to say in japanese that's so good can you sing all star in that somebody once told me the world is good hard to deal with what else what's the best thing you can do with that voice well people keep calling me glados whenever i do that you sound like glad the cake is a lie hello you have 60 seconds to woo me go ahead what's your favorite brand of tea i don't drink tea oh i'm not eating oh i'm so sorry hello all right well i missed talking well i missed oh it's me hi it's me hi so what makes you the perfect candidate the perfect candidate i asked you that i asked you that well okay well i mean i mean if i have to say very modest very modest uh i think that i think that i like other people's voices other people's voices no way me too no way me too that's crazy we have so much in common we have so much in common we should just like make out just like make out all right sick sick i'll see you at uh i'll see you at uh danny's no way we set the same place all right thank you so much you've been a great day i'll see you at denny's hello onishin yo hi oh you're very close to the microphone oh [ __ ] sorry uh it's okay it's okay you sound great you have 60 seconds to woo me on each end go ahead how old are you by the way how old do you think i am you are i don't know i'm not a super fan of yours but like yes 26 27 something like that yeah listen okay that's not that old you're gonna come in my server to date i mean what if you're gonna call me old are you serious goodbye just desi hello welcome to the room of death hi yes all right i like yowie my favorite one is don't be cruel i um my favorite stand is death 13. you want to play some mario party sure let's play some mario party i will dress up in shitty cosplays with you if you'd like because why do you sound so depressed i'm sorry you're like yeah i mean like i guess i'm trying to go fast i guess okay keep going um i have 20 tattoos and most of them are video games um i won't steal your hoodie if you really like your hoodie okay i mean this all sounds perfect so far nice and impact neither have i yay okay you get another minute do you have any any talents or anything interesting that you do yeah my talent uh so i can hold in my tears in public before going home and being able to cry it all out how often do you have to exercise that ability uh maybe once or twice a week and by a week i mean maybe once or twice a month because i'm pretty good with life right now oh i like buying merch that i don't need fantastic have you bought any of my merch no but i will if it'll give me a better chance first of all before before your 60 seconds begin why the [ __ ] your name neon light 76 why do people pick the dumbest name what is that okay so this happened when i was in like fifth grade and i wanted to make an account for roblox but all the cool names i could think of were taken except this one and so now this is my gamertag for almost everything i play so you play roblox right i do occasionally with my friends so you're you're under the age of 18 i'm hearing no i am 19. and you still play roblox yeah we do for shits and giggles likely stories be gone child no hello not boomer welcome hello oh i i did not expect that voice when i brought you in okay all right not boomer you have 60 seconds to impress me now wait impress you um [Music] what do you what do you expect i can do impression of me breathing of who breathing me breathing okay can i hear this impression that's it i hate this so much i i mean i can do other stuff i can cook and uh i'm funny i mean you're funny i think can you tell me a joke if you're funny a joke yeah your youtube channel tell me something about yourself oh okay i'm i'm kidding psych hello hannah hey what's good baby oh wow your 60 seconds begin now impress me okay first off let me put down a list here let me all right okay i ripped the list number one i'm awesome okay how do you feel about that that's pretty impressive there we go number two i'm from texas okay that's a point down what that what hey okay okay are you getting angry at me happy no i'm not kidding you're gonna raise your voice i'm trying so hard okay you're from texas i can be the most impressive person in your life without the form of texas listen have you ever seen a man do a handstand no all right allison you have one minute to woo me go ahead all right so i send a lot of work emails and i always include dad jokes in them okay so i'm gonna tell you some really bad jokes if i don't laugh i will immediately remove you oh right what do you call a hen who counts her eggs i don't know what to do i'm math i'm a chicken hello samsung hello you have one minute to work to woo you go ahead let's see here well i'll try to impress you first i guess that's something uh i feel like at some point i'm going to be at the same level as jackie chan not in the way that i'll do my own stunts or be a millionaire or be in a movie or something but that you'll be able to probably a whole bunch of bones in my body oh okay well i was a little off there your 60 seconds begin now why is your profile picture ram and not ram what's up with that uh ram what do you mean it is zero too but in a bunny suit and you know what i think that is the uh holy prophetic that we should all have but anyways uh 60 seconds so i could deliver food i can play guitar barely uh i could do funny voices because i'm funny voice man all right um hit me with your funniest voices um well we have this cowboy action and then we got the uh we kind of made of an angelic kind of nerd kind of voice if you like that kind of thing uh i also have grumpy russian man if that suits your taste then that kind of thing and uh i'm kidding working in these kind of frenchies nobody can accept hello liberty loves hi you have 60 seconds to impress me go ahead oh um a joke okay a joke is bruce lee's favorite drink uh i don't know what is bruce lee's favorite drink water i hate this so much what the i'm sorry hello cutie honey is that your name oh my god hi i was very excited there oh yeah i was just listening to the mods talking [ __ ] about you are they talking [ __ ] about me a little bit yeah okay hold on i'll be right back uh i heard the mother talking [ __ ] about me all right sorry i just had to tell them off all right your 60 seconds uh begin now go impress me hi um as you can see i'm cuny honey nice to meet you okay if we were sweet danny i would totally make you food i would love to talk about jojo because i love watching an anime but sometimes i feel confused and i don't have people to talk about with jojo with why haven't you read the manga uh because i'm poor and broke-ass college student you know pirating exists right yeah but i want to support the artist as an artist myself that's true