Solving The IMPOSSIBLE PACHINKO Puzzle!! Level 10

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- Alright, my little doggies, what's up? Welcome back. Today it is Wednesday. We're looking at another puzzle. Not just any puzzle however, this puzzle might have cost me a small fortune on eBay. However, totally worth it. This is a level 10, needless to say, puzzle by Wil Strijbos, another one. This is known as the Pachinko Puzzle. This thing is heavy. It weighs between like five and 10 pounds, made of solid metal. Beautifully crafted, shiny as hell, and it looks just, it just looks great, it looks great. It looks like a lot of fun. Probably not going to be fun but it looks like a lot of fun. The whole point of this is to extract two coins from (watch beeps). I got an achievement. My stand goal has been achieved for the day even though I'm sitting. Okay, Apple. So yeah, this puzzle is exquisite, needless to say. The whole point is to get the two coins out. One of them is visible in the side with this little window and you can see some of the mechanics on the inside. Something interesting about this too is this plunger which kind of acts like a pinball pin, hence the name Pachinko, which is an old game kind of like Plinko on The Price is Right and pinball put together. There's also a little marble on the inside that rattles around so I don't know what to expect. One thing that did come with this puzzle was a business card which read solution not included, so for those of you who are trying to outsmart me by going to get the solution before I solve it, I don't think so. It's not included and you will not find it on the Internet. That being said, here we go. The Pachinko Puzzle. Oh, by the way, this video is sponsored so I'm fortunate enough to have a sponsor for this video. This video is sponsored by Honey. Honey is a free shopping tool that automatically searches the internet for coupon codes every time you buy something online. It works on over 30,000 websites. I've used it on sites like Etsy, Tom's, Nike. Actually recently it's helped me saved close to $40 on a purchase at Adidas when I bought a pair of shoes, so that's cool. And get this. It only takes two clicks to install. All you have to do is go to, click and click and it's installed, it's downloaded, it's ready, it's fired up to go. See the average person who installs Honey because of creators like me saves about $30 on average, which is nuts. That's a lot of money. Literally there's no reason you should not install Honey on your browser today. It's free, it takes two clicks to install, and it literally saves you money. It's like free money. Guys, if you want to help support this channel and save some money, click the link below or go to and start saving your cash. Is that a good ad read? Is that alright? - [Man] Yeah, pretty good. - Alright, sweet. Let's get into the puzzle. (whistles) The Pachinko Box. Oh. (calm music) Oh, I like this. Look at that. As I mentioned, this is super rare. I found this on eBay as they don't make them anymore and apparently there are two coins to get out of this thing. I see one right here. You guys can see that little two euro. And this thing gets dirty real quick with my greasy fingers. I already hear something rattling around. Man, this thing is heavy. Oh, what a cool thing. Looks like a safe, right up my alley. So first thing I noticed, you have this tab here which you can pull. Maybe like pinball, you got to shoot the ball? Oh! There is a ball in there, look at that. That's a ball in there. A little black marble. Oh, and it fell into the hole. Oh, okay. Oh, here it is. Oh, there you go. Okay. Okay. What do I do with this? Whatever do I do with this? Put it back in. So pachinko is like this game, I think, like kind of like Plinko in Price is Right where the ball drops down, it has to make its way to the bottom. I'm thinking I have to put that ball, need to lift this up, maybe drop it in the hole. Seems like a key here, like a keyhole, what is this? Okay, so that again the noise upstairs are renovating. So that ball is right now kind of lifted this thing up, there's a little slot underneath, and I trap that ball there. I don't know if that's the proper move but any other place that ball could go to. The hole is closed now. What? The ball, there's a hole back here that drops through but that hole is now closed for some reason. (ball rattling) I don't know. Did I actually like? You gotta try spinning it, guys, you know? So I had to get that ball out but now that it's back in there, I don't know what to do. This is so much fun by the way. So what was the... What was the point of that ball though? I don't know what to do, that ball is now stuck on this hole. It's really hard for you guys to see in there, I know that, but there's like this little hole back there. This is a window by the way, I can't put my finger in there. And it's just sitting on that hole right now. Like I can move it around but that hole used to be unplugged, it used to be open. I don't know how it was open. I probably should have kept that bead but