The EPIC Snow Block Puzzle Box SOLVED!!

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(upbeat music) - What's up guys, and welcome back. Today we've got a really cool puzzle for you. This is sent in from a viewer and you know what? Over the past few years, some of the most incredible puzzles that we've had are from some of you. Some people out there are inspired to create puzzles and send them to me and have me solve them and then maybe even start their own website and sell them there. And I encourage that. I think it's a great, great thing that you guys are doing. This is by Phillip Black. He sent me this puzzle, which says yes, 28 steps. Look at this thing. It's hard to see, here we got, snow block. So this is a 3D printed puzzle. It's got really cool features and I look forward to solving it. Supposed to be a sequential discovery puzzle. Meaning there is, there are tools on the inside to help you solve it, to get it done. Guys, if you like what we do here, and you wanna support this channel, easy way to do that is smash like and subscribe if you're not. So without further ado, let's solve the Snow Block. Always love receiving puzzles from fans, especially when they put a lot of hard work into it. This one looks pretty cool. There's a letter here that came along with this from a guy named Philip. And he says, "I found a real pleasure in designing "and creating this puzzle box. "It's the first one I've ever designed. "And so the mechanisms are all a bit experimental. "Hope you like it. "I hope it challenges you. "I hope you find it difficult to solve. "I'm hoping for at least 20 minutes on the timer." (giggles) We'll see if you can beat that. "These are now available to buy." I'll put that in the description for you guys, "With over 200 man hours of designing, "it take 80 hours to print "and then two days to hand assemble. "More exciting for me, "I'm already well into designing my second puzzle box, "which will be more complex and challenging." So this is called the Snow Block Puzzle Box. Here are the rules: "26 steps roughly. "No hitting, shaking, "force or gravity needed to open the box. "The box stays on its feet, do not turn it upside down, "to solve. "No tools to be used, "only those which the box provides. "If it doesn't look like "it's supposed to go in a particular hole, it isn't. "The inner workings are delicate, so no movements or actions need excessive force." (timer clock rings) Throw it up on the time we got 20 minutes to beat. So this is cool. So all these things move here and on the side, you've got, I'm gonna show you guys, even though he says, don't turn it upside down, but I just wanna show you the sides of this here. There you go. A lot of little panels and buttons and stuff moving around. So we're gonna see if any of this shifts. Okay, so right here, I've just pushed this in. (cool music) (hitting gently) Oh, and that takes this side out here, okay. That also moved. Nothing else seems to move though. Let's see. Nope. Oh, look at this little move here. Look at this. Oh wow, there's a tool, little tool hidden there. So I'm guessing this tool must fit in here. (hitting gently) Okay, so that moves, but then it comes back. So it's like spring loaded. Now, what does that do? Let's see if we can, there's another arrow over here, see if maybe we can use that arrow. Oh, Oh my God, there we go. Okay, we push that in. Thanks to moving this part out of the way. (hitting gently) And then it moves over here. So it's like in, and then to the right. Very interesting. (hitting gently) See what this does once again, this arrow here. So there's something that I have to do or push, while pushing this here. So I'm gonna do that. Start feeling around here, see if there's anything else that can be moved. (cool music) Okay, so that came out. I'm not sure if that's supposed to come out or if that's supposed to stay in there. Interesting indeed. It does not look like a key that would fit anywhere else. Oh, maybe it does, actually. What about here? I have a feeling this piece wasn't supposed to come out, so I'll leave that there, but we'll keep that in mind in case it does and then we might have to use it for somewhere else. Because there is a small little space right here, but I tried pushing it and it doesn't really do anything. That does not fit there. Still the mystery here with this arrow, arrow just goes like that. (cool music) (hitting gently) So I fit this thing right here, yet I'm not sure what that does. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be in there? Just, oh there you go, boom. I've moved that arrow that was here all the way into that sort of bunker there. Now there seems to be a square in there. You see that? Pretty sure that has to come out somehow. How though? I do know. (hitting gently) Oh no, I've locked this, I've locked this back in somehow. Is there a way of unlocking that night? Just like that. Well, see, I always thought it said, now lock, it's a snow block. I get it. (hitting gently) I'm a bit stumped right now. We're at six minutes and 22. I feel like we've gotten pretty far, now we've come to a bit of a standstill here. This piece on the side feels like it wants to slide off, but it doesn't move right now. So no hitting, shaking, force or gravity. So maybe spinning? Doesn't say no spinning. I know spinning is gravity, I'm aware of that, but, maybe that's just a play on words here. All right, folks I'm genuinely stuck. Just realize that my second mic wasn't picking up any sound. I have a really good microphone here. That's I've hooked up right next to my mouth. And I thought it was recording on this thing the whole time. But apparently it wasn't. So we're gonna use it backup sound, unfortunately. I still have no idea what this does. I'm wondering if I have to go backwards. So, let me try going backwards here. Maybe that'll open something else. (cool music) (hitting gently) I've feeling that this block in the middle, the one that's stuck here, needs to slide out. There's also, okay, this fits in there. What does it say? It doesn't look like it's supposed to go in a particular hole? It isn't. So that doesn't look like it's supposed to go in a particular