Tackle The Text “Speech Therapy”

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey everybody we are out here at our anti-hunger campaign which just so happens to follow the freeze here in texas we're not new to this we treated this this isn't something that we did in response to the freeze although we've implemented that into the response we're just doing what we normally do and i'm not always able to help but when i am able to i am so gratified so happy so we're out here it's a beautiful day we got a lot of volunteers we even have some people to fly in from indiana which is the place where i originally started pastoring uh it's an honor and we suggest our service to the community [Music] what's up y'all welcome to the lighthouse church experience we are so excited for you to be here today and we have an amazing service that listen you do not want to miss so go ahead take a second stop share this with everybody that you know they're going to want to hear this i think service is starting let's get to it this is a day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah we come together in agreement on one accord on today ushering in the name that is above every name i know that throughout our state we've been through some things but we don't put our eyes on the storm on today we put our eyes on the power i invite you to join me and put a sanctuary on the altar of your heart a place of exchange for god to do what it is you need on today father we bless you and we honor you now god we summon just your kind of glory god we thank you for the glory the anointing that destroys yo so today god father the enemy has given us reasons god to feel one day but we go against our feelings and we thank you for the truth of your word your word declares that we are the head and not the tale your word declares that we are above and not beneath ephesians 3 and 20 declares now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask for things according to your power in us send forth your power on today god healing power delivering power saving power great bondage of today god make ways of today we summons the power of you o god we'll never be the same after encountering you o god we usher in your presence oh god we summons the glory of you o god have your way o god be glorified in jesus name amen and thank god praise the lord like house nation it's time for worship and the word if you come to worship the lord i dare you to like share and comment why don't you comment in the bottom and say i'm ready father we come for no other reason but to bless and praise your holy name we lift your name in this place [Music] as we love on [Music] our praises receive our praises as we love on you receive our love receive receive our praises receive our praises your [Music] your name be is you are great you are great [Music] [Music] love receive our praises unless we shout your is be glorified is let's cry out [Music] [Applause] is greater your peace no [Music] [Applause] we cry is is no know it [Music] oh oh jesus [Music] the peace that surpasses our understanding [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great right there your great god a great praise hallelujah [Music] hello everybody welcome to another tackle the text it is the day that the lord has made and we are rejoicing and we are glad in it and thank you for all of the prayers all over the world yet even the nation where you guys prayed for us here in texas as we went through a winter freeze some of us had property damage we even had damage at one of our campuses but god is faithful and uh insurance works so we thank god for that and we appreciate your prayers but we're never going to stop serving you as long as we have breath as long as god has a living word we're going to continue to serve you in spirit and in truth so i am pastor henderson a leader of the light house church here in houston texas and to my right i have pastor hammond who is the leader of our west campus to his right is pastor rhema the leader of our south campus and this young war horse pawn in the valley to pastor rhema's right uh pastor matt the phenom right uh he uh helps to give leadership to our downtown uh campus how's everybody doing good pastor good man did anybody have any property damage any freezing and pipes bursting and all that a little bit i know you had a little bit what about you guys no i was good yeah that's because you live on the right side of town what about what about you man no property damage but i had a really cold house we didn't have power for uh almost 50 hours no power for 50 hours yeah so but you just got married so i'm sure there's plenty of help in the heat overnight oh man i'm i'm always honored when i when i get in the room with you guys you know i want to hear you think it's one of the things that i've been taught when you're in the presence of greatness um more than hearing what they say just hearing how they think and today i know what i thought about the text because i preached it but i cannot wait to hear what you guys thought about it i struggled because i don't know how y'all you feel like this sometimes but sometimes i prepare a message and in my in my study time it was fire i mean i had it in my head like this is gonna hit hard and then i preached it and it didn't do it for me when i was preaching it and uh i left thinking man i left so many things out that i wanted to say then i have to go back to my training and realize that i said everything that god wanted me to say so i i went through all of those emotions but i'm excited to hear what you all thought about it so just to catch our audience up on the text this is the tackle the text on the sermon that we preached last week uh or this past sunday called speech therapy and i'll get into why i called it that i had a whole lot of other different titles that i wanted to call it but i'll tell you why i settled on that one so we all know what happened in acts chapter nine right and we can talk about this what happens paul is on the road to what damascus and he's blinded by a light and the bible says that he's breathing out threats and slaughter and here's