UNDERWATER SEARCH for BILL SIMMONS.. (Missing Person Part 1)

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this morning we're bringing you down to loch 2 park here in nashville tennessee where we're going to be meeting up with christine whose husband went missing a few months back they would have been celebrating their 24th anniversary just a couple of days ago and it is believed that will may be underwater at this location our time here in nashville would not be made possible without omaze who is sponsoring this episode and bringing us in at no cost to the family with omaze you'll also have a chance to win a 1973 scout international 2 plus 20 000 all taxes and shipping are included in that one with every donation supporting the pediatric cancer program here in nashville tennessee at the monroe carroll jr children's hospital at vanderbilt this is one episode you are not going to want to miss today [Music] it becomes emotional days for us as well so we're in this with you let's see what we can do to free will home bill bill i don't know i keep calling so we have a chair for you today if you need a chair i'm probably not gonna i live two minutes okay away okay what would you like us to do to stay in communication with you today do you have somebody's gonna be down here that's gonna be able to update you i can come back like every hour so whatever i mean you tell me i can't okay well i've got your number and so if you can just kind of just bring us up to you know up to speed as to bill our situation how you reached out or who reached out to us and you know the reason why we're here today i wonder why the metal scent thing is like carrio black rocks is a prideful man very delightful so he he got neuropathy and lymphedema and he couldn't walk to the bathroom and back without just being in excruciating pain and he still went to work every day work 10 hours a day and they told him that he was going to have to go on disability and that you mentioned that you know he left the house in the morning no no shoes no wallet no he left in a pair of shorts and he could not drive any more than a mile normally not without shoes on he couldn't even go to the bathroom without shoes off his shoes had to stay on he was asleep okay so that's why we don't think he ever left okay so three vehicles have been identified at this boat ramp and then we're going to go mark them and is that your mom mom you can come on down if you'd like to this is my support dog for the day yeah she loves it she might lick you too all right so this boat wrap is closest to your house we've also been advised that there's also like a priest lake yeah or something nearby is that too far for we think so i mean it's not far but it's far enough to where i don't because the way he goes to there because there's a water park out there that we went to every weekend okay he would have to get on the interstate and i don't think okay okay well we've got all of our stuff set up you know we got the boat and sonar and everything so we're going to jump in out there on the water identify what vehicles at what what vehicle are we looking for today you're looking for a 2005 toyota camry it's gold it has a sunroof okay on the back glass is the winter spinner sticker okay it's got a vanderbilt license plate on the front okay you know the plate number i can okay so leonard sticker sunroof toyota camry gold i can text it to you okay i don't know it but i have it written down okay oh last thing also how long ago did the set occur june 15th okay this year also the day of his mother's the first day of the rush of his mother's death oh no so it was you know it's just a bunch of things a lot of stuff going on you know the pain the thinking about going on disability yeah and then his mom i it was just the trifecta of all the things well we uh we should be able to identify what vehicles are in here in the next 30 45 minutes and then we're going to dive on it after that so we'll do everything we can for you today okay i just listened so much and you guys just had a anniversary monday would have been our 24th shirt okay well we're going to see if we can use some answers today if anything you'll have answers whether he's here or whether we need to start looking somewhere else so we're in town for the next two days to help you out and we're gonna do everything we can for you okay thank you we thank you for you know letting us come in thank you and the viewers have reached out you know we have a sponsor today as well that's uh stepped up to you know for some financial aid for us to be here today for you as well so and that's one thing that you know the family members ask right away you know the u.s is yeah we have no money we can't afford for you to come in this is 100 volunteer i appreciate that because i would have you know when i told you i said it doesn't matter but you know i would have done something to find the money yeah because i can't even get to our finances yeah so we yeah we don't want to put that burden on you and should we you know we're able to find bill today we'll make sure that you know we work with you to put a gofundme up and we'll actually get this you know up right away to help with those expenses that you have right now so especially being locked out of accounts yeah you're welcome all right we'll chat in an hour and a half or so okay yep we'll let you know we'll keep you updated you're welcome thank you so much and if you want to come back down we've got chairs for you and what