I Paid Fiverr Voice Actors To MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!

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my vast man I thought I'd let you know that now hello and welcome to my most favoritest video hit I don't know how I've been wanting to do this video for a while I just wanted to make sure that people would actually give a back about Jojo before I did it I am excited today we are going to find out host of the final voice actors can muda the best this is basically what I'm gonna do is is I'm gonna hire a bunch of five voice actors to do Buddhas if you don't wanna mood is I'm gonna try and attempt it myself at the end of the video I'm terrible at it by the way before we go about hiring all these voice actors to do the muder I'm gonna give them all the same clip and all the same rules first of all no breaths we cannot pause the muder for any reason this has to be one consistent long ruder as for the qualities that we're looking for in the muder we're gonna be rating them on length as well as the quality of the muder and how clear it is because anyone can shout very loudly with a strong voice and just say a bunch of nonsense I want to see how clear the muda is how aggressive the muda is this is the overall quality of the screen we're gonna be looking at I'm going to be rating it all on a scale of one to ten but hopefully we'll find the best muda on Fiverr let's put the headset on and listen to some voice actors I will be a young female voice actor for you hi welcome to my Fiverr page I can do a cutesy young female voice perfect let's get this guy again I will be your next anime or video game voice actor hey everybody my name is Ben and I'm here for any of your voice acting needs Ben you're in luck boy cuz I need your voice acting needs let's do it what does this person sound like welcome to my Fiverr gig if you really like my voice I do I do like your voice I will record a beautiful Japanese voice-over narration Thank You Lacey mas okay I'm gonna hire her the legendary bloodline is about to boil ice British cool I will record Japanese female voice ever includes anime voice I'm a beauty I can do any style voiceover from anime perfect oh oh that's 30 bucks okay it's fine it's fine we're pen we don't money here right it's gonna be expensive video and I gotta pay Evan to edit this oh I'm a boyfriend I gotta get my boyfriend I haven't hired on my boyfriend in a while well you know when I don't include on my boyfriend in the video you guys are like what the [ __ ] oh no he's the only reason I come to this channel anymore it's cuz he's killing it he doesn't need any more promos I gotta bring him back I would love a good voiceover lines fast let's listen to this guy hi my name is Curtis Kramer also known as Merle Ennis oh you got a nice voice hey there if you're viewing my page then chances are you're probably looking for a voice oh hey I was wondering what you were doing leading order [ __ ] why did you do this why did I do this I kind of want to get him in because I feel like he'd kill it you know what I mean I'll get I'll get him in oh my gosh you're good Nevin as well we're done I guess we'll just see what people come up with I'm really excited to see the results as a huge show Jeff and I'm hoping that some people share my love for Joe Joe and especially mudang and I'm excited to give this a shot as well I'm not very good at muttering but I will see okay welcome back it's been like a week everyone delivered their orders I think this is the first time in the fiverr episode history with 13 mood is to get through Wow so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna listen to each one then we're gonna rank them we're gonna decide who is the best muda on fiverr out of the very select small sample that I chose that's not the point who is the best muda on fiverr and if you're there at home watching this you know feeling a little inspired go to my Twitter don't show me your best mood er feel free to record it on your phone just just show me a video of you doing your best mood er and I'll rate it on Twitter and as always if you do want help support me and support the talented people on Fiverr i've linked to all the voice actors that i've used in today's video down below they are affiliate links so I get a little kickback if you use it without further ado let's listen to and it's been a while anime boyfriend that was nice those four seconds but you know it's not the longest muda but you know it's also it's concise it's clean there's no falter in this muda he eight pecs is at the right time you can tell this is about his limit where he can do this comfortably I'm interested to see if we can get much longer ones with the same level of intensity great job on my boyfriend as always alright next up is Bane 300 Oh hold on a second hold on a second see this is that one day if that's one take I'm very impressed that's just impressive like if we could listen to enemy boyfriends one more time let's just it's pretty clean and this is basically just rinse and repeat four times in seconds Wow next we have VG all 196 hitting us with the what looks like a pretty decent length mood yeah I'm not a fan of the start but this is really clean my insane oh this is just something to me I want to see if we can match this uh-huh it might be legit is wrong listen to their actual mood I know JoJo's yeah I mean like compared to the actual Moodle I'm not a fan of like how he's left the pauses between the muder I think the whole point of amudha is