Solving The IMPOSSIBLE Nut & Bolt Puzzle!!

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- What's up guys? And welcome back. Today we are tackling a level 10, Hanayama puzzle. This puzzle known as the nut-case puzzle, which is probably what I'm going to feel like trying to solve it, is a six-star out of a possible six-star Hanayama, and that translates to, basically by default, a level 10 puzzle. Extremely difficult, the whole point of this is to take the bolts apart and then reassemble them once again. And it's one of those puzzles where reassembling them is going to be just as, if not more tricky, than taking them apart. Hanayama puzzles are some of the most difficult in the world, they are very tactile and do require a certain amount of outside the box thinking. And so hopefully I'm gonna put my mind to good use today and figure this thing out so I can get on with my life. But we'll see. Also guys, if you're interested, RamFam shop, which is the merch shop, is still going. We have T-shirts and we have long sleeves for sale. I'll leave the link below if you guys wanna check that out. Alright whatever, let's get into it. (bang and hiss) All it is, is this little nut here. This, it's called nut-case, I guess 'cause it drives you nuts. The idea is to unscrew this I guess. (nut rattling) I'm not sure what to do here. Oh, there's like a little bolt. There's like a little nut on the inside of this, like a tiny one, you can't see it, but there is. You can hear it. So I don't even know where to begin with this. We'll just try doing this I guess. But why is that in there, there's gotta be a reason for that, or is it just like, if you get that nut out you win? There's an innuendo there somewhere by the way. Okay, so. Okay, maybe we'll try going to this end. (sighs) I'm not sure how. I see, it comes apart like this, okay. Well how the heck would that work? Okay, so the end comes off of each of them. End come off? It's gotta be one at a time I'm guessing, but pretty positive it has absolutely nothing to do with the nut that's inside. The thing is I can't, I can't pull this out on this side because it's stuck, with these ones over here, and vice-versa. And that's kinda what makes this seem impossible, which I really like. I like when the puzzles seem super impossible. Like there is no logical outcome, and you have to, you're forced to think laterally. And I think that's what this is, and I'm not entirely sure where lateral is, but we'll figure it out. Okay, and I'll look at both of these sides here. And there isn't, there isn't any option. It's like they're both in the middle, they're both at the ends, they're both on one side, they're both on the other side, that's all that I see here. Trying to see on the inside if there's anything, and all I see are the seams. Okay, you're not gonna be able to see this on camera, that's for sure. On the inside of this there are two, so I'm looking at all the seams. As you can see there are seams on this bolt. Right, little strips here and there. But on the inside there are two seams that are a lot closer together than the ones shown on the outside. And I don't know if it makes sense to you guys, but it sure makes sense to me. The seams on the inside are a lot closer, so it feels like it's going inwards for some, I don't know if that makes sense. How would that help me though? I don't understand. This is just so difficult because I'm really forced to think of an, of some different solution here and I don't know where to start. There is something that changed, like it changed something. Because it seems to be interlocked. These layers here are where the seams all seem to be interlocked and overlapping each other. And I think if I could loosen one of them, like push it inwards or, obviously doesn't make sense. I don't even know if I'm on the right track to be frank. Oh, one thing I forgot to do, you guys have asked me to time myself, so I've already been doing this for about 15 minutes. Let me go ahead and time myself here for ya. Alright, stopwatch, go. There's gotta be some interesting way that this pops off. This can't simply screw off. It's gotta be, it's gotta be something else. (nut rattling) This doesn't make sense. (bang) I'm looking at the thread and the thread's all going in the same direction obviously. I don't know if that... I'm just reaching at straws here. What if the thread on these ends are actually opposite and I have to turn them the opposite way. Wouldn't that be something? (strains) Nope, definitely not it. They don't just pop off. There's no magnet inside, this thing doesn't seem to be magnetized. What if I push them in? (grunts) God, uh oh. There we go. You know like, you know like those pill bottles you get? Where you gotta, where you get the child safety, Where you gotta push down first before you twist. That's definitely not it, ow. That was a good idea though. You gotta give me some points for that. You know what, you