now we know. (ball rattling) Oh, there we go. Somehow shook it down. Another little groove down here. I'm just going to put it in that groove, see if that does anything. There's a whole other world going on that you guys can't see right now unfortunately. There seems to be this like small indentation where the ball can just roll back and forth right here. Again, what's the point of getting this ball out? Is this a magnetic ball? It's just a marble. It's just a pachinko ball. Back is loose. Oh, okay, that's the groove that was there, okay. Close, okay. So we got that far. I don't know what I'm doing. I put the bead back in, the marble back under the pin. Just don't know what to do from there. Kind of a tricky situation. I mean, there seems to be nothing else I can do. Really make out what the hell is going on inside there. Okay so maybe, here's my theory. Let me get this marble, there we go. So my theory is that there's some type of compartment in here and I have to, so the way that this works is this pin right now goes down through a plate that's right here and I'm thinking I have to get the marble there, get it to the plate, and bang it somewhere, I don't know. (sighs) So all that sound is is that pin that prevents it from dropping down. There's like a hole with a pin through it and this releases that pin and allows it to drop through into this compartment here but that's, I mean that's all I got. I don't know how the heck you're supposed to get a coin out of it anywhere. I don't understand. What's this for? What's that doing? What is the purpose of this? Alright, so here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna Google pachinko to find out exactly what this game is. Players get a number of metal balls by inserting cash or cards directly into a machine they want to use. These balls are then shot into the machine usually via pulling a lever once for each launch from the ball tray. The balls then fall vertically through an array of pins, levers, cups, traps, and various obstacles until they reach the bottom of the machine. Okay, I think I'm getting the feel. So it's kind of like I thought, you just drop it through and it falls through these different things. And now we're in the upper part, where we started. So I guess that's how it starts. It starts off with that. Maybe on its way down. (groans) (ball rattling) (sighs) So my guess is definitely I have to navigate this ball somehow into here. I'm working blindly and it's very hard to know what the heck's going on or where my ball even is. That ball is the trigger. I feel like it fell into a hole somewhere. I made myself a coffee because this thing is (slurps coffee) frustrating. The only thing I know so far is that that marble goes into a hidden compartment somewhere where it can't be seen. From there, if I consider the pachinko game, it's a matter of moves to get it to slide down some pins. Hopefully those pins are activated by giving it little nudges. I just, I'm working blindly which makes it really difficult. I don't know how but it's supposed to dislodge that coin and my guess is that coin comes out through there. That's just a guess. One of these doors ends up opening. Hopefully. And specifically says no banging and no spinning, but you know the way we work here. (growls) Just aimlessly moving this thing around blindly. Very frustrating. (sighs) Again there's this little hole where this rod flows through and there's a little hole here but beside that, there's a hole that traps it into this part, so I got to maneuver it around, get it into that little hole, and then I think I have to spike it. That's the plan right now, folks. Alright, so I know this is very tantalizing and interesting but I have to hold it this way like to do that because I have to look underneath, you can see. Oh, I think it's in. Ready? (puzzle clicks) Oh! Look at the coin. The coin's out. (claps) Let's go! Okay, boom, yes. Okay. Now what? Now what's happening? What do I do now? What do I, where do I go from it? Sorry, timer's here. Alright, the coin is out. That was insane. Oh no. So that released a button. This here, there's a little button here and that was pushed out and I just pushed it back in, not knowing what the heck I'm doing. And that's what was holding the penny there. I'm not sure if I was supposed to push that back in or not. Can't believe that worked. That's crazy to me. I still have to try to find a way to get that ball, that bead back into that hole that I can shoot it again, just like it did. It was very hard. Just hurting my eyes. (sighs) So I've done it. The pin is now protruded so that's what was holding this thing. I'm hoping that because of that, one of the doors might open? I'm guessing no. There's two coins, I got one. One coin is out. Wall is here and it won't come out because of that pin being pushed now. I don't want to push that pin. It took me everything to get it unlodged. Maybe without the coin being there, the pin will... I am so stumped right now. Maybe I have to use the first coin to get the second coin out, you know? The worst time