Solving The Houdini ESCAPE Room!!

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- What's up, guys? Today we are doing an escape room, but not just any escape room. I'm here with my buddy from Mobile Escapes. They take escape rooms, and they bring 'em into your home. So we're at Eric's place. You might recognize this place. Used to have a big mural here. For some reason he had it painted over. - Real quick. - Big mistake. - Real quick. - So today, me, Alex, Wes, and Eric are gonna be solving an escape room that these two gentlemen have put together for us. - Basically what we do is bring the escape room to the client, so we transformed the fourth floor into an escape room. - What's the theme of this escape that we'll be doing today? - It will be to solve the mystery of Harry Houdini's death. - Who's that? - Ooh. (laughing) - Do the same thing. - Yep. (laughing) - Nothin'. You? - By the way, if you guys are interested, I'll leave the link below to Mobile Escapes so you can check it out if they're in your area. These guys travel, obviously, so you can hook it up for you and your friends. - So there's different types of locks. The easiest one is the four-digit or the three-digit, so just make sure to enter the combination on the side and not on the face. - Got you. - Top to bottom? - Top to bottom. - Famous high school locks. And directional locks, so this works with the up, down, left, right combination. And every clue is fully bilingual. - Awesome. All right. - That's good for you. - Hey. - English and Spanish. (laughing) Did you know in what year he died? - 1926. - 1926! - Yeah! 'Sup! Woo! - I'll take October 31. - October 31! But there's also some different stories of how he died. - Well the real way he died is like this. (laughing) - In this fourth floor is Harry Houdini's mansion. You're gonna enter Harry Houdini's mansion. He just came back from the hospital, You're Harry Houdini's closest friends and family, and one of you suspects that there's something more to this, and there's someone that's actually responsible for his death. The cops are gonna come and barricade his whole mansion, so you rush to his mansion, and you have 45 minutes to figure out who is actually responsible for his death before you don't have access to that anymore. - All right guys, next up, escape room. Let's go. - So unlike other escape rooms, when you have a permanent building, it's always, you need to find a key to get out, right? - Yep. - So we took that concept in each of our scenarios. It's a different kind of ending. This ending, if you figure out how to open this lock, it means you did solve the mystery, and that's when your time stops. - Okay? And here we have five pins. We call them the guilty pins, 'cause when you enter the room, you'll see there's 12 characters, and there are 12 court cards. - Okay. - All right? And they're actually real characters that were around with Houdini throughout his life. And those are the 12 possible suspects for the murder. So you guys need to figure out who out of these 12 are responsible. And the first step that you're gonna do, you're gonna have five minutes, you need to put these pins and clip them on your main top five suspects. All right? And what this does, is if you put this one-minute guilty pin, and at the end he's actually, or she's actually responsible for his death, we chop a minute off your time. - Okay. - You have a two-minute, a three-minute, a four-minute, and a five-minute. We'll give you five minutes to just flip the card, read the name, the suspected motive, and then throughout the escape, every time you open a lock, you'll find another court card that matches, and that eliminates that person from the race. - Got you. - So at the end, you'll have just a couple on those. - Hopefully they'll still have pins on them. - And hopefully you'll still-- - Okay. - All right, good. ♪ Here ♪ ♪ Here ♪ ♪ Here ♪ (slow EDM music) ♪ Here ♪ - Well obviously Houdini's connected. It's Houdini. This says, uh. - Mental health. - This is the boxer who gave Houdini appendicitis. - Oh, she's a medium, though. Maybe she was pissed at him. - Ooh. All right. - I got jealous brother here. - There's an affair over here. - This guy, Conan Doyle. - Is that the guy that wrote Sherlock Holmes? - Sax Rohmer, what is he? A prolific English novelist. - Yeah, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. - I've got his wife here. Suspect motive, money. - No, I wouldn't suspect his wife. - He loved her. - He