$500,000 Drones Search River for Bill Simmons (MISSING PERSON COLD CASE)

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- Find it? - It's a Ford. Windows are up. - All of them are up? (action music) - Welcome back to day two, as we are in Nashville, Tennessee. We're working with Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. With that, they actually have their underwater ROV in the water, right now. You can see some of that on screen. We also have Troy from Skyfront who's flown in from California. With that one, he has a great big, large drone with a magnetometer on it. So many pieces of equipment that we're gonna be using today, in our search for Bill Simmons. This is one episode, as I say, you're not gonna wanna miss. (upbeat music) Here we are, we're still in Nashville. We're still looking for Bill Simmons. And we have a lot that took place yesterday. A lot that's gonna be taking place today, as well as over the course of the next couple of days. Our main mission today, for my team, let's jump into that first. We have TWRA, which is the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. So welcome back Matt, that you've seen in some of our previous episodes. Matt, and oh my goodness. I'm already, Dustin? - Correct. - We got Joe, Matt and - George. - George. And with that we're going to be doing some training with them today. And so, as I understand that you guys have a underwater ROV. - Yeah. So we have two ROVs here with us. We've got, of course all the Helix Systems that I think you'll run on your boat, with the down imaging and the 360 scans and all that stuff. So we have that capability. So, kind of what we were just getting with you guys today to, try to do some training, get some training with the drones show you guys the drones. If you've never seen one before and, you know, just kind of assist in whatever way we can as far as maybe trying to clear some stuff before you have to dive on 'em. - That's perfect, yeah we'd love to do that. So we'll jump back over here with you guys in a minute. Who's going over to Peeler Park this morning? - [Volunteer] I'll go, yeah. - Okay. So we got Brock and Shane. With that being said, let's get this going today. And let's see if we can find Bill Simmons (cool music) (leaves crunching) (car door closes) Welcome home Dan, for the next three days, we are gonna be at this location at the boat ramp where those 14, 15, 16, 17 cars. I keep saying that 'cause I actually don't know how many cars we have at this location. Right now, TWRA is setting up on the other side. I can see they've already got one of their ROVs out. I'm really excited to see what it is, what it's gonna do, 'cause they have sonar on it. And I don't even know what else, Dan. So let's jump in the little inflatable, and head over there. I'm so excited to share this with you. Remember a couple of months ago, we were asked to be at this video (indistinct) headquarters. and with that, and I apologize cause we have a little ROV, and we're not supposed to like mention the competition. But this is a hundred percent completely different, with five-ish, we have a $3,300 unit. This is a $500,000 unit. You're like the primal primo expert on underwater drone. Can you tell us a little bit about what you have today? - Yes, so what we got here, is we're running the video, right defender. So it's got seven thrusters. It's got a sonar. You can see it's got an articulated arm on it. What makes this machine so nice is that it has a lot of automated features. So I'm able to auto hover, I'm able to do grid searches, I'm able to stay a certain distance off the bottom or a certain distance from the top. I can set so many features that, it will, a lot of times fly itself. And I can be focused more on looking at the sonar screen, looking for a target. - Well, I look forward to it. I'll stay out of your way. Let me know when you're ready to get started. (upbeat music) Okay, what Joe's got going on here. He's got, essentially the three images he's looking at on the screen. This is his location. It's gonna tell him where he's at under water. This is his sonar screen here. And then this is the back of the blind here. - [Joe] We rarely ever use the locked hand for operating. We're completely off sonar most of the time. Until we get within a foot or two of the object. And then we can ID what we're looking at. So (upbeat music) - Alright, there's so much that's going on right now today. So they're going to keep looking for cars on this side. We have the other drone that's in the water on the other side so we can go see what the update is over there. And then we got Troy setting up the aerial drone with the magnetometer. So much going on Dan. - [Dan] Yeah, crazy - So you (indistinct) this to recover, drowning victims, boat accident victims. So it enables us to view what's on the bottom really clearly. So this you can usually tell is (indistinct) the victim's body. See its legs and arms and head and