I could possibly be getting text messages. So put it back to the position where I can't get the ball out because I pachinked this thing to go this way and now the ball is stuck here. I don't know why I did that again but I feel like I needed to. Feel like I'm missing a tool. There's these little holes here and they're bugging me and I feel like I need a little tool. Oh, I'm at a loss, guys. I'm gonna push it back in, I'm gonna do it again. Lodged. It is now again lodged. Means I get the marble out. So at times like this, the only thing that's left to do is to look at the entire box and try to figure out why there are certain things. And one thing that I did notice is on here, there's a number three right there. My guess is either it's a random piece and there's just a number three there or I have to shoot that pachinko ball three times. (puzzle clicking) That's two. That's three. That's four. So that has nothing to do with it but I'm glad I tried it. I don't want to push that back in. I push that in, it locks, and I got to pachink it back. What else is there on this box? There's this little hole here. There's these things, which is like a grip of some sort. What would you do right here? I mean. (sighs) (ball rattling) This thing is crazy. What? That's all I'm hearing, I'm going nuts right now, just going nuts. I'm going crazy. (sighs) I've gotten nowhere. Nowhere, I have gotten absolutely nowhere. (sighs) I'm at the end of my wits. So here's one thing I don't understand. This is the slit that the coin came out of. Why is this shaped like this? It can't just be to look through. What if I do this? Use the coin and hopefully. (puzzle clicks) Oh! Oh. Great Scott, it works! Oh. I use the coin to pry the inside and pop it open. Oh my god. The hell is this? The second coin, right there. Oh, okay. How do I get that out? How do I get that out? Why is this coming off? Like a bar there and I can move this piece around. (laughs) Oh my god. Can't believe this is actually happening. This is crazy. This is a crazy, crazy puzzle. I forgive you, puzzle, for giving me a hard time. There seems to be a spring right there which allows me to move this thing and this has a rod which is held onto this somehow, or a track. It's right there, the pin. The pin is right there, we're looking at it. (laughs) (groans) Here's my guess. There's a hole here, right here. Alright, focus, there's a hole right there and I'm guessing there's a pin that goes into that hole and I can use that pin. Otherwise why would that hole be there? So how do I get that? Oh! I see. There's a hole here. Yep. (laughs) Oh my god, I'm a genius. Hold on. So this is a pin and I noticed there was a hole here, so guess what this does? Get ready for it, ladies and gentlemen. See that coin? Booyah! We have the second, oh, come on, focus. Just like the Lotus Puzzle, a beautiful lotus flower. Okay. That was amazing. Even though most of my day is ruined. Let us put this back. Boom, okay, that's back. That's up. Coin goes back in. Locked into place. This gotta... The maze in here is hard because it's like there are three entrances to this maze here and like if you go too far, you get stuck. If you don't go far enough, you get stuck. This is one of the coolest puzzles I've ever solved. Let me get that one last. Back in its hole, there you go. This thing has taking a beating. Look at all the nicks and dents and sweat marks. Oh my god. (sighs) Thanks for watching, guys. I am done. By the way, look at my hands, how gross they are from handling this puzzle for a couple hours. (groans) Guys. We did it! We did it. I'm so mentally exhausted right now. I don't even know how I'm filming this outro. I feel like I'm in a dream but one of those dreams that's super weird. That's that, so I don't even know how to end this video. It was incredibly taxing on me. I don't think anyone in their right mind should sit down for that long to do one puzzle. If this weren't for a video, I'd probably be doing it in the course of a week or two. That being said, there's your content. Really cool puzzle. I think once you know how it works, you can really appreciate the ingenuity. Obviously to figure that out took me a while. A lot longer than I would have hoped but... Yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this. Guys, thank you for watching. Hope you enjoyed this video. Look at my hands, how dirty they are. Look at that. Anyways guys, thanks for watching. By the way, I upload three videos a week so if you're only getting notifications for this video, by all means check out the other videos that I got going on. Like this video, subscribe if you're new here, and we will see you on Friday. Peace.
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 3,522,672
Rating: 4.8667254 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, impossible, hardest puzzle, wil strijbos, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, solve, solved, solving, mr puzzle, puzzle master
Id: -gEN_ZrGxTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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