loved his wife. - All right, I'm gonna definitely put one on Houdini. - Which one you gonna put on there? - The two-minute one. - Here, you guys all get one. You can pin on whoever you think. - Look at the face. - Is that Steve Cohen? (laughing) - All right, so you guys satisfied with that? - We're good. - Perfect. So you can move anything around. You can pick up anything you want. Your 45 minutes starts right now. Good luck, boys. Have fun. - So should we just pick everything up that's, and like assemble it? - I got Harry Houdini's visa. - Okay I'll do the lock picks. I got the lock picks here. - What the fuck does this even do? - Number 11. - Okay there should be 11 more lock picks. - This one has code with different languages. So if ever we find these codes, they mean this number. Okay? We're good there. What do you got over here? Lock picks? All right, get all the lock picks together. - Eight, nine, should be two more. - Right here. - Ten, I think we need one more. - There's magic potion? - All right, okay, great. - We got magic potion. - All right, let's put 'em all here, guys. Great start. - Need the potions? - I've got a ticket to an event October 3, 1926. We got more potions? Oh, oh, oh! Oh! The potions have letters on them. Right? And so this one says code. - So this way? - Ooh, there's numbers on the windows, look at that. - There's weight to the bottles as well. - Good. So they got different weights, so maybe they go from, look, this one says code, so it has nothing in it. So maybe the lighter one, which is this one, and then this one, and this one's the heaviest. There you go. Boom. Just found the code. - Bam! - There's another bottle right there. - There's another bottle there. - This one's super heavy. Which one's heavier? I think this one. - I think you're just weaker in that arm. - Maybe. - (laughs) This one's heavier? - Is that the zero? Is that "L"? That's gotta be an "L". - Yeah, for sure. - J, L, O, oh, J-Lo. - This is a legit Etch-a-Sketch, and I don't know what. Read this, I don't think they're supposed to be in here together. - Houdini collected many items as a hobby throughout his career. He liked to classify all of his collections in a very specific way. - And it's just like, it just, it works like a normal Etch-a-Sketch. There's nothing ... - Oh. - Another one? - Yeah. No it's heavier than that, but it's lighter than that. Okay this one goes here. That's a nine. Okay. What's this here? Is this yours? - No, that's theirs. - Okay. It's got a stain on it. - It says 1923, and it has a lot of arrows. - Even his mouth. Okay, so. Houdini employed several methods of escape from handcuffs, leg irons, and jail cells. He would conceal things in his shoes, hat, or even his mouth. - Right. And his anus. Anus. - His innus? - Oh you got a hat? - Conceal shit in the hat. - Might be something in this hat, bro. Check it out. - I got this as well. Arrows, numbers. - Ooh, ooh, the code with the lock with the different arrows. Another one of, okay. 1926 and 1923-- - Oh! - Yeah, let's go. - Oh! - Getting actually more complicated. - Oh boy, lotta shit here. - Let me see it, here. - We forgot to mention, you have three hints that you can ask us any time. - Three hints, any time. - As a group you need to figure it out, but three hints. - So he would conceal things in his shoes, hat, even his mouth. - Shoes, there's no shoes. - Six dollar ticket price, that's worth more than your show. (laughing) - So how about we try to open one more? - Well, the thing is, there's locks on that, and there's locks on that. We have this code. - Okay, so what about that? - This is a code we have. - What is it? What is it? - It's one, nine, J, L, zero. - Okay. - That was that. So we have this, though. And we have these tickets as well. - One, nine, J, L, O. - Yeah. - This one doesn't have a lock on it. - Anything in there? - Oh, is there anything in there? - Have a look, Alex. - Nope. - You sure? - Yeah, nothing here. - What about those sides? - Locked. - Locked? - We have, we got one thing to go on, which is this. Let's find where this goes. So look at the cards, look at the combinations, look at everything. Look, there's a ouija board right there. - Must be made by Spivey. - Maybe it's the red herring. (laughing) - Yes. Got something, boys. Keys. - Oh yeah! - Here we go, okay, we got keys. - We should split up. We should split up. Oh, oh, I got it. What is it, one, nine, J, L, O? - One, nine, J, L, O. - One, nine, J. - Yeah, dude, for