know what? Here's my theory, this might be completely wrong. But I think that on one of these sides, there is no threading. That has to be it, that has to be it. On one of these sides there is no threading. I have to align those sides with the thinner sides of the strips here, and so I can pull it apart. Does that make sense? That makes sense to me. Can I see which, can I see? It doesn't look like I can tell from the outside which do and do not have threading. Maybe I'll just turn them one-by-one. You guys follow me? Doesn't matter at what height these are, that's what I'm thinking, that at one certain point it will just come apart. I mean that's logical isn't it? Here we go, for this one, this is the thin one. And it's gotta be the same equivalent on both sides, right? They could be completely together it doesn't matter. (groans) Okay, I might need a tool to undo that. Okay, got it, okay. You guys know what I'm saying though. And maybe these two things, I'm just gonna keep doing this. I'm gonna keep trying to align them differently. (relaxing music) I mean that has to be the solution. Before I haven't found it, but I mean that has to be it, that makes the most sense to me. That they would just slip out, because there are no threading in those positions. That is the only logical reasoning I can come up with. But I would have gotten it by now. How's that not the solution? I was so confident that was the solution. Or maybe it's a half-turn? Oh, that's interesting. Maybe it's a half-turn. Maybe the nut doesn't have to be, so I've been trying to center the nut, flat sides, with the sides of the strip. And hopefully it comes apart, but maybe it's a half-turn, maybe they're tricking me. Maybe it's something like this. You know, so let me try that. You guys following what I'm saying? You picking up what I'm putting down? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? This is a really challenging puzzle. I quite like it. I don't wanna like mis-align them, and just like go past the actual point, but I, you know, they weren't aligned correctly 'cause that would just shatter my spirits completely. (sighs) This is just tedious. Okay, we can do it, we can do this, we can do this. I haven't obviously tried every option, because I need to know, just at least one of these sides, which one doesn't have a thread. And that would help me to just get started at least. Maybe the one on the inside's a clue. Maybe the one on the inside tells me where they're not threaded. It definitely looks like one of these sides isn't threaded. It just might be me, it might be me hallucinating at this point. I do in my heart of hearts believe that one of these sides has no threading, and this as well, and so just, it should just slip out. It locks, do you hear that? (clicking) Like, it locks in these positions. So I don't know if that's the position. Ah man, that's interesting, here. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to try and use gravity. So I'm gonna hold the top here, and I'm gonna play with these. I feel like forcing it might kind of bend it or something, but if I just, again, this is probably just random. What, it's locked now. Why has that locked? I can hear something audibly. The hardest part here, I think, is going to be aligning the threads. 'Cause it's just guess work until that happens. And once that happens it's gonna be automatic, they're gonna slip out, that's the idea right? That's my hypothesis anyways. Right now, they're both locked, but nothing happens. They literally lock, and I feel the reason they're locking, 'cause they're here, and the reason they're locking is because there's like a downward, there's a downward give, right? And so the threads that are on the side that are winding around, obviously they don't match up. And so it makes the bolts or the nuts lock, because they don't match-up. And so they can't go anywhere. And so I feel that if they start coming apart, that's when the bolts, that's when the nuts start locking up. And I think that's what's happening. I just need to find the exact position that they both line up correctly. 'Cause otherwise it's just going to lock, and it's not going to split open. I need it to not only lock, but I need it to just dis-engage. You see the threads, how they're not lining up anymore? So I know that that's how it comes apart. Now they're both locked and it still doesn't open. Or is locking not a good thing? Maybe it's not a good thing. But it's the only sensory, it's the only sort of thing that's giving me any type of clues. I think eventually I'm gonna get it. I think the most difficult part of this, is taking a five hour video and cutting into a consumable 10, 15 minute format. Editing process here is extremely tedious, probably more tedious than what I'm doing right now. This is for, this is for the benefit of science. Scientists in the future will study my brain and think to themselves, what the hell's wrong