Don't Take The Bait | Pastor Keion Henderson

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don't paint inside like [Music] Oh ha whoa sorry sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now see the camerawork I thought I was at Toyota Center that's somebody say that's what you call a hangover steel trunk from Sunday y'all get a band son [Applause] praise God for these present y'all so amazing y'all sound amazing great let me pray so the Holy Ghost can come back in here spirit of the Living God fall afresh upon us sound the spirit to speak to our hearts so was why we came here today and when we get home let us see why they should have came with us Jesus name we pray somebody shot a man give your neighbor high-five when you went down to see me say I got the victory I got [Music] I'm gonna read a couple verses and we're going to get right to it and with with the sensitivity of the weather I definitely I want to get right to it so that way you can get home Luke chapter 17 verse number one Luke chapter 17 verse number one you don't have to stand because I'm going to be covering it in a teaching fashion so but it does says then said he unto the disciples it is impossible but that offences will come but woe unto him through whom they come it were better for him that a millstone were hanging around his neck and he cast into the sea then he listened that he should offend one of these little ones I want to talk about today this is what I want to call this I wanted you to help me just touch your name say whatever you do don't take the bait don't take the bait whatever you do don't take the bait I have never been fishing a day in my life okay anybody else hasn't has not never been fishing a day in my life I have no desire I have no desire to and if I caught it I couldn't eat it because I'm allergic to it even if i when i allergic to it I wouldn't it's the way it smells like y'all got to talk about crawfish no that's just absolute no on all levels no matter who fries that no matter who cooks it is just some things that don't matter who make them they nasty like chitlins I know speak speak for myself right after you finished throwing hot sauce on it and all that kind of anything you got to do all that to to eat just leave it where it is anybody will tell you a good steak don't need no sauce but but whenever you when you ever you go fishing it's kind of like life you see something you want and you don't know it wasn't about what you wanted until you bit that because behind the bite was a hook and the real intention of the bait is not to satisfy your hunger but for you to satisfy somebody else's does that make sense okay so so we don't we we catch fish and we eat them so that we're not hungry so the the science behind the hook is that the illusion is is that if you get to the hook your hunger will be satisfied but the truth is is that the hook is designed for you to satisfy somebody else's hunger does that make sense so when we look at this text the Bible says and I will not preach long today I want you to get this in your spirit and we're gonna go home the Bible says something very very important Luke explains something to us that I think that is important and let's go back to verse number one let's put back verse 1 on the screen so that they can see that he said to the disciples it is impossible but that offences will come do you see that it is impossible that offenses will come the word impossible in the Greek watch this it means unallowable okay so sometimes you have to when you the Bible you kind of you know you kind of have to go a little further because you look at that and say it is you know it's it's he then he said to disciples it is impossible but when he says impossible when you translate impossible according to what God actually meant it doesn't mean that something cannot be done that's what impossible means to you and I write if I told you it's impossible for you to do that then what have I communicated that I don't believe that you have the ability to do a thing so if you read that according to the way we define words then you will see that God is saying that it is impossible but that offenses will come and and what he what you think he's saying that that it's impossible that things will offend you and that is true but the word in the original text means unallowable which means let me put it up for you God is saying I will not allow you to live a life where you're not offended I will not allow you to have a job where they want to offend you I won't allow you to be so in love that they're not offensive so for all of you who who are looking for the perfect mate the one you won't argue where God says I won't even allow that relationship to happen that relationship is not in there I won't ever allow you to meet anybody who won't get on your nerves I want to allow you to meet a boss who you don't have a low-friction with every once in a while I want I won't allow you to find your dream God that doesn't also bring with him a couple of nightmares I won't allow it I won't allow it I won't allow it because something comes through the offense that you don't learn from the defense he says I won't allow it everybody say unallowable so if I don't preach anything else today and you want to find out the big idea of this discussion what God is actually saying through Luke chapter 17 verse 1 is that I will absolutely not allow you to not be offended I will intentionally allow the enemy and sets of circumstances to put you in a position to be offended because is only in offense that I can find out that you live your life in defense most of you you know why you are offended so fast cuz you're defensive all day any time anybody say some of you you gotta clap back because you live like cocked and ready to go Who am I talk to come on now we ain't gonna be alone but we can't be strong y'all with me like you ready you lead a house getting dressed they better not say nothing me today cuz I'm telling you if they do it's gonna be home I had a fight since high school you and you and the beauty shop getting your hair done they better not Satan their name pay for it if they if gain like it then they should have paid for it y'all they gonna say man who am I talking to so I can hurry up and just identify you so we can go we live life defensive staying ready so we don't have to get ready what they lookin at me for did y'all see you tell your friends did you see that girl that walked past me at the mall she was staring at me she must want some problems that child is cross-eyed she see you she was just walking and ain't paying you no attention but when you are defensive everything is offensive that's the truth when you are defensive you come to church time how she know I sit down you ain't bought and share in him she know that's while sick that's why I sit and she set down on purpose because she noticed what's it no how about you or late and she was early and since you were not there and you think somebody gonna hold a prime spot for a lay person no she took it cuz she been wanting to get up front and get the holy goes to defensive defensive like like you drive it in your car and you are in the fast lane we hate you by the way you are in the fast lane going slow and get mad because people zoom around you you are out of position get your butt over so we can go you get on my nerve you texted and driving he's swerving in our lane until you get mad when we blow oh don't we have a right to save our own life you are at a stoplight and you text it and you don't go and you ready to fight Oh somebody blew time I'm going no go this is not go when you feel like it is going the light turns we got places to be but when you're defensive even