Solving the EQUA Puzzle!! (LIVE SOLVE)

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(slow music) - Yo, what's up? Welcome, all right, so look. This is my home set up. This is the first time I'm using a DSLR on stream. I don't know exactly how any of this is actually going to look, but hopefully it looks good. I'm seeing it like a 30 second lag on this video here. So I'm seeing it looks pretty good, which is dope. For all you commenting potato, you know what? It's a wholesome vegetable. So today we are here because we are going to live solve this bad boy here, the Cast Equa? How's the volume by the way? Am I too loud, should I turn it down? I can do all of that from here. I can turn it down, I can turn it up. Sound up a bit. Sound up a bit, is this better? Pop, pop, pop, why are you commenting potato? Why are people commenting potato? It says excellent connection. I'm about to block all you potato chatting people right here in a second. My goodness, so many people. Thank you for the donations. I don't know what they are for, first dono, thank you. I appreciate it. I mean, appreciate donations, who doesn't, right? So once we get everybody in here, sound is good. Yes, up volume a bit. It's good for me, good for me, Jesus Christ it's hard to read. It's just like, yeah, it's pretty insane. I mean, you guys see the chat. You see how insane it is right now. So this is my home office. This is actually just where I play video games honestly, and I was going to live stream it at the office but we got a lot of stuff going on. We got guys working there, putting up packages, sending out boxes and stuff like that so I thought we'd do it from home, so that's it. I'm glad you guys are, rip potato, India, rip. Hi, hello from Brazil. I can't read all these comments. Hold on, it's recommending a higher bit rate, 4,500 kbps. All right, let me stop this for one second. I'm gonna change the bit rate apparently. How is that? We're back. I think that's better. Whoa, somebody just sent me a hundred dollars, holy cow. You suck at puzzles you wizard. (laughs) Thanks, Kevin. (laughing) You can tell me I suck all you want if you send me a hundred bucks. Is there any way to like slow this chat down do you think? I don't know. I don't know this stuff, man, this is always so new to me. Turn slow mode on. All right, hold on hold on. There's gotta be something I can do here. Give me one second. (mumbles) Apparently I can't do slow mode. Apparently there's live mode and then there's a talk mode. And talk mode is like without the spam. I don't think they're picking up all the spam. I'm just gonna say that, I think a lot of spam they're not picking up. So, okay. Let's do this, okay. I'm gonna read these donations cause I feel bad for now. I just wanted to say I watch all your videos and love them. Great job bro, I also scuba dive on my channel if you're interested, a great word from Chaos Divers. All right, thanks man. To each their own. Yeah, no, can't do slow mode so stop asking. Let's get into solving this puzzle. I'm going to transition into my little scene, a little different and waiting card, whatever it's called. I'm gonna transition there and then I'll be back with the puzzle setup so thank you for joining me. Thank you, all of you and I'll be right back. (soft music) All right, look at this, here we are. Check the volumes testing one, two. That looks good. We all look great right now. So good. Let me just grab this chat over here so I see what you guys are. Okay, you guys are donating quite a bit. Eric Pell and Levy Channel. Why two shirts? It's actually one shirt connected with another. It's a Jordan Shirt, it's the way it's made. Logan Adkins, hey Chris, you're an inspiration. All of us always love puzzle solves. As a kid your videos never disappoint. Always pleasure to watch. Thank you. Clothing Shed are the same, just restrict people 15, 26 per person. Yeah, can't do that. Apparently, you can do that on Twitch, and apparently you can't do it here. If I put edit, nope. And live stream settings. Hold on, details, live chat. Oh, maybe. Enable slow mode. Oh! And we'll put 15 seconds you say? Boom, 15 seconds. There we go. Okay, PogChamp. This is the Cast Equa. How's the quality right now? Just thumbs up if the quality is good, by the way. So here we are. This is made by Hanayama, a five and a six, disassemble and assemble. That's what it's gonna look like when it's disassembled. That's what it looks like in the box. Puzzle, provides puzzles for adults. All right. We've created a puzzle that takes on a spherical shape of an astronomical model, composed of a planet and its surrounding ring. The planet position tightly inside the ring looks as if it cannot be taken out and all you can do with it is rotate it on an axis or is this really the case? Well, I hope it isn't, because I wouldn't be too cool of them that way. So here we have this, this always comes with these things. This isn't a solution booklet. This is