Inside Tokyo's Most Expensive Hotel Room | $12,000/Night

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oh my God this is crazy Tokyo is home to amongst the finest hotels in the world and recently I was incredibly lucky to be invited to review a five-star hotel room in one of the city's tallest skyscrapers now I was able to bring a guest with me and reluctantly I chose to bring Connor AKA but on one condition that he was able to eat 100 bowls of noodles I mean I wasn't gonna just do something nice for him was I spoiler alert unfortunately he was able to do it though if you're wondering who ate the most bowls out of Connor and I be sure to go and check the video but having won the bet we're off to Tokyo with the Victorious yet somewhat bloated Conor to stay overnight in a hotel room which might just have the best view of the entire city [Music] how you feeling then Connor are you feeling how's your stomach I think I'm gonna paint the walls oh no that's not cute so wait you paid six thousand dollars this hotel come on I wouldn't spend sixty dollars on a hotel room for you I got an email basically sort of saying do you want to come review one of our Penthouse Suites for a video and I was like yes I think it's the highest hotel room in the entire city so you're gonna go to bed higher than anyone higher than 36 million people today how do you feel about that like rightfully so after tortured me multiple times on this wacky weekend I I've been nice to you and this is the first time the Christmas tree no first time and it wasn't no money it's someone else's money but it's the thought that counts right yeah it's good 258 meters above Tokyo tallest skyscraper in the city let's do it and here it is the building coming up with the sort of spiky roof Hills [Music] Christian made me wait for like 20 minutes while he's been getting a tour of the room and he told me to stay outside because he wants a genuine reaction so uh I guess let's go in and see the room I mean how good can it be he's been there for so long let me in Chris come on what do you want me already you've been in there let me have the tour finished like 10 minutes ago I've just been oh my God oh my God this room right I've been saying it's six thousand dollars the entire time apparently it's 12 000 and I can see why now I've been inside it what I think all right ready 12 000. what time for the five star experience you've been on about you is insane what holy it's kind of a shame that it's not like a clear day but this is amazing what the [ __ ] oh my God the Tokyo Tower we're bigger than the Tokyo Tower oh my God look at that and you've got your own telescope I know it's just so high up you can see the clouds you've got to take the cap off Grace I might explain it all right we higher than the Tokyo Tower what all right check this photo out this photo was just lingering on the table this is like the the magazine for the hotel you see this angle this photo it was taken in this room yeah it must have been there right go over there go over there okay that's pretty good you should recreate it Chris elegance elegance class a subtlety modesty all things criticism oh my God this is crazy this is just like a third of it so it's 210 square meters it's about 240 something meters up that's like nearly triple my apartment it's triple your yeah that's quite Big 12 000 a night and uh yeah it's it's it's it's mind-blowing and this table is so cool so it's one of those like single pieces of wood tables the ones that are like handcrafted by like experts it is you'll see videos about these like the best tables in Japan crafted by the guy who cares the most about wood or something I don't know I'm not qualified to speak on the topic if you want to intimidate someone this is where you invite them for a meeting yeah like sit down on the wooden table look at this chair it's so good you've got the job you've impressed me you've Charmed me from here I can see like Connor and then just like take you out Tower it's pretty Epic macro I love it I love my macaron that's so good aren't they is there anything more privilege than doing a room to a holding a glass of wine eating in there with a macaron don't touch the buttons I want to first toilet is over here with the mini bar mini bar number one where there's multiple minibus multiple mini bars and because it's a sweet all the alcohol is complimentary oh look at that coffee machine what is that complimentary that did cost twelve thousand dollars when you pay for it you can drink water you could drink all of this for free they have the Kenobi gin as well your favorite gym they actually do this is actually some of the best gym that you can get in Japan can I be yeah it's actually amazing in Japan sorry I love my coffee like look at this thing what is this oh that's so cool it wasn't the room that in Preston it was the coffee I've never seen a machine like this before oh it's got a milk frother in it oh my goodness that's cool are you telling me that's not cool look at this it's very cool that's amazing very cool so we enter the what's the sitting room and what what where does the living room begin and the Cozy snug ends yeah I like the floor how it kind of makes it all feel like