when you're wrong you find an answer when you are defensive you find right in your own and a lot of people live life defensive which is why you cannot be angry and sin not because we live our life defensive and God says I will not allow you to live a life without offense so why are you living your life on defense you are cocked and ready to go some of y'all don't need nothing to fight come on well let me say that some of us don't need nothing to fight you don't you ain't got it you ain't gotta have no argument it ain't gonna take no long time then gotta say five things to you just said won't with just one as you live our life in difference let me read it to you again then he said to the lighthouse it it is impossible oh it is unallowable offenses will come I will not allow you to have a life without offenses I won't allow you to have relationships without offenses you don't know if you got a real girlfriend or real boyfriend or real relationship until you offended and you survived you don't know you don't know the relationship is gonna make it because y'all both cute and you don't know the relationship is gonna make it because both of y'all name on the lease and you don't know that the relationship is gonna work because y'all got a child together and you don't know the relationship is gonna work because y'all parents like each other and you don't know the relationship is gonna work because they don't found out a way to get in your family so that even if you get rid of them they can still come by the house see like over Reverend mind you don't know you know how you know that there is an offense and even though I'm offended I look for reconciliation how many of you all really look for reconciliation when it's not your fault let me see your hands when it's not your phone so that means you are like it ain't my fault but I'm gonna try to make this work I'm not gonna wait on you to tell me you sorry before I get over my feelings I'm not gonna hold us against you all month and then when you say I'm sorry then let's all you have to say now let's go eat you're gonna try to get it right up front raise your hand okay lord I prayed that the spirit of lying leaves the church I I just I just I just know that it's one of the Ten Commandments and and I shall not live I know some of y'all tell you but it was too many hands and wind up I'm looking like uh-uh y'all must have thought it was a trick after this I was gonna give out a free biscuit or something cuz y'all ain't telling the truth most of the people I know don't apologize when they don't feel that they are wrong most people I know wait on the other person to apologize and then they start to further add injury to insult another more yeah because you somebody say unallowable now I set all of that up set all that up because impossible means unallowable but that's not the key word in the text the key word in the text is offense offense offense it's either one it's not it's not a it's not a tense it's just just or offenses that's that story that's the key word now when you look up the word offense our offensive our offenses what does that mean that you it means somebody did what hurt your feelings some of you didn't like got on your nerves that's that's a good way of saying it anybody else offense yes sir define a word would worse sir yes sir offensive yes sir I love it at least you try anybody else he's little - he brought his he he seven raised his hand and gave an answer all right the Greek word for a fence in the text is the Greek word scandal on where we get our English word scandal I was getting ready to make sense in a minute so where we get our word scandal a scandal on is that piece of wood and I remember this because I'm old I used to watch time and tell me Jerry now y'all don't know about these cartoons y'all young y'all be watching Dragon Ball Z and all this new stuff and spongebob who Pokemon that's the devil in anybody else what I saw came from I came from Thundercats [Applause] yeah that's my favorite one all the time I mean he men all them I lion-o was to do and tell you that right now from yeah so so scandal on I used to watch Tom and Jerry it Tom used to always try to get Jerry and but Jerry always trick them have you ever seen him he will create a trap and he would put that little wood in it and he would have a rope on the other end and and when he would get in there to go get the bait he would pull the the lever out and the door closed that piece of wood is called a scandal on it that that little piece of wood that goes in the door of a trap is called a scandal on now watch this whenever whenever you were put if you put the cheese in the trap and the mouse goes in and he gets the cheese if he doesn't touch the skandalon he could get the bait and go back out but when he gets into the trap and and he thinks that he's made it are he's not paying attention to what he's bumping into when he's not paying attention what he's rushing up against when he's not paying attention to who he hangs with when it's not when he's not paying attention to who he's seen with you when he's not paying attention to the proximity he busts he he bumps up against the scandal on it's not the bait it's the scandal it's not the bait it's the scandal on and when he gets in and he mixed the wrong move then when he makes the wrong move the door closes behind him see the problem is not that you took the bait the problem is it's when you got in it you made the wrong move the problem is is you disturbed the scandal on you disturbed that thing and when you disturb that thing the door closes behind you and prevents you from getting out and any time the devil uses something to lure you in to a situation and you get an end get to acting crazy when you get in there start saying stuff you ain't got no business saying when you get offended oh god help me in this place cuz offended people act crazy when you get offended you say anything and when you offended you'll do anything and when you get offended you'll say stuff that you can't take back and when you offended you cussed people out and when you offended you try to you go back into the past and use stuff that you shouldn't be saying to hurt their feelings y'all and don't say nothing because it's a rainy day in Georgia and in Houston but we're gonna preach in here anyway it's what you did when you got in the trap that has kept you in and you cannot get out it's not that you went in there it's that you got in there and got to acting a fool and got stuck you bumped the stander line you bumped the thing that was holding the door up you let your temper blow up you let your mouth get you in the trouble and it bumped the skandalon out of the way and now you're in a place that if you had gone in see the devil could have lured you in but if you could have kept your cool you could have got what the devil used to get you in there and still get out with your life y'all not here with me today but when you get in and you don't use what I've taught you and you don't use the scripture and you don't use your patience and you don't hold your tongue and you don't let your mind cool and your head cooler heads prevail and when you get in there and you act hood and crazy you get stuck I wonder how many of y'all had a devil lured in and you could have got out of you didn't that crazy he lured you in you could have got out if you didn't say what you said you if you were to listen to mama that's bumping the skander line come on y'all if you to listen to your friends who told you girl if you listen to your homeboys but you got in and you got stuck and was it the bait or was it the location because cheese out a refrigerator don't hurt nobody put on the mousetrap you