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I love this youtuber. He posts great magic and puzzle videos. Hope you guys enjoy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/onehourbehind 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2019 đź—«︎ replies
(dramatic music) - [Narrator] In distant lands, there was a legend of untold power. A sword rooted in rock, unyielding, uncompromising, and immovable. The sword held no glimmer or gold yet held secrets of unwavering possibilities. Infamy and thirst for power bewitched all of the realms. Through whispered tidings and eager ears, the message spread as though it were a plague. Seduced by the promise of unfathomable rewards, kings and queens from faraway kingdoms hastily sent their champions to claim what was thought to be rightfully theirs. Excalibur. The name was savored on the lips of all. Tournaments and contests were held in order to cement the names of heroic champions. Through broken shields, bloodied swords, and heroic deeds, champions were crowned, while sheer exhaustion and death overcame most. Valor and duty cloaked the bloodshed that darkened the lands. No matter how noble or heroic one was, none could retrieve the sword. Some turned to wizardry and sought the aid of witchcraft, while others watched the darkened waters for a sign of the fabled Lady of the Lake. Dulled by time, the sword served as a reminder, mocking the attempts of all the champions that held its grip. It stood, unwavering, unshaken, as if goading. Defeated, the kings and queens from all realms deemed the sword a wasted effort. Tournaments ceased to exist and the sword was slowly forgotten. Centuries later, an unsung hero, a man driven by his past failures, a man of the people. - Well, hot dang! Welcome back. Guys, today is the day. Okay, first of all for all of you commenting, hey, video starts at (babbles). No, it doesn't. Video started the second you pressed play. We worked so hard on that intro. I told you it would be epic. We made it as epic as we possibly could. Really hope you enjoyed that. If not for the puzzle, for anything else, that intro though. Come on, you gotta like it, you gotta leave a like here. Okay, guys, this is endgame, this is it. I feel it today. You know what, Mr. Puzzle kind enough to fix Excalibur, send it back to me, and here we are today trying to solve Excalibur one final time. I'm so scared, I'm so nervous. I've had a hard time sleeping this past week and hopefully we can get it done. Wish me luck in the comments. Like, subscribe, all that stuff. And you know what, without any further ado, let's just get this over with, all right? Let's go. (whistles) Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, Excalibur round three. By the way, you can see when I got this repaired by Mr. Puzzle, on the inside there is some writing on the blade. You can barely see it on camera but I can see it in real life and hopefully we'll be able to see what's on that writing. Now I've set up the camera in this angle because as with the previous Excalibur videos, if top down you're just not gonna see a whole lot going on. And hopefully we can just knock this out today. I got stuff to do. I don't want to be here for a week, all right? So let's go. So no, first move I think was this. (calm music) And does this one go in? Here, here. This. That. And I think all of this. Think this needs to move. That stays there. One's free to come down, yes. Here, and that pops out over here on this side. That moves over here one space. I don't want to tilt it, as you know. If I start tilting it, then we start losing what the hell's going on so tilting it is a is a bad thing, you don't want to do that. No. This one, this one goes up. There we go, that goes down. Such a cluster already. This go up? I'm so afraid right now of moving anything. Oh, you can start to see Mr. Puzzle something. (laughs) It's really interesting. Do I wanna move that in? Why is that one stuck here? Oh, I can't see anything. This one needs to move. Oh god. Nope. (groans) I can see all the way through, which is kind of cool. I see the pieces all dropping but I'm still really far away from getting one piece out and it's looking to be more and more complicated as the pieces are starting to interweave, which is a bit of a pain in the butt. But I feel like I'm getting somewhere good. This piece. See, that piece needs to come out of here. And it won't because of this piece here. And... This is not looking good. Do not want to force anything at this point. What is this piece? So looks like I'm almost back at the beginning except for one piece, which is this piece here will not go through because of this. So I must have like brought this one down in order for that one to come through. So I'm trying to make my way back to the beginning just so I can have a fresh start at it. I don't want to be here solving something random because I might be here for hours and you know that might work. I don't want that to happen. So I got to figure out how it is that I brought that piece up and around and unblocks the other piece. And that's proving to be just a little bit of a puzzle on its own. Looking for that one piece, you can imagine the difficulty here. The entire puzzle. How did that get stuck there? See what I mean? It's just literally that one piece that's kind of like behind this piece here. And I can't figure out what to do. Okay, so I'm just really trying to get back to where I was and it's proving to be really difficult because now I'm kind of lost in my whole pattern or whatever where