just other Hanayama Puzzles that you can purchase at your own leisure. And that is it. (whistles) There we go. No smoke effect though, however. Okay. Let's see what we're looking at here. Huh! So like they said, there's this guy in here that needs to come out and these are two pieces. So from the look of it, oh, by the way, do you guys have your puzzle at there ready? Forgot the timer. Yeah, no timer today. We're gonna chill. You have literally a livestream and the timer is the time of the live stream. All right, so chill. If you have your puzzles, I asked a bunch of you to go out and buy this puzzle if you wanted to get it. If you don't, stick around anyway, it's fun to watch me struggle, I guess. And, you guys can just chill out, but if you do have it, get your puzzle ready and lets, oh, what the heck just happened there? Just kind of fell apart. That's pretty sick. And it's back together, okay. I'm gonna open my office door right now because I'm sweating. Sweating so hard. Much better. Computers give enough heat, I feel. Okay, we've got some more. Let's go, Andrew B, five dollar. Thank you for the donation. Robert Wilson, 20 dollars donation. I wanna thank you for getting me into the Hanayama Puzzles. The cylinder puzzle has become my personal favorite, best wishes from Connecticut. Thank you, Robert Wilson. Okay. So first things first, ladies and gents. Throw it across the room, someone says. Yeah. I love your videos, thanks for entertainment. Thank you, Brendan. Okay. So first things first with these puzzles, with Hanayama Puzzles. Two things, well, one thing is. Well, there are few things that are absolutely certain with these puzzles. The first part is that, you see where it says Hanayama, and then it says Equa here? Those pieces are usually somehow different or somehow it's usually a clue. They don't leave many clues, but that's usually the one clue is that one of them is, there's a reason that that's the way it is. Second thing is that these things are very precise, and normally do not require any force whatsoever and requires very specific movements to unlock. I don't know what those movements are yet, but I presume we will find them. So here's what we're gonna do. Should we lock down? You know what? I'm gonna bring this camera a little bit. That's about the maximum of my HDMI cable there. She's about to let go. She'll probably bring that back up. I told you guys, this is a learning curve for me too, okay? We're all in this together. Here we go. Damn, 100 dollars. Holy cow. The heck? Okay, hold on. Shadow all to ten dollars, ten pounds donations. This is also the first puzzle I got after I found this channel about two months ago. I don't think I was quite ready for it. Thanks for the vote of confidence here. Hey Chris, ball did for a year. So this is music lover, 221. I don't do anything with cards and magic but your videos are always so thought out and creative. I love every one of them. Cool to see some on the spot stuff. Appreciate that man, that's a huge donation. Thank you so much. Okay. So what I'm thinking is, okay. These are two Cs, so these are like this right now, all right? And there's a closed part, closed part, and then there's the open part. Anthony Martin, I'm sat here with my nephews, Jack and Luke. Could you say hello? What's up Jack? What up Luke? What's up? Okay. I didn't set a timer. No stop asking about the timer. This video has a timer. It's a live video. You don't need a timer. Okay. But I also forgot the timer. So that's my excuse. (laughs) Second thing we're gonna look at. Okay. You see these quadrants here? These, they are one, two, three, and four of these intersecting quadrants. Okay. There's probably one of these quadrants that is slightly thinner than the others. 20 dollars donation. Have you tried to spin it? Not yet, we're not there yet. Don't get ahead of me. So look for, here's what we're gonna do together. We're gonna look at all the quadrants and you're gonna try to find a side that has one thinner railing here, okay? Let me know if you found it. That's how we're gonna do this together. I think that one, I don't know if that's gonna be visible on camera, but I feel like this one is thinner than those two. I should probably ramp up that aperture here or ramp it down. I'll do this. Hold on don't freak out. I'll brighten it up. So that way you just get more depth of field. Okay. Now it's not so blurry. (clanging) I feel like this, is it this one? Yeah, I feel like this one is a bit thinner. Do you guys have it? Five dollars, Gabrielle. (speaking in foreign language) Hold on. (speaking in foreign language) This says, I love your channel and it helped me get through the pandemic. Well, pandemic isn't over, but I'm glad that I helped. They're all the same width. Chris, I don't think so. Does remind me of the UFO Puzzle, slightly off 52. I think I found a side. Yeah, those sides look equal. Those sides look equal. Yeah, it's even thicker here and it