are we going to do to help you be comfortable you're welcome to use the inside of the rv to relax hide from people if you need to and do you have any words no words uh just this one everyone is different you know like with judy and trudy you know we had a lot of laughter to cope with the you know for a coping mechanism yeah this one is very you know solemn yeah so absolutely you know different people deal with things in different ways and there's nothing wrong with any of the ways we're just all different you know we're all catered to that individual we still have a job to do and we know we could do our piece and do our part and at the end of it hopefully we can provide some some answers yeah well before the uh i sense there's going to be some crowds showing up so let's get on the water let's get moving i'm ready you're ready yeah we're only 12 feet deep here so this river has a nice flow so there's not going to be anything above the ramp so we'll just start at the ramp and just hit the uh shoreline and down then you just start with making our way back up yeah sounds good okay we'll do that right there maybe it's the top of the right 24 and that so that's that's not good enough if this is your first time watching this what we're looking for here is we have anything in black is the water column so you'll see we're 16 feet down and this is 17 feet so you can see it's getting shallower so the water is coming up so anything black is is water oh here we go right here all right so right there does that look like a wheel stick up right there yeah upside down wheel's sticking up so let's throw an actual anchor down let me go over it let's identify like kind of where it's at then we'll throw a 360 on there all right right here's where we got [Music] it's got two different spots and this angle it looks more like a tree i'll go ahead and drop it reverse 360. all right so right back here we got a car that's upside down you see the uh muffler and everything right there yeah let's let out a little bit more line so we drift over the top of it it appears to be a car not a pickup oh yeah look at look at that wheel let's see oh yeah that's a hundred percent though you can see the the the dots and everything around that yeah all the holes in the in the wheel yep 100 yeah that's 100 all right so right off your side here let's go ahead and magnet onto the top of it then i'll pull back first try got her got it okay let's put a uh buoy on it feels like it's coming up i don't know if it's coming up from pulling us in yeah we lost it drop it straight down and then you got you should be right on it i'm on it that's yeah that's good yeah that's serious all right all right let's let's throw a um through the hook on it yeah yeah throw it yeah throw an anchor directly on it so kind of throw the anchor to the front a little bit and drag it and drag it until it snatches it feels like this one's stuck you might actually be on it yeah it's pretty yeah yeah like you said it's not silted in at all yeah no silt it's fresh i mean it's only been four months so do we want to keep marking or should we just go one at a time i'm good either way he's uh he's offered you already know hey thanks for coming down nice to meet you yes thank you uh what we have right now is as you know christine has brought us in to try to find bill her husband went missing back in june and i don't know if you were a part of that case or not or you just kind of caught wind no i kind of just uh i saw you guys doing your one of your late later videos and kind of knew you were coming to this area so i just thought i'd reach out to you and offer any assistance we could give you well beautiful so yeah where we're at right now is we were informed that there were three vehicles in the river right here we only found one of them so far it's upside down we can make out you know the wheel and the hubcap of course you can't read you know you also can't see like hey this is a toyota camry gold and color that we're looking for this vehicle is not silted in at all so it's not been that down there you know more than three or four months so right now we do have it marked with the buoy out there we're going to suit up and in the next 30 minutes or so we should be able to identify if we have found bill's vehicle and we'll see if we can identify bills in the people as well so let's go ahead and do that and uh go from there jacobs we're going to keep christine updated as to the happenings just a quick text to her i'm going to let her make that decision as to when she wants to come down but for now we're gonna let her know we did find the vehicle we have located a vehicle on sonar period it is upside down and it appears to have not been in the water more than a few months period we are suiting up right now and we'll update you in 30 to 45 minutes i've got the angelic yeah but um yeah i just like to all right let's go hold on the line now don't get lost all right should we going up on the anchor [Music] fingers right there all right sam where's my car at not over there downstream about five ten feet is what we're looking for all right found the car here we go we found a uh denali ollie all right this is a denali this is not a camry all right so this is upside down [Music] still on it gmc got sam on here is that sand there inside of it here if we can i have been able to identify what portion of the vehicle i'm at right now those are up on it there down at the front i'm gonna attempt to dig this out a little bit see