Solving THE IMPOSSIBLE BOX (Genius Level Puzzle)

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[Music] yo what's up and welcome back funny enough i actually forgot about this puzzle i ordered it back in december had it delivered to me while i was in vancouver it was in a box and i discovered it was like oh my god i forgot about this this is a really neat looking puzzle i found on etsy the maker by the name of ivan i believe he's out of italy and uh this is called the impossible box so for those of you thinking this is clickbait it's the actual name of the box is impossible box alpha impossible box by the way this video is sponsored by first dot shop [Music] without any further ado let's get into solving the impossible box here we go came with this letter the letter reads as follows hi chris thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow promote and implement a project that was a simple dream here are some rules external tools are absolutely not required your mind and hands are enough three insert the batteries no light on under the box and proceed to find the solution to activate and open the box phase one activate the box turn the light on and phase two open the box remember the correct parts when you reassemble the box good luck ivan thank you ivan we have the batteries right here one two three and four there's no indication that this is on right now as all the lights are off so all four sides cheers i don't know how much we'll use the top angle on this um but just in case all right so on the back side we have what seems to be two little drawers here these things move a little bit and then we have this plate here with some bolts here as well we have two little portions that might come out and we have this grid here abc efg abcdfg so that is 7x7 with screws on the inside and little lights i'm expecting there has to be some type of electronic connection there on this side we have an insane amount of what looks to be random numbers there might be a pattern here i'm seeing a pattern 17 56 97 56 97 56 97 56 97 so there is like some type of pattern here i don't fully understand what that pattern is yet and over here we have knobs with the numbers one over them and on the top as you can see we have these buttons or knobs they don't turn and they can't be pressed in and they also have what seems to be are these lights it's our little dots not entirely sure in a key and then it says alpha here so i want to start here okay that goes almost all the way around but not completely so seems to be some type of sequence it really feels like it's the only thing i can do right now anyways um again i think this obviously i don't think it's random this is a puzzle crafter there has to be some method to the madness here and by the way this is a lid this lid will open at the end as you can see there are some hinges here what about where the ones are placed here is that some type of indication because these all say one so maybe like the first one's one seven so one two three four five six seven or seven one two three four five six seven uh then we have i guess if we go this way we have one one one seven again and one nine no that was worth a shot apparently this is super difficult there's a reason it's called the impossible box this really does seem the only thing seem like the only thing we can we can do right here these look like connectors like if i put two wires here or something they might uh light up okay why would there be four there's four of them and they all have the number one is there anything here that has four these bolts ah they all have the number one okay what about 17 how many 17s are there one two three four one two three [Music] four there are only four 17s one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven six seven [Music] okay maybe i have to find four of each so one seven um how about 11 how many 11's are there one just one how about 13 how many 13s are there doesn't seem to be more imagine it was just the batteries that weren't placed correctly [Music] oh my god one of them wasn't placed correctly just checking to see if the lights on this side would illuminate is this thing on i see why they call it the impossible box we're 12 minutes in with uh without anything yet um i really the here's the thing i really don't want to try trial and error because here there are what uh so 12 times 12 times 12 times 12. there are 20 736 possibilities uh if i go trial and error which tells me i should not go trial and error that there is another way of obtaining this information um hopefully hopefully hopefully why would there be four ones is there a row that has four ones this one has three this one has one one this one has two four this one's four okay any other ones this is this one has four as well okay let's try this here we go uh three three two five okay that's no maybe if there are numbers in a square pattern because we do have a square pattern here that have ones i'm really reaching for bits here uh we do have corners and every corner except one has one this one has two eight that would have been good let's look for a square pattern oh we got three here so close hmm i feel like that would have been a good solution i'm looking at these numbers like the like a beautiful mind right now it's just trying to put together some type of code now again 17 or sorry 72 97 72 appears here and here so there is like a mathematical code here seventeen ninety two hundred ninety seven seven seven seventy two nine seven thirty one seventeen fifty six ninety seven forty two thirty seven fifty seventeen fifty 56 97 17 11 17 22 31 50 72 97 42 97 97 6 97 72 7 56 26 31 89 25 just doesn't make any sense this has got to be a math problem maybe it's finding the error in the pattern so it goes 17 56 97 72 then it goes 37 56 so instead of a 17 it's a 3 56 97 42 so