Critical Role Escapes the Evil Sorcerer's Lair (Escape! w/ Janet Varney)

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Lmao at Laura being nicknamed "Grabby McGrabgrab"

That explains some things about Vex.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 142 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrsCaptainPicard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Laura "Because apparently I do that" Bailey.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 136 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whiskeyonsunday πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm enjoying this, but I'm also assuming they made Taliesin stay home because he's too OP for archaic riddles.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tipsyopossum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/MatthewMercer Please tell us what the potion tasted like! Dying to know..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Black_Widow14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Travis Willingham is the coolest dude ever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImaFrakkinNinja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the video's thumbnail image. Travis is totally checking out Matt's rear asspect

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jordanscat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The hint they got was pretty lame, Travis and Sabat had already been focused on the runes, it was obvious the others could be doing something else at the same time and just needed a start.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wrc-wolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man why does Laura got to be so cute all the time. She's probably my fav person on critical role outside of Sam of course.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMagicianDolph πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

If they get Christopher Sabat to guest on Critical Role once as a Vegeta-lite character I'd be happy as Hell.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TLKv3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hey, welcome to Escape, the show where we take celebrities, lock them in a room and force them to solve complex puzzles in order to escape before time runs out. What are the stakes? Well, failing to escape will put an intergalactic price on their heads, but success will make them the rulers of their own planets. So you know, six of one, half a dozen of the other. Please welcome our guest. Now, you might also know him as McCree from Overwatch or Levi from Attack on Titan. Please welcome Matt Mercer. MATT: Jumping in-- JANET: Matt Mercer! MATT: Apparently that's my intro music. JANET: That's not a theme. I'm Matthew Mercer. Voice actor, dungeon master for Critical Role. MATT: Hey, I'm glad I have one at least. JANET: Welcome in. MATT: Thank you. I've heard stories from friends and such, but I've only done one escape room challenge that was a lot of fun. MATT: Thank you for having me. JANET: You don't want to be stuck just with me, right? You probably want me to bring out some of your teammates. MATT: If possible. Not that I don't believe in your ability, but-- JANET: No, listen. None taken. She is Margaret from Persona and host of Super Power Beat Down, please welcome Marisha Ray. Marisha Ray. Marisha Ray. You thought it was just for you. It's not. This is a theme. Hello, my name is Marisha Ray and you might know me from Geek & Sundry's Critical Role. JANET: Thanks for coming, nice to see you. MARISHA: Thanks. I'm here, it's early. JANET: Well you're on Japanese time. Sure, sure, sure. I've actually done one escape room to date. It was serial killer themed. And we got so close. JANET: Now, listen. I'm going to bring them both out at once. They're voice actors you might know from Halo 5: Guardians, Avengers Assemble, and tons more. Please welcome Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham. Laura Bailey. Travis Willingham. Hi, I'm Laura Bailey. I'm a voice actress and I'm on Critical Role, which, you know, you guys know about. JANET: Like me, you probably get stuck in the back of all photos so people never see what your body looks like. They just see a floating head in the background. My name is Travis Willingham. I'm a member of the Critical Role D&D show on Geek & Sundry's Twitch channel. I have never done any kind of room escape before. I have no experience whatsoever so I have no idea what to expect. JANET: Now we just got some loose clown who's along for the ride. He's one of my favorite people on the planet, although I'm not sure why. He's an actor, you know him from Dragonball Z, please welcome Christopher Sabat. Christopher Sabat. Christopher Sabat. LAURA: How's it going? CHRIS: Good, good. I am Christopher Sabat and I am known for, I guess, mostly my work on Dragonball Z. I'm the voice of Vegeta. JANET: Thanks for piggybacking. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. You know I'm the biggest fan of Critical Role. I've seen all their episodes. LAURA: You haven't seen a single episode, have you? CHRIS: I am gonna catch up one of these days. Just gonna binge it. You know, looking at the team I'm probably the strongest. Easily. JANET: I will say about Chris, he is one of the warmest, most sincere-- just the kind of person that's so cuddly and wonderful. CHRIS: Thank you. You know, mentally, look at them. JANET: And you guys want to know what you're looking at? Where you're gonna be? MATT: Yes, please. JANET: And what your background mythology is? You're magicians who find yourself in the study of "The Evil Sorcerer." You know, "The Evil Sorcerer." Generic fantasy tale. And you guys need to work together to get out of the room. You need to-- let's see, one was that you grasp and cast the spell to banish him. That was a real tongue twister. MATT: Yeah, well done. JANET: You guys are the VO actors, you can handle it. I've never done VO. (coughing) Legend of Korra. MARISHA: ...the spell to banish the evil sorcerer. JANET: Yeah, okay. I think that's it guys. I'm going to take you in to your wonderful sorcerer's lair. Just follow me. Shall we? MATT: Oh boy. TRAVIS: No song as we leave? LAURA: I thought we were gonna get a theme song. MARISHA: It's our theme song. LAURA: Oh, no! JANET: Come on in. Welcome in. This is probably a good place to hang to take everything in, right? And that's it. I wish I could stay in here with you because this is my favorite room ever but instead I'm gonna say: time starts now! [everyone yelling] MATT: Okay, uh--! LAURA: What do we do?! CHRIS: This looks like Laura's bathroom. CHRIS: I found rabbit's foot. [MATT, offscreen]: My first thoughts walking into that room were: okay, this is my bailiwick. This is my realm of expertise. [MARISHA, offscreen]: This room is so cool! I'm hoping they can save the set, I kind of want those wall sconces. [CHRIS, offscreen]: Well, the first thing that hits me is: wait a minute, what am I supposed to be doing in here? TRAVIS: I am instantly confused about where to start. MARISHA: Okay, you guys. Is there something that's gonna happen? TRAVIS: So those runes are alphabetical, these are also alphabetical. LAURA: Wait, there's little things. That means there's probably cards or something that go in here. MARISHA: Okay, good call. [TRAVIS, offscreen]: There's a giant wood structure. I see tablets of stone with runes. There's a million different potions. LAURA: I mean, the potions alone, all the ingredients; a little overwhelming, but so freaking cool. MARISHA: Can I just live there? I just want to live in the room. Here's a deck of cards. LAURA: Oh, yeah, where?! Marisha found the tarot cards. MARISHA: They're tarot cards. MATT: Tarot cards over here as well. LAURA: But I stole them from her very quickly because apparently I do that. Wait, I'm gonna look and see if I can find special-- they're numbered. CHRIS: There's roman numerals on this table. TRAVIS: Okay, I'm gonna translate the alphabet and that message that's on the right-hand side. CHRIS: Travis immediately says, "I'm gonna solve this." [TRAVIS, offscreen]: There's three different slabs that have got little numbers under them, and then one that I'm like, okay, clearly we have to decipher this thing. So I start looking something to write with and I find a piece of parchment and a little quill pen and start running back and forth trying to decode the message. The first one isn't even here! CHRIS: Have you finished this? TRAVIS: No! I'm just looking for the first stupid symbol! CHRIS: I'm gonna just look at things on the shelf. The first thing I pick up is-- CHRIS: I found a menu for TGI Fridays. --this menu that has the potions in it, and nothing makes sense. MARISHA: Have we looked at this yet? CHRIS: Okay, what's this? TRAVIS: H, that's an H! MATT: Gift of Flight-- these are different potions, possibly? I cannot imagine that all of these are gonna be useful. MARISHA: Gifts of Gold, Frigid Fancy. I'm probably only looking for like one or two, aren't I? MARISHA: I said brrr, it's cold in here! And I think half of them are just there to make me look stupid. MARISHA: There must be some toros in the atmosphere. TRAVIS: I can't believe you actually just went to Bring It On. [laughing] I think the Bring It On spell was just to make us look, like, really cool. You know, I mean if nothing else, then at least we've got that. LAURA: I swear you guys, I'm so lost. [everyone agreeing] CHRIS: What are we even supposed to be doing here? TRAVIS: I'm figuring out that message and I'm actually having some luck. LAURA: We're trying to gather-- we're trying to cast a spell. CHRIS: Do you have a banishment spell somewhere? MATT: That's what we're trying to see here. So we have-- There are a lot of spells. There's a spellbook, there's the little sheets of paper that have spells on