Solving The FIRESTARTER Lock Puzzle!! (Level 10)

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(upbeat music) (snapping fingers) (laughs) (upbeat music) (lion roar) - [Host] Yo, what's up guys? Welcome back. Happy to be here on a Wednesday back in the office solving puzzles as usual. Today, we're looking at the HalesLock 5 Puzzle known as Firestarter. Designed by Shane Hales, this guy makes like, a lock a year. This is number five. Apparently the hardest one of them all. Pretty as well. Also looks like a bit of a weapon. You could probably knock someone out with it real quick. Made in Italy, of steel and nickel plated. And pretty. It's not an average lock. It doesn't look like your average lock which is what intrigued me. Normally, I like the fact that locks look normal and they're a puzzle but this one just looks extraordinary. Not sure what you would use this to lock. Like, what would you lock with this? Maybe, ah, what would you use this to lock for? There you go. Comment below. Anyways guys, let's just get right into it. Solving the HalesLock 5 Firestarter Lock Puzzle. Let's go. (drum roll (whistle) - [Host] HalesLock 5 Firestarter. Here we go. Oh, you thought I'd forget. (clock beeps) So, oh, there was a bag that came with this. Hold on. So if the creator put this in the bag, then it must be very important. Designed by Shane Hales Production: Shane Hales Objective one: Open the lock Two: Retrieve the ring Sounds simple. And I believe you have to find his signature as well. No random movements. The lock will open very smoothly. Find the elegant solution. No force. No banging. No hitting. And here's a hint: Use the shape of the lock to solve. Use the shape of the lock to solve. Use the shape of the lock to solve. So, you've got this rubber hatch. And here, we've got like a little protector for ah, does this turn? Yeah. So you've got a key hole in there. And then you've got this, which I guess you got to line up with that key hole. Maybe it's like a lighter. You just got to, huh? Worth a shot. Oh, hello. We might have just discovered something, haha, by accident, by doing this. (gasps) I might be way ahead boys and girls. Look at this. A little hole right there. Bang! You see? This is why. This is why, this is why I do what I do, all right? That's, let's just get that out of the way. So, you've got this as well, which is like a little groove. Wondering if there's like, something in here that would line up that would allow me to, you know what I mean, like, pop it open like this? All right, so first thing's first. We got to get this out of this lock here. So this has a clasp. I'm guessing I can get the key out of that clasp. Yup. All right, key is out. And what a surprise. The key does not fit. Oh, wait. Maybe this goes on the other side here. Other way. Hmm. Where's that hole here. Doesn't fit in there, either. Okay. So this part here seems to be attached to this cylinder here. So my guess is the cylinder has to be retrieved. What did it say? Use the shape of the lock to solve. Use the shape of the lock. Okay, the shape is a cylinder. Use the shape of the lock to solve. What do you guys think? What does that mean? This is a weird key, by the way. Look at the edge of that key, how weird that is. That is a strange looking key. So no banging. No, no what? No hitting. No force. No banging. Use the shape of the lock. And it's called Firestarter. Is it like a flint type thing? Does this rotate? Oh, that turns. Okay. So maybe this unscrews? (jazz music) This is cool, and this is supposed to be a sequential discovery, which means there's like, hidden tools and stuff, which I think that's what that's for. It's probably a hidden tool to get the pin in there. This also pops out just a little bit. This here pops out just a little bit. Just enough for me not to grab it. Use the shape of the lock to solve it. Are there any seams? No. No seams. Just this that rotates. I'm trying to like, unscrew and my fat fingers can't get in there. That ring doesn't come out. Hmm. Huh? There you go. I don't know what that does. Trying to get creative here, folks. Let me know if you have any ideas, by the way. Is that like, the model number here? Use the shape of the lock. Use the shape of the lock to solve. I mean the shape of the lock is shaped like this. How does that help? I don't understand what they're asking of me. Use the shape of the lock. Oh, maybe I have to roll it? Oh, that's a glass table. I don't see how that helps me. (jazz music) I'm trying to push down on this thing in different, trying to orient this hole in different ways and try to push down on it. Really throwing me for a loop here. The no banging and hitting this is really killing me because all I want to do is like. That's what I really want to do. It's kind of satisfying but it doesn't get me anywhere. I'm kind of at a loss here. No force. And use the shape of the lock to solve. And it's called Firestarter. Use the shape of the lock to solve. The only thing that I can think of is like, rolling it. But because of this ring, it's kind of hindering that. So do I need to remove the ring before I roll it to solve it? Is there any internal? So there is an internal mechanism here. Because I'm holding all of the moving parts down and it's still making noise when I shake it. It doesn't say No Shaking! (sigh) So there seems to be, I'm going to hold this up to my face now because I can't properly see from this angle, but you can see in there. There seems to be like a pin stopping the key from going in. See this? So I got to get that pin out of the way. The pin's inside the key hole. You can kind of see a little reflection of it there. But it's kind of blocking. So. Oh yeah. Oh, my God. Okay. I just simply rolled it around in my hands, kind of like rolling it because it's a cylinder. And the pin looks like it fell all the way through. And now it's back. Hold on. Going to keep rolling it around. I'm halfway in. Oh! It turned. Okay, here we go. (gasp) Boom! Okay. So there is a pin on the top here. By rotating it, one pin would fall, but the other one would come through. So it was like a, almost like a half rotation that I had to do. All right, now that I've done that, this comes up and there is a pin and that comes out of here and now you've guessed it. That little rubber thing is, that little rubber thing concealing that pin hole, which was here. (jazz music) So there's a bit of a spring resistance here. And there we go. Why is this all loose and weird? Look at this mechanism. Oh, wow. A bead that's right there. And you still have those pins blocking the top part. This is so weird. So you've got this nut - Okay, so this here, this little brass pin is pushed in through that other pin hole through there, right? So that gets pushed in. However, this bead as well, when the key is turned, gets pushed