SOLVING A COLD CASE: #1 Sonar Team (103 SOLVED CASES) Joins Bill Simmons Search

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(drone motor whirring) `- Today's episode is going to be a little bit different as we are back in Nashville looking for Bill Simmons. We have a lot of new technology coming in to see how we can possibly use this in not just the search for Bill Simmons, but as well as future cases. We have so many directions that this particular episode is going to go as we bring you up to speed as to what we're going to be doing the next four, five, six days here in Nashville, so stay tuned. One episode you're not going to want to miss. (slow country music) Welcome back for another episode of Adventures with Purpose, where we are back here, because we're back here with Christie Simmons, as we're looking for Bill Simmons. And when the word got out after we were here with you last, kind of tell me, did the overwhelming support as to everybody coming together. - It really has been amazing, just everybody coming together. I've met Mike. - I mean, we have, we'll get to everybody in a few minutes as to how many things. I don't even know how many things we have here today. - It's amazing. - But not only have you lost Bill, but you've just recently lost your mother as well. - Yeah. - She was down here last time. - Mm-hmm. - She was your rock. Please tell us a little bit more about your mom. - She's been my rock my entire life, and after my dad was gone, it was, you know, the two of us for just, and she's been with me through this whole thing with Bill, and she's kept me semi-sane. - Well, Mike was keeping us updated on that one. In fact, Mike, why don't you come on in here with us, and let me introduce you to Mike Bishop, who has, he saw, when did you actually see what it is that we were doing here in Nashville? This was after we were already in Nashville, we left, we'd already put up profiles and videos that we did searching for Bill. - Right, I mean, it was just a random morning. I was flipping through Facebook and that video popped up, very first video I'd ever seen of yours. And that's when I reached out to you, and we got connected, and it's just gone from there. - Mike, being from the area here has done incredible, you know, research already as to where, but a few things that we've also learned is, even though an area has been searched once or twice by one group, it's good to go back in with another group, because you know, we've been in our own experience to where we've covered an area that's already been covered twice before, and we found somebody. You know, we have, in fact let me introduce you to Team Waters real quick as well. Tammy and Dennis come on up here. So this is Team Waters, Tammy and Dennis, and really, I kind of look to them as some of the pioneers in the field of search and recovery. They were kind of the first ones to receive some of the new equipment back in 2005. - Right. - And helped pioneer, "Hey, Hummingbird, we need these settings." - Right. - Because you found somebody. So kind of tell us a quick little snippet of your story, how this whole, this got started for you. - He explains it better. - We put our boat in, and we knew there used to be a lock and dam nearby our house that they dynamited out, and we thought that'd be a cool place to go try out this new Hummingbird. And so we launched, and the very first pass when we got to the top of the lock and dam where it used to be, there was a car. And then she remembered about this schoolteacher running into the water and never being found. She's on video, going from the riverboat casino, going in the water, but they was never able to find her car. Three years and three months to the day we recovered her. - From the time she went in the water. - From the time she went in the water. You know, there was a lot of media about it, and then immediately calls came in from all across the country, and we just never did learn how to say no. - And you're all volunteer? I mean, you don't ask the families for money? - Never will. - And you've really helped guide us in this as well. And I mean, I want to thank you, because everybody that's here today is here today because they've taken your lead as well as our mission statement, and you know, for what we want for our integrity behind this is that we're not here to take money from families either. We've never asked, you know, Christy for a dime, nor will we ever ask her for a dime, you know, or any of the other families. And so for that, you know, I want to thank each and every one of you for being here today to help out that, you know that this is becoming a movement that, you know, we were talking just the other day, right now there's five or six main search teams across the entire U.S., but there's thousands of cases of missing persons. - Right. - And so, you know, Mike Bishop is starting to do this. You know, we've got Shane from Project Clean River out of West Virginia. We've got Nug with Exploring with Nug. Jeremy is his name. We've got Mark. Mark, you fall into this with Bryson as well as Mike Bishop, so you guys you know, are kind of a team here in Nashville. You know, we've got supporters that come out, like Tara Mason, and we've got Karen back there. Wave, Karen. That, you know, then help set up the help set up, you know, the fire department who's going to be taken care of, by the way, your air is completely taken care of every single morning. You know, we've got Brit here from Depths of History. We've got Anthony that came in from New York. We've got Ohio. So this is our new, this is our new security here. You know, Sam, Sam, the Adventure Man. We've got Brock the Rock out of Pennsylvania. Come here, Doug. Elite Towing, where it all started. 