gets thinner here. So look at this. It's like thick here and then it gets a bit thinner, like very tiny. We got 100. I don't know what that currency is. Ayush Jod, from India, I love all these puzzles. They are relatively much expensive for us in India. So watching this all them is amazing. Well, I'm glad I could help. 50 MX. Thank you Chris. Angel Arturo. You're welcome. Thank you. Appreciate that. Okay. So now that we have that thin side, what we're gonna try and do is rotate this inner ball. Oh, note something else here. Look at these pegs. You see these pegs that are here? Kinda hard to see right there. Those pegs are stopping this thing from rotating, which might be a problem. Okay. Unless you do that, I don't know. Maybe you separate them. Yeah, so you can pull. So if you hold both of them, you can pull, right? And without separating, can you? I think without separating, you can rotate them to the axis that you want. Does that make sense? Huh? I'm sorry, I'm trying to catch up on donations. Guys, it's really tough. Sorry I couldn't get the puzzle I'll still watch. I love the 20,000 dollar box. Thank you so much. You know Boffa? Way the kid has no idea. Producer Wells, 50 pounds. Thanks pro Dan. You'll never know how much you've helped me over the last few years I've been struggling with mental health and your content has really helped me. And thank you again brother. Well, you`re welcome and good luck with that. Hope you're well on your way to recovery. It never fully goes away, but you learn to arm yourself with the right tools to get through it. Okay. This side is clearly thinner. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna try to take that. Steward says Hanayama and Equa. We're gonna try to take that opening. So rotate it by shimming it, rotate it toward the opening of the Equa. Now we're out here. You see this? Let's just all do that. You probably got the silver one. I got the black edition, which isn't the greatest on camera. Like this thing, it's like staring into a black hole. Very hard to see what we're doing there. So once we are here, remember we have to escape this cage and we've gotta take these things out. So do you think we take them out one at a time or at the same time? Okay, so we're here. What does that do? Can we rotate. Once we're out We can't rotate. There's no rotating once we're out. Huh! We got 20 dollar donation. Russell Harrison, thank you. It's a fun puzzle won't spoil it for you. Chris, great one, well gee, thank you. I'll tell you what? If it gets too hard, I might ask you to spoil it. Probably not. I think we can figure this out. Okay. So once it's out here, it does not. Some love from North Korea. Come on! Once this gets out, this can not rotate in any capacity. Oh, there is something I did notice here. Okay. Have a look at that piece that says Hanayama, and Equa on it, and notice right here. Do you see that there's like a little check. So there's this opening, but then there's like this diagonal check there. You see I've really fat fingers so I can't. You know what? I'm gonna use my glasses here. That check is right here, okay? What that does is, I don't know what this does, but it allows you to sort of rotate it, just like this. Right? And that might help move this other piece somehow. You know what I mean? That's what we're hoping here. Let's go ahead and try. Oh, it does rotate the other piece. Okay, cool. So now look, both openings are on the same side. You guys follow me here? Both of the openings to the C, this is so hard to see. Okay. There's an opening here quite obviously, where we've exited the thinner part. And now I'm lining it up with the opening on the other C, which is here, okay? Here's what we're gonna do. Okay, they can't both exit on the same one. So perhaps, they must exit on individual ones. If I can get it to just move right now. It's kinda stuck. Oh! Again here. Why is it getting stuck? Oh, there's that pin over here that's kinda. Your fingers are too fat for that Chris, do you think? Yeah, I know. Dan says your fingers are not that fat, Chris. Okay, well thank you Dan. Joshua Abel, can I get a shout out? There you go. Joshua Abel, 10 dollars shout out. Thanks man. Okay. So we're gonna try and get this one out, but also get the other C out of a different one. Does that make sense? There's the Hanayama C, which the writing is here and there's the other C, we'll call it the other C. And then there's Great Big Sea. But unless you're Canadian, you probably haven't heard about them. That just doesn't rotate. Those little pins are so annoying. It doesn't even move. Okay. So I'm really trying to rotate this other C, but those pins are stopping it. So I'm trying to find a way that I can freely rotate it because it would rotate just fine when were together. Number one fan, Ray Munoz, with a 10 dollar donation. Thank you. But now that they're apart and so they were like this, I could rotate them because you could kind of squeeze