that like it's almost like one word just being spelt in the longest way right it's like it's not muda muda muda it's moot about that being said it's still 12 seconds long which is very impressive I just think the quality of the muda is kind of lacking next up is boba TVA let's listen to this what's the thick why is this twenty two seconds long [Music] that's a guy doing that what go back 22 seconds that's that's ridiculous the quality I really enjoyed it for the first three seconds I felt like there was a good amount of mood and a good amount of energy in there and later on it became more of a struggle obviously that's gonna happen you know cuz you ran out of breath naturally I just kind of wish that maybe he to ended it at like 15 seconds or 14 seconds before he started really running out of breath is you really want to save the last bit of energy you have for that final mood oh right like you don't want to ruin it alright next up we have call me flub I thought I'd let you know that now has asthma and still got a good full second mood oh it wasn't the longest but damn that was a lot of energy in there next up is Keisuke see how I would mood like under my bed sheets if I didn't want my parents to hit me practicing I just kind of wish there was a little more energy you know I'm not a fan of the ascending tone it's bad it's just kind of lackluster it's a lot easier to do it for a lot longer when you're not putting a lot of energy and a lot of breath into it and I kind of have not a big fan of the small build ups there's definitely part of the weakest movie we've heard yet next up is kaya Laura all right this is a nine-second Buddha by the looks of it bad it's just kinda a little too stretched out each muda the gap between them is a little too large for my liking overall though it's not awful it's just I think they've done that for the sake of they can't physically do it faster really starts to feel like it's falling apart around five-second mark this point here where ramps back up listen very carefully it's gonna we're gonna go consistent I'm gonna Ram it back up that really sounded like a strain on the throat like some air is being squeezed out and that's the kind of sad thing right I love my mood is right and I and we need the final mood atypia an apex right we want the final Buddha to be a nice long scream with all the energy we don't it to sound like you're about to lose the fight you know if it sounds like you're you're a band sounds like you're running out of breath no one it's gonna feel you all right I believe this is the Japanese voice actor that we hired oh I already don't like the space in those Peaks all right you know if there was a little bit more energy in the in the mood earth it would be like can God tear like this is like the spacing and the clarity in these movie if it was a little more intense I think it would be a 10 out of 10 for sure but damn in terms of overall quality that might be my favorite one yeah next up we have kung fu' da ki okay okay a short mood up but will it be energetic okay audio quality aside not sure what you're using kind of sounds like you know a toaster but if coach ethanol sounded like that kind of energy I think she'd have had a tan because the difference between this see what I mean like there's a lot more energy going into each mood area but you know like it's only a full second muda but like it's really solid it's a solid four seconds all right this is from molinos yeah [Music] it sounds like how the muda should sound but in slow-mo it's it's six second long but it's not really that good the energies there so it's not the worst one all right toke the survivor this guy's somehow always just managed to impress me let's see if he does it again a little towards the end it becomes a little you know you can't really hear the muda but that feels four seconds perfect Buddha you know you can fully hear each muda and it slowly starts to become like crazy fast and then I think he kind of lose a little bit of the control or at the end I think if he had like nailed the pronunciation right at the end which I'm totally not gonna do by the way please don't expect me to do that damn every time I hire you tote the survivor you impressed me thank you we've two more what's the back is this length hello again Conor maybe you don't remember me but that doesn't matter I remember you ever since you made me ruin my pop filter by slobbering all over it I've been preparing no ringing for the next time that you were to call upon me huh so that I may have my room okay revenge for what you may ask does five out of ten ring a bell to you no one take no editing shenanigans Elise give the other contestants my sincerest condolences okay muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda boda mode Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda anata wa horino weeaboos ox a Ocasio yoga sheet a masseur you know what I was very hyped for the build-up I apologize that I give you a 5 out of 10 I'm gonna give you another five out of ten I'm kidding now it isn't that bad I think now looking back when I was giving out the orders I should probably should have stressed more with the quality of the muda is more important than the light because like this is very impressive it's it's you know 16 no it's 17 seconds long but a muda muda muda muda muda muda muda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode boda boda boda boda boda it's not bad it's just like you could probably have gotten an amazing 70 you know 8 second muda