sure. - L. - Zero. (lock clicking) - Yeah! Damn, okay. Oh we got cards here. - So you guys found the king of spades, so I'm taking off the king of spades. - Yeah! - Nice. - Woo! - And what's this it says? When performing on tour, Houdini traveled with a blanket that he calls his vanishing cloth. - Got another one. - Keys? Nice. - We got rid of this guy. Steve Cohen's out. Steve Cohen's out. - So you guys just lost your four-minute. - We don't need that anyways. - What's that? - We don't need that anyways. - Houdini would often trick his guests with an illusion that he created with his magic wand and a ouija board. And a ouija board. - Magic wand and a ouija board. - Oh so it might be magnetic or something. - That's what I'm thinkin'. - Oh. - Yes. - Yep. - Yeah, it's like bouncing here. Yeah, it's bouncing here. Look at the numbers that it bounces on. One, three, six, zero. - One, three, six, zero? - Yeah, try all the four-digit locks, yeah. - One, three, six, zero, nice. - So this is probably done, right? - Uh, here's a flashlight that was in this. It's a black light. - Yay, we got another one! - Another one? - This lock was never even preset. It had one, three, six, zero. (laughing) Okay, queen of spades is gone, and then this was in there. - Queen of spades is gone? And what does that say? - What's the three-digit code? - Throughout his career, Houdini worked to debunk spiritualists, mediums, and fraudulent psychics, creating many enemies along the way. In his shows he used a mechanism of flickering lights to create illusions that he spoke with the dead. - Flickering lights, and this was in it. - That was in it? - Yep. - That matches up with that big poster with the numbers on it. - Follow the light. It says follow the light. - Match it up. - So, okay, we have the code here, guys. One, two, three, four. There's four. So we got, no wait, nine, seven, nine, four, three. Seven, nine, four, three. - Seven, nine, four, three. - You got it there, Alex? - Nope. - That could be the round two. (guys talking amongst themselves) - Try 1923 and 1926. - Good call. (lock rattling) - Try three, seven, four, nine. - Three, seven, four, nine? - Yeah. - Three, seven, four. Three, seven, four, five? - Four, nine. - This one had, hold on. He traveled with a blanket that he called his vanishing cloth. I think this was the one that was in with this. Oh, and also here, left half turn, right half turn, left half turn, right half turn, left half turn. - Say that in French. - What number? - I don't know. - I have these, these are combination locks for sure, too. - Oh, oh, oh, oh! Theater, Houdini Theater, the theater tickets. - Yes. Okay, oh, there's this thing here. This is another one that was in here, right, Eric? - What's that? - Yeah. (laughing) - He said a vanishing cloth. You guys see the vanishing cloth? - I got it right here. - You know why you can't see the vanishing cloth? - Oh, gettin' worse. - Water torture cell, guys. - Oh, water torture cell? - Yeah. - Ooh, Chinese water torture cell. This goes with the picture. - Oh, no, no, it's this, it's this, it's with this. - Definitely, 100%. That's the water torture cell. One of them's gotta line up with all four of them. - But then how do we know ... - Well, one of them's gotta line up. So not that one. No. Maybe both of them combined together? - Yeah, maybe. - So these two work out? Look, put that one in. So we got right and right. And 1923 is before 1926, so put this one in then. And we got up. - I think this will line up. It has to have something to do with it. (locks rattling) Oh he's upside down in the water torture cell. I thought ... Ah ha ha! Right? - So smart. - He's upside down in the water torture cell. Wes, why're you just standing there? Do something! - I'm working on this! I'm working on this! - Get on it! - You're the worst partner ever. - Well there's no money on the line. Thought we were playing for paper. This thing seems to be of importance, but I don't think it is. Just random numbers, different languages. - What about these things? - I've been playing, 'cause I found this. I've been trying to match up all the right locks, which I did. And they have numbers attached to them, but I don't know what, like, they didn't ... - There's nothing else that comes with that? - These are extras, there's nothing on the back of this. - These are all done. - Houdini held a fortune-telling seance for his family. Bess got the hermit. Ooh! Bess got the hermit, Margery got the magician, and