100% you and your company are the reason for all of this. - Oh, stop it. - Come on now. Initially it was supposed to just be one car. - Yeah, I mean, nobody would have known. - Yeah. - Where this has led us. - And then we joke about 25 cars by the end of the year. - Yeah. - I think we've met those numbers. - Oh yeah, higher. - Yeah, now here we are, you know, 60 cars later, and here we are just months after we've been in Nashville. That thank you, Doug, for being here. We'll get back with Christie over here. So here we are, you know, months later, we're back in Nashville, and what started as Sam and I meeting up with you has turned into something much bigger and much greater. - Thank you all. I'm just, I'm overwhelmed. - So if there's any, you know, hope in this, I think that this is your, this is the dream team to do what we can for you. - I appreciate that. - You're welcome. With that, I think that we're going to break off into different groups. We're going to leave a link in the description down below to all parties. We're going to be here for six days here in Nashville. And you're going to see a lot of cameras around, you know, we are here that this is how we're able to actually be out here is because of the YouTube and the Facebook platforms, and same thing with these other, you know, the others that have come together. So again, thank you everybody for coming, and let's see what we can do today. (slow rock music) We've done three cars total. - Yeah, so there's one, two, three. - Oh, so we're already one more car above what we had last time. - [Dennis] That's right, but this morning, nothing left of it. You couldn't get that out of there if you wanted to. - Correct. (slow rock music) - [Richard] Look to your right, sort of open road up there. (machine beeping) Yep, definitely it's a potential outlet. Do you find that the cases that you've been able to solve, they're using more out of the way places, or are they sneaking and going between like, homes and stuff where people could see them? - [Dennis] Lot of what we find is not necessarily the boat ramp, but there's a park, and they drive across the grass to go in and not use the boat ramp. - [Tammy] Usually if it's between houses, it's an accident or something. So they don't, you know if they're going to do it, they're not, if they're not going to want to be found. They're not going to go take a chance on somebody being at the house and seeing them do it. - [Richard] I mean, we found people in their cars, in a little nothing of a pond that you wouldn't even think, you know, give a second thought to. (slow rock music) - [Tammy] So this is where the 17 are at? - [Dennis] Yeah. (machine beeping) - [Richard] We actually didn't go down as far as we probably should have, so there might be more down in this area as well. - [Tammy] Yeah. - [Dan] Yeah, we were, that was like the end of the day when we found them. - [Richard] There's another one right here, and we haven't even gone up there yet, so there's two more. Eight, nine, ten? - [Dan] Yeah. - [Richard] Looks like eleven, wait, wait, wait, wait. That's another car. Oh, and there's one right next to it too, look. (indistinct) (boat motor running) (indistinct chatting) - [Dennis] You thought we were just seeing one already. There's one, two, three. (laughing) four, maybe five, six, seven, eight. - [Richard] I think we're up to nine. - [Dennis] There's one. Dang, they're piled on each other. - [Tammy] It was a stolen car, though. - [Dennis] Don't have 17 of them, but there's a bunch. - [Tammy] Well when we turn around, we can go back. - [Dennis] There's another one. - [Tammy] And then these down here. - [Dennis] Nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14. - [Tammy] Over here? - [Dennis] I don't think that's a car. I'm not sure about that. Might be one here up close. I don't think so, though. Running a really old upside down right there. - [Tammy] Yeah, upside down. - [Dan] Well, I'm feeling better. I think it's just closer to 17 we were counting. (laughing) - [Dennis] I don't know how many there is there. You have to pull up some of them to get an actual count. All right, so where are we going now? (bluegrass music) - [Richard] When we started, we started at Lock Two Park. The 17 cars are over here, down from the bridge, and now we've come back around the river to where we drove to last time, which was the Heartland Boat Ramp. And so we've put in our boat here, we scanned here, and so we're going to redouble scan here with