them. LAURA: Exploding potion? MATT: For now, let's put these out here. CHRIS: We can make some of these. LAURA: We can make an Exploding Potion. Let's look. I immediately start thinking I can make an exploding spell, a potion, that will get us out of the room, like, no problem. So I start looking for ingredients to make an Exploding Potion, which is probably the wrong idea. TRAVIS: "The magician"! CHRIS: One head of garlic. LAURA: There's probably a magician in here. TRAVIS: "The magician" is the first part of this thing. MARISHA: The magician? Okay. CHRIS: Wow, Travis. You're on top of it. Then as he starts saying the words he says "magician" and we realize, that's one of the tarot cards! So I'm going to try and separate those out. That way as soon as we have this riddle done, hopefully we won't be searching through an entire deck of cards. TRAVIS: This is going to be the greatest moment of my life. LAURA: Is there head of garlic over there? CHRIS: You're just gonna make a random spell, huh? LAURA: It's an exploding one, it'll get us out of here. CHRIS: Okay, cool! TRAVIS: There are numbers?! MARISHA: Head of garlic? TRAVIS: What kind of an asshole puts numbers with runes? O. MARISHA: Here's a-- what is this, you guys? This has a little-- this does that. That does that. CHRIS: That does that? MARISHA: That looks important, right? CHRIS: Yeah, there's another thing that should do that but you can't pull it out. TRAVIS: "Fought," maybe? Is that a "fought"? MARISHA: Is there anything on the bottom of that, Chris? LAURA: Wait, elixir seven. TRAVIS: "Sought"! You piece of-- LAURA: Elixir seven. This one's important. CHRIS: I have a feeling what Travis is doing here is probably the most important thing 'cause it seems like it's the start. MARISHA: While he's got that goin', here's the magician. CHRIS: What do you need? We hear the announcement that we only have 25 minutes left. That is when my stomach sinks very heavily. MARISHA: We haven't done shit! LAURA: We haven't done anything! That is when I realized we might be in trouble. LAURA: Oh no! What if we all just die right now?! CHRIS: Guys, let's help Travis do this. LAURA: What is he doing? CHRIS: "B." TRAVIS: What's a "K"? Find me a "K". CHRIS: A "K"? TRAVIS: Yeah, a "K" symbol. CHRIS: "K" symbol is, uh-- K symbol is an "I". What's the next one? TRAVIS: I've got a "U," "S,"-- this is a-- I think that's a "T". And then Marisha finds these spells that are, you know, singing, and so we start chanting. MARISHA AND LAURA: Boredas stupificus, boredas stupificus, boredas stupificus. That's gotta mean "I'm really stupid" in Latin that you made us repeat over and over again. MARISHA AND LAURA: Boredas stupificus. It's gonna live forever on the internet. LAURA: How many times-- boredas stupificus. [continue chanting] That's cool. Thanks guys. Thanks. MARISHA: Is this just a spell to make us look stupid? CHRIS: What do we have so far? TRAVIS: Is that a "JU-" I think that's "justice"? CHRIS: Okay, "justice," right. TRAVIS: "The magician sought justice"-- MARISHA: Okay, so I'm guessing some of these potions are just red herrings? TRAVIS: This quill is not-- it's magically losing ink! Come back to life. I got it, I got it! TRAVIS: "The magician sought justice" on or in something. MARISHA: To restore your wand to its former might, one must-- MATT: Hey guys, we're pushing the 20 minutes. We reached a point where we had been running around, floundering. We found a lot of pieces to things that we didn't quite know how they fit together. LAURA: We're taking so long on the very first clue. We need to have the helping hand. MATT: We're floundering a little bit here. Do we want to go ahead and try and at least get a helping hand to maybe get on the right path? Knowing that we could continue to do this for next 15 minutes if we aren't careful, I think we all began to realize that it's best to just use this helping hand now. ALL: Helping hand! JANET: Okay, wizard wannabes. Here's your rhyming helping hand. MARISHA: Oh my god, we suck so hard! TRAVIS: Oh, "W," that would make sense. LAURA: Okay, "tower." It is "tower." TRAVIS: "The magician sought justice in the tower"-- [crosstalk] MATT: The cards should go in the slots based on the order they are. TRAVIS: "But," "but"-- yeah, "The magician sought justice in the tower but"-- He's trying to figure out the "but"s and the "the"s in between, and I don't care about any of that. I just want the last tarot card. LAURA: What's the last word? What's the last word? TRAVIS: We got two more words. No, no, no! Skip to the last word 'cause that's probably what the last tarot card is! MATT: So "D"-- TRAVIS: Is this one right here? MATT: Yeah. TRAVIS: "D," okay. And the "H" one is an β€œE”. MATT: Correct. TRAVIS: And then-- it's like a pi symbol. MATT: I've drawn these. That is a "A." TRAVIS: "A." LAURA: What's the last word? CHRIS: What is that less than symbol? TRAVIS: That's a "T." It's "death" I think. "The magician sought justice in the tower but found only death." Death. Death. I have no idea what that means. MARISHA: The-- there's another deck, there's another deck. Hang on. I don't know why there's two decks. MATT: I'll take half of it, here. Death, got it. MARISHA: Go, go, go, go. LAURA: Okay. Oh, what do I see in this amazing crystal ball? CHRIS: It just looks like a piece of glass to me. Whoa, it's turning blue! LAURA: Oh, it's doing something. The crystal ball lights up, Matt starts reading it. MATT: Oh, right here. It says-- MARISHA: Oh, shit! I start trying to push his head out of the way so I can see the words. 