Buying A Girlfriend On Fiverr

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bluecoregamming 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

What a time to be alive.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/INHALE_VEGETABLES 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
wait do people ask you for like feet picks and [ __ ] because i feel that's like the normal one right like everyone asks yes do you sell them hi what's up my beautiful weebs you might remember on the last fiverr video that we ordered uh an e-girl to play games with us uh and i figured it didn't really fit in that video maybe i could make a whole video where i order a bunch of these people to play games with me and i see how it goes so that's why we're here today we're gonna order some e-girls on fiverr or self-proclaimed eagles and hope that we get some fun content out of this that's what i'm hoping i'd involve this so first off let's start this process of finding another ego when i say eagle it makes me feel wrong it makes me feel like i'm calling someone a mean word but i mean that's that's what they like calling themselves look look i will play league of legends with you as a game account 2019 baby 2019. it just sounds so i don't know not real okay well this is the kind of girl we want look very cute cosplaying together from my hero academia this is perfect oh she's uk as well i worry that like one of my friends will know her though let's find more i will act as your girlfriend what i will be your gamer girl on pc game does she play why would anyone want to play fortnite this sounds awful all right we've ordered all these people to play games with us hopefully this goes okay i i don't i don't know i i mean i i all i can do is hope is everyone else singing this weird i feel like this is really weird right well i will hopefully see you guys soon uh when i'm on call with these people that's that's what i should be recording next so without further ado i'll see you beautiful weeb soon so we're about to get on call uh and hopefully it goes okay this is the one that said i will pretend to be your girlfriend uh so i'm really intrigued to meet this person let's just hope this goes well i am i am nowhere near hyped enough to do this [ __ ] hell okay um so hi i'm connor how what should i what should i address you as or call you uh you can call me momo you also see my girlfriend for the hour right is that how this works for the hour yeah dude this was really easy man everyone's like mad it's so hard to get a girlfriend why don't you just like buy one it's like so much easier like this for one cool hour hello hey hello i'm gonna take a guess here and say your name is katie yeah my name's katie you're the only one that's got that you know i'm i'm i'm kind of a genius i don't i don't want to touch my own horn uh hi i i guess hi katie uh i'm connor uh i'm also from the uk sebastian oh hopefully i live up to expectations of whatever your expectations were of me um yeah you definitely have so far have i i recognize accents straight away oh my god okay well yeah is that a good thing or a bad thing i don't know it's a great thing it means i like okay first off it's lovely to meet you again for the first time oh yeah nice to meet you nothing nothing went wrong with the first time we did this at all yeah it was just too explicit to be sure so what actually happened was is that my recording um recorded the screen in about like 1fps so you can imagine how well that looked uh yeah that's what i play so i know oh oh okay well fantastic then but uh yeah i didn't want to subject my viewers to your quality okay uh do you want to introduce yourself as well uh hi it's it's me connor nice to meet you this is me you do it too um hi i'm ryan all right is that it you just is that old uh i cosplay i i do that too that's nothing special come on i actually thought oh god like the one like like two videos i watched from your channel was like i bought cosplay for thirty dollars or something like a voice actor because it says voice actor in your name and you have a nice voice oh wow thank you uh yeah i i do some voice acting oh here and there yeah i can i can hear it so is there anything specific you'd like me to do for you wow well it sounds so intense you know it's like that do you get any weirdos on this um actually no they've been really really nice there was one old man that offered me 500 pounds from canada with a wife and asked me to be his sugar baby which obviously declined was there a part of you that was like 500 pounds though like yeah i was kind of like that because i was i don't know my friend was like come on do i do but i didn't want to do it um i guess so we'll just play overwatch and we'll just we'll do what we did last time we'll chat [ __ ] so you have to be my eagle um so i expect only healing on me you heal anyone else i want to refund yeah but what refund you're not paying me i want a refund of the previous gaming session that we did i want you to request my editor to do something to make his job slightly harder um so like a bubble tea fountain okay because to celebrate mae's new gun how