holes. On that, and it does his is spring loaded here, but this probably isn't the correct tool because it doesn't look like it's supposed to go in there. So I'll respect that and I won't pursue that route, unless I get really stuck. In which case I'll happily pursue that route. Throw me for a loop here. Kinda wondering what it is I should do at this point. This is a wiggly piece in here. (hits gently) Oh, definitely a wiggly piece in here. That seems to be glued. It's a magnet. (gasps happily) It's a magnet, it's a magnet. Oh, that's cool. What does that do? Oh, there's a hole there. Okay, so we got another hole here. (mumbles) Oh my God. Look at this. So this side stuck here, magnet goes here, this now slides open. We have another tool. That's pretty cool. This tool. (cool music) (hitting gently) See a second ago that was moving. Do I have to put this back? (cool music) (hitting gently) There we go. (cool music) (hitting gently) (upbeat music) I'm gonna press down this button and I'm gonna push this in and move that forward. It doesn't seem to do anything here. There's some cool elements here. There's still that hole here that needs to be filled. This here, let's just take this magnet and run it around the sides here. Might be another tool of some sort. (hitting gently) Right here. Well, this is cool. Sorry, time is all over here. 15 minutes, got five minutes left, he said 20 minutes, hopefully. So here, I don't know what this does. (hitting gently) There is a magnet right here or a metal, something that's being attracted to this. But there's nothing on the side and it. (hitting gently) Oh, here we go. That seemed like a click. (hitting gently) (upbeat music) Definitely seems like a switch here. (hitting gently) (upbeat music) 'Cause there's like this bearing, I feel like I have to move this bearing out of the way somehow. (hitting gently) And this thing doesn't push down unless this is closed. Not only closes when that happens and now I can push down on this. What if I push down then let go, now that doesn't open anymore. All right, coming up on 20 minutes here, I'm about to lose. So that got me this, what does this get me? (upbeat music). 10 seconds. No. I'm still missing another tool unless that pops out. And there's a tool in there, this square's now been pushed in. A good thing or a bad thing? This square here can be pushed in. It can also be pushed out. And then when that's pushed out, this can turn now I can retrieve this and I can't push that back in until I push this in, now I can push that in, but I don't know what that accomplishes, super tricky. And then we still have the mystery here, of whatever's in this corner here. I really feel like this piece needs to slide out next, this little sliver here. I feel like that's the only thing that I haven't been able to move this entire time. Everything else has moved. (groans) Soon as I let go of this, you're gonna hear the bead roll back. Right, so I know that'd be probably has to stay here. But if that stays there then I can't move this arrow. So maybe, I have to move the arrow first, hold that in place, may be I can use this to hold it in place, (hitting gently) hold that there, now push on this thing. That's not doing anything now. (upbeat music) There's also this little opening right here that is blocked and covered. I don't know what for? It does move however, there is like, there's movement there. (upbeat music) Maybe I have to move that bearing up and around here somewhere. (upbeat music). (hitting gently) All right so, what if I open this one? (hitting softly) Ooh, it opens more. We've got another piece. Okay, the missing link. This goes into here. This goes into here. No, wait, first this has to close. (hitting softly) Now this goes here. This goes here. (hitting gently) (yells happily) And there she is. Oh, nice and nice little snowflake as a prize, as well as this coin. One of 100, very honored. Thank you very much, Sir. Let's see if we can, sew and put this back together now. (upbeat music) Right here, just like that. That then closes, this then goes back here and we are back at the beginning. Very nice, very cool puzzle. Lots of really clever things. I love that there were extra tools like three tools in total. Always love tools with sequential discovery puzzles. Pretty difficult, lots of fun to solve, a lot of cool sounds. Box a bit rough around the edges from the 3D printing. As you can see, there's a lot of like rough edges and stuff. As he said, this is the first one he's ever made, dude. Like I like this and I like the way you're going, man. I like the direction. Really, really cool puzzle. Enjoyed it very much, thank you. Okay, we did it. Okay, we did it but, we didn't do it within 20 minutes as my buddy Philip challenged us to. There was one part where we were stuck for quite a long time. And it was really tricky because you slid it open and you get that feeling of, yay I discovered a tool, lo and behold, it slides further if you do another move and you get another tool, only then can you open this puzzle. So this puzzle is on sale on his website. You guys can check it out. It is not cheap. It's like £700. He does mention, like I said, that it was 200 man hours to design, 80 hours to print, two days to hand assemble, which is a lot. But I do think that still is quite steep for a first design. Would I pay £700 for this puzzle? I'm gonna have to say no on that. I don't think I'd pay £700 for this. Just because of, you know, the rough edges and how everything's, I'd say this is for me. And you know, I'm just being honest here. I really love this puzzle. I think it's a great puzzle, for something that is 3D printed, not crafted in wood. If this was wood, made of wood or metal, 100% down to pay £700 for that not a problem any day. Either way, man, great work. Thanks so much for sending it my way. Thanks again for watching guys. If you do like this video again, like this video and subscribe, then we'll be able to see you on the next one. Peace. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,166,425
Rating: 4.9592357 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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