instead of a 7 it's a 4 31 56 instead of 37 56 it's 31 56 97 72 31 56 97 72 so the error here assuming that the 17 is right 17 56 97 72 37 56 97 42 so they're blocks of four so 17 56 97 72 that is my pattern then that one's off by two or would i have to input the three let's input the three let's input the seven here because the seven's wrong i guess we can put the three again this is driving me nuts here there's something that moves here maybe maybe i'm missing something here we go what is this what is this that's what that looks like looks like somewhere to put a plug and there's a light as well unfortunately i don't think this will help me until i get something to plug in here perhaps [Music] okay this drawer is locked as is this one well that's interesting i mean at least we found that yeah that's dirty in there it's not coming out nothing moves in there either so we move on on to the next one this does this this doesn't look like it moves either i love the idea like for sequential discovery puzzles such as this one big part of the fun is the discovery part and that's always been my favorite part of the puzzles is something to discover so when you peel off something like this you're like ah here we go we've discovered something and we have this magnet attracted okay now not sure if that's intentional but we do have the magnet being attracted to certain numbers looks like 23 here here looks like 32 maybe maybe it's 12. [Music] definitely 12. what if it has what if it has something to do with the legs nope this one seems to unscrew oh let's go [Music] let's come out aha exactly what we were looking for oh and it says one here hello there's the digit one right there as well as a magnet there why is there a magnet there it's a magnet and a spring why would there be a magnet there so we got these and i think we know where this goes this should go over here let's have a look red and red black and black [Music] colors [Music] we have a light whoa [Music] oh what that is so cool number two wow did not expect that [Music] we have also in here ah little magnets little pawn magnets uh okay these seem to be opposite of this so i'm guessing well maybe maybe [Music] no but there oh there are so many places that this these could go and i'm i'm guessing so remember there were magnets here oh wait actually actually hold on [Music] okay what does that do what numbers do we have here and in what order do they have to be huh okay we're getting somewhere at least maybe unlocks the other drawer [Music] so we have one and two we have these things up here as well and so the numbers here we have 12 29 72 35 or 35 12 72 29 35 3 plus 5 is 8. twelve one plus two is three seven plus two is nine [Music] and two plus nine is eleven false hmm and this says two on it i think now's about time that we start figuring this side out there's a landslide after that first thing we start getting more and more clues which uh hopefully help us solve this puzzle there's a magnet in here for some reason [Music] are these lights just checking to see if any of the lights light up here what would those numbers have to do with anything i think we know for a fact that these go on here i'm willing to take that guess because there are only four magnets and they fit perfectly on those numbers so those numbers are significant the order of which is not apparent and the value of which i don't understand 35 these only go up to 12 which is why i made the assumption that you should add them together there are more than 30 there are less than 35 letters in the alphabet so there's nothing to do with that lights here did not illuminate light back here is still on this drawer still needs to be opened i don't understand the reason for the magnet because there is no magnet under there was it to simply hold those two plugs so they wouldn't rattle around could be remember craig thibodeau's puzzle i had to reverse draw sometimes in order to unlock other things interesting [Music] oh what if i got it all wrong what if these ones this is you probably already told me this in the comments what if these ones are where it starts i've been counting like this the entire time i've been going one two three what if it's one because that's where the one is and that's why you put those ones there so let's try this let's say these are respectively these right so the top left one would be this one which would be three so we go one two three uh top right one would be eight it's 35 so three plus five would be eight [Music] one two three four five six seven eight okay that's 11 2 3 what two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and the last one would be nine it'll be 72 so nine two three four five six seven eight nine okay not it i mean it makes sense that those were the corners so maybe i just got that wrong so let's try this again three so one two three let's go 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] 9 2 3 four five six seven eight nine no i believe i'm on to something tries again [Music] let's go [Music] let's go alright so we have a giant magnet here and we have this little bit of wire here we go yes sir now this this little bit of wire we all know look number three there we go this little bit of wire definitely goes here we have this [Music] oh look at that let's turn this around real quick uh these came out [Music] oh so sick what the heck is this what is this cog wheels huh cogwheels go on top oh my god this is so sick okay so oh this is getting better and better i'm really excited we have letters on these things are they all the same let me just check so how do we know which ones go on which oh the number of cogs one the number of sorry the number of things uh so we have uh this one then it goes this one and again i don't know in which order and then this one and then this one very cool uh what does