if if i can identify inside clear the vehicle right now the driver's window is down the other windows are up just tilted in so much i can barely get my ass hands in there to clear this nice thing about this river is that after we're done digging at least it's moving the silt out the seat belt does not appear to be fun no matter what this vehicle needs to come up although we're clearing the front right now not mean that there might not be somebody else in here i'm not currently feeling anything in the front driver's side is there a plate on the back see if we can pull a plate off of this so it looks like the plate was tried to be torn off before all right we got the plate in hand might make it right back to our shore they're still searching i searched pretty good i didn't see anything i think sonar's the best option yeah this is off the denali right now what we have is uh all the windows are up on it except for the driver's side look the driver's side however is really buried and silt reached in as far as we could and dug out what we could to identify if somebody was in the front seat i'm gonna say i don't believe anybody's in the front seat but at the same time we need to bring the vehicle out to finish verifying that for sure what do you think jared we're gonna run a little more sonar while he's checking the plate oh yeah next we'll identify i mean that one's coming out for sure we have we have to take that out today but yeah let's run some some more sonar let's see if we can mark some others and find something else yeah also i think that that anchor really wasn't on there but i was able to get to it you were able to get that yeah we're both we're both on the denali no problem yeah so we can get back to it when we actually uh focus on pulling that out today yeah can you just drop on the anchor then you head that way yeah but yeah let's see if we can find another people in here sounds good so i ran through our systems here it's coming back it's not on file uh that happens occasionally things just get lost in the system or they fall off so unfortunately we're not gonna know anything from the plate alone okay all right well thank you for doing that part not a problem all right hey jared he just ran the plate and says it's not in the system it says sometimes things just kind of fall off okay it's a police corruption and cover-up right no not necessarily unfortunately it's probably more just of a government thing things get lost in the system you know you know we run cars not all the time but occasionally they just come back not in the system so it just means something didn't get typed into a computer ride good thing is is it's probably not good or bad whatever it's probably not stolen that would be entered into the stolen system that plate number would at least be entered into the stolen system so that's not even coming back with that so so insurance fraud which then normally they report them with stolen so right yeah people just push cars off in the river unfortunately which you know that better than anybody probably okay so so where i lean at then on this one when we're on the system it's not in a stolen system which means it was an insurance fraud that i then tend to lean do we have another missing persons case in nashville but this might be associated with and you know we've not cleared the entire vehicle all right let's go see if we can find the camera here for those of you who see hey sam's not wearing a life jacket and neither am i please know that uh we are in our dry suits our dre suits are very buoyant it is impossible to sink us so anyway if you do jump in the boat please remember boating safety and to wear your life jacket but anyway if you don't see us wearing our life jackets right now that's because we are completely zipped up and we float if sam was not zipped up or my zipper was not zipped then we would sink so we are currently zipped up so i'm going to do a few things here sam go with a nice tight pattern back and forth into the short out the other thing is i don't know what types of storms they could have had in june it's a camry it could float a little bit longer so we could actually end up all the way down you know around the bend by that tree line as well that's very true what happened you have the 10 to 12 minute float time yeah never know windows up what is this i believe that might be another vehicle what is this that's that's definitely another view yeah that's it oh or something that's something it comes up like five feet yeah no you look you can see it's upside down it's right off that road look at that look at that look at that right there see yeah here you can zoom in on it almost like a pickup yeah yeah it's right off that big flat big flat road yep so i'm just going to park this right here yeah right out there i felt like it certainly felt like something all right it's back behind us now i think there's a truck you got it it feels like it feels pretty straight all right just hold don't move all right we're holding see we're right over the top oh yeah 100 all right uh let me go let me go swim over and grab my stuff real quick well you hang for a minute i want to go down too you'll be all right i promise okay see you guys let me pull the plate regardless oh yeah as mentioned in the beginning of today's video today's episode sponsor is omaze who is providing an opportunity for you to win a 1973 restored scout two taxes and shipping are included and even better every donation benefits a great cause