Team Waters today. And then we never did check out the Peeler Park across the way, so we're going to check, that's what this ramp is right here is Peeler Park. - [Dennis] Kind of something like what we're looking for, but that's too old. - [Tammy] So there's how many there, two? - [Richard] One so far. - [Tammy] One. - [Dennis] This probably used to be one way back in the day. You got that little one right there, tucked right in below that keel there. - [Tammy] So there's two, three? - [Dennis] Three. (bluegrass music) - [Richard] So we're now at the Heartland Ramp where we scanned before. If you'll look, if we hang out another five minutes, we're going to be able to identify the truck in the river. Yeah, the only thing we found here was a bunch of concrete. - [Dennis] Yep. I mean there's nothing here. (bluegrass music) - Our next location that we're moving to, we were just over here at the Lock Two Park, moving our way down south here. And the two or what did I say it was, Two Rivers Lake has a little roundabout parking area here, and a lot of just grass and it adds depth. Tammy does with, you mentioned earlier, just driving across the grass into something, not even a boat ramp. They've found quite a few vehicles. We have another dive team that's actually sonared this before. I think they dove on one of the cars. As of right now, I think that we've identified three vehicles up there. We just want to go put our own eyes on it again. Never trusting what somebody else has already done. We just want to clear the area on their own. So Two Rivers Lake is our next destination. I don't know if you saw or not, Dan, as we came up, there's no boat ramp here, so we're not putting in the big Team Sonars boat. What we have is we have a new fun little underwater scanning device. It's a remote control boat that Dennis has actually built himself. And so with that, you have a Hummingbird unit, with the side scan built into it, and that's a through hole transducer? - [Dennis] Yes, sir. - When rather than a transducer that is kind of on the side, or hangs out in the back of the boat, this one actually has what's called a through hole transducer. So it actually goes through the boat itself, and it's on the very bottom. And then from there you have wireless to your ground station as well, so you can actually see in real time. - Yeah, we used a wireless ethernet bridge. The Hummingbird feeds ethernet out to other Hummingbirds. So what we did is we took that signal and custom made some leads, and hooked into wireless ethernet bridges. - [Richard] Okay. - And those bridges talk to each other, and allows me to watch the Hummingbird on shore. - [Richard] Yep. (water splashing) It did pretty good. It didn't flip over. - [Dan] That is very cool. (upbeat music) (machine beeps) - [Dennis] I see no cars. Grab it by the strap. Right there is one. That's a car. All the way that's a car. - [Tammy] Looks like a piece of square concrete to me. - [Dennis] 642, 772 on that one. That is 641, 775. - [Tammy] Isn't that the same, almost the same numbers? - [Dennis] I don't know, there's that one. 641, 774. - [Tammy] That's the same one. - I know there was at least two. We probably missed the truck, because she said it was really close to the shore. We might've missed it. Go one way over there. I don't think any of them is new enough, but we are not gonna know til you set the jon boat down in there and go look at them up close. - I think, yeah. I think all three of them are already been dove that we know of in here. So maybe in the next couple of days, we have the other teams while we're working on those other cars down river. Some the teams over here with Dad's Towing. Let's pull all three of those out. I have some really good information and news. A lot of you've been following along, and I've kind of been hinting towards a magnetometer and a drone, and today just like right here, we've got Troy with Skyfront, the CEO, the founder, as well? - Yeah. - You know you flew all the way from California to be with us here in Nashville. You're going to be with us for the next couple of days. And right now we're just going to kind of give a teaser, an overview as to who you are, what it is that you have, what is we're going to be doing. And tomorrow's episode, we're going to go into a lot more depth showing us what his drone can do, not just with the long extent of flight time. Like, like you said, he's going to quick overview with a magnetometer to actually show us below the water, but also the sub floor below the bed itself that we can actually see below the dirt now. - Below the sand. - Below the sand, below the silt, below the mud. So take it away, Troy. - Sure. So my name is Troy and I'm the founder and CEO of Skyfront. So basically this is a very capable platform that can perform a lot of the same missions and activities that a regular manned helicopter can do, but it's a 10th of the price. The secret to our long endurance is that we are a hybrid gas, electric drone, right? So we use gasoline. We have a two-stroke engine on board that converts gasoline into electricity, and that is then distributed