the thing about the book of acts although it's about paul most of the time luke wrote it right so paul is not the author of this book that talks about him and the first thing i thought is that you know we live in this world where people tell tell us you know tell your own story you know but isn't it possible and it's open for conversation i'm not saying i'm right but but what happens when somebody else authors your story right when somebody else is responsible for telling that story because sometimes it's difficult for you to see yourself paul would have never said all those things about himself that luke did but luke said he's breathing out threats and slaughter he's on his way to kill christians that's acts chapter 9 we know that the substratum of the text was acts chapter 21 22 where he is now confronted with people who are proclaiming that he's anti-jew that is anti-custom that he's got all this stuff going on and they've beat him to death his face is swollen he's bleeding he's got all this stuff going on and um and and paul's conversation is different wow in acts chapter 22 than it was in nine and i thought that that was the the idea about the speech therapy that he had come into contact with something that changed the way he talked now that's guys that's me laying it out for you you can read it on your own but matt i'll start with you when you looked at this text um and you began to use as you and i talk about our holy ghost imagination right this this thing that we have in the spirit what did you see well i love what you said but one of the things like you said we saw it differently at times one of the things that i really put emphasis on was that he was speaking greek and initially because look in 2021 that that the headmaster said hey do you speak greek yes and then when he went to address the crowd he went in hebrew aramaic yes and one thing that the holy spirit spoke to me was that in certain situations depending on where you're at to speak to a different crowd you can't forget your previous language awesome so even though he had went to speak to one person what do you say he said to the weak i became weak to the jew i so when i when i'm speaking to you there's a language that i can speak with you to be effective but i might speak differently i'm speaking to pastor rhema and he didn't forget the other language that he had because he was in a different position and so one when when you look at that text paul is first confused by the chief priest who says wait a minute i thought you were an egyptian yeah so not only did he have his language confused he had his heritage confused he didn't know he was paul said no i'm not an egyptian i'm from a small place called tarshish and not only do i speak hebrew i speak greek i speak aramaic and there are some writers that say paul even spoke latin so paul is multilingual he's he's a tent maker he's got all of these things that are going on and what i said yesterday was is paul is actually showing us that he learned a language from every place he had been and that that there is a language for every level and that you have to remember that language because you never know when you may ascend that language or have to revisit that level and you've got to make sure that you have all of those and and i think you're right because just because you grew up in the hood that that's a language that works yeah but you also got to have a language for the king's table and it's a language that's needed yeah because that is that was what gave him his credibility to the crowd and so like you said having that diversity and being able to speak to multiple crowds as i think is what can make you most effective especially in what we're doing love it pastor raymond what did you see um i i for me i think i saw what i saw was really the power of um of the mouth and i think you you've preached on the ministry of the mouth before um so i just thought about what is this thing about the mouth what is this about our conversation that gets god all excited then i went back to genesis and i saw that the earth was without form it was void then pastor something struck me the spirit of god was actually moving and nothing nothing happened and i asked myself is it possible for the spirit of god to move and nothing happened the spirit of god was moving there was darkness and the spirit of god was moving nothing happened on the face of the water and maybe god is waiting on us to open our mouths to speak and the bible says that when god said let there be light the bible says that was light as i began to think about it it it dawned on me that there is some there is power in our in our mouth and pastor back to what you were saying by the way that message was powerful and i think that sometimes the simplicity of a principle and message you are the one delivering it but you don't understand how powerful that is because that was the first principle people are encountering darkness and they are sowing and they are fasting and they are moving and they are but they have not spoken and god is saying if it's not in your speech it's not within your reach i think it's important for people to understand do you know people are not in bondage because they are average because of their language and i think that we have to come to a place where we understand i'm going to say this because why why i'm passionate about this is because last week i was on a prayer call and i talked about the tongue so this is spot on and you talked about being stuck which i would want to get to because that's what i discussed with small groups reloaded so this is spot on pastor let me say something about the tongue that i'm going to hand over to pastor hammond the bible says something i believe is in james about the tongue the power of the tongue and language and speech it says that the tongue is like a beat that you put in a horse then it turns around to say the tongue also is like the rotor of the ship as i thought about it pastor do you know it dawned on me that the bible is if we put a beat on a ship on a on a horse you can immediately change the direction yeah but if you put a