a connected space it's like a big carpet yeah yeah it is a big carpet it's like yeah yeah see this is what I've been waiting for Chris right you've been you've been making me suffer for so long and finally I get something worth my time worth your time other than having to shove 100 piles of noodles in my mouth it was worth it I'd say this is great let's carry on around yeah where's the bedroom there's actually a few more rooms we have to go through first look at the sculpture it's even bigger than this oh this is so trippy I thought this was part of the mirror for a second it is really it's like a hidden entrance oh it's like Choose Your Own Adventure do you want to go left or do you want to go right I want to go right so this is the bathroom area the bathroom area this is so big where is this another toilet because of course Emma's of course in case you know you need to sell your stocks when you're on the toilet to pick up the phone dump the stuff sell it I'm in the middle of moving but sell it this is insane and I've never wanted to go on the toilet and watch myself before but now now I can dream has become reality this is what other people do watch themselves let's look at the bar itself no this is like a my God it's like a Jacuzzi that's so deep we could both fit in that corner yeah usually we could oh my God that's a nice bath I love the multi-level bath so you know you decide that's a little too hot I only have a little bit of my body out of the back oh my God don't do that no [ __ ] off what is this that's the so right why are you waiting in the corridor there's a second entrance to the room we've got a sort of a big l-shape talk it's just wow entrance number two we want the kind of different entrance or run away chasing you through the Hotel this is so extra at a place to put on your shoes obviously as well a place to put on here this is bigger than most upper hotel rooms like most hotels in Japan and the size of the sort of entrance hall yeah or the place where you put your shoes on is bigger than most hotel rooms in Japan hey look at that she's she's so ridiculous it's insane they're my bad the bedroom oh my god wow wow two king-sized beds I mean yeah what's not to like right wow it's just crazy so they don't call this the presidential suite they call it the sky Suite because it is one of the highest hotel rooms in all of Tokyo isn't that crazy 36 million people and only one seat of VA in his massively tall very high hotel room looking down on the people like he does in most of his videos but now he's actually really looking down it's just not a metaphor the room also comes with an iMac if you want to do some work I don't know how to use it to be fair I've got to edit a video tonight so I could just sit here and just like bash out a video I think this is the strangest door handle I've ever seen look at that what is that what's it supposed to be I don't know some must be some like artistic vision of handles and reimagining them and another mini fridge that's the mini bar number two wow uh yeah this room is this is crazy foreign rolls in we grab a few cocktails at the rooftop bar and admire the jaw-dropping Tokyo nighttime view meanwhile our in-room dining is being prepared on our huge banquet table with a feast fit for a king or Connor so guys we've got room service naturally and we've got a very unique kind of beef here uh what is it Connor it's not snow aged beef from Niger town which means that the beef was uh in a fridge that would have been frozen by snow and supposedly it gives it some kind of additional flavor and I gotta say the flavors are good that's juicy as hell it's really good oh my God there's a reason why it would cost a mortgage but it is good it is really good am I the best friend ever or what what do I get next year on my wacky weekend because I don't know I don't have any expectations that I'm gonna be able to top this because I'm not going to there's no way this is definitely going to be a a memory eye treasure forever anytime anyone ever tried to tell me about a good hotel room State and I'll be like great you've stayed in the kennel I've stayed in a room for Kings didn't have snow-aged beef didn't I didn't I'm like where's your snow you're trying to telescope and Telescope aimed at the Tokyo tunnel why don't we just review luxury hotels what do you think is this fun to watch two like [ __ ] just having a nice time this is just a beautiful time all right with my lobster bisque [Music] swirling my wife it's just hard looking out over his his domain I mean it's hard not to appreciate I just want to sit here all night they should have brought like a camping chair should be like camp this is insane this is probably one of if not the best video ever had of Tokyo something about being able to enjoy this view I don't know it's quite an experience really I'm really grateful where do I rank on the friend scale you've definitely gone up a few points now I think definitely made up for the needles made up for the bad Hotel you'd like you were rapidly losing points but this is putting you right back up in the top spot well done [Music] bedroom 12 000 bed feel like you've probably wondered that so have I that's why I've come here to find