I Tried Dating In Japan With ZERO Japanese

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I meet a girl named Shep like literally the second thing she told me on all day I think you should shave beard it doesn't look good I was like oh okay okay dating in Japan not a topic I thought I'd discuss on the channel but I just felt like a lot of videos out there not really Tom the truth I don't ever talk about dating much on my channel I kind of keep to myself I'm pretty personal and also I just kind of don't do much I play video games go to the gym watch TV like most people but I really love going out and meeting new people I've lived in Japan for about six months the first month I lived here I didn't have internet and my PC wasn't here so I pretty much had nothing to do I get really lonely if I don't hang out with people for like two days yeah so I've gone on a fair amount of dates I'd say in Japan and I've watched a lot of YouTube videos about dating in Japan before I came here and after I came here how do I begin discussing this topic and maybe some stories first right is that it's that best I think I was very fortunate the first person I met was really nice what should we call her popular baby names okay so the first date I went on was like a week or two after I just moved to Japan I had nothing in my house and I just wanted him not be in my empty apartment cuz that's really depressing so I met up with a Mia her English was perfect pretty much she's rude forward really funny I was just kind of like taken aback by that cuz girls at least in the UK are not nearly as forward as this straight up out the gate no around hey I want a long-term relationship I'm very serious and I was like huh just got off the plane like a week ago so she's very nice about it we still chat every now and then we had coffee a few times she's really chill I think a me a few if you're watching this you might know you all I don't know probably no please don't watch this okay so a few weeks pass by and then I meet a girl named Cho we met I thought wow this is a good date a lot of fun it went well Oh Cho was no Japanese Cho was Chinese by the way mainland China could speak fluent English and Japanese perfect we continued dating for like a week or two your school already great oh I want to say exactly what it was because I'm not looking for my channel to be deleted here but she had not so nice things to say about some people from other places I just found it really funny that Cho couldn't tell the difference between Terry Crews and Captain halt I was like how how is that yeah and that's kind of a thing that comes up a lot maybe I don't want to get into like that kind of stuff because it's really nasty but definitely experience here people are a lot more open to say things about people from other places then I was prepared for I just think generalizing people in general not a good thing not a good thing I don't approve of that an amount of time passes after I stopped seeing show and I mean a new girl called let's say Masako Masako was a maid in a key hopper I didn't know that it's like on the date with her I guess that's like a weeaboo dream right to go on a date with a girl from Akihabara wasn't me it was not as I would imagine it to have been Misaki was really nice I can say that about everyone I think most people on dates tend to be nice Misaki couldn't speak much English kind of hard to communicate but it was kind of also endearing because you were both trying to simply you talk to each other but then he got really annoying after a while when I just wanted to say things that were like a bit more complex other than hi how are you doing today I don't think I could be with someone long-term if I couldn't speak their language or they couldn't speak mine like fluently I think that having that kind of communication where nothing is lost in translation is really important anyway yeah that was a really awful day it was really nice talking with her and then I remember I went to go and pay for the bill because I thought you know first day I'll normally offer to pay for the bill and then she stopped me I thought oh how nice of her she wants to pay half that's pretty polite I really appreciate that and she says well [ __ ] you not she says this she says oh no we pay half because we're friends and I thought oh that's the most brutal way to say this is not a good date in my head I thought okay she's she's making it clear like no you're nothing more than a friend to me I thought all right okay Connor all right we're out we tried our best right so I'm go taking her to the station you know I'm saying bye like you know I'm gonna give her a you know like this half-assed hugs when you pat them on the back like I don't like giving those hugs by you know give her a light hug and she goes in for a kiss and then like awkwardly because I went in for a hug you know I'm like this she like kisses me in the neck and it was really really awkward because I might are needless to say I thought that was the end of that that was so horribly awkward there nothing else would come of this but no she seemed really happy about it wanted to hang out with me again and I just thought what the [ __ ] happening I completely bombed I made you kiss my neck in the middle of Shibuya I've kind of stopped dating now anyway cuz I'm honestly it's it's a headache those are the only noteworthy stories I have and the main reason I wanted to make this video is because I saw a few videos mainly this one from knowbut area from japan where he interviews people and those girls lie I feel like they don't really say anything and even when they do they're saying very obvious stuff and they're not actually helping you at all so let's watch a no beat this video let's break it down and hopefully I can have some opinions on what's true okay okay okay okay here's the problem with a lot of these videos right straight away with this video it's what borĂ¥s japanese girls about dating Western guys now let me just fix this title and change it to white guys because it's not why some guys it's just white dude that's what they meaning yeah I honestly I've never had religion come up in a conversation that's a fair worry honestly know half the time I can't sarcasm not a thing apparently I'm very sarcastic it doesn't go well I think nine out of ten times I would make a really sarcastic joke I just had to be like yeah it was a joke I really wasn't that funny uh yeah oh god whatever I'll see you later this came up actually a few times girls wouldn't ask me if I had chest had no idea why I think girls don't like it in Japan I do have chest at my yeah this is the thing I was told a lot a lot of the time and I think it'll come up later again in this video there's a lot of girls who like just want like aggressive dudes