'Cause apparently I do that. MATT: "Eth topnoi fo sncseipua." Awesome. CHRIS: Oh, that makes lots of sense. It's a cool message and it reads like latin, but within a brief second I realize that it's an anagram and we need to try and figure out what these letters make up. LAURA: Is it backwards? MARISHA: Read it backwards. CHRIS: "The potion of..." Uh-- TRAVIS: You suck! MATT: A-U-P-I-E-S-C-N-S. Makes a lot of sense. MARISHA: A-U-P-- MATT: A-U-P-I-E-S-C-N-S. We immediately had to just shout out the letters and try and figure out what the actual phrasing was. Hopefully. CHRIS: A-U-P-I? MARISHA: Are you sure, you guys? MATT: Those are the letters that are there. LAURA: Yeah, it's an anagram. These letters make a spell. MARISHA: Wait, wait, wait. Is it this? Purification? LAURA: But purification isn't-- there's no "F" in this. CHRIS: "The"-- okay, T-H-E-- let's just rearrange the words. It's E-T-H so it's THE-- LAURA: That's it, the Potion of Puissance. MATT: "Gain might to wrench from stone--" We find this list of ingredients to make a potion. MATT: "--by mixing dust of funny bone." It's supposed to make us strong so we can pull the sword out from the stone. LAURA: Dust of Funny Bone. CHRIS: What else do we need? MATT: How about this? "The sorrow of a fiery beast and essence of a spider's feast." MARISHA: Okay, here's Dragon's Breath. CHRIS: Drops of water-- TRAVIS: Sorrow of what? MATT: Let's see. "Drops of water: undead's bane," so holy water. I'm glad that Matt is here because he's really good at interpreting what a lot of these sentences even mean. MATT: Flies is what it would be. LAURA: Snake fangs. MATT: See if you can find holy water. TRAVIS: There's water. LAURA: There's water? TRAVIS: Yeah, can we like, bless it? MATT: "Deep blackened sea night's stain." CHRIS: Octopus ink. MATT: There we go. "Mind of beast lacking haste"? TRAVIS: We're just trying to make sense of what goes where and in what order, and it's chaos. TRAVIS: Like a sloth? MATT: A slow creature. LAURA: Or a slug? Starting to figure out that this potion is gonna be a huge pain in my ass. LAURA: Sloth brain. MATT: Sloth brain, perfect. "And a touch of something sweet for taste." LAURA: Peppermint? MATT: Sugar? That should work, yeah. "Acridness to curl the tongue"-- LAURA: Acid? TRAVIS: Leech juice? MARISHA: What does that mean? TRAVIS: Acrid what? Acrid. What the-- what does "acrid" mean? MATT: "Acridness to curl the tongue." TRAVIS: Acrid means, um-- LAURA: Sour? CHRIS: Castor oil, maybe? LAURA: Sardines? MATT: Castor oil could work, actually. "The finishing touch must be sung." Where's the funny bone dust? CHRIS: Bat wing powder? MARISHA: Oh, ground humerus. CHRIS: Want to start mixing 'em up? MATT: Yeah, mix a little bit in each one. CHRIS: Okay, tell me what. MARISHA: Wait, wait. Did we also get the spider's feast? MATT: Funny bone, that one there. CHRIS: What's next? MATT: We have the funny bone, the dragon's breath just went in, we have the spider's feast now, which would be the-- LAURA: Spiders eat flies. MARISHA: Or bugs. Yeah, it's gotta be something buggy. LAURA: Oh, what about this? Coagulated blood of flies? ALL: Yeah, yeah. CHRIS: Coagulated blood of flies, putting it in there. Ingredients, pretty nasty. I hope we don't have to drink this. CHRIS: Looks pretty tasty, actually. LAURA: Drops of water. Now water. MATT: Uh, ink is next. The deep blackened sea night's stain. So, put the ink in. LAURA: Octopus's ink. MATT: "Mind of beast lacking haste," the sloth brain. MARISHA: This is so foul looking. CHRIS: Ugh, god. I feel like Tom Cruise in Cocktail. LAURA: You're gonna eat this, Chris. MATT: "Touch of something sweet for taste." CHRIS: Touch of something sweet? LAURA: I'm putting in the peppermint. MATT: I don't see anything else that looks sweet. MARISHA: I'm nervous about the dragon's breath. A lot of the ingredients in these potions can be easily switched out for other ingredients and that's making me really nervous. I don't want to make this potion 80 times, I really don't. MATT: It's "the sorrow of a fiery beast," you don't see like dragon's tears or anything. TRAVIS: Dragon's tears is over there. LAURA: Oh, dragon's tears?! MARISHA: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what we need. LAURA: We're putting in dragon's tears. MARISHA: Dragon's