big if you put the rudder on a ship you have to keep doing it gradually so god told me that there are ship situations and horse situations the thing about the horse situation is that it changes overnight the thing about the fake three situations or the ship situations is that sometimes it's gonna take a while and this is why there is power in in the tongue and in the power of what we're saying so when you talk about speech therapy there is a vocabulary for your future there's a vocabulary there there is a language for the level god is taking you to i absolutely love that and you just you just brought to my mind um some of the things that i that i uh it just it just makes fireworks go off in my brain when you say things like that because you talk about language and why it is important everything that we have started with speech wow god didn't build trees he spoke there he didn't he didn't form the sun he spoke it he he didn't uh he didn't go into the atmosphere and collect uh two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen and come he just he just spoke it and and it knew what to do the only thing that god ever touched was man he didn't he didn't speak man into existence the bible says he spit in the dirt and he bent down and he formed man everything else he spoke and i started thinking when you were talking that every one of us the only thing we can do is speak god has to do the forming come on and we're trying to do the forming we we want to do the work he wants us to speak but god wants us to speak he wants to speak those things that are not as though they were he wants us exactly he wants to prophesy to the bones and say can these bones live i think that one of the missing ingredients from the christian experience is a speech life just just just speaking it and talking and having the courage to talk in the opposite direction of what your situation is pastor hammond well pastor for me uh starting off in this in this road of paul's life i deal with the thought process of his old name but specifically how the fact that the light came and blinded him and the lord showed me and he said sometimes the light comes to change what you see so you can change what you say wow and so in that moment i i thought about paul couldn't see um because he was blind but he he heard something right yeah and he started to change his speech the second thing that he showed me was that his friends who were with him they couldn't the bible says they didn't say anything they didn't even understand what was they didn't understand what was going on so god showed me that sometimes in our conversion process you need people around you not going to speak on what you're going through [Music] because he was on the road you need people that you can trust with you on your road to to conversion and then the last thing he gave me you talked about specifically how and i love this part of the sermon you said we we have to have uh take the positive with the negative yes sir and you talked about how the the energy just has to move on and i thought about specifically how power sometimes um i've had in my previous uh home uh lightning to hit my home wow but it didn't destroy the home because of something called um a ground wire yeah and so you got to have more than just the positive and the negative you got to be grounded you got to be grounded and i believe that god allowed paul to go blind to humble himself because he was a persecutor and through the ground wire the the when the current comes and when the power comes see in your car there's a positive and negative battery but as you go to a higher power source it has to be more grounded so if you look at your your car there's a ground wire to help uh this distribute the current and i believe in this season that god will allow us to change what we're seeing so we can change what we say and as we get more power if we stay humble hallelujah he will exhaust it he's gonna make me shout because i'm thinking about the fact that when jesus christ died the bible says that all power all power in heaven and earth in both places was in his hand do you know one of the most effective tools for grounding power is wood yes come on it's the reason why axe has a wooden handle it's the reason why a hammer has a wooden handle now there are other conductors like plastic but wood is actually a good grounder is that the reason the cross was wood come on because he was so much powerful he had so much power and if they hadn't grounded him on wood what would have happened to everybody at the foot of the cross what would have happened to the soldiers who were nailing him they would have been shocked by the power and and what we were getting at matt yesterday when we were talking about it i said that electricity yeah it's actually uh the marriage between atoms which are both negative and positive and whenever you see electricity it is because the negative atom has moved on and i'm telling you uh for those of y'all who didn't see it sunday here was the power of the text the text said that paul was beaten and i made the idea the question uh or the argument that the negative is necessary that that you're watching me now because of the negative and positive charges that create electricity so you couldn't even watch me without negativity and after this message goes off and you go and watch the next thing without your remote you would have to get up and turn the television because without negativity you couldn't use the remote right and so so negativity moves on and that's called power and then i made this point and i want y'all to help me discuss it that what is killing the people that's watching us what what what is causing you to struggle beyond reproach what's causing you to lose sleep at night is that you haven't yet learned how to move on hello everybody we just paused right in the middle of this tackle of texas that i hope you are enjoying to let you know that it is giving time but before we give you an opportunity to give let me thank you to the many partners that we have around the world who make sure that we can fulfill the scripture as it relates to malachi