do we make a bubble tea fountain how do you do that like you just get like a jpeg image of bubble tea yeah and have like bubble tea like spurting out like like a fountain okay hold up pause first of all he he does not pay me enough to do that there is no budget look at i'm living in the basement we can't afford to do that we we can't we what the hell is this what do you normally do on these things like what is your go-to like thing um some people just like have like a bad day that's like those are my favorite because you just get to sit back and relax they just tell you their problems i feel like it's more than just listening to people's problems it's like like it's actually a lot to give people like a space where they can freely just talk about everything without feeling like you have like you're judged or something have you played roblox yet no because i think that would be a really good video wow it's like facebook what the um i'll add you tell me his name my username is bgdfskdkf okay i think you should add me i've i've copied and pasted it bro i'm looking pretty [ __ ] hot yo you look like you you just snorted a line of coke what the [ __ ] the real hokage oh my god she's getting [ __ ] healed am i the real okay are you the real hokage oh my god oh i met this one kid and he was crying about having been bullied or something because he never had a girlfriend and then he realized afterwards that he might be gay and i was like okay well so he paid you to act as your girlfriend and then he left the call realizing he was gay you know you're not too great at this whole girlfriend thing then are you i'm not tipping you though by the way i'm just telling you that right now that's that's fine unless you make me gay then i guess what's boku no roblox what is that oh they're like rip off of animes dude let's play boku no roblox are you kidding me let's [ __ ] get that wait rip off hey you guys want to hear me sing a song um uh we're talking away i don't know what i'm to say i'll say it anyway come on lucio you sing it too as well so okay so can you can you tell me some like odd of weird stories that you've had then okay there was this guy who like wanted pictures they weren't nsfw but they were like suggestive okay in one picture he wanted me to squat and then a pee in my pants he paid thirty dollars for that picture by the way so i don't know what he's gonna do with that wait did you do it okay it's thirty this guy was like hey i want you to squat and piss yourself for 30 dollars and you [ __ ] did it if you okay think about this connor if you can piss yourself for 30 dollars no hell no your quirk is hardening harder wow that's uh yeah is that pg enough for roblox i have no clue i want to change my yeah give me a better quirk than this gigantification bro let's do this bro look at me let's go pick someone up let's go this guy he he killed you right earlier let's go and kill him alright you see this criminal yo him up easy whoa he's [ __ ] me up he's almost i'm trying [Music] yeah why is he not yo i've killed him are you french wow i'm impressed with your french speaking skills they're laughing i just told them to give me videos so how come all your pictures have like snapchat filters what's up with that man what if you send me a photo right and i'll do the photoshop for you like well i'll make this real spicy for you you can watch me edit it the whole time all right let's do that send me a photo we'll snap you tell me what you want to go for i'll see what i can do i'm a bit of a pro so behind me i want us i want godzilla all right i'm gonna have to say this to my computer which feels kind of dirty but i'll i'll do it anyway what do you mean ooh so we're in the tokyo ghoul is that utah [Music] you know they're all behind you oh [Music] i didn't miss anything oh you're so dead oh oh my god why the oh hey hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how about that because i'm the best this is what it's like is this what it's like to be a man oh so weird ah wait what no don't worry that's fine killed him no i haven't killed him it's part of the problem it is part of the process oh my god you women i'm panicking having a panic attack oh there he is well there you go that's basically that's like the quick version bro that is insane what are they doing over okay there can just kill like civilians and stuff to level up some people won't die as easily i died let's find another anime okay all right you ready you're gonna pop off are we popping off is that what's happening i want to see four headshots in a row there it is damage i i felt a hit marker there we go another hit marker i'll get that to you don't worry [Music] i've got you i'm dude look at that oh my god you've got a kill [ __ ] her up [ __ ] her up [ __ ] her up i'm not healing you [ __ ] this mercy she's one there it is there it is behind you oh another shot who is this come on come on come on easy you've got this multiple head shots back to back let's go i'm damage boosting you go go go come on you got this that's the floor that you shot your alter why would you [ __ ] the floor wait do people ask you for like feet