here in nashville at the pediatric cancer program at the monroe carroll junior children's hospital at vanderbilt so we really want to say thank you to omaze for providing this opportunity to bring us into nashville to help bring will home to christine enter for your chance to be the proud owner of the vintage scout fully restored and customized by our friends at bulletproof restorations with the taxes and shipping costs [Music] included [Music] so please do me a favor check out the links in the description below [Music] yeah that's definitely not the car driver's side windows are down i couldn't see anybody inside it's ridiculously silted over i know i can't even find a license plate i think they pulled the plates and dumped it so yeah you don't even know what kind of car it is don't even know what kind of car it is some kind of some kind of sedan upside down or uh right side up but the uh the roof is so disintegrated right now okay everything's just eaten and falling apart so been in there for a while a long time don't pull it it's going to come up long time in fact in fact the uh the sediment it's all the way up to the door it's like the top of the you know where the window if you roll down the window right at the bottom of the door frame right there it's all the way still okay i'll meet you up there speaking of denali what type of report do we get from that so i reached out to a contact that works for metro office of emergency management he said their dive team i guess knows of a vehicle out here that they dove back when this gentleman first went missing he said if you on their end if you guys want to pull it they just ask that doesn't get left on the ramp okay and then he suggested to reach out to metro police i reached out to them basically the same thing if you guys want to pull it you're more than welcome just don't leave it on the ramp and then i made one more call to metro parks police who actually control this ramp and same thing if you guys want to pull it just don't leave it on the ramp okay so i'm good and that's something we run into quite often like um please don't make it our problem if you are the finances to do it and the volunteers please go ahead and handle it but don't call us out of sight out of mind you know it all comes down to budgets right yeah yeah so and i asked them if their dive team wanted to come out and look at it and he said their dive commander's down with kovid right now and so he doesn't want to send any dive team out all right understandable we're gonna go do some more sooner yeah like i said there's one more that's out there that we're missing yeah we found two out of the three yeah this one was a family like family sedan four-door just brittle it's all get out oh yeah at least oh yeah at least 30 years and the uh the silt was you know filled on the inside was filled all the way up to the door frame so it'd been been there for a while just [Music] solid hello hey uh christine jared hi yeah so we did identify that there is a third vehicle down here it is also not the camera and not bill so we did find all three vehicles so where that leaves us right now is that it's 1 30 in the afternoon uh we can do a couple of things right now one is two of the vehicles are not worth pulling at all they're so far gone they would just the denali is upside down we did our what we could to identify the window that was open is on the past are on the driver's side we reached in we did not feel anybody in the seat belt that does not mean that you know the vehicle is not being cleared so i'm going to kind of let you make this decision for us i know it's a tough one we can pull out of here and we can go search priest priest lake and a few other boat ramps in the area or we can stay and spend the next two hours and pull this a denali out and then focus on your search further tomorrow what would you what would legacy do there is another boat ramp about a mile down from where you are okay so you would prefer that one before priest late yes okay i'll take the boat down river and then i'll have uh sam and the guys meet me down there with the rv okay all right we'll keep the search for you going thank you you're welcome bye-bye all right so let's pack up and head down the stream a little bit because we've identified all three vehicles and none of them are the camry that we're looking for with the bill in them we are going to the other boat ramp which is currently a closed boat ramp but in looking at the satellite image of it you can actually go from the public parking lot that's still open and there's a walking path where if you really wanted to you could be the vehicle down there this is the boat ramp that christine has mentioned after this one that we should go through matt didn't feel like a vehicle is going to be able to get there you know get down into the water however you know another up there that said i've driven on the grass i've actually gotten down there even though we're not supposed to that being the case and that's you know nearby to christine's home in those homes is we have to clear that boat ramp just so that way we know and christine knows on our route down we're going to cover the entire we'll do a wide scan on this just as a single pass that we're heading down and cast like 100 foot wide on each side just to see if by chance you know there's some big storms or anything that may have or if the vehicle floated longer than the vehicle normally would it may just be down there i'm a nervous brick and i