I was going. This piece here needs to go back in. And it's being blocked. It's being blocked by this piece here, so this is the piece that I have to like move out of the way somehow so I can push that back in and then get back to the beginning and then start over. Oh, let's see this here, look at that. That's loose. It feels like it wants to come out but unless I... I mean, if I can move this one out of the way, maybe I can extract it. That'd be really sick. Can this one go any further back? What's it being blocked by? Well, it's being blocked by the actual sword so there's no moving that, okay. All right, well, I spent a good hour coming back to the beginning. I did it off camera because there's no point in you, the whole goal was to bring me back the beginning and I did it, it took me a long time. So here we go again, we're gonna restart here. This, this, okay. The pieces drop. You gotta kind of keep an eye on them so they don't drop. This is a tricky move here because I gotta hold all the pieces up so they don't fall. So go under. How does that go under that? Why won't this piece fall? Oh, got it. Whew, whew! It's like diffusing a bomb. That has to be back there. How do I get that around there? Do I pull this back? And then push it through, oh, there we go. This can come up. Oh. Oh, I feel like this one wants to come out soon. This one here should be able to drop down. It's really hard because everything I touch makes something move and you really don't want to touch it if you're going about it in a logical way. Well, that's good. Can this go, yes, that goes all the way up. This, gonna try pushing in. (sighs) That one's so close to coming out. What? Where is that stuck? This right here is the tricky move. Oh, it's just stuck. Just stuck. (groans) Oh, okay. Push this one in. So close. (groans) Oh, there we go. Where does this one go? Where the hell does this one go? Oh no, is this over that? Supposed to be over that. Now we can unlock that last one here. Yeah. (sighs) This one should, can we get this one down? Oh, ladies and gentlemen, check this out. Go, let's go! One piece, baby! Not out of the woods yet but holy cow, we extracted a piece without breaking the entire thing. Okay. Hilt, okay. The hilt goes this way. I should be able... Get that back. Here, another piece. Hey, this should just be simple now, I'm guessing. Want this piece to just leave. Oh, so close. Boom. (laughs) Here, make sure the camera picks that up. Okay, the rest should just be, I mean, coming out pretty easily here. Boom. And let's go next. Just shaking the crap out of this thing right now so bad. This one here. So Excalibur goes down there. There we go, okay. Now it's just loosey-goosey. Maybe if I just move it to the side, should be able. Imagine I can't do this part and it just all stays like this forever. Amazing. (sighs) Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom! Ladies and gentlemen, let me get a good shot of this right here because this is the bane of my existence. Ladies and gentlemen. (humming) Oh, awkward. (laughs) Look what it says. It says "Congrats, Chris. "Regards, Mr. Puzzle." Mr. Puzzle, we've done it. Oh my god! Whew! That peaked, that peaked, baby! Oh! All right, I will spare you guys. I will spare you guys the hours that it'll take me to put this together. Maybe on another video. Comment below if that's something you want to see, but let's roll the outro. Oh, hot dang! Oh my god, crying. Guys, I can't believe it. I can't believe we did it. I'm so exhausted. A lot of you are commenting "Oh, the timer." I decided not to put a timer today because it took me all day and that's all I'm gonna say about that. It took me, I don't know, I don't know because I took breaks. Like at one point, trying to get it back to the beginning. We took a break for like I guess like an hour, an hour and a half just trying to get it back. And then I took a whole bunch of breaks, just 'cause like my mind at one point, you're looking at things and you can't even tell what you're looking at. And so yeah. A timer would have been a mess and it wouldn't've been a realistic time. So it took me anywhere between four and six hours. That's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot of work. A lot of mental strain. Here we are, this is it, the Excalibur. This measly little, the bane of my existence right here. I'm gonna keep this on the shelf. I know, you know, you guys are probably expecting me to like put this back together but honestly at this point I'm so drained, I'm just really happy I got it out and that's just gonna, I'm just gonna keep that as a little trophy on my shelf. So guys, we did it. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you for everything, for all your support. We get to move on to normal puzzles now. Back to puzzles that are actually fun. This was no fun. And we'll see you Friday. (grunts) So we'll see you Friday for another puzzle. I got a few things that are really, really cool that came in the mail that I can't wait to share with you guys. God, I'm so happy this is done! See you on the next video. Peace.
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 2,064,866
Rating: 4.946887 out of 5
Keywords: impossible puzzle, excalibur, solution, solved, solving, solve, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, impossible, difficult, level 10 puzzle, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, mr puzzle, puzzle master, burr puzzle
Id: Klst1x6x9is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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