tears, not dragon's breath. CHRIS: There's pond slime, is that acridness? MATT: "Acridness to curl the tongue." LAURA: What is "acridness"? None of us have any idea what "acrid" means. LAURA: What is "acrid," is it acid-y? MATT: Acid-y, bitter, awful to the taste. Apparently, it means "acidic." Hey. Brilliant. TRAVIS: Siri, what's "acridness" mean?! CHRIS: Where are we? Uh-- MARISHA: I don't know what else it would be. LAURA: Acromantula? Or sardines, or cod liver oil. CHRIS: Oh, I don't know. Uh-- MATT: Hornclump juice and pus. Yeah. CHRIS: I don't know. Guys. MATT: Y'know what? Let's go ahead and add the acromantula whatever it is to there, just fuck it. TRAVIS: Roll the dice! Buy the ticket, take the ride! CHRIS: Okay, adding acromancer's venom. LAURA: And then we sing-- TRAVIS: Which one? MATT: It's supposed to give us strength. LAURA: Is there one in there that says something about strength? MATT: "The finishing touch must be sung"? LAURA: "Grandma's Sweat [inaudible]"? I know what that's from. MARISHA: Does it have a--? The finishing touch must be sung. We cannot get too literal but also we want to make sure we're literal enough to where we're not missing clues. MARISHA: Maybe it's not literal. Hang on. That made me nervous. That makes me really nervous. MARISHA: Maybe it's another ingredient. MATT: Oh, sung! We have vocal cords-- I saw something here that was-- MARISHA: Something-- oh, ground vocal cords! LAURA: That's it, that's it! MATT: Thank you. LAURA: It's going in, ground vocal cords. MARISHA: It's in, it's in! Now what? CHRIS: Should be working now. LAURA: Who's gonna drink it? CHRIS: [revolted noise] TRAVIS: Are we drinking it?! I wasn't 100 percent sure that someone was supposed to drink it. MARISHA: Do we have to drink it? MATT: For someone to get the might. If no one's gonna do it, I'm gonna fucking do it. I'm watching Matt drink this and I'm like, "I don't know if you're supposed to drink this." LAURA: Gross! Ha ha, he had to drink that. Wasn't me! MATT: All right. CHRIS: Okay. You just drank that for no reason, didn't you? MATT: Probably. Well, we'll see if it works or not. LAURA: Pull out the sword from the stone! MATT: See if it'll allow it. No! I think the thing that went wrong with this potion is, um-- I have no idea. MARISHA: Which one-- what are we missing-- MATT: It might be the acridness. I think we used maybe the wrong ingredient, one of the wrong ingredients. Maybe it was that acrid thing. MARISHA: Our public school educations are failing us! CHRIS: Actors are supposed to be smarter than this! MARISHA: Do vinegar. MATT: Adding vinegar to it. LAURA: Adding vinegar to the potion. We added vinegar. Matt, and everybody that's been working on the potion, solve it. CHRIS: He's gonna drink it again! He just drank it twice. MATT: Oh, that's terrifying. LAURA: Try it, Matt. He drinks it-- [TRAVIS, offscreen]: --nothing happens. [sounds of frustration] CHRIS: Oh my gosh. LAURA: Is it because we added things to it that shouldn't be in there? I haven't really been helping much at this point so I start looking around the room for secret doors and things that I can pull. The candlesticks, by the way-- don't move. But I tried all of them. LAURA: Oh, this smells so bad now. It was not-- not good. CHRIS: Can we find an hourglass something? MARISHA: That's what I'm looking for. [MATT, offscreen]: We're pretty sure we have all the right ingredients and we put them together and we're trying this out, but it's still not working. We're really frustrated. So we began to have to look at it even closer and try and see if there's something we're missing in this specific dialogue. LAURA: "Gain might--" MATT: "--by mixing dust of funny bone, the sorrow of a fiery beast, the essence of a spider's feast, drops of water (undead's bane), deep black and sea night's stain." MARISHA: "Drops of water, undead's bane." There's two separate things. CHRIS: What's "undead's bane"? TRAVIS: Holy water, right? MATT: Holy water. LAURA: "The finishing touch must be sung." Maybe we just have to sing it. β™ͺ I'm drinking this potion down! β™ͺ MARISHA: β™ͺ She's drinking a potion! β™ͺ LAURA: β™ͺ Oh yeah, and it's disgusting! β™ͺ This potion is foul. I'm pretty sure we put some wrong ingredients in there because it made me want to puke, just a little bit. CHRIS: Uh, "Gain might to wrench from stone by mixing dust of funny bone, the sorrow of a fiery beast--" LAURA: The sorrow is dragon's tears. As we're pouring through these various potion elements I immediately remember that one of the spells we have on the table immediately relates to making something holy or blessed. MATT: Oh here we go, I got it, I got it! For the holy water. Sorry. It's part of the spells for it, that's-- I'm so dumb for not seeing that. "To change water into something blessed is a simple task. Do not feel pressed. Simply raise the bottle to a light and chant--" Where do we have light? Oh, there! Of course it's