neck. Were able to search these deep areas very quickly without having to send divers down using our (indistinct) resources. It's a lot safer for us that the speed of finding some of the with sonar versus the video camera or something like that - Yeah, it is. - It's much greater to be able to use sonar to do this (water splashing) (motor noise) (upbeat music) - Yeah, you see the cameras are already on and going. There's the sonar image and you got the (indistinct) (motor noise) (background chatter) (upbeat music) - My name is Ron bell. - [Dan] Okay. - I'm also the world's only Geochronologist. - [Dan] (chuckle) Geochronologist. Quite the title. - Yeah. I use, - You got a sense of humor too so - I use drones to map geology and find things under the ground. [Dan] Okay - And this is finding things in water. So we're just doing geochronology as far as I'm concerned so. - Skyfront, incredible drone company. This drone will fly for up to five hours. It's like gas power that then generates into electricity. And with that, Troy reached out to me. He says, I see all of the good things that AWP is driving across the US with, you know, agencies like TWRA coming on board, other fire departments of how can we help bring our technology and give you guys more choices with to help with your searches because you see what we use. We use the sonar, which with that we can see anything above the ground, under the river. Whereas with a magnetometer, this is where it's really going to help us on the Randy Leach case. If Randy happens to be buried under sand if we're dealing with, you know, Marty, the missing bridesmaid, if she's underneath the levee we're going to be able to use the magnetometer to tell us what is not just through the water, but what's underneath that layer of mud and the silk as well. So that's what the magnetometer from geo ministry will do. That's what the drone from Skyfront is going to do. So we're really excited to have Troy here today showing all of us how it's going to work and mapping out the cars in this location. - All right, guys, we're ready to take off (drone noise) (upbeat music) - That was pretty cool. - Now I'm gonna pull the data and um, we can analyze it. - And I'm excited to see it, man. This is phenomenal. So cool. - And now that the data's here, it didn't take long at all. And I, if we start doing this, we have like our own drone Troy. Do we get him? Like, we just like put him in like a little suitcase and bring them along with us and then we just pull them out when we need them. - Yeah. Absolutely. - All right. Sounds good. - You can do that. Yeah. Well, what we're doing is actually mapping the magnetic field of the earth. And when that the magnetic field of the earth penetrates something like a, a car, it it actually creates an intense, a higher amplitude anomaly. And that's exactly why we can use MAG to to actually map locate cars in buried rivers or oil Wells for, for that matter. - Okay. So what did we find today? - Well, today we can see, this is a, the map it's a of the magnetic field of the earth and the reds are the high amplitude areas and the and the blues are the very low amplitude. And what this is telling us is that in the center of this river, there's very little anomalies. There's nothing there. That is, that is, that is metallic, but on the edges of it like this is this side of the river. We have several magnetic anomalies in there. I've contoured them. They're circular that tells me that we probably have something like a car or whatever. I can do more analysis on the data, but for now that's that's the first sort of approximation of an interpretation of these data. - Well, TWRA just showed up on this side of the river. We're going to cut to them and jump back down and see what they're going to do with their underwater drone. I do have one last question, though in way of gold mines over the course of your career what have you been responsible for as to locating mines? How many millions of dollars have you You said, you know what? I wish I owned that claim and I didn't tell them where it was at. And I should have bought that piece of land. - I, I have been a part of teams that have located major gold mines. These aren't, these aren't, these are major mining companies and multiple, multiple millions of dollars close to a billion dollars, something like that. But I've been a part of a team. I'm a technical person. I've been part of a technical team. I'm not a, not a prospector from that perspective. - Alright. Well, so I think that what's going to happen is that we're going to partner up with Troy, Ron, Sam. We're going to get into the gold mining business as well. And when we're not locating cars let's start looking for some gold mines. - I like it, Troy. - Alright. On that note, let's go check out TWRA. From that side of the river to this side of the river, we now have a new challenge. And the challenge is, I think there's 17 cars over here. Dennis thinks