Hardeen got the chariot. Gimme the cards on the table. - Oh, yeah! - Hermit, magician, and chariot. - Maybe it's like this? - Hermit, magician, chariot. - Nine, one, seven? - Nine, one, seven. Nine, one, seven. One of these locks is nine, one, seven. - Bling! - You got it? - Yep. - Let's go. - That's all, that's it, nothing else in here. - These are lock picks, for sure. - Oh, finally. - Bam. Unlike most other escape artists of his time, Houdini could pick any lock using only three specific lock picks. Also, Cecilia Weiss is out, which is good. We didn't choose her. - Queen of hearts. - Oh, they're all glued. - Why are they glued? - 'Cause they don't want you to actually use them. - Oh, yeah, put these the cards in order that match them. - What's this then? - Match the cards. - This to this? - This is really pissing me off. - Match these ones with this, and it gives you numbers. But he only used only three specific locks. The ones that are missing. - The ones that are missing, so it's that one. - Yeah, it's probably the ones I set aside over here then, 'cause they didn't match up. - Find 'em with the tips. - Yeah, dude, it's this one. - I already did this. I did this with all the clues. This one. - No, it's this one here. - No that one's right there. - Hook one. - Yeah, hook one. - And then that one's all good, so over here it's the ... - Yeah, it's hook with a round tip. - Just the tip, guys, just the tip. - This one. - You sure? - It's either that one or this one. - This one has two prongs, this one has three. - I'm going for a smoke. I'm gonna go for a smoke. - So it's six, seven, five. - This is exciting! Might it be different, Chris? Might it be a different order? - I don't think so. - All right, you mess around with that, three different lock picks, that's all he used? I gotta figure out where this black light goes. - It goes on a blanket. He has these stupid little Halloween things for a reason. - Try putting them next to each other. Did you try combining them? - There's a third one here as well. - Try pissing on it. Try urine. Maybe urine is the key. - And there's this as well. - But we have a black light, right? - Yeah, I have a black light, but I shined it on them. It doesn't do anything. - Man, this is driving me crazy. - Some of 'em light up on the outside, too. - Okay, so we have a black light. - We have a black light. These cards are done. - What about this? - No, we used that already. This is done. (guys talking amongst themselves) - Do we have this? We didn't end up getting this did we? - No, we haven't figured that out. - Try the black light. - Oh, the arrow goes this way! It's backwards. Three, four, nine, seven. Three, four, nine, seven. Three, four, nine, seven. - We tried that. - No. - Backwards? We didn't try it. - Yeah. - Did you? - Yeah. - Nothing lines up with this guy. - Yeah? Got it? - Yep. - All right, we can get rid of Gordon Whitehead. - Gordon Lightfoot? - Five minutes. - What's that? - That's the five-minute pin. - That's our five-minute pin? - Okay guys, it's been 20 minutes. Just a reminder, you still have three clues you can use. - We don't need your bullshit clues. - This is a square. - It is a square, bro. - Is this for this? What does this do? - Oh yeah, for sure. - Well what does the clue say? - Hold on. - It says Houdini wrote many books and created his own material. Some of Houdini's illusions revolved around lighting and depth perceptions. - Exactly. - Fits the three. - Right. - Edit that out. - We still have all these tickets, too. - Damn, so many tickets. - There are numbers. (guys talking amongst themselves) - I don't know if that works, actually. Well that one kind of works for three. Right? You know what I mean? This one, look, it's kind of ... - Did we use this already? - It's like a passport. If ever we find numbers that are written like this, we'll have a thing to tell us. (mouthing silently) (other guys talking offscreen) - Beep beep beep beep beep - If I say I want a clue with this, will that work? - No, so the way it works is you ask for a clue, I would give you a clue towards what's your next lock that you would be able to open, so that would probably mean, if I don't give you a clue on that, it's 'cause that's not your next thing. - You try to figure this out, okay? Check it. - Yo, why does this say align here? - I've been holding this light for like five minutes and didn't even notice this. - Align here? - I'm sure it's fun when you know the answers, isn't it, idiots? (laughs) - All right, boys, are we ready for a clue? - Sure. - All right, let's get a clue. - All right, we want a clue. - We want a clue. You guys decide. - Y'all are agreeing on a clue? - Yep. - All right. So what's this? - No! That's a blanket! Man! - Oh your house is such a mess we would never know. - Okay, black light. - Son of a bastard. - Too much light here. Let's bring it into the dark and look at it. - So wait, what'd the card say with the magic cloth? - It says he uses black light. - With the magic cloth? - It can't be on here. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! - Here we go, here we go. These look like the size of the tickets. Those match up to the size of the tickets, look. Yeah, get the tickets. - Here. - We need some more weight, hold on. - We got a lot of weight here. - Here we go, just small square one. - Carry on this way in the escape rooms, you know? - Okay, guys, just 'cause it's not dark enough, it's easier to see if you flip the blanket on the other side. - Oh, let's go. Let's try flipping it on the other side. - Hey, just 'cause we thought of that on our own. (laughing) Oh! Oh wait, turn this around. There's words. There are words on this. Boom. - Go slower and actually read them, maybe. (laughing) - Okay, so this one, seat, and then section, row, time, date, price. - What the hell? Look down here. Remember we had the other things? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, there was the squares of the tickets. But I can't see them anymore. Oh, they're up here, they're up here. - What's the first thing? What does the first one say? It says-- - Can we figure this out with just this? - I can't see the squares anymore. - What's up with the light? - Private time. - Oh boy, what's going on there? - Don't worry about it. - Much better, much better. - Better? - Yeah. - Okay here, this is the first one. It's a long one. Holy crap, it's so easy to see when you have the tools. Somebody take notes. Could somebody grab the notepad? All right, so seat. - Yeah. - Zero. - Yeah. - And then zero. - Section zero. - So just zero, zero. - Yeah. - That's one number. - 'Kay. Yep. Date is 36? - The last one's 36. (chuckles) - Seat zero, section zero, whatever 18, 36, 1836. - Don't move, we need you. - We need you, Wes. - So, zero, zero, 18, 36. We have combination locks. - 18, 36, got it. - Yes! - More cards. - All right, Sax Rohmer, you're out, buddy. This guy. Don't need ya. Peace out, Sax Rohmer, jack of spades. Houdini's favorite celebration was Halloween. Coincidence? He loved to use pumpkins, bats, and spiders to scare his trick-or-treaters. So do we count pumpkins, bats, and spiders? Pumpkins, bats, spiders. Count the pumpkins. We have 14 bats. Spider, looks like only one. Yeah, so one, okay. That's our number. 15, 14, one. Is there any combination there, no? - You guys have 15 minutes left. - Plenty of time, man. Not even worried. - How far along are we? - 80%. - Thanks. Oh my God. All right. - Oh boy. - Okay should we hint? Another one? - I think we should. - Yeah, hit us. - I'll give you guys a hint for the lock picks. Well, this is the correct order from left to right. These are the three missing picks. - Right, we got those. - That's not correct. So find the other correct one. - Oh, Wes, you piece of. - Such a piece of human garbage. - The easiest one, Wes. It's for two-year-olds. - Wait, let me look at my notes. - Ah! That might have been my fault. Nope, it doesn't work either. Okay. - I got it here, hold on. I can tell just by the way Nick is standing next to me that this is it. - Oh! - King of diamonds! - Arthur Doyle. - The greatest and most sensational of Houdini's escapes was without a doubt his Chinese water torture cell. In this trick, Houdini was to escape a contraption resembling a fish tank placed head down in full view of the audience. Eric, over here. - Do we have a directional lock? - Left. - Yeah. - Left. - Up, left, up, right. - Yep. - It's good! - All right, let's get rid of this girl, Bess Houdini, the queen of hearts. Gone, boom. - Okay, we got another one of these ones. Guys, we're doing good. We're doing good. - It's the half turn, right half turn, left half turn one. And it says Houdini would often use ciphers and secret messages to communicate to his loved ones. Yes! Okay so we wanna start 'em all in the middle, right? - Right. - So, oh and that one starts bottom, so we'll start them all bottom. So left half turn, right left half turn this way. That's a two. So