Matt who figures out that you have to bless the holy water. LAURA: Right there! Right-- no, here! MATT: "Benedictus aquaticus." TRAVIS: Speak for yourself, brother. I love how exasperated he was in blessing it. He's like, "Ugh. I bless this holy water and it's now holy. All right. Can we move this along?" MATT: We shall see! I want Matt to be my priest all the time. LAURA: Okay, wait. Now what's next? CHRIS: "Essence of a spider's feast." LAURA: That was the coagulated blood. MATT: There you go. Going to add a little bit of the ink here as well. MARISHA: Go, go, go! MATT: Sloth brains. CHRIS: "Touch of something sweet for taste." MATT: That's going to be the peppermint. Vinegar. LAURA: Now, sing it and drink it, Matt! MATT: No, we have to put the ground vocal cords in there. CHRIS: Doesn't say anything about drinking it, I just want to say that, just out loud. TRAVIS: Yeah, but he likes it. It's his thing. MATT: All right, mix that up. Oh, that is disgusting! We're pretty sure we put all the pieces together for this potion. We've got the holy water functional for us. [MATT, offscreen]: But something isn't working, still. No matter how hard we try. And redo it. It's not working. Thankfully, Marisha finds a note. LAURA: "In magic, it's not the song that matters, but the purity of the singing." MARISHA: All right, well jeez. We're fucked. MATT: β™ͺ I take responsibility for this failure β™ͺ I will say that for all the dread and disappointment I was feeling in myself through all that puzzle-- MATT: Oh, thank you! For the love of god. --being able to finally finish that potion, reach over and pull that sword from the stone was a moment of vindication. He's so strong, that Matthew Mercer. MARISHA: What does it say? MATT: It has-- uh, the sword doesn't say anything. I had to start wandering around the room searching little things that maybe haven't been discovered yet. MATT: It has two notches on it-- [sounds of excitement] And I found a little scroll that was hidden up on one of the shelves. 'Cause he's tall and he can do that. At least I can contribute that way. TRAVIS: Travis is tall. LAURA: Travis is tall, Travis is tall! CHRIS: Well this doesn't make any sense. Yep, I think it's an order. It's coffee. So I realized there's probably more spell things like that on the other bookshelf, so I start climbing on the furniture to try to find it. That's okay, right? I remember in my tinkering and searching the walls with my fingertips-- TRAVIS: Hey, you know, there's a little slit in that gold dragon's mouth. A perfect sword-sized slot! And so I said, "Put the sword in the mouth!" MATT: Ah-ha. LAURA: β™ͺ I'm so short! β™ͺ Which he did! And nothing happened. TRAVIS: Can you turn it? Can you turn the sword? And then he turned it. TRAVIS: Oh yeah, what's up! MATT: We got a wand and a scroll. Okay, okay. MARISHA: Okay, okay. CHRIS: And I've got these words. Okay, maybe these are all parts of a-- LAURA: A spell. CHRIS: All right, we've got these two fantastic words here. MARISHA: Is this the hourglass? CHRIS: This one came up from the top of the shelf. LAURA: What is this? And lo and behold-- TRAVIS: Yep, scroll! --I find the magical hourglass. LAURA: I found it! [reading scroll] MARISHA: There it is. LAURA: Wait, decode it! MATT: It looks like it's upside down. I know we're in trouble. We don't have a lot of time. TRAVIS: I haven't seen these symbols before, though. When the hourglass puzzle finally came about, I knew this was a challenge that I had to seek out. CHRIS: All right, let's work on the bonus puzzle, Travis. I start looking in the nooks and crannies, and in one of the baseboards I find a note-- MATT: There's another scroll here. --that tells us that we have to cast a spell with the wand that we found. Good times. MATT: [reading scroll] Looking around, I see that we have the wand, the spellbook, we don't have the amulet and I'm trying to think where that could possibly be. MATT: Looking for a magical amulet. MARISHA: Look for a magic amulet? MATT: Yes, a magic amulet. [CHRIS, offscreen]: Bonus puzzle is just these scrambled-up words, and then there are all these little glyphs that you had to interpret. MARISHA: What has my life become? LAURA: Where's the necklace?! [MATT, offscreen]: I glance over and start looking through some of the potion materials on the shelf, and I can see this nice little square sticking out of the top of one of the large vase-type structures. MATT: Oh, is this the amulet?! Yes, the amulet! We got it! LAURA: Okay. The book of spells. Okay, now what? So once we have everything finally put together for this, I put it all on, have my big Harry Potter moment. MATT: "Invertum illuminates!" For each moment of this, there's that little pause and hoping that something happens. And more often than not, it doesn't, and you get kind of sad. MATT: I don't know what that did! And there was that awkward pause-- [excited cheering] --and the moment that the