there's 14 cars over here. I'd like to find out what it is that you can do. Are the three cars, 14 cars, 17 cars or 27 cars? I don't know. Put your skills to the test, blow us away because you actually also I have to mention this also, Joe actually found three cars on the other side I didn't even know about. So I think Joe is going to win this little competition today. - Alright. Let's do it. - What do you got going on here on the screen so far? - Okay. So right now, just getting oriented in the water. So I've got some automated features here that I can set. So when I can tell it to be a certain distance off the bottom, I can tell it to maintain a certain heading that allows me to focus my attention on the solar. - Yeah. - And I'm not fighting a typical I'm not fighting the, the controls very much (motor noise) (upbeat music) - Grill, headlights, - You can tell now, Joe, this is car number one, - Car number one. (upbeat music) - How many years you've been doing this Joe? - [Joe] So I've been working for the agency for 23, 24 years. I've been in the investigative position for three years. Uh and as soon as I wrote into the investigator position, we they had one of these brand new out of the box. We got a little bit of training with it and we've been putting it to use ever since. - Nice, and not every agency across the US can afford, you know what's what did I hear it correctly? $500,000 or so for this one? - [Joe] Uh, this one here is $250,000. - Okay. - [Joe] So we were fortunate that we were able to obtain a grant for this. So that's, so that has allowed us to to purchase both of these with, with grant funds. And with that, we, we make it available to to agencies outside of, of TWRA or outside boating or we're, you know, we're here to utilize this and the quicker we can make a recovery of that the better it is on family. Better it is to get the rescuers back in SERPs. - Yeah. So Jared, what's kind of the difference with the sonar on this guy, if you know opposed to like what we're using with our stuff. - [Jared] Here's what I know. I know that with ours we've kind of introduced the live scope recently which kind of goes and shows you like a real live as you pan you'll see things in real time. Whereas on the hummingbird we're currently using side scan and down imaging, which means that we've already gone over this, and it's taking a picture in time and showing us what just happened. But, you know, we've got George here that can really dive in deeper is to, you know, answering the questions down imaging, side imaging as well as the technology behind this. - Um yeah. Side scan is a static image is like you said, it's a, it's a screenshot a brief moment in time where our ROV is this sonar that these devices are used as it's a dynamic image. It's, it's like, video almost. In other words, if if Joe right now there's a fish swims in front of his sonar you will see the fish actually swimming. You'll see it moving. (upbeat music) - Oh, I'm so excited about that. So one vehicle, two vehicles? - Two vehicles. One's a Cadillac. We know we still got the tag on it. We could read four of the six letters. - Okay. - It's really new. - Okay. - Definitely worth - SUV? - Uh no, it's like one of the CTS - Okay - It's like a sedan - Are they pulling that one out? - He was getting his dive gear on down there. Not right here. That's on, down at shell. - Right - The one that was very far past the boat room it's a couple hundred yards down there. - Okay. But they didn't realize the road is right beside it. And there's no fence there. So conceptually, they could have just - Launched it right off - Launched it right off. So it's nine foot of water, but it's pretty new. It's flat. - And how about the second vehicle? - Did not, he was very interested in that. We, we got it on sonar. It's right there. Really close to the ramp. - Okay I think he could probably just wade in but we told him after lunch, we'd go back down there and he's wanting to run the line right down to the car. - Excellent. - So unless you've got other, - So they're eating lunch right now. And then they're rigging. Do you know which one they plan on rigging? - They, he was wanting to do the Cadillac. - I don't blame him. I mean, - Dan, I kind of want to run over there myself. Do you want to go see the Cadillac? - Let's do that. (banjo music) - Alright we made it. - Yeah, we did. Here we are. - Yeah. So right now we're getting Anthony set to go in over there. If you look out and pan that direction we have a Brock, muddy bottoms, and Shane they've already had dove on the vehicle Anthony is going to go do a weight check, see where he's at. And we're going to start rigging this thing and yanking it out. - He's on his wheels or upside down. - We don't know. We ain't seen it yet. - Well, yeah, it's on its wheels - Hold the ROV shot. - No the ROV saw a Cadillac down there. - Oh, what are you on right now? - There's another car right here. - Another