Solving a Puzzle That Almost Drove Me Crazy!! (Turtle Trip)

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[Music] yo what's up and welcome back today's puzzle is kind of cool because it involves turtles so any puzzle involving turtles i feel is pretty cool this is the turtle trip by gerard hudson check it out check it out we got strawberries we got bubbles we got turtle trip and we got a turtle over here and then on the top side uh we have the entrance so kind of has like that ninja turtle font which is kind of dope i found this at an auction it is 3d printed but designed by gerard hudson it is apparently pretty hard oh not to mention there are batteries underneath this thing is electronic uh so there will be some electric parts in this and you can hear things rattling about in there it's it's gonna be a long one before we get into our video a quick word from our sponsors this video is brought to you by magic spoon cereal growing up i was always a big fan of cereal but my parents never let me actually buy like good cereal you know they wouldn't buy any of this stuff with sugar in it so i was always left with like flavorless cereals in the morning just me you know recently been taking a look at my health exercising more but also watching my diet and cutting down on carbs cutting down on sugars and that's where magic spoon comes in i really like this cereal i really like this company and i really love their ingredients in one serving you have exactly zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs they come an assortment of delicious flavors such as this one peanut butter is the first time i tried peanut butter i think peanut butter is my new favorite how does this have no sugar they've also got cocoa fruity frosted cinnamon and blueberry keto friendly gluten free grain free soy free low carbs and gmo free oh it's also got a cool puzzle on the back for you puzzle enthusiasts out there probably one of the cheaper puzzles you can buy these days so if you're looking to change your diet try something that's good for you but actually not compromise on flavor go ahead empty the pantry throw that sugar garbage at the window head over to link is in the description use code ramsey to save five dollars on your purchase magic spoon is also so confident in their product that they will give you a 100 money-back guarantee no questions asked that's how confident they are i'm confident that you're gonna like this obviously thank you again to magic spoon for sponsoring this video and so without any further ado let's get into solving the turtle trip yeah dude here we go the turtle trip puzzle it's got a it's got batteries in it which is dope this is very ninja turtle vibes lots going on here it is a sequential discovery puzzle which means there are things to discover and they have to be done in a sequence so you have this little cardboard and it has turtle trip unpacking and storage directions so remove bubble wrap remove two black stand pieces from the cardboard slide stand pieces together display wood instructions card on a stand and start puzzling okay oh this thing here so we take these oh these go together first puzzle solve and this goes here now before i do that let me just read what this card says turtle is stoked to go to the pond party with all his fav favorite fish friends okay this is a nursery ron it's going to be groovy but there's one major problem turtle has lost his party pants i read that right this is definitely not cool turtle is super bummed that he can't find his party pants this reminds me of that uh scene from anchorman with a pants party turtle's party pants are super awesome and custom made the good news is you and only you can help them find them so i got what possesses someone to be like we'll hide the turtles party pants in the puzzle any idea is a good idea if you ask me are you up to the challenge i am can you help turtle find his party pants i can turtle's trip will be the most far out journey but there is a couple things you need to know first in order to help turtle find his pants make sure to play over a clean work surface some parts of the pond might be small and jump off at unexpected times second you should not use any external tools excessive force or banging this will not be chill it would probably hurt turtle and it would definitely ruin the pond party instead take turtle on a magical trip along the way he might need some helpful logs and he might even go out of his out of this world journey through a field of bubbles do you know what else turtle likes magic strawberries turtle loves to trip on magic strawberries and magic strawberries could help you make his journey totally radical finding the party pants is going to be a challenge but don't give up turtle wants to see his friends at the pond party and he can only see his fish friends if he's wearing his party pants so get ready for a journey like no other turtle trip honestly probably the most intriguing instructions i've ever read uh this is dope as f like really really dope even the 3d printing on this is really nice just gives it a nice texture all right so we got some rattling going on in here we got some parts that look like they can be removed maybe we'll get back to that okay let me get some more light we have light on the back side too that's good so this thing moves doesn't look like it comes out yet um oh strawberry moves there's a hole we've discovered a little hole tiny little hole with like a little metal pin and a ball bearing oh doesn't really do anything oh the light turned on [Music] radical so we got the light on here we got a button here that i guess turn that light on we got a little screw thing here turtle trip another hole here we got the top that doesn't really move [Music] so many parts on the inside by the way um so there's like a bearing there you see that now it's a [Music] so there's like a bar that comes out and there's like this little bead so the now it's the bead that's there but if i move the bead i can put the bar there i can move the bar and put the bead i can move the bead and put the bar i got this end i don't even know what's going on over here so many things going on it's actually a really cool puzzle [Music] oh i can finally turn the strawberry [Music] the strawberry unscrews oh look at that we have a tool we discovered a tool we have this little tube thing and then we have this could this be a magnet here it's not fitting there oh a bead [Music] we have found a bead okay and we've got this bar here which probably locked this which is why i had to turn it upside down that's so cool so this bar comes down which is why when i turned it upside down i was able to free this where to put that bead i'm guessing it doesn't fit there so i'm guessing here [Music] uh it's stuck there magnetically i hope that was what i had to do i hope that's where that goes super intriguing puzzle by the way [Music] the bead is now inside the bead is in here it dropped from over here and it went this way and now it's back here it's a little maze on the inside all right [Music] you can't get the bead out i hope that's where it went other than poking that bead free here because when i push on this bead it like makes the bead spin and then it kind of like gets loose in there but then it ends up back on the magnet there's like a magnet here we got a light here too oh wait maybe i have to push that then push this back up because this pushes that then maybe so i've gotten the bead out so i use this to get the bead out of there but why would the bead be in there in the first place right most definitely difficult as i am kind of left see if i had i know there's an allen key i mean do i use that allen key can i use that allen key it's only for the battery cover gotcha we do not tamper with the allen key all right so there was this as well that moved