blacklight hits, and all the lines of arcane energy hit the wall-- TRAVIS: Look over here! --that is probably one of the coolest moments that we've got to experience. TRAVIS: Look, there's runes over here. Lit lines appear on the back wall and they're connected to runes on one side and they're connected to a shelf with all of these different items on the right side. And luckily as soon as that one lit up, we all kind of knew what was going on with that one. MATT: Okay, so each of these corresponds to one of these runes. I turn around and there's, like, disco lights on the wall and so much has happened. Matt's wearing an amulet and I don't even have a clue of what's happened in the last five minutes. MARISHA: I'll follow this line. Just need to follow the lines. TRAVIS: I'll take the second one. LAURA: I got this one. So we start trying to find which line connects to which item. Travis takes one of the lines and Marisha takes one of the lines so I take one of the lines, and we're all tracing and following each other around. While not colliding with each other. It's very strange. MARISHA: Number one is the feather. TRAVIS: Okay, hold on, I'm gonna get this sheet and write on it. CHRIS: Matt, yours is going to this right here, this bell. LAURA: The third one down is this cat. We rocked that one pretty hardcore. Fuck the potion puzzle. I gotta say everyone fell into place very quickly on that. I was very excited. Fuck the potion puzzle. Blacklight puzzle though, yeah. Yeah. All about that. TRAVIS: So you're the first-- MARISHA: Yeah. LAURA: I'm the third. TRAVIS: One, two, three. LAURA: Maybe we should write the symbols? CHRIS: Hey guys, I've almost got this. LAURA: Okay, what is it? CHRIS: "Time--" What's this one? Time something, something focus balance-- what are these? MARISHA: It's like a diamond with legs. CHRIS: "Arcana." LAURA: "Arcana," okay. That's an "R" then. R, R-- "Order." TRAVIS: And the block is what? LAURA: Okay, "time," "arcana," "order," "focus," "balance"-- CHRIS: Philosophy. And then there's this. MARISHA: One, two, three, four, five, six. As I'm starting to figure out that each of these items have an individual number-- MATT: So what do those correspond to? MARISHA: Right here, look look look. --I'm realizing the table across the way from it also had all these correlating numbers. MARISHA: Here they are, put them in order. MATT: What order should they be in? LAURA: Oh, the cat is number three! At first I thought they might be related to the tarot cards. Glad I didn't go that far. CHRIS: "Y... S--" LAURA: This is two? MARISHA: Yeah. At this point we're not sure quite how far along we are and if this actual story's going to come to fruition. LAURA: Four. Four is the rock. MATT: The compass and the "W" with the line. So it's five. [MATT, offscreen]: We get all these pieces and we put them on the table in the proper sections where the roman numerals on the wall said that they were supposed to be placed-- LAURA: Number one is the feather, number two is the matches, number three is the cat, four is rock, five is chalice, six is the last thing. MATT: The bell. Once again that awkward, tense moment hits, and I hear that "click." MATT: Did you hear that click? [cheering] Inside there's a little scroll. Laura, of course, being the scroll hoarder, yanks it out. I'm a greedy code, clue finder. [TRAVIS, offscreen]: And I had a habit of grabbing the little golden blankets they were all placed on and shaking it out, 'cause you never know. These rooms are tricky. Bastard sorcerer. MARISHA: Guys, we can do this! LAURA: "To banish evil, conjoined be, arranged in banded geometry. Once per soul, chant the spell until the evil sounds its death knell." This was probably the final spell to finally banish this dark sorcerer and complete this puzzle. I hope. MATT: Once per soul, chant the spell until the evil sounds its death knell." Do we have a banishing spell in here? CHRIS: Okay, I've got the spell! Solved the puzzle. Of course. I mean, I knew I would. CHRIS: "Chronus additio!" Boom, we've got five more minutes. MATT: Fuck yeah, Chris! I mean, I think I pretty much saved the game. Hats off to him, man. He has proven himself to be a very important member of this team, in spite of his own thoughts. LAURA: "Conjoined be." Oh, good, then you can see which one is the top and the bottom! MATT: Read them all together. LAURA: Wait, what's the top one? MATT: It's this one here. LAURA: "Dimisisti inimicum. Meum in tenebras." We have this spell that we've arranged geometrically, banded together. LAURA: "Exteriores!" And nothing happens. The dread sinks deeper. MATT: Okay, "To banish evil, conjoined be, arranged in banded geometry." Once per soul, chant the spell-- we all have to do it in order! So you did it now, Marisha, go! And we all start saying the spell. MARISHA: "Dimisisti inimicum!" We even have our wand out, we don't care if it works. TRAVIS: "Meum in tenebras!" We say