in and out. But that can only be done if the pin here isn't aligned, so. Like, right now, you can, maybe if I move this, you might be able to see through it. You can see through it here. And so, there is a pin stopping and if I just rotate this to a certain angle, right there. Oh, see it came back. It's like, very tricky. I have to do this off camera because I can't... I'll get my head down here. Hold on. Let me see if I can do this. (jazz music) How do I get that sphere back in there? There we go. We're all the way in. Hmm. Oh, and there's the signature by the way. So that's not going to, is that going to go in? Wait. That's not going to fit in. I got to get that sphere out of the way, that little ball bearing. Okay. Oh, weird. This is like, this piece is like, loose. It's not locking or unlocking anymore though. That's the thing. It's just, it's fitting in but the key isn't turning. I don't get it. I'm stuck here. By the way, we're at 24 minutes now. We've retrieved everything. We've found everything except for, does this have to go back in here? In order for that to undo? No. Weird. There's a weird thing happening right now. Firestarter. Firestarter. Like, that's not going to fit through because of that bead. Okay. So this cylinder here looks like it goes, like, in and out a notch here. Just like this. (clicking sound) All right? And I don't know why. Give me a sec. I'm going to take this up to my head. Okay, if I turn this I feel this sphere moving as well, and this as well gets pulled out just a little bit, revealing, like, these little holes and these little pockets here. And it also turns the bottom of the lock. (jazz music) Oh, okay. Maybe I got to push that thing in all the way. Right, okay. Here's my hypothesis. This always has to protrude. However, I think I have to push it in, turn the key, in order for that sphere to fall in a certain hole, rotate the key completely so that this thing pops out again. But this time, this sphere is in the hole. The problem is, the key will not rotate once I... (jazz music) I feel that sphere moving. Now. My hands are starting to hurt. It kind of looks like a fire starter when you think about it. Almost like a, like one of those barbecue lighters, which is, I guess, why it wasn't called Zippo or Lighter. But Firestart. Maybe that's why they gave it the name. And if that's the case, okay, hold on. If that's the case... Usually, to do a fire starter, you have to, you have like, the part that you got to press, like the safety, in order to start it, right? (dramatic music) So I was just playing around with this. And as I was rotating it, it started to move, but then I lost track of what was happening and it stopped moving. Something has to do with this bottom cylinder which, by the way, this is a fire starter. This is what a fire starter looks like. It looks way more like this than a barbecue lighter, but hey, don't judge me. So. This is definitely proving more challenging, definitely proving more challenging to put together than it was to take apart. Did I just luck out in unlocking it earlier? I don't fully understand the mechanism here, and that's the problem. I do now believe that this mechanism here is independent from this. Because when I'm moving this, this doesn't seem to be effected. So I don't think I need to push that in. I do need to get this sphere in, however. And to do that, I need to turn the key. But the key won't turn. Now the key is all the way in. You could still hear the pins rattling in there. The key is all the way in. This thing goes from the inside to the outside. Inside. Outside. That's all it does. So these are my moving parts that I have to maneuver. This and orientation. So I'm trying all sorts of different orientations, playing with this cylinder, rotating the cylinder. It doesn't do anything. Or does it? I just have to think practically here. I've pushed down this pin just in case, and I've kind of lodged it there by twisting the bottom part a little bit so that it won't stop me from doing anything. But then again, I don't think that is attached to anything that would stop me. When I adjust the key, this sphere does move. So there's definitely something blocking the turning of the key. I thought it might be this. I don't think it is. I think it's something internally. So if it's something internally, it's probably a pin. If it's a pin... (jazz music) Hmm. No force required they say. This is kind of the position it was when I unlocked it. It wasn't fully down I believe. Oh! I just turned it. And it fell through. I had to push the pin down. Get the key halfway in, push the pin down, rotate it, ball went through. Okay. Here we go. Let's go. So slowly, we're going to insert - ah, first of all, where's that little tool? That little tool needs to go back in its little place here. Okay. This ring was then, I believe, on the top here. Or, on the top here. Come on. Okay. Yes! Yes! So if that was a little bit out of focus, I had to shut the focus off here because it keeps like, punching in and out. All right, there you go. That is the HalesLock Firestarter solved in about an hour, give or take. Ah, bam! Let's go! Let's go! Woo! (explosion) Can I get a hot! (explosion) Oh, I hit the camera. Ah, I'm spent. I am spent. Thoroughly spent. I don't feel like doing a puzzle anymore. Pretty much exhausted mentally. Getting it apart was not all that difficult. And putting it back together proved exactly three times as difficult. There you have it. There's a life lesson, all right? Things are harder to put together than they are to take apart, I guess. I didn't find it that difficult to open. I kind of understood - I do believe I got lucky though because I'm not 100% sure on the solution here, when once you open it. When you push that pin and put the key halfway and turn it, I think there's an orientation involved as well. I didn't double check because I didn't want to have to start over again. So I was just very happy that the sphere found that little hole. But I'm not exactly sure on the mechanism. And so this is probably one of those things that I'm going to have to solve, you know, maybe half a dozen times just sitting around to fully understand how this works. And I like puzzles that are like that because even if you solve it once, you don't really understand it. That's also a life lesson, all right? The more you know. Thanks for watching this video. Don't forget to like this video. Subscribe if you're new here, and we'll see you on the next one. Peace. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,441,347
Rating: 4.8673754 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, solving, solved, solution, puzzle solution, haleslock, brain teaser, lock puzzle
Id: HKDxmsdGUH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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