can lose your head so you blaming the bait but it's the location it's it's not what you ate is where you ate it [Applause] it's where you did it to and a lot of us are right now we're in our spiritual traps and we cannot get out because every time we are offended we go crazy and we start fighting and we can't keep our tempers now and I don't know I'm preaching because y'all quiet unfold your arms cuz I'm talking to you and you can't get out because you can't control your temper and you can't get out because you don't know how to close your mouth and you can't get out because you always got to say something back in you can't get out because you keep texting erasing it and then texting and then erasing it and then spell-checking it and then putting emojis in it so they can know how you feel and putting certain words and Beau and twelve exclamation points so they all understand what you mean and you get stuck and you know you got to get you know you got to get stuff when you start off first of all you ain't never get now whenever you start off with first of all let me tell you ain't never getting out because you're getting ready to bump the skandalon you're getting ready to close the trap door behind you and I want you to know that some of the arguments and fights that you have the people didn't intend to argue with you they just knew how to get you such your neighbor say don't take the bait don't I don't care what your boss say that you don't take the bait your boss could be related to your next boss you better not take the bait let me tell you something my sister right there my sister right there she was two grades behind me in high school that wasn't good for her I'm not talking to you I'm talking to them it wasn't good for her because my name is Kei Oh in her name is Kei oh na na we got the same last name obviously so we're twins we just born a year and a half apart that's how high we looked at our whole life so when she would go to school I had behavioral issues as is nice what it said I would get I wouldn't get in easy I was getting the essense and that was a big deal because if I got a s mom said good job well cuz I normally would get at you did y'all get calmed that great I don't know what they was giving me used for cuz I was only talking to the people who was talking to me I would just tell my mom I said she's like they said she was talking to class I'm like they said something to me she say food they don't mean you have to save nothing back I did all kind of stuff of school okay let me just gonna get out and open so the Lord can let me into heaven okay my fifth grade teacher she made me so mad that I filled up a bucket of water and cracked the door and put it on top of it so when she opened it if Ellen okay I miss out all right it's out so when she got the same teacher the lady was reading the list and she said Jerry Brown here Keith Williams here call everybody's name Kiana Henderson Oh Lord please tell me you are not related to Keyon Henderson and she said yes that's my brother she says I'm calling for an immediate transfer she had bad experiences all the way through school because of the things that I had done and she had to follow my path what I'm trying to show you is how much trouble you can be in based on who you follow in and if you are connected to and in relationship with people who disturbed a lot of skander lines if you're in relationship with people who have burned a lot of bridges if you're a relationship with people who have a history of treating people in bad ways if you have a history of people who don't know how to accept spiritual gifts if you have a history of people who don't know how to pray when it gets difficult and all they know how to do is pop off and they don't have any equity in heaven then you follow them into a trap and you become a victim of somebody else's circumstance why because they disturb the skandalon and you follow them right in is this making sense you got to be careful what you brush up against you got to be careful what your hand don't take the bait being somebody's free and sometimes this bait I heard just say it once before and write this down if you are not at the table then you're most likely on the menu if you're not at the table more than likely you're the menu and sometimes people invite you to lunch and they don't tell you that you are lunch sometimes they invite you because they've had a whole nother conversation about how to trap you at the table you start getting questions from all these different areas and you like what is going on it's because you're being trapped don't take I was on the airplane the other day and I know that the Lord left some stuff happened to other people because if it happened to me I don't know if I'm ready it was we would we were taken off and the lady let her chair back immediately now you know you're not supposed to let it back to 10,000 feet so she let her chair back and a lady behind or did her arm like that she said excuse me excuse me it's not time and I'm looking over like Oh Lord I'm glad I am sitting in front of her cuz I would have let it the plane on sight she grabbed about arms she said it's not time I'm sure you know the rules it's at 10,000 feet I was mad and she wasn't even talking to me the lady pushes her seat back up in my head I say Venice a big that's a big person that's a bigger person to me I ain't noise to set up as soon as that that bale said they she said boom I said yes that's my kind of person see that's how you know I messed up cuz I agree with her what she did wrong I had no support for her when she was doing right and if you're honest that kind of propensity to skew towards the anger and the negativity and we often find ways to applaud people when they do crazy stuff because that's what we would have done not recognizing that's why we stay trapped come on y'all help me I know this might not be what you came for but this is gonna help you that's why we stayed trapped because we have that kind of mentality I can't wait to get back I can't wait to show you I can't wait to end and that's disturbing the scandal on and we stay trapped and the problem with the trap is that when you're in the trap you cannot get the meal that's prepared you can't get the meal because you took the bait both of them get you full but one of them keeps you trapped lord help me in this place I didn't know it was gonna rain like this I want to give you a better message as the Sun was out but I'm trying to help you to understand how many situations you have been lured into lured into and you let that mouth get you in trouble and you let that dead heart get you in trouble and and and if you anything like me you if you've ever been offended by somebody you got something for them the next time they do it anybody got any plan to come backs okay alright I've know something out your mama you don't think I don't know I'm gonna write that down I know something out your sister to him better when I get my hands on you I'm gonna talk about you your mama and your sister I'm gonna try to rip your soul out of your body who am I talking to in here it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap look at the mouse in the trap dead behind the refrigerator in the presence of a refrigerator full of food couldn't get any of it because he went for a little bit of cheese look at the fish who could have waited for the bug to fall off the tree no he had to have the worm and he went up there and he bit that worm and then realized that the worm had a hook in it he took the bait took the bait some people will tell you that you can be out there fishing all night and catch nothing because even fish don't take all bait you got to know which