out today oh oh okay yeah okay I can get behind this still better than sober [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] everyone and welcome back to what might be the greatest hotel room in all of Tokyo room so big you can actually go for a morning Jog and get in your 10 000 steps I apologize for my eccentric morning hair this terrible hairstyle is how you know you've had a good night's sleep and I tell you what I don't know what's in those pillows unicorn feathers but that was the best night's sleep I've had in a very long time and those pillows were the reason for that so damn soft I don't know where Connor is he uh he woke up in that bed and now he's gone um although to be fair if you want to find Connor I know where to look I know where he might be usually in wherever it is lost in the hotel room he's usually in the bath such a big and luxurious bath I feel like I have a crime Empire I believe that's bad that's it a criminal mastermind and a bubble bath it's really nice actually [Music] my favorite thing about staying at a good takeaway hotel is they have American style breakfast it's not really American um there's not as much meat as you probably have in America there's too much vegetables I was gonna say there's an awful lot of vegetables for American breakfast I thought I thought oh it's gonna be like a British one right well you just have meat and cholesterol and fat but it's awfully healthy but that only means it's quite expensive in Japan because vegetables and uh specifically fruit are really uh expensive in Japan because they have to massage every watermelon by hand so sad the whole thing's now over yeah I'm gonna stay in that bed again and never leave it well it costs you twelve thousand dollars no well the sky Suite costs an eye watering twelve thousand dollars a night fortunately most rooms in the andaz hotel are far more affordable at least for a five-star hotel with a regular 50 meter Square king-sized room complete with the incredible views the huge bath and the Glorious bed starting at around 350 a night but back to the sky suite and with breakfast out of the way and our impending check out almost Upon Us relaxation soon turns to Terror as Conor realizes we haven't consumed all of the room's complementary drinks what's going on here I have an espresso machine and I'm you thieving you're you're stealing the goods what do you mean we paid for it I have an espresso machine at home and I why not this is big brain don't judge me don't listen I'm gonna judge you why I could take the desperation around sacking the room and sticking it in his backpack it's like it's like ten dollars worth of Nespresso pause let me have this what about the alcohol I'll take that as well rule number one the hotel gives you free stuff keep it he likes his wine yeah oh Gray Goose that's expensive we'll take that we'll take that as well you know I'll take this too actually you know let's just take the fridge just pick up the fridge and take it's just big bro I've learned the ways of Connor I'm taking the free complimentary alcohol so I just went in the shower right I'm gonna do some shampoo and wash my hair it's gone Connor's taking it all I was like where's the shampoo gone there was a big like pile of shampoo body wash luxurious it's gone yeah I took it brilliant profit I should have brought Joey you probably well that's someone nice but uh what's the highlight of the ribbon you'll be the view the view the view is insane the fact that you can have such a clear view of Tokyo you can see the Tokyo Tower like it's a kind of toy it's so small and pathetic compared to your view right there's a great shot a great shot of you like dancing and you're like above the tower I think the view is probably the highlight and the bed and the snow matured the snow aged beef yeah aged into your favorite thing on earth snow it just sounds so bizarre I've never heard of this until I came here I've never heard of it I put the beef in a shed covered in ice and snow matured and knee gutter I want to go and see this this like Cellar that's Christmas next video is it real the final frontier snow HP but thank you to andaz guys let's stay here letting us review the room the bar's pretty high for next year right I'm sure we could yeah we can top it we can't wait for your next luxury hotel review this is the first and last time you get to do anything good in wacky weekend why this is great no why this is it I was a fantastic next time it's going to be the most unpleasant boat the worst plane in Japan crashing into a volcano but for now guys bye for now bye where's the shampoo where's the shampoo you should have asked for it an action [Music] wonderful amazing I hate filming with Chris which makes me act like a [ __ ] that's something that's just that's you that's not me in general whoa cheers cheers oh it smashes the eight thousand dollar camera
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 2,410,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japanese hotel, tokyo hotel, luxury japan, abroad in japan, cdawgva, trash taste, wankosoba, andaz tokyo
Id: DCRlejdOadU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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