that is true mama joe welcome hello what makes you a mama everybody calls me mom even when i was a cashier at a pizza place why i had i would be serving drunk college students and they'd just call me mom because i was nice to them oh okay well it's interesting all right you're 60 seconds to woo me begin now go ahead oh [ __ ] i didn't think i'd get this far i just finished drawing kerbet did you send it to me on twitter tweet it at me right now okay we'll send it to you on twitter oh wow is this for me yes that's beautiful that's amazing look at that damn that's a sexy boy all right just for that i'll restart your minute alright 60 seconds begin now hi i'm joe that's good uh what's your favorite tea i don't really have a favorite tea is it because you don't drink tea or you drink or tea i don't drink tea i've tried tea but i can't i'm sorry i'm sorry i know hello razor blade eight hello connor how you doing man uh were the razor blades one through seven taken yes they were sadly i'm not number one but they will have to do how old you razor blade i am 23. are you really why are you breathing so damn loud because i didn't expect you to choose me you sound like this i'm sorry i have a headset on it you're gonna have to breathe down my neck on our date uh no unless you want me to no i don't i don't want you to do that okay i won't then i won't i'm sorry okay hello queen leo yeah hi like that what's your favorite anime favorite anime oh talking mushrooms that's a difficult one um fairy tale [ __ ] taste by all right noodle noodle rato you have 60 god that name is disgusting you have 60 seconds i'm sorry you have 60 seconds with me go i don't have anything interesting about myself to say but i do have interesting marine biology facts because i have my zoology notes right now did you know that even though an octopus is well known for their camouflage they are actually colorblind okay was i supposed to be impressed like how do they know how to blend into their surroundings if they are colorblind themselves i don't know how do you know how to poop i'm sorry hello 23 you have 60 seconds to woo me go ahead waiting room for the past two hours and i am super excited to talk to you um i've been waiting in this cosplay for like four hours and i would like to send you a photo of the cosplay sure uh so feel free to tweet me it oh wow oh wow okay that's pretty good i'll give you that that's pretty great good all right i'm very impressed i'm very impressed the only thing that's missing is the blind context but uh i didn't have it in me to actually put them in because then i'd miss seeing out on your beautiful face all right that's good you're damn that's smooth that's smooth i'm gonna restart the timer on 60 seconds get another 60 seconds tell me about yourself so my name is jam you can also call me josh i am a current student i'm also an engineering major like you used to be currently hating my life uh that's good that's good but uh during quarantine uh what i've been doing pretty much is that i've just been uh bringing up new hobbies i like to beatbox i like to watch anime and what else about me is it i love food i love food i gotta ask what is the one reason that i should pick you the one reason that you should pick me well that's hard because there's so many good things about dj sulfurous welcome hi there boss boss wow do you often date your boss no i don't oh well i just called people [Music] so do you often sing on dates yes we're in a restaurant you start serenading me everyone's looking it's embarrassing what am i supposed to do is what do you mean what are you supposed to do i'm trying this spectacular passport here and you're out here singing japanese in front of me in front of the ranch everyone at the restaurant this is embarrassing yes it makes it all the better and then i slowly whisper hey hey dj sulphurs can you stop i'm trying to enjoy my carbonara here sorry um i'll stop do you like fairy tales i'm told fairy tales is alright i wouldn't say that it's the best thing i've seen though but you like it at least enough i'm sorry goodbye you have 60 seconds to win me go ahead why should i pick you today say who is your favorite jojo character gyro zeppelin gennaro for me is jotaro cause that's what have you read part seven uh i have not read part seven i'm currently on part six of the anime part six of the anime yes there's no part six the anime you think i would allow a mistake like that to go past me are you in class get out what are you in class haley why'd your butthole stink that is my sister get get out no i don't think i will oh my god i just wanted to say thank you for everyone who came in and waited and i'm really sorry i couldn't get to everyone obviously i wasn't going to be able to but i i still appreciate people who waited i know flirted you all hour long but you didn't want me uh which mod is this which one which mod said that all right okay that was discord speed dating that was super chaotic and long but i think it was fun i hope you guys did enjoy this video please let me know down below if i should do this again uh and if we should add some extra touches to it to make it more exciting in future but that was a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do want me to do this again please let me know down below and let me know down below which was your favorite of all the speed dates and uh if i was 2b i felt like i was too mean but also i had to keep it moving and keep it exciting so i'm an [ __ ] all right i will see you beautiful weebs oh if you did enjoy this video don't forget to smash like comment subscribe hit that notification bell and share the videos around and watch all of my videos all the way through because that's what youtube asks for but i'll see you soon my beautiful wigs have a great day bye did you know that i have a new youtube channel connordog where you can watch all of my best streams edited like any video on my youtube channel uploaded once a week so if you like the video that you're watching now there's a good chance that you'll like some of this why am i nervous oh god i want to punch her so bad it never goes this fast everyone can blink i have eyes so if you want to watch these videos right now click the card up top right now or go to the link in the description down below and click the connor dog youtube channel and don't forget to [Music] subscribe [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 708,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discord, Speed Dating, Speed, Dating, Date, Speed Date, CDawg, CDawgVA, Trash Taste, Connor, ConnorDawg, Funny, Funny Dates, Dates
Id: wZH2obLG7Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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