we've got a number. We've got the number two. - This is the part of the story where we'll write funny content to laugh about. - And how much time left? Time! - Ten minutes. - Ten minutes? - How many numbers could possibly be in a three-digit lock? A thousand? (laughing) - Zero, zero, zero, one? Is that a four upside down, or is that a chair? (laughing) - Four, for sure. - Two and four? - Look at them flying through this. - Okay we have to use the last hint. What's the last hint? - I got three digits here. - I only got two numbers, I only got two cards. - Give us a hint. - So you got three carpets. This is gonna give you a three-digit combination. So you need to figure out which carpet you count the pumpkins, which carpet you count the bats, which carpet you count the spiders. - Did we not do it? - Oh, well the spiders got one. So we already know it's one. - What order did he say? Bats, pumpkins, spiders. - The order on the card is pumpkin, bat, and spider. - So six, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Six, eight, one. - That's not the smartest thing I've ever seen, but it's pretty good. - Got it. - Yeah, let's go. - And we did that with no help from anyone. - Next card, next number digit. - Oh, another one. - This guy? Get outta here, one minute. - You got two and four here. So which one is it? - So this one is left half turn. - What'd you write on my back? Just notes? Okay cool. - Right full turn, left half turn. - Got it, got it, got it. Chris, skip it. Oh! - What's this? - Okay, eliminate this guy. - Wait, was that the one for this? - Yeah, yeah. - Damn, you're good. Awesome. - What does the card say? Do you have a card? - Where's the card? - There's two cards that were in there. Where's, you gave him two, or one? - Just one. - One, two, nine, seven, zero, four, six. Oh there's so many numbers on here. One, two. - The chain. And then use the light. - Okay! - Oh, so this escape room you need the hints. - And this one, you can't align it because it's too close. - Four, zero. What is it? - No, 'cause that's the third number. So zero's the third number, so four. So where do you fill this full screen? That's the second number. Four is the first number. Second number's this big one. Back up. - Four digits? - Yeah. - So four is the first one. The second one is the big one, that's what you're saying. - Why? - Because it lines up. So four, nine. Wait, hold on, is it nine or this one? - No, it's definitely nine. - Four, nine, zero. It's not zero, it's not zero. - Four, nine, zero, seven. - Or, reverse. - No, it's four, nine, zero, seven. - Or, or, reverse. - All right, get rid of the queen of diamonds. And the king of hearts, he's free. Dear Bess, I'm sorry I had to put you through this. As my last illusion ever, I decided to fake my own death. I'm probably halfway around the world as you are reading this. I'm tired of the fame, and I want to live the rest of my life peacefully with you. Please join me back in my home country at Edgy Kalek Nedgy Road, Hungary. See you soon. That's the passport, and that opens the last thing here, guaranteed. Hungary, give us this weird book. Hungary, at Eggy, which is ... Four, eight. - Yes! (all shouting and cheering) - 42 minutes and 40 seconds. You still have a two-minute guilty pin there, so it's really 40 minutes and 40 seconds. - That was my pin, by the way. - That's how we do! - Yo, that was a lot of fun. - Reset, let's see how fast we can do it the second time. (laughing) - All right, guys, yo, thank you so much for watching. Again, if you guys are interested in doing this escape, or they have like 10 other escapes you guys can try out, I'll leave the link below to their company. Go show them some love. You guys on Instagram? All right, so I'll leave their Instagram and their website below. You guys can check that out. Thank you guys so much. It is super awesome, dude. (guys saying thank yous) - Don't ask me where I kept the pen. Hey! Son of a bitch! - Thanks, you guys.
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 816,989
Rating: 4.9377952 out of 5
Keywords: escape room, houdini, houdini escape, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, escape rooms, full escape, mobile escapes, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, ramsey, magic, magician, illusion, funny, escaping, hand cuffs, lock, locks, trick lock, lock picking
Id: eXY017IWVjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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