out to the motors and propellers. Gasoline has a hundred times the energy density of batteries today, so that's what allows us to get that really long flight time. - Have you ever actually used the magnetometer yet to look for a vehicle in the water, or this your first mission first time? - Yeah, it's the first time. - So the good news is, is I know that we have two, possibly three vehicles for you right here in this little pond. We're out of the way. You can test it to your heart's delight. Let's see what this can do today. - Fantastic, yeah. We're looking forward to it. (upbeat music) (drone whirring) (upbeat music) - So it's basically just doing a raster scan. And the magnetometer is on and it's collecting data. Tomorrow maybe I want to get it like two meters off the water. - [Richard] Okay. - I'm just trying to see what the limits are, because GPS above water is pretty bad because the radio signals will just bounce right off and they'll go to the receiver, and that confuses the GPS. (drone whirring) (upbeat music) We just did a flight right now where we were just basically testing the drone out over the water. The flight was mainly, so we were all going to collect data, and we're going to process that after the flight today. But it was mainly to figure out exactly how high we need to be to fly the mission in order to get close to the water. And you know, there's a lot of uncertainty when it comes to GPS, especially over water, bodies of water, which is what we're up over right now. - So be sure to check out Skyfront. I'll put their link in the description below, and check them out, and you're going to see them in an upcoming video. So if you're enjoying the video so far, don't forget to like and subscribe, because it definitely helps our algorithm, and we'll bring you more of these videos. So anyway, where to next, Dan? I think that where it's going to take us is let's jump in with Team Waters, and we have another pond that we're going to go search before the evening is over. (bluegrass music) - [Tammy] Oh, it's gated. - [Dennis] Closed today. - [Tammy] We ain't getting in there. - Was there a gate at 1:30 in the morning? We don't have those answers. I think that some people in the search team party are going to have that, so right now we're going to head back to the hotel, grab some of the information as to their searches today, and start to formulate the game plan for tomorrow. So what did you guys find today? - Well, we decided to head over to Percy Priest Lake, and cover as much water around Nashville shores as we could. We spent an hour or so scanning. He was closer to the shoreline. I was a little further out, and did find one anomaly out there that I'd like Dennis to put his eyes on. Then we went over to Hamilton Creek, put in there. Sam got to see the car, and the boat that we cleared not too long ago, and just kind of spread out from there and covered more water. - Okay, so I guess that tomorrow's game plan is we have Dad's Towing is going to be available at 1:30 in two different locations for us. So we have Bryson who has one, if not two vehicles for us. Dad's Towing is also going to check out the Two Rivers Lake. So they're going to check that out tomorrow to identify if they can get a rotator up on top that we can get enough line to pull out those three cars, whether we need to float them out from behind trees and whatnot. So we're going to have them check that out tomorrow, but then the second location, we need to identify what is that second location going to be? And then we also have our little mission tomorrow morning as well, working with the Tennessee Wildlife as well as, you know, the PD. And we're going to start marking our cars also with the 14, 15, 16, 17 cars that we have over there. So we have a busy, we have a busy day tomorrow. - It's busy. - And so as far as splitting up, we're just going to figure out how we can rotate people into some of the, marking some of these. We're going to figure out which teams need to start rigging some of these other ones. At the end of it, we just need to have two cars ready to go at 1:30 tomorrow to two different locations. So with that, we want to thank Opryland for actually, they stepped up, they have taken care of an entire block of rooms for us, so thank you for that. When you guys are doing your scenes as well, please make sure that we keep them in mind, because without them, without all the support from the volunteers, from the viewers, from everybody, we would not be here. We're going to do everything we can to find Bill. Thank you very much. Stick around. If you've not already done so, make sure to subscribe, turn on the bell notification, and we will see you on the next episode. (country music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 251,186
Rating: 4.9392128 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons Missing, william simmons, william simmons missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, adventures with purpose body, mrleisek, skyfront
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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