bait works with with right so that means that the devil knows don't you know he know your bait 6 to 185 good job slap you never say bate bate bate bate he know your bait lice can pretty brown eyes you know long hair I'm just saying the stuff that I can say in church but she you know the rest he no debate how many times have you bit from that forbidden fruit after a wild it ain't bait it's a decision after a while you can't blame the devil you just gotta be like I got a bad attitude and it's terrible don't disturb it you you you can't fight fire with fire you can't solve a problem on the same level it was started if a person comes to you with ignorance you can't get more ignorant to solve it if they get loud you end up yelling and before you know it you got two people yelling in this onnum popping and everybody head blown off and there is no resolution the the key to solving a problem is to always go in the opposite direction of the one who started it so they come at you aggressive you just say but we ain't built like that because we think that mean we scared our debt wewe see the person you need to be afraid of you go up to somebody ya ain't gonna do nothing but if you going crazy and they like I told my sister I said I said that most you know the prayer I'm only afraid of one kind of person that's a person who walking don't move their arms if you ever see somebody walk like this you bet if they moving their arms you better go cuz some about to pop off some going down if they come into church like this I'm so scared of them kind of people if your arm ain't swingin you got to move it jack I'm glad Steve his arms ain't move him and I'm gonna go move your arms when you come up in here how does that look [Applause] anybody scared enough got to move your arms when you around me man watch this skandalon was a piece of wood and then I want you to see another scripture first Peter chapter 2 verse 8 the New Testament uses the word skandalon but it does not refer to the piece of wood it refers to a stone all right now let's look at first Peter chapter 2 verse 8 and you'll see what I'm talking about because remember now we're talking about offense right offenses first Peter chapter 2 verse 8 and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense are you with me even to them which stumble at the word go to the next verse verse 9 by ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and a holy nation do you know that the more offenses that you see the more chosen you are no wonder David had five stones because he was chosen so so what I tell people what David had in his back he had five stones but they were metaphoric languages he had five opportunities because what the Bible is actually saying that people who are offended habitually are actually given opportunity because only the chosen all of the royal priesthood only the procurer people only the ones who are marvelous God says I don't waste my stumbling blocks and stones and offenses on regular people I'm trying to show you that the more they hate on you the more you are called the more they lie on you the more marvelous you are the more they try to get rid of you the more God help me in this place you have been looking at offensive opportunities and situations like God is not looking out for you are like people are out to get you God says they are out to get you because everybody wants what I picked so whenever you see somebody out to get you that ought to be a sign that God has already chosen you you are a chosen generation have five three people to say I'm chosen that's why I'm going through hell because I'm chosen that's why my job is rocky because I'm chosen that's why my relationship is on the rock because we were chosen and when you stop looking at a fence as a reason to go to divorce court and stop looking at a fence as a sign that y'all supposed to break up and recognize that the offense might be a sign that you're supposed to be together oh god help me in this place today because everybody who get on your nerves you try to get away from and God says you don't understand that I've been using that person so that you will learn how to calm your crazy self down and stop bumping the scandal on so you don't spin all of your life trap so you can walk in freedom and get to your destiny do you know how much time you've wasted in traps do you know how much time you've wasted being mad 12 days do you know how much time you've wasted being in anger for two months walking around the house not speaking to each other do you know how many opportunities pass by the house because you can't get over your attitude oh god help me in this cold church I must be talking about what happened in the house this morning that's why they not saying Amen Jesus if it's gonna be over be over but don't be together be mad all day walking around mad not speaking can't stand each other don't like each other but can't break up cuz you're on the same leash you better do something you're in the trap you can't get out and you mad and then you get disappointed and disappointment leads to something else let me tell you something when you are disappointed and you got a temple disappointed people don't play you can hurt me but if you disappoint me because when you disappoint me it's because I had an expectation and sometimes that expectation was built on what you promised and if you disappoint me I will reappoint you I give you my trust you didn't take care of it not only did I give you trust I gave you a chance not only did I give you a chance I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you stepped on the trust the chance and the benefit you are a royal priesthood a chosen generation that's why this keep happening this why this keeps happening to you not because you are unworthy but because you're chosen you've looked at it from the wrong perspective your whole life you're picked that's why they pick on you does it make sense they they pick on you because there's something about you they bully the smart kid not the dumb one if you ever noticed the smarter kid is the more the ones that don't make the right grace pick on them why because they feel inferior by his superiority they don't pick on people who can fight you never see a bullet saying who can fight that's who I won't they bully people who they don't think can defend themselves and you and I must understand that all of what is happening to us they stone Paul because he was picked they put Joseph in a pit because he was picked the Hebrew boys they were picked so they were throwing the fire Daniel was picked everybody you see now watch this I wonder I want you to see something because this ought to bless you go back to to chapter 17 verse number 2 I'm almost done y'all do y'all good no is this helping anybody look at verse 2 it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and he cast into the sea have you ever have you ever saw a donkey they they have they have a rope around their neck and there is this millstone that they have to walk around in circles because they use it to grind material like wheat and grain I remember I was in Mexico one time and I saw a millstone and I got behind it and tried to push it and my right Jackson ain't going nowhere I promise it will take probably every man on this front road to move a millstone but the donkey can with ease just so what he's saying is that heavy of a millstone for those of you who cannot take offense it is equivalent to you jumping into the ocean with that millstone around your neck people who cannot live offended might as well drown you are drowning because you cannot handle criticism you are drowning because every time somebody says something to you you get offended you are