the lines-- CHRIS: "Exteriores!" MATT: "Dimisisti inimicum, meum in tenebras, exteriores!" And...? Nothing. CHRIS: Oh, we've got some flickering lights. TRAVIS: Shit. Do we? I know we have the spell and all the right pieces for it. I just don't think we're doing it right. I'm completely confused, 'cause I've spent so much time trying to solve the additional puzzle. LAURA: Were we supposed to be in banded geometry? What does that mean, "in geometry"? I don't honestly know what's happening right now. Like, it is completely confusing to me. MATT: Okay, "banded geometry" I would imagine be putting them together, but-- "Conjoined be, arranged in banded geometry." Oh, do we need to repair this? MARISHA: Oh, there's a restoration-- oh, right, right, right! Where is it? So we're at this final moment, we have everything assembled-- LAURA: Oh, that's a-- for the wand though, isn't it? We know we're on the cusp of finally winning this, and we hear this creak behind us, and we're like, "Did we do it?!" CHRIS: Hey, how's it goin'? [buzzer sounds] And it's Janet, with an expression that can only say, "Your puppy died." Or, "You lost the room." JANET: Does this expression say, "You did it"? She kind of faked us out. I was like, "We did it! Maybe she was the evil sorcerer the whole time!" [disappointed groans] MARISHA: Did we fail? Janet coming in the room was kind of the same feeling I have when Janet comes into the room usually, which is kind of depressing. JANET: Time's out. MARISHA: Nooo! If it was an option to kick her out of the room, I might have. And maybe held the door closed, hoping for some more time. But apparently that's not a thing. JANET: The evil sorcerer still reigns! CHRIS: That's cool! MATT: Evil's not that bad. CHRIS: Magic exists. MATT: Yeah! LAURA: No, but seriously, I kind of want to live here. MARISHA: Yeah, what are they doing with this set? MATT: [laughs] TRAVIS: Nope, still nothing. We failed. JANET: Guys, come back in here. 'Cause you did such a great job. True magical, beautiful work. You had so many great moments of success, I know you were so close. I think there were a couple of things that just tied you up a little bit longer than maybe you wanted them to. Aside from all that, it was really really cool getting to work with everybody as a team, and I had a great time. It was so much fun. This was crazy, it was so much fun. I kind of want to just take the entire room home with me. You think they'd mind if some of those potion bottles went missing? LAURA: And Matt had to drink a disgusting mixture... three times? MATT: Worth it. JANET: I know, you became the taste tester. Especially with all the things that weren't supposed to be in there. So we were like, "Oh, no, don't put the vocal cords in there. No, no, no." So far he still has a pulse. LAURA: The vocal cords weren't supposed to go in there?! We were just supposed to sing it? JANET: That's absolutely right. LAURA: But there's vocal cords! MARISHA: There were vocal cords-- oh, we were just supposed to sing it? You're going to have food poisoning here tomorrow! MATT: Yeah! I was, you know, I'm happy we got as far as we did. JANET: Realizing the blessing the holy water was a very key moment. MATT: [nerdy voice] To be fair, Dungeons and Dragons rules, even just moving water can be dangerous to certain undead, so, um, just putting that out there. TRAVIS: Wow. Wow. JANET: Ha, do you want to comment on this? CHRIS: Oh yeah, sure. I 100% support everything he just made up there. Such a bittersweet thing, 'cause we were so close. But damn, that room was cool. JANET: It was a really, really hard room. You guys did a great job. You did a great job of watching. I know that you were cheering them on at home. So thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time on "Escape!" Scared myself. MATT: You gotta be careful there. All right, well I hope you enjoyed watching our brilliant guests conquer--or, at least harness-- the powers of evil. Join us next week for another amazing episode where we take a fresh batch of the celebrities you love and find out if they have what it takes to "Escape!" our clutches. And many, many thanks again to Marisha Ray, Laura Bailey, Matt Mercer, Travis Willingham, and Christopher Sabat for today's show. And thank you for joining us. I'm Janet Varney and I'll see you next time on "Escape!" Because unlike you, I'm not going anywhere. It's the twist at the end of the show. See? Still here.
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 1,453,386
Rating: 4.9464164 out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, fvid, magic school, escape, janet varney, harry potter, vox machina, critter, laura bailey, matt mercer, marisha ray, travis willingham, rpg, fantasy, d&d, dnd, magic, escape room, puzzle, chris sabat, voice over, vo actor, funimation
Id: etl_JrzCyO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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