car? (group chattering) - Yeah we already checked it. (group chattering) - So if I come here and go down this road - We go for the Cadillac. This one has to come out. - Watch it then, if there in the water here, (water splashing) - Find it? - She's on it. - It's a Ford. Windows are up. - All of them are up? Including the windshield? - It looks like a rental car. - That's what it does look like. - Looks like a small rental. - Hertz corporation. - Ford Focus? Ford Fusion? - Ford Focus. - Clear for you guys to get around. - We can get all around. - I know definitely. Driver's side. I'd made sure you can get around. - Yeah. Let's just get some good connection points to that. We've got these new beautiful hooks from B/A Products that sent these over to us. So simple J hooks. One on one axle one on the other. Just coming over the top. You should be good to go. - All hooked up? - I got it hooked up. I don't know how perfect it is. Cause like the other one's kind of in the way I got it on but I mean, they're both on the driver's side. - Alright. Well, if you didn't do it right, guess who's going back down. (laughing) - Okay. So we've got a 60 ton rotator here Dad's Towing. Currently hooked up to the divers rigging cars already pre-rigged he's setting up a better position for himself to pull it up here. Once he gets it, pulled up, put it on a roll back. He's gone. - Oh yeah, she's moving. - Oh, this is almost going to be too easy. Was that car going too far that way? (upbeat music) - Yeah. The good thing is his rotator, so you can bring it back down. (upbeat music) (train horn) (machine noises) (background chatter) (upbeat music) - You do know that this car is not clear? - Oh, look what's coming out. - I don't feel nothing around. - That's good news. (upbeat music) - Yeah. Do you wanna check the back or no? - No, I'm, I'm good. - You're good. - I mean, if you sleep on it for the next couple of days cause we have like three more days and then we'll be having this one on display. So if you feel uneasy about it, we can...fact what we can do is we can give people a shovel - And let them dig, - And let them dig at the meet and greet. - Getting late in the day. Quick recap for you. (guitar music) We started over there at Opryland Resort. So thank you again to them for taking care of a block of rooms for all of us. We were able to meet up with TWRA with that one, we did a bunch of underwater ROV training. So it was really good to see the way that they're using $250,000 ROVs, as opposed to $3,000 ROVs with the sonar that's on them. Then also during, throughout the day, you saw that we met up with Troy from Skyfront. So we are really excited. I think we're going to go ahead and continue that relationship because it's really good seeing the way that they're able to use this as a magnetometer. And it really helped take us to that next level of digging in deeper and literally deeper underground where we can see if there's any potential cars. We then popped over here. Several things happened today. Let me grab Brett real quick. I don't even know where Nug is at. - I'm over here. - You're not Nug, - I'm Nug. - Which we'll just do a quick little flash on the screen here showing their Thunderbird which is going to be on display on the 23rd. Were only day two into I don't even know how many days, six days, 12 total it. We're going to be in the Nashville area. From there. We then jumped over here to Shelby Bottoms because the TWRA jumped down here with some of the crew. I forget, even who jumped down here with them you guys were down here. And with that, they were able to identify three cars three cars, two cars, three with ROV. And out of that, we didn't get the Cadillac like we were hoping for today, but we did end up getting a Ford Focus, which was a rental car and come to find out it was stolen. Keys were in it. So big shout out to Dad's Towing little flash on the screen for America, but make sure that you do support them here in the Nashville area. If you need a tow call Dad's, because they will take care of you. They donated all their time, their services the entire week helping us get as many cars out of the river as we can. So many more people to thank we're going to continue to thank them over the next couple of days in the videos to come. So if you have not done so already make sure to subscribe turn on the bell notification, that will give instant notice. Anytime we upload another amazing video and we never know what we're getting into. Thank you for being here. We'll see you next time later, later, bye-bye (guitar music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 204,611
Rating: 4.954679 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons Missing, william simmons, william simmons missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, adventures with purpose body, mrleisek, skyfront
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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