chapter 3 the bible says that when we give the tithe to the storehouse that the consequence of that is that there will be meat in the house and can i tell you this weekend we got an opportunity to distribute meat and vegetables and fruit and water and cereal and milk to at least 600 families who came on this property because we are living in difficult times no doubt about it and let me tell you i was so struck because as i looked in the line i saw people who had nice cars because in this day the poor are not walking some of us are the working poor some of us are we have jobs and we work 9 to 5 and 40 hours a week and we're still struggling and it is our job not to judge who shows up but to serve who shows up and because you give nobody was turned away we were able to feed and give cases of water to every single individual that showed up and i want to start this offering off by thanking you for being faithful but here it is the work isn't done because we're going to turn around and do it next week and we're going to do it again next month and we're going to keep fighting the good fight of faith until the lord comes and takes us home so as you get ready to give today i don't want you to give as one who is begrudging i want you to give because god loves a cheerful giver i want you to get your seed ready right now because your seed is making a difference in this house and it is making a difference in people that you will never meet and that my friend is the gospel if you are in our lighthouse 2.0 thank you so much for giving through giblify we appreciate you if you're giving online through text to give or through our app or online or you bring it in or you mail it in we thank you so much all of those instructions are getting ready to come up on the screen i'm getting ready to play pray a blessing over your life right now that when you release this seed listen that god is going to release success over your life seed for success god is getting ready to give you beautiful ashes and it's going to give you the oil of the morning and the praise the garment of praise for the spirit of heaven is god is faithful guys he's faithful to perform do you have your gift do you have it in your hand are you ready god right now i pray that every seed would release success and i pray god that every home that has a struggle and the need that you will meet it you already told us that you shall supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory thank you that the riches are not according to our failures our spending habits our bankruptcies but is according to you and thank you god that you own all the cattle and the silver and the gold we bless you god that we are blessed we bless you that we are highly favored and we curse the spirit of poverty over our last name in jesus name we pray hallelujah and amen thank you for your seed get ready for a miracle and a blessing and watch the second half of this because you don't want to miss what these guys have to say next master let me let me take on that because when i when i heard that message something it's funny because you said you didn't you don't think you when i had that message and when you said that something lived in my belly because look at what fess samuel 16 1 says samwell was mourning over a soul that god has replaced and god says samuel i know you were anointed you missed it the first time and you were about to anoint the wrong person the second time but that's a different conversation and he said how long are you going to stay stuck with a soul for every and holden what does saul represent saul represents the first for every first you lost there is a best next for every soul you lost there is a david after your own heart a job after your own heart and what does all represent people's opinion i think the disappointment of christianity is that we're waiting for god or waiting on god's move i would rather move with god and wait on god to move because if you are not part of the movement you become a monument i think this is this is the season where god wants us to say abraham leave your father's house jeremiah go down to the potter's house there has to be movement somehow there has to be movement even the negative and positive there has to be movement a lot of us have we have we are so stuck in what we went through that we are now confusing our attachment with our assignment we've allowed our next assignment to be stifled by our past attachments and this is why when you say move on it sounds so simple but the bible says one of paul's secret is forgetting those things that are behind talking about power paul says i'm crucified with christ i mean this is a paul we talk about and these are all the little principles in a man's life he learns paul said i have defrauded no man hold on a second speech therapy you how can you say you have defrauded no man you basically killed christians and you're saying i've wronged no one i've defrauded no one this is speech therapy look at jesus he says i come to seek and save that which is lost but after he creates and finishes the purpose then he says i go to prepare a place for you look at look at him moving on even the god who created the earth had to move on from it and i think that one of the most difficult seasons of our life and the biggest two that the enemy is using against god's people is preventing us from accessing the innate ability to move on i believe it i believe that people get stuck with with who left them and and and the job that didn't work in and what their parents didn't do when they were children and i know that trauma carries with us through our life but when you are 50 talking about what happened when you are five you will never be able to fully walk into the purpose of god because what you have just showed the enemy is that you don't have the power to move on you've got to move on you got to move on in your heart you got to move on in your mind so it happened it happened they beat paul within the entrance of his life and if you go back and read chapter 14 of acts the bible says that they'd beat paul watch this and presumed he was dead presuming he was dead this