drowning lord help me in this place and and when I look up please forgive me for this and I am reading it come here Joe so that they don't think that I'm saying this on my own the Greek word Oh Nico do you see that mm-hmm what is the millstone for and Oh for a donkey or an ass it but what it done say donkey you go spell okay so all you offended people urine that's why I love the Bible let me say what I want to say for all of you who cannot take offense and all of you all who everytime somebody say something to you the world is over for all of you all who go on social media and write 12 paragraphs back to talking to one person but we all got to read it and not we want to unfollow you because I don't want to see all of that I like your motivation and I like I like your family pictures you will make me unfollow you if I look on there you got it okay let me tell all the other something you got fo follows who is all us you're not talking to the world you're talking to your cousin sue your cousin Larry and his boyfriend and your ex who stalk you to see who you wit so I would just save that for the person because you just offended three people who are not in that but for those of us who cannot take offense can you do you have imagination you are like you get a pass we just keep the P you are at the bottom of a circumstance running out of breath and out of time because you can't say I'm sorry you at the bottom of something that happened at 13 and you are 13 now and you don't to get over what happened to you you're too old and I literally mean that to still be talking about what happened in middle school either go get some help or shut your mouth and get over it go sit on somebody's couch and lay down and scream and usual insurance and pay that $125 hour and get you some help because coming to church and shouting ain't gonna deal with that dysfunction in your head and running out of this church timeout I'm free only means you're free while you're here and most of us especially those of us who are african-american we were raised in homes where we didn't get help and everything ain't nothing wrong with you you just need to get that is not true you have been scarred you have been offended you have been bruised you have been mishandled you have been you have been dealt with in an unfair way both of your parents should have been there you had a father who raised stepchildren and didn't raise his own children that is a hard situation you watched him raise somebody else's daughter and he never took you to the prom he was not there for you and if you are not honest that stuff is wrapped around your throat and you were at the bottom of the ocean and you are dying inside and you are offended but you won't admit it and the enemy is using it as bait because you cannot fulfill destiny when you're at the depths of your misery you're like an ass with a millstone around its neck at the bottom of misery drowning gasping for air no word takes root because the hurt is so deeply embedded no Cermak and overpower your pain no matter how many you got a notebook full of notes and yet you are still anchored by one situation 50 sermons can't undo one day of pain Oh help me Holy Ghost I'm gonna let y'all go but I came to set somebody free today because you were at the bottom and you're gasping for air and you're running out of time and you're still angry and you keep saying ain't nothin wrong but it is true that something is wrong because you're on edge because you're easily offended and you don't recognize that offense is an opportunity to get off of defense that the next time somebody offends you you ought to just say to yourself oh it means I'm chosen the next time somebody hate on you it means I'm chosen the next time somebody overlooks you it means I'm chosen the next time you reach out and try to consider to solve an issue and the person doesn't even meet you halfway then then then stop wasting your half on somebody who won't give you a whole just let them go just let them go just let them go you're around here asking all your friends what do you think do you think I should if you got to ask 12 people what do you think you should do you already know what you should do but you're fighting with yourself because you won't take the reality of what it really is and you're afraid to be alone and you're afraid to be by yourself or you're afraid to fail some things just don't work and you just got to know it it don't work I don't care if it's your child's father or your mother's baby mama it wasn't post to work and that's fine y'all got a beautiful child raise them go to the games with them you sit on the visitors side let them sit on the home side and y'all can clap but it doesn't mean you have to be together because you made something together you're offended and your current relationship is suffering from the one that was over five years ago because you're still offended you won't work in this church because of which the last pastor did to you you're still offended so you coming here you sit down talk about I'm just gonna get in mind and I ain't gonna get into Church because the last preacher misused me and and all they wanted was money and I ain't even met the person you met it but I'm paying the consequences because you're offended you won't ever you got a beautiful voice but she won't sing you're nobody's quiet because the last quad director treated you bad and you're offended and now what happens when you're offended I'm just gonna sit home cuz now you're gonna take God's gift and put it on your calendar because of what a human did unfair and unjust you're sitting on your gift because you're offended some of you all if you would operating your gift and God will show you your destiny you're asking God to show you what you won't and you haven't even showed him what he gave you you sit in this church every we can do nothing but worship as if that's enough and you're supposed to be certain the people of God your church is not designed for you to come here sit here get yours and leave do you know what that's equivalent to that's the equivalent to come into somebody's house and eat in the meal and getting up from the table without saying thank you for what you prepared you're supposed to serve if you come and eat my food at least help me wash the dishes or at least offer or at the least just push your chair up when you get up from the tanker they're saying for everybody but it's for some people the offense is designed by God to be an opportunity perverted by Satan to be a trap designed by God to be an opportunity perverted by Satan to be a trap the scandal on how you act determines what happens stone jesus went into a trap called a grave and in front of it was a stone but because of how he behaved when he was in he was able to get out without disturbing the stone because his behavior inside Oh God his behavior inside of the grave is why when he left a grave he went back to be at the right hand of the Father why because of how he behaved in his grave determined his destiny when he came out he did not disturb the stone why because he didn't go crazy because they crucified Him he said Lord forgive them for they know not what they do it is finished God look at how he behaved he didn't buck he didn't disturb the skandalon and so he was able to come out of the grave and the stone didn't become a stumbling block because they beat him just like they beat you they lied on him just like they lied on him they scandalized his name just like they do you but the difference is he did not disturb the skandalon and he said not a mumbling word and that is why he was the King of Kings and that is why he's at the right hand of the Father waiting on him to make