them in and rotate through the axis. And then once they were out and now they're like this, now they won't rotate through the axis because those little pins that are sticking out, kinda get caught. So maybe I have to go back to that to rotate them before I extract the thing. I don't know. And this also the fact that that little check is there, a little groove that I can turn it this way would probably allow me to turn it somehow, I'm guessing. It's really hard to see. I mean, it's hard for you guys to see on camera. It's hard for me to see in real life here. My mic is quiet. Is that quiet for anyone else? Is that quiet for anyone else? Should I turn it up? I feel like my mic is pretty loud here. Let me know. Mic is good. Yeah, so I thought. Turn your computer up, dude. Does that rotate? Okay. I'm gonna go into like Zen Mode here for two minutes and try and extract that other one because that other one right now, the opening is right here. And I obviously can't put it through the same opening that this one is through. So I'm trying to find a way that I can rotate that to bring it on one of these at the same time. We'll see if I can do that. I don't even know if that's possible to be quite frank. Maybe I just need to keep it as is. Seth Harden, thank you. 10 Dollar donation. Thank you, Seth. Like this little pin right here is stopping everything. Holy. Wait, no. (clinking) Oh, I got it through. Okay, now it's rotating. Now we're doing just fine. Rotate it again. It moved, it definitely rotated. We just need to do that again, whatever the heck it is that we just did. Is that going through? No, the pin is stuck right there again, right there. It's like clicking on that so I can't rotate it. Harrison you have just got the cast vortex, been working on it for a while now. Yeah, these Hanayamas, huh? There we go, okay. We're good. Now look, we've got the other C and the Equa C both on there. That's good. What can we do here? What does that mean? I don't know, we're stuck. Okay. Have a look at that configuration. I don't know what Equa means. We got another donation, so I'm missing it. Chase Brady, thanks for getting me into puzzles and backing the magic. Keep it up. You keep it up Chase. Thank you man, appreciate it. So Joshua Abel, you're my hero Chris, you've helped me through hard times being home after a motorcycle accident. So thank you. And you got my last name right. (laughs) Okay. Thank you man, and happy recovery. Thanks for joining us. Okay. So the Cast Equa Hanayama side, out of the thin side. Understandable? The other one is here. Who's here? Who's done this? Have you guys already solved this? Or you guys solved it with me, I don't even know right now. It's Equa means the same. Oh, okay. There is a skinny spot. We found a skinny spot here. So that a Blue Bird, you're number one. No, you're number one. Thanks for the five New Zealand Dollars. Appreciate you man. Okay, let me. Okay, we're gonna rotate this thing now. That's what it's allowing us to do. So once that's up there, we can now rotate. Is that coming? Hold on, can we take them out that means? Okay, I'm rotating and I'm rotating the other ones. Does the other one rotate too? It does. Oh, hello. Okay, we're almost out. Do you guys see that? And this one has to come out here. Does that even fit through? Okay, that's pretty good. And then these too obviously. We're not done yet. Here we are. Are we done? Is that it? This is stupid. I feel like this is the dumbest part. What? Oh, okay. Boom, oh! Dang, there it is. We're not done though we're gonna put it back together. I wanna catch further donations. Old Uncle ends at 34, five Dollar donation. Forgot his message I guess, but a shout out to that guy. Almost first, so close Tyler Kurtz. Thank you for that. Tyler Royal Theore, with the 10 dollar donation. Hey Chris, we will see the street barbershop magic again in the future. Keep producing sick content for all of us to enjoy. And to that I say, absolutely you will. Our current magic shop, I'm sorry, our current barbershop is under strict rules right now, man, as are a lot of them. So it makes it really awkward. That's something that I'm willing to talk about on a video too, is how awkward it is to be performing magic in today's climate to random strangers. How to get around that, maybe tricks you can do where you don't actually have to touch anyone. Those are things that I can definitely elaborate on in the future. Thanks to the question, great question. Anthony Marts and big fan. Me and my nephews, Jack and Luke, six and 12 are huge fans. Luke bought his first deck of cards last week. Magician in the making, good job, Luke. Keep it up buddy. All right, so now we're going to get this together. What do we do? These two went in, then they went in that one. I'm trying not to lose sight of the thin side. I think I lost sight of the thin. I think that's the thin. That's it? Oh God. Where's that one. This is the thin side. Definitely thin side. Okay. Well that was fast, yeah. I mean, but we're not done, are we? Okay. You guys see what I did here? You wanna grab this one. I wanna go in here. You wanna rotate, bring it in all the way through. The first one to go in was this one and that one was on this side. 