like dudes who don't mind making a move it's also a little bit annoying because some girls do expect you just because like you're white or you're from a foreign country that you're gonna be more aggressive romantically right it's not true I'm a bit of a [ __ ] the whole cultural differences thing I think there are definitely those aspects that come into play in a lot of times in your dating someone but a lot of the time I felt like it was just used as like a really shitty excuse to justify shitty behavior I remember I was saying that was hanging out with a friend he was a girl just someone who I was seeing and they thought that that meant that I was dating that person and I had to have this whole conversation where I explained to them that I have friends who are girls and they just didn't understand that and I thought this isn't a cultural difference this is you being jealous have some confidence in yourself you want to preface I'm sure these girls are lovely I think it's really important as well to keep in mind with these videos the people being interviewed know they're being interviewed obviously and they're probably gonna say nicer things than they normally would or that they actually think total difference is sleeping without taking off his shoes are you sure you're not dating a homeless man like you see what I mean like a lot of the Japanese I I feel bad right because they're just like not exposed to a lot of cultures the way we are in like America and Europe you know we're surrounded by different cultures we get to really take it all in and we realized that people aren't being different from us that everyone thinks the same it just matter like who where you're raised thinking that people sleep with their shoes on what is that who where did you learn that this would also come for a few times girls would just fully admit that they know interest in Japanese men we should find odd because I don't think I ever met someone in like the UK who was like oh I don't date other people from the UK I just don't I guess because I'm a foreigner I get to hear this side of the opinion more so than normal so to me it seems like a lot but in reality it could be a lot less I've done of good either she's never spoken to anyone who's not Japanese or she had the unfortunate nature of having a date with someone who's shat in her bed or something I don't know Jesus Christ maybe he doesn't know how to use the bathroom in Japan what do you mean I just I true fair in the airport there are signs that say please don't stand on the toilet and [ __ ] are you watching him take a [ __ ] how do how do you find out I'm more confused that like how do you find out that he's not [ __ ] properly did you just go in the toilet after him and it's like Armageddon in there like with a little there are a lot of really weird table manners in Japanese that take a lot of time to get used to like I used to just like if there was a plate in the middle I would just grab a bit and eat it but I was told don't do that grab a bit put it on the plate and then eat from the plate don't grab directly from the plate that everyone else is grabbing from and then also I was told that you should snap your chopsticks in like a horizontal way like this not like this as it's more polite as you won't hit anyone to your side just those little things that like okay that's fair enough but these aren't things you can't learn in like 10 minutes you know what I mean like these aren't deal breaking things in my mind they don't find me attractive I think you're attractive yeah if your foreign be prepared to just get a lot of people who only want to use you to speak English with I kind of can't blame them because there's not a lot of foreign English speakers in this country and the moment they find one and they're really interested in learning English they're gonna try and get that value out of you and this is another video they they came out like last year first off dating apps are used here but they're not as popular and generally I wouldn't recommend using those anyway because dating with dating apps kind of suck I mean I use tinder I had no trouble with it I thought it was completely fine do you want to meet people meet up.com is your number one way hmm I mean if you want to make friends yeah but if you definitely want to make sure that it's a date tinder is fine what I like about dating apps is that when you go to meet that person it's not ambiguous what's going on right it's like you meet someone on tinder or Grindr you expect that to be a date then if Grindr probably more and before you're a couple you generally don't have things going on Mike and holding or kissing if you do it before then you might come across as confident if you're a foreigner however there's still a chance that somebody will be slightly uncomfortable or not expect that to happen this is hard because I've seen a lot of videos where people say different things and in my personal experience people constantly say different things one girl would tell me oh in Japan you don't do anything unless you're in a relationship you don't hold hands you don't kiss you'll do any of that unless you're in a relationship and that happens pretty soon on the first goal was pretty adamant about it happening on the first or the second day which I thought was crazy because I don't want to decide if I want to be with you after two days that's like what I can't even decide what meal I want to eat within like two hours but then another girl would explain to me that in Japan you could just have sex on the first date that's totally normal and acceptable and I was like what both of these girls are Japanese and they're saying something completely different which makes sense because people on this set mold they're not the stereotype and not everyone is the same in Japan I think asking what the person wants before you keep dating is probably a good idea and then you can actually figure out if you should continue because if you don't want what they want good you can just move on generally keep in mind that some of the things about you being a foreigner are the things that they might find most that's totally true sometimes they like it when you just don't give a [ __ ] also there are a lot of women out here I can't comment on men who I could definitely tell we're only into me to kind of just parade that they had a foreign boyfriend a lot of the time I felt like they weren't interested in me they were more interested in how they could like label me and explain me to their friends you know number 5 how parents feel don't worry about you're not gonna get that far why are you worrying about crossing the bridge before you even seen it right like don't worry about this [ __ ] you'll figure it out if you like reading go hang out at manga cafe and