his enemies his footstool in my last question for you is where you meant to sit on the right hand but you missed it because you didn't make the right decision did God have reservations for you over there but because every time somebody does something to you you turn and to the incredible and that green man come out of you then you got to calm down and apologize for what you did because you don't know what you're doing when you angry you ain't ready anybody who reacts and doesn't know what they did you're not ready when some take over you and black out I just couldn't help myself stay what you had because where you want to go you're gonna have to be able to help yourself oh god help if you're a preacher and you want to pass a church but you still can't help yourself just keep ministering because these people to make you oh yes they will if if you think you want to own the business but but but you don't know how to lead people when they late in when they still in from you and just go ahead and only keep working for somebody else cuz if you can't help yourself and and and you're offended when you a boss you can't be offended you know you can't you just you just fire people you don't have to go back with people you just you just you just release them to their destiny I'm letting y'all go but I just wanted you to know that I see so many people drowning because they took the bait take the bait of what the enemy perverted Nehemiah build a wall here's the bait Sanballat come off the wall I got something to Beale Daniel they threw you in the lion's den you were the bait but in an amazing how when Daniel was debate the Lions didn't have an appetite the moment God brings him out the King throws the guys who threw him in and all of a sudden they got hungry and the Bible says that they ate the men before they even hit the ground in it amazing that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when Nebuchadnezzar said bow they didn't take the bait they said no we don't bow to your Idol gas and we're not for no food remember they hadn't had meat in days for no fool will stay on these vegetables we don't need what you have to offer because our God is able we're not taking the bait we're not taking the bait sometimes you take the bait because you don't because God doesn't provided enough time because he doesn't because he doesn't provided enough time and you have a meet you have a meet attraction but you're on a vegetable anointing and here you are warning something else and God says if you just trust me do you know that once I get done with you the Bible says that they ate the vegetables and the other men ate the meat and the men who ate the vegetables came out looking better than the people who have to meet and what God is saying I can take this vegetable anointing and I can give you less than everybody else has and you'll still come out better than the people who had more than enough because when what you have gets in my hand I can break the two fish and the five loaves and it'll multiply every time I touch it and even though you started out with less you will leave with more than enough why because you turn your offense into an opportunity and not a millstone stand on your feet just touch somebody to say don't take the bait don't take the bait don't take the bait because you are a royal what priesthood you are a chosen generation your royal and chosen man if that ain't amazing just touch with names I'm royal and I'm chosen I'm royal and I'm chosen I'm royal and I'm chosen Kings don't argue with Genesis you tell me what level are you on about who you argue with some people ain't worth your breath here you are on Instagram arguing with somebody who got two followers trying to get them straight how about I don't want people confused again I go back to saying what people change don't argue with Genesis Queens don't argue with peasants you're right your royal and you're having that conversation because the Millstone of getting even is around your neck the Millstone of have you ever met somebody always got a level the playing field if you say to them you offended me well speaking of that you offended me too well it's always got to be equal I know you are but what am i those kind of people ain't ready it's debate you got to be able to look at them and say I'm sorry that my actions offended you and if you will accept my apology even though I don't even know what I did I would be most graciously appreciative and just move on you have to be a professional forgiver [Music] [Applause] people actually what's the secret to marriage forgiving when you see people married 30 or 40 years is because they have become professional at forgiving there's got to be a professional forgiving if you've ever taken the bait I don't know if you have because earlier y'all raise your hand and I didn't quite believe those results but I want to give you a second chance if you believe that the devil has been using bait to keep you on hooks and you you do know that when you got a hook in your mouth the more you fight the deeper the hook goes anybody feel that in your jaw right now you feel it in your side feel it in your spirit the more you fight the more entrenched in the hook you will be if you will be honest and say I've not been able to break free because I keep the betta in my mouth I keep the bait in my head I keep the bait in my heart I try to let it go but it's so deeply hooked inside of me and I need you to help me I want you to meet me desert soldiers should meet me at assault I want you to meet me at this altar if you'll be honest if I'm not talking you stay where you are stay where you are but if I'm talking to you I'm I'm scarred I'm hurt and it's deep when I see my own blood I get more upset and I get more angry when I have told you what upsets me and you don't change it and you do it again it makes me even more infuriated because I've expressed to you what that behavior does to me and it seems that you keep adding injury to insult you you are in me now you're in my mind and now I treat other people because wrong because I'm still mad at you but I don't have the courage to do with you so I just deal with everybody in anger that that kind of millstone around your neck keeps you from making progress in God's not gonna bring you the opportunities you deserve because he's not gonna bring you somebody who could help change your destiny and they have to spend the first two years proving to you God sent them some of us are so hurt that God Himself can come and he'd have to prove that he's God because we have to get over the people who wouldn't God had hurt us God could send you an opportunity right now that you wouldn't be able to get over because you know what I found out most people are they believe their opinion more than they do facts when a person makes up their mind it don't matter what anybody say they go with what they believe and anything you say they take as a way of you bending the truth are trying to get your way out of an offense and they can't hear what you're saying because they've already have a high opinion of their own opinion and there could be some of us up here today and you are impeding your progress you don't have to be mad all the time you have to be mad all the time and guess what I can tell people who met the way the way some people treat them people at the kiosk at the mall you don't want to get the little package of blood you want I told you know the last time I was at the mall like they remember you you're on the defense come on y'all but I'm trying to keep this reeling y'all don't want to keep it real raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about it's real out here and y'all laughing them because