that give us so first of all let's play around with these wires here okay okay so they're going to give us a word here is that it what if the word is alf as in as in alpha [Music] so what if we have to find the word alpha a a l how does that work how do you spell anything with this it's really mesmerizing wasn't it how would you spell anything with this a l p h [Music] i'm not sure what that gives us but that's what i spelt up there let's go back to the wires let's try to light these babies up so we'll try a why does it only go up to g as well am i supposed to spell something i mean there could be so many possibilities here because it gives me it gave me that tool with a magnet at the same time it gave me those wires there's got to be some type of so if i spell alpha here a l p h i spell alph the letters that are connecting perhaps are what we have to go for and the letters connecting here c and a c and a no because other than that is r there's an h and there's an i all of which are not found on that diagram all these little dots be f e i b or f e c a wait maybe alpha has to be like this a l p h now the a that makes sense to me if you hold it this way or maybe it's backwards maybe it should be a l ph so i know that these cogwheels have to spell a word and then i'm guessing that word is going to give me some combination of letters to use this wire with one i mean this it's i guess it's just about finding what that word is and what the orientation of these wheels are and what the order of these wheels are and there's definitely something i'm missing aha there it is 3 6 4 2 and then eb and fg three six four two [Music] three six four two oh the wheels maybe three six four two three [Music] six four two uh-huh six four we're going to spell alpha again or alph for another three six four two [Music] boom so e b f g f g no [Music] and where f meets g right here nope oh oh we've got a light i tried cbdf all right let's try another one here uh because these when i when i turn these i don't know if you can see that on that camera but there are letters here and i spelt the word alf a-l-p-h-a-l-p-h and by turning them now they give me different letters like here d-e-f-e let's try that d e f e no how about this one e b f g let's try that eb f g no [Music] and i will verify once again f d b g and i think that's the one i had f d b g e c g a oh there we go we got two ecg how did i miss that last time okay let's go to the next one f d b g f d b g f d b g yes got it and the last one probably this one e b f g e b f g d-e-f-e yeah all four [Music] whoa let's go we have the key what was this then what was this for then i feel like the code on this thing was kind of useless then we didn't really use it let's open the box boom there's nothing inside well the box is open but there's nothing inside i was hoping for a little bit of a good job for doing the puzzle but honestly i've had the most fun solving this puzzle uh a perfect mix of technology and just you know these mechanisms these drawers that shoot out i mean so much fun the discovery here is insane really really happy with this extremely happy still looking for a secret prize oh well that was great now we got to put it back together that's right okay so let's start with closing the box locking it up we had drawer number four pop out which is this one here this one goes there this drawer goes here boom locked in now obviously drawer number three which is this one yes and what did this one have in here this one had the wire and the magnet that's right the wire and the magnet roll that wire up the big magnet here big magnet this goes in drawer number three we got drawer number two which had tiny colored magnets like i would do this puzzle again just because of how fun it was to play with this is drawer number two we can take out these things here which would make drawer number two eject uh the plate can go back here and drawer number one we had these and this was locked in there wow the reset on this is quite easy which is always so much fun it makes you want to let your friends play with the puzzles because when the puzzles are too complicated to put back and they actually like you know you're racking your brain too much then you you really just don't want to take them out of their uh initial state this one however totally fine because i'm very confident that i could solve it pretty quickly at this point which is fun you got little magnets attached here i think yeah boom look at that how satisfying is that watch us boom imagine every screw did that the alpha enigma box wow uh a delight a pleasure an amazing an amazing amazing puzzle this runs around a thousand dollars um honestly personal opinion as far as puzzles go and the puzzle market obviously puzzles uh are a lot of money especially custom ones um and i would i would have happily paid two or three thousand dollars for a puzzle of this quality so very happy about that well hot dang there you go ladies and gentlemen that is the impossible box solved total solve time i would say probably why is this april fool's hey there we go this is a late april fool's joke the best april fool's joker after april fools this was a super fun puzzle probably the most fun i've had solving a puzzle in a while i could i can't say enough good things about this i highly recommend checking it out if he has any left i messaged him and he did say he's working on another puzzle but for now i think uh it's about it so i don't know go bombard him with orders if he has anything left guys thanks for watching hit the like button if you enjoy this video and we'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 929,573
Rating: 4.932683 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: l4nINk3CPrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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