thought about it earlier and i told somebody down there with the real skinny dude yes can you do this dance so just to confirm you have three uh retention ponds near your house as well yes in my neighborhood okay so what we're going to do then we're just just to give everybody peace in mind we're going to go clear this boat ramp real quick it shouldn't take us too long the mat the officer that was up here said that the boat ramp is actually closed over there that you would actually have to drive down like a footpath to get to it um so it should it should just be a quick clear on it they're going to pull the rv down there and then we'll load the boat up from there and if you can drop me your address um i can take a look at those retention ponds around your house sure i'll do that right now okay sounds good thanks christine thank you so much [Music] it's at this location then it's about six and a half seven feet not much of a current the way that that whole boat ramp plays out it's a really nice little probe so the part is really not going to get sucked out into the current you can go down very far i see that there's another boat on the other side i might just want to check that real quick also while we're here all right right here i believe we have a car did it look like your car on second pass i wasn't able to tell on the second one i'll throw this 360 on just kind of post it down in that area yeah suit up i think we got something here no it was grabbing and i was pulling what sam's really trying to tell me is i really don't want to get back in the water right now it's not a camera he's what he's telling me i'm gonna say it's old and rusted out all right let's keep this moving then we're gonna coast down a little bit more so this is where the that old car was it's not sticking up it doesn't have any wheels so i'm just going to say that it's face down and now that's going to be a little bit further up there by sam is where it's going to pick up so okay if we're still within zone it's going to be picking up right about here right now is where that one's at you know i actually don't know i mean it looks like it's upside down let me finish clearing this but if you can just like dive it real quick yeah good mark thanks sam yeah just just come straight off that wall or once you're shooting it up i'll come and mark it again for you i'll put a magnet on there for you so we might have a car or a rock in the water here i can't quite tell you so i'm thinking right so right left but then also right on the front there's two right there there's another one right here and we haven't even gone up there yet there's one right off the side of the boat here actually there's two so there's two right off this tree and then the one that we're attached to and then let's start to start keep creeping up before we make it to the boat ramp we want to place it back like how many more we're gonna find all right so there's one two three so there's two more because these two are gonna move down here so we just move forward wait wait wait and then if you come up here this might be like in i think that's another one right yep there's another one right there that's another car oh and there's one right next to it too look see that one there one there crazy no it's a oh no it's an old boat ramp it's not even open anymore so therefore so does that cancel that means that cancels out let me go verify this so if that's closed up there that's going to cancel out bill that's probably why they closed this boat ramp so we're not even going to be able to get them out of here in order to get the cars out we can load them at the hospital we're going to have to have access over there yeah go check it out so guardrails do look fairly new so i just spoke with the gentleman right there in the red truck and he said they've been doing renovation on this house for the past year and this barricade's been there for the past year so that pretty much rules out this being a possibility for bill unfortunately so i went and talked to the person who lives like right there and they said it's been there for more than a year okay so kind of rules it out for bill okay so that rules that out i mean so yeah we won't focus on diving these we know about these now especially 11 12 or 13. oh my gosh come back forward another time yeah in fact there's another one right over here off the side of the ramp over here uh that makes 14 for you dan no wait there's another one right here behind us too look right there that's 15. there could be some cool pieces in there dan definitely we're checking out odds of 15 cars yeah the odds are pretty good pretty crazy we have another one over here dan 16 now wow that is crazy i like nashville yeah people are nice food is good all right how deep 15. cool it doesn't look like the 15 to 17 cars over that's crazy still we're still in the case of bill so i thought i'd have to wait another time yeah i think nashville is gonna become our new portland like we're just gonna have to get a second home here and then we just fly in and we just do this everything that house right there there you go so you got some old car parts with a big old like tank you remember when people used to heat their houses with oil yep there's like one of those big giant tanks down there okay so weird i don't know all right yeah this is just connected there you go you're free all right well let's get over to those retention ponds see we can find over there we've cleared this river as far as any potential