AWP 2020 Year in Review... Top 10

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- Top 10, 2020, year in review. We are really excited about, kinda where we started. That's why we're here, is when we started this YouTube channel, 2018, my very first dive we ever took was right here. But because this is 2020 year in review, we should give them a bonus, Dan. Let's give them a bonus of the video that started it all, right here, picking up golf disc or disc golf. What is it, Dan? - [Dan] Golf disc. - There we go. - [Dan] No, it's disc golf. (air gurgling) - Corey, how many discs have you actually lost in this pond here? - Up to three over the years or so, but we just left them. - So over the years, I've probably found about 300 disc in the pond here. Any disc that we find with phone numbers and names on 'em, we do what we can to track guys like Corey down. Any disk that we like, we actually end up keeping, and the agreement that we have with the pond owners here is anything else that we don't want, we donate back to the school so that way they can use 'em in school. Now, that was just a teaser. If you wanna see the entire video, we're gonna put a little, actually, we can't put that many on there, Dan. It's only gonna let us do, like, four or five. - Oh no. - Little poppy-uppity things. So we'll put the links to all of these videos down below in the description. With that introduction, let's get on to our top 10 of 2020 exciting finds and fun dive videos. Salvage, recovery, and cold cases that we worked in 2020. Coming in at number 10, almost didn't make the list because technically, Dan, we shot this one in December of 2019. However, we released it in January of 2020. And this is really the cold case that kinda started the new trajectory and the purpose of where "Adventures with Purpose" is at. And that is the case of Nathan Ashby, to where Sam and I, we drove 32 hours to Warrenton, Missouri, where we were able to locate and recover Nathan Ashby. - Back window's open. - The body's still in the driver's seat. Today's a bittersweet day, and the truck behind us, as you see, actually has a body of Nathan Ashby is in the vehicle today. (gentle somber music) We never want a day like this to occur. The good news is we'll actually be able to bring closure. (gentle somber music continues) But let's show you what actually took place today. This day started at 9:00 a.m. I think it's, what, six, seven o'clock right now? - Six o'clock. (gentle somber music continues) - To see more of that video check out the link in the description down below. Number nine is the RX7 that we found in the 12th in river. And it wasn't just the RX7, but it was actually six other cars. And we ended up in this new location up there in 12th in Oregon, because we received a tip from somebody that was a getaway driver, of a vindictive girlfriend who ended up, she was cheated on. She decided to take her boyfriend's vehicle and dump it in the river at this location. So that's how we ended up in this river, at the location with the RX7. If you wanna see us getting the RX7 out of the river today, I think you picked a good day to watch another one of our videos. (hoist whirring) - [Man] Ho-ho, yeah, we got it. (workers cheering) (hoist whirring) (water sploshing) - [Man] Aiden, I can get you a good deal on a car today. - Ferrari Red? No. - [Man] No, it's Mazda Red Aiden. - Number eight is the black jet boat. I like to call this one, "The bat boat," and you might actually see me driving this boat later on this year dressed as Batman. I don't know, I haven't decided yet. If you do wanna see that, leave a comment down below and maybe I'll dress up as Batman for you. - [Diver] All right, tell me about, there's a boat! We found the boat, yeah, we go it, woo. - If you wanna see us recover the bat boat today, I think you picked a good day to watch another one of our videos. - We're getting another boat, is the boat similar to this? Or what kind of a boat are we getting today? - It's a tunnel hull, about this much. Sits out of the water on a good day. - And people always wanna know, how does a boat sink, is what they wanna know. Like, did you forget to put the plug in? - Come on, man. (all laughing) - [Man] We'll see you over there. (lively upbeat music) (boat engine purring) (water bubbling) (truck engine revving) (water sploshing) - [Male Voice] All right, hold it there. - [Male Voice] Yeah, it's moving. (water bubbling) - [Male Voice] There we go. - Number 7 was not so lucky for this BMW driver because he was texting and driving that day, missed the turn, ended up in the Lake, beautiful water by the way, and it was only about 10 feet underwater, but he was lucky because his sunroof is open and he was able to escape. Now, some of you are gonna be lucky enough because the owner of the BMW actually gave us the car. We've already pulled the engine out, the transmission, we have the wheels, it's aluminum. We're gonna be melting it down and making some special collector coins for you. So anyway, check out number 7. Sam, Shannon bettt your man with a BMW 335, you are not gonna wanna miss today's episode. As we're getting this little puppy out of the Lake. - [Man Voice] .. BMW by the way, look at that. (engine rrrrr) - Chris that little four horsepower is doing pretty good, - Good to know.. - Big slide. - Hoo. - Oh man, that was great. - Big smile, oh yeah. - So if you're interested in getting one of those collector coins made from that car, check out the link in the description below where you can sign up for the email address or leave your email address and we will contact you. The moment those coins are available. Number six is elite towing with that one, head-on crash. Unfortunately, there was one person that passed away that day and it was also a very humbling day for me. It was father's day on this one. It is the one and only time that you've ever actually caught me cussing on camera as well. So I apologize to those families with the kids that are like Jared you're not cussing. I really apologize. There's just sometimes and somedays that that has to come out. With that one though, where I really liked about this though is it was really humbling because that was really the first time that I understood the power of you the viewers. That you stepped up to really help somebody in need. Gary from elite towing ended up being crushed his legs. He had multiple surgeries for a while, they thought that he was actually going to end up losing his leg. The good news from all of it. Gary is walking again now and because of you and your support, he was able to make it through the financial burden that he would have had at that time because of your generosity and support. So for that, we thank you, check out some of that video. Thank you everybody for being here on a father's day little worked up, a little emotional right now, the thoughts and the feelings of Kelly that ended up passing away. I don't know her elite towing, Gary who's in the hospital. I've got a Doug on the phone, but before we get started with any of that, I'll end up showing you some of Doug, this is your video the work that you did right? - [Doug] Correct. Yes sir. - Okay. Before we get too far into this, just know that the purpose of us being here right now, bringing this to your attention. Elite towing has been incredible supporters of everything that we have done. Gary is a part of their team, almost lost his own life. He had to use fire.. as I understand fire extinguisher in order for him to stay alive. and with this, I want everybody to also, we're using the power of YouTube and Facebook right now to help a fundraiser for Gary's family. I don't have a link to Kelly's family, but if anybody does we need to help her family out, you know for a fundraiser as well. Make sure that I received that. and we're gonna put that down below in the description. Can you believe we're already at number five? Number five is the 1973 Mustang Fastback. This one we found at the same time that we found the RX-7. It was one of those six cars that was underwater and this was a two-day recovery for us in the end. Boy, did we end up destroying that car? I apologize to you Mustang fans. Anyway, check out the video. - If you want to see us get a Mustang out of the river today, Mustang fastback by the way. I think you picked a good day to watch more of our videos. (indistinct) (engine roaring) - Number four. Is the snow-cat. And I'm really excited about the snowcat. We actually had to go back to Colorado twice to get the snowcat. First time we ended up failing. Sedan show 'em just like a short clip of us like failing. (Man Shouting) - What just happened. - Did anybody see the Chinook that just flew over and the sniper hanging out the window shooting at those orange bags. 100% That's exactly what happened - When you were climbing out, its like you bumped one of those levers opened it up and started floating. - You're going to blame this on me. (man laughing) - We should go back down and peek at it. - So Sam thinks that this might just be an easy fix if one bag that I may have bumped a lever on. The good news is we're still attached to it, we have our tow line is attached to it, we have our other boot line attached to it. I'm going with the sniper theory. - All right, all right. - We'll see, we'll see, we'll see. And now Dan, show them the clip of us actually winning and getting the snow-cat out of a high mountain Lake. That Lake was over 10,000 feet in elevation and the snowcat was 70 feet underwater. We got the snowcat. Dan's going to show you that right now. - There's car right there. - If you want to see us get a snow cap Out of the water today, I think he picked a good day. To watch another one of our episodes. You were not gonna want to miss this one. - I'm happy that we finally got our snowcat. All you can do is call me. - And we're not done with the snowcat yet. I have some exciting news. If you don't already know, we are turning this cat into what Dan? - [Dan] Camper, van or camper van. - That's right. We have big plans for this one. So you are going to want to make sure that you and turn on that bell notification. That way you get instant notice. Anytime we upload new videos, because we're also going to have be having that snowcat restoration series. That's going to be taking place between now and this coming fall where you will be able to actually come to central Oregon and rent out the snowcat camper van and drive this thing on your own and go camping in it. It's gonna be like really cool. So stay tuned for that. So coming in at number three is gonna be Nicholas Allen. We drove to North Carolina, meeting up with Judy Nicholas's mom and she just had a really strong feeling that her son was in the water at this location where she had sat many times before. Just wondering and questioning was Nicholas in the water at this location? and sure enough, it didn't take us more than 30 minutes before we were able to identify Judy's car under water at this location. From there, it was a full day of events. and we'll just go ahead and let the video speak for itself. (woman mourning) - Did you find someone in the car? Was there someone? - He's there. 17 year old, Nicholas Allen has been missing since February months with nothing for his family to do but wait, wonder, and hope. That was until they decided to begin their own investigation in the form of light volunteer dive team called Adventures with Purpose. The crew came all the way from Oregon. Once they got into the water it didn't take long before they found something. - Coming around, looking for the license plate the license plate in my hand as far as, I mean my hands are on the line and the place that not entering it. It is, I think that's a three. That's a nine zero three, three H. I don't being recorded. Okay. Same license plate. Right? Hang on. I've asked you guys several times the SUV they also found human remains right now. The body isn't being identified until an autopsy can be performed regardless of the outcome. Nicholas, his family is grateful for the team effort that may finally bring them some closure without them. I wouldn't do it and everything they do. They go out there. They give closure. They help people. You know not everybody gets a chance to have some kind of coach. If it wasn't for Jared and Sam, Dan, and Brock I wouldn't have answers today. They drove across the country to give me answers. Number two, this one is really the reason why Sam and I at that moment in time, we looked at each other and we said you know what? We need to make this our dedicated mission to actually go out and look for cold cases. Because coming in number two is Tim Robinson, where we pulled a vehicle that was upside down 80 feet underwater. He was buried in the bottom of the river quite a ways. and all the windows were intact when we started to lift it and we brought the car up. It was floating at the surface, Some of the windows had broken out at that moment in time I looked in the vehicle identified, Hey, there's no human remains in this vehicle. and we decided to go live at the boat ramp. and this is the first time that we ever actually did a live stream. and it was at that moment in time on the livestream where we accidentally also noticed that there was somebody in the vehicle that somebody was Tim Robinson where he'd been missing for 12 years underwater. and because of that video, like I said, this is the one where Sam and I said, we need to not accidentally find people. We need to start helping these families find those answers they've been looking for and we need to start focusing on finding more lost loved ones. So anyway, check out the video. - Call the cop, call the cop (engine roaring) That brings us to our number one topic of 2020 is going to be Ethan Kismaric with this one. It was actually the first one on our 2020 road trip. After we left the snowcat in Colorado, we stopped off in Hampton, Iowa, where we had a tip of a party that had taken place where Ethan was his last cell phone ping was at a hundred and 90th and olive. and so we've located, and we searched the nine ponds that were at that intersection. and unfortunately we were not we were not able to find Ethan that day but what ended up happening was the power of the internet the power of adventure, the purpose, the power of you the viewers is that when we posted that video on October 2nd and one of you reached out and said, Jared, yes the cell phone pain was there at a hundred 90th, but guess what? The party was actually at a different location. and so we ended up finishing off the rest of our 2020 road trip, making Ethan one of our last stops circling back to where we actually had to go back track a little bit from Kansas, back over into Hampton Iowa. We went to the pond after we gained access, you know with permission from the owner. and it wasn't more than 30 minutes of being on the water that we located on sonar Ethan's car. Within the hour, we drove on the car, verified that it was a Volkswagen Jetta, verified the license plate. We'd let the sheriff know they came in and from there 24 hours later Ethan's car and Ethan were pulled out of the water. So I check out a few clips from that video Volkswagen Jetta four-door gray in color, A U Z three eight seven that's license plate number. Unfortunately, as the search effort grows larger the progress has remained the same. There have been no leads. So police hope you'll take a good look at his pictures could make the difference in finding him. He was last seen here at a party in rural Hampton on September 15th, police had found no evidence suggesting what happened after that. We were here last month, looking for Ethan and his Volkswagen Jetta. This time, one of our viewers reached out to us after seeing that video on October 2nd and said, Jared, Sam we think that you miss out and on that tip, we came back a month later and yesterday we found Ethan today. They pulled him out of the water. - Sam? Yeah. - Car haul. Crap. Hold that - My heart right now. - Is your heart racing? - Well, that's a car you're choking up. I'm choking up. Yeah, that's a car. All right. Let's drop a magnet and park. - Yeah. All right, here we go. No windows are. We are confirmed Volkswagen Jetta. Four-door A U Z three eight seven license plate number. It looks like they already have the Jetta rigged, tow operator just gave the signal to give it a pull. So as soon as he gets out of the way, he should start checking. He's tensioning the line right now. So any moment that cars just start coming right back up you can see the windshield is missing on you. Can't see into the car from here. So I don't have visual whether or not there's someone in there but we should know here really soon. Right now they're stopping. I think they're checking right now to see if he's in there. We should know real soon by their body language. In fact, the way this guy's standing here in the black he looks super hesitant. They're they're snapping pictures. They're coming in. As far as my being around this type of stuff there's somebody in there just by everyone's body language. What's going on with that. - With that we really want to thank you the viewers for being here because we now are referring to this as open source investigations that we really do have a new mission and a new purpose as we come into 2021. and that is, can we move forward? and can we solve 10 cold cases this year? How many are we going to actually get out on? and it's going to be on 20, 30, 40 50 that we're actually going to investigate. and of those how many are we not going to solve the first time? But we might end up going back and solving a second or third time that we've been there because of your tips. and we really appreciate those tips are coming in. Like the Randy Leach case that we're currently working. We're going to be heading back over to meet up with Harold in Alberta. We have other cases, so many other cases that are coming up. I mean, just my mind is just boggled by the support that we've gotten from all of you. I often say that adventure is the purpose is not me. It's not Dan, it's not Sam adventures. The purpose has really become a movement where you're involved in all of this for you commenting, liking, sharing spreading the message of what it is that we're doing. We just happen to be a couple of guys that are out here getting in the water working these cold cases, leaving our families behind. and we really appreciate the support that they're giving us as well while we're out there on the road. If you have not already done. So please subscribe and turn on the little bell notification, wherever it's at leave your comments, share these videos. It really helps us out. and it's because of YouTube, because of Facebook, because of these online platforms and you the viewers that were able to do this. So again, thank you very much and I hope that you enjoyed our 2020 top 10.
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 317,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2020, 2020 year in review, 2020 year end mashup, scuba diving, missing persons, missing person, car crash, car accident, found car underwater, underwater river finds, river treasure, adventures with purpose, sam sam the adventure man, found truck, found truck underwater, cold case, cold case files, investigation
Id: 2eeqlj1WLlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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