'Cause it was the last one to come out. And then we're going to put that one back in. Is that possible? It's not possible. We got it. Oh, there we go. Now this one, okay. So you gotta get that one into the knot this side, the other C into the knot thin side, and then rotate the C into the thin side. Boom! Once we're in there, we rotate it. So we're gonna hopefully line this up. That's right. We gotta bring this one all the way back around. 'Cause that one has to fall through, boom. Yes. Is that all the way in now? Looks like it's all the way in. Well, let's grab some of these donations here. Sorry, I'm missing guys. I appreciate the time you take to put together your videos, especially the intros. Do keep doing what you're doing, Johnathan Lopez. Thank you, Jonathan. Appreciate that. Berra B, 20 Euros. Congrats in Fort Mill. Do you want that smashed mug sent to solve or not? I don't know. I'm not gonna solve it. Evil Chemist. Keep up the good work Chris, you've been a red light in these dark times from Italy. Thank you, man. I appreciate you. And I bet, I mean Italy is definitely a crazy place to be. Okay. Well, I lost where I was here. This was here. Okay, that's now in. Boom, we're in. Okay, now these two Cs are linked. We have to make them go opposite so that they fit in together, right? But those pegs are always gonna stop us. So, we gotta figure out how to rotate this one around. Eric Hayes, 99 cents. Thank you, probably for great message. Too sorry about that, shout out to her. Mirio Palanca, Chris, I'm sending you a puzzle. Hope to take you out on a date. Oh my gosh. Okay. It's a weird way to ask someone out on a date though, mind you. It's cool. You gotta shoot your shot. Let's see. How do I rotate this thing again? I think it has something to do with this edge. See how that edge is there. I think we've got it, (clicks) like that. And then like rotate it somehow. Has to go past that little barrier here. Keeps getting stuck on that little pin. That pin is the bane of my existence right now. It's just a stupid little pin. That's all it is really. We don't give up. No, sorry Bob, a 2 Dollar key on Roger's. Keoni, can't believe I'm solving it with you. Okay. It was that first part men, but yeah. Glad you're here too. Are you guys where I'm at right now? Am I going too fast to some? You'll be able to catch up, that's for sure. Because this part is not easy. Oh, are we almost there? 10 dollar donation. Hi Chris. Hold on. Hi Chris, I lost my 41 year old husband to a Stroke four years ago. Sunk into depression and found your channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Emma Will's, 75. Emma, thanks for watching, and I'm sorry to hear about your husband. That's tough. I mean, I can't imagine what that's like. So, stay strong, thanks for hanging out with us. Appreciate you. George Flows, thanks for the content, Chris. From East Coast, Newfoundland living in Alberta. You live in Canada you know where they are. Yeah. You're a Newfie in the Prairie's right now, buddy. Okay. Wolf Gang Hoobner, Mr Puzzle is catching up to you with his interest. I know, he's doing a great job, man. And I love that about him. That's just it. Like if my videos inspired him to find a passion with videography, then heck yeah, that's what it's about. He's a very smart guy. I like his videos. It's tough because I try real hard not to watch his videos in case I get one of those puzzles. But now that he has intros, I'm like, yes, I get to watch the intros at least. I'm really trying to find how this puzzle could rotate, dude. I'm kinda stuck right now. You guys are just watching me fidget with the puzzle. We're almost there though. Like we've taken it apart. Michael Grows, four dollars. It's a little emoji with some juice. Nice, Okay. Wait, is that it? No. We are so damn close. Look, the opening to that one is there. You know what I mean? We're really close just going click, but I still have to figure out how to rotate that piece and somehow we got away with it earlier. Let's see. So damn close. You can't force it. I really wanna force it right now. You know, you get some times where you're just like, if I force it, I know it would go through. But that wouldn't be too cool with it. Wait, here? No. Here? That is so difficult. Or did we go through? No, it's just on the outside, the reflection made it look like it was through. (sighs) Okay. Almost there. Again, the Cs right now are kinda like this. I just need it to be like this so I can put them back together. The problem is that there's a pin here that's being stopped and I can't get it through. And then there's no amount of moving that will get it through that, it seems. I just have to find whatever