this piece here something's up with this top too obviously i think this is the last move so this was definitely designed just for this now why would the bead i'm thinking there might be a hole like when i push this up no reason for that no worries no apparent reason for it anyways why would this come out of that hole give me something here what would you do in this instance let me know in the comments i'm curious to know how your brain works displayed my brain enough for you guys i need you guys to tell me how yours works now it says it might find logs on your journey i guess this is the log they're referring to and they say he loves strawberries so there's a little hole here there's also a hole here these both these holes go deeper the other ones are kind of just there for show it seems like but i can't fit anything in either of those holes maybe i have to drop this bead and get it into one of those holes here no excessive force or banging doesn't mean no shaking and doesn't mean no spinning this one comes out i i think these two things come out careful oh so not only was it attached to this part here but also it was locked into place with a mechanism here we find ourselves with this and another log a longer log and a thinner log longer log and a thinner line uh-huh oh this looks like it goes behind this one [Music] ah it fell out and we have yet another log a little bit thinner than uh than the last one not thin enough for that can fit in there but we already have one for there not here oh that comes like all the way up now is it longer no same length but different thickness and the only place i see where i can put it i mean we've already explored everything this thing looks like it's spring-loaded and it might jump out okay huh now the other light here still has yet to turn on i mean my guess is that i have to navigate this ball through a maze and there looks to be a hole here but that hole fits basically this one perfectly oh that's interesting so if i tilt this there are some of these holes that as you can see there's a white border here and it goes down deeper but there are some of them that are just surface layer and you can see like what looks to be a maze here somewhere oh if you look through this hole uh you probably can't see that on camera maybe the corner there there is a hole here there's a hole under here which is not this hole and there is an internal maze let's get the ball in here so there's an internal maze here um but there are little traps that send it back to the beginning just gotta study this for a second so there are two separate layers the bottom layer leads you back to the beginning here right and then there oh don't lose that and then there's a top layer now the top layer is where you want the bead rolling on however the top layer has traps which will make the bead fall back down to the bottom layer and the hole itself only has a little slide like a little ramp that leads into the hole from the top layer so i need to access that from the top layer so it goes here right here and it comes through here loads of little traps looks like it goes through here now what if i can block off that hole i'm gonna try to get it just in that corner here all right it is now leaning up against this then there's another hole here that i can that i need to [Music] block [Music] no back to the beginning okay uh this is not gonna be fun to watch but it's something i have to do here i got to get it here i'm going to block this hole like i did drop it in the first layer and it's back it's actually kind of fun but very tedious [Music] okay there's another it's falling through another gap somewhere this one yeah i could just see in there nope this goes in here nope maybe i got to solve it upside down give me one second see when it's upside down i can just poke it to the next place and still still it gets trapped no so close the more i think about it the more that these tubes should be used to barricade some of those entrances or dips that one goes through there then where's it go okay that wall is blocked off through there down through here wait no uh i was holding upside down my bad okay hold on up through here clearly through here down here in here oh no i lost the bead the bead has fallen to the ground there's no way i'm gonna find that bead no oh oh come on i found it okay here we go [Music] [Music] i got it it's in oh these remember this one would go in all the way before and now look oh the turtle is spring-loaded and look at the bead that is ingenious my goodness what do i do here hmm this little part here or is that where the spring loaded was i remember the ball being on here yeah so that's where the ball was maybe it does have to go in here because it kind of fits in there and this thing kind of moves hold on this was the other magnet we had oh there's a little screw there's a little pin in there oh wow that is cool and what's this little allen key tiny little allen key okay i'm guessing well if it fits here then we unscrew this here maybe not maybe let's just leave that there okay the allen key doesn't fit there's any oh right here is there another allen key what does that do there and there is there anything i can put in there maybe this no no this tool here that looks like it might fit in there hold on new new new what's left to do the screws are different lengths where did this one come from i think this one came from here what if i put it in here let's try that out oh the light turned on that's awesome that is wicked all right we got two lights on oh looks like a party's going down this magnetic it is magnetic oh there was a loud click did you guys hear that i'm here to i'm here to click on the inside there you go it goes again when i put this turtle here there's a sensor oh hey there we go look at that oh wow look at these pants there you have it all that for a tattered pair of turtle pants with a was that a lemur design it's got a lemur on it where's the turtle oh wait the turtle's here wait did the pants fit this is the most important thing we have to do right now i mean i'd be ready to go to a party if i look this good so check this out so there was a sensor in here and i wonder what oh so these are like spring-loaded right here which when carefully keep the pants on when the turtle's brought beside it then springs up those three springs which my guess is hold there's a small hole under these ones that it just hooks into but look at the intricacies of that look at the inside of that there's like a there's a nice little plexiglass here there's all these little intricate gadgets in there and you can see the half maze over here even oh what a little easter egg see on the inside that maze has uh fish designs but you can't see that from the outside so there's a little pond oh man how to get this thing back together that's like a two-hour solve okay first things first let's get his pants back in there because the party's over [Music] the turtle went to the party went to the pants party found his pants enjoyed himself immensely what an adventure what an absolute adventure this was thanks for watching leave a like what a trip that was what an adventure we went on we uh we crossed the bubble maze we freed the turtle and then we used the turtle's internal magnet to uh open the sewer so he could retrieve his lemur pants i mean hey what more do you want out of content top tier level content here ladies and gentlemen uh if you like this video and you are so inclined to i do appreciate it if you left a like subscribe if you're new here and we'll see you on the next video peace [Music] she
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 370,806
Rating: 4.9613705 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: wRDbk3RbGZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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