this happens in between the text that we read and the one we finished off with and we see paul in what the scripture says is his third missionary journey this is the last time ladies and gentlemen of the jury and my brothers who are watching this is the last time we see paul free yeah yeah from here on paul is in chains remember he's on his way to rome and the chief priest said put two chains on them so they lock him up and then lock him up again and paul stands on the stairs of that temple with the crowd all around him and says like you said matthew can i can i speak to the people can i speak to the people he's shocked because he's like we thought you were ignorant we thought you were ignorant isn't it amazing how many assumptions people make about you when you're wounded my god isn't it amazing how how when you're wounded they look at you and think that that's how you act that's how you talk that's how you speak i want to speak to people because you can help them that that they've got to be able to separate the real them from the wounded them pastor i think you separate the real you from the wounded you by realizing the fact that uh in this season we can't be mono linguistic in other words you got to begin to speak more than one language say you're big words right as paul did uh mono-linguistic uh more than one you got to speak different languages you took back to the positive negative let the weak say i'm strong let the poor say that i'm rich paul realized that he had to change his language i'm reminded of something you said you said we're born looking like our parents and we died looking like our decisions and god told me that we're born sounding like our parents but we die by the words that we say and so when you start changing your tone and your speech you allow yourself to be in a different place and paul was just like that he he converted himself and he had a new language and through new languages he god allowed him to be free in his conversion well i want you to hit on this man i'm gonna ask you a question because pastor hamm is right he did have a new language he did have a new language and somebody out there is looking at us and saying yeah pastor he had a new language but that's hard because he was talking to the same old people these are the people yeah who are responsible for where he is they beat him yeah they they they ostracized him they literally crucified him so matt tell us tell the people yeah how do i change my speech when the people who are responsible for our pain haven't changed well i think the first thing you have to do before the speech changes you have to change the perspective and and that is coming through that road to damascus through the blinding he couldn't see because he had to be led and when he was led god led him into a new perspective because he the scales fell from his eyes and and when i hear that it it wasn't just in the physical yeah it was in the mental it was in the emotional those things that fell from his eyes was that previous perspective that rotten perspective that wicked perspective that was falling off and now i can see people i can see myself i can see my god differently because of the darkness if you know if you stay in the dark for too long and then the light flips on everything is different you see everything different so when god let him stay in that darkness it was intentional we know that yeah but when we get into the actual purpose of something falling off his eyes then his speech began to change i love it i love it so so so what you're saying is is the scales represent the perspective yeah it represents it it represents the perspective in the past if you ever see when a snake sheds it's shedding something that's old because it's coming into something new and so he was literally leaving something behind and that was the physical representation something tangible because sometimes we don't believe it unless we can feel it that's something that he could see that says this is something new i'm no longer that creature it was rebirth it was his rebirth now you say rebirth because and this is where we finish and it was almost as if you were here paul says first of all i'm coming to rome that they might be saved that's that's the only reason why i'm going i don't care if i go on chains yeah i don't care if i go in pain i'm going for a purpose the lord spoke to me guys and and tell me if you saw this paul is human and i never try to remove the human experience away from the biblical interpretation because he's a person we can't look at paul he wasn't superman he wasn't superhuman if they put chains on them then his wrists begin to bleed it's tight it hurts if they are telling him that his ministry is not true then his heart is broken but when he gets there and he speaks in the language that they understand paul stays with his purpose yes in spite of his pain and here's what the lord showed me he said keon tell the people when they are hurting it is much more important to communicate truth rather than experience that's good that's good because if you hurt me and i allow my mind to shift from my purpose to my pain then i will communicate something to you for by which i wasn't sent what if jesus had been marching up calvary and allow them spitting on him and beating him to shift his mind from why he was sent then you and i wouldn't be saved because he would rather stay with why he was sent than to allow his emotions to switch him to what he feels and i am telling you that in a moment of tragedy and trauma you have to stick with purpose in spite of pain he he was communicating truth and not experience you don't always have to tell people what you've been through that's right you don't always have to get into every relationship talking about i'm not going to take this because this person hurt me and and i'm not gonna take that and i'm guilty of it i've done it i know that a lot of us have we walk into situations trying to protect ourselves from future hurt by discussing past experience and every moment doesn't need your experience sometimes it just needs your truth pastor you you are my um this is ridiculous