that move is that I did earlier. What have I done? Love your videos, pass the time at work, Ryan Nance. Thank you Ryan. There's some here. Do we see this one? A Leg knee, River Rat, allegedly. Spin it. All right, now I'm lost, I don't know what going. Great content, more magic would be awesome. I'm watching with my two daughters, five and eight. You blow their minds. Thank you, that's awesome. Tyler Curtis. Hey buddy, thanks for the shout out. Come to Buffalo, New York some time. Do magic, go bills, go sabers. Tech Examined, I'm still lost taking this apart. Can't figure this out. I'm just going to have to bring it to VidSummit next year. Get you a few beers and have to show me how to solve this. I mean, yeah, I'm down for that. If I put this together, I'd be happy to take it apart real quick. So I think I know how it works now, but then again, famous last words, right? That has to go right here. That has to come here. 'Cause this one has to be rotated here. Now this one has to rotate around here. Why isn't that rotating? I know why, but how do I get it to rotate? How come it did it before? You know what I mean? Oh, did we get it? (sighs) I think so. I really think so. Yep, there she is. Back into the spot. Hello, will you give a shout out to my daughter, Mackenzie Harder? She lives your videos. Lives or loves? Both are acceptable, Seth Hardy, you got it. Shout out to Mackenzie. Devlin McWhinney, what's up Chris? Looking forward to more vids. You're the reason I'm in the car to see the magic. Keep doing what you do. All the best and love from Phoenix, Arizona. Give me a second. I'm gonna switch up the camera to my face and talk to you guys in-person. (bangs) BRB. Let me just switch this camera around. (slow music) Boom. (claps) Well hot dang. There you have it. Ladies and gents, we done it. We done it again. What did that take me? Anybody? Half an hour? All in a day's work. Not so bad. These guys say here, April Pedigree, please say hi to my boyfriend, Nico. What up Nico? Boop. Why doesn't Nico say hi himself? He's getting you to buy these donations? We love watching your videos and I bought somebody a puzzle, they're great conversation starters. That indeed, puzzles are fantastic to leave laying around. People are always curious about them. That's something I love about them as well. This is kind of cool. We can just chat now. Oh, by the way, thumbs up for that illustration. You guys liked that illustration? There's something special about that illustration, which I won't reveal yet, but next week I'll be posting a video that has everything to do with that. And it's really sick. It's very cool. We worked hard on it. It was actually my friend, Zach Mirza, who put that together, and so much more. So it's gonna be up. It'll be up next week. Hopefully you guys can check it out. Guys, this was cool. This was by far, okay, the best online experience that I've had streaming, A, because of the DSLR. Shout out to Zaber Spade who helped me set this up. One of my friends, he helped me. He's like a genius when it comes to tech and stuff. So he helped me set this up, and I'll be doing definitely more of these. I'm gonna say on either Monday or Wednesday's video or sometime next week, I'm going to give you guys another challenge and maybe check out a different puzzle. Maybe something not so tiny and hard to see. I'll keep that in mind. Next time I should know by now, but maybe a puzzle box or something. Something affordable that you guys can get out there and order. I'll give you, again, maybe we'll do this once a month. So I'll give you like three, four weeks to pick it up, shipping and all that included. And then we can do another live stream. I think this is really fun, man. It's fun to interact with you guys. Obviously I can't interact with all of you. Will Dean says, damn, I guess I missed it. This will be up. We're gonna leave that up, Will, no problem. I'm gonna try to read some of the comments without the donations here, 'cause I feel like we were, it was five dollars donation from Michael Bagley. Wishing my brother, hold on, wish my brother John a happy birthday. We love watching your videos. Thank you. Devlin McWeedy, shouts to my friend, Tim, who's watching this while working. Take it back at work. What are you doing? All right. Are you doing Penn and Teller? I'm still trying to finish up my routine and get it submitted in time. Angel Vazquez says, I'm too late, LOL. It'll be up online. You can check it out there. Come to Twitch, they pay more. I'll be streaming video game content again. I had a Twitch going. Sorry, my name is pronounced Keoni. Oh, Keoni. Oh, that's why. Okay, thank you Keoni. Yeah, once the new office is set up, we're gonna have a streaming station set up for video game content. And we're gonna be playing with viewers. I'll have two computers there. So I'll be doing it with other people, maybe even some other YouTubers that you may know, who knows? A lot of cool things