maybe maybe somebody don't do not attempt to talk to someone in the manga cafe I couldn't imagine a more anti-japanese thing girls especially don't like being like hit on when they trying to do [ __ ] right like why would you do it in a cafe come on also there's this video by Utah I love you to channel I love that man usually that video do Japanese girls like beards on white-ish Maxim I love that title girl 3 the akiha bromide like literally the second thing she told me on all day was dead dead in the eye right and I'm not kidding she's a by the way I think you should shave beard it doesn't look good and I was like oh wow okay okay okay I didn't say that to myself I will literally thought holy she just said that to me I was like man if only you were so lucky I'd care and then she laughed and I was like okay I guess that kind of worked but then she said it again like 20 minutes later and then 20 minutes after that she expressed uh-oh if you want to see me again shave beard and I was like damn this woman hates the beard that's actually a thing that I came across somewhat often some girls just do not like facial hair in Japan at all they think it is like dirty and it's not clean again cultural differences right if you have like longer beard than this I feel like you'll struggle a lot I still manage to do well but I can only imagine how much more difficult it would be if I had like a full-on beard but also some of the replies I got to my comment here on YouTube video where we're shocking so I expressed you know that yeah someone did tell me to shave my beard and if you have a beard in Japan this might be something that will be told to you if you're David just keep that in mind damn even the absolute Chad Connor is getting richer I don't know if I were Chad I don't think have a Chad my first boss in Japan told me I had to shave my beard for the job after she saw me without one she apologized said it would be better if I grew it back whoa with one girl whoa thanks I got laid with more than four Japanese girls just because of my full beard but most men don't have nice beard Connor as an Asian girl I find your facial hair clean and well-kept gum buddy thank you sir well this is dismissed turn into a cesspit huh nonsense I have dated 800 Asian girls and only one of them asked me to shave it off I did and then she really didn't want me to shave it again I'll slash that happened I didn't have much luck in Japan I did however succeed in one department making friends so I was at my station with my headphones on like this right just watching Netflix head down don't talk to me right clearly anyway so a man approaches me stands right in front of me well what would you want and then he asks me if I can speak English I say yes I can speak English cuz obviously I look like I care and then he asks hey um is there any places to eat around here and I'm like oh yeah sure there's like a ton around here oh cool cool um do you want to go with me and I'm like I Spit there forward bit forward I'm actually waiting for my friends I was waiting for Joey and a key and I thought oh sorry I'm actually getting through to my friends he's like oh can I come with you I was like no cuz we don't really know you very well he's like oh okay um Jonah get drinks sometime oh by the way this guy looks like 40s maybe 50s like pretty old and I was like okay uh sure sure just please stop this conversation I'm getting nervous and he's like oh do you have email foolishly I gave him my actual email and uh you reached out to me hey buddy how are you do you run the meet me being the nervous wreck I was I didn't reply I am blank the one we met at blank station before are you available this evening to have some drinks I didn't apply hi buddy did you get my email you there I just want to have one night stand with you feel free to let me know when you are available and then I thought you know what now I'm gonna let him know I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind ah cool I see you like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - what does this mean do you want to have a try have dinner together go out for a walk and then I haven't replied since so in terms of dating that's been going pretty well um it's nice to know I have a fallback if things get rough one last thing before I forget girls in Japan for some reason on profile pictures use these egregious filters I'm not trying to be mean or like judgmental I just think that like there is an acceptable amount of filter and when I'm not sure if you escaped from a test lab or not because of the filter good too much but overall I've been dating in Japan for a while now I'm pretty sick of it genuinely I have I've have spoke to enough people I'm just out here to make friends and have a good time now I don't know what you can take away from this video I just hope that it made you laugh and that you can experience some joy from my pain of trying to date in Japan I'm not a chat just want to make that clear oh I also forgot to record this but I also had pretty much zero luck dating in London I tried to go on dates but they never really worked out or I could struggle to even get a date I don't know why maybe I'm just terrible this whole talking thing maybe I'm the worst person on earth but for the life of me I could not get dates in London oh one thing that people will tell you a lot in Japan is just don't tell people you're an otaku or you're into anime I didn't give up I'm not about lying if they're gonna get into me I want them to know how much of a mess I am I would straight-up tell them I'm a huge anime fan I'm otaku and all that and I would always get the same response oh you don't look like otaku and I'm just thinking like that does that mean am I supposed to be like a 400-pound dude I don't get it basically I think if you don't look like an otaku that's all that matters to them I hope you enjoyed this video about my experiences in Japan I'm planning on making a year in Japan video when I get to like a year of living here it's crazy to think that it's been six months already what hopefully this video ends here and that there are no repercussions from this video to my life but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video have a wonderful day and don't forget date responsibly and wrap that salami boy I don't know where I'm going with this [Music] [Music] don't waffle Jojo much to your date I did that had to explain that idea
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,634,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dating, Dating In Japan, CDawg, CDawgVA, Dating In Japan CDawg, Japan, Japan Dating, Dating Stories, Story Time, Japan Dating Advice
Id: JUBSQXmm-3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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