you know they're people that got their little packet and they stand in the middle and you see them from a distance that you come you like and it ain't nowhere else to go so you just be on the phone when somebody makes a mistake at the restaurant and they bring you out something you said I said no tomatoes I said no onions you yelling at the waitress like she's the cook she probably did say no tomatoes she probably did say no onions but when you go to a restaurant with a mass-produced food they go on autopilot their minds are what is called too codified so even when they see up on the screen it says no tomatoes their hands just do anybody ever worked at it see go work at a fast food restaurant once in your life or you'll understand that it's hard to make an order I worked at Taco Bell for a little bit got fired but I with that and and and and and when you're making something over and over and over and over and over and over again if people want their food in 30 seconds while they take 45 seconds to order here you go to a menu you go to change they got chicken fingers chicken fingers chicken fingers on bread and they say can I help you uh I won't shake your fingers we know and make sure my fries hot I want no cold fries I have seen people they come get there go park the car and and storm up in the restaurant I told y'all you only pay five dollars for what kind of service you wanted this is not Ruth's Chris where's that customer service what happened to good customers we are sometimes y'all get what I'm saying anybody knows you sometimes you your own worst enemy sometime it ain't it ain't them issue it's them - but it's you - if you believe if you're being fleshly as them if you're being honest as you being holiness us but it's it's no wonder you can't lift up your head my fence has drugged you down how long can you be mad how long how long can you hold a grudge better yet here's my question if the Millstone puts you at the bottom of the ocean my question is not how long can you hold a grudge my question is how long before you run out of breath because the Bible says in Corinthians that's why so many of you are asleep because you take the Supper with the millstone around your neck and just a void and the Lord's Supper ain't gonna help you because now you're not communing with the body of Christ which puts you in a position for the enemy to devour you I'm trying to get you to a place where you're not easily offended and when you're not easily offended you can be easily compensated your paycheck is the size of the problem you can solve and when you learn to have a fence in your life and still solve problems and still show up to work and still be called you and still be kind that's when your salary goes up your paycheck is the size of you not your job such your name is I'm gonna get a big paycheck cause I'm about to be a big person I'm about I'm about to get big around this piece I'm looking for I'm gonna give me five hundred get my yeah get my checkup you mean tell me my check is the size of me lord help me with my spirit Jesus oh if that's all you have to tell me I would have been grew I would have been in Bible study if you hadn't told me that already [Music] anybody feel the burden on your heart it's just like oh that burden that's like I got to get this tank off of me talk to me I'm gonna let you go this too early I got to get this thing off I got to get off me I'm raising my children angry I'm an angry wife I'm an angry husband I'm an I'm an angry girlfriend I'm just angry and I don't know why I don't want to be but but I just I am and and and I don't want to be and sometimes I'm good and we'll have two or three good days but then I'll get into a depression our line said I got a headache I just don't feel like being bothered I'm just mad am I talking to you thank you for being honest you know why we're all just like you men we're all just like you ain't nobody any better than us auntie I'm gonna pray today that you get the courage take the scissors cut the Millstone from around your neck rise to the top and allow yourself to be heard again do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth I did not stutter and I did not make a mistake can you cut the Millstone off of your neck come up and give people not an opportunity to prove to you that they've changed can you give people an opportunity to hurt you again because offense is an opportunity if you're not willing to be hurt God can't help you he was wounded for our transgressions bruised trialed iniquities he couldn't help us unless he was hurt the chastisement of our peace was placed on him the Millstone heavy and by His stripes we are healed protecting your heart also means staying trapped God helped me in this place I'm not saying be stupid I'm not saying let people walk over you but I'm saying that when you blocked off all avenues to your heart and you blocked off all avenues to a wreck a recommendation for help when you blocked all avenues for recompense when you've blocked all avenues to getting over it and all no apology will work because you've already made up your mind you are not breathing I'm gonna pray for you because shouting ain't gonna get rid of this some of y'all got dishonest you saw your mama do it she saw her mama do it and most of you all have been raised at the hands of hurt women let me tell you what you've been raised by hurt woman she teaches you stuff in pain that she shouldn't have taught you Oh God I'm gonna let y'all go cuz this is what you call ministry but people don't want it they don't want it when you've been raised by a woman who's been hurt she teaches stuff like hide your money when you've been raised by her woman she tell you don't love him too hard don't love him too hard keep some of your heart for yourself all she's doing this telling you how to stay dysfunctional like her when you've been raised by a trifling man he teaches you stuff he teaches you routes and routes on how to be manipulative and and you'll end up where he is 60 and alcoholic and no job taking advice from somebody who's not in the position you want to be in that's why you got to get healed before your children catch on that's why you got to get here because your grandchildren are watching you got to get healed because you're somebody's mentor you got to get here because you somebody mama you you got to get healed because you somebody's teacher you got to get healed because you somebody's nurse come on talk to me you got it and get healed because you want to be somebody's lawyer you got to get healed because you want to lead somebody's ministry you got to get healed what easy was it throw some a1 on it you can swallow it when you get home Noah's a little raw just go home put it back in the oven bake it and broad and fricassee it a little bit it'll be better when you come back on but you'll be better touch somebody touch somebody I can tell that some of this is really in some of y'all heart and I'm not in a rush because ministry takes time sometimes it takes people a while to come to the realization that I ain't talking about nobody else I'm talking to you sometimes it takes time to guess what the best day of your life is when you come to the realization that I'm talking to you because you can't change what you won't acknowledge I'm so proud of my sister her and a few girls got together and did an Instagram page called speak out loud all three of them have been journaling their their their story about how all of them have been sexually abused and and and manipulated sexually growing up and now they're speaking out loud telling other women not why because as long as you're quiet you're letting the Millstone it's one thing you can't do when you're