for bill being in here there's no way that bill could have gotten in on the other side all of their 17 cars we're not going to check them today we will be coming back in january february each we're gonna make plans to come back for sure these two boat ramps are clear and now we're gonna go check out some retention ponds over by christine's home let's head over to uh lock 2 park where we're at right now dan is wearing a different neighbor so here's christine's neighborhood over here and this is right over here by the loch 2 park that we're at we have three retention ponds that are over in this area right here and really this is going to just be a foot pursuit right now to identify if a car has gone off in there i mean you're going to notice some shrubs that have been knocked down even four months later this pond here i don't see anything happening in here because you're right next to the houses and we're just there's only two access points so we can take a look and and just do a quick foot walk on that one same thing with uh this side here looks like a lot of trees and shrubbery this one's completely enclosed there's no way into this one i just don't see anything else around the house to me it wouldn't make sense that if he was deciding to do this that he would not have just gone into the water right there because that's right next to the neighborhood loch 2 road block 2 parked right there thops we need to go look at it put eyes on it to rule it out we've already ruled out one spot today need to two two correct we've already ruled out two spots so and three because these retention pawns yeah it's not good so i think i think we should go put eyes on it at least i mean we're here just down the street so might as well look at it all right [Music] all right so hey we're back at the loch 2 park i want to check out this retention pond see if there's anywhere where he might have gone into this pond that there was one spot where it looked like some brush had been separated a little bit okay so let's just kind of like make our way into there real quick take a look we might even just be able to magnet fish it if it looks like a possibility this is the one pond and then there's two more ponds in the neighborhood only one of the other ones you can get into but does that look like something with it in there yeah but i mean but the weeds have grown up a lot i mean that's we were thinking this happened in june yeah i mean by now everything would have been grown up hey dan just put the drone over there and just see if you can spot something in the water by chance i don't i don't think so i think that's still growing up way too much [Music] yeah and you have a metal pole here so no nothing through here let's head into the neighborhood yes and that's the access point that's that's just not enough there [Music] yeah then here's the other one right here dog can all trees there's no way you're making making into there trees are all grown up so there's a bluff back there there when you see those baby lines it's like a bluff right there okay what i had said to the officer was of course in in june this wouldn't be all grown up like it is now there's an opening here in the fence and it just kind of drops off and i you know maybe you did a duke's a hazard okay jump off of it i mean is that possible anything is possible okay we'll get out and do a quick uh foot uh yeah on that and see if there's something we're just not seeing from the ariel here like this is really tall and you have vines i mean that's definitely a big vine and that's growing up through the that that's grown up that big vine has been grown up through the gate there yeah i'm going to scratch that one off for now he was already in pain he was not going to be getting out and opening up other gates no it's just about that we're going down so with that you know we clear the retention ponds we cleared the boat ramp closest to it we cleared the boat ramp down that leaves us a priest lake tomorrow yeah long day of searching there as well as a couple of other boat ramps big shout out to sam sam the adventure man chaos divers as well as all the volunteers that came out today we're going to continue this search tomorrow so make sure that you uh do subscribe and stay tuned because episode number two will be coming out either tomorrow or within the week of this going up we don't know yet in addition to the volunteers that came out today we do want to say thank you to omaze once again so please do me a favor visit the link in the description below for omaze.com forward slash adventures with purpose for your chance to win that 1973 scout two plus twenty thousand dollars in cash with all taxes and shipping included remember it's supporting multiple good causes like us being on the road for this 2020 tour and helping as many families as we can in addition to the pediatric cancer program at the monroe carroll junior children's hospital at vanderbilt here in nashville please support them they're all supporting us thank you again for being here we'll see you next time later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,104,397
Rating: 4.9289646 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons Missing, william simmons, william simmons missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2020, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, full face dive mask
Id: JMvUmuNWxrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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