when you talked about pain and truth and experience a word came into mind i thought whenever you talk like that these words just keep coming like that what i just got out of what you said the way my mind works is your pain is not how do i put it your pain is not a sleepover it's a stopover and a lot of people have made their pains a slumber party out of it we have turned our our stopovers into sleepovers and now we have we have erected structures where we're supposed to have erected tents i want you to stay right there because isn't it true this is what this is what god says to joshua uh joshua is mourning about the death of moses he's getting ready to stay there and god says uh joshua moses my servant is dead now you get up move on and lead the people i won't let them finish because i i i believe that you're i want you to minister because everybody's stuck we don't know what to do covet stuck social injustice stuck food insecurity stuck mental relapses and and it's just stuck you are you we are dealing with a stuck world right now so pastor once again when you stay stuck the word that came to my mind and you talked about it yesterday you talked about it on sunday when you talked about darkness and negatives and you talked about stock the word that just flashed across my my mind now is the word darkness because whenever we talk about darkness because this is how this is how we can move we're talking about practical things we can do to move i think our perspective is very important also pastor if you if you say if you talk about if we say darkness the first thing that dawns or comes to anybody's mind is this is an absence of light but take paul's experience take paul's encounter everything paul went through maybe all i could see that grows in darkness maybe just maybe maybe darkness is not the absence of light maybe it's the presence of growth and this is the growth and god is saying i cannot grow you till you and we think it's stuck was was paul really stuck or was he growing in the dark was he growing in the dark so when god turns on the light they were like oh my god how did you get to this because it was not absence of light it was presence of growth and development and now your sensitivity and your speech had changed because you know how to handle the dark a lot of people don't know how to handle the dark a lot of people want to get to the light on the light of the world that can you handle the dark because the light shines in darkness so so you want to be you want to be on top but you don't want to be the topic [Laughter] wow pastor uh there's some historians that say um there used to be approximately about 7 000 languages on the world wow but today there are only about 6 500 languages that are spoken that means there are about 500 languages that are called dead when you said moses my servant is dead go on there are some languages that have to die we can't can't keep speaking the same languages we've been speaking we've got to let them die and allow god to give us our new language so we can move into our future and different way of saying it is you can't speak a dead language at the tower of babel that was a dead language conversely we get to pentecost and the church starts because of a new language and what was happening at babel is everybody started to speak the same language what happened at pentecost is every man spoke in his own language and people began to understand and learn new languages which allows the church to explode because it is a compilation of different languages i wonder if you are speaking a dead language i wonder hallelujah if your life is going in the direction of your speech when god gave me this word i thought to myself god are you sure he said yes tell the people what they say in this season will determine what they see in the next season the last example that i thought of matt was the other day i was sitting in the car and i told them this sunday ladies and gentlemen if you didn't see the message i was sitting in the car the other day i was doing a podcast interview and they asked me to make sure that i was in a quiet place the only problem was is i had a meeting at three o'clock that i could not miss in the interview started at 2 30. i had to text the person at at 2 45 to let them know that this meeting may go over but i'm right outside in the parking lot and i'll be up as soon as the call is over i had two important things to do at the same time remember he said be in a quiet place all of a sudden 15 minutes into the interview inside of my car where the windows are up and my airpods are in and no noise comes a fire truck now i heard it coming a long way away so i muted the phone and i was hoping that the question would last longer than the noise but the question was short and now it was my turn to respond live so i unmuted the phone and i began to answer the question and as i began to answer the question the truck was getting closer and closer but i wasn't finished with my answer so instead of being distracted by the noise what i did is i started to raise my voice and i became very passionate about what i was talking about and i stayed with that level and that passion until the truck passed me and the lord showed me two things number one maybe three number one where you're going in your life and the anointing you have you can forget about ever having another quiet place you are getting ready to make such a splash in the world there will always be noise around you you always gonna have haters you're always going to have the enemy coming after you there will always be demonic forces coming after you your anointing has cancelled your quietness that's number one the second thing the lord showed me is that if you have a word you can speak longer than the noise that i had enough answer in me to continue to speak until the noise passed and the reason why number three the interviewer never heard the noise it's because i learned a lesson that no matter how loud the enemy is you can always speak louder than the distraction and i just kept talking until the distraction passed and i am telling you right now no matter what is going