picks and [ __ ] because i that's like the normal one right like everyone asks yes do you sell them yes fairy tale revelations yo this looks intense yeah it is oh my god they're flaring the music wow it's just like being in fairy tale what the oh i pressed all right i was especially what is happening fire [Music] is this like is this how it feels to be in fairy tale you just the moment you you spawn in the world you just get annihilated by some chad waiting to kill you hey nemesis you were really good at singing could you sing me a song yeah which one do you want uh can you sing you know the the he-man song but hey yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll give you every nana if you sing it dude [Music] some people will pay upwards of 15 for them dude i feel like you get more dude i feel like it's all about marketing i feel like we could get you more money here you know what if we work together tag team i take like a bit of a commission 10 flat fee i'll get you dudes paying 50 what this music is driving me insane these french people love us did i tell you i like i love french accents no you'll be single we'll hook you up with them yeah you know get your french boyfriend man this would be like the most productive day mean i really want one you know because like french accents are like so nice and like french food as well the french fruits the [ __ ] yeah and like french desserts and with brexit if i marry a french dude get a european passport dude you're thinking dude i'm on like 10 iq trail of thought just the boyfriend you're on like 200 iq you're thinking about the marriage this is what it's like to be um an ego you know hey um oh dude you my uh my mercy is single too and she likes french accents hello i like french people i am hold it up bro that's that sounds like how to catch a predator saying that what are you no i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm older than 18 right that's good how old do you think i am he's just my sugar daddy just don't mind him oh yo that's spot on i'm 50 is easy for a feed pick why are you underselling yourself wait upwards of 50. does this mean you're like sell them for like five dollars sometime a pity evan he has to make good content out of this right bullets will come in what oh i see wow those aren't bullets they're [ __ ] huge yeah what the f okay i've got to win i have to win i have to win for the montage they come in multiple directions if you haven't known so you know yeah i know that's what i'm trying to pay attention for yeah just the the subtleties dude like kids are being murdered right in front of me right now i died he lasted longer than me i just gotta beat these kids i just gotta beat these kids man that's all i mean bro i think i'm last alive you are you serious yo i do yeah i need to win you've got 14 seconds you got this i haven't played the music please okay okay okay okay holy [ __ ] we're gonna i'm gonna beat a bunch of ten-year-olds that win roblox brah yes king of roblox later drop mike leave the game easy as that wow you know what i didn't i didn't know i was going to get a blast of serotonin today thank you so much for that who knew i was going to feel amazing after this i want to say like it's my new favorite thing but nothing comes close so i guess it kind of is wow it's great are you from paris actually from belgium oh dude dude he's a he's a fake french man we can we can do better than that all right so that's it we're all done we've had our three hours with three different five eagles oh shout out to evan for having to edit this [ __ ] there was a lot of footage uh and he's a boss so go and give him some praise or some [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know i mean honestly i had a great time i think if i'd asked some weird stuff like if i could see that feat they probably would have been very remained to me but overall they were really nice i had a lot of fun i hope that came across in the video let me know if you guys want me to do something like this again in future uh i i would love to do more dumb stuff like this this was pleasant and it honestly felt pretty wholesome ish except for the peeing part that wasn't very wholesome let's forget about that part just forget about it links to all the sellers will be in the description down below uh if you want to support the channel you can do so by going to my patreon uh which we have changed some of the rewards on so you might be interested in checking those out uh or share the videos sharing the videos is a huge way to help me and my channel honestly thank you to everyone who shares them you are the best you're more important to me than kermit don't tell myself uh without further ado though i will leave you guys to the outro so bye have a good day [Music] foreign
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,642,383
Rating: 4.9631553 out of 5
Keywords: Fiverr, Fiverr Memes, Fiverr Video, Funny Fiverr video, CDawgVa, Cdawg, Fiver, Fiverr girlfirend, Fiverr egirl, egirl, funny, Memes, egirls
Id: GmZPsvzw4z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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