coming out of that new space, which I'm looking forward to. I keep seeing SSG in your, so Spacestation Gaming gear in your videos. So my managers, actually own Spacestation Gaming, Shonduras and Sean Holiday. They are my managers and they own SSG, which is also the number one Rainbow Six Team in the world. They've got a whole bunch, they're pretty insane, those guys. They're pretty POG, all right? Oh, Allegheny. Allegheny. Allegheny? Allegheny? Sorry, I'm trying to pronounce that guys name. This guy says Be doof. Overlord, cheese bite. That's a Pokemon. I know that 'cause I play Pokeman Go, okay? I know a thing you learned about me. See what these live streams are doing for us. Russell Harrison, making leather journals, want one on Chris? Also let me know if you want help with streaming. I do a lot of Twitch stuff. Russell, I appreciate the offer. I do have somebody helping me, but I do appreciate that. As for the leather journals, there is a P.O. Box in the description of this video and all the videos you can send there. However, I can never guarantee that if you send me something, it'll make it on video. So I keep that in mind before you send me anything. I don't wanna be beholden to posting about just, I do get a lot of fan mail and stuff like that. So it's very hard for me to keep up with that and to include them in videos. But I appreciate anything that comes my way 100%. All right, do a live video of "The Room: Old Sins." That's actually not a bad idea. Can you play it on Steam? Is that on Steam? I think so. Or is that just app based? I think it's on Steam too. I know that the VR, do you guys see "The Room" VR? The funny story is a few months back we did "The Room: Old Sins" video and I'd mentioned it like, oh, it'd be funny if they sponsored me and they saw a spike in sales, they hit me up right away. They're like, hey, what the heck is this? And we started talking about working together and me helping them promote the VR game of "The Room" and stuff. Just never really worked out 'cause my isn't done and whatever. But I do look forward to playing their games in the future. West Barker, 1399 Canadian. Look at like this guy. You don't know West Barker? I mean go check them out. One of my best friends. Me, him and two other friends are actually working on a TV show right now, which we're filming very soon. So hopefully you guys will get to see that as well. First V4 by straight ward. Yeah, soon, I hope within a month. Hopefully, within a month. I know I say that a lot, but maybe this time it'll happen. Shout out to the Monica stacking, okay. What games do you like to play? I'm big on "Overwatch." Huge "Overwatch" player, that's what I love doing. My favorite streamer is eMom. Do you guys watch eMom? I love him. Say, Dawson Miller, how's it going? It's going great man, thank you. Caitlin DeFulco, thank you for the donation. All right, I don't know. I feel like I'm kind of beating a dead horse now. I like answering your questions, but I also see people sending in money, and I don't want you guys to think that I'm stretching this out so you guys can send me money. Are you related to Chef Ramsay? I wish. I've tried to pull that card by the way in Vegas. I showed him my license, and I'm like, this is my uncle's place, Uncle Gordy. They kicked me out. Anyways, thank you so much for watching. Caitlin Defulco, can you say, hi? Hey. Thank you guys so much for watching. This was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed this. Any chance I can get a signed deck of View Ones? They're not available, I don't have any, sorry. Okay, I love doing this. I wanna do this again, but I do want you guys to actively solve along with me. So do watch the videos I post next week because in one of those videos, I will be telling you about the next puzzle which you'll have a month to pick up. I'll try to make the puzzle between 10 and $15, super affordable so that we can all do it. It's something that we can have fun doing together and then maybe you can show your friends. So if you're down for that, make sure to hit the subscribe button, hit the notification button because, and just visit the channel on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, that's when I post. If you're not getting notified, you might miss out. Sometimes they don't send notifications to everybody. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday, refresh the channel. We usually post on those days. So thank you so much again guys from the bottom of my heart. I hope everyone is staying safe. Seth Harden, sorry. Can you say hey to Mackenzie again? Hey Mackenzie! Okay, so thank you guys for watching and we will see you on Monday's video where I'll be doing the magic kit that you guys asked for. Peace. (slow music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 423,138
Rating: 4.8708816 out of 5
Id: pJsy_iktE-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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