on in your life you keep speaking until the noise passes you keep speaking until the depression falls off you keep speaking until the rejection leaves your heart you keep speaking until god mends your heart you keep speaking until your resources come you keep speaking until they give you a raise on the job find you an affirmation you write it down and you write the vision and you make it plain and you keep speaking jesus christ even in death spoke on the cross and said father i don't know what you're going to do but please forgive them for they know not what they do and he spoke seven times you don't have to speak a lot but you just have to say the right things keep talking even though you're being nailed even though you are bleeding even though you're swollen even though you're frustrated keep speaking you've got to have enough word in that word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin glory to god against thee you can speak longer than the distraction you can speak louder than the distraction and come to grips that there is such an anointing on your life that you will never ever have another quiet place notice i didn't say you won't have a peaceful place yes sir because you're going to get to the place like paul where you understand that peace is not the absence of noise but it's the presence of order and in the face of people who are ridiculing him he's speaking in a different language i prophesy different languages amen that will open different doors that will present you with different opportunities in the name of jesus there is a speech therapist called jesus that has come to change the way you talk in trauma that has come to to change the way you talk in temptation it has come to change the way you talk when you are frustrated that the weak is going to say i am strong and the poor is going to say i am rich and the lost is going to say i am found and the blinded is going to say now i see there is a change coming to your language listen thank you holy ghost you're going to even change the way you talk to your children when you're angry oh my god because you were raised by a mother who yelled don't raise your child the same way you're going to change your speech us i'll close with this i was talking to one of my friends whose wife is a doctor and she was saying in the african-american community we have to normalize therapy because in our community we don't go to therapists so she told me that and it's no secret i told you guys i went still go every day same time and i was talking to him about a circumstance but the advice that he gave me was so powerful that i think is applicable to everybody who's listening to me right now he said whenever you're dealing with difficulty understand that the only answer for difficult circumstance is contrast that means you have to act differently than what you're in when god got ready to look for another king of israel he didn't look for similarity he looked for contrast i'll let you pick the tall one i'm picking the short one i'll let you pick the one whose father owned donkeys i'm picking the one that's out here tending sheep i i let you pick a king i'm picking a son contrast just be different than what you're experiencing just speak different wow and god is going to make a way i hope you enjoyed this i enjoyed you guys i can't wait y'all come back next tuesday with you i just want this same group uh we're going to leave pastor torrance off we're just going to let him have the weekend up i want this same group would you all come back we'll do it all right i'm looking forward to it listen thank you so much uh for being with us on this tackle the text remember god is trying to change the way you speak and you heard matthew say it he says you got to have a language for every level this is the lighthouse church we are servants of the most high god and you are blessed and highly favored and guess what we love you and ain't nothing you can do about it see you next week wow what an amazing message if you was blessed by that message like i was and you haven't had opportunity to give you want to give it an opportunity right now and we'll put the instructions right below also if you want to join this lighthouse family because you love what we're doing we're going to put those instructions down below as well lastly here at lighthouse we believe in discipleship and we believe that if you confess at your mouth and believe your heart that jesus is lord that you shall be saved go ahead come on and pray with me heavenly father you're great you're amazing you're holy and you're worthy god we just thank you for the opportunity they got to see this great message we ask that you allow a god to sink in our heart and bring forth fruit god we pray this in the mighty name jesus christ we pray amen hey listen we love you and there's nothing that you can do about it we have created a way for all of you all to connect with us online whether you live in the city of houston out of the city of houston whether you're in another country we've created a platform called lighthouse 2.0 and it is nothing more than my way of connecting to you wherever you are so right now they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen and you're going to be able to go to that link to that place and say you want to be a part come check us out we got a lot that we've given and we got a lot more for you i cannot wait to see you at 2.0
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 10,154
Rating: 4.9728508 out of 5
Keywords: Tackle The Text, Keion Henderson, Speech Therapy sermon, pastor keion henderson 2021, keion henderson new sermon, keion henderson church, bible study by pastor keion henderson, keion henderson message, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, latest sermon highlight, lighthouse church live stream, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson, holy spirit, pastor, sermon, bible, god, god's word, the lighthouse church, Speech Therapy, bishop, worship, church, grace, god sermon
Id: b_N_OFWfuaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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