our last entrant yuri I believe Yuri is also Japanese right let me show you all right all of these murders get rid of these if we have just this mood yeah it sounds a lot better I mean you shuttle a lot at the end but sounds better would you cut off the fluff in the middle right like that's too much it's it's solid I really liked the star it sounded like he was gonna be epic as fit and then it kind of like wind sanded so I've given my first listen through so I'm going to go ahead and listen to all of them once more and then we're gonna rank them all from worst to best we're gonna start from 13th place and work our way up to 1st place and there's some of the voice actors very higher than video are gonna watch this I'm sorry if I play some of you low someone has to be placed low it doesn't mean anything as your quality as an actor it just means you can't specifically do a very specific dumb thing with your voice now that that's all disclaimed and whatnot let's get into it 13th place goes to kazoo kazoo he's probably the overall worst one it wasn't terrible it was just a bit weak and there was too much in 12th place how we have Merlin I particularly didn't enjoy the gaps between each muda I thought it was way too long and kind of defeats the whole purpose of a mu de que llora not too bad we should be weak and the spaces between these grid was a little too long for my liking in 10th place we have twin uma VA Budda Budda Budda Budda Budda ah who is the guy that was mad that I gave him 5 I'm sorry we didn't place better you know it was very very long very impressive for that reason I just thought the quality was a little weak I I honestly I think that if you two focused more on getting a very strong muda rather than a really long one I think you would have done really well I can tell that you have to be ability to kill it like Yuri Oh yo yo yo yo you're on I don't know how to pronounce your name impressive length I just thought throughout the middle of the mood it was just too weak just because you got to 16 second doesn't mean that all of those 16 seconds were impressive in eighth place we have VG ah [Music] very good length a little on the weak side though in seventh place we have call me flop a solid four second muda especially considering you have asthma good job I'm sorry for nearly killing you as well in sixth place we have anime boyfriend who's very solid very clean but you know it didn't blow me away in fifth place we have Vayne with the second clip that we listen to really impressive length a little weaker than some of the other entries at the top but overall damn good job in fourth place we have kung-fu jockey it was a very short muda but it was perfect I think you should get a better microphone but overall great job my dude and now we have the top three third place goes to boba TVA you know there wasn't anything incredibly impressive about the quality of the mood it was just damn consistent for 22-month seconds and in a voice that is not his own why why can his voice sound like a ten-year-old girl when he is a man I don't understand how this is possible but he did a 22 second Luda as a female that's just damn impressive I mean deserves third place second place we have Koji really really solid muda I would have loved for it to have been a bit more energetic but perfect gap perfect and unseen and a damn good length really just a clean mudar all round but there is one person who did a better job and his name is totally survivor a man who continues to impress me on the Fiverr series he just nailed that muda coming listen to that one more time I want to listen it one more time just a clean mood I think it's the cleanest muda we got I mean it's hard to say right because this is all just my opinion right you guys could have a completely different list let me know down below who you think should have been first place how even give me your whole rankings I'm interested to see who you think deserve death but personally that's my top three I want to say a huge thank you to all the voice actors who joined in on this you guys are all amazing and I'm glad and I hope no one takes this seriously at all this is just one big joke this is just for fun I had a lot of fun and I hope the voice actors who participated did and I hope that you viewers at home did but I must move down I was only able to move out for four seconds at full strength I hope that was good let me know what you think of my mood and down below and share your mood is with me on Twitter go and add me on Twitter and send me a video and I'll be sharing some of the best ones anyway I hope you enjoyed this video my beautiful weaves I'm gonna go and rest my vocal cords now and drink a ton of tea because that's what we do in Britain anyway I will see you before we've soon if you did enjoy speed it up get share it around like and subscribe all that good stuff go to my patreon whatnot and good bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 875,033
Rating: 4.9682193 out of 5
Keywords: Fiverr, Fiverr Memes, Fiverr Video, Funny Fiverr video, CDawgVa, Cdawg, Fiver, Memes, Voice Actor, Voice Actors, Voice Acting, Fiverr Voice Actors, Paid voice actor, hired a voice actor, funny fiverr voice actors, voice over, JoJo, JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo's, JoJo Voice Actor, JoJo Bizarre Adventure Voice Acting, MUDA, MUDA MUDA MUDA, Dio Muda, Giorno Muda, 7 Page Muda
Id: tskrp_u6_lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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