with this guy? Just come out, just come out. I've actually slid it down to the point where, to the point where the threads, look I'm actually half-way down the other thread. So that is a good sign. I think that means progress. (sighs) Oh. I accidentally reset the timer. We were at 28 minutes. Let's just do the math on that. I know that I'm close, I have to be close. Little by little until I feel it. Come on. (click) Oh, oh. Oh, it's open. Look, whoa, look, look, look. All of you see that, I did it. (clicking) Okay, okay, oh my god, we're onto something. Okay, why won't it open now? Okay, I don't wanna lose this position I'm in right now. Okay, but now what? Now they're stuck, but if I can line up the threads, I guess that was only half of it. It's kind of like half way undone. Maybe I just keep playing around with these until it undoes. Okay, now I need to find that sweet spot again. So I think the nuts were too close together for it to open entirely. I think I need to spread them apart, and find that same sweet spot where it undoes. Now, we're already undone a little bit still, because I lined up the threads. Well we had a small victory there for a second. I think I'm back to the middle now. I really feel like I'm back at square one here. (clanging) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Look at this baby, there we go, okay. So now my guess is, I gotta get this... I think we got it. Other side, other side. Bam dig-idy, look at this. And there was the infamous nut on the inside. Let's stop the timer, for now 'cause we gotta put it back together. Just a red herring, something to throw me off. They actually slide, sorry, as you can see. They actually slide into one another, they have little grooves. And now I gotta try and put this back together, start the timer, boop. You know we probably should have looked at just very quick, I'm gonna take this apart again. And just as I suspected, the thread stops. You got a small gap, and you got a larger gap. (nut rattling) I just have to find, there you go see, I just have to find where the opening is. Oh I see, yeah this is difficult. (relaxing music) Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. (sighs) And there you have it, boop. So in total about, just over an hour. I'm pretty exhausted, mentally is is super frustrating. Just, that's the thing with these metal puzzles, it's like, sometimes they just don't give. Even when they're in the right position, because the metal catches, or is a little bent or damaged. And it can deter you from the solution, which makes this way longer than it should be, or then it has to be. You know, these things are a bit frustrating, because you can actually go over the solution without even seeing it, just because it gets stuck randomly. But, then when you do feel that release of tension, or that release when something unlocks, I mean, as always that's always the rush of like, woo! Alright, we felt something, and I definitely felt that with this, I definitely, I really loved that feeling of the piece just coming apart. So yeah, I'll leave the link below if you guys are interested in picking this up. Fun little brain-teaser you can do at home. Alright guys, that was the level 10, Hanayama, nut-case puzzle. I'm not gonna lie, I feel like a bit of a nut-case right now. My mind is pretty saturated with methods and tinkering. I did enjoy this puzzle quite a bit because it did force me to think laterally. As at first you can't pry it, you can't pop it off, you can't do anything to it, so you really gotta start thinking and using your mind creatively on how that would come apart. And, which led me to eventually, probably after 15 or 20 minutes, to think that, oh these nuts might not have rivets all the way around, or threads. I can't, might not have threads all the way around. And one certain point might open. But to find that was very difficult, and to find it again, putting it back together was equally as difficult. It's a really fun, challenging puzzle, and I do believe that if I attempted this again, I still wouldn't be able to do it in 5 minutes, I probably would have to, you know, find that sweet spot where they come undone. Either way, lots of fun, I'll leave the link below if you guys are interested in checking that puzzle out. Thanks so much for watching this video, like this video if you do enjoy the content. Subscribe if you're new here, and we'll see you on the next video. Peace, rock. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 6,898,652
Rating: 4.8485737 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle solving, solved, puzzle, solving, how to solve, solution, bolt nut, bolt puzzle, impossible puzzle, impossible, hanayama, cast, puzzle master, mr puzzle, chris ramsay, chris, amsay, chris ramsey, magic, magician, street magic, vlog, vlogger
Id: YWeVk0uzux8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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