drowning you can't scream you can't scream when you're drowning and that's why the devil don't wants your head above water because somebody would be able to hear you if you ever come up for air so he keeps the millstone around your neck cuz you scream and nobody will come nobody rescue nobody responds but I want you to cut that string and get that heavy weight around your neck and I want you to come up and speak out loud and say yes it happened to me but it ain't in me no more yes I went through it and I came through it and yes I am determined not to let my children fall into the same trap and yes I was that but I'm not there anymore and I used to be angry but I now have control of it it's not gone but I put it into place and put the Holy Ghost over that part of my life do I have a witness in this place today I'll see the tears falling down your eyes I'm here for you not for the people who feed her I'm here for you because if I can get you free and everybody else is tired I can go to heaven and be happy that I got one person who said you know what today was the day I remember it was on this day that I cut the mill stone from around my neck and I walked into my destiny it's too heavy for you to bear and God will never put more on you than you can bear so if it's heavy you put it there hallelujah Holy Ghost you holding that hand let's let me tell you something if Satan had his way you wouldn't be holding them right now let me tell you something that hand you got in yours if the devil had his way they'd already be dead what you are doing is holding the hand of somebody who has survived and I wanted you to hold their hand so you can know where survival feels like I wanted you to know what it felt like for somebody who's been under the water and had one breath and God brought them up just in the nick of time I wanted you to hold the hand of somebody who didn't know how he was gonna pay their rent and somehow God made a way out of no way I wanted you to hold the hand of somebody who just like you thought about killing somebody and then God softened their heart so that they would not throw their life away trying to get even with somebody I wanted you to hold the hand of somebody who has been offended just like you whose heart has been broken just like you but they did not respond like you plan to respond they did something different I wanted you to connect with that anointing so God in the name of Jesus left that favor in anointing go from hand to hand like electricity through a conduit strike him with the lightning of the Holy Ghost catch us ablaze and the fire God that we might be able to let go and let God hallelujah Holy Ghost that we would not let our pain hinder our worship and that we would not let the millstone stay around our neck and that we would not angry and that we would sin not that we would get better and not even help us understand that in order to get even we got to go backwards because we are ahead of those who offended us the old Holy Ghost let us know that every preacher ain't the same preacher every man ain't the same man every woman ain't the same woman every father ain't the same father every mother is it the same mother God you have not created us all equal there are people who still have a remnant of love inside of their heart and there are people out there that can still treat us right and that there is still a man looking for his good thing and there is still a woman who can be a virtuous woman God allow us to be patient and ready and a survival expertise and a witness to what you can do if we'll get the mill stone from around our neck help us the stir up the gift God today we declare it's over it's over we're coming out of lo debar it's over we're coming out we're coming out with our heads up we're coming out with our hands up not in survivable and worship it's over it's over it's over we don't care what they think about us we don't care what they said about us we don't care if they never did it we can't not go back and change 1985 it's over oh god thank you Holy Ghost help us to stop searching from answers from dead people yeah Lord I see them going to the cemetery still asking why I still see them bent over the headstone still asking why as if a dead man can give answers help them to move on God help them to move on help me Holy Ghost help him to move on they can't get answers from the grave help him to move on God help him to move on God they can't get answers from somebody who won't speak up help him move on God they can't get answers from somebody who was raised in the generation that didn't speak helping move on God they're old now they're not going to talk about a hip or move on Oh God give somebody the courage today to take that book that they have written all of those evil things and to and set a light or to it tonight burn the diary and start a destiny for some that diary serves nothing more than an itinerary to look back and look at all of the plane crashes just a reminder of where they came from and what they cannot move from take it outside and burn it in the name of Jesus who the Sun sets free is free indeed in the mighty masters its wonderful you are free and who the Sun sets free is free indeed in Jesus name everybody who loves God and believes that show freedom has arrived lift up your voice and up somebody tell them the struggle is over tell us the struggle is over the heartache is over heartache is over it's over [Music] somebody's don't get delivered at his houses trouble making fashion for you [Music] come on [Music] and the struggle [Music] [Applause] you've been in [Music] [Applause] [Music] now may the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with this now and forever I pray he blesses you and you're going and you're coming then he blesses you and your uprising and your down City I pray that he blesses you when you know where you are and when you cannot find your bearings I pray that he will bless you whether you are confused and when you have clarity I pray that he would bless you when you're insecure and secure I pray that he blesses you when you are being paid and when you're waiting on something to happen I pray I pray that he will bless you when you're confused and when you have clarity and when you understand and you're misunderstood and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and the deceit that has been told every tongue that has done that we claim it condemned in the name of Jesus we pray if you love God shout Amen god bless you I'll see you on Sunday you have somebody hug and tell him I love you ain't nothing you can do about that I've got you something I told him to put this up here so you can see it I want you to see this every time you leave out of church I want you to begin to say to yourself I am healed I am set free I am delivered I believe in miracles signs and wonders Jesus has given me the authority to prosper I am blessed no matter what the state I'm in go in peace god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 66,954
Rating: 4.8757238 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church, Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church Live, Lighthouse Church Live Stream, Lighthouse Church of Houston, Don't Take The Bait, do not take the bait sermon, Pastor, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, waking faith, jesus worship, prayer, amen jesus, amen, joy, pioneers, official, believing in god, sonofgod, jesuschrist, christianity, evil spirit, god's word, Disrupting, parents, pleasure nature, god
Id: -axVkDIzrs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 28sec (5248 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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