INTERVIEW: We sat down with Christine Simmons to discuss the Bill Simmons case.

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good afternoon adventurers uh we are here today this afternoon with christy simmons wife of bill simmons uh who obviously you know we have been searching for over the past couple months today we're just gonna do a quick i guess recap is the best way to put it just a short interview with her to see where we are where we've been in the last couple months since jared and adventure with purpose sam sam the adventure man everything we've we've gone through and where we are up to this point you guys stick around we'll be right back and we'll get this interview going do [Music] so christy if if you would just kind of give us a brief recap of what was going on at the time of bill's disappearance and just just to let the viewers understand everything that was happening so they have a better understanding of what what was going on okay um he had some medical issues that caused him such severe pain that he couldn't even get up and go to the bathroom without being in tears yet he went to work every day and they had just told him that he wasn't going to be able to work anymore and in his mind that was that was not acceptable and between the pain and that and it was also the first anniversary of his mom's death i think all of that put together just sent him to a point of no return and he left here at 1 30 in the morning on june 15th and he's not been back now i know i know that when jared was here jared and sam there was a lot said about him not being able to drive very far but through talking with you you know kind of figured out that it was possible for him to go further than just a mile or so if he would have gotten on the interstate and was able to be on cruise control he could have because that's how he went most places that he went when he did leave here he left here in shorts and socks he didn't have any shoes on didn't have a shirt on but if he was able to do cruise control he may have been able to go further now he didn't have a half a tank of gas at that so right so with that being said we know he had a 2005 gold toyota camry that was in tip-top condition he was a mechanic for for how long 34 years so he knew a little bit about taking care of a vehicle and you know he took care of not only his camry but yours as well using that gauge a half half a tank of fuel in that camry that's 314 miles right bryson i think that's what we came up with not saying that he went that far but we have to keep that that scope in mind uh as far as that but we did you know through talking with you and just finding his phone again and going through his uh through his history his location history nashville shores was the number one spot that he visited all the time uh bryson and myself have been out and scanned close to the shoreline there are several entry points there we want you guys to stay tuned in the future because we will be going out a little bit deeper into the lake to see what we can come up with we did not find anything in his phone that necessarily said that he went to other areas of the lake one thing i want you guys to understand is while he was a mechanic for for the beeman auto group it had been how many years since he stopped turning wrenches and started doing what he was doing it had been 10 years when they closed the lincoln mercury store okay so at one point in his career with with beeman you know he was turning wrenches when they had the ford lincoln mercury or the ford lincoln burger or just lincoln forward okay and once that they shut that division down he transferred to toyota and basically said he didn't want to turn wrenches anymore he started um quality controlling cars that had new engines put in or if a customer heard a noise he would go drive it so he spent all of his time driving right he you know he would take it you know some things would need to go on the interstate other things would you know need to go through the neighborhoods but so you guys have a perspective of what we're talking about he became quality control and anytime you did a major repair on a vehicle it had to go through a drive cycle because they would clear those codes out of a vehicle and he was the guy who drove the vehicle around to make sure it went through that drive cycle and everything was okay not only that but he picked up and dropped off customers and things of that nature so beaming toyota literally right off of the interstate so that was simple for him to do even with his condition we here at christie's home are there's one red light two red lights between here and bradley parkway right which is a straight shot to several interstates he was able to get on to roadways that he could have clicked the cruise control on and got a little further than initially thought so that's why we have centered a lot of our search on percy priest he's got obviously with nashville shores there and you know the cliffs that he used to jump off as a kid he was a knucklehead when he was a kid but he was beloved yes by his family and that's one thing i want everyone to understand is he was kind of the catalyst for a lot of a lot of the family members and very much loved by nieces and his daughter and especially his granddaughter and she kind of liked him christie liked them put up with the shenanigans only for 24 years it's just 24 years anyway so we just really wanted to sit down and let you guys know a little more detail about what we have discovered what we are focusing on moving forward we've covered a lot of water bryson his his paddling stroke is getting really good at this point but i think the biggest struggle we've had so far is that while we have a boat and we have sonar which all of you that donated that money has been poured into the sonar and once we got that we were able to get out and do a lot more thank you for your support thank you for you know watching the videos you know we're growing little by little and hopefully in january we'll be able to get a really good boost because this is what we want to continue to do christy has vowed that that she is in it to win it and we'll be be our a big supporter of ours going forward thank you so much for the support so far uh we will you know link the paypal and the gofundme that that was created by christy to help us raise funds for you know the search for bill and to continue the effort to clean up the waterways and to find more garbage in the in the rivers and the lakes here one thing i do want to plug is we are in the very infantile stages of planning an earth day event in april to clean up a bunch of tires off of a specific boat ramp on the cumberland which is going to be really cool anytime you can get out there and clean up even something as simple as a tire it helps uh and when i say tires i mean hundreds of tires bryson wants to get out there and do it tomorrow i don't think we're going to be able to do that it's a little chilly out um you know guys thank you so much for the support we we are glad and thankful and grateful that you guys watch and tune in when we do these videos i know christy is thankful but without adventures with purpose and jared i wouldn't be here bryson wouldn't be here but we now have a platform and an opportunity to continue this work going forward here in middle tennessee we want to see it continue to grow for more interest more supporters so thank you i hope that you learned a little bit more about the story about where we're headed in our search hopefully after the first of the year we have an outboard if we have an outboard on our boat we're going to get a lot more done we're going to have we're going to have one we're going to have we're going to have one so guys again thank you so much christy thanks for sitting down with us we love you so much everything i've done and you know how much i love y'all well you're awesome your mom [Laughter] so guys thank you again you know hit the like button comment subscribe if you haven't already uh there's way more to come so much more to come in the new year merry christmas happy hanukkah all the holidays we love you all thanks for the support uh happy new year if we don't see you till then and stay tuned because january uh 20th will be a kickoff to a big event you know here on the river in nashville we have jared with adventures with purpose sam sam the adventure man uh jacob from k house divers exploring with nugs just a whole slew of people coming up to to support and get some of the crap out of our waters which we're really excited about so stay tuned i'm sure there's going to be some live videos going on that week if there's not i'd be surprised thank you and don't forget love your neighbor no matter what [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Muddy Bottom Adventures
Views: 5,